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Hi! I'm Dory! Well I tried out a couple of drabbles are found them really fun to write, so decided to try it out. Everett is my school terms character, and previously DA charrie.
SPOILER!!: Disclaimer
JK Rowling owns HP universe, I own Everett, his family and some other random OC's mentioned/that appear. Amy belongs to city_girl_95, Sammy to samthehpfreak. Emory is my RL friend's character, who I RP with on MSN, and Everett and him have a total bromance, even a bromance name Others who may appear shall be added to this disclaimer
“Hmmm… Interesting.” The hat on Everett’s head murmured.
Everett glared upwards. “Hurry will you?” He said impolitely.
“Calm down. Now let’s see, rude, selfish, uncaring. I think you’ll fit right in as a Slytherin.” Everett rolled his eyes at the hat.
“Not that I have a problem with that house, but there is no need for you to be so rude. What about my good parts, my intelligence, ambition, charm-“
“No doubt modesty too? I stand by my decision. SLYTHERIN!” Everett stood up smirking, before removing the worn leather hat from his head, and walked off to the Slytherin table.
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60. Joke Everett is a fifth year, same as Amy. Amy is owned by city_girl_95.
“What do you call cheese that isn’t your cheese?” Everett looked up at his friend, raising an eyebrow.
“Samson I-“ He started before he was interrupted.
“NACHO CHEESE!” Amy shouted out, and he rolled his eyes. If he didn’t know her so well, he would be annoyed from the outburst but now, he was used to it.
“I’ll tell you a better joke,” He said, standing up, “You’ll love it.”
“Everett, what are you on about? Like you would know any good jokes.“ She said, looking at him calmly, before he ran at her, and she started squealing in surprise.
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28. Time Turner Everett is an ickle 7 year old.
“Don’t you dare,” The sharp voice of his mother brought Everett out of what he was about to do, “I said I would let you look at it, not let you use it. You could get me fired if you do.” She said, looking down at her young son.
Everett looked at her innocently, before turning the time turner once.
Her glare at him was interrupted by his travel through time, and soon he was standing in the room one hour before, and he and his brothers were staring at him wide-eyed.
“Oops…” Everett said with shrugged shoulders and a mischievous grin to his mother who had just come into the room glaring at him.
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76. Zap
Starring Everett as an 11 year old with his younger brother Jensen.
Jensen looked at Everett with a wide grin, pointing a plastic water gun, that Jensen liked to pretend was real, at him. “Any last words?” He asked in a fake Terminator accent.
“I fed your pet lizard some rocks once.” Jensen glared silently at Everett, before shooting the water at him.
“You just got zapped.” He simply said a moment later, racing off.
Everett spluttered at the water that had hit him in the face. Did his younger brother seriously just squirt him with a water gun!? He was not going to just let his brother get away with that.
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79. Guitar
Everett is a sixth year
Everett strummed at the guitar slowly from underneath a tree near the lake, humming along to it not really paying attention to what he was playing. He didn’t feel like doing any of the homework he had piling up, or talking with friends. He just felt like jamming with his guitar.
A moment later the string broke. This wasn’t the first time he had broken it that day. The guitar just seemed to want to keep breaking. He grabbed his wand to fix it. The guitar was soon in perfect condition again, and he continued to sing lightly and play his guitar.
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75. Yodel
Everett is 18 and out of Hogwarts. Reed is Everett’s brother, my own character.
“Everre,” Reed, Everett’s youngest brother who still was incapable of pronouncing Everett’s name, said looking up at Everett with wide eyes, “Can you yodel?”
Everett, who had been humming under his breath and looking through the Daily Prophet, looked down at Reed, who was looking at him interestedly. “Uh... no.” He said, unsure why Reed was asking that of all things.
“Will you try for me?” Reed asked, fiddling with a band aid he had on his hand.
Everett didn’t even look at his brother this time. “Nope.” He replied, and Reed sighed, walking off muttering something that sounded suspiciously like ‘Jensen said he would’.
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51. Act
Holidays between 5th and 6th year. Sophia is my own character.
Everett read the script, eyebrows rising with every passing sentence. “You seriously want me to act in this?”
“Yes. You can act right?” Everett’s cousin Sophia said.
“Of course, I'm a brilliant actor!” Everett was lying about being a good actor, lucky he was such a good liar. He had never acted before in his life. He quickly changed the subject before Sophia could notice. “And this play in simple terms sucks. Why is the ostrich tap dancing with his wife the elephant anyway?”
“Those are mature things, you wouldn’t understand.” Sophia replied, checking out her nails.
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19. Wand
Before Everett has gone to Hogwarts.
Everett stopped his glare at Jensen to look at his wand. He frowned, examining the broken pieces that had moments ago been his first wand. “You broke my wand!” He said, getting angrier and angrier by the second.
Jensen shrugged, unfazed by his brothers anger. “Look on the bright side, at least you can get a new unscratched one.”
“You broke my wand!” He was fuming at his brother. Picking up the first thing he reached, he thrust it in the air in the direction of Jensen who yelped, ducking to the ground.
The lamp had found contact with the wall behind them.
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93. Chicken
Summer between 6th and 7th year.
“Aye, Everett, like my new pet chicken!” Jensen asked grinning. Everett raised an eyebrow.
“How did you convince mum to let you get a chicken?” Jensen’s face turned nervous.
“Well... I haven’t yet. That’s why I bought it first, then she can’t say no because we already have it.” Jensen seemed immensely proud of his plan.
“JENSEN SHANE SUTHERLAND! Why are you holding a chicken?!?” Mia appeared angry.
“Hey mum, what’s for dinner?” Everett interrupted, smirking at Jensen before looking back at his mum.
Mia blinked for a few seconds before responding, now giving a smirk of her own. “Chicken.”
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81. Depression
Everett is 26, Mia is his mum and my own character.
“Hey sweetie, just dropping by, how-.” Mia looked at her son with a confused expression. “What’s wrong Everett?” Mia asked.
“Nothing much, just girls, ruining my life.” He replied glumly.
“Was it Lindsay?” Everett nodded pouting.
“Awww, I’m sorry honey. It’ll be OK.” Mia said sadly to her depressed son, petting his curly hair. “She wasn’t very nice anyway. She told me once that she liked my vintage hairstyle.” Mia said, caressing her own hair.
Everett looked up from the table to look at his mother. Raising an eyebrow, he then shook his head. “I’m not even going to bother asking.”
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96. Socks
Everett is a very immature 16 year old
“Mum, can I open my presents now?” Everett asked, grinning eye to eye at the sight of his Christmas presents.
“No, wait for your brothers to get up,” Mia’s voice came from the kitchen.
Everett pouted, lifting up one of his presents anyway, and ripping off the wrapping paper in one shot.
“Socks!” He proceeded to unwrap his other presents, grumbling angrily, before turning to see his mother.
“I told you not to open them,” Mia smirked, “You’re going to have to wait till tomorrow now before I transfigure them back.” She said looking at her nails proudly. Everett huffed.
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73. Warn
6th year. Amy belongs to city_girl_95. Reepicheep is from Narnia
“Amy, I suppose I should warn you that there is a rat on your shoulder.” Everett said, looking at a small mouse that sat atop her shoulder.
“Don’t be stupid, this is Reepicheep, and he is a mouse.” She replied grinning.
“Reepicheep? As in out of Narnia?” He asked, not believing Amy would go so far to believe a mouse was Reepicheep.
Amy nodded. “The very same.”
Everett rolled his eyes. “Well don’t blame me for not warning you when the mouse bites you and you get rabies. I tried.” He said, trying to ignore Amy talking to and petting the mouse.
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18. Whomping Willow
6th year. Amy is city_girl_95's
Everett watched the Whomping Willow, feeling like he was in a lame cowboy movie. He glanced down from the branches to the ground, where near the base was his wand.
“I’m gonna kill you Amy.” He said, turning around to look at Amy, was amused by the situation.
“Well if you hadn’t stolen my wand in the first place, I wouldn’t have thrown yours.”
Everett rolled his eyes, before racing at the tree, dodging branches as he leapt at his wand, grabbing it before jumping to his feet.
The branch threw him at Amy, knocking her over before he rolled to the side. "Wasn't that fun."
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84. Angry
Fifth year. Sorta continued/Everett's POV of city_girl_95's drabble.
Everett ignored his beloved guitar as he chased after Amy who was storming off. She had no right or reason to be angry at him, so he was angry at her.
He was pretty much ready to kick himself for doing it in the first place. She had to know why, and then maybe she wouldn’t be so angry, so Everett decided then and there that he was going to tell her everything. “Amy! Slow down! Wait!”
Though then all he could do was stare in shock as she yelled at him, so he gave up.
Yeah, it definitely wasn’t his best idea to try to make her jealous by serenading her best friend...
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44. Ford Anglia
Sometime after the drama is finished
“We are going to make a play on Harry Potter. Everett, I have a few doubts on whether you will work as the roles, but anyway, you shall be Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Amy, you are all of the Weasleys. Trust me, I'll make it work.” Sammy said, looking at Everett and Amy.
“Harry Potter and Hermione? Why? I don’t resemble either!”
“And why am I Weasleys? I’m not even redhead!”
Sammy grinned mysteriously. “I have my reasons.”
Everett rolled his eyes, “Whatever, so who are you going to be?” He asked.
“I will be the Ford Anglia.” Sammy said, looking completely serious.
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53. Chase
Seven year old Everett
“The zombie is gonna eat us!” Everett shouted, terrified, “And it’s all your fault Emory! You said you knew how to stop a zombie apocalypse, so I didn’t bother finding out for myself! I thought that if it happened you’d just show up in a tank and save me!”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t think it would really happen!” Emory shouted back. The two suddenly stopped the argument as they heard a creaking outside, and with a scream, the two raced through the house to find someone to protect them.
They found Everett’s father reading the newspaper. “It’s chasing us dad!”
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77. Cheerful
Summer before sixth year
“Mum, I’ve decided what I want for my birthday,” Everett announced rather cheerful as he walked into the kitchen one morning for breakfast.
“And what’s that?” Mia asked.
“A kangaroo. Like those ones we saw on holiday. I want one as a pet, they’re awesome, jumping and being all kangaroo like.” Everett said, seeming rather proud of his idea.
“Hon, you can’t just have a kangaroo as a pet.” Mia replied, frowning slightly as Everett's happiness dropped.
“Oh... Well that sucks. Can I just have a new guitar then?” Everett requested after considering his options.