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Old 12-10-2010, 03:39 AM   #39 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Originally Posted by Morag View Post
Aw yum...He sounds sweeter that his Dad. I melted into my chair when I read this bit! It was so cute!
Haha, I always felt the Malfoy men {not including Lucius} were quite yummy... Draco was just bad boy yummy
You can so imagine James coming out with that. I couldn't stop laughing. Your a great writer Emily. This story is awsome
Awe, thanks, Soph, though I'm not too happy with it.
So for this, you can probably gather that they have aunty Sophie's blessing and I'm very happy for them
Good to know; but they may not make it...
Great Post Emily!
Thanks, Sophie

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Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
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