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Nana Ichihara's classroom is as immaculate as ever. Every chair in place, every desk polished to shine, there is - as usual - not even a speck of dirt on her floor. However, as you enter you will notice a difference in the atmosphere of the room. A heady warmth that is reminiscent of a humid summer's day fills the well-lit space.
Professor Ichihara sits behind her desk, hands folded neatly in her lap. Her complexion unnaturally dewy thanks to the heat, however, it is a small price to pay for their assembled 'guests' this lesson. You will notice (if you are of the variety of student that notices) a series of glass tanks on the right hand side of the room, each tank is filled with various flora, some water and rocks, but no visible sign of life.
Please take your seat (and try not to doze off even if it is rather early). Class will begin shortly.
OOC: Class has begun! If you want to join in, please do. Simply have your student behave as if they have been in class since the beginning.
If you do decide to have them turn up "late" there will be IC consequences.
The owl Nicky had received yesterday had really set her off, and today she was feeling even more heated. Usually, that would mean Nicky would be found anywhere but class, except that she had finally reached a level where she thought she could take no more confrontation, no more arguments with professors, or she'd do something immensely stupid.
Besides. Ichihara was one of the few professors, on the same list as Hirsch, that she didn't completely loathe.
So, here she was, walking into Transfiguration, early, and almost entirely in her proper uniform. Almost. The skirt was regulation length, her tie was properly knotted, and her shoes were laced. The one glaring item was the one thing she would not compromise on. Yet again, she had replaced the Ravenclaw crest on her robes with a crest from Castelobruxo.
She kept the strap of her bag over it, however, obscuring it from view as she entered the classroom. She nodded silently in greeting to Ichihara, who.. well.. Nicky thought she looked a little damp. For herself, she found the humidity familiar... refreshing even. Like home. She made her way to the back of the room and slid into a seat. Her eyes wandered to the glass containers... live transfiguration? But as she squinted at them, she could see no movement within.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
This whole mandrake leaf thing was getting annoying. Was it over yet? Of course he was going to bite his tongue and not say anything about it to anyone besides Hady, but, Merlin, eating without managing to swallow the thing was tough. It forced him to eat slowly and carefully, which was something that was emotionally killing the prefect as he enjoyed pigging out.
Frankie was successful in eating a healthy breakfast before class, granted it was not as large as he would have liked. But it was enough to at least prevent him from thinking about lunch already, even if it was only temporary. The leaf, in fact, was keeping him fairly preoccupied at the moment. He moved it around in his mouth as he walked through the doorway and into the room.
Holy hippogriffs! Who turned up the heat in this place? The blond loosened his tie a little as he took note of the glass tanks. Interesting. He turned toward Professor Ichihara and greeted her with a simple nod of his head before taking a seat faaaaaaaaar away from that monstrous Nicky Iver.
Hadley Denaker entered, but rather than taking a seat at the back of the class, as had been her custom this year--ever since being rejected, again, for animagus training--she made her way to the front and sat front row center. This was necessary, as she couldn't talk, what with the supposed mandrake leaf she had in her mouth.
In reality it wasn't a mandrake leaf at all, but one from a rose bush, courtesy of Professor Myers.
Hadley gave Professor Ichihara a wave as she sat down, and pulled a small dry erase board from her bag. She uncapped the marker and wrote, Good Morning, Professor. Then she held it up for Itchy Mara to see.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Each and every day that went by was another day closer to the end of the month. Which brought about the removal of one Mandrake leaf from her mouth. Surprisingly enough the teen had somehow gotten herself semi used to it. Takes to a certain someone whom had given her a few tips on how to handle it. She'd have to personally thank that person and pass along the tips to her training partner.
After having gotten herself ready for one of her favorite lessons and having a small but healthy breakfast Hady made her way towards the lesson. Stepping through the doorway the heat hit her before anything else. Well at least it wasn't raining or anything. Pushing her long brunette hair off her face she glanced around the room. Hi professor! Hady smiled and nodded her head towards Nana knowing she would know why there wouldn't be a vocal greeting today.
Hazel eyes then took in the tanks along the wall. Alright. Interesting indeed. She also noticed the name twin who got a nod and Nicky. Hady said nothing, no looks or anything either. Rather she silently walked over and sat herself down beside Frankie giving him the usual grin before she took out her things.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
As the term progressed, the thought of OWL's was ever present in Janelle's mind. Class had actually become sort of a respite for her, something to take her mind off of what was yet to come. Entering the classroom, Janelle stopped short. The sudden presence of heat and humidity had caught her off guard. Well this would require some getting used to.
"Hello Professor Ichihara", Janelle said as she made her way to her seat. On the way she noticed the seemingly empty tanks and wondered what they were about. Time to play her favorite game........"Guess what the professor has planned for us today?" was Janelle's favorite way to pass the time while waiting for class to begin. Well, it was that and people watching as her classmates arrived. She sat down in her seat, took out her textbook, quill and parchment and started to think. Somehow Janelle had a feeling she wasn't going to like what was coming.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
"Whoa." Genny muttered the second she stepped into the classroom and her face was hit by heat. It wasn't warm as much as it felt so humid. Was this on purpose? Immediately, she started taking off her robes to remain in her shirt and skirt. Pit stains are not happening today, nuh-uh, not before they had a fun activity.
"Hiya professor," with a happy smile, the Gryffindor made her way to one of the desks and plopped down there. Her robes hung on the back of her chair and she crossed her legs and leaned on the table waiting for the lesson to start. This should be fun (did not pay extra attention to the water tanks, probably just decoration).
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
The humidity in the Transfiguration room as she entered had made Brooklyn stop short. It reminded her of last summer in Miami, really, and before she could do anything else, she had scooped her hair up off her shoulders and twisted it back into a knot, using a quill to hold it in place since she didn’t have anything else to use. She wasn’t about to use her wand, after all. That would be needed later, and she didn’t want the weight of her hair falling back on her shoulders. Especially since she couldn’t wear what she’d worn in Miami. She’d just have to find other ways to stay cool.
Stepping back into the corridor for a second to take a breath, she walked back into the classroom. “Hello Professor Ichihara,” she said with a nod, thankful that the quill managed to keep her hair in place when her head moved. Things would be okay. Well, except she then felt the need to choose a seat away from Hady, even though she waved at her fellow Slytherin. She was happy that things seemed better between her friend and Frankie, but that didn’t mean she wanted to get involved.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
The first year Gryffindor took off her robe the moment she entered the Transfiguration classroom and used her textbook that she had in her hand as a fan to make a small breeze on her face. She disliked this kind of weather, it made her tired and she didn't even want to talk about all the sweat that was going to be in the room soon. Eww.
Her eyes went to look around the room and while she had many questions already, the first year knew that most would be answered soon during the lesson so instead she waved at the Professor as she walked by to find a seat.
"Morning, Professor" she said while taking a seat at the front. Something different for a change.
This sort of temperature didn't bother him all that much. Jaemin slipped into the Transfiguration classroom, looking a bit tired and worse for wear, but still present. Everything was so disorienting lately... but it was getting better. Slowly, but surely. He approached one of the tanks and squinted at it a bit, mumbling softly about the flora before heading to a seat near the front.
"Hi professor," he murmured, giving her a light wave before going about checking that he had all of his stuff.
It seemed as though every time Daxton actually attended his lessons, there was something about the classroom set-up or the nature of the topic that had him changing his mind the second he walked through the door.
Today was one of those days, and Transfiguration was the lesson. Daxton was barely over the threshold of the classroom when the wave of heat him him. Heat was one of the things Daxton could not abide, and the same went for humidity; it was overstimulating, overwhelming, distracting, and downright unbearable, any combination of which never led to a favourable reaction from him. Despite the fact that he still had no robes, and his feet were as bare as they ever were - limiting the amount of layers he had to contend with as well as the atmosphere - he knew immediately that he, quite literally, could not take the heat.
Pulling at his tie and the neck of his shirt to loosen them both somewhat, and taking a small but futile gasp for any fresh air, Daxton did a quick scan of the classroom. He eyed Ichihara at once, and stared at her for just a moment before half-turning and sidling off to make his way back through the classroom door again. He would not willingly stay here, not a chance... but he wanted her to see that. To call him out, to get angry, disappointed, anything.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Transfig class awwyeah!
Tenacius walked in and -- whoah! The humidity hit him like a truck. Its like a step back and he's in nice cool and dry Hogwarts and the next few step, bam he's in Santorini. He saw the glass tanks too. Were those there last time? Would he have remembered if they actually were? He thumbed the tanks just as he walked by the brunette Professor "Mornin' Professor Ichihara... Feelin a bit tropical today are we?"
He took up his seat but not before spotting the sign board on Haddie. He gave her a look. Huh?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Merlin's beard, it's hot in here! Fiyero's first instinct was to shrug out of his robe and sweater as the stifling heat hit him, but he managed to resist. He knew Professor Ichihara was a stickler for a neat uniform, and he didn't want to lose points from Gryffindor. Why was it so hot in here? Was this part of the lesson or did Professor Ichihara just want to fry everybody? Maybe today's lesson was on how to turn students into puddles of sweat...
"Hello, Professor Ichihara," he said with a polite nod toward the woman sitting behind the desk. Then he noticed the glass tanks full of rocks and plants, but no fish. Was that what they were doing? Turning something into fish? Maybe they'd get to keep the fish as pets...
Fiyero took the seat next to Bec, carefully arranging his supplies on the desk in front of him. "Hey, Bec," he greeted his fellow first year Gryffindor. His voice dropped as he added, "D'you think it could be any hotter in here?"
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Holy Hades it was hot in the transfiguration classroom. And she lived by the beach when she wasn't at Hogwarts! Was there a cooling charm? There had to be a cooling charm. Juno fanned herself with her Transfiguration book as she walked into the classroom. "Hello, Professor Ichihara," She said a little lethargically. It wasn't nearly as hot in the rest of the castle. Maybe it had something to do with the lesson.
Juno quietly found her seat and pulled out her wand, some parchment, and her quill and then sat down, continuing to fan herself with her book. She really hoped it wasn't going to be this hot all class.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Why was is so humid in here?! Esme actually had to take a step back as she followed her sister into the classroom. "Morning Professor Ichihara." Could she open a window? Probably not since the atmosphere obviously had something to do with what they were learning today... whatever it might be; the tanks filled with different things from nature didn't really help matters. Were they going to be transfiguring things into animals and putting them into the tanks? SHE WAS SO CONFUSED.
Waving to her friends, she took a seat beside Juno and joined in on the fanning thing because maaaan was it ever muggy in here!
Arielle made her way into the Transfiguration classroom and immediately was unable to continue breathing. The humidity in the room was so high that her lungs practically stopped working. She took a few steps backwards out the door, took a couple big breaths, and walked back in. The professor was sitting behind a desk, and she didn't look very pleasant. Arielle looked around the room for a seat and saw one open next to Genny, the only person she knew in the entire room. Arielle walked over to the seat and took her robes off, then draped them on the back of her chair and sat down without saying hi to Genny. They weren't exactly friends and she didn't know how much conversation they could really get in before class started, so she thought it best to stay quiet. She looked back at the tanks she had noticed while looking for a seat, and wondered why they were empty. I mean, not empty, but aren't tanks like that usually for holding animals? And what did the tanks have to do with transfiguration? The first year always had questions, but knew they would be answered if she was patient.
The owl Nicky had received yesterday had really set her off, and today she was feeling even more heated. Usually, that would mean Nicky would be found anywhere but class, except that she had finally reached a level where she thought she could take no more confrontation, no more arguments with professors, or she'd do something immensely stupid.
Besides. Ichihara was one of the few professors, on the same list as Hirsch, that she didn't completely loathe.
So, here she was, walking into Transfiguration, early, and almost entirely in her proper uniform. Almost. The skirt was regulation length, her tie was properly knotted, and her shoes were laced. The one glaring item was the one thing she would not compromise on. Yet again, she had replaced the Ravenclaw crest on her robes with a crest from Castelobruxo.
She kept the strap of her bag over it, however, obscuring it from view as she entered the classroom. She nodded silently in greeting to Ichihara, who.. well.. Nicky thought she looked a little damp. For herself, she found the humidity familiar... refreshing even. Like home. She made her way to the back of the room and slid into a seat. Her eyes wandered to the glass containers... live transfiguration? But as she squinted at them, she could see no movement within.
Despite the silk robes she was clothed in today, Nana found this heat as overwhelming as the majority of her students. Yes, her summers in Japan, and then Australia had been of the heated variety, but this was somehow worst. She blamed the castle and it’s stone walls that must only be helping the heat stay right where it was. With a wave of her wand, Nana conjured a large fan. Another wave and the fan began to move, sending not-quite-fresh, but very welcomed air the Professor’s way.
Glancing toward the Ravenclaw Transfer, Nana gave the young woman a nod. “Good morning, Miss Iver.”
Originally Posted by Zoe
This whole mandrake leaf thing was getting annoying. Was it over yet? Of course he was going to bite his tongue and not say anything about it to anyone besides Hady, but, Merlin, eating without managing to swallow the thing was tough. It forced him to eat slowly and carefully, which was something that was emotionally killing the prefect as he enjoyed pigging out.
Frankie was successful in eating a healthy breakfast before class, granted it was not as large as he would have liked. But it was enough to at least prevent him from thinking about lunch already, even if it was only temporary. The leaf, in fact, was keeping him fairly preoccupied at the moment. He moved it around in his mouth as he walked through the doorway and into the room.
Holy hippogriffs! Who turned up the heat in this place? The blond loosened his tie a little as he took note of the glass tanks. Interesting. He turned toward Professor Ichihara and greeted her with a simple nod of his head before taking a seat faaaaaaaaar away from that monstrous Nicky Iver.
Ah, Mister Paton. Over the past few years her opinion of him had shifted, and so, she regared him with a small smile. “Good morning, Mister Paton. How’s the leaf treating you? Bitter isn’t it?” Nana said, a glimmer of amusement in her dark eyes.
She could still taste it sometimes.
Originally Posted by Callie
Hadley Denaker entered, but rather than taking a seat at the back of the class, as had been her custom this year--ever since being rejected, again, for animagus training--she made her way to the front and sat front row center. This was necessary, as she couldn't talk, what with the supposed mandrake leaf she had in her mouth.
In reality it wasn't a mandrake leaf at all, but one from a rose bush, courtesy of Professor Myers.
Hadley gave Professor Ichihara a wave as she sat down, and pulled a small dry erase board from her bag. She uncapped the marker and wrote, Good Morning, Professor. Then she held it up for Itchy Mara to see.
Ah, and here was the trouble. Hadley Denaker did not escape the Transfiguration Professor’s notice, and she was rather sure the suspicious behavior was meant to be noticed. “... Good morning, and what has your tongue today?” There was a small curve to her lips, but it was not quite a smile, nor a smirk.
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Each and every day that went by was another day closer to the end of the month. Which brought about the removal of one Mandrake leaf from her mouth. Surprisingly enough the teen had somehow gotten herself semi used to it. Takes to a certain someone whom had given her a few tips on how to handle it. She'd have to personally thank that person and pass along the tips to her training partner.
After having gotten herself ready for one of her favorite lessons and having a small but healthy breakfast Hady made her way towards the lesson. Stepping through the doorway the heat hit her before anything else. Well at least it wasn't raining or anything. Pushing her long brunette hair off her face she glanced around the room. Hi professor! Hady smiled and nodded her head towards Nana knowing she would know why there wouldn't be a vocal greeting today.
Hazel eyes then took in the tanks along the wall. Alright. Interesting indeed. She also noticed the name twin who got a nod and Nicky. Hady said nothing, no looks or anything either. Rather she silently walked over and sat herself down beside Frankie giving him the usual grin before she took out her things.
The other Hady’s silence was expected, however. Nana flashed the young woman a smile as she sat down. Paton and Lynch had both far surpassed her expectations this term with their willingness to work together despite their own problems and their ambition (though the later was no surprise considering the pair’s tenacity).
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
As the term progressed, the thought of OWL's was ever present in Janelle's mind. Class had actually become sort of a respite for her, something to take her mind off of what was yet to come. Entering the classroom, Janelle stopped short. The sudden presence of heat and humidity had caught her off guard. Well this would require some getting used to.
"Hello Professor Ichihara", Janelle said as she made her way to her seat. On the way she noticed the seemingly empty tanks and wondered what they were about. Time to play her favorite game........"Guess what the professor has planned for us today?" was Janelle's favorite way to pass the time while waiting for class to begin. Well, it was that and people watching as her classmates arrived. She sat down in her seat, took out her textbook, quill and parchment and started to think. Somehow Janelle had a feeling she wasn't going to like what was coming.
“Miss Guidry, welcome to today’s lesson.” Nana said, offering the Ravenclaw a polite smile and a bow of her head.
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black
It's hot.
It's in here.
It's gross-hot.
Cal-O took a seat, shrugging off his robe and loosening his tie. Weirdly enough, he was glad he didn't have his long hair right about now.
Oh gosh...
He was already sweating.
Oh gosh.
Merlin help him.
Mister Desario seemed quite overheated…
She would keep an eye on him, lest the boy faint from heat exhaustion.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
"Whoa." Genny muttered the second she stepped into the classroom and her face was hit by heat. It wasn't warm as much as it felt so humid. Was this on purpose? Immediately, she started taking off her robes to remain in her shirt and skirt. Pit stains are not happening today, nuh-uh, not before they had a fun activity.
"Hiya professor," with a happy smile, the Gryffindor made her way to one of the desks and plopped down there. Her robes hung on the back of her chair and she crossed her legs and leaned on the table waiting for the lesson to start. This should be fun (did not pay extra attention to the water tanks, probably just decoration).
“Ah, good morning, Miss Tate.” The Transfiguration professor offered the vivacious young girl a small smile, though a moment later it faded as the Gryffindor slipped out of her robes and placed them on the back of her seat. For a moment, Nana considered berating the girl, but she shook the thought from her head as she stood.
“Class, Seeing as we will have to endure this heat for some time longer, I suggest you take leave of your robes and get a bit more comfortable. The Healer will strike me where I stand if I send her a class of heat-stricken students.” She said, as she took off her own outer robes, and rolled up the sleeves of her silk cream-colored blouse. No reason for them all to suffer.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
The humidity in the Transfiguration room as she entered had made Brooklyn stop short. It reminded her of last summer in Miami, really, and before she could do anything else, she had scooped her hair up off her shoulders and twisted it back into a knot, using a quill to hold it in place since she didn’t have anything else to use. She wasn’t about to use her wand, after all. That would be needed later, and she didn’t want the weight of her hair falling back on her shoulders. Especially since she couldn’t wear what she’d worn in Miami. She’d just have to find other ways to stay cool.
Stepping back into the corridor for a second to take a breath, she walked back into the classroom. “Hello Professor Ichihara,” she said with a nod, thankful that the quill managed to keep her hair in place when her head moved. Things would be okay. Well, except she then felt the need to choose a seat away from Hady, even though she waved at her fellow Slytherin. She was happy that things seemed better between her friend and Frankie, but that didn’t mean she wanted to get involved.
“Good Morning, Miss Andrews. Please join the class in becoming more comfortable.” The girl looked quite out of breath.
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
The first year Gryffindor took off her robe the moment she entered the Transfiguration classroom and used her textbook that she had in her hand as a fan to make a small breeze on her face. She disliked this kind of weather, it made her tired and she didn't even want to talk about all the sweat that was going to be in the room soon. Eww.
Her eyes went to look around the room and while she had many questions already, the first year knew that most would be answered soon during the lesson so instead she waved at the Professor as she walked by to find a seat.
"Morning, Professor" she said while taking a seat at the front. Something different for a change.
“Good Morning, Miss Meadows.” Nana said, giving the little Gryffindor a smile before taking back her seat behind her desk. She lazily flicked her wand, bringing the animated fan back to life.
Originally Posted by Ameh
This sort of temperature didn't bother him all that much. Jaemin slipped into the Transfiguration classroom, looking a bit tired and worse for wear, but still present. Everything was so disorienting lately... but it was getting better. Slowly, but surely. He approached one of the tanks and squinted at it a bit, mumbling softly about the flora before heading to a seat near the front.
"Hi professor," he murmured, giving her a light wave before going about checking that he had all of his stuff.
“Good morning, Mister Song.” Another smile, another bow of her head. It was good to see the boy looking better. He had seemed so… out of it, as of late and it was unlike him.
Originally Posted by Felixir
It seemed as though every time Daxton actually attended his lessons, there was something about the classroom set-up or the nature of the topic that had him changing his mind the second he walked through the door.
Today was one of those days, and Transfiguration was the lesson. Daxton was barely over the threshold of the classroom when the wave of heat him him. Heat was one of the things Daxton could not abide, and the same went for humidity; it was overstimulating, overwhelming, distracting, and downright unbearable, any combination of which never led to a favourable reaction from him. Despite the fact that he still had no robes, and his feet were as bare as they ever were - limiting the amount of layers he had to contend with as well as the atmosphere - he knew immediately that he, quite literally, could not take the heat.
Pulling at his tie and the neck of his shirt to loosen them both somewhat, and taking a small but futile gasp for any fresh air, Daxton did a quick scan of the classroom. He eyed Ichihara at once, and stared at her for just a moment before half-turning and sidling off to make his way back through the classroom door again. He would not willingly stay here, not a chance... but he wanted her to see that. To call him out, to get angry, disappointed, anything.
Prince’s actions were not lost on Nana Ichihara. But she did not address them immediately for a few reasons. The first of which was to do with her indecision. “Mister Prince, I’ll be seeing you in my office after this.” Nana called out, dark eyes dim with thought. Daxton Prince. You would not receive an audience today.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Transfig class awwyeah!
Tenacius walked in and -- whoah! The humidity hit him like a truck. Its like a step back and he's in nice cool and dry Hogwarts and the next few step, bam he's in Santorini. He saw the glass tanks too. Were those there last time? Would he have remembered if they actually were? He thumbed the tanks just as he walked by the brunette Professor "Mornin' Professor Ichihara... Feelin a bit tropical today are we?"
He took up his seat but not before spotting the sign board on Haddie. He gave her a look. Huh?
Nana actually laughed. Not a full blown belly jiggle like Santa Claus, but a good-natured, honest chuckle. “You’ll see, Mister Salander.” He wasn’t far off.
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Merlin's beard, it's hot in here! Fiyero's first instinct was to shrug out of his robe and sweater as the stifling heat hit him, but he managed to resist. He knew Professor Ichihara was a stickler for a neat uniform, and he didn't want to lose points from Gryffindor. Why was it so hot in here? Was this part of the lesson or did Professor Ichihara just want to fry everybody? Maybe today's lesson was on how to turn students into puddles of sweat...
"Hello, Professor Ichihara," he said with a polite nod toward the woman sitting behind the desk. Then he noticed the glass tanks full of rocks and plants, but no fish. Was that what they were doing? Turning something into fish? Maybe they'd get to keep the fish as pets...
Fiyero took the seat next to Bec, carefully arranging his supplies on the desk in front of him. "Hey, Bec," he greeted his fellow first year Gryffindor. His voice dropped as he added, "D'you think it could be any hotter in here?"
“Mister Jones.” Nana said, inclining her head in greeting toward the young Gryffindor.
…….….. “Yes, it could, Mister Jones.” She had ears, didn’t he know?
Originally Posted by Suziella
Holy Hades it was hot in the transfiguration classroom. And she lived by the beach when she wasn't at Hogwarts! Was there a cooling charm? There had to be a cooling charm. Juno fanned herself with her Transfiguration book as she walked into the classroom. "Hello, Professor Ichihara," She said a little lethargically. It wasn't nearly as hot in the rest of the castle. Maybe it had something to do with the lesson.
Juno quietly found her seat and pulled out her wand, some parchment, and her quill and then sat down, continuing to fan herself with her book. She really hoped it wasn't going to be this hot all class.
The First Miss Darcy. “Good Morning, please make yourself comfortable, Miss Darcy, our lesson will begin soon.” Nana checked her watch. Not much time left at all.
Originally Posted by Squishy
Why was is so humid in here?! Esme actually had to take a step back as she followed her sister into the classroom. "Morning Professor Ichihara." Could she open a window? Probably not since the atmosphere obviously had something to do with what they were learning today... whatever it might be; the tanks filled with different things from nature didn't really help matters. Were they going to be transfiguring things into animals and putting them into the tanks? SHE WAS SO CONFUSED.
Waving to her friends, she took a seat beside Juno and joined in on the fanning thing because maaaan was it ever muggy in here!
“Good Morning… Miss Darcy,” Deja vu all over again, eh? Deja vu all over again, eh? Deja vu all over again, eh?-
Originally Posted by ginnilie
Arielle made her way into the Transfiguration classroom and immediately was unable to continue breathing. The humidity in the room was so high that her lungs practically stopped working. She took a few steps backwards out the door, took a couple big breaths, and walked back in. The professor was sitting behind a desk, and she didn't look very pleasant. Arielle looked around the room for a seat and saw one open next to Genny, the only person she knew in the entire room. Arielle walked over to the seat and took her robes off, then draped them on the back of her chair and sat down without saying hi to Genny. They weren't exactly friends and she didn't know how much conversation they could really get in before class started, so she thought it best to stay quiet. She looked back at the tanks she had noticed while looking for a seat, and wondered why they were empty. I mean, not empty, but aren't tanks like that usually for holding animals? And what did the tanks have to do with transfiguration? The first year always had questions, but knew they would be answered if she was patient.
Though the first year was quiet, Nana smiled and offered her a nod. It was best to be welcoming with the younger ones. “Good morning, Miss Lestrange.”
Standing again, Nana walked around her desk to stand in front. She crossed her legs and her arms just beneath her chest and surveyed her students with a cool gaze.
“Today we’re going to be doing things differently. Usually I’m the one asking questions around here. Today, I think we should have it the other way around.” She flicked her wand and the lights in the tanks suddenly popped on, making the scenery within all the more visible. “Consider it a guessing game. The right questions will lead to productive answers and points, the wrong questions will yield some….. Interesting outcomes.” Once again, there was that not-quite-smirk playing upon the witch’s countenance.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
"Oh, hey Fi" Bec smiled at her same aged and same housed friend as he took a seat next to hers. She watched as he put his stuff down on the desk and then let out a 'ugh i know right?' Sound when asked if it could get any hotter. But she wasn't the only one who heard the question and the Gryffindor couldn’t help but smile just a little bit at the Professor's answer. She guessed she could make it more hotter so best keep quiet.
When class began, Bec immediately had a confused expression on her face. Her eyes went over to the tanks at the side of the room and she looked even more confused when nothing special was inside of them. Looking back, the Gryffindor then shrugged her shoulders and bravely put up her hand.
"Is there a creature in the tanks?" that was a good question right?
Arielle made her way into the Transfiguration classroom and immediately was unable to continue breathing. The humidity in the room was so high that her lungs practically stopped working. She took a few steps backwards out the door, took a couple big breaths, and walked back in. The professor was sitting behind a desk, and she didn't look very pleasant. Arielle looked around the room for a seat and saw one open next to Genny, the only person she knew in the entire room. Arielle walked over to the seat and took her robes off, then draped them on the back of her chair and sat down without saying hi to Genny. They weren't exactly friends and she didn't know how much conversation they could really get in before class started, so she thought it best to stay quiet. She looked back at the tanks she had noticed while looking for a seat, and wondered why they were empty. I mean, not empty, but aren't tanks like that usually for holding animals? And what did the tanks have to do with transfiguration? The first year always had questions, but knew they would be answered if she was patient.
Genny noticed her friend being all quiet and polite, and waved hi to her enthusiastically even though Arielle may have not seen the happy greeting.
Originally Posted by nicole black
“Today we’re going to be doing things differently. Usually I’m the one asking questions around here. Today, I think we should have it the other way around.” She flicked her wand and the lights in the tanks suddenly popped on, making the scenery within all the more visible. “Consider it a guessing game. The right questions will lead to productive answers and points, the wrong questions will yield some….. Interesting outcomes.” Once again, there was that not-quite-smirk playing upon the witch’s countenance.
Whaaaa. Genny, leaning forward on her table, opened her mouth in surprise at what the professor said. THEY were allowed to ask all the questions?? And get points for it? It was any second year's dream! Her hand was shot into the air, "Since we're in transfiguration, are we going to learn how to survive UNDER water?" Like transform into a fish or a mermaid???? HUH?? *___*
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by nicole black
Standing again, Nana walked around her desk to stand in front. She crossed her legs and her arms just beneath her chest and surveyed her students with a cool gaze.
“Today we’re going to be doing things differently. Usually I’m the one asking questions around here. Today, I think we should have it the other way around.” She flicked her wand and the lights in the tanks suddenly popped on, making the scenery within all the more visible. “Consider it a guessing game. The right questions will lead to productive answers and points, the wrong questions will yield some….. Interesting outcomes.” Once again, there was that not-quite-smirk playing upon the witch’s countenance.
Owen was here. Of course he was. Who would pass up the magical subjects? Certainly not him. He needed all the magical knowledge he could get for you know...personal development.
Class was already starting and as he wiped yet more beads of sweat that had accumulated on his hairline with the back of his hand, he raised his eyebrows at the Professor's new way of questioning. Or non-questioning. They will be the ones to ask the questions. Sounded like fun.
Okay, then.
So, what are we doing today, Professor? Meh. Too generic. More like, and hand up, "Can we please transfigure into something that can fight off this horrible heat, Professor?" And with the tanks probably playing a part in this lesson, he was cool with being a seaweed. Seaweeds do not sweat off like him, do they?
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Okay, yes Char could totally ask questions. Questions were things she had plenty of because she was brought up by Ravenclaw parents and they ALWAYS encouraged her to ask stuff.
Sooooo after taking her robe and cardigan off and neatly rolling her shirt sleeves up to be a bit more comfy, Char put her hand up.
"Professor does climate have any impact on spell casting? At all? Or like different ones more than others?" Because why else would they have it all weird in transfiguration unless they were supposed to be trying to get around the temperature and humidity? All the spells she could think of that would make it more comfy were charms after all, rather than transfiguration spells and OOOH maybe they would get to conjure something! MAYBE A CREATURE. MAYBE CONJURE THINGS TO FILL THE TANKS! OOOOOH!
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
This whole mandrake leaf thing was getting annoying. Was it over yet? Of course he was going to bite his tongue and not say anything about it to anyone besides Hady, but, Merlin, eating without managing to swallow the thing was tough. It forced him to eat slowly and carefully, which was something that was emotionally killing the prefect as he enjoyed pigging out.
Frankie was successful in eating a healthy breakfast before class, granted it was not as large as he would have liked. But it was enough to at least prevent him from thinking about lunch already, even if it was only temporary. The leaf, in fact, was keeping him fairly preoccupied at the moment. He moved it around in his mouth as he walked through the doorway and into the room.
Holy hippogriffs! Who turned up the heat in this place? The blond loosened his tie a little as he took note of the glass tanks. Interesting. He turned toward Professor Ichihara and greeted her with a simple nod of his head before taking a seat faaaaaaaaar away from that monstrous Nicky Iver.
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Each and every day that went by was another day closer to the end of the month. Which brought about the removal of one Mandrake leaf from her mouth. Surprisingly enough the teen had somehow gotten herself semi used to it. Takes to a certain someone whom had given her a few tips on how to handle it. She'd have to personally thank that person and pass along the tips to her training partner.
After having gotten herself ready for one of her favorite lessons and having a small but healthy breakfast Hady made her way towards the lesson. Stepping through the doorway the heat hit her before anything else. Well at least it wasn't raining or anything. Pushing her long brunette hair off her face she glanced around the room. Hi professor! Hady smiled and nodded her head towards Nana knowing she would know why there wouldn't be a vocal greeting today.
Hazel eyes then took in the tanks along the wall. Alright. Interesting indeed. She also noticed the name twin who got a nod and Nicky. Hady said nothing, no looks or anything either. Rather she silently walked over and sat herself down beside Frankie giving him the usual grin before she took out her things.
Those two had not going unnoticed. Nicky chuckled to herself as she took out her parchment and quill. It seemed like Hady was going out of her way to avoid even accidental eye contact and that... was he a boyfriend again? Nicky wasn't sure. She had heard things, but honestly, couldn't be fussed enough to care. He seemed determined to sit as far away as humanly possible. Amused. Nicky was amused. She shot a glance their way once she was settled, wiggling her fingers with a wink. If either of them caught her eye, maybe she'd blow them a little kiss, too.
SPOILER!!: professor
Originally Posted by nicole black
Despite the silk robes she was clothed in today, Nana found this heat as overwhelming as the majority of her students. Yes, her summers in Japan, and then Australia had been of the heated variety, but this was somehow worst. She blamed the castle and it’s stone walls that must only be helping the heat stay right where it was. With a wave of her wand, Nana conjured a large fan. Another wave and the fan began to move, sending not-quite-fresh, but very welcomed air the Professor’s way.
Glancing toward the Ravenclaw Transfer, Nana gave the young woman a nod. “Good morning, Miss Iver.”
[edits out stuff]
“Ah, good morning, Miss Tate.” The Transfiguration professor offered the vivacious young girl a small smile, though a moment later it faded as the Gryffindor slipped out of her robes and placed them on the back of her seat. For a moment, Nana considered berating the girl, but she shook the thought from her head as she stood.
“Class, Seeing as we will have to endure this heat for some time longer, I suggest you take leave of your robes and get a bit more comfortable. The Healer will strike me where I stand if I send her a class of heat-stricken students.” She said, as she took off her own outer robes, and rolled up the sleeves of her silk cream-colored blouse. No reason for them all to suffer.
[edits out stuff]
Standing again, Nana walked around her desk to stand in front. She crossed her legs and her arms just beneath her chest and surveyed her students with a cool gaze.
“Today we’re going to be doing things differently. Usually I’m the one asking questions around here. Today, I think we should have it the other way around.” She flicked her wand and the lights in the tanks suddenly popped on, making the scenery within all the more visible. “Consider it a guessing game. The right questions will lead to productive answers and points, the wrong questions will yield some….. Interesting outcomes.” Once again, there was that not-quite-smirk playing upon the witch’s countenance.
Nicky raised a single brow, looking up from her parchment, however, at Professor Ichihara's instructions. Sure. They day she actually made sure her uniform was mostly in order was the day the woman didn't care. Well, there was no need to tell the blonde twice. She shucked her robe from her shoulders quickly and folded it over the back of her chair, obscuring the illicit badge from view once more. Without hesitation, however, the girl decided to act in the spirit of the instruction and not necessarily the letter of it. Loosening her tie, Nicky popped the top button of her shirt. There. That was better.
"Are we learning a method for dealing with the humidity or is the humidity a necessity for whatever we'll be working with?" She had not bothered to raise her hand, and spared a glance at the empty tanks again. Certain vegetation would thrive like this... certain creature life, too... Part of Nicky was quite curious, and she turned her glance to her classmates, wondering who would be surprised at her interest.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle was buys amusing herself by watching her classmates' reactions to the humid air. It was really quite funny, but she completely understood. If a person was not used to it, humidity could be unbearable. After a few minutes, Janelle considered herself acclimated. She didn't particularly like humid heat, but she had had plenty of experience with it from visiting her family in Louisiana. That place took hot and humid to an entirely different level.
Just like that, class was called to order. Apparently they would be playing the wizard version of twenty questions today. Janelle wasn't exactly sure if she liked the "wrong question, interesting outcome statement". Hopefully, she would ask an appropriate question. Janelle raised her hand to give it a shot. "Is there some humidity loving animal in the tank, that has been hidden or made invisible?" Curious minds wanted to know.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Oh yes!
Bentley relaxed in his seat and loosened his tie just a bit (not enough to be untidy) enough to ensure that his neck caught any slight breeze that might pass. He was right at home in this temperature and flashed the professor a very appreciative look.
"Are we going to be focusing on a spell that witches and wizards in tropical area rely heavily on?"
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...