Dawn Chasers - Sa16+ Disclaimer~ I do not own ANY of these characters! Most of them belong to Ms. JK Rowling. The other two belong to my real life friends... (Valerie Black belongs to Morgan(peaches_11) and Avery Grandz belongs to Zoey (danceingqueen) I thank them and I hope they accept this as their Christmas present Love you both! Hello everyone! I'm Sara! This is my second FanFic and I was proudly sorted into Slytherin! Anyway! This story takes place during the 6th and 7th book. (Mostly 7th) I am writing it from Val's point of view but it can and will change at times. Please enjoy! The first little post is just some basic info you need to know about Val and her friends. In Memory of Those We Love Dear Diary...Thing?,
My name is Valerie Rose Black. Daughter of Sirius Black and an unknown mother. My father was killed about two years ago. I miss him dearly but my friends are helping me. Harry is the most helpful. He understands the pain of losing a loved one, since he's lost so many. He let me stay with him over the summer. I stayed for a week or so then moved to Hermione's. I will be ending my sixith year at Hogwarts. I'm scared. And a little excited. Voldemort is strong and Dumbledore is dead. Snape killed him. Or that's what I heard..
I find it hard to leave my beloved school. It's always been my second home. Who know's where we will go next? Dumbledore left Harry a task. One only he and us know about. The five of us are ready to face the world but can we survive?
I have to go now. The ceremony will be starting soon. I don't think I will contiune writing in the stupid journal! It's pointless and a waste.
Yours truely, Valerie Rose Black
I slammed the small book and threw it on my bed.
"Val! Hurry! It's starting soon!" Hermione called from the common room. I sighed and sprinted down the stairs. Hermione looked wonderful. Her bushy hair was curled and she even had a splash of make up. And her black robes were tight but not too tight.
"You look beautiful 'Mione." She smiled and walked out of the common room. I followed.
Harry, Ron and Avery were waiting for us. Ron had to look over Hermione a second time. I noticed how both their faces flushed at the double take. I glanced at Harry and smiled. He smiled back and rolled his eyes. Both Harry and I agreed that Ron needed to man up and ask Hermione out...But I guess now wasn't the best time.
Avery looked at all of us and asked, "Shall we go?" I nodded and looped my arm with her. Being the only Ravenclaw was tough on Avery. I had met her my first year and hoped we would be in the same house. As it turned out, she was a heck of a lot smarter than me and placed in Ravenclaw.
Harry and I had been friends growing up. I had never known my father was his God-father so it took me by surprise when he told Harry.
Just as I turned to look at Harry, Ginny Weasley, walked to Harry. She frowned at me and grabbed Harry's hand. I sighed and faced forward. Ginny and I didn't get along. She thought I liked Harry more than a friend but I only had eyes for one person and one person only.
As we made our way to the lake I scanned the crowd. I didn't see the familiar hair color I was used to seeing. I unlooped my arm from Avery's and stood in front of Harry.
"Where is he?" I asked looking straight at Harry.
"Val, not now. Not here." Hermione pleaded, looking fearful. She knew how I got when I was angry. She had gotten most of my anger after my father was killed. I had felt bad but it was so good to just yell at someone at the time.
I nodded once, indicating that I heard, but I didn't move away from Harry. Ginny watched with a frown on her face. I suddenly realized how close our faces where. Harry's green eyes were starring straight into my brown ones. "He's not here, Val." He stated plainly.
I frowned. Then nodded. I looked at all the people gathring. I saw the white tomb and felt tears come to my eyes. I forced them away. I had already told myself I wasn't going to cry and I was determined to stick with that plan.
Avery, Ron and Hermione lead the way. I fell in step beside Harry. Ginny tensed but didn't say anything. I avoided watching them and my friends in front of me. I took comfort in watching as other witches and wizards made their way towards the lake. Some old, some young and some in between. Everyone had rushed to get a placed to stay at Hogsmead when news leaked out.
The five of us found a seat. I stayed far away from Harry not wanting to get hexed by Ginny. I sat on the end with Avery to my right. Her blonde hair sparkled in the sunlight and made it almost blinding.
The ceremony started and ended. I don't remember much. Just a blur of words and people sobs. I didn't cry. How could I when I was to numb to feel anything? Avery, Hermione and Ginny had cried. Ron teared up but me and Harry stayed strong.
We stood from our seats and made our way back to the castle. Harry told us to go on ahead. He stopped Ginny and they walked back towards the lake. The rest of us made our way to the Astronomy Tower.
Last edited by Maxilocks; 12-10-2010 at 05:10 AM.