I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. But, anyways heres the next part! 
It's a short one.
My classes went slower than ever. I got an extra assignment in potions class because I dozed off and put a wrong ingredient into my cauldron. My classmates had to duck to avoid being hit with a red, burning goop and by the end of that class I had singed the ends of my hair and was covered in soot.
Lily and Emily didn’t help me much. I know they were just curious and wanted to help, but I just wanted to be left alone. At most times, I was able to avoid them, but sometimes I ran into one of them or James or Sirius or Peter.
It wasn’t until Tuesday night the following week that I spoke to one of them again.
I was sitting in the corner of the common room. My wand tip was lit and my Transfiguration book laid open on my lap. I wasn’t even looking at it. Instead, I was muttering ‘Nox’ and ‘Lumos’ under my breath. My wand kept flicking in and off, but I didn’t care. It was getting late and I thought every one was in bed, but I was wrong.
“Seneca, aren’t you tired?”
I shook my head before my wand went out, then flipped back on.
“Can I sit here?”
Without a reply, Sirius sat down next to me.
“What do you want?” I whispered.
“Nothing,” he shrugged, “Just to talk.”
“If you wanted to know what happened between me and Remus, I’m not going to tell you.”
“I know. It’s none of my business.”
I lit up my wand then turned to look at him. The boy rested his head against the stone wall and stared at the tapestry opposite of us.
“Thanks.” I muttered, “Everyone else won’t leave me alone.”
“I think they gave up. It been almost a week.” he smiled, “I’d talk to someone if I were you. Holding it in and avoiding everyone doesn’t help.”
“How would you know?” I asked.
In reply, Sirius just shrugged.
I stared out the window. The moon was rising high, and a light fog was falling over the school grounds.
“He misses you, you know.” Sirius said suddenly.
My gaze snapped back to the Gryffindor sitting next to me.
“Won’t shut up about you.” he grinned. “It’s always ‘Seneca this, Seneca that’. I surprised he hasn't gotten tired of your name.”
I shoved the boy lightly in the shoulder.
“I’m kidding.” he pointed out, “Just trust me. At least speak to him. For me. And James. And Peter. And everyone else he talks to.”
I laughed gently.
“Come on. Talk to him the morning.” With that he stood up and held out his hand for me.
I gladly took it, then got up and grabbed my Transfiguration book, then went to my dormitory.
K, please leave your replies!