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As you walk past Professor Wayland's hut, you will notice that there is a huge barn not too far away, with the Nursery between them. The barn is a home to many magical beasts, including some hippogriffs, winged horses, and other large and small creatures. In the middle of the barn there is plenty of open space which is perfect for taking some of the smaller creatures out of their pens to play. There are also pastures outside around the barn with fences surrounding it. You can take the larger animals out there and play with them or ride them. There is also a magical barrier that will not allow the creatures to go outside of the fence, for your protection and theirs. Professor Wayland has provided buckets, gloves, boots, helmets, brushes, etc. for you to use. The students and other staff members are permitted to come in and interact with the creatures. Anyone that enters the Barn area signed a permission slip before entering.
SPOILER!!: Assigned Stables
- Lucy & Ricky
- Matilda
- Jack
- Susie
- Romeo
- Julia
- Atreyu
- Violet (Female; rainbow wings with a purple dot)
- Oren (Male; green wings with pearl dots)
- Silvermist (Female; Silver wings with whit dots)
- Brock (Male; Blue wings with a gold dot)
- Dobby a Red Squirrel - Owner(s): Stasya Dalgaard-Volkova (SilverTiger)
- Two Rabbits - Owner(s): Isa Wright (griffin)
- Teacup Piglet (Caramelo) - Owner(s): Xiamena King (DJ Moose)
- A Raven (Mimir) - Owner(s): Elizabeth Dowitcher (Fitheach)
* denotes requiring permission from Professor in order to interact with them as the may be a students pet or a larger creature.
*** No student may handle this creature.
Things to do in the barn:
SPOILER!!: These are just suggestions; feel free to PM me with more!
Cheer up the augurey
Harvest the flobberworm mucus
Play with the crups
Visit the hippogriffs/horses
Play with the fairies
Tempt a niffler to come out of its burrow
Play with the puffskein colony
Feed pretty much any animal
Pet pretty much any animal
Try riding the winged horse or Hippogriff (with Professor Wayland's approval, obviously)
Scoop up poop!
OOC: Credit to Charley Potter for creating the above lists, with some slight changes by me! Also, if you noticed the permission slip is no longer necessary, but please post in here as if you HAVE signed a permission slip. Thanks! If you need Professor Wayland's assistance, just nudge me
Cal regarded his sister and listened as she admitted to getting upset and down with the current goings on. But she was right, he hadn't ever seen her down for long. He grinned back and gave her a nod, " This is true.. I think that's why I worry so much when I do see ya as upset or distant as ya have been lately. But I do get it.", Cal added.
" Yes!.. I've been dyin' to brew it.. Should we ask if we're allowed to take it first though to run laps with?.. I've already gotten in enough trouble this week.." , He said with a bit of a chuckle. " I'm just about finished on my end.. What about you?. Are ya done foolin' around with the cruppies? "
Last edited by Devina Wellheart; 09-19-2018 at 11:50 AM.
Reason: spelling
Hogwarts RPG Name: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Marie Dowitcher
First Year
Lizzie's hopes had come true. She'd gone to ask the Professor for permission to get closer to Etta and he'd given her permission to.
Lizzie walked down to the barn more excited than ever. She first went to Mim letting her out of her cage to fly around the barn as she pleased, she tidied the cage up and took notes to replace any of the toys that looked worn out. Once she was satisfied, she moved to Etta's stall next door.
She let the Thestral sniff her hand and she petted her forehead.
"Ok if I come in?" she asked, making eye contact with the creature's pale eyes.
Etta seemed to think for a moment and lowered her head, nudging her. Lizzie laughed and slowly opened the door to the stall, walking in and lightly latching the door behind so Etta couldn't escape. She placed her hand on Etta's neck, allowing it to follow the lines of the creature's body and wings. Lizzie study them intensely knowing she'd want to record the images later in one of her notebooks. Reaching Etta's rump she gave it a little scratch which Etta seemed to enjoy immensely, twisting her head in a funny direction implying how good it felt.
"That feel good." she smiled to Etta.
Etta let out a happy huff, which turned into a startled one when Mimir landed on her back.
"Mim!" Lizzie cautioned, moving to grab the bird before things turned.
Etta flapped her own wings looking over her shoulder at the new addition. Mimir croaked and gurgled in reply. Etta huffed refolding her wings and turned pecking at the black feathered creature. Mimir hopped around, ducking her head and pecking back.
Lizzie rolled her eyes chuckling to herself, seemed like the two had made quick friends.
Etta quickly became bored of the feathered thing on her back and returned to rummaging around the floor of her stall for scraps. Lizzie really wished at that moment she'd brought her notebook to sketch in.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
"There's nothing more to worry about than usual. I can handle it. I'm keeping up with all my usual activities as well as my lessons and homework." So far she hadn't crashed and burned which was a huge plus in her eyes. If she kept piling on the activities as she was though she might find it hard to even breath pretty soon. That's how she liked it though, busy. Constantly busy. Always on the go. Always doing something.
Rylee shrugged her shoulders. "I suppose. Who do you reckon we ask? Our Head of House?" She had no trouble at all going to Marchand with questions or concerns. "M' not following around... we're having a bit of fun..." The crups deserved some fun time just as much as they did. However she nodded picking the crup up off her lap and setting him back down on the ground.
"Alright, time to clean up. I have to get to going. I'll come back and play again later though." Rylee smiled pulling out her wand and quickly casting some simple cleaning spells she had learned to cleaned up the spilled water and dry the wet crups. After refilling the water bowls she turned to face Reese. "I'm ready now."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Ever since their talk on the train about familiars, Jackson had meant to visit the barn. It had proven to be quite difficult as the rules had began to build ever higher. He would have preferred being in normal clothes, but ah well. (New) rules are (unnecessary) rules. Jackson was taking a break from studying this weekend, and decided that it was finally time to just say hi to them. He entered and looked around at the amazing creatures that dwell within. It was a bit grim sounding, but Jackson wished he could see the Thestrals for himself.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
As per usual even with all the new rules, Rylee made time for the creatures. The barn was still very much one of her favorite places to go and there wasn't much about it that could change. Except maybe that she HAD to wear her uniform still which was completely absurd given it was the weekend but whatever. All that mattered was being in one of her comfort zones.
The third year pushed the door to the barn open stepping inside and out of the cold winter chill. Shaking some light snow from her long ginger hair, already moving into the barn with a purpose. First things first. Signing in. This was done in a matter of seconds after her gloves were shoved into the pockets of her robes, that is. She was here more than enough to know the routine.
Where to start first today? Blue-gray eyes did a quick sweep of the area and that's when she spotted the older Prefect. "Jackson, hey!" she called out loud enough to be heard but not where she may startle him or the creatures. It was nice seeing a different face here!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jackson had just reached the bowtruckles because let's be honest... they were adorable. As he watched them acknowledge his presence (well, two did), he heard Rylee. "Well hey! I'm in the market for another pet," he said with a smile, recalling their talk on the train oh so long ago. Bowtruckles were cool, would they make a good pet? Or maybe he could get a horse! "Could you imagine owning a Thestral and you couldn't even see it?" he asked, not recognizing he had said it out loud.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Rylee walked over to where Jackson was joining him at the Bowtruckle enclosure. They were adorable and she always enjoyed coming in here to visit with them whenever she could. "Really? That's great! Have you decide on what type of pet you want yet?" During their talk back on the train at the start of term she recalled that he wasn't sure what he wanted and he had been considering possibly bringing his cousins cat here with him.
Holding her hand out, palm facing upwards near the tree she waited to see if any of the Bowtruckles would come down and say 'hello'. Thestral? Rylee glanced at her friend with a light smile. "I've read about them and I know there's quite a few here, I think it would be difficult to own one. How could you take care of it... unless... you can see it?" She wasn't able to. One day she wished she could but at the same time she didn't want to.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jackson liked watching the creatures in their natural habitat. He always felt bad intruding, but he wasn't as (keyword: as) obnoxious as a kid thank Merlin. Although... okay, maybe he did have his tendencies here and there. "Well I was thinking it would be cool to have a pet that could follow me around campus, but... I may have better luck with that at WU or something than here..." He trailed off, thinking of how different things were now at Hogwarts. "I still think a cat would be awesome, but maybe one of these guys would be interesting to have too," he said, beginning to think out loud. He could be a bit of a rambler, but... eh! He looked back at the bowtruckles who seemed quite calm right now, wondering if he should ask the new professor anything or maybe Kye would know?
Skyler loved going to the barn. It was familliar and warm for the creatures. She signed hrr name and walked in quietly. A couple of students were already here. Skyler looked around. Don't mind me. Just going to see the nifflers.
Aleksandur made his way to the the barn, a rolled up piece of parchment in his hand. He wasn't going to allow these students to be in the barn whenever they wanted. Being with the creatures was a privileged they would have to work for. Plus, he wanted to do some experimenting without prying eyes....
As he reached the barn door he unrolled the parchment, and with a flick of his wand it stuck to the door.
SPOILER!!: Barn Rules
He walked inside of the barn noting that some students where there, and plastered another parchment on the inside of the door. "I suggest you speak to me now, or leave." He said with a glare.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Jackson & Petrov
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
"A pet that could follow you around campus? Like a cat?" Rylee asked grinning up at him. "Lamb normally follows me around and I know he would love to have some more kitty friends to play with." Her kitten was the bestest cutest must awesomest kitten there ever was. Not to mention he was super friendly and very playful. She didn't see any reason for Jackson to wait until he went to Uni to get himself a pet. "Well... Bowtruckles are really cool and super lovable once you bond with them." Before that they could be very very mean and mega territorial. "I'm not sure what it's like having one as a pet... but maybe you could speak with Derf." Since he knew all about them and raised one of his own.
No sooner than had one of the Bowtruckles made its way down the tree and was contemplating stepping onto her hand, had another voice caught Rylee's attention. The sound of it was very unfriendly and had the young teen spinning around to see whom it was. The new CoMC professor. The man that was replacing Wayland. What was that he was placing on the door? She couldn't really see it all that well from where she was. "Hello, Professor," she greeted politely. So far the man hadn't given her any reason to be impolite other than that glare he was sending their way.
"We were just visiting some of the creatures." No harm done. "I signed in on the book on the table." The same book she always signed in on to announce that she was here to visit, play with or help take care of the creatures as she had been doing since her first year. Her gaze shifted from Petrov to Jackson and than back again.
Was something wrong?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Derf had a Bowtruckle?? "Really?" he asked. He hadn't really spoken much with Derf, especially about creatures, but maybe they would patrol together soon and he could ask him. He thought about getting a kitten and how cute it would be seeing Lamb and this new kitty wandering through Hogwarts. Oh the adventures they could have! Not really of course, these days, but he could imagine that being a kid's storybook or something. A new voice had broken out, but it had become slightly familiar now. "Hello Professor Petrov," Jackson greeted. He let Rylee finish speaking, nodding his head in agreement. They were both signed in to be here, but who knew what would change now that Professor Wayland was gone? His previously casual and nonchalant demeanor was replaced with the stony, more direct one that he now used with the professors present. "Do we still have permission to be here, Sir?" he asked, hoping that this was not seriously his only chance to have hung out with all of the creatures.
"A pet that could follow you around campus? Like a cat?" Rylee asked grinning up at him. "Lamb normally follows me around and I know he would love to have some more kitty friends to play with." Her kitten was the bestest cutest must awesomest kitten there ever was. Not to mention he was super friendly and very playful. She didn't see any reason for Jackson to wait until he went to Uni to get himself a pet. "Well... Bowtruckles are really cool and super lovable once you bond with them." Before that they could be very very mean and mega territorial. "I'm not sure what it's like having one as a pet... but maybe you could speak with Derf." Since he knew all about them and raised one of his own.
No sooner than had one of the Bowtruckles made its way down the tree and was contemplating stepping onto her hand, had another voice caught Rylee's attention. The sound of it was very unfriendly and had the young teen spinning around to see whom it was. The new CoMC professor. The man that was replacing Wayland. What was that he was placing on the door? She couldn't really see it all that well from where she was. "Hello, Professor," she greeted politely. So far the man hadn't given her any reason to be impolite other than that glare he was sending their way.
"We were just visiting some of the creatures." No harm done. "I signed in on the book on the table." The same book she always signed in on to announce that she was here to visit, play with or help take care of the creatures as she had been doing since her first year. Her gaze shifted from Petrov to Jackson and than back again.
Was something wrong?
Originally Posted by Dokimoto
Derf had a Bowtruckle?? "Really?" he asked. He hadn't really spoken much with Derf, especially about creatures, but maybe they would patrol together soon and he could ask him. He thought about getting a kitten and how cute it would be seeing Lamb and this new kitty wandering through Hogwarts. Oh the adventures they could have! Not really of course, these days, but he could imagine that being a kid's storybook or something. A new voice had broken out, but it had become slightly familiar now. "Hello Professor Petrov," Jackson greeted. He let Rylee finish speaking, nodding his head in agreement. They were both signed in to be here, but who knew what would change now that Professor Wayland was gone? His previously casual and nonchalant demeanor was replaced with the stony, more direct one that he now used with the professors present. "Do we still have permission to be here, Sir?" he asked, hoping that this was not seriously his only chance to have hung out with all of the creatures.
Could they even read at this school? Alek just placed the sign on the door. It was in VERY LARGE LETTERS. Maybe she was blind? When she said something about a sign in book, he flicked his wand and the book of question came soaring towards him. He looked it over and snorted. Of course Wayland let the children in the barns whenever they wanted unaccompanied. He shook his head. "If you will look at the parchment I just placed on the door...you may not be in the barn without my permission or my presence from now on." Generally his Bulgarian accent was only slightly noticable, but sometimes his W's sounded like V's when he was particularly annoyed...and boy was he.
He hadn't set the rule until after the students where already here, so..."But for now...you may stay until I leave. I have some creatures to attend to." He looked them up and down. "Next time you come to the barn make sure you abide by the rules." With that said, he quickly turned on his heel and headed towards the Fwooper holding.
"A pet that could follow you around campus? Like a cat?" Rylee asked grinning up at him. "Lamb normally follows me around and I know he would love to have some more kitty friends to play with." Her kitten was the bestest cutest must awesomest kitten there ever was. Not to mention he was super friendly and very playful. She didn't see any reason for Jackson to wait until he went to Uni to get himself a pet. "Well... Bowtruckles are really cool and super lovable once you bond with them." Before that they could be very very mean and mega territorial. "I'm not sure what it's like having one as a pet... but maybe you could speak with Derf." Since he knew all about them and raised one of his own.
No sooner than had one of the Bowtruckles made its way down the tree and was contemplating stepping onto her hand, had another voice caught Rylee's attention. The sound of it was very unfriendly and had the young teen spinning around to see whom it was. The new CoMC professor. The man that was replacing Wayland. What was that he was placing on the door? She couldn't really see it all that well from where she was. "Hello, Professor," she greeted politely. So far the man hadn't given her any reason to be impolite other than that glare he was sending their way.
"We were just visiting some of the creatures." No harm done. "I signed in on the book on the table." The same book she always signed in on to announce that she was here to visit, play with or help take care of the creatures as she had been doing since her first year. Her gaze shifted from Petrov to Jackson and than back again.
Was something wrong?
Originally Posted by Aleksandur Petrov
SPOILER!!: Rylee and Jackson
Could they even read at this school? Alek just placed the sign on the door. It was in VERY LARGE LETTERS. Maybe she was blind? When she said something about a sign in book, he flicked his wand and the book of question came soaring towards him. He looked it over and snorted. Of course Wayland let the children in the barns whenever they wanted unaccompanied. He shook his head. "If you will look at the parchment I just placed on the door...you may not be in the barn without my permission or my presence from now on." Generally his Bulgarian accent was only slightly noticable, but sometimes his W's sounded like V's when he was particularly annoyed...and boy was he.
He hadn't set the rule until after the students where already here, so..."But for now...you may stay until I leave. I have some creatures to attend to." He looked them up and down. "Next time you come to the barn make sure you abide by the rules." With that said, he quickly turned on his heel and headed towards the Fwooper holding.
Jackson had indeed signed the book as well, although he had to admit that he had almost forgotten. Jackson stood while the professor continued to speak, and was honestly really happy to hear that they were allowed to stay in here for a bit longer. "Thank you, Professor," he responded, because honestly who would have been surprised if they had been kicked out and told never to come back in here? Then again, Jackson was always pretty good at finding his own silver linings.
Once the professor was out of the immediate vicinity, Jackson turned his attention back to Rylee, a look on his face meant to convey his relief that they could stay. He could literally feel his body relaxing, and he looked back at the Bowtruckles wondering how he could keep a pet on him without anyone noticing. He needed a kitten that slept 20 hours a day, that's all. He let out a deep breath before speaking. "So! Where were we?" because he had forgotten.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Jackson & Petrov!
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Rylee waited silently while Petrov looked over the sign-in book. Her name was there as it always was whenever she came into the barns to help out or just to be around the creatures. It was highly likely that her name was there as often as Stasya's, Derf's and a bunch of others that loved the creatures.
She had noticed the parchment but from where she was near the Bowtruckle enclosure she hadn't been able to make out all the words. Anyhow there was no reason for her to do so as they were just told what it said. From now on she couldn't be in here without permission or Petrov there. That was absurd! Completely unfair and would likely ruin her daily routine! This was one of her happy places and he was basically taking it from her... taking it from everyone. What about all her friends that had their pets living here in the barn?!
The lioness inhaled a slow breath keeping her thoughts and emotions at bay. Later on back in the safety of her dorm she would complain all she liked. For now she simply nodded once. "Yes, professor. Thank you." If they weren't being kicked out right now she would carry on with what she had been doing. Turning back towards Jackson she smiled lightly. "We were talking about pets and what you would like to have."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Ah, lightbulb. “Yes!” he pointed at her, trying to get back the mood of the conversation they had had before they were interrupted. “Well, yea I think a cat or bowtruckle would be top of my list at the moment…” he paused and let out a little laugh. “But I’m sure I’d have a list if I were to go look at our Creatures book.” He had a soft spot for baby animals, so choosing a pet could be a pretty grueling process. This was probably true for most people, but he had never had a pet of his own before. In his mind, he was already planning his next trip to the library to research. Man… he couldn’t wait for the next school break… hehehe
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
If the decision was between getting a Bowtruckle or a cat her mind was already made up. Hands down, no questions asked she would get a kitten and call it a day. Kitten's were loads of fun and awesome cuddle buddies. Just hearing Lamb purr always calmed her down and put her in a wonderful mood. However this wasn't about her. She already had a pet, in fact she had three. This was about Jackson, her friend. And everyone's preferences were different.
Rylee smiled softly. "Both have their positives and negatives. Doing some research about them wouldn't be a bad idea." Always agrees with doing research. "I'm always around if you want some help, I know lots about creatures. Plus you're always welcome to play with Lamb if you like." Everyone loved her sweet playful kitten!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!