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The cleanest room in the entire castle is, for more than obvious reasons, the hospital wing. Considering this is a magical school and accidents happen, it is not uncommon to see students and even staff being sent or brought here throughout the school year. Rest assured that no matter what mishap or injury you have, the school healer will have you fixed up and back to normal in no time ... depending on the severity, of course.
The primary feature of this decent-sized room are a series of standard issued beds. Accompanying each bed is a set of dividers, meant to give the person staying here privacy, and a wheeled table at the foot of it containing a jar of crystal clear water, glasses, and a vase of brightly coloured flowers. For those staying overnight, the bedside tables contain a set of sterile pyjamas and a pair of clean socks that are charmed to adjust and fit the wearer. Two steel chairs have been provided for visitors -- these are not the most comfortable as the patients here need plenty of rest in order to recover quickly. As per her job description, the healer rarely leaves the room when there are patients under her care and is always on call.
Alongside a storage room and a small clean bathroom for patient use, the healer has an office just off to one side of the main hospital wing where you can speak with her privately, either about medical concerns or in regards to the subject she teaches: Charms.
OOC: Please do not play for the Healer. Neva Peralta, played by TakemetothBurrow, will be happy to help your character.
For Evan Nam/ Chellie! Also open to whoever wants to join
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Lisa had a funny feeling in her tummy. And it all started when she saw Jasper Botros look over to the Gryffindor table with heart eyes.
She had never felt this way before. She couldn’t reason the sensation and had spent hours trying to self-diagnose what it could possibly be. Was she dying? Very possibly so.
In reality, she wasn’t dying… she just had a bad case of the feels.
Evan did not understand most things about feelings, and in fact he didn't even recognize them often in himself. So when he had noticed Lisa looking off, and she had mentioned not feeling well - he had suggested a trip to the Hospital Wing after. Was it a possibility that she had eaten too much at the table? Or maybe was just having some type of reaction to something?
He had no idea. But he was sure the Healer would.
Following after her as they made their way, he walked a bit behind so he could scrutinize her and watch for any worsening symptoms as they walked. Consistently asking, "Are you okay?", "Feel any different?", "New symptoms?"
He was extra annoying when he was concerned.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Evan was the bestest brother in the world even if he was almost smothering with the Spanish Inquisition type questions that he was laying on. She tried her best to restrain herself from rolling her eyes. Evan was by far worse than Noah checking in on her. But he was doing it because he cared. She didn’t recognize it for it didn’t make her feel better in the moment but she’d think back on this moment fondly later on in the term.
She turned around to her brother with arms folded and back slightly hunched over her tummy. “I don’t know… my tummy’s flip flopping and swirling… it makes no sense biologically but can your tummy get loose and get all weird. I started feeling that way at the Term Feast. Maybe I was upset because Schmoe was gone but I like Professor Carton SO MUCH. I just…. I feel sick…. can I have a candy?”
She gave him the biggest puppy eyes ever before continuing to waddle over to a chair. She promptly seated herself, sinking into the chair with hands across chest.
It was not on the agenda to stop by the hospital wing today. Maya had recently replenished her mini first aid kit and had no reason to stop by to ask for bandages or anything of that sort. But instead of going up to the fourth floor like she typically did to go to the library, she had found herself making a detour onto the third.
It all made sense once she had stepped foot into the hospital wing and saw both her siblings there. So Maya raised a hand in greeting. "My Nam senses were tingling," she joked, small smile on her face before she noticed who was in the chair. Her face immediately turned serious. "Lisa, are you sick? Do we need to owl appa? What about Noah? What's wrong?" Then she looked at Evan. "Did someone hurt her in the common room? Who was it?"
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Flip flopping and swirling...? He wasn't familiar with that description at all, and really wasn't sure what that meant for how she was feeling. Tummy felt.... loose? "Do you uh.... need to use the loo?" Was this a stomach bug, perhaps? He'd never gotten sick before from food at the feast, but if he knew Lisa he wouldn't be surprised if she had eaten WAY too much candy on the train and maybe that was causing the issue? Or maybe she accepted someone else's food again and THAT had been bad? "Why would missing Schmoe make you feel sick??" Which yes, Evan had the same conflicting feelings regarding the change in Head of House, but he certainly didn't feel ill about it.
At the request for a candy, older brother eyed the youngest sister, feeling like it was probably a very bad idea to give candy to someone not feeling well. And he WAS going to say no, but then he did remember he had a ginger hard candy and that was usually good for stomach queasiness. Which he was still assuming this was the case, so he pulled that out and handed it over. "Only the one. And spit it out if it makes you feel worse."
And then, entirely unsurprising to him, Maya turned the corner too and Evan offered a small smile at all her questions as well. "Appa wouldn't be able to do much, but Noah could if the Healer can't help explain what's wrong." Since Noah could apparate to Hogsmeade to get them if they absolutely needed. Travel for Appa would take far too long. "No one hurt her in the common room though. Her stomach just isn't feeling good." And he figured bringing her here was the best, just in case.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
She pouted as she looked up at Evan, clutching her stomach in desperation. She flushed at his question. “No, I don’t need too!!” She had already gone to the loo and that hadnt helped at ALLL! *lesigh* Oh woe is she! His question about missing Schmoe and making her sick did give her pause. Well she hadn’t thought that he would ask her that so she froze momentarily as she tried to think through answers and possible scenarios. “Welllll he makes it feel like home and it wasn’t Schmoe per sey but maybe …. MAAAAYBE he was a component of the ill feeeling in my stomach.”
She folded her arms. “I don’t know why I feel this way and it’s….” Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she felt the tears building up. Her lip wobbled too. “I’m…. Scared.” what if she was dying? She eagerly took the ginger candy and plopped it into her mouth. “Delicious…. Evan.. if I don’t make it, will you take care of Pascal? Can you give Jasper his Jersey that Ash’s bodyguard won? And give all my friendship bracelets to Serena and then some to Ollie and V. And flowers to Remy! And my bird watching book to Aries!…” Did she have to write out her will now tooo? “Oh and be Daniel’s friend, promise?” She couldn’t forget Daniel.
She gets like she was going to begin to hyperventilate. Fortunately Maya arrived which was a much needed distraction. “Mai,” she said flashing a small smile at her older sister. “I don’t know what’s wrong. I just … my tummy is flip flopping, I feel like I’m going to BURST into tears, and …. I miss Noah. And Appa.” One singular tear ran down her cheek and then another one followed shortly.
Maya took a seat right next to Lisa, putting an arm around her. She looked at Evan with wide eyes - she always did have a particularly soft spot for the youngest in the family. When Evan said that no one had hurt Lisa in the common room, she felt a bit relieved. "Her stomach?" Maya looked at her younger sister, and rubbed circles on her back. "Maybe we should owl Noah just in case..."
At Lisa's mention of flip flopping and bursting into tears, Maya felt awful. She liked having answers and didn't have any at that time. All they could really wait was for the healer to get there and diagnose the youngest Nam. And then there were actual tears!
While normally, Maya would pause to further examine the situation and see if Lisa was maybe lying she couldn't right now. How could she when Lisa was in pain?! Wait. Emotional. Stomach not feeling great. What if... the Slytherin looked around before whispering quietly in Lisa's ear, "Are you having... cramps?" Was the youngest growing up? Enter teenagerdom? Turning her attention to Evan, "Maybe we should owl eomma and have Noah bring her."
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
The loo hadn't helped? Well... there went the only idea he had had regarding what could be the matter. But he was relieved at least to know there had been no bad food, as he liked the house elves far too much to not feel guilty having even thought the idea. Schmoe had made it feel like home? As much as Evan liked the Professor, he wouldn't have gone that far. But he actively tried to not get too attached to most people to think of anyone in that matter. Even his crush so far had been easy to stay away from, which was good considering he had made the decision already to do so until things went away. "So essentially... you could be homesick? For Schmoe?" Well... there was certainly no way to fix that particular problem.
"Oh Liss...." The eyes watering broke him a little bit, and more emotion showed in his expression than he usually allowed as he sat down on the other side of his sister, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. "It's okay, Lisa. There's no reason to be scared, okay? We'll get you checked out and I'm sure everything'll be right as rain." Ahhh, and then here came the dramatics. She was certainly no where near dying, but he'd humor her since she was not feeling great and just say yes on all the things to appease her. Even though he had major concerns about most of the things she was listing. Pascal? Pads could still decide to eat him. He didn't even know who Jasper was, and while he could easily take care of the requests for the girls (though why was he giving Remy flowers???), there was no way he wouldn't deliver the book to the wrong Flamsteed. And Daniel? When Evan had first met him in DA, and not really seen him much since, it had very much seemed the boy was prone to disliking him. But he wouldn't point any of this out, simply go with, "Sure, Liss."
At the question of her stomach, Evan nodded his head. Shrugging his shoulders when she said they should owl Noah. What was Noah supposed to be able to do that the Healer could not? Though he remained silent on that. He watched his sisters for a moment, and was unfortunately close enough to hear Maya's question in which he turned BRIGHT red and stood up to move farther away so they could uh... talk more privately. Because he did not need to be apart of this conversation. "I think.. er... it'd be easier to just ask Noah to mirror with Eomma. And some of the uh... older girls... should be able to help here......." Like maybe Kinsay's sister, or Claudine, or anyone. And hopefully he could be very far away for the conversation.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
She wasnt following his questions so she gave him a deadpan expression before shrugging her shoulders. “Maybe?” she wasn’t entirely sure where the HoH comment had been going. She had lost the plot on that one! “I just miss him.. ”
The waterworks were a solid trick to use on him. Just as effective as they had been on Noah. Truth be told, Lisa did feel off so the hand squeeze was nice and comforting. She leaned her head against his shoulder briefly before moving her hands to rub her eyes. “Its really important that you be friends with Daniel. He needs them. I’m his ONLY friend.” Well… Alfie was his friend too. But she was HIS BEST FRIEND- even if self-proclaimed. “Take care of Remy and Serena. Ollie too. And V. And Jasper.”
Lisa snuggled into Maya, enjoying the embrace and being wrapped up in warmth. Her cheeks TURNED BRIGHT PINK AT MAYA’s QUESTION. Uhhhh had Evan heard them? Eyes flicked to their brother before back to Maya. She did notice how uncomfortable Evan looked and the thought of making him uncomfortable seemed fun soooooooo…. She would roll with it.
“Maybe… Evan. What do YOU think about it?” she asked, directly making eye contact with her brother.
Maya thought it was a perfectly normal topic to bring up and wasn't uncomfortable with the subject though it was clear that her siblings were. The Slytherin looked at her Ravenclaw siblings, seeing exactly how flustered Evan was and red. A slight smirk crossed her face, even more so when she looked down at Lisa and the youngest's face was pink.
Point - Maya.
"Do you want to mirror with eomma?" She wasn't sure if one of the older girls in the school should be the one to talk to Lisa about it when their own mother could definitely explain it in a way that would be pleasant for both parties. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from giggling when Lisa looked Evan right in the eyes and asking what he thought about it. This whole situation was turning into a much more humorous one. And hopefully it helped Lisa get her mind off of her stomach's flip flopping. "Lees, you didn't answer my question though," she pointed out.
She would enjoy watching both her siblings squirm.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
He also wasn't sure what also to say about their previous Head of House at this point, so he let that topic drop off as well. Just... eying her more when she pressed on about how it was SO important that he befriend Daniel. "You seem awfully concerned about Daniel. Why not introduce him more to Maya and I then so we can try too?" And perhaps he was also plotting a little bit of his own revenge payback for all the times she'd harped about him and Mamie. Though this was all ammunition for when she was much, MUCH older. "I don't know the last one." But okay on the others. He liked all of Lisa's friends well enough, though he had clear favoritism for Ollie and even V to an extent, though he hadn't spent as much time talking to her.
Could he be even MORE of a tomato at this point? And WHY was he being dragged more into this conversation??? "I think you should ask Professor Peralta." And uh, not him please and thank you. "Mirroring works. Professors work." Anyone not named Evan Nam was actually a lovely option, sisters dearest. And actually, he saw his out and so he hopped a bit. "I can even go get the mirror now for you!"
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
Violet was still having periods of forgetfulness and fuzzy thinking ever since being exposed to those candles of Healer Poppy's last year. The healers her grandfather took her to over the summer said that she was probably allergic to something in the potions Poppy used, possibly dragon heart, and that it would go away in time, now that she was no longer being exposed. But it was taking too much time! And this was her fifth year at Hogwarts and that meant O.W.L.S., and Violet was not going to let Poppy's foolishness cost her her grades, not in this important year. Not without doing everything she could about it, at any rate.
So, much as she hated to ask for help for anything, she'd taken herself up to the infirmary to ask if there was anything that could help. At least, that was her original intent, but since the owl post had come in that morning, she had something even more important to ask about.
Walking in the door, she looked around to see if Professor Peralta was anywhere about.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Lisa, Evan, Maya
Originally Posted by Watson
She wasnt following his questions so she gave him a deadpan expression before shrugging her shoulders. “Maybe?” she wasn’t entirely sure where the HoH comment had been going. She had lost the plot on that one! “I just miss him.. ”
The waterworks were a solid trick to use on him. Just as effective as they had been on Noah. Truth be told, Lisa did feel off so the hand squeeze was nice and comforting. She leaned her head against his shoulder briefly before moving her hands to rub her eyes. “Its really important that you be friends with Daniel. He needs them. I’m his ONLY friend.” Well… Alfie was his friend too. But she was HIS BEST FRIEND- even if self-proclaimed. “Take care of Remy and Serena. Ollie too. And V. And Jasper.”
Lisa snuggled into Maya, enjoying the embrace and being wrapped up in warmth. Her cheeks TURNED BRIGHT PINK AT MAYA’s QUESTION. Uhhhh had Evan heard them? Eyes flicked to their brother before back to Maya. She did notice how uncomfortable Evan looked and the thought of making him uncomfortable seemed fun soooooooo…. She would roll with it.
“Maybe… Evan. What do YOU think about it?” she asked, directly making eye contact with her brother.
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Maya thought it was a perfectly normal topic to bring up and wasn't uncomfortable with the subject though it was clear that her siblings were. The Slytherin looked at her Ravenclaw siblings, seeing exactly how flustered Evan was and red. A slight smirk crossed her face, even more so when she looked down at Lisa and the youngest's face was pink.
Point - Maya.
"Do you want to mirror with eomma?" She wasn't sure if one of the older girls in the school should be the one to talk to Lisa about it when their own mother could definitely explain it in a way that would be pleasant for both parties. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from giggling when Lisa looked Evan right in the eyes and asking what he thought about it. This whole situation was turning into a much more humorous one. And hopefully it helped Lisa get her mind off of her stomach's flip flopping. "Lees, you didn't answer my question though," she pointed out.
She would enjoy watching both her siblings squirm.
Originally Posted by Chelliephone
He also wasn't sure what also to say about their previous Head of House at this point, so he let that topic drop off as well. Just... eying her more when she pressed on about how it was SO important that he befriend Daniel. "You seem awfully concerned about Daniel. Why not introduce him more to Maya and I then so we can try too?" And perhaps he was also plotting a little bit of his own revenge payback for all the times she'd harped about him and Mamie. Though this was all ammunition for when she was much, MUCH older. "I don't know the last one." But okay on the others. He liked all of Lisa's friends well enough, though he had clear favoritism for Ollie and even V to an extent, though he hadn't spent as much time talking to her.
Could he be even MORE of a tomato at this point? And WHY was he being dragged more into this conversation??? "I think you should ask Professor Peralta." And uh, not him please and thank you. "Mirroring works. Professors work." Anyone not named Evan Nam was actually a lovely option, sisters dearest. And actually, he saw his out and so he hopped a bit. "I can even go get the mirror now for you!"
Neva had been listening to the conversation play out for some time now and while she had hoped Miss Nam's upset tummy would've been cured by some comforting words from her classmate and brother, it didn't seem to be working out that way. Perhaps she could help move them along.
"Everything okay out here?" The Charms professor and Healer stood with her hands on her hips, observing the kids curiously.
SPOILER!!: Violet
Originally Posted by MadAlice
Violet was still having periods of forgetfulness and fuzzy thinking ever since being exposed to those candles of Healer Poppy's last year. The healers her grandfather took her to over the summer said that she was probably allergic to something in the potions Poppy used, possibly dragon heart, and that it would go away in time, now that she was no longer being exposed. But it was taking too much time! And this was her fifth year at Hogwarts and that meant O.W.L.S., and Violet was not going to let Poppy's foolishness cost her her grades, not in this important year. Not without doing everything she could about it, at any rate.
So, much as she hated to ask for help for anything, she'd taken herself up to the infirmary to ask if there was anything that could help. At least, that was her original intent, but since the owl post had come in that morning, she had something even more important to ask about.
Walking in the door, she looked around to see if Professor Peralta was anywhere about.
Violet happened to be in luck as Professor Peralta was grading papers on a particularly slow afternoon. Not that she was complaining. No injuries or ill children wasn't exactly the norm around here, and she quite liked the quiet.
Hearing footfalls, the brunette pushed herself out of her chair and approached the fifth year. "Hello, Miss Blackthorne. Everything alright?"
Violet happened to be in luck as Professor Peralta was grading papers on a particularly slow afternoon. Not that she was complaining. No injuries or ill children wasn't exactly the norm around here, and she quite liked the quiet.
Hearing footfalls, the brunette pushed herself out of her chair and approached the fifth year. "Hello, Miss Blackthorne. Everything alright?"
"Um...no, not exactly, Professor Peralta. I'm...well, I think I'm still having some after-effects from that potion Healer Poppy put in those candles last year. The healers my grandfather took me to think it's some sort of allergy to something she used, maybe dragon heart. Last year I kept having headaches and getting nauseous, and even after I went home and wasn't exposed to the candles anymore, I get bouts of...I have trouble concentrating and remembering things, and my thinking is kind of fuzzy. Professor Recard probably put something in my records about it." Professor Recard, who was no longer here. Nor was Professor Schmoe. The two teachers Violet had felt she could talk to were gone now and she felt at a loss as to who she could ask about her next problem. But one issue at a time.
"Anyway--is there anything you could do about it? Because this is my fifth year and that means O.W.L.S., and I can't afford to be having problems like this this year" Violet got a tad shrill by the end of this, because, well, she was a Slytherin and O.W.L.S. were important.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by MadAlice
"Um...no, not exactly, Professor Peralta. I'm...well, I think I'm still having some after-effects from that potion Healer Poppy put in those candles last year. The healers my grandfather took me to think it's some sort of allergy to something she used, maybe dragon heart. Last year I kept having headaches and getting nauseous, and even after I went home and wasn't exposed to the candles anymore, I get bouts of...I have trouble concentrating and remembering things, and my thinking is kind of fuzzy. Professor Recard probably put something in my records about it." Professor Recard, who was no longer here. Nor was Professor Schmoe. The two teachers Violet had felt she could talk to were gone now and she felt at a loss as to who she could ask about her next problem. But one issue at a time.
"Anyway--is there anything you could do about it? Because this is my fifth year and that means O.W.L.S., and I can't afford to be having problems like this this year" Violet got a tad shrill by the end of this, because, well, she was a Slytherin and O.W.L.S. were important.
Neva listened carefully as she moved to leaf through the files she had on the students. Some had little to nothing at all, while the more accident prone might have report after report to look over. Finding the one she wanted, she pulled it out and flipped it open, glancing from Violet to the records and back again. The fact that she was experiencing memory loss was interesting, considering that she hadn't encountered any other situations among those who'd been exposed to Healer Poppy's ridiculous attempts at "helping." It was concerning too, as memory loss was nothing to sweep under the rug. She frowned slightly, considering.
"There are potions, of course. Ones that help to keep the mind alert and focused. My concern is that if there are any underlying issues that require more focused healer attention, those potions could mask symptoms." And she didn't want that. "I think I'd like to do a little more research on this before offering you anything just to be safe, alright? And I will also speak to Headmaster Trent to share your concerns over your studies and upcoming exams."
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Lisa let go of her stomach for a moment and turned to face Evan. Her face growing hotter from all his commentary on Daniel. “Its because I’m a good friend!” she said, squaring her shoulders to face her older brother. “I can do that. Challenge accepted. Now I can die in peace!” Not really die but be in pain or jealousy. She gripped her stomach again and her flash of anger fell as if someone had snuffed it out unceremoniously. Ah Jasper. Her stomach began flipping around again. “Jasper… Not Maya’s Jasper. My friend Jasper. He’s really sweet and is good at Quidditch…” Her cheeks turned bright pink. “Jasper and Daniel don’t get along because of V… But you like V, right?” Lisa was becoming more and more confused about her dynamic with V. Were they best friends, friends, rivals? Who knew?
She turned her gaze to Maya who insisted on bringing up the topic that Evan was uncomfortable about. “We could ask Claudine? She’d know. She knows everything.”
Before she could say much more, the Healer had approached them and she glanced up to look at her. “Hi… my tummy hurts and I don’t know why… Maya thinks it could be my.. y’know … once a month thing… Evan refuses to say the word.”
...The fact that she was experiencing memory loss was interesting, considering that she hadn't encountered any other situations among those who'd been exposed to Healer Poppy's ridiculous attempts at "helping." It was concerning too, as memory loss was nothing to sweep under the rug. She frowned slightly, considering.
"There are potions, of course. Ones that help to keep the mind alert and focused. My concern is that if there are any underlying issues that require more focused healer attention, those potions could mask symptoms." And she didn't want that. "I think I'd like to do a little more research on this before offering you anything just to be safe, alright? And I will also speak to Headmaster Trent to share your concerns over your studies and upcoming exams."
Violet sighed softly--she'd figured there probably wouldn't be anything they could do for her, but it was worth a shot trying. Just her luck to be the only person to have an allergic reaction to whatever Poppy had been using. She resigned herself to just waiting until all traces of whatever substance it was had left her system and just hope for the best (and keep trying extra hard this year).
But...there was still that other problem. "Thanks, anyway; I guess I'll just have to wait until it goes away." If it ever did. "Um, by the way--I don't know if you ever have any contact with St. Mungo's, but...I recently had a letter that my former governess had sustained some sort of injuries in her job at the Ministry and had been sent there, and I just wondered if you knew anything about how she was doing." Because if anything serious happened to Miss Howard, that would just be the last straw. "Her name is Miss Howard--Jane Howard." Would she know anything about this? And if she did, would she be able to tell a nosy little kid? But, as always, it was worth a shot.