Damian knew very well that is was not a good idea to come here. Even her owl made a nervous sound. "This is no good place, people will think you're up to no good" she still could recall the words she heard from an old lady that stopped her on the way. But Damian couldn't stop. She HAD to go here. She had no intention to buy anything or even talk to anyone here. Just to walk those steps, touch the door and enter the place. Place where her grandmother once sold her locket. Damian knew it wasn't here anymore. No one knew where it was now. But she just had to take a look at where she comes from. What are these dark things that people are so afraid of. What made them so terrified of Voldemort back when he was alive. She didn't know if it was a good idea to enter the place with an owl but it was already done. And so far nothing bad has happened. "I'll just take a quick look and leave" she whispered to herself, her voice a little shaky. She took a deep breath and tried to look as relaxed as possible. "It's now or never" She took a few more steps inside the room. It was quite. Surprisingly quiet. She could hear her own steps. It seemed like no one was in the Coffin House but her. Damian quickly looked around. A lot of necromancy stuff. She was all for curses that won't knock back on her door but necromancy was just something she wished wouldn't exist. She just couldn't understand. Voldemort was resurrected - when she thought about him, it didn't seem so weird. Maybe those who resurrect their own blood don't feel weird as well. She couldn't think about it. It still was weird to walk up to people, marked as his daughter and expect to be safe from curses. "That's enough" Damian said to herself, face full of pain. She wasn't concerned about being careful anymore. She turned around and almost ran out of the Coffin House. Doors slammed behind her. Yet she still carried the cage in her hand with care. Her other free hand was shaking. She didn't know if she'll be back. She WAS evil... but it just felt wrong. Too painful to go down memory lane. "What is dead should stay dead" she whispered to the hollow in her heart. |