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Since the Common Room has been locked (the Great Lockout of '78) and all students forced out, the Hufflepuffs have had to make other arrangements for sleeping, eating, studying, dining, etc. Conveniently, the long dining tables of the Great Hall have also disappeared, perhaps under the same strange circumstances that led to the lockout....
As it is, the entirety of Hufflepuff House will be sleeping in thick, warm, purple bags with silver stars embroidered on them, right in the spot where their fancy table used to be. The bags are a Hogwarts' specialty, used only in certain circumstances, and although they are no match for a real mattress, they'll have to do for now.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Bliss walked into the Great Hall, where she knew she'd be sleeping tonight and stopped dead. The tables were all gone and all she could see were lots and lots of purple sleeping bags, which would obviously be the substitute mattresses. She looked around the Hall slowly and took in everyone's face. She could see that some members of the other houses were here. But there were no Hufflepuffs yet. LONESOME TIME.
She grabbed a sleeping bag and wandered over to the far end of the Great Hall and plonked herself down. She sat on the sleeping bag and brought her knees up to her chest.
Bliss walked into the Great Hall, where she knew she'd be sleeping tonight and stopped dead. The tables were all gone and all she could see were lots and lots of purple sleeping bags, which would obviously be the substitute mattresses. She looked around the Hall slowly and took in everyone's face. She could see that some members of the other houses were here. But there were no Hufflepuffs yet. LONESOME TIME.
She grabbed a sleeping bag and wandered over to the far end of the Great Hall and plonked herself down. She sat on the sleeping bag and brought her knees up to her chest.
This was going to be a looooong night.
Trying not to act all mopey about the whole situation, Ness eyed the great hall. Thank goodness Puffles had the instinct of not being in the common room when this had all happened. The little ball of fluff had run off before like he always did, which usually annoyed Ness. Today she was more than pleased that he did so, and when she spotted him on her way to the hall, she squished him tight keeping him in her hands.
Whatever was going on with the common rooms, Renesmee was FAR from pleased. She could deal with many things, but not having a bed to sleep in was not something that made her beam about. She struggled enough already with her sleep and now to think that she had to sleep in a sleeping bag all night. This was going to be great. :/
Walking over to only one other Hufflepuff in sight, Ness plunked Puffles carefully on a sleeping bag. "Sleep, baba." she whispered to her little pygmy puff quietly and only then noticed how purple the sleeping bags were. Hopefully they'd be as comfortable as, as pretty they were.
Before plunking herself down, Ness noticed that it was Bliss she saw earlier. "You all alright?" she asked. This must have been a hundred times scarier for the younger students.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
Trying not to act all mopey about the whole situation, Ness eyed the great hall. Thank goodness Puffles had the instinct of not being in the common room when this had all happened. The little ball of fluff had run off before like he always did, which usually annoyed Ness. Today she was more than pleased that he did so, and when she spotted him on her way to the hall, she squished him tight keeping him in her hands.
Whatever was going on with the common rooms, Renesmee was FAR from pleased. She could deal with many things, but not having a bed to sleep in was not something that made her beam about. She struggled enough already with her sleep and now to think that she had to sleep in a sleeping bag all night. This was going to be great. :/
Walking over to only one other Hufflepuff in sight, Ness plunked Puffles carefully on a sleeping bag. "Sleep, baba." she whispered to her little pygmy puff quietly and only then noticed how purple the sleeping bags were. Hopefully they'd be as comfortable as, as pretty they were.
Before plunking herself down, Ness noticed that it was Bliss she saw earlier. "You all alright?" she asked. This must have been a hundred times scarier for the younger students.
Having closed her eyes for a second, Bliss thought about all the possible reasons that this could have happened, but her mind came up blank. If this was a prank, by Peeves or someone, it was totally NOT funny. At all. Nobody could get any fresh clothes, or their books and some pets were even stuck in the Common Rooms.
It was horrible. Luckily for Bliss, her owl, Twitch was in the owlry. Though Bliss was worried about Hope, the owl that she'd bought Terry for Christmas, she hadn't talked to him yet, so wasn't sure where she was. Bliss just hoped she was safe.
Bliss opened her eyes as she heard someone come up beside her. It was her Quiddich Captain. "Hey Nessie," she said with a small smile. "Yes. I'm alright, are you?" She asked, her voice sweet and concerned. Bliss always put others feeling before her own. She wouldn't be okay until she knew that Nessie and everyone else was.
This event better be over soon, she thought. Otherwise there would be trouble.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva made her way to the great hall. She couldn't believe they were all sleeping here. What is he saw her in her Pj's and slippers. This was just so embarrassing, but no matter. She was so tired from everything that had went on and still a bit sad that all her planning was wasted. She saw to puffs already there and smiled at them. She wasn't feeling up to socializing at the moment and glanced around the other sleeping areas for the other houses. Finding her new bed sleeping bag and sat down on it. Well this was just interesting, what was going on. Why all this crazy stuff and where was Hadley, she hadn't seen her at all through this. That seemed just as weird as being thrown out of their common room.
Laura walked into the great hall and smiled this was going to be like a great big sleepover but she wasn't happy about the situation with the common rooms. "I don't know who decided to play a joke on everyone but this has gone too far." Laura sighed even she wouldn't have played this trick on everyone it was so totally mean. "How are you all?"
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura walked into the great hall and smiled this was going to be like a great big sleepover but she wasn't happy about the situation with the common rooms. "I don't know who decided to play a joke on everyone but this has gone too far." Laura sighed even she wouldn't have played this trick on everyone it was so totally mean. "How are you all?"
Bliss had been sat in the same position for a long time now, and as she turned round to greet Laura, she groaned. Her joins hated her. Who needed silly muscles? PSH. Oh, everyone. Right. Bliss sighed and looked up at her cousin. "Hey, Laura," she said cheerfully and grinned. "I'm okaaay, a liiiitle tired. YOU?" She asked and beamed at Laura.
This would either be a great night or a rubbish night and only time would tell.
Bliss had been sat in the same position for a long time now, and as she turned round to greet Laura, she groaned. Her joins hated her. Who needed silly muscles? PSH. Oh, everyone. Right. Bliss sighed and looked up at her cousin. "Hey, Laura," she said cheerfully and grinned. "I'm okaaay, a liiiitle tired. YOU?" She asked and beamed at Laura.
This would either be a great night or a rubbish night and only time would tell.
Laura looked at her cuz and smiled. "Hey Bliss." Laura really could wait for this, she went over and sat by her cousin. "Well if your tired why don't you sleep young lady." Laura decided to put on best motherly face. "Saying that why aren't you asleep young lady." Laura giggled as she tried to keep a straight face. "I'm great, just hoping they would find out who caused the common room to stop letting people in."
Belle was still utterly perplexed at why their common room was still locked but at least they would have sleeping quarters. She loved looking at the starry sky in the great hall. It made it peaceful to sleep at night.
When Belle entered the great hall. She saw her fellow friends there. She was gripping her puppy that she had in her bag when she was little. It was her good luck charm. It people judged her for it so what? It was a comfort! Belle waved to Minnie, Laura and Nessie. She was so comfortable in her hoodie and slippers. She was already starting to doze off.
Last edited by Expecto-Penguin; 10-27-2012 at 02:54 AM.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at her cuz and smiled. "Hey Bliss." Laura really could wait for this, she went over and sat by her cousin. "Well if your tired why don't you sleep young lady." Laura decided to put on best motherly face. "Saying that why aren't you asleep young lady." Laura giggled as she tried to keep a straight face. "I'm great, just hoping they would find out who caused the common room to stop letting people in."
Why didn't she go to sleep? One. Because she wasn't too hyperactive to sleep. Two. Someone might murder her face off. It was a possibility and she was NOT prepared to risk it. Nu-huh. "Um. Don't want to sleep, I guess," Bliss said and shrugged, not telling that the real reason is that she feared dying. Which was totally understandable. Obviously.
Bliss couldn't help but giggle at Laura's attempted stern motherly face. FAIL. And why wasn't she asleep? It didn't feel right to sleep yet, that's why. Hmmm. Mysteries, Bliss loved them. But not this one. "I wanna know that too," Bliss whined before shutting her eyes.
Why didn't she go to sleep? One. Because she wasn't too hyperactive to sleep. Two. Someone might murder her face off. It was a possibility and she was NOT prepared to risk it. Nu-huh. "Um. Don't want to sleep, I guess," Bliss said and shrugged, not telling that the real reason is that she feared dying. Which was totally understandable. Obviously.
Bliss couldn't help but giggle at Laura's attempted stern motherly face. FAIL. And why wasn't she asleep? It didn't feel right to sleep yet, that's why. Hmmm. Mysteries, Bliss loved them. But not this one. "I wanna know that too," Bliss whined before shutting her eyes.
Laura looked at Bliss and smiled, she had a feeling her cuz was lying to her but she wasn't going to push her cuz to tell her. "Bliss if you want to sleep, I'll stay awake." Laura wasn't that sleepy anyway, she would stay awake until a Professor told her off. "I know you want to sleep cuz, I can see it in your eyes." Laura was being truthful there.
Laura couldn't help but giggle when Bliss giggled at her, she was still trying to pull off the stern motherly face but it wasn't working as she hoped it would. "Young Lady it's bed for you." Laura said whilst still using the face and then she suddenly went into a laughing fit. "OH..oh...oh I can't do it, I seriously can't do it." Laura sighed, it was no use. "We'll find out soon I'm sure."
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella wasn't really a fan of the whole not having a bed to sleep in thing. She did however see the bright side of all the Hufflepuffs being stuck sleeping in the great hall. They'd wanted to have a big sleepover gathering and now they kind of were, yeah? Even if it wasn't exactly what they'd planned... Besides, Ella had gummy worms on her so she couldn't be too upset.
Sitting up in her purple sleeping bag, the third year opened up the package and sat quietly eating them. She was still wondering what was going on with the whole common room lockout debacle but she figured they'd hear news as soon as anything new happened...and until then they had nothing to do but wait.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by Harry174
Laura looked at Bliss and smiled, she had a feeling her cuz was lying to her but she wasn't going to push her cuz to tell her. "Bliss if you want to sleep, I'll stay awake." Laura wasn't that sleepy anyway, she would stay awake until a Professor told her off. "I know you want to sleep cuz, I can see it in your eyes." Laura was being truthful there.
Laura couldn't help but giggle when Bliss giggled at her, she was still trying to pull off the stern motherly face but it wasn't working as she hoped it would. "Young Lady it's bed for you." Laura said whilst still using the face and then she suddenly went into a laughing fit. "OH..oh...oh I can't do it, I seriously can't do it." Laura sighed, it was no use. "We'll find out soon I'm sure."
Curious. It looked as if Laura could tell that Bliss was keeping the whole truth for her. It wasn't that Bliss didn't want her cousin to know at all, it was just a bit embarrassing. "I'm alr-," Bliss started, but paused and considered this. "Okay, thank you, Laura," she said and smiled gratefully at Laura. She looked curiously at her, it showed in her eyes?
Really? Hmmm.
Bliss smiled as Laura giggled. Laura really wasn't doing well at pulling over a stern-mum face. "Okay, Mum," she said teasingly and started laughing. She laughed so much that she collapsed on the floor. Standing up, she grabbed her sleeping bag and hopped into it. Nice and snug. It wasn't the most comfortable of sleeping arrangements, but it would do.
Bliss curled into a little ball of the floor. "Night, Laura," she whispered quietly, before shutting her eyes.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Hadley was on her way toward the kitchens and the familiar barrels to go investigate the "lockout situation" when light and noise from the great hall caught her senses. Frowning, she pulled opened the door to the Hall and blinked in surprise at the sight of not only NO house tables or staff dais, but the tables were replaced with sleeping areas for each of the houses.
How long had her students been locked up and why had she been SO oblivious?
Marching over toward her badgers, she nodded at several of them there. Minnie, Ella, Bliss, her captain, her female prefect, Laura, ... But there were definitely quite a few missing. "Where's Logan? And Prefect Rasting?" She said, feeling sick with worry. If something happened to her nephew, her sister would SURELY kill her. "And so it's true then? Is everyone here alright?"
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Hadley!
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Hadley was on her way toward the kitchens and the familiar barrels to go investigate the "lockout situation" when light and noise from the great hall caught her senses. Frowning, she pulled opened the door to the Hall and blinked in surprise at the sight of not only NO house tables or staff dais, but the tables were replaced with sleeping areas for each of the houses.
How long had her students been locked up and why had she been SO oblivious?
Marching over toward her badgers, she nodded at several of them there. Minnie, Ella, Bliss, her captain, her female prefect, Laura, ... But there were definitely quite a few missing. "Where's Logan? And Prefect Rasting?" She said, feeling sick with worry. If something happened to her nephew, her sister would SURELY kill her. "And so it's true then? Is everyone here alright?"
Ella was just about to pop another gummy worm into her mouth when she noticed Hadley was heading towards them, well more marching. Sheesh that woman was a good marcher! She had the sudden urge to salute her but decided against it. "I'm sure they're fine, Professor." Ella said reassuringly, holding out her bag of gummy worms to Hadley. They helped, they really did. "I'm sure Sir Lewis is off tending to his Lad-I mean Kurumi. Checking on her and such..." Nod. Seemed totally legit. As for Pao, Ella wasn't too sure. She hadn't seen the little guy around yet...but that didn't mean anything was wrong with him. "Did you want me to go look for Pao, Professor?" Cause Ella was always up for a rescue mission and she was sure she could get someone to accompany her. Mhm!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva had fallen asleep only just a bit when she heard a voice talking. Opening her eyes she saw Professor Hadley and sat up in her sleeping bag. "Hello Professor" she yawned a bit, it had been a long evening filled with disappointment and confusion. "We are alright Professor, just a bit confused and lost.." She looked around, "Hey Ella, how's your sleeping bag?" Then looking at Belle, "How are you doing Belle?" She wanted to make sure her friend was alright after Ariana was mean to her at the entrance. She still wanted to grumble about. "Professor, do you have any clue what caused the lock outs? It was so weird. We were doing our Badger gathering and then we were out on our behinds locked out." She looked at Professor Hadley hoping to finally get some answers.
Good, at least one little youngster was alright. Nessie did tend to worry about the younger Hogwarts students, more than the older ones. This was because she remembered what it was liek being in their position, some of the older *cough* Slytherin *cough* students were scary and getting around wasn't as easy, as it was to someone who had been here a few extra years or so.
Before Nessie answered to Bliss, she made sure her sleeping bag was neat and clean. She gently pushed Puffles more to one side of the bag and then sat herself down on the other. She was now all not so set and comfy for tonight.
"I'm glad you're alright." She gave her a small smile and watched as other started to join them. "I'm good, good." Just not so keen about the sleeping bags, she wanted to add but knew better than to do so. "Covered around my favorite colour, what could be better?" That may have sounded more sarcastic than it was supposed to. Purple did in general make Ness feel a little better, but tonight even that wasn't helping too much with optimism.
As Bliss fell asleep, Ness noticed that Professor Hadley had joined them too, Paying her full attention to their spoken topic, she wanted to find details as to what really happened. There must have been some explanation no? Of course Hadley was right though, saftey came first and with that Nessie decided to offer her help. "Professor, I hope that you, yourself are alright. Would you like me to check around the school that nobody else is missing?" What she hadn't noticed was that Ella had already asked something similar. The more hands to help the better, no?
While almost everybody else was sleeping, or chatting with each other Nate was busy walking back and forth. He couldn't help, but try to think of a way how to get back into the common room. He really wanted to get back in there. there was that, and the fact that he was worried about his little cousin. They haven't spoke or seen each other for about a week now. Nate was extremly nervous. This would definately be the worst year at Hogwarts for Nate, and maybe his cousin. He wasn't sure because they haven't spoken with each other in about a week!
Nate was both mad and sad. Grrrrrr you whoever, or whatever is doing this!! Nate thought.
Hadley was on her way toward the kitchens and the familiar barrels to go investigate the "lockout situation" when light and noise from the great hall caught her senses. Frowning, she pulled opened the door to the Hall and blinked in surprise at the sight of not only NO house tables or staff dais, but the tables were replaced with sleeping areas for each of the houses.
How long had her students been locked up and why had she been SO oblivious?
Marching over toward her badgers, she nodded at several of them there. Minnie, Ella, Bliss, her captain, her female prefect, Laura, ... But there were definitely quite a few missing. "Where's Logan? And Prefect Rasting?" She said, feeling sick with worry. If something happened to her nephew, her sister would SURELY kill her. "And so it's true then? Is everyone here alright?"
Belle woke up a little bit and her eyes were watery with tiredness. She was almost passed out when Hadley came in. She was wondering where the Rasting and Logan were. Belle had no clue but she reassured Hadley they were fine. "Professor Hadley i am sure they are all fine. They know what the situation is and probably are handling it as we speak." Belle looked around and was sure everyone was all right. They just looked all sleepy.
SPOILER!!: Minnie!
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva had fallen asleep only just a bit when she heard a voice talking. Opening her eyes she saw Professor Hadley and sat up in her sleeping bag. "Hello Professor" she yawned a bit, it had been a long evening filled with disappointment and confusion. "We are alright Professor, just a bit confused and lost.." She looked around, "Hey Ella, how's your sleeping bag?" Then looking at Belle, "How are you doing Belle?" She wanted to make sure her friend was alright after Ariana was mean to her at the entrance. She still wanted to grumble about. "Professor, do you have any clue what caused the lock outs? It was so weird. We were doing our Badger gathering and then we were out on our behinds locked out." She looked at Professor Hadley hoping to finally get some answers.
Belle looked at Minnie and gave her a friendly smile. "Hi Minnie, i am doing fine..just exhausted." she let a huge yawn and started to curl up in her warm sleeping bag. "I just hope they find out who locked the common room up. I just wish i was in a more comfortable bed that is all. I just want answers to who did this."
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Still sopping wet from...well getting thrown into the sink, Oakey dragged himself over to the Great Hall and looked over each of the sleeping area's. One for each house it seemed. As he neared the group of Housemates he gave a smile to all except for Laura. No way should it ever be known that he had to get help from her to be removed from the sink. "Hello Professor, I'm not late for a speech or anything am I?" Oakey nodded to the Head of House as he claimed a sleeping bag next to Ella. He sat there for only a moment until he jumped up again! "I still need to dry off!" He said, plus he still smelled liked mashed potatoes.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva smiled at Belle, "Well at least we have somewhere to sleep, why don't you try to close your eyes and sleep a bit. It's been a crazy long day." She glanced towards the other sleeping areas wondering if they would get into trouble if they walked over to the other houses. She wasn't wanting to move anytime soon, but it was just a thought.
Looking at Oakey a smirk crossed her face, clearly still mad at him, "Oakey why are you wet? Where did you go after we were thrown from the common room?" She really had no clue why he would be so wet and wondered if he felt the need for a shower in the kitchen or something.
Turning when she heard Nessie she smiled a bit, "Nessie I could help if you needed it as well. I fell asleep for a bit and now I'm pretty much awake. So whatever needs done I could be some extra hands."
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Ella was just about to pop another gummy worm into her mouth when she noticed Hadley was heading towards them, well more marching. Sheesh that woman was a good marcher! She had the sudden urge to salute her but decided against it. "I'm sure they're fine, Professor." Ella said reassuringly, holding out her bag of gummy worms to Hadley. They helped, they really did. "I'm sure Sir Lewis is off tending to his Lad-I mean Kurumi. Checking on her and such..." Nod. Seemed totally legit. As for Pao, Ella wasn't too sure. She hadn't seen the little guy around yet...but that didn't mean anything was wrong with him. "Did you want me to go look for Pao, Professor?" Cause Ella was always up for a rescue mission and she was sure she could get someone to accompany her. Mhm!
As Ella spoke up first; Fina nodded slowly. They probably were fine. Lewis at least was because he was a seventh year, so if anything she could chalk his absence up to his being responsible. But Logan .... Pao ... he was just a mere child ... and worst, he was family. Well technically even non-family were family, but Pao was blood-family. And he was not here.
"Yes," she said quietly, "But ..." Before she could add on some stipulations, others spoke.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva had fallen asleep only just a bit when she heard a voice talking. Opening her eyes she saw Professor Hadley and sat up in her sleeping bag. "Hello Professor" she yawned a bit, it had been a long evening filled with disappointment and confusion. "We are alright Professor, just a bit confused and lost.." She looked around, "Hey Ella, how's your sleeping bag?" Then looking at Belle, "How are you doing Belle?" She wanted to make sure her friend was alright after Ariana was mean to her at the entrance. She still wanted to grumble about. "Professor, do you have any clue what caused the lock outs? It was so weird. We were doing our Badger gathering and then we were out on our behinds locked out." She looked at Professor Hadley hoping to finally get some answers.
What caused the lockouts? How could she possible know THAT when she only just found out they were locked out about ten minutes ago? "If I knew why you were locked out, then I doubt the sleeping quarters would've have been needed to be arranged in the Great Hall, eh?" Fina admitted.
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
Good, at least one little youngster was alright. Nessie did tend to worry about the younger Hogwarts students, more than the older ones. This was because she remembered what it was liek being in their position, some of the older *cough* Slytherin *cough* students were scary and getting around wasn't as easy, as it was to someone who had been here a few extra years or so.
Before Nessie answered to Bliss, she made sure her sleeping bag was neat and clean. She gently pushed Puffles more to one side of the bag and then sat herself down on the other. She was now all not so set and comfy for tonight.
"I'm glad you're alright." She gave her a small smile and watched as other started to join them. "I'm good, good." Just not so keen about the sleeping bags, she wanted to add but knew better than to do so. "Covered around my favorite colour, what could be better?" That may have sounded more sarcastic than it was supposed to. Purple did in general make Ness feel a little better, but tonight even that wasn't helping too much with optimism.
As Bliss fell asleep, Ness noticed that Professor Hadley had joined them too, Paying her full attention to their spoken topic, she wanted to find details as to what really happened. There must have been some explanation no? Of course Hadley was right though, saftey came first and with that Nessie decided to offer her help. "Professor, I hope that you, yourself are alright. Would you like me to check around the school that nobody else is missing?" What she hadn't noticed was that Ella had already asked something similar. The more hands to help the better, no?
Her alright? OF course she was alright? Why wouldn't she be? Her office was mostly unscathed, as was her classroom, even with the bit of flooding experienced earlier that year. "I'm fine..." she nodded. And then Nessie offered to go look for those who were missing and lost around the school. Well it would probably be better if Ella went with Ness, considering Ness had a badge.
Originally Posted by hpfan18
Belle woke up a little bit and her eyes were watery with tiredness. She was almost passed out when Hadley came in. She was wondering where the Rasting and Logan were. Belle had no clue but she reassured Hadley they were fine. "Professor Hadley i am sure they are all fine. They know what the situation is and probably are handling it as we speak." Belle looked around and was sure everyone was all right. They just looked all sleepy.
Ah good, her Prefect seemed more awake now, though slightly weary, which she supposed was understandable.... "Lewis is fine maybe, but Logan ... Pao ... he's young. He's small."
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose
Still sopping wet from...well getting thrown into the sink, Oakey dragged himself over to the Great Hall and looked over each of the sleeping area's. One for each house it seemed. As he neared the group of Housemates he gave a smile to all except for Laura. No way should it ever be known that he had to get help from her to be removed from the sink. "Hello Professor, I'm not late for a speech or anything am I?" Oakey nodded to the Head of House as he claimed a sleeping bag next to Ella. He sat there for only a moment until he jumped up again! "I still need to dry off!" He said, plus he still smelled liked mashed potatoes.
Before she could continue or assign duties or anything, she turned around to find herself face-to-face with a soaking, dripping wet Oakey. Only Oakey could find himself soaked in water when the flooding had receded. "No, not late, I just arrived myself a few moments ago, but .... why in the name of Wenlock are you so wet?"
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva smiled at Belle, "Well at least we have somewhere to sleep, why don't you try to close your eyes and sleep a bit. It's been a crazy long day." She glanced towards the other sleeping areas wondering if they would get into trouble if they walked over to the other houses. She wasn't wanting to move anytime soon, but it was just a thought.
Looking at Oakey a smirk crossed her face, clearly still mad at him, "Oakey why are you wet? Where did you go after we were thrown from the common room?" She really had no clue why he would be so wet and wondered if he felt the need for a shower in the kitchen or something.
Turning when she heard Nessie she smiled a bit, "Nessie I could help if you needed it as well. I fell asleep for a bit and now I'm pretty much awake. So whatever needs done I could be some extra hands."
And then Minnie offered to help search for missing, straggling students as well. "I'm not sure I really think three of you wandering around the school will be such a good idea. Ness and Ella? You two can go and look for those missing or lost..." Since then asked about it first. "Minerva, since you're awake, you can keep help keep an eye on the sleeping quarters. Comfort and make sure your peers don't wander off." Along with Belle, of course, but as Belle was Prefect, that was sort of obvious for her, she hoped.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva frowned a bit, "Yeah dumb question, sorry professor. It was just all so odd.." She hated not knowing, even if it was Peeves or something , she could at least know it was him, but not knowing at all was driving her crazy. She then listened to Hadley talk about about the different ones not around. She knew she had seen Lewis at the party, but she couldn't remember, "Wait, Professor I know they both were at the party before we were kicked out and I want to say Pao went looking for you after we were kicked out." She didn't know if that would help at all, but at least they had a starting point of where the two were last seen.
Then looking around at the others, "Of course professor, you know I'll help anyway I can." She got up out of her sleeping bag, readjusted her slippers and started doing a walk around their sleeping area to make sure all were calm and didn't need anything.
It was Fortuitous. Yeah, she would go with that. Sure, she had been locked out of her common room, but she had her bag. She knew where her towel was. As she made her way to the Great Hall with everybody else, her hand reached into her bag and pulled the towel out. Yeah, this was one of those “Don't Panic” moments.
Entering the Great Hall, she paused. Apparently all the houses were locked out? She found herself playing with the end of the towel as she walked along to their sleeping area. Scanning the room, she found the Ravenclaw section, and then searched the sea of people for Max. Seeing him, she found an available sleeping bag that was closest to him, and sat her bag down on top of it. It felt safest here.
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Oakey
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose
Still sopping wet from...well getting thrown into the sink, Oakey dragged himself over to the Great Hall and looked over each of the sleeping area's. One for each house it seemed. As he neared the group of Housemates he gave a smile to all except for Laura. No way should it ever be known that he had to get help from her to be removed from the sink. "Hello Professor, I'm not late for a speech or anything am I?" Oakey nodded to the Head of House as he claimed a sleeping bag next to Ella. He sat there for only a moment until he jumped up again! "I still need to dry off!" He said, plus he still smelled liked mashed potatoes.
Ella was waiting from a reply from a very worried looking Hadley when Oakey strolled over and sat down next to her. She turned to greet him and her green eyes grew wide when she noticed he was soaking wet...HUH? "Oakey I..." Sniff.Sniff. "What's that smell...and why are you wet?" Strange...even for Oakey.
SPOILER!!: Hadley
Originally Posted by PumpkinRising
As Ella spoke up first; Fina nodded slowly. They probably were fine. Lewis at least was because he was a seventh year, so if anything she could chalk his absence up to his being responsible. But Logan .... Pao ... he was just a mere child ... and worst, he was family. Well technically even non-family were family, but Pao was blood-family. And he was not here.
"Yes," she said quietly, "But ..." Before she could add on some stipulations, others spoke.
What caused the lockouts? How could she possible know THAT when she only just found out they were locked out about ten minutes ago? "If I knew why you were locked out, then I doubt the sleeping quarters would've have been needed to be arranged in the Great Hall, eh?" Fina admitted.
Her alright? OF course she was alright? Why wouldn't she be? Her office was mostly unscathed, as was her classroom, even with the bit of flooding experienced earlier that year. "I'm fine..." she nodded. And then Nessie offered to go look for those who were missing and lost around the school. Well it would probably be better if Ella went with Ness, considering Ness had a badge.
Ah good, her Prefect seemed more awake now, though slightly weary, which she supposed was understandable.... "Lewis is fine maybe, but Logan ... Pao ... he's young. He's small."
Before she could continue or assign duties or anything, she turned around to find herself face-to-face with a soaking, dripping wet Oakey. Only Oakey could find himself soaked in water when the flooding had receded. "No, not late, I just arrived myself a few moments ago, but .... why in the name of Wenlock are you so wet?"
And then Minnie offered to help search for missing, straggling students as well. "I'm not sure I really think three of you wandering around the school will be such a good idea. Ness and Ella? You two can go and look for those missing or lost..." Since then asked about it first. "Minerva, since you're awake, you can keep help keep an eye on the sleeping quarters. Comfort and make sure your peers don't wander off." Along with Belle, of course, but as Belle was Prefect, that was sort of obvious for her, she hoped.
Yes? So Hadley did want her to go search for Pao? Ella nodded, waiting to her what the but was though it never came as lots of other people were suddenly talking to their Head of House. Not surprising really, as no one really knew what was going on. The third year just listened quietly, waiting to figure out where she was needed.
SNORT. Ella had to do everything in her power not to laugh at Hadley's reaction to Oakey's appearance. She just shook her head, a small smile on her face.
Oh, assignments..right. "Yes Professor?" Ella answered when her name was called. "I...okay. We can do that." And the third year looked from Hadley to Ness, biting her lip. "Where should we start?" She asked more quietly to the red head, wondering where they should go first.