Banner created by Holmesian Feline IC Rules:
✘ Arrive on time please. If you are late we will know and points can/will be taken away.
✘ Be respectful of those around you and yourself, the Professor included.
✘ Wear proper attire. This means the school uniform unless told otherwise.
✘ If you have a question, problem or want to give an answer raise your hand.
✘ Come to each lesson fully prepared. This means bringing your textbook, parchment, quill/ink, wand and anything else the Professor might ask you to bring.
✘ Food and/or Drink is allowed specifically at the beginning of each lesson. It is expected that you do so quietly and neatly, however we know accidents do happen in which case we simply ask that you clean up after yourselves. All food and/or drinks should be set aside during any activities.
OCC Rules:
✘ All
SS Rules and
General Classroom Rules apply at all times.
✘ There are many different sections of Transfiguration. It's okay and expected that your character doesn't know them all. This being said please keep their age in mind when giving answers or working on activities it isn't likely that a first year can preform complex Transfiguration spells on the first try while an older student can't.
✘ IC problems will be handled IC just as OOC problems will be handled OOC.
✘ Please do not edit your posts unless it is to correct typos or coding problems. I will know if you did.
✘ You're always welcome to jump right into a lesson at anytime! We also don't mind catch-up posts!
✘ Have fun! I'd love to rp with any/all of you! Feel free to have students/staff drop by Cami's office anytime you like or ask us to play anywhere else around the school/grounds!