Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat 48. Leprechaun; Out of Nowhere Eryn belongs to batty-bridget “What if, you could make it rain pygmy puffs” Sammy said. Lying on her back looking up at the sky ”And you could eat rainbows” Eryn added, lying next to Sammy. ”and everyone rode around on mutant llamas” ”no, mutant elephants” Eryn corrected ”but llamas! Fine, it can be elephants Sammy agreed unhappily. Mutant llamas are better she thought ”and you could eat as much cake as you want, and never have to gain weight” ”AND PASTA!” Sammy chirped ”pasta loving weirdo” Eryn muttered ”AND THEN A LEPRCHAUN POPS OUT!” Sammy said, flinging herself into a upright position.
__________________ everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core---------------------------  ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
Last edited by samthehpfreak; 02-09-2011 at 07:40 PM.