When there is not a lesson on, you are still more than welcome to make use of the Ancient Runes classroom, though abuse of the privilege will result in punishment and a locking of the door. The classroom is bright and airy, very clean and comfortable. There are no desks in this classroom, rather there are several wooden tables which would fit between four and six students quite comfortably. The tables are arranged rather higgledy piggledy, all out of alignment with each other and yet there is plenty of room to weave through the tables and walk up to the front of the classroom, or down to the back. Each table has runes carved into them, some a little straighter and clearer than others, and all stained with red. They seem to thrum encouragingly when you sit down to work, but do not provide any distraction; on the contrary you feel far more focused and confident about learning when you sit at these tables and surround yourself in the runes carved by the students and by the professor.
The front of the classroom has a large blackboard, charmed to write on itself,and when it isn't taking notes it quite often it has something to say, though you'll need to transcribe it from runic to English to make any sense of it. Truebridge also has a desk at the front of the class, set to one side, and a perfect view of all the tables arranged haphazardly around the room.
At the back of the classroom, set to one side, there is the door out into the corridor. Along the back wall there is a large bookshelf almost overflowing with books, mostly old, all very well taken care of. You're welcome to look at any of these books but if any harm befalls the tomes, there will be a severe price to pay. A long and comfortable couch takes up the rest of the back wall, and this is a good place to curl up and read or work on some of your homework.
The windows along the remaining side, opposite the door and Truebridge's desk have soft white curtains that are almost transparent. When pulled they simply diffuse the light and ensure it is not too bright, allowing the room to stay bright and lit at all times. The window frames are the most interesting, if you go and inspect them, all of the exposed wood has been painstakingly carved with runes, mostly bindrunes and rune charms, set in ligature and carved then stained red. These have all been activated and almost thrum under your fingertips. No cold will pass these windows, no student will fall to their deaths. It is a barrier of safety and of comfort, and a good example of runic magic. The door into the classroom is similarly marked.
Keep your voices down, Truebridge's office is right across the corridor.
ooc: feel free to create your own roleplays in this thread but beware that Truebridge is likely to show up at any given moment, so I wouldn't do anything that he'd likely punish your characters for... unless thats what you want to happen. Anyone who wants to study more or learn more about Runes can come here too, I'll send Truebridge in to help out, just indicate you want to talk to the professor in the title of your post.