Thread: Harry Potter: A Little Golden Rose - Sa16+
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Old 12-08-2010, 04:00 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Thanks Emily!
Here's the next part!

“Coralie.” Jaxon stood up from his chair and looked at the girl. She was talking to his father, but stopped when she heard her name.
Jaxon smiled reassuringly. She blushed a light pink and looked at the hardwood floor.
“You must be the famous Coralie.” Said the boy’s mum. She put the plate of chicken down on a mat on the table, then walked over her guest.
“Nice to meet you, dearie.” Instead of shaking her hand she pulled Coralie into a hug.
The girl looked a little flustered, but a small smile spread across her face.
Mrs. Smith pushed a black lock of hair behind her ear.
“You like chicken?”

Coralie glanced between the watching family members.
“Uh… Yes.” She said quietly.
“Take a seat.” Said the father, gesturing towards the extra chair.
Jaxon sat back down, and the girl followed, taking the empty chair beside him. Just then, when she smelled the scent of the meat on the table, her stomach growled. Coralie realized how hungry she was and that she hasn’t even eaten anything at all that day.
The five of them passed food around. Coralie had never eaten at the table with her brothers and father. She was usually the one behind the stove, cooking. The family seemed very inviting and they all told her a little about themselves.
Addison did most of the talking. She told stories of that day to her parents, and they all laughed, even Coralie. Addison seemed to be the ‘jokester’ of the family. Even though she only ten, she could light up anyone’s mood.
Mr. Smith told things about his job. He worked at the Ministry of Magic, and had plenty of things to say. The squib found everything he said interesting. She has heard of the Ministry, but didn’t know much about it.
Mrs. Smith usually stayed at home. Coralie learned that she kept a garden in the backyard and most of the time she can be found there.
Jaxon was the last to talk. He said he was seventeen years old and had just graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry. He was in Ravenclaw, and is hoping that Addy is placed there too. Jaxon laughed when he said that he didn’t know what he wanted to do with the rest of his life.
Finally, Mr. Smith asked about Coralie’s life.
The girl hesitated before she spoke. But, before she could even say a thing, Mrs. Smith said: “She’s our neighbor, mind you. David’s has a daughter, did you know that?”
Mr. Smith looked Coralie over.
“No, I didn’t know that. Why have we never met before?”
“I don’t get out much,” she muttered in response.
Under the table, Jaxon lightly touched her arm.
“You look no older than seventeen. Do you go to Hogwarts?”
Coralie looked at the man. “No,” she stated, “I’m sixteen and I don’t go there.”
“Yes,” she muttered glancing back at her plate.
Coralie was about to say more, but she was cut off by a sudden banging on the door.

Tell me what you think!
But there you were, standing in your own corner
Your eyes were wide, tired, fading just like mine
We could be the best of friends I’m sure of it
But I’m too shy to cross this crowded room besides
Wallflower --------------
I’m not here, no one sees me
Wallflower --------------
I’m by myself, please excuse me

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