Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
" Hi Fee" Rex called out. " How is "Gliiter Girl" doing?" Rex asked Fee.
"Heeeeeyyy best friend",Fee smiled happily,"
glitter girl is good,how is glitter boy?"Seriously,she had really missed Rex over the summer. Even though they had met a few times,it wasnt the same.Almost running over to him,she wrapped him ina tight hug as Fee was close enough.
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"I did very much," Kurumi smiled at Fee's appearance. She really should have written more, but it was hard sneaking owls out with her mother's ever watchful eyes constantly on high alert - especially when her brothers came home during the middle of the summer. "Adam came to visit for a bit and my brothers really enjoyed getting to know him." Torture was probably a better word. They did go a little overboard playing around and teasing him. It wasn't very often, if ever, that Kurumi brought friends home so they had a lot of energy to let loose. "How was your summer?"
Kurumi had heard about Edmond leaving Hogwarts. It was the last owl she had ever received from him. Asking about Fee's summer probably wasn't the best course to have taken.
Fee smiled when she heard Kurumi talking about Adam. So the two there still together.How sweet.She hadnt seen Adam for ages and wondered where he was? Maybe still at home? Or shopping dor school supplies? Didnt he get the invite?"
Ohh that must have been so cool to have your boyfriend around for a little",Fee winked.
Oh her summer... Well how to start? "
First it started really good",she smiled,
"Rubies came with me and we had a blast."Before Fee continued to talk she took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second.Even though a few weeks had past since Edmond had sent the letter she was shocked.
"Expect the fact i am alone agan my holdays had been great."Trying a little smile she nodded at her friend.There was no reason to worry, Fee woud make it trough.
Originally Posted by
Canoir Greengrass
Freya walked into the Room of Celebration at Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlour and she saw late. She was never late before but this time she was sure that Fee and Cass would had her head. She smooth her
dress before she opened the door. She pushed the door and she saw soooooo many people already there.
'Okay now I'm sure that Cass would had my head' she thought. She looked around to find either Cass or Fee.
As Fee noticed Freya arriving, she waved at her friend.Finally the trio was together.Now the party could really begin,all three josts where there.
"Hey girl",she smiled,"
what took you so long?"Looking at her bestie Fee noticed how stunning Freya looked today."
Awesome dress by the way",she winked.
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Cass saw Fee enter the room. She went off to hug her bestie. "Fee, darling you're late!" She scolded lightly. Then she drew away, straightened out her
dress and said
"Hey, Hugo was looking for you earlier." "I know i am late sooo sorry",Fee smiled as her bestie hugged her.Stupid getting ready, but Fee wanted to look extremely good. As a host it was her duty. Then she noticed Cass turning to Hugo,whpuld it be awakward now with Cass telling Fee Hugo had a little thing for her? Cass had a crush on him before. Hopefully nothing would get damaged because of that.
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"Then I'll definitely stay." he winked. He didn't want to leave her, he felt so much better when she was there. Who cared about all the stupid rumours? They had already talked about it, laughed and dismissed it. Some people just loved making up rumours. Him and Fee together was just.. No. Capital N.
He still loved her though, as his friend. His best friend.
"Besides, I want to be with you." he admitted with a smile at her.
"Ahhh thats my best friend",Fee smiled happily.Of course he could leave if it got all too much for him.But deep down she wanted him to be with her. Their time together was so precious and she didnt want to miss anything with him.Pretending to kiss him on the cheek,she giggled.Who really cared abitu rumours? Besides that if someine was watching them, the whole world would know about "the new couple" tomorrow.How funny.
"And i want to be with you",she smiled,
"always."Best friends forever. She was really thankful for that day at Katie's.Otherwise she would have never met him., And that would be terrible.
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"Yeah well it's probably not going to happen," Hugo said to Rex.
"I'll never live up to this Edmond boy,"
He suddenly felt a bit sad, but it was nice to have someone to talk about.
After all, he hadn't been able to talk about his feelings to someone for nearly a year at Hogwarts.
As Fee noticed Hugo and Alex talking she smiled. They would get along pretty well, she guessed. And Alex was her best friend.Somehow it would make Fee happy if the two would like eachother.