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Old 12-15-2010, 12:54 AM
DH Vixen DH Vixen is offline
Default The Office of Professor Sylvie-Renée Welton

As you first enter Professor Welton’s office, you will notice not much has changed in the office. The office walls were still the very same dark mahogany panelling and the floor the same slightly lighter variation of flooring. The antique French Aubusson rug centred on the floor is a bit more worn as Xander and Josette had taken a liking to running amok during office hours. The pair of comfy armchairs atop the rug, very similar to the Victorian chaise outside the office, were pristine as always.

A set of bookshelves, full of random history tomes and books, are noticeable in one corner of the room, near a fireplace. There is also a small spiral staircase beside the fireplace, which leads up to yet more bookshelves. If any student was in need of anything related to history, muggle or wizard, one of these bookshelves would possible have it or would at least guide them in the right direction.

Located just opposite the fireplace and angled ever so slightly is a rather large desk. It almost over powers the professor, but atop it is neatly placed stacks of books and parchment. A tiny nameplate is situated in the middle of the desk and a single newly filled picture frame just to the right. A lone high-backed chair sits in front of the desk and behind the desk is a map of the world.

The only real new addition to the office are the freshly filled and new picture frames scattered throughout the room and atop random flat surfaces.

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