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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
So, I have a major headache from my homework and decided to take a break and post while I eat a bagel.
They all sat around the dining room table, talking quietly. It was very tense, and everyone could tell. Draco and George hardly talked at all, leaving Emily and Astoria to keep up the conversations. James was cheery as he talked to Scorpius about Quidditch and various teachers at Hogwarts.
“So, Draco, anything new?” Emily asked politely. George glanced at her, narrowing his eyes.
“Not really much,” Draco replied shortly. “What about you?” he asked, eyeing her. George’s hands balled up into fists.
“Not a whole lot these days,” she chuckled. Draco laughed lightly, the tension casually leaving the table slightly. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you,” she recounted and he nodded.
“What’s it been? Twenty-two years or so?” Draco laughed.
“Something like that,” Emily chortled. “The years have been good to you,” she smiled.
“I could say the same to you,” he grinned, looking her up and down.
“Are you bloody kidding me?” George suddenly shouted.
“George!” Emily scolded.
“What, Emily? You’ve got to see the way he’s looking at you!”
“Cut it out, George! We were only making polite conversation—something you can’t seem to do,” she said coldly.
“I bet you wished you married him, huh? What with how the years have been good to him!” George yelled at her.
“George Weasley! Outside right now!” Emily screamed. George got to his feet and stormed from the room.
“I’m very sorry about this,” Emily whispered as she stood from the table. “We’ll just be a minute,” she added as she walked out of the room. George yanked open the back door and stormed out into the yard, stopping short of the fence.
“You never did answer the question,” he said harshly as she slowly walked toward him.
“It was an idiotic question,” she replied quietly.
He rounded on her, getting right up in her face. “Answer it!”
“You should already know my answer, Georgie,” she whispered, a tear leaking from her eyes. His face softened slightly as he wiped away the tear with his fingertips.
“Do you?” he asked.
“No, Georgie. You’re the only man I’ve ever loved. I could never live without you,” she said softly, her fingertips tracing his lips.
“Then what was all that back there?” he asked coldly.
“It was polite conversation,” she repeated. He narrowed his eyes again. “We haven’t seen him in roughly twenty years; he could have changed,” Emily whispered.
“I don’t give a damn if he’s changed. It doesn’t change what he’s done in the past,” George said stubbornly.
“Georgie,” Emily began.
“No, don’t. It’s bad enough I still owe him,” George said bitterly.
“What are you talking about?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.
“The time he helped you… You would have died if he wasn’t there to help you in the forest,” George whispered.
“George, that was forever ago. You don’t owe him anything. And besides, this isn’t about Draco and you; this is about Ruthie and Scorpius.” Emily crossed her arms across her chest and he sighed.
“Why did she have to fall for a Malfoy?” he asked sourly. Emily smiled slightly.
“C’mon, Georgie, Ruthie is trustworthy. There has to be a reason to her decision.”
“Fine, I guess,” he allowed. Emily kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand.
“Draco, Astoria!” Emily said in surprise as they walked out into the yard.
“We came to apologize,” Astoria said sheepishly.
“There is no apology necessary,” Emily smiled.
“Er, I should apologize,” Draco stated. “My behavior hasn’t been very gracious.” He held out his hand to George. Emily glanced at George.
“I guess I should apologize too,” George said reluctantly. “I’m sorry; I should have been a better host.”
“I’m sorry, too,” Draco said. George shook his hand and Emily and Astoria rolled their eyes.
“Boys,” Emily muttered under her breath, Astoria nodding in agreement.
“How do you think it’s going on out there?” Ruthie asked nervously.
“I don’t know,” Scorpius whispered, tightening his grip on her hand.
“Well, you sure do know how to surprise the parents for Christmas,” Sirius sniggered.
“That’s not even the half of it,” Teddy laughed before he could stop himself. Ruthie kicked him under the table, glaring at him.
“Owe! I’m sorry, it just slipped out,” he muttered.
“What does he mean, Ruthie?” Amelia asked suspiciously.
Without speaking, Ruthie held up her left hand. Amelia gasped as Sirius narrowed his eyes. James sniggered as Scorpius started sweating slightly.
“You’re getting married!” Sirius choked out.
“Who’s getting married?” George asked with a smile as the parents walked back into the room. Ruthie yanked her hand away and hid it under the table. Draco, George, Astoria, and Emily all froze, glancing between Scorpius and Ruthie.
What do you think?
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
You can quote, disagree with, glorify or vilify me But about the only thing you can't do is ignore me
Originally Posted by Jeyn<33
“Who’s getting married?” George asked with a smile as the parents walked back into the room. Ruthie yanked her hand away and hid it under the table. Draco, George, Astoria, and Emily all froze, glancing between Scorpius and Ruthie.
OMG! Emiiilllllllyyyyyyyy! Yay! OMG! OMG! They're getting married! Ruthie and Scorpie! They're getting married! Yay! OMG! Okay so I can't believe Jesse left that part out as he read the stories to ne when I was in the hospital! That's cruel and wrong! And OMG! I loved the posts Emily!
I would say more but I gotta go take care of Sara, she just started crying, bye! Love you!
Funny way to end it, not quite a cliffie because we know what will happen (or doo we..i know i know)
Hahaha, couldn't have put it better myself...
Hope you're feeling better
Thanks, Katie
Originally Posted by bassoonbuddy
Cuuute!!!(; I loved it!! (as usual)
Thank you!
Originally Posted by SarahLestrange
OMG! Emiiilllllllyyyyyyyy!
Yay! OMG! OMG! They're getting married! Ruthie and Scorpie! They're getting married! Yay! OMG! Okay so I can't believe Jesse left that part out as he read the stories to ne when I was in the hospital! That's cruel and wrong!
And OMG! I loved the posts Emily!
Thanks, Lauren
I would say more but I gotta go take care of Sara, she just started crying, bye! Love you!
Naw, precious; I hope all of you are doing well. Love you!
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
“Who’s getting married?” George asked with a smile as the parents walked back into the room. Ruthie yanked her hand away and hid it under the table. Draco, George, Astoria, and Emily all froze, glancing between Scorpius and Ruthie.
“Absolutely not!” George boomed.
“No way!” Draco agreed, shaking his head furiously as he glared at her hand.
“You’re too bloody young!” George yelled.
“We’re the same age as you and Mum when you got married,” Ruthie said defensively.
“Oh great, so we can blame this one on you then,” Draco hissed at George and Emily.
“You’re too young!” Emily said, ignoring Draco’s jibe.
“Mum, please. We’re serious about each other. We’re all each other wants,” Ruthie pleaded. “I expected you two to at least understand.”
“Why can’t you wait a few years?” Astoria piped in.
“My parents didn’t wait,” Ruthie told her.
“That was different, Ruthie. There was a war going on. We didn’t know how long we’d have together,” Emily said defensively.
“Look, we don’t want to wait. We’re in love and we want to start our lives together,” Scorpius said firmly as he stood from the table. Ruthie followed his example and stood too.
“We want you to be behind us, but if you’re not, then fine. We can go to Vegas for all we care,” Ruthie added.
“Oh, be reasonable, Ruth,” George said harshly.
“They are being reasonable. You’re the ones not listening to them,” Amelia said quietly. George turned to glare at her.
“Are you saying that your baby sister should get married right out of school?” George hissed at Amelia.
“I’m not a baby, Dad!” Ruthie yelled at him. Her face started turning ruby red in anger.
“She’s right,” Amelia said firmly. “She’s not a baby. She never really has been. She’s always been wise for her years. And trustworthy. Dad, she’s not making a rash decision. I’m sure she and Scorpius have thought this through.”
“And if they’re truly in love, then why wait?” Sirius added after his twin finished. George turned his glare back and forth between his eldest children.
Emily gently touched George’s arm, and George turned on the spot to glare at her now. “Are you about to tell me that you’re okay that our young daughter is getting married?” he growled at her.
Emily smiled gently and nodded. “Yes, I am,” she said simply. “Look, Georgie, they’re right. Ruthie doesn’t make rash decisions and she is mature. She knows what she’s doing. I’m going to be behind her one hundred percent. I’ll help her plan her wedding to the boy she loves and if you have a problem with it, then, well, I hope you think the couch is comfortable,” she said, dropping her hand from his arm. He narrowed his eyes at her and then nodded.
“Are you serious right now?” Astoria asked suddenly, looking at Emily.
“Well I’m not joking,” Emily hinted. Astoria huffed silently.
“They’re too young!” Astoria shouted at her.
Emily put her hands on her hips. “They’re of age and it’s their decision,” Emily said defensively.
“I am not going to let my son marry some blood traitorous, skanky bimbo!” Astoria screeched at her. Every Weasley in the room froze, including a Potter and a Lupin, and then Amelia, Sirius, Teddy, and James stood up to glare at the woman.
“You will never insult my daughter again,” Emily hissed as she grabbed her wand. She pointed it at Astoria’s chest while Astoria backed up slowly.
“Enough,” Draco said loudly, stepping between the two women. Emily pointed her wand at him then, but he just turned his back on her to face his wife. “Tori, look, we raised Scorpius right. Emily’s right. They aren’t making rash decisions, they’re of age, and it’s their choice. And I know that Ruthie is a great person, because well, her parents are great people, inside and out.” Draco glanced back at Emily, eyeing her wand. Emily reluctantly lowered it with a nod.
“Of course you’re going to side with her! You never really did get over her, did you?” Astoria screeched at Draco. He sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Y’all used to date?” Scorpius and Ruthie asked at the same time. The parents ignored them.
“You need to apologize for the insults, too, because if anybody is a blood traitor, it’s you. You’re betraying your own flesh and blood. Scorpius is your son, Tori, our son. We should be behind him no matter what choices he makes in life, including his decisions regarding his bride-to-be.” Draco stepped aside as Astoria started moving forwards.
“I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I was just upset, I didn’t mean it. I’m very embarrassed by my behavior, Emily, Ruthie. I hope you can forgive me at some point, now if you’ll excuse me, I need some air,” she said before turning on her heels and walking towards the front door.
“I, er, better go after her,” Draco said quietly as they heard the front door slam shut. He glanced at Scorpius and then pulled him into an unexpected hug. “I’m proud of you, son,” he whispered.
“Er, Dad, this is weird,” Scorpius muttered. Draco chuckled lightly and let him go. “But thanks.”
“If she’s anything like her mother, then I know she’s quite a catch,” Draco said quietly before turning around. He nodded once to Emily and shook George’s hand. He turned to Ruthie and kissed her forehead lightly. “Welcome to the family,” he whispered. Ruthie smiled slightly. Draco kissed Emily’s cheek in passing as he headed after Astoria.
“So, you guys are really okay with this?” Ruthie whispered as she wrapped her arm around Scorpius’s waist.
“Yeah, we’re okay with it,” Emily sighed after she glanced at George. She nudged him in the arm and he sighed.
“Yeah, we’re…okay with it,” he said, coughing slightly. Ruthie smiled swiftly as George shook Scorpius’s hand.
“Welcome to the family,” George said reluctantly.
“Thanks, sir,” Scorpius murmured.
“Oh, and you better call your Aunt Alice—I know she’ll want to help plan the wedding,” Emily said as they went to sit back down at the table.
“I was planning on calling her tomorrow,” Ruthie said absently as she sat back down.
What do you think?
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
It's great Emily! But I kinda hate Astoria right now...and I agree whole heartedly with draco, she's definetly being a blood traitor grrr...:S
great post
love you, <3
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Emily, I'm so sorry, I thought I had commented on your last post. I read it in english I was being sneeky. I had read it though. I'm sorry.
I was hopping for a war, but this is better. I'm glad they agreed to the wedding, though I quite enjoyed the cat fight between the mothers lol :L
Excellent post Emily.
Soph xx
Emily, I'm so sorry, I thought I had commented on your last post. I read it in english I was being sneeky. I had read it though. I'm sorry.
I was hopping for a war, but this is better. I'm glad they agreed to the wedding, though I quite enjoyed the cat fight between the mothers lol :L
Excellent post Emily.
Soph xx
No worries, Soph. Thanks
Okay, here's the deal. I'm probably going to start posting every two to three days, because, quite frankly, I'm ready for it to be over so I can start new things and focus on other projects, so, sorry if it seems too fast... I'll only PM you with a new post if you've replied to my previous post, so I don't flood your inbox, Excluding you, Kit, or anybody else that would still like me to PM them without them having commented previously; just let me know
With that said, New post
“Ruthie Ginerva Weasley,” Minerva McGonagall said clearly. Ruthie walked slowly up the stage, a tear or two coming from the corner of her eye. “Congrats, Ruthie,” McGonagall whispered to her as she handed her the diploma.
Ruthie smiled. “Thanks, Professor,” Ruthie whispered. She turned toward the part of the crowd that was cheering loudly and grinned. She moved the tassel on her cap and continued off the stage to her chair.
Ruthie vaguely heard her fellow classmates graduating around her as she searched the crowd again for her family. She watched as her father put his arm around her mother and kiss her forehead. Emily wiped away one of her tears and took more pictures of the Graduating Class.
Ruthie glanced to her right, towards the edge of the Quidditch Pitch and noticed a familiar mudslide. She glanced up at the brewing clouds. It was drizzling lightly upon the tent that they were under.
“And last, but certainly not least, Viola Zabini,” McGonagall said. Ruthie glanced over at the stage as Viola walked across, moving her own tassel.
“Will the Graduating Class of 2023 please rise,” McGonagall said. Professor Flitwick started the orchestra, music filling everyone’s ears. “Congratulations! You are finally graduates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!” McGonagall smiled curtly as the Graduating Class erupted into cheers and applause. Everyone was everywhere as they tried to find their friends.
Ruthie and Leslie hugged briefly before she went to find James in the stands. “Ruthie!” Scorpius yelled.
“Scorp!” Ruthie yelled back as she ran at him. She flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. Scorpius chuckled as he spun her around in the air, causing her to accidently kick a few people. They apologized, laughing.
“C’mon!” Scorpius said suddenly, tugging on her hand.
“Where are you taking me?” Ruthie yelled at him as they flew through the crowd.
“You’ll see,” he said, turning to grin at her.
“Scorpius, it’s raining!” she laughed as they ran out into the open, away from the safety of the tent. It was now pouring out and they were getting soaked.
“Thank you, Captain Obvious,” Scorpius sniggered. Ruthie scowled at him before laughing.
“Where in the name of Merlin are you taking me, Scorpius Malfoy?” Ruthie asked again.
“Simmer down, we’re nearly there,” Scorpius yelled back to her.
They continued running until they were on the far end of the Quidditch Pitch. Scorpius stopped abruptly and twirled around to face her. She glanced around, her eyes wavering to the ground. She smiled as she noticed the mudslide she had seen earlier.
She moved closer to him, her hands clutching to his wet shirt. His hands moved into her damp hair, tangling them there. “Scorpius?” Ruthie whispered. He smirked slightly at her as one of his hands drifted up and down her spine.
“When are you going to kiss me?” she said with a grin as she repeated her words from right before their first kiss.
“How about now?” he whispered, playing along. She smiled widely as he inched closer to her. Their lips met as a bolt of electricity rippled through their bodies. Ruthie’s arms wrapped around his neck as her legs wound around his waist. Scorpius purposely took a step toward the mudslide, not being careful. They slipped and fell into the mud, Scorpius flat on his back, Ruthie laughing on top of him.
“It seems you’re head over heels for me,” she whispered.
“You already knew that,” he chuckled.
“I love you,” Ruthie whispered against his slippery skin. Scorpius put both hands on either side of her face and pulled her face closer to his to kiss her gently. He turned them over so that her backside could get all muddy for once. She smiled against his lips as she felt the mud seeping through her robes and dress, soaking her.
Ruthie’s hands left his hair momentarily to grab fistfuls of mud. While still kissing him, Ruthie slung the mud at him from both sides. His lips halted immediately as he realized what she did. She was laughing uncontrollably as a smirk appeared on his face.
“You’ll pay for that,” he promised. Ruthie’s eyes went round as he reached for mud.
“You wouldn’t dare,” she whispered. An evil grin appeared on his face. “Scorpius!” she screeched as he rubbed it down her arms. Scorpius leaned back on his knees and Ruthie squirmed out from under him quickly. She ran for it, grabbing mud on her way. He threw the wet dirt at her back and she screamed again, laughing. She turned to throw it at him quickly and then circled round again. He grabbed for some and it hit her in the leg. She threw her handful at his back.
After quite a few minutes of the mud fight, Scorpius finally held up a hand in surrender. Ruthie grinned at him, skipping to his side. What she didn’t notice was the mud that was still in his other hand. As he enclosed her in his arms, he wiped the mud through her wet hair. She gasped at him, narrowing her eyes.
“You’re going to pay for that,” Ruthie said wickedly.
“I don’t think I am,” Scorpius said confidently as his arms wrapped tighter around her, causing less movement on her part.
“Maybe not now, but one day, when you’re least expecting it,” she promised.
“Uh huh, sure you will,” Scorpius chuckled as he kissed her neck. She tried holding her serious expression, but after a few minutes she couldn’t help but give in.
“So, now that you’re a graduate of 2023, what do you want to do?” Ruthie asked through kisses.
“Marry you,” he whispered against her lips. She smiled slightly before slinking her muddy hands through his hair.
They heard coughing off to the side and they split apart reluctantly. They both smiled sheepishly at their parents and the rest of their family. Scorpius and Ruthie were handed around the family into hugs and kisses as they wished the two congratulations, but only after they were cleaned via wand.
What do you think?
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
You can quote, disagree with, glorify or vilify me But about the only thing you can't do is ignore me
Great Post Em!
I wait patiently for more! Well, that's a bit of a lie, as I have no patience what-so-ever.
{Oh, please do PM even if I haven't replied, I don't mind flooded Inbox's }
That was adorable!! I hope one day I have a boyfriend like scorpious!! I loved it!! It was amazing as usual!! My heart skipped a beat!! And PLEASE pm me NO MATTER WHAT!!(: thaanks!!
Great Post Em!
I wait patiently for more! Well, that's a bit of a lie, as I have no patience what-so-ever.
{Oh, please do PM even if I haven't replied, I don't mind flooded Inbox's }
Thank you! And will do
Originally Posted by bassoonbuddy
That was adorable!! I hope one day I have a boyfriend like scorpious!! I loved it!! It was amazing as usual!! My heart skipped a beat!! And PLEASE pm me NO MATTER WHAT!!(: thaanks!!
Thanks! Me too I will
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
OMG! How funny was was that. You've gave me a great wee giggle Emily- Thank You!
I wonder if the mums and dads heard the last bit. I can't wait. I'm so excited!
Soph xx
New double post.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight charries or Esme Island--they belong to Stephanie Meyers; so please don't sue me
Scorpius and Ruthie found themselves, all too soon, planning for their wedding. Alice was basically living at the Weasley cottage now to help. She was the perfect person to plan a wedding; she threw amazing parties.
“So, how big are y’all willing to go?” Alice asked subtly as she danced around the room, straightening up things.
“Alice, we don’t want some massive wedding,” Ruthie huffed again.
“I was just checking that you didn’t change your mind,” Alice said defensively.
“I’m sure,” Ruthie muttered.
“I’m a vampire, Ruthie, I can hear everything,” Alice said with a laugh. Ruthie looked at her innocently while Scorpius chuckled.
“Alice,” Emily sang as she came in the room. “Don’t push it,” she warned.
Alice stuck her tongue out at Emily and Emily reciprocated it. “I’ll try,” she sighed.
“Alice, I’m sure it will be a similar size to Edward and Bella’s… Think of the possibilities less guests give you. You’ll have more room for more decorations,” Jasper chirped in. Ruthie narrowed her eyes at him, but let it go as soon as he controlled her mood.
“You don’t fight fair. Stop changing my moods,” Ruthie said as she made a face at him.
“Vampires never fight fair,” he laughed.
“True that,” she muttered.
“Have you found your dress yet? Can I pick it out?” Alice begged.
“Mum! She’s using her vampiric powers again!” Ruthie complained, indicating to her puppy dog eyes and pouting lip.
“Alice, we already talked about this,” Emily sighed. “Stop making that face; you know it doesn’t work on me,” she added. Alice kicked her from under the table as she narrowed her eyes.
“Owe! Alice, you’re a bloody rock, for crying out loud! Don’t kick me!” Emily huffed. She instantly calmed down as Jasper grinned at her.
“Not fair,” Emily grumbled.
“I, er, better get home… my Mum wanted to show me more houses,” Scorpius said, bad moodily.
“Already?” Ruthie frowned. He nodded slowly as he stood. “I’ll walk you out,” she whispered, taking his hand.
“I’ll miss you,” Ruthie whispered as Scorpius’s arms wound around her waist on the front porch.
“I’ll miss you more,” he said quietly.
“That’s doubtful,” she muttered.
“Don’t worry, love. In a few months time, we won’t have to say goodbye,” he said as he kissed her forehead.
“Mmmm, sounds like Heaven,” she sighed. He chuckled as Ruthie leaned her head on his chest. “More houses, huh?” she whispered against his shirt.
“Yeah, but I already know I won’t like them. Besides, I don’t want to live near them,” he said, making a face.
“Where do you want to live?” Ruthie asked quietly.
“Where do you want to live?” he replied.
“On a deserted tropical island where no one can find us,” she said, smiling.
“Sounds perfect,” he chuckled. “I’ll get right on finding one.”
“Good,” she laughed.
The next couple weeks consisted of picking so many things out. Ruthie and Scorpius had to decide on silverware and which plates to use. They had to figure out colors and flowers, not to mention which chairs, tables, music, and locations they were going to use. Thankfully, halfway anyway, Alice helped them with the right decisions and told them which ones they would pick anyway. At one point, Ruthie got so tired of it that she just huffed for Alice to tell her which one she picks so she didn’t have to deal with any of it.
“This is your wedding, you’re supposed to be having fun,” Alice murmured. Scorpius gave Ruthie a quizzical look as Ruthie just stared at the table cloth choices.
“C’mon, Ruthie, there’s something I want to show you,” Scorpius said quietly as he grabbed her hand. She followed him thankfully away from the house and gripped his hands tightly as he Disapparated them away.
“Where are we?” she asked as her hand quickly went to her eyes to shield the blinding sun.
“Our tropical island where no one can find us. I could tell you needed some time away from all of it. I’m sure Alice can manage without us for the night,” Scorpius murmured as he led the way down the beach. Ruthie glanced around. Trees covered the small island, and led the way to a small house on the beach.
“Where are we specifically?” Ruthie asked curiously.
“Esme Island,” Scorpius smiled. “I asked Alice if there were any deserted tropical islands I could take you to for our honeymoon and she said that she’d ask Esme if we could borrow hers. So, I guess it’s no longer a surprise,” Scorpius sighed.
“I’m sorry,” Ruthie whispered.
“For what?”
“For ruining the surprise,” Ruthie whispered, her fingers tightening around his fingers.
“I don’t care about the surprise, Ruthie. I care about you,” Scorpius said as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. Ruthie sighed as she leaned her head against his arm. “How are you?”
“I don’t know,” she said honestly. “I guess it’s just too stressful to make everything perfect.”
“Everything is perfect, Ruth. It’s perfect because I’m with you,” he whispered as he stopped and faced her by the sandy shore. Ruthie closed her eyes as his forehead touched her forehead. The light breeze made her hair sway out behind her.
“That’s what I needed,” she whispered. “All of this—I needed you.” A tear leaked out of her closed eye and he kissed it away.
“You already have me,” Scorpius whispered as his arms wound around her. “You’ve had me since day one.” He kissed her lightly before picking her up, cradling her in his arms. She giggled lightly as he walked towards the house.
They finally made it to the house and Scorpius let them in. He pulled her towards the couch and sat down, setting her on his lap. She cuddled up against his body as he lightly played with her hair.
“So, why exactly are you stressing?” Scorpius murmured.
Ruthie sat thoughtful for a minute before answering honestly. “I don’t really know. I just want you to be happy, and I keep second guessing all of the choices for the wedding because I don’t know if you really like them, or if you’re just saying you like them to make me happy.” Scorpius sat quietly for a second.
“Is that all you’re having second guesses about?” he whispered, a painful sound making it through to his voice. Ruthie twisted in his arms to read his expression. Her fingertips lightly grazed the outline of his lips.
“What do you mean, Scorp?” she asked in confusion.
“I mean me, Ruthie. Are you sure about me?” he whispered, looking down at his hands.
Ruthie placed her finger under his chin and brought his face up so he would look at her. “Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy,” she whispered carefully. “If there is anything I’m sure about in this world, it’s you.” Scorpius’s face slowly formed a grin as she smiled at him.
“Good,” he whispered.
“How could you even think that I wasn’t sure about you?” she asked him as a frown appeared on her face. “Are you having second thoughts?” she whispered in horror as the realization hit her.
“What? No!” Scorpius said in surprise. “Never! I’ve been waiting for you my whole life. I’m not about to give you up,” he said frantically. She smiled in relief at him.
“You better not be,” she laughed lightly. He chuckled slightly in return, cupping her cheek in his hand.
“I love you more than anything, Ruthie,” Scorpius said softly.
“As I love you,” she whispered. He brought her face to his and kissed her gently on the lips.
“So…” Ruthie began between kisses. Scorpius pulled back slightly to look at her, his eyebrows raised. “This is where our honeymoon will take place?” she whispered, a smile forming on her face.
“Yes,” he said hesitantly. “Unless you don’t want to… We can go somewhere else if you’d rather,” he said, a frown dropping onto his face.
“No!” Ruthie said in shock. “I love it! I can’t believe you were actually taking me to a deserted tropical island,” she whispered, looking down at their intertwined fingers.
“It’s what you wanted—of course I had to find it,” he said softly. She smiled as he brushed a few strands of her hair behind her shoulder.
“I guess we better get back before Alice gets a hold of us,” Ruthie sighed. Scorpius chuckled lightly.
“I don’t even want to think about what she’s done to our wedding since we’ve been gone,” he laughed. Ruthie groaned, getting up from his lap. He pulled her back down, trapping her in his arms against the couch.
“Scorpius!” she screeched, laughing.
“No frowning!” he demanded.
“It’s hard to do when you’re tickling me!” she yelled at him. He laughed lightly before he stopped tickling her.
“I mean it, Ruth. You’re not allowed to frown until after our honeymoon,” Scorpius said firmly.
“Yes, sir!” she said as she saluted him. He grinned at her as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.
“You are happy, right, Ruth?” Scorpius whispered, looking at her forehead instead of her eyes.
Ruthie put her finger under his chin as he finally met her eyes. “As long as I’m with you, I’ll be the happiest woman in the world,” she whispered. She traced the outline of his lips with her fingertips and he smiled.
“I guess you’ll be happy for a while then,” he whispered.
“It better be longer than a while, babe,” she chuckled.
What do you think?
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
This is such a beautiful story(: I looove it!! But I have a question, when they were on the beach,after ruthie said, "I guess we better get back before Alice gets ahold of us" is that when they dissaparated back to the house?
But I have a question, when they were on the beach,after ruthie said, "I guess we better get back before Alice gets ahold of us" is that when they dissaparated back to the house?
Umm, when she says that, she isn't on the actual beach. She's in the house that's on the beach, if that makes sense. They never actually Disapparate back to where Ruthie lives... Does that make sense? Sorry if it's confusing
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
Hello Emily. You've brought the story along beautifully. A lot of times when the writer wants to move the story on, a lot gets lost and left out. I think you've done masterfully getting all the important things in. I know I've said this before and I hope you know I am speaking truthfully when I say you are a very talented writer. I am NOT trying to make you feel good. I am trying to encourage you to keep writing, because it'd be a shame if your abilities got pushed to the side. I know life gets busy, but writing small stories like this will keep you in practice for that Novel down the road.
“Will the Graduating Class of 2023 please rise,” McGonagall said. Professor Flitwick started the orchestra, music filling everyone’s ears. “Congratulations! You are finally graduates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!” McGonagall smiled curtly as the Graduating Class erupted into cheers and applause. Everyone was everywhere as they tried to find their friends.
This brought back memories of my graduation, like it was yesterday. Very well written. I just can't imagine McGonagall saying, 'congrats' but that's fine.
“I mean it, Ruth. You’re not allowed to frown until after our honeymoon,” Scorpius said firmly.
I think there won't be any frowning after the Honeymoon.
Great writing Emily. And I don't think your PM's will flood my inbox. I hardly get any so, if you'd be so kind to keep PMing me when you post, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.
Emily, you are such a very talented writer. One day I hope to be picking out your bestseller from the bookstore shelf! Keep up the great writing. I am your biggest fan!
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Trust Alice!
It is going to be the best Wedding ever. I'm so excited.
And the honeymoon will be great! Though I hope they don't break any headboards lol.
PAMS Dear!