Teddy: Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes I swear it's the truth
and I owe it all to you
Otty: 'Cause I've had the time of my life
and I owe it all to you
Teddy: I've been waiting for so long
Now I've finally found someone
To stand by me 
(I've Had) The Time of my life~Dirty Dancing Paris, France (The secret underground headquarters of Papa Noel. French Division Six)
Times being hard, what with the economy being in the dumps and the dumps being the economy Dobby found himself doubling as one of Santa's Elves. While Santa's elves were little people and very human like and not like wizard elves who had more in common with sprites and tree spirits they did occasionally outsource when it became necessary and now with Christmas under serious threat they had opened the doors to wizarding world elves ... but at the time there was only Dobby (and he hadn't yet applied to work at Hogwarts).
At the time it had seemed like a brilliant idea to the little elf who wanted to earn money and join the capitalist establishment, in retrospect the couple of galleons he was earning was not worth this trouble, at least that was what was on his mind at the moment.
"Hand over the ring dwarf and you won't get kilt," the handsome young man said carelessly waving his wand around.
"No. It is Dobby's badge of employment. I work for the Santa Claus and he has entrusted me with ..."
"Avada Kedavra!"
Dobby snapped his fingers and the green light deflected blasting back at the young man in the militant style school uniform. The man ducked and cursed as Dobby made a run for the sleigh.
"You little beast!" The boy screamed and started firing hexes and spells at the retreating form of the little elf in his candy cane stripped candy cane sack. Dobby dropped to the floor and slid the rest of the way to the sled stopped next to it, jumped into the drivers seat and grabbing the reins slammed them hard against the reeindeer's rumps.
"Fly friends if you don't want to be barbecue!" Motivation enough for any creature.
"Not to be a bit of a whiner or something friend, I'm all for being a team player and all but ... the doors are closed how are we getting out?" The head reindeer asked.
"Leave it to Dobby, friend," the house elf turned Santa's helper replied. The sleigh was running down a long snow covered runaway and it was coming fast upon two large metal doors covering the exit. Then as if solely for the purpose of making their inevitable escape that much more dramatic and cool a group of wizards, clad in the same military style school uniform as the other young man appeared forming a line in front of the exit. Dobby smiled as the reindeer whined.
"Elf if you're going to do something ... now would be nice, we can't fly up or haven't you noticed we're in a cavern?"
Dobby didn't reply. He merely smiled as with a snap of his fingers the large metal doors at the end of the runaway exploded open outward and the wizards all ducked as the cold winter air came rushing in. The sleigh picked up speed and began to fly off the snowy ground into the night sky.
"Oh snap!" the head reindeer screamed as he suddenly saw the underside of the Eiffel Tower right above him. "Bank left, hard NOW!"
Dobby guided the reins as he was told and maneuvered the sleigh out from under the large metal tower light up in the bright winter night. They were followed by hexes and spells that seemed to the French muggles to be nothing more than fireworks following a flying float of Santa Claus.
"Every year these promotions get more and more out of hand," a father told his son, as they walked down the snowy streets. "What are they going to do next? Make King Kong run up the Eiffel Tower?" Onlly he said all of it in French.
The boy merely shrugged. He was being good for Christmas and he thought that really was Santa come early to watch who was being good and who naughty.
"What ball is this?" Ottery turned to ask his partner who happened to be Ron dressed as a bear, as they twirled around the dance floor.
"It's a costume ball, what are you supposed to be Otts?" the red haired boy asked.
"Me? I'm me, only circa 1836 ..." the boy grinned sheepishly. "I can't help it ... I love suits and clockwork and ..."
"Seriously. I love Dumbledore and all, don't get me wrong, I'm Dumbledore's man," Ron said, "But if I have to go to another ball ..."
Ron spun Ottery around, he could hear the Headmaster arguing with Professor Snape, "Severus, please, would you stop busting my ..." but just then Teddy came running in to the ballroom dressed as Rambo with a real AK-47and Tiffany dressed as a cheerleader vampire slayer.
"Hey, nice costume Tiffany," Ottery said.
"Costume? This is my cheerleading uniform, I was out staking vampires when Teddy said I had to come with him quickly. He hasn't told me why yet."
"We need to call an emergency meeting of Ottery's Love Brigade," the brown haired boy said. "The situation in the North Pole just went Defcon 2 and we're less than 20 days from Christmas. I got a call from the fat man himself."
A sleek white cat wearing a red collar with a bell that made no sound walked between them. The cat smiled. Teddy rolled his eyes, Tiffany stiffled a giggle, Ron had a puzzled look on his face as Ottery sighed and said, "Hello Kitty."
The cat laughed and said, "I'm gonna make a request ... Forget you."
The dark haired boy laughed. It was time to save Christmas and get away from these ridiculous balls.