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The Beetle, a ruby red Volkswagen Beetle with large insect wings on either side, will be the temporary home of Ilvermorny staff and students while they are guests of Hogwarts. The vehicle came to Ilvermorny many years ago thanks to avid antique collector and former headmaster Jeremiah Seymour, who donated it to the school following his retirement. Some years after, a group of mischievous teens found the Beetle and, ironically, gave it wings, antennae, and the ability of flight. An Undetectable Extension Charm was placed on the vehicle, and it has been used for travelling purposes ever since.
Upon opening the trunk of the Beetle and climbing in, you will find yourself in a rather spacious place. It will not take you very long to forget that they are actually inside a vehicle, for within looks like the grounds of a secluded hotel. Ones trek will first take you through a green lawn that is connected to the patio hangout. To enter the building, you need only enter through the double glass doors. From within a maze of hallways can be accessed and take you to the Pukwudgie-ran coffeehouse, the rooms where the boys and girls will sleep, and a trampoline park to keep everyone healthy and having fun.
✷ _____ ✷ _____ ✷ _____ ✷ _____ ✷
OOC: Welcome to the Beetle! This thread will serve the purpose of housing our Ilvermorny character biographies, so we can keep track of who is playing who over the course of this term's plot, and other good-to-know information.
Please keep the following in mind:
You may play a student from Ilvermorny in addition to your Hogwarts student. If you wish to play an Ilvermorny character in the Hogwarts RPG, you MUST post a biography for them in this thread first.
Your Ilvermorny student can be posted in this forum; Hogwarts pupils, however, are NOT allowed. This is a private area for the staff and students of Ilvermorny. All Hogwarts students should be played elsewhere in the RPG.
Your Ilvermorny student may be posted anywhere at Hogwarts, except for the common rooms. You may post your Ilvermorny student anywhere on the grounds, anywhere inside the castle, etc. so long as it makes sense for them to be there.
Your Ilvermorny student must follow school rules or face the consequences. While points will not be taken from Ilvermorny students, they can still be placed in detention and/or be given other punishments for any rule breaking.
Your Ilvermorny student is not allowed to attend Hogwarts lessons. Their own professors IC will still be teaching them (these lessons, however, will not be played out). Furthermore, this will avoid any confusion with Hogwarts students during lessons and also make it easier for the staff team to give lesson participation points OOC.
Your Ilvermorny student must be clearly distinguished when posting them in the Hogwarts RPG. This means you are using a different colour, font, etc. than your Hogwarts character. Also, the character you are playing should match with the biography posted in this thread.
Text Cut: Ilvermorny/Wizarding America FAQ (Updated: June 2)
As JKR's canon of Ilvermorny has its limitations and this is the first time Ilvermorny is an active part of the Hogwarts RPG plot, the SnitchSeeker canon of the school will be developed over the course of the term. The following are questions that members have directly asked the Hogwarts RPG Admin and the answers that various members of staff have collaboratively come up with:
What year do students from Ilvermorny take their exams? Are they similar to OWLs/NEWTs? Or something different entirely?
Ilvermorny students do NOT take the OWLs/NEWTs that students at Hogwarts do. They have their own equivalent, as many other wizarding schools do (such as Beauxbatons). Students of Ilvermorny take the JARVEY tests (Juxtaposed Assessments for Reviewing Versatile Experienced Youth) during their sixth year. This is a play on the American ACT/SAT standardized tests that are typically taken junior year of high school, similar to how the OWLs and NEWTs are a play on Britain's GCSE and A-Levels.
Text Cut: How JARVEY Scoring Works
For the sake of simplicity (because actual ACT scoring is #cray), the JARVEY exam for each subject is measured on a scale of 0 to 36 (0 meaning you earned 0%; 36 meaning you earned 100%). Below is a conversion of the JARVEY scoring:
Quodpot is supposed to be a largely American thing. Would they have House teams the way Hogwarts has Quidditch teams?
In America, Quodpot is to Quidditch as American Football is to Footbal (Soccer). Quodpot and Quidditch are both played at Ilvermorny and do have House teams like Hogwarts has teams for Quidditch. There is quite a fanbase in America for Quidditch (as shown by the American National Quidditch team that plays in the Quidditch World Cup and various United States League teams scattered throughout the country: the Fitchburg Finches of Massachusetts and the Sweetwater All-Stars of Texas), but it is JKR canon for Quodpot to be the more popular of the two sports.
Were Ilvermorny students allowed to bring their familiars/pets with them to Hogwarts?
The current guests of Ilvermorny were allowed to bring TRADITIONAL familiars/pets with them (owl, cat, rat, toad, and pygmy puff). All other pets were left behind/stayed at home. The familiars/pets of Ilvermorny characters may leave the Beetle, but keep in mind that Hogwarts is not responsible for the loss or death of any animal belonging to an Ilvermorny student.
Do students from Hogwarts and students from Ilvermorny use the same currency?
No, they do not. In the United Kingdom, wizardfolk use Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. In America, however, the currency is the Dragot and the Sprink.
Are there prefects/HBs/HGs at Ilvermorny?
No, Ilvermorny has a Student Council instead of prefects. The council is made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Class Representatives. Students who wish to be on the council must apply and campaign for their desired position (elections are held in the middle of spring semester for the next school year, while 1st-year elections are held in the middle of the fall semester of the current school year). Council members serve as representatives for the school, are responsible for organizing various school-related events (e.g., homecoming, prom), and promote school spirit and leadership among students.
*The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian roles are usually filled by upperclassmen; each grade has a Class Representative.
Will the Ilvermorny students and staff be heading back to the Americas for Christmas/the holidays?
Those wishing to return home for Christmas/the holidays will have the opportunity to do so. Rather than being taken back via the Beetle, these students will be going home and returning to Hogwarts by portkey. Students wishing to stay in Britain have the choice of going home with a Hogwarts student or staying at the castle.
If you understand and agree to the information posted above, post a biography for your Ilvermorny student and play them at Hogwarts! Should you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the Hogwarts RPG Admin (Zoe). Thank you and enjoy!
Text Cut: Original post
Ilvermorny Biographies
This term staff and students from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be guests at Hogwarts to participate in the International Magical Pupil Standoff (IMPS). These visitors will be arriving to the castle IC in October (within the next OOC week). So what does this mean for you?
This term everyone will be allowed to play a second character, someone from Ilvermorny, in the Hogwarts RPG. If you wish to play an Ilvermorny character in the Hogwarts RPG, you MUST post a biography for them in this thread first.
Below are some important details to keep in mind:
You may play ONE Ilvermorny character. Once you post their biography in this thread, that is the character you must stick with for the rest of the term. Furthermore, the Ilvermorny headmistress as well as History of Magic and Potions professors will be played for plot purposes.
Your Ilvermorny character must be a STUDENT. Your character's House, gender, age, etc. is entirely up to you. You are permitted at use an existing Ilvermorny student or you may create one.
Your Ilvermorny student will not be selected to compete in IMPS. We will have red accounts in place with anonymous members (selected non-Hogwarts staff) playing them throughout the term.
Your Ilvermorny student will not have access to the common rooms. A special forum will be made just for them to reside in while they are at Hogwarts, and the rest of the castle will be open to them for interaction purposes.
Your Ilvermorny student is not allowed to attend Hogwarts lessons. Their own professors IC will still be teaching them (these lessons, however, will not be played out). Furthermore, this will avoid any confusion with Hogwarts students during lessons and also make it easier for the staff team to give lesson participation points OOC.
Your Ilvermorny student must be clearly distinguished when posting them in the Hogwarts RPG. This means you are using a different colour, font, etc. than your Hogwarts character. Also, the character you are playing should match with the biography posted in this thread.
If you understand and agree to the information posted above, go ahead and post a biography for your Ilvermorny student! Should you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the Hogwarts RPG Admin (Zoe).
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Name: Benjamin Quincy Alden
Nickname: Benji, Pudge
Birthdate: 31 August 2081
Place of Birth: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Current Residence: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Height: 4'8" (wears thick-soled shoes to make him taller)
Weight: 94 lbs
Distinguishing Features: Ridiculously curly hair, pudgy cheeks
Blood Status: No-Maj-born
Wand: I don't know. Not even sure where it is right now actually...
Patronus: Is this something I can eat?
Boggart: Clowns
Amortentia: Crispy Crunch, ketchup chips, poutine
Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2092-Present) Pukwudgie
The Alden and Cartier families taking root in North America started as a seed with two adventurous No-Maj men. John Alden arrived by means of the Mayflower from Harwich, Essex, England, in the early 1600's to be the copper for the voyage. Within a matter of years Alden became a rather prominent member of Plymouth Colony and later founded the town of Duxbury. Over half a century earlier, Jacques Cartier navigated and explored Canada for the French. Three voyages, leading him to the discovery of areas comprising the Canadian Atlantic provinces and the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Montreal, over the span of eight years built quite a legacy for himself. Their descendant, being the kid that he is, is totally oblivious to the successes of his forefathers.
On the final day of August after three years of being husband and wife, No-Maj parents Matthew, an American wildlife biologist from Springfield, and Renée, a nurse from Québec, couldn't have been prouder of the life they had brought into the world. Even though he was small in comparison to the other newborns, Benjamin had the biggest baby cheeks that were too irresistible not to squish. Thus the nickname Pudge was coined.
The nickname was not outgrown, for the boy, as the years went by, always had a bit of a belly on him due to having a stomach that could never be fully satisfied. Anything Benjamin could get his hands on -- soft or hard, sweet or sour -- would immediately go into his mouth before anyone could snatch whatever it was he had grabbed from his little fingers. It was his love of food, however, that, with help from the family babysitter, instilled in him an early passion: cooking and baking. It started off small with toast, sausages, pancakes dowsed with gallons of maple syrup, but by the age of seven he could surprisingly make just about anything without (much) supervision. His little sister's personal favourites are his poutine and Nanaimo bars.
It was discovered one day when Benjamin, at the age of nine, was running a plate of fresh bars up to his sister when the first inkling of magic snuck into his life. Tripping over the family dog, the curly-haired boy fell down to the ground; however, the plate remained hovering mid-air. At first Benjamin was shocked by this, but shrugged it off and went about his business -- his mind was either playing tricks on him or he secretly had Jedi powers. Needless to say, other minor magical mishaps crept up from time to time though no one was around to witness them and Benjamin could not make his 'Jedi powers' come to life on the spot. But one day, months before Benjamin's eleventh birthday, the crazy neighbour lady saw vegetables from the garden casually levitating in the air and following the boy inside. Later that evening, a man came knocking on the door and revealed to them that Benjamin was a wizard and had a place at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Massachusetts.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
►basic information
Name: Carlos Joaquín Sebastián Kane Nickname(s): Charlie Date of Birth: 24 May 2081 Zodiac Sign: Gemini Place of Birth: Laguna Beach, California USA Current Residence: Laguna Beach, California USA Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark Brown
►magical characteristics
Blood Status: Muggle Born Wand: 14” Spruce, White River Monster Spine Core, Pliant Patronus: TBA Amortentia: TBA Boggart: TBA
►health record
Gender: Male Height: 5’0 Weight: 80 lbs Blood Type: AB Allergies: Allergic Rhinitis Dragon Pox Marks: None Vaccinations: Dragon Pox
Father: Jerome Anthony Kane Occupation: Psychologist Mother: Catalina Leonor Kane nee Guzmán Occupation: Fashion Designer Sibling(s): Julián Marciano, Marianela Teodora
Primary Motivator(s): Achievement, Adoration, Competition, Conquest, Discovery, Education, Power Emotional Disposition: Joyful Moodiness: Even-Tempered Outlook: Optimistic Integrity: Conscientious Impulsiveness: Spontaneous Boldness: Reckless Agreeableness: Agreeable Interactivity: Engaging Conformity: Heterodox Sense of Humour: Prankster Quirks / Habits / Oddities: Humming, Whistling, Teeth Sucking Hobbies & Enjoyment: Combat Competition, Traveling, Swimming Mental Disorder: Kane the Insane. Is that a disorder?
►background details
St. Anne School, California (Fall 2085 - Summer 2088)
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
✥ Start with the man in the mirror...
Name: Adeodatus Astor
Nickname: Deo
Age: 15 yrs old
Height: 5'7
Notable features / qualities: Dark good looks; mysterious / reserved demeanor; a bit shy at the start but can be very easygoing to people he knows well; artistic; a secret prankster; wants to leave his mark in the world. @xcelsisdeo
✥ The story of my life....
Date of Birth: December 31st, 2077
Place of Birth: an unplottable stronghold in the Himalayas
Place of Residence: Manhattan, New York, USA
Heritage: Pureblood
Family: Nth-degree cousin of Hogwarts Gryffindor Prefect Tenacius Salander. Carries the honorable clan name of Astor but hails further down the family tree.
✥ Ring ring goes the bell....
School: Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Horned Serpent
Wand Type: Willow wood, Dragon heartstring core
Patronus: TBD
Amortentia: TBD
Boggart: The feeling of being insignificant
✥ HIStory...
Once ran a flatiron through Tenacius Salander's curls while the boy slept. Probably made his cousin cry.
More to come....
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Last edited by Steelsheen; 05-14-2017 at 09:41 AM.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Natalie Gurdin
Full name: Natalie Gurdin Date of Birth: June 18th 2076 Place of Birth: Salem, Massachusetts, USA Place of Residence: Salem, Massachusetts, USA (if not at Ilvermorny) House: Pukwudgie Year: Sixth
{ Physical Traits } Eye colour: Dark Brown Hair: Vibrant red hair that flows down past her shoulders Build: Slim Left or Right Handed: Right FC: Madelaine Petsch Font: Dark Red -Franklin Gothic Medium
{ Magical Information } Heritage: Pureblood. Wand: 10-inch Rosewood with Veela Hair core
{ Education } Best Subjects: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology Worst Subjects: Muggle Studies, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes
{ Family } Father:Paul Gurdin Mother: Jane Gurdin
Personality: Vain, bossy, determined but has a fragility within her.
Likes: Performing, the colour red, being bossy, surrounding herself with her favourite flower (roses). Dislikes: Boring people, people seeing her vulnerable side.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Model: Alina Solopova Font: Comic Sans MS Font Color: #4b0082
�� Basics ��
Name: Samara Avery Dawson Nicknames: Sam, Mara DoB: December 15, 2077 (five minutes older than Jeremy!) PoB: Covington, Georgia Current Residence: Covington, Georgia (when not at Ilvermorny) Relationship: Just me, myself and I (single)
�� Appearance ��
Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Height: 5’4 Weight: 107 lbs Scars/Distinguishing Features: A scar on her right knee and shin from falling on some rocks when she was six (she's still sticking to the story that it was all Jer's fault)
�� Magical Info ��
Blood Status: Half-blood Boggart: Something happening to her twin/other siblings/family Patronus: N/A Amortentia: Summer night air, Candy (skittles), some other third thing will go here when we figure it out Wand: 11 1/3, Apple wood, Wampus cat hair, quite flexible (Graphics created by Donis Wands Inc)
�� Education ��
School: Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2088 - present) House: Wampus Year: 4th Best Subjects: Astronomy, Charms, CoMC Weakest Subjects: CoMC (when fur is involved)
�� Family ��
Parents: Jenna (witch) and Alaric Dawson (No-maj) Siblings: Austin, Ciara, Jeremy (twin), Ryan and Emily Other: Grandparents, several aunts and uncles on both sides of the family and TONS of cousins
�� History ��
�� Personality ��
�� Other ��
Allergies: Moderately lactose intolerant Likes: Skittles, star gazing with Jer, tree climbing, cheeseburgers, Dislikes: Fears: Animal fur. The kind that sticks to your hand and clothing and gets all over the place.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Weslyn Diggory
Full Name: Weslyn Diggory Nicknames: Wes Date of Birth: 31st August 2076 Place of Birth: Denver, Colorado, USA Place of Residence: Denver, Colorado, USA Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird Year: Sixth Relationship Status: Single
Hair Colour: Dark brown Eye Colour: Brown Height: 5'5
Father: William Diggory Mother: Charlotte Diggory Brother: Wyatt Diggory
Likes: Reading, the beach, kissing, flying, care of magical creatures, quidditch, potions, charms Dislikes: exams, the cold, failing, not being able to read
To be added in later
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Reed Ellsbury Fourth Year Horned Serpent FC: Sterling Knight
Birthday: December 14, 2077 Heritage: Pureblood Nicknames: His sister calls him 'Ree', but he definitely prefers to be called just 'Reed', THANKYOU Place of Birth: Unknown, but likely Great Britain Place of Residence: Scotland when not at Ilvermorny, so essentially during the Summer breaks Adoptive Parents: Lorraine Jade Brothmeister (Slytherin) and Carlos Ellsbury (Ravenclaw) Siblings: Twin sister, Azalea
Ilvermorny Years: September 2089- June 2096 (Horned Serpent)
Personality: Reed is ambitious and fun-loving. He loves to tease (playfully) his twin sister, of whom he claims he's two minutes older. Though who knows? They were adopted and the birth records of the older vs younger twin is slightly uncertain. He's very athletic and looks up to his father as one of the smartest men he knows.
He's very competitive with Azalea in just about anything - whether it's vying for the best grades in school or something as simple as the last goodnight kiss from their parents. He also has this thirst for knowledge about his biological parents, despite loving his adoptive parents dearly and considering them his own. He wants to know what his biological parents were like and why they would just abandon him and his sister like that.
Appearance: Light brown hair. Blue eyes. Average.
Azalea and Reed were adopted when they were essentially newborns by Lorraine and Carlos Ellsbury. Lorraine always dreamed of having a family of her own, but it never happened for her because she always put work first. When she finally settled down with a relationship, it was discovered that she was too old to have offspring of her own, which brought her to requesting an adoption. It took a couple years, but finally, two twins came into sight, their biological mother was young and not ready to be a mother, so she was selfless and found a wizarding adoption agency to give her children up for adoption.
Lorraine has raised Lea and Reed as her own children, and hasn't told them yet, but plans to inform them of their adoption by the time the turn 17, unless they figure it out first. Despite Carlos and Lorraine having both attended Hogwarts, due to the dangers present at the Scotland Wizarding School, along with Lorraine's ambitions and adoration of travel, she enrolled Lea and Reed at Ilvermorny to become more culturally affluent.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Last edited by PhoenixRising; 05-20-2017 at 05:12 PM.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Ezra Henry Wilson Model: Rami Malek Post Color: #cd2127
BASICS Name: Ezra Henry Wilson Birthday: June 27th, 2077 Year: Fifth Heritage: No-Maj Born House: Pukwudgie Personality Type: INFJ, "The Advocate" often soft spoken with strong opinions, believe in the power of love and compassion and want to help others Wand: 13in, Billywig Stinger Core, Pine Boggart: Not sure? Never faced one Patronus: A siamese cat
Ezra was born in Orlando, Florida, to Darlene Wilson - a single teenage mother living with her own mother at the time. Ezra does not know who his father is and his mother won't tell him - apparently, he left the moment he found out Darlene was pregnant. Ezra is quite content living with his mother and grandmother, however, and has no desire to seek out his father. Upon finding out that he was a wizard, he began to wonder if maybe his father had secretly been a wizard - if he was, his mother had no idea. Still, that's not enough to ignite a fire of curiosity in him and continues to live happily without knowing much more about him.
When his letter to Ilvermorny came, his family was shocked - but after realizing it wasn't a hoax, his mother broke down in to tears. She could hardly believe her son was lucky enough to experience a whole new world, and had so many new doors opened for him. Ezra was hesitant to leave home at first, but despite his fear, made the trip to Ilvermorny and was sorted in to Pukwudgie. Ezra quickly learned about magical culture and fell in love with Quidditch and Quodpot - he was already an avid fan of muggle sports, his favorite being baseball. He is often partial to the New York Yankees but will also root for the Miami Marlins or Chicago Cubs.
Ezra is often quiet and reserved, but not so unsocial that he will not reach out to make new friends or start conversations. Having never known about magic for the majority of his life, he values his academics so he can learn everything about this new world that he possibly can.
In his free time, he follows sports almost religiously. When he is not at school he is hanging out with his No-Maj friends, usually at one of the many theme parks in the Orlando area since they all grew up around there. He often works there during the summer as well. He has not told any of them about the boarding school he attends during the year.
-Is scared of cats
-Avid Disney fan (having grown up in the Orlando area, this shouldn't be a surprise)
-Only actually PLAYS baseball, Quidditch, and golf, despite being a fan of many other sports
-Before finding out about his magical heritage, he wanted to be a film producer
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 05-12-2017 at 11:46 PM.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
FULL NAME: Samuel Collado NICKNAME: Sam GENDER: Male AGE: 15 BIRTHDATE: November 16th 2077 HOUSE: Pukwudgie YEAR: Fifth BLOOD STATUS: Half blood SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Not into labels WAND: TBD GROUPS/CLUBS: Herbology SPECIAL ABILITY: He considers his green thumb a special ability
PERSONALITY MIRROR OF ERISED: Work at MACUSA as a Herbologist BOGGART: Uncertain, but figures it would be weed killer AMORTENTIA: The smell of the city after a rainfall, grass clippings VERITASERUM: It wouldnt be a secret if he told PATRONUS: To be determined
LIKES: Plants, Soil, Books DISLIKES: Weed killer, Movies after books, Polyester vests HABITS: Bites his lip when hes nervous, which is a lot.
GENERAL PERSONALITY: Sam takes after his father in he likes to always have a book in his hand. Hes pretty quiet during classes and you can usually find him in the greenhouses outside of classes. He used to plant different flowers in places that didnt have any green life.
• Veronica Collado, 36, Full blooded, Mother
• Marcus Collado, 37, Half blood, Father
• Gabriella Collado, 9, Half blood, Sister
• TBD, 16, Half blood, Brother
WEALTH STATUS: Average wealth, sometimes even penny pinchers HOMETOWN: Seattle CURRENT RESIDENCE: Seattle PETS: None for mother and father reasons. A cat named Pudgie for anyone else.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Last edited by ChanceCoeur; 05-13-2017 at 06:28 AM.
Maesi Cunningham Fourth Year Horned Serpent Model: Laura Slade Wiggins Post color: Navy
{basic information}
full name: Maesi Isobel Cunningham date of birth: 13 August 2078 place of birth: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA current residence: Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA blood status: No-Maj born Ilvermorny house: Horned Serpent
eye color: hazel hair color: blonde current height: 5' 2"
father: Raymond Cunningham mother: Jane Cunningham sister:Madelyn Cunningham brother: Joshua Cunningham
{magical characteristics}
wand: patronus: boggart: amortentia:
MBTI: ESTP character alignment: Chaotic Neutral
{fun facts}
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Kitty, Kaffleen, whatever name Miles Jonesy has decided to give her this term.
D. O. B:
April 1st, 2074.
San Francisco, California.
Single Pringle Ready To Mingle
Magical Heritage:
wasabi, sunscreen, and cherry blossoms.
Kathleen Yang:
A writer, a reader, a lover, a fighter, a hater, and when she's working at her father's deli, a waiter. The Korean-American witch has a lot of feelings and before making friends channeled the majority of those feelings into fanfiction surrounding her favorite celebrities and occasionally herself. An only child, she was often lonely and made up not one, but many imaginary friends that she would playfully adventure with up to her early teens.
It was a shock and a half when the letter arrived in the mail, and although her parents were a little hesitant at first- Kathleen's zeal and determination broke them down. Bidding her family goodbye, Kathleen bursted into Ilvermony like an awkward bowling ball gunning for a spare. Her first four years passed by with many awkward moments, much unnecessary screaming and a collective sigh of 'oh kathleen' from her contemporaries, professors and parents.
Her fifth year was transformative, explosive and ended with Kathleen Yang helplessly and hopelessly in puppy love with Nathan Way, English transfer student, photographer and hottie with a body who showed Kathleen the joys of dating and casual kissing.
With a summer spent in Korea with her best friend langley crabtree under her belt along with some fresh experiences, a deep appreciation of home, and a rediscovered passion for writing, Kathleen Yang was ready and eager for sixth year even before the announcement of competition that would send herself and her friends to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry for the competition of a lifetime.
Anime, manga, picky, boys, boys with british accents, boys with hard bodies, boys with cute smiles, boys with nice hands, anything to do with her own culture and even Asian culture in general (is very proud of her Asian heritage), writing, strawberries, chocolate ice cream, sharing food with Langley at their favorite diner, girls, girls with beautiful smiles, girls with dark hair, girls with bright eyes, girls with bad witch attitudes, girls who make a difference, pop music, daydreaming, eating junk food, keeping up her grades to keep her parents happy, Nathan Way.
gross older dudes, spinach, not being able to use muggle tech in school, snobs, judgement, Miles Jonesy, exercise, country music, Charlie Black, being hungry, tfw homework piles up, bullying, not getting enough sleep, working in her dad's deli (but you gotta do what you gotta do), puns, basketball, and to an extent, Nathan Way.
charrie model:
Jessica Lu
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Last edited by nicole black; 05-12-2017 at 06:14 PM.
WHAT'S IN A NAME? Name: Storm Quin D.O.B.:February 14th, 2075 P.O.B: Boston, Massachusetts Residence: Boston, Massachusetts Age: 17 School House: Thunderbird Sibling: Snow (twin), Rain (older sister)
A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOR EVER: Eyes: Piercing blue Hair Colour: White Blonde Height: 5'10"
A poet with a mind of endless imagination. These are the first thoughts that come to mind in terms of Storm's personality. Her ability with words is not only exemplary within her writings, but also within her communication to others. She has brilliant social skills which she prefers to use to find herself new muses rather than just for the pure enjoyment of company. Other than this Storm has a lively aura which manifests in her charming smile and bright eyes.
Of course, everyone comes with weaknesses and in Storm's case, this is the lack of commitment. While she does appear to have some life goals, her commitment in other areas of her life are particularly weak. For instance, due to past circumstances she avoids being committed to people or anything that seems overbearingly permanent. Perhaps this is just an indication that she likes things to be shaken up now and them, but this also lies deeper in terms of her fears and ability to trust.
Nonetheless, to sum things up Storm is a lively and confident poet who expresses herself and gets inspiration for the thousands of questions she has by observing those she interacts with. If you want to find yourself a poem, this is the girl to be friends with.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
EVAN PARK Fifth Year Horned Serpent Model: Kim Ji Won (Bobby from IKON) Post color:Chocolate
full name: Evan Hyun Park date of birth: June 10 2077 place of birth: San Francisco, California, USA current residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA blood status: Half-Blood Ethnicity: Asian-American
eye color: Brown hair color: Black current height: 5' 9" Build: Lanky Special feature(s): super slanted eyes, piercing on both of his ears.
father: Jin Goo Park mother: Eve Park (nee Hernandez) Siblings: Lisa (born 2082) Other relatives:
- Joseph Hernandez (uncle)
- Christopher Jordan Hernandez (uncle)
- Ashley Hernandez (aunt)
School: Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House: Horned Serpent wand: 11 and 3/4 inches in length, made from Aspen wood with unicorn hair core. patronus: Can't perform that... yet. boggart: classified amortentia: N/A Best Subject: Care of Magical Creatures Worst Subject: Transfiguration
Likes: Camping, Hiking, Bonfire, Korean food (especially tteokppoki and bulgogi bibimbap), Asian food, food in general, spending time with Uncle Joseph and Jordan, bubble milk tea, Philly Cheesesteak. Basketball, Sriracha hot sauce. Dislikes: Pickles, drama, bad weather, coffee.
TBA (too lazy to make that one up)
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Last edited by RandomRaven; 06-22-2017 at 04:37 PM.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Model: Dylan Jordan
Post color: #B22222
▶_Details ◄
Name: Isaiah Vincent Collado
Called: Isaiah, Zay
Born: January 2nd 2076
Age: 16
Star Sign: Capricorn
Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington
Place of Residence: Seattle, Washington
Blood Status: Half Blood/Mixed Blood
Wand: 12 ½ inches Vine with Unicorn hair
►_Education ◄
School: Ilvermorny
House: Horned Serpent
Year: 6th
Graduation Year: 2094
Strongest Subjects: Herbology, History of Magic
Weakest Subjects: Divination, Arithmancy
►_Relationships ◄
Mother: Veronica Collado
Father: Marcus Collado
Sister: Gabriella Collado (9)
Brother: Samuel Collado (15)
Friends: TBD
Significant Other: None
►_Other ◄
▹Isaiah is a vegetarian
▹He loves politics and wants to be a politician
Last edited by littledhampir; 05-09-2017 at 04:40 PM.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Zinnia Applewood Model: Elena Kampouris
General Info
Full Name: Ruth Zinnia Holly Applewood Goes By: Zinnia Gender: Female Date of Birth: December 7, 2075 Place of Residence: Applewood Orchards (located in Alabama) Relationship Status: Single Magical Heritage: Half-blood Wand: To be added Patronus: Unknown Boggart: Unknown
Pre-Ilvermorny: Muggle school School: Ilvermorny Current Year: Sixth House: Thunderbird Favorite Subjects: Ancient Runes Least Favorite Subjects: Pretty much all of them Languages Spoken: English, a little bit of Spanish
Father: Benjamin Applewood Mother: Ada Applewood (née Palomino) Sister: Anna Applewood (b. March 13, 2069) Brothers: Ezra Applewood (b. October 20, 2065), Gideon Applewood (b. May 24, 2072)
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue-grey Height: 5’4” Extra: She can often be found with spots of paint on her face, hair, and clothes
Personality Type: ISFP Personality: To be added
Background: Zinnia is the youngest child of Ada and Benjamin Applewood. Benjamin is a No-Maj, and Ada is a Squib, so she never told her husband about the magical world until their first child, Ezra, manifested his first magic outburst by turning everything in his room red when he was about 3-years-old. He was the only one that ever displayed any magical ability until Zinnia came along.
Benjamin generally accepted and tried to understand all of the new information about the magical world, but it did sometimes make him feel left out of two of his kids’ lives, so he felt like he related to Gideon and Anna more than Ezra and Zinnia. Ada was the one that took them to get their school supplies when they were old enough to attend Ilvermorny, while Benjamin insisted he had a lot of work to do at his family’s orchard farm, Applewood Orchards.
Zinnia started going by that middle name of hers when she was around 5, mostly because she thought Z was a cooler letter to start a name with than R. She insisted on it so much that everyone gave in and started calling her that, although her parents will still use her first name when she’s in trouble.
She has enjoyed art for as long as she can remember. In particular, once her mother allowed her to finger paint when she was little, she fell in love with it. When she was really young, she liked to paint or draw pictures of her family, but as she grew older, she liked to do nature scenes, especially different areas of her family’s orchard. Art has become more and more important to her as the years went on and there came a growing tension in her family. It was an escape for her, and it has become even more important than school for her, causing her grades to hover between just barely passing to failing. Only a few subjects interest her enough to put in a little more effort, though not by much.
Likes: Art of all kinds (but painting is her favorite), pastel colors, fruit, daydreaming, people watching, spontaneous adventures, climbing trees Dislikes: Studying, reading, overly loud people, schedules, grades
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Last edited by AlwaysSnapesGirl; 05-19-2017 at 02:48 AM.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Full Name: Ophelia Tamzin Robertser Nicknames: O, Ophe, Ophey, Pheeley, Date of Birth: 20th December, 2077 Place of Birth: Manhattan, New York Place of Residence: Manhattan, New York Blood Status: Half blood Wand Type: Ilvermorny House: Wampus Ilvermorny Year: Fourth
Education to Date: Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2089 – Present) Best Subjects: Potions, Transfiguration Worst Subjects: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Arithmancy Clubs Joined:
Hair Colour: Blonde Eye Colour: Blue Height: 5 feet and 3 inches Current Face Claim: Lucy Connell
Personality: It is very rare for Ophelia to have anything of her own, be that thoughts, friends or clothes. Everything she has or is, she shares with her twin, Jessie. Ophelia is the less confident of the two and considered her sisters ‘tagalong’ by those who know the pair. Together, they don’t have many friends, although the few that they do are good ones. Ophelia rarely engages in conflict as it draws attention to her, but for her sister she would consider a few heated words. She has an obsessive personality and will be all about one thing at a time – whether that be a person, research or a hobby. Likes: Roller blading, nail art, canvas painting, ice cream, photography, handbags, potions, Dislikes: Birthday cards, Aztec print clothes, heavy textbooks, fish, fireworks, Boggart: TBD Patronus: TBD Amortentia: TBD
Parents: Alina Cosmia Robertser (nee Mae, 9th April, 2054), Braison Robertser (11th October, 2053) Siblings: Jessie Rosalin Robertser (20th December, 2077), Radley Romeo Robertser (19th May, 2081), Annaliese Pandora Eve Robertser (8th January, 2086), Cyrus Maximus Robertser (1st January, 2091) Grandparents: Jessie Eve Robertser (nee Trevalion, 19th August 2032 – February 2075), Walton James Robertser III (7th October 2031 – July 2068), Ophelia Brienne Mae (2029 – 2070), Armande Mae (2026 – 2078) Extended Family: Bastien Royale Mae (Maternal Uncle, 2050), _______ Mae (Bastien’s Wife, 2051), _______ Mae (Maternal Cousin, 2076), Candice Jade Robdarcy (Paternal Aunt, January 2056), Nolan George Robdarcy (Candice’s Husband, August 2056), Carlisle Arthur Robdarcy (Paternal Cousin, 28th July, 2084), Gulliver David Robdarcy (Paternal Cousin, 12th April, 2086), Phineas Apollo Ray Robdarcy (Paternal Cousin, 22nd December, 2088), Julius Elijah Robdarcy (Paternal Cousin, 9th November, 2091), Elodie Rae Stone (Paternal Aunt, 19th June, 2066), Aidan Levi Stone (Elodie’s Husband, 6th December, 2066), Cecily Annavieve Stone (Paternal Cousin, 26th June, 2092) Animals: Best Friends: Jessie Rosalin Robertser Friends List: Relationship Status: Single, mostly uninterested Kissing Practice: Her pillow, the back of her hand, magazine advice
Pre-Ilvermorny (2077 – 2089)
Ilvermorny (2089 – 2096)
To be written
: Mum and Dad meet
: Twinniez
: Other sibs
: Aunt Elodie and Daddy dramas
: More sibs
: Aunt Candice and Daddy dramas
: Mummy and Daddy dramas
: Cyrus??? Wot?????? New baby???? Thort they woz getting divorced
: Ew Hogwarts
Post Colour: #E799A3 | Pink Daisy Places Lived: New York, London, New York
Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
❝ BASIC STATS ❞ ✘ ✘ ✘
FULL NAME: Dalia Tatiana Islas NICKNAME(S): Use them at your own risk. PRONOUNS: She/Her DATE OF BIRTH: 09 May 2075 BLOOD STATUS: Ah something like mixed yeah AGE: Sixteen HEIGHT: 179.8 cm ILVERMORNY HOUSE: Thunderbird ILVERMORNY YEAR: Sixth WAND: 11", apple, coral, swishy HOMETOWN: Harpers Ferry, West Virginia PLAY BY: Kat Graham
OTHER RELATIVE(S): single child PET(S): no, no I think not. FRIENDS: [processing...] ORIENTATION:
❝ HISTORY ❞ ✘ ✘ ✘
She was born almost a cliche, screaming at the top of her lungs not during a storm but in its aftermath. Thunderous rain, welcomed her to her birthplace, telling her drop by drop that she was of the packed earth of the Dominican Republic, that her eyes were the needles of the pinos criollos that struggled to survive against the onslaught of diggers, and bulldozers, against shiny new buildings, and the greed of men.
The pictures of the new home that awaited her in America promised wide rooms with clean white walls--all in cement. The yard didn't seem as green or beautifully wild but it was going to be home and Miriam tried to bury that in her heart lest she get cold feet. It would be hard leaving the village she had been born and raised in. No more would she hear the familiar chirp of insects when the sun would set. No more would she be able to cross a few roads and enjoy the liberty of dipping her feet in the creek. She'd even miss the rowdy trouble making boys of the village.
Her brown eyes turned to the bundle in her arms, brown and tanned. She was so small, with a mouth that already resembled her own and thick curly puffs right at the top of her soft crown. Miriam smiled and brushed at them gently with one skinny hand. If it was for her, she'd do it. If it was for her daughter, she'd sacrifice twenty one years worth of memories in name of a future, however uncertain it may be.
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia was never, could never, be home just like she could never claim her mother's home to be hers. She meandered, lost, only finding safety and security in the confines of her mother's arms and her stories of ancient spirits and old magic, something she never admitted out loud, not even as she grew old enough to understand the severity of this statement. Perhaps it was the instinctual need of belonging that led her towards discovering her innate difference--that which separated her from some, or so she thought. Perhaps, instead of bright loud spells, complicated Transfigurations, divination and connecting with the cosmos, what she was really looking for was for the one thing Harpers Ferry could never, would never, give her: a place to belong.
Her childhood memories were mostly filled with the woman she'd call 'Mami' on the regular, and 'Ma' when she needed something. In return, she was Dalia when she was still, mi corazón when she was sweet, Tatiana when she was not, and [i]muchacha del diablo[/iU] when she was absolutely incorrigible. An only child, she flourished under the devoted attentions of her mother, ruling the house with her puffs of dark hair, and a toothy smile that had ensnared her father's heart as soon as her two bottom teeth first began to grow out.
A spoiled (bratty) princess, unaccustomed to sharing the spotlight or the jumbo crayons, Dalia made waves in pre-school. Complaints were handed over along with Dalia's chubby hand to Miriam about how Dalia had pulled on Mariska Huntington's hair that morning, or how she had pushed down Brighton Brown for trying to play with her and her favorite legos. It was weeks before the complaints became less, until there were none, but even all the way through kindergarten the invites for play-dates, or birthday parties never arrived.
It didn't matter how well Dalia could share her sticker book with the mayor's son, or how close she had become to that one girl with the freckles and the hazel eyes. It didn't change the fact that her father struggled with the language and worked in a construction site in Silver City, something that had been deemed unworthy of praise by the glorified circle of small town bigots who made sure the town stayed the same. It was the same circle that still excluded her mother from the community meetings, that refused to allow her to help for town events in the pretense of not requiring any extra services, who handed her backhanded compliments about how her daughter could be so pretty if her hair wasn't so 'wild', so 'unruly', so undeniably against the norm.
In alienation, her mother and Dalia grew closer through little secret meetings of magic. Her father would not approve. This was something her mother would whisper to her as they would sneak into the little backyard after midnight. "Ni una palabra," her Mami would whisper, mimicking a zipping motion across her mouth. "Your father. He doesn't get it." Her fingertips would graze each and every leaf and flower, every vine and bud, as she would explain to Dalia in detail about their names, why they were named so, why they did what they did, and how she could use them.
Sometimes at night, they'd sing to the garden and watch the plants under the moonlight.
Magic was what she shared with her mother, with her father: everything else.
"Ven, mi niña," he'd call her, gentle like the breeze that blew in from the sea. "Ven aquí."
He'd pat his lap as he put down the newspaper he always read, always on the maroon armchair with the blackened arms rests, and coffee stains, always on a Sunday afternoon. She'd climb up as quick as her legs would let her, finding comfort in his dark curly beard even as it scratched her rounded forehead.
"Let's learn together," he'd say, his accent firm and steady, like the hands that always held her up until she learned to travel the length of the monkey bar--back and forth--on her own. "English, okay? Como los blancos. That's the way."
They'd sound out the words, one by one, syllable by syllable until the taste of them stopped numbing their tongues.
She was a natural phenomenon ever since she was born; as if mystically absorbing the howling winds and brute force of the storm that had preceded her birth was the reason behind her restlessness and raucous laughter. She was a lithe hurricane with skinny swinging arms, howling an insufferable oath of haphazard independence that took her first grade homeroom teacher to the limit.
The letters of the alphabet came to her like a song, and she'd sing them out, over and over again until her homeroom teacher was forced to distract her with numbers but even those came out in a melody, loud and sonorous. She chirped them at her desk, legs kicking out to the rhythm she had come up with until the bell rang. In the playground she'd continue, chirping her makeshift songs even as she chased after the other children. Her chasing soon stopped as the names started being flung over skinny shoulders. Dalia's legs for once, stopped running, but her lips still pursed to sing even when there was no one there to listen.
Her hand felt clammy in his but she didn't dare snatch it away. Her father's face appeared made of stone and while Dalia knew this day was inevitable she had still hoped it wouldn't feel like she was sinking into the ground. Her mother had spoken of the school and while she loved doing little bits of magic when her Papa wasn't looking, Dalia wasn't excited about the prospect of being away from home.
"You will behave while you're there," he said sternly. "Y no quiero llanto." Dalia wrinkled her nose, even as she walked in with him into the lobby. She didn't cry and that comment offended her. She was eleve years and one month old. Crying was for babies.
"Is this her?" asked the woman, looking down at Dalia curiously, as if she had just seen a rare breed of bird fly past her face. Dalia gawked back. She hadn't seen such an obviously stupid looking adult in a while.
She responded to her father's nod, and smiled at Dalia. "Your father says you're going to give me trouble. I told him I didn't think that was true. Am I wrong?"
Dalia's eyes widened, surprised at the adult's lack of good judgment but she wasn't about to be shown up by a stranger in front of her Papi. If she was clever at all, she'd work hard to get into his good graces or it was no more allowance for her.
"You're only a little bit wrong," she answered cheekily, and glanced sidelong at her father
NAME MEANING: Safaia (Sapphire) Teuira-anuanua ("The lightning and the rainbow", a symbol of unity, beauty, and power) NICKNAMES: Just Safaia. She always prefers that people ask for clarification of how to pronounce her name rather than butcher it. DATE OF BIRTH: tba AGE: 14 PLACE OF BIRTH: Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands BLOOD STATUS: No-Maj-born SCHOOL: Ilvermorny HOUSE: Horned Serpent WAND: 11 inch swishy Aue (Beach Hibiscus) with Sea Serpent scale core BOGGART: unknown PATRONUS: Black-naped Monarch (bird)
HAIR COLOR: Dyed caramel and blonde, naturally black EYE COLOR: Dark Brown HEIGHT: 5'6 PLAY BY: Lydia Simonis
Full Name: Jessie Rosalin Robertser Nicknames: Jessie, JR Date of Birth: 20th December, 2077 Place of Birth: Manhattan, New York Place of Residence: Manhattan, New York Blood Status: Half blood Wand Type: Ilvermorny House: Wampus Ilvermorny Year: Fourth
Education to Date: Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2089 – Present) Best Subjects: Charms, Transfiguration Worst Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures Clubs Joined:
Hair Colour: Blonde Eye Colour: Blue Height: 5 feet and 3 inches Current Face Claim: Lydia Connell
Personality: Jessie is rarely seen away from her twin, always making sure Ophe's included, even if that means dragging her along somewhat unwillingly. However, she will initiate conversations with anyone she wants to make friends with, and does so without hesitation. She makes sure the way she dresses conveys how she wants others to perceive her: smart, fun, and flirty. She's a hopeless romantic and would just like to marry a Nicholas Sparks character, thank you. Likes: Fashion, make up, dresses, nail art, teen romance novels, magazines, roller blading, ice cream Dislikes: bad odors, bad hygiene, general bad manners, insects Boggart: TBD Patronus: TBD Amortentia: TBD
Parents: Alina Cosmia Robertser (nee Mae, 9th April, 2054), Braison Robertser (11th October, 2053) Siblings: Ophelia Tamzin Robertser (20th December, 2077), Radley Romeo Robertser (19th May, 2081), Annaliese Pandora Eve Robertser (8th January, 2086), Cyrus Maximus Robertser (1st January, 2091) Grandparents: Jessie Eve Robertser (nee Trevalion, 19th August 2032 – February 2075), Walton James Robertser III (7th October 2031 – July 2068), Ophelia Brienne Mae (2029 – 2070), Armande Mae (2026 – 2078) Extended Family: Bastien Royale Mae (Maternal Uncle, 2050), _______ Mae (Bastien’s Wife, 2051), _______ Mae (Maternal Cousin, 2076), Candice Jade Robdarcy (Paternal Aunt, January 2056), Nolan George Robdarcy (Candice’s Husband, August 2056), Carlisle Arthur Robdarcy (Paternal Cousin, 28th July, 2084), Gulliver David Robdarcy (Paternal Cousin, 12th April, 2086), Phineas Apollo Ray Robdarcy (Paternal Cousin, 22nd December, 2088), Julius Elijah Robdarcy (Paternal Cousin, 9th November, 2091), Elodie Rae Stone (Paternal Aunt, 19th June, 2066), Aidan Levi Stone (Elodie’s Husband, 6th December, 2066), Cecily Annavieve Stone (Paternal Cousin, 26th June, 2092) Animals: Best Friends: Ophelia Tamzin Robertser Friends List: Relationship Status: Single, mostly uninterested, hopeless romantic Kissing Practice: magazine advice
Pre-Ilvermorny (2077 – 2089)
Ilvermorny (2089 – 2096)
Post Colour: Places Lived: New York, London, New York
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
The Basics Name: Harvey Slyvan Diggory Nicknames: Harv, Harvster, Slyman, Hey You Birthday: January 7, 2076 Hometown: Denver, Colorado, USA Currently resides in: Denver, Colorado, USA Relationship Status: Single, last he checked
Appearance Hair color: Brown Eye color: Brown Height: 6'0" Build: Average?
Magical Information Blood status: Halfblood Wand: TBA Boggart: Wouldn't you like to know? Patronus: I'd like to know, too Amortentia: I'm sorry, what?
Family Parents: Jacob and Misty Diggory Brother: Jameson Diggory Sister: Marilyn Diggory
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Name: William Healy Nickname: Will Hometown: Boston, MA, USA Blood Status: Half-blood House: Wampus Year: Sixth
Odds and Ends
Wand: 9'6" inch pliant sycamore wand with unicorn hair core Patronus: TBD
Father: Duncan Healy Mother: Siobhan Siblings: Sean, Ryan
(more to come)
Likes: Quodpot, flying, baseball, family, friends, fighting for what he believes in, fighting for no reason, fighting with his brothers, fighting with his mates, french fries, his mother's cooking, his broom Dislikes: Boring crap, boring people, making his mother sad, anyone who looks at his sister twice
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Model: McKenna Grace
Post color: Plum
Basic Info Name: Emma Marie Darque Goes by: Emma, Em Date of Birth: April 23, 2080 Place of Birth: Miami, Florida Current Residence: Miami, Florida Heritage: pureblood
Magical Info House: Thunderbird Year: Second Wand: TBD Best Subjects: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms Worst Subjects: Astronomy, History of Magic
Family Mother: Aminta Darque (nee Dane) Father: Jaq Darque Sister: Ellen Darque (age 8) Grandparents: Rilian and Frida Dane Aunts: Angelica and Adora "Dory" Dane
(will add more as I figure her out)
Likes: horses, drawing, swimming, getting dirty, singing, sour candy, cheeseburgers, sunny days, fairytales, sightseeing, visiting her aunt in London
Dislikes: bullies, bossiness, loud noises, boredom, girly outfits, most kinds of vegetables, being stuck in the same place, her sister breaking her stuff, people underestimating her/holding her back
(will add more as I figure her out)
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Last edited by MadMadamMalfoy; 05-17-2017 at 10:03 PM.
Basics Name: Bridgette Josephine Hamilton Nicknames: Bri, Date of birth: 28 August 2077 Age: 14
Place of Birth: New York, New York Current Place of Residence: New Orleans, Louisiana Nationality: American, Norwegian, French Fluent in: American- English, French, Norwegian Relationship status:taken its complicated.
Appearance Height: 5'4 Hair colour: Dark Brown Eye colour: Dark Brown, Black Face claim: Ariel Hines
Magical Information
Heritage: Halfblood (Dad= Pureblood, Mom= Half and Half) Wand: Holly, Unicorn hair, 12 1/2 inches Patronus: Unicorn Boggart: Working on it Amortentia: Working on it
Family Father: Frank Hamilton, Auror for MACUSA Mother: Andrea Hamilton (neé Whittaker), Part-time Healer, full-time mother and fashion designer Older Sister: Louise Hamilton (7th year, Thunderbird) Younger Brother: Theodore Hamilton (2nd year, Pukwidge)
Education School: Ilvermorney (2089 - Present) House: Horned Serpent Year: 4th year Strongest Subjects: History of Magic, Potions, Herbology Weakest Subjects: Transfiguration
Bridgette is the middle child of three childern born on a blistering hot summer night late august in New York. Shortly after her birth the family moved to Atlanta due to the high living costs of New York. It was in
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 05-13-2017 at 06:13 AM.