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Also known as the Covered Bridge, the Wooden Bridge appears derelict, connecting from the Courtyard. The appearance has been kept dated due to the natural environment surrounding it, despite attempts to improve it. Though the floor occasionally creaks beneath your feet, that is just for the effect as you can look out into the horizon from here safely.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
SPOILER!!: Colt!
Colt laughed at Mason's reaction and loved it. "You know I was teasing right. Gosh woman can be so sensitive." He smirked and he liked getting her riled up. "Ohhhooo who put sassiness in your cheerios this morning. You are sounding a lot like my cousin Kaylee right now." She was the one who put him in his place and was sassy like this one right here. He began to look what was hidden underneath her hand and he saw the cover. He saw an apple with hands holding it. Errghhh he knew that book. He knew his older cousin Belle read it.
He put a hand over his heart in mockment, "Oh that hurt. Jeez not like I already know I have a big ego. Thank you captain obvious or queen sass. Yeah you are the queen of sass." He heard her talk about the detention and he shrugged. "Well that does sound lovely. Well here is a hint for you, maybe when you deal with authorities like her keep your mouth shut. Learn to think before you speak." That is what his father taught him day one. She probably knew it but he had to say it.
He began to look at the view, "Well good thing you can come out today, I mean this view is fantastic.." he said and started digging through his bag for his sketch pad.
"What is a 'cheerio'?" she asked, "I'll take that as a compliment. Has she finished school yet?"
Mason scowled as he chastised her, "Really? Now you're scolding me?" she said with a huff and turned her back to him. "What are you? My dad?"
It really was a lovely view. But she wasn't about to engage in pleasant conversation with him after he just treated her like a bad child.
But isn't that exactly what I am though?
Mason raised an eyebrow and stared in shock at the sketch-pad, "You draw?"
Mason couldn't picture Colt sitting over a piece of paper, pencil in hand. He seemed more the sort to engage in Quiddith or football. Not something as divine as art.
This guy just seemed to get weirder and weirder every time she hung out with him. "Well are you any good?"
Mel just felt her eyes widen in shock…”SHE TRIED TO EAT YOU?” Mel practically yelled in shock…”she her tent…it creeps me out” Mel admitted with a laugh. “I actually want to start a thing and well…spy on her? You know to see if she really is a Hag…maybe she’s the hag from Knockturn Alley” Mel shrugged and looked over to Haddie.
“have you heard of her? The tarot card reading hag that makes stew out of kids…its true I mean…gosh.” She shrugged, “I’m convinced that because she came here on the train with us that she’s that hag and that maybe she ate the real Divinations Professor” Mel meant it. “It can be I guess…I pretty much do the same thing.” Mel admitted with a grin.
“Oh…last year or no the year before last someone had picked on my babysitter Rorie she was really cool…” Mel grinned. “They were this kid from my primary school and well I basically caught fleas at my brother’s shop and gave her them” she admitted with a grin. “Actually I took her hat and put it on a flea-ridden dog then wore a flea collar for a week…no one saw it…but I gave her the fleas and then the entire class got fleas” Mel admitted with a grin.
“but…I mean I’m not allowed at the Melbourne Academy of magic…went there on a visit and I broke all of their loos by putting exploding firecracker wizbangs in all of them…it was loud and wet and hilarious” she grinned…”oh and im not allowed to go to the museum without an adult supervisor…silly people don’t like it when you to get into a sarcophagus” she laughed and grinned at her. “Your cool…oh come on he’s probably upset because of something else…like some people get all snippy because they have ‘important’ names.” She snorted and rolled her eyes at the whole idea. “Do you want me to give this guy fleas? I brought them in a jar.” She admitted and beamed. “I’m their queen…you could say.” She beamed. “you know we should explore it one day but when we can use stronger magic and fight off the spiders…like in fifth year” she nodded. “we could use the defense training room to get practice in too” Mel beamed….”or wait there’s a room of requirement maybe it could create an acromantula free forest for us?” She offered with a beaming grin.
Haddie shook her head. "I haven't heard of her, but it sounds like the same hag to me." Haddie nodded, though she wasn't sure why Mel doubted the Hag being a Hag. "I want to be a thorn in her side, more. You know, disrupt whatever plans she has, so she can't do them. Or at least has a harder time and then the Professors can take her down." The Hag was up to something and it wasn't good. Haddie shrugged.
Haddie looked impressed. She WAS impressed. "You gave yourself fleas!? To get back at a boy? Wow." She looked even more impressed now that she said it outloud. Seriously though, that was impressive. "I made a boy grow fur once. He was picking on my sister. It wasn't intentional, though. Well not like yours. I wanted something to happen, and then it did. At the time though, we weren't sure if it was me or Natalie that caused it. We didn't know I was a witch. Or that witches were a thing."
The more Mel filled Haddie in on her antics, the more impressed Haddie was, and showed it. "Okay," she joked, "you win." That was a very impressive resume. She took her time pondering Melon's offer. It was sooooo tempting. Watching Davie writhe around, scratching at fleas. A dreamy smile crept on Haddie's face. So tempting. "I'll let you know," she said finally. "And maybe we can use that room to learn how to take down those spider things and explore the real forest?"
to professor Draper and Raven. I am sorry... I really am
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Of course he knew. James was smart. That's why they made him a Professor. Kids had no common sense.
Finally what he was confessing to was useful information. Nothing that surprised the Professor either, honestly. Everything was as expected. Provoking the skrewt, send spells that aggravated it, chaos, etc. And then he went playing the hero card again and it took all his might not to roll his eyes. "Better," though he still used too many words for James' liking. At least all these words were the truth. It could've been worse.
Points were still being taken away though. Just because he finally said the truth didn't mean he was getting off easy. "In addition to the points already taken from Gryffindor, I'm taking 20 points from Slytherin," he paused. "For lying to a Professor, provoking a creature without reason, and for attempting to handle it yourself when a Professor should have been called on." All legitimate, did he have any problems with it yet? "Consider yourselves lucky," he addressed both of them now. "Your point loss could have been tripled, but I'm feeling generous." Eh, sort of. "I also want to see both of you after class for the rest of this week so that we can go over proper creature care."
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Jessie only stood and staring at her shoes. She realized how huge her mistakes.
But she couldn't do anything. Raven tried to cover her stupidity and she glad that the professor didn't gave him a detention.
And the way Raven staring at her... makes her guilty became worse.
And then Jessie heard professor Draper offers them both to attend in his class. She take a glance to the man automatically..
" I-I don't know,sir." Jessie said with low voice "I mean I would love to,but.. I still feel regret with what happened before. I've no confident anymore... "
Haddie shook her head. "I haven't heard of her, but it sounds like the same hag to me." Haddie nodded, though she wasn't sure why Mel doubted the Hag being a Hag. "I want to be a thorn in her side, more. You know, disrupt whatever plans she has, so she can't do them. Or at least has a harder time and then the Professors can take her down." The Hag was up to something and it wasn't good. Haddie shrugged.
Haddie looked impressed. She WAS impressed. "You gave yourself fleas!? To get back at a boy? Wow." She looked even more impressed now that she said it outloud. Seriously though, that was impressive. "I made a boy grow fur once. He was picking on my sister. It wasn't intentional, though. Well not like yours. I wanted something to happen, and then it did. At the time though, we weren't sure if it was me or Natalie that caused it. We didn't know I was a witch. Or that witches were a thing."
The more Mel filled Haddie in on her antics, the more impressed Haddie was, and showed it. "Okay," she joked, "you win." That was a very impressive resume. She took her time pondering Melon's offer. It was sooooo tempting. Watching Davie writhe around, scratching at fleas. A dreamy smile crept on Haddie's face. So tempting. "I'll let you know," she said finally. "And maybe we can use that room to learn how to take down those spider things and explore the real forest?"
”That’s exactly what I think” Mel nodded “I mean…she does look like a hag…cause they are a specific breed of beast” she chewed her lip for a bit. “My family was basically loooooaded with Magizoologists” she admitted with a grin. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the hag had eaten the actual Professor” she grinned.
When she heard the flea question she just laughed. “I never caught the fleas myself I just collected them and wore a flea poison collar and then gave them to a boy…but basically yeah” she grinned. “Oooooh that’s how your magic surfaced?” She asked and grinned at her.
“I just fell out of a window and bounced my sister was trying to slow my fall but I just kind of floated and then bounced around the house” she laughed and grinned over to her. “naaaah we both win. We are both here after all” she practically giggled because she was well, excited. “oooooooh yes lets do that! And we can use it to practice all sorts of things and maybe even do potions because I’ll be so laaazy and not want to go to the dungeons aaaalll the time when classes aren’t happening.” She grinned.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Of course he knew. James was smart. That's why they made him a Professor. Kids had no common sense.
Finally what he was confessing to was useful information. Nothing that surprised the Professor either, honestly. Everything was as expected. Provoking the skrewt, send spells that aggravated it, chaos, etc. And then he went playing the hero card again and it took all his might not to roll his eyes. "Better," though he still used too many words for James' liking. At least all these words were the truth. It could've been worse.
Points were still being taken away though. Just because he finally said the truth didn't mean he was getting off easy. "In addition to the points already taken from Gryffindor, I'm taking 20 points from Slytherin," he paused. "For lying to a Professor, provoking a creature without reason, and for attempting to handle it yourself when a Professor should have been called on." All legitimate, did he have any problems with it yet? "Consider yourselves lucky," he addressed both of them now. "Your point loss could have been tripled, but I'm feeling generous." Eh, sort of. "I also want to see both of you after class for the rest of this week so that we can go over proper creature care."
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
20 points?!?!?!?! Raven widen his eyes but managed to calm in a few sec. okay that was the consequence, not much surprise, but he thought he only get detention for himself and not for his house… dear merlin… healer Murdoch is going to kill him… no! maybe just sent him to St.mungo… wait!! That’s still NOT good! Oh… pretty much sure those sweat drop is visible. Just hoping that his head of house didn’t hear about this.. yeah right… keep on dreamin.. a huge sweat drop will be magically appear any minute now.. “Yes, Professor” that’s the only answer he could gave for now..
20 points is considered lucky? Hell yeah.. it could be worse, he could ended up in St.Mungo.. but now, after second thought… St.Mungo is still better rather than dealing with his Head of House.. Raven scratch his NOT Itchy head, didn’t able to look the Professor in eyes, the view anywhere else is more interesting now.. try to think what reason to tell or how to deal with his head of house…
Still Raven is grateful that Professor James Draper didn’t taken the points more than that, otherwise… it will be beyond the imagination.. seeing the Professor after class is also something he need to be worried.. did he need to take care some hideous creature like Skrewts and pets them? That is NOT good.. Raven start to shakes his head.. he look at the Professor with worried face and looking more pale that he used too. ‘‘but Professor, I still curious about something, may I ask?”
Last edited by LestrangeRaven; 01-28-2016 at 11:09 PM.
Was the professor....patting her back? Hmm....he really did seem somewhat like a grownup version of Adi in that sense. Bad for her eyes? Was it ever, she turned red and her eyes got all puffy.....she looked pathetic and sad. Which, she was upset....that is why she was crying but still. Good for her soul though, well she had never heard of it put that way before. She did tend to feel better after she let a few of those tears that she held back fall though. Stress and tension release. Although she rarely did cry, especially in front of anyone. An...off day? "I suppose that you could say that. Just....a bit overwhelmed." The typically stoic teen smiled weakly at him. "Oh, no its alright. The bubbles are pretty." She had just....been trying to burn things....
He cried a lot? Well, she thought no differently of him for it. Normal people did seem to cry despite her family's stance on it. "I was always taught, 'Ladies don't cry unless they are at a funeral.' " Her mother would immediately reprimand her and tell her that she looked foolish, so she had learned from a young age to internalize her feelings.
Why? Should she tell him? He could OWL her mother and they could try to ship her off to Beauxbatons. For some reason though, she didn't think that was likely. Something about the older man brought the walls of her emotion repelling shell down. She felt like....maybe....she could even ....possibly....trust him. Her lips curved into a soft, sad smile as she gently accepted the tissue with a quiet "Thank you." and dabbed her eyes. "I'm probably a terrible daughter because....I'm to have an arranged marriage. I've always known, it is normal practice in my family....but...I'm dating someone. My mother doesn't know and she doesn't like him or approve of him even being my friend. I care about him so much though. I'm horrible but I care about him more than my own mother and I won't give him up." It felt.....almost freeing to admit that, and somewhat frightening. She was going to end up getting herself disowned....."She doesn't know yet, but she wanted me to meet suitors this summer...." She waved the letters that she'd intended to burn. "....but I will be telling her my decision in person when I go back home."
Overwhelmed was another emotion Paul thought was perfectly normal to feel, especially someone of Illa's age. Teenagers. The whole time was overwhelming, to be honest, but it wasn't a miserable time...it was what one made of it, according to Paul.
Paul was under no authority to criticize how parents raised their children, but Illa's words made the man purse his lips. "I see. Well. I know lots of ladies who cry...more than those times, I assure you," he said gently. "My mother--Merlin--she cries all the time!" It was where Paul got his sensitivity from, for sure. "She was a Hufflepuff..." his dear, dear mother. The Mrs. Myers. "Granted, my mother is not a very fancy lady..." which is what Milton thought Illa's family seemed like...fancy people. Sort of like Milton's family....
And the more he listened to Illa's story, the more he thought Milton's situation was very paralleled to it. Hmph. Paul took it all in, his lips pursed even more so now. Arranged marriage. Pfffft. He knew how he felt about those. But as her professor...again, he needed to be objective. "Well..I think we both know what you need to do, m'dear. Lying can only get you so far...and..." he cleared his throat. "You're dating Henric, right?" he usually kept up with the Hogwarts' couples. "I think...if you value Henric...you...your mother should probably know." he sighed a little and kicked his feet, since they were hanging down from the bridge. "It's always hard." He glanced over at her for a second. "it's always hard telling a parent you don't...want to marry who they think you should." He wouldn't indulge his entire story, but... "I have experience in that area, m'dear. And eventually...even if it's a blowout right now, or she gets mad at you right now..things will be better. How old are you?" he asked curiously. "Sixteen? Seventeen?"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
[COLOR="Blue"] "What is a 'cheerio'?" she asked, "I'll take that as a compliment. Has she finished school yet?"
Mason scowled as he chastised her, "Really? Now you're scolding me?" she said with a huff and turned her back to him. "What are you? My dad?"
It really was a lovely view. But she wasn't about to engage in pleasant conversation with him after he just treated her like a bad child.
But isn't that exactly what I am though?
Mason raised an eyebrow and stared in shock at the sketch-pad, "You draw?"
Mason couldn't picture Colt sitting over a piece of paper, pencil in hand. He seemed more the sort to engage in Quiddith or football. Not something as divine as art.
This guy just seemed to get weirder and weirder every time she hung out with him. "Well are you any good?"
Colt laughed and shook his head. "I didn't really give you a compliment. But cheerios. You don't know what cheerios are?" He was kind of baffled but then again she might not have been muggle born. "Oh right..." he muttered. "Well cheerios is a muggle cereal. It is pretty bland actually. I am not fond of them." They were kind of disgusting. "Oh and my cousin Kaylee hasn't finished school yet. She is still in Hogwarts. She is in Slytherin as well." Being the sassy mouth she is.
She gave her a confused look and said, "Eww no. I am not your father. That would be so awkward if I was. Anyways it is my job to scold you, I am older than you after all."Well duhhh. "Come on common sense you know that you can't talk to adults like that." Mason had to know but yet again she was young. Her question of asking if he can draw, he raised his eyebrows in amusement. He snickered and said, "Yeah I draw.." he said as it was common knowledge. He flipped through his sketches of graffiti doodles. "See I am pretty good." he winked. "Nah I am terrible actually but I do it for me ya know? It is something comforting to do. I learned from my cousin Kace." He owed all to him man.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: Jessie & Raven; No need to apologize <3
Originally Posted by weasleyrima
Jessie only stood and staring at her shoes. She realized how huge her mistakes.
But she couldn't do anything. Raven tried to cover her stupidity and she glad that the professor didn't gave him a detention.
And the way Raven staring at her... makes her guilty became worse.
And then Jessie heard professor Draper offers them both to attend in his class. She take a glance to the man automatically..
" I-I don't know,sir." Jessie said with low voice "I mean I would love to,but.. I still feel regret with what happened before. I've no confident anymore... "
Originally Posted by LestrangeRaven
20 points?!?!?!?! Raven widen his eyes but managed to calm in a few sec. okay that was the consequence, not much surprise, but he thought he only get detention for himself and not for his house… dear merlin… healer Murdoch is going to kill him… no! maybe just sent him to St.mungo… wait!! That’s still NOT good! Oh… pretty much sure those sweat drop is visible. Just hoping that his head of house didn’t hear about this.. yeah right… keep on dreamin.. a huge sweat drop will be magically appear any minute now.. “Yes, Professor” that’s the only answer he could gave for now..
20 points is considered lucky? Hell yeah.. it could be worse, he could ended up in St.Mungo.. but now, after second thought… St.Mungo is still better rather than dealing with his Head of House.. Raven scratch his NOT Itchy head, didn’t able to look the Professor in eyes, the view anywhere else is more interesting now.. try to think what reason to tell or how to deal with his head of house…
Still Raven is grateful that Professor James Draper didn’t taken the points more than that, otherwise… it will be beyond the imagination.. seeing the Professor after class is also something he need to be worried.. did he need to take care some hideous creature like Skrewts and pets them? That is NOT good.. Raven start to shakes his head.. he look at the Professor with worried face and looking more pale that he used too. ‘‘but Professor, I still curious about something, may I ask?”
He had freaked them out, yeah? Good.
…. He looked at the girl disappointedly, ”It wasn’t a question, Miss Champbell.” Did it sound like he was giving them a choice? Because he wasn’t. They HAD to stay after class. Unless they’d rather serve a detention instead. And the dungeons would be much less welcoming. ”You will both stay after class for the rest of this week. And maybe through the extra time you can regain confidence again.” Did he make himself clear this time? Not. A. Choice.
….. What now?
He gave the Slytherin a look in consideration, ”Go ahead,” this better be good.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
SPOILER!!: Jessie & Raven; No need to apologize <3
He had freaked them out, yeah? Good.
…. He looked at the girl disappointedly, ”It wasn’t a question, Miss Champbell.” Did it sound like he was giving them a choice? Because he wasn’t. They HAD to stay after class. Unless they’d rather serve a detention instead. And the dungeons would be much less welcoming. ”You will both stay after class for the rest of this week. And maybe through the extra time you can regain confidence again.” Did he make himself clear this time? Not. A. Choice.
….. What now?
He gave the Slytherin a look in consideration, ”Go ahead,” this better be good.
Wew... the professor weren't looking so nice as usual.. no surprise but that doesn't bring Raven's spirit down..
"I was curious, I mean about the Skrewt, i thought they have an armor that could reflected magic spell.. how did you? I mean, how did you immobolize it just with one move, sir? " Raven curiousity is not without a reason, he thought that if he have to care some hideous creature like Skrewt, at least he have to know how to handle them right? You know.. for his safety..
But looking at Jessie being so sad is bringing Raven down too.. the urge of regret is filling his ego now.. he stare his shoes, he need to study and practice harder to be able to protect his love one.. he need to prove himself.. well.. maybe spending time after class with Professor Draper wasn't bad, at least he might be able to learn something
”That’s exactly what I think” Mel nodded “I mean…she does look like a hag…cause they are a specific breed of beast” she chewed her lip for a bit. “My family was basically loooooaded with Magizoologists” she admitted with a grin. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the hag had eaten the actual Professor” she grinned.
When she heard the flea question she just laughed. “I never caught the fleas myself I just collected them and wore a flea poison collar and then gave them to a boy…but basically yeah” she grinned. “Oooooh that’s how your magic surfaced?” She asked and grinned at her.
“I just fell out of a window and bounced my sister was trying to slow my fall but I just kind of floated and then bounced around the house” she laughed and grinned over to her. “naaaah we both win. We are both here after all” she practically giggled because she was well, excited. “oooooooh yes lets do that! And we can use it to practice all sorts of things and maybe even do potions because I’ll be so laaazy and not want to go to the dungeons aaaalll the time when classes aren’t happening.” She grinned.
Haddie simply grinned as Mel threw out her theory of the Hag eating the real Divination hire, and shook her head as if she couldn't believe her luck. "This school is amazing, right? We never had Hags eating the real teachers so they could eat all the school children! Man, muggle school was so boring." She shook her head again and then looked up at Mel puzzled. "Wait though, Hags aren't human? I just thought she was... I mean, a foul, disgusting, cannibalistic hag of a human, but human. Huh."
Mel's way of giving the boy fleas was a lot smarter. Haddie didn't say that outright, but her grin said it for her. And then she was puzzled again. She shook her head. "No... I don't know how my magic surfaced. I wasn't even aware that was a thing. Strange things just always happened around us. Well, me, I guess, since Nat isn't magical. But I think there was things happening around us before Mom and Dad could even take us home, or shortly after they did, or something like that. But... you bounced? Do you always bounce? Because that would be cool."
Haddie didn't say anything about the potion idea at first. After a moment she shrugged though. "I'm hopeless at potions. Trust me. Hopeless. Why does it have to be so much like cooking? My Mom's a chef, an amazing one, and can teach anyone -ANYONE- to cook and even she gave up trying to teach me. I'm banned from the kitchen at home." She was quiet a again for a moment and let out a slow sigh. "Think the Room of Requirement can create something that teaches me to cook?"
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
SPOILER!!: Draw some pie to prove that you're a Winchester
Colt laughed and shook his head. "I didn't really give you a compliment. But cheerios. You don't know what cheerios are?" He was kind of baffled but then again she might not have been muggle born. "Oh right..." he muttered. "Well cheerios is a muggle cereal. It is pretty bland actually. I am not fond of them." They were kind of disgusting. "Oh and my cousin Kaylee hasn't finished school yet. She is still in Hogwarts. She is in Slytherin as well." Being the sassy mouth she is.
She gave her a confused look and said, "Eww no. I am not your father. That would be so awkward if I was. Anyways it is my job to scold you, I am older than you after all."Well duhhh. "Come on common sense you know that you can't talk to adults like that." Mason had to know but yet again she was young. Her question of asking if he can draw, he raised his eyebrows in amusement. He snickered and said, "Yeah I draw.." he said as it was common knowledge. He flipped through his sketches of graffiti doodles. "See I am pretty good." he winked. "Nah I am terrible actually but I do it for me ya know? It is something comforting to do. I learned from my cousin Kace." He owed all to him man.
"What do you draw?" he asked.
Mason shook her head, "I'm pure-blooded, remember?" she said, "Why would I eat something that even an always-hungry-teenage-boy wouldn't put in his mouth? I have some morals."
Mason smirked, "Why haven't I met her yet? Keeping your family away from me, Winchester?" she asked, "Afraid that I'll embarrass you?"
She was joking, of course. Why would Colt introduce her to his family. It wasn't like she was anyone special to him.
Mason almost gagged, "It's a figure of speech! GROSS DUDE!" she said and bit her lip, "Well how am I supposed to know that? My parents never taught me stuff like that."
"Masterpieces," she said playfully, "Da Vince would have been ashamed at how his work looks compared to yours."
Mason scrunched up her nose, "Stickmen, really horrible looking stickmen."
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by LestrangeRaven
Wew... the professor weren't looking so nice as usual.. no surprise but that doesn't bring Raven's spirit down..
"I was curious, I mean about the Skrewt, i thought they have an armor that could reflected magic spell.. how did you? I mean, how did you immobolize it just with one move, sir? " Raven curiousity is not without a reason, he thought that if he have to care some hideous creature like Skrewt, at least he have to know how to handle them right? You know.. for his safety..
But looking at Jessie being so sad is bringing Raven down too.. the urge of regret is filling his ego now.. he stare his shoes, he need to study and practice harder to be able to protect his love one.. he need to prove himself.. well.. maybe spending time after class with Professor Draper wasn't bad, at least he might be able to learn something
How James managed to keep a straight face after hearing that question was entirely beyond him. He was able to immobilize the creature because unlike these foolish children, James knew what he was doing. However, he didn't say that out loud... As much as he wanted to.
"They are entirely covered by their amour shield," he nodded. Very good. At least the kid knew that much. "Except for a small area on their underside. Had you been paying enough attention after you caused it to start thrashing about, maybe you would have seen it." And that's that.
"Anything else?"
Hopefully no.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Overwhelmed was another emotion Paul thought was perfectly normal to feel, especially someone of Illa's age. Teenagers. The whole time was overwhelming, to be honest, but it wasn't a miserable time...it was what one made of it, according to Paul.
Paul was under no authority to criticize how parents raised their children, but Illa's words made the man purse his lips. "I see. Well. I know lots of ladies who cry...more than those times, I assure you," he said gently. "My mother--Merlin--she cries all the time!" It was where Paul got his sensitivity from, for sure. "She was a Hufflepuff..." his dear, dear mother. The Mrs. Myers. "Granted, my mother is not a very fancy lady..." which is what Milton thought Illa's family seemed like...fancy people. Sort of like Milton's family....
And the more he listened to Illa's story, the more he thought Milton's situation was very paralleled to it. Hmph. Paul took it all in, his lips pursed even more so now. Arranged marriage. Pfffft. He knew how he felt about those. But as her professor...again, he needed to be objective. "Well..I think we both know what you need to do, m'dear. Lying can only get you so far...and..." he cleared his throat. "You're dating Henric, right?" he usually kept up with the Hogwarts' couples. "I think...if you value Henric...you...your mother should probably know." he sighed a little and kicked his feet, since they were hanging down from the bridge. "It's always hard." He glanced over at her for a second. "it's always hard telling a parent you don't...want to marry who they think you should." He wouldn't indulge his entire story, but... "I have experience in that area, m'dear. And eventually...even if it's a blowout right now, or she gets mad at you right now..things will be better. How old are you?" he asked curiously. "Sixteen? Seventeen?"
The professor spoke and what he said surprised her a little. Hmm....who knew that there were actually somewhat sane adults? It was normal to cry sometimes, besides at funerals right? His mother cried a lot....that was...awful wasn't it? Oh, she was a Hufflepuff....well, given the amount of Hufflepuffs that she had met since she had moved to Britain.......she did think it was a strong indicator of an emotional person. After all, her best friend was one.....and she was dating one. Fancy? What did 'fancy' have to do with anything? "A lady is a lady not by birth, but by her virtue. How she presents herself and the nobility of actions, not her blood, make her what she is."'Fancy' or snooty, rich or high born, none of that mattered to her. "It is considered a hallmark of the highborn, expected of those with rank to be a lady but it is not always so. Yet, some considered low born or simple can be the noblest and kindest of true ladies." Yes, some people in her family weren't total jerks.....
She knew what she 'needed' to do yes....it was just....doing it. She wasn't technically lying....she just....wasn't telling her mother. What he asked next though, made her cheeks blush. Eeep. "D-do.....we....make it that obvious?" She didn't hold his hand in Herbology even! Or...any other class for that matter.....except comforting him in Muggle Studies. He was right but.....he didn't know her mother. He had experience in this???? Things would get better, mmmm probably not. He should seriously see some of the things that happened with her family, then he would understand her concern. "I know that, she should know but.....she will probably pull me out of Hogwarts once she knows and I would at least like to finish my term here." Despite the crazy things, having been spider napped and every other bizarre instance that happened at this looney bin.......she wanted to stay with Henric. Having Candice around was nice too.
Well he had her age right too, she was not being an overdramatic teen though okay? "I'll be seventeen at the end of spring." She wasn't going to ask how old he was, despite her curiosity.
Mason shook her head, "I'm pure-blooded, remember?" she said, "Why would I eat something that even an always-hungry-teenage-boy wouldn't put in his mouth? I have some morals."
Mason smirked, "Why haven't I met her yet? Keeping your family away from me, Winchester?" she asked, "Afraid that I'll embarrass you?"
She was joking, of course. Why would Colt introduce her to his family. It wasn't like she was anyone special to him.
Mason almost gagged, "It's a figure of speech! GROSS DUDE!" she said and bit her lip, "Well how am I supposed to know that? My parents never taught me stuff like that."
"Masterpieces," she said playfully, "Da Vince would have been ashamed at how his work looks compared to yours."
Mason scrunched up her nose, "Stickmen, really horrible looking stickmen."
Colt snorted and couldn't help but think her insults are adorable. "Aww Mason your insults will never phase me. They are adorable. You should invest and get some cheerios, you could use them." He couldn't wait to see her reaction to them because he hated them. She seemed like the person that had his same interests. He even raised an eyebrow and asked, "You have morals? Since when? Obviously you didn't when you spoke to Professor Murdoch..." He heard her comment about meeting Kaylee and he chuckled. "Yeah you can meet her. She doesn't like meeting new people but go for it. Oh you won't embarrass me. Kaylee will do the embarrassing for me." She had no filter on her mouth. She got that for her auntie that is for sure.
The slytherin laughed at Mason's reaction and he chuckled some more before he could answer back, "You know I am pulling your leg. I knew it was a figure of speech. Ah so your parents never taught you about respecting the authorities. Well least you got your first lesson from none other than your head of house congrats to you on that one.." he smirked and patted her head. Oohhooo look at her using a comeback. "Ow Mason that hurtt.." he put a hand over his heart. "I am so offended I don't know what to do with myself." he said sarcastically. She criticized his artwork now that is cold. "Oh I used to draw stickmen till I learned to draw doodles and creatures..." he said and went back to doodling. He got out a new page and began to doodle and dragon.
SPOILER!!: Jessie & Raven; No need to apologize <3
He had freaked them out, yeah? Good.
…. He looked at the girl disappointedly, ”It wasn’t a question, Miss Champbell.” Did it sound like he was giving them a choice? Because he wasn’t. They HAD to stay after class. Unless they’d rather serve a detention instead. And the dungeons would be much less welcoming. ”You will both stay after class for the rest of this week. And maybe through the extra time you can regain confidence again.” Did he make himself clear this time? Not. A. Choice.
….. What now?
He gave the Slytherin a look in consideration, ”Go ahead,” this better be good.
So Jessie missunderstood his offers? " Ah... Yes, sir." Jessie blinks her eyes repeteadly " I will stay after class as your command."
She have no clue about what will happened. And she hopes that everything can be better.
Originally Posted by LestrangeRaven
But looking at Jessie being so sad is bringing Raven down too.. the urge of regret is filling his ego now.. he stare his shoes, he need to study and practice harder to be able to protect his love one..
And then she staring at the boys. Her eyes looking for his blue one. Trying to tell him her current feeling. And then she realized how sad Raven looks like.
I'm sorry,Raven... I shouldn't do that... "
Jessie encouraging herself to smiling at Raven. She wants his gloomy expression to dissapear from those handsome face.
Last edited by weasleyrima; 02-02-2016 at 11:16 AM.
Reason: adding some lines
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
Colt snorted and couldn't help but think her insults are adorable. "Aww Mason your insults will never phase me. They are adorable. You should invest and get some cheerios, you could use them." He couldn't wait to see her reaction to them because he hated them. She seemed like the person that had his same interests. He even raised an eyebrow and asked, "You have morals? Since when? Obviously you didn't when you spoke to Professor Murdoch..." He heard her comment about meeting Kaylee and he chuckled. "Yeah you can meet her. She doesn't like meeting new people but go for it. Oh you won't embarrass me. Kaylee will do the embarrassing for me." She had no filter on her mouth. She got that for her auntie that is for sure.
The slytherin laughed at Mason's reaction and he chuckled some more before he could answer back, "You know I am pulling your leg. I knew it was a figure of speech. Ah so your parents never taught you about respecting the authorities. Well least you got your first lesson from none other than your head of house congrats to you on that one.." he smirked and patted her head. Oohhooo look at her using a comeback. "Ow Mason that hurtt.." he put a hand over his heart. "I am so offended I don't know what to do with myself." he said sarcastically. She criticized his artwork now that is cold. "Oh I used to draw stickmen till I learned to draw doodles and creatures..." he said and went back to doodling. He got out a new page and began to doodle and dragon.
"Now which dragon should I draw.."
Mason guffawed, "Adorable?" she asked, "I am not adorable! I am evil, fear me. Grrrr."
She was only joking (or was she?) but she really hated being called adorable. Whether it was to her or to her insults and witty comebacks, just no.
Mason mimicked choking before scrunching up her nose even further (It was gonna get stuck like this if she kept doing that)
"I'd rather kiss the Bloody Baron, dude. And of course I have morals! I am obviously very classy, so what would you expect?" Mason groaned, "Are you seriously still on that? Let it go, I learned my lesson, geez."
Did he seriously just pet her? Like she was some dog or owl that just did something cute. Ugh, boys. . .
Mason laughed, "Well, hopefully she's a more entertaining of you two!" she said and smirked, "You're comebacks are getting boring. Can't keep up with me, Winchester?"
"Well it bloody should!" she said with a grin, "You're really sensitive today. What happened, your boyfriend break-up with you?"
Mason frowned at him, "Can't you draw something more realistic? Like a person? That would be much more impressive than a dragon."
How James managed to keep a straight face after hearing that question was entirely beyond him. He was able to immobilize the creature because unlike these foolish children, James knew what he was doing. However, he didn't say that out loud... As much as he wanted to.
"They are entirely covered by their amour shield," he nodded. Very good. At least the kid knew that much. "Except for a small area on their underside. Had you been paying enough attention after you caused it to start thrashing about, maybe you would have seen it." And that's that.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by weasleyrima
So Jessie missunderstood his offers? " Ah... Yes, sir." Jessie blinks her eyes repeteadly " I will stay after class as your command."
She have no clue about what will happened. And she hopes that everything can be better.
Originally Posted by LestrangeRaven
"thank you sir, for your explanation"
"no.. no.no"
"can i go back now to the castle sir?"
Yeah, yeah don't mention it. "Yes, you are both dismissed," he said nodding to let them know to go ahead. As in James very much wanted the two of them to leave, thanks. As for the creature, "Alright little guy, let's get you home." Poor Skrewt was probably just lost and disoriented.
And thank Merlin this was over. James didn't have any more patience left in him.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Mason guffawed, "Adorable?" she asked, "I am not adorable! I am evil, fear me. Grrrr."
She was only joking (or was she?) but she really hated being called adorable. Whether it was to her or to her insults and witty comebacks, just no.
Mason mimicked choking before scrunching up her nose even further (It was gonna get stuck like this if she kept doing that)
"I'd rather kiss the Bloody Baron, dude. And of course I have morals! I am obviously very classy, so what would you expect?" Mason groaned, "Are you seriously still on that? Let it go, I learned my lesson, geez."
Did he seriously just pet her? Like she was some dog or owl that just did something cute. Ugh, boys. . .
Mason laughed, "Well, hopefully she's a more entertaining of you two!" she said and smirked, "You're comebacks are getting boring. Can't keep up with me, Winchester?"
"Well it bloody should!" she said with a grin, "You're really sensitive today. What happened, your boyfriend break-up with you?"
Mason frowned at him, "Can't you draw something more realistic? Like a person? That would be much more impressive than a dragon."
Colt snorted with laughter and responded sarcastically. "Yeah I'll fear you alright." She was a cute little first year. How could anyone be afraid of her? Colt raised his eyebrows when she called herself classy. "Really your classy. You need to prove that to prove me wrong." He loved messing with her and seeing her reactions. He was going to let her detention go. He owes her that. I mean he wouldn't want to relive the horrors of cleaning. She thinks Kaylee is more entertaining. He agreed with that one. "Yeah she is more entertaining with the big mouth of hers. You should meet her in the common room. I can take you there after." He promised that one.
Did she just say his comebacks were getting boring. Not that he cared. He was done arguing for now. He was more concentrating on his artwork. "Nah they aren't boring. You are giving me nothing to work with. You're just not worth it." He smirked to himself. He raised his eyebrows yet again. Did his boyfriend break up with him? He laughed and shook his head. "Nahh but I see someone is a bit moody. What are you on your period?" Girls go through that. Usually that makes them moody.
Draw something more realistic? He shrugged and said, "I could but then I would let someone else's opinion get to me. That is not how a true artist work." Real artists don't give a crap what anyone thinks of them. "Not like you can draw any better." he smirked and challenged her.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
SPOILER!!: Oooooo
Colt snorted with laughter and responded sarcastically. "Yeah I'll fear you alright." She was a cute little first year. How could anyone be afraid of her? Colt raised his eyebrows when she called herself classy. "Really your classy. You need to prove that to prove me wrong." He loved messing with her and seeing her reactions. He was going to let her detention go. He owes her that. I mean he wouldn't want to relive the horrors of cleaning. She thinks Kaylee is more entertaining. He agreed with that one. "Yeah she is more entertaining with the big mouth of hers. You should meet her in the common room. I can take you there after." He promised that one.
Did she just say his comebacks were getting boring. Not that he cared. He was done arguing for now. He was more concentrating on his artwork. "Nah they aren't boring. You are giving me nothing to work with. You're just not worth it." He smirked to himself. He raised his eyebrows yet again. Did his boyfriend break up with him? He laughed and shook his head. "Nahh but I see someone is a bit moody. What are you on your period?" Girls go through that. Usually that makes them moody.
Draw something more realistic? He shrugged and said, "I could but then I would let someone else's opinion get to me. That is not how a true artist work." Real artists don't give a crap what anyone thinks of them. "Not like you can draw any better." he smirked and challenged her.
"You should," she told him matter-of-factly, "I could hex you, you know." She was good at curses and hexes. Her Yew-wand seemed to be particularly fond of them, since it mastered them faster than other spells.
Mason huffed and jumped down from the banister, before doing a perfect little curtsy, "See? I can do these stupid little bows," she showed him again, "My family is pretty rich, so it is expected of me to act like a lady." Which she rarely did, much to her mum's disappointment.
Did he really just say that she wasn't worth it?
That hurt her more than she cared to admit. She bit her lip and looked down at the floor.
Her head whipped up at his last comment though, disgust played across her face, "Excuse me? Did you really just say that?" Unbelievable, "First of, no! Because I'm eleven, idiot. And second, you're a pig!" She shot him a nasty look before shoving past him.
She didn't even stay on the Bridge long enough to hear him go on about his drawing. She just kept walking.
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
Creak. Creak...
It's been a long time since Daisy had wandered the grounds. Last time, she had gotten attacked by spiders and this year? Well, this year she had decided to stick to her studies. The spiders had given her nightmares, and well, a lack of sleep effected her studies. She had, after all, OWLs to prepare for.
But the day was too nice to sit inside, or even in the courtyard with a book. No, today she was wandering the grounds wondering if Noah or Damien was about. She doubted they were, but one could hope. She hadn't been the best type of friend this year, what with retreating into herself. But one could argue that the boys hadn't exactly tried to get her to open up to them.
She sighed and stepped around a couple of students who were chatting about bows and pigs. Daisy wandered a few hundred feet down the bridge from them. It was quieter here. She leaned against the railing which creaked below her elbows and looked out over the grounds.
It's been a long time since Daisy had wandered the grounds. Last time, she had gotten attacked by spiders and this year? Well, this year she had decided to stick to her studies. The spiders had given her nightmares, and well, a lack of sleep effected her studies. She had, after all, OWLs to prepare for.
But the day was too nice to sit inside, or even in the courtyard with a book. No, today she was wandering the grounds wondering if Noah or Damien was about. She doubted they were, but one could hope. She hadn't been the best type of friend this year, what with retreating into herself. But one could argue that the boys hadn't exactly tried to get her to open up to them.
She sighed and stepped around a couple of students who were chatting about bows and pigs. Daisy wandered a few hundred feet down the bridge from them. It was quieter here. She leaned against the railing which creaked below her elbows and looked out over the grounds.
Something about the water was comforting to Damien. If you asked him to explain this reasoning ... well ... you'd be waiting for that explanation for a long time. Maybe it was the sound. The sight? The smell. Regardless, it was one of the very few things that could actually calm whatever panic attacks have been plaguing him recently.
He happened upon a group of students and successfully avoided them ... some kind of lovers spat, perhaps?
Damien rolled up the sleeves of his long sleeved shirt and fidgeted with the leather cuff on his wrist. His skin was itching so he did his best to twist it around to ease the discomfort.
Another figure came into focus and he recognized (again one of the few) people at Hogwarts who he attempted to carry a conversation with. Daisy seemed to realize that he was the "strong but silent type", yet she had a knack for telling him he was being a git without caring what the reaction would be.
"I'm kind of surprised to see you down here," he said, Irish accent flowing before clearing his throat.
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
Text Cut: Damien
Originally Posted by NannyMcPhee
Something about the water was comforting to Damien. If you asked him to explain this reasoning ... well ... you'd be waiting for that explanation for a long time. Maybe it was the sound. The sight? The smell. Regardless, it was one of the very few things that could actually calm whatever panic attacks have been plaguing him recently.
He happened upon a group of students and successfully avoided them ... some kind of lovers spat, perhaps?
Damien rolled up the sleeves of his long sleeved shirt and fidgeted with the leather cuff on his wrist. His skin was itching so he did his best to twist it around to ease the discomfort.
Another figure came into focus and he recognized (again one of the few) people at Hogwarts who he attempted to carry a conversation with. Daisy seemed to realize that he was the "strong but silent type", yet she had a knack for telling him he was being a git without caring what the reaction would be.
"I'm kind of surprised to see you down here," he said, Irish accent flowing before clearing his throat.
Daisy didn't blanch at the approach of another person. His presence wasn't offensive or distracting. Damien's presence always - was. She couldn't explain it. Unlike the sometimes unbidden rage or irritation Noah elicited in her, Damien made her feel...well, if she had to express it in a tangible feeling, she'd say sad. He had a sadness about him that seeped out. He always had, and she wagered he always would.
"Why?" she said defensively in response to his comment. She said it automatically feeling a bit guilty at her lack of presence this year. Only as soon as the word left her mouth, she regretted it. Damien's tone hadn't been accusatory, it had been - observatory. But she had started down the defensive path and didn't know how to backtrack. So, she plowed onward, knowing she'd probably regret it later. "It's a lovely day out. Why shouldn't I be outside enjoying it?"
Damien rubbed the back of his neck before resting his arms on the wooden rail. If there was a tone in her response, the Hufflepuff hardly noticed it. He wasn't exactly empathetic and didn't pick up on social cues. Might explain why he didn't speak to many people in the first place.
For some reason, Daisy was a rare exception.
So he tried.
"Sorry," he mumbled. "I know how much you enjoy the academia of this place and figured there was some form of extra credit you might be working on."
He glanced in her direction, attempting to gauge if there was another reason, besides the weather, that brought her down to the area.
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
Text Cut: Damien
Originally Posted by NannyMcPhee
Damien rubbed the back of his neck before resting his arms on the wooden rail. If there was a tone in her response, the Hufflepuff hardly noticed it. He wasn't exactly empathetic and didn't pick up on social cues. Might explain why he didn't speak to many people in the first place.
For some reason, Daisy was a rare exception.
So he tried.
"Sorry," he mumbled. "I know how much you enjoy the academia of this place and figured there was some form of extra credit you might be working on."
He glanced in her direction, attempting to gauge if there was another reason, besides the weather, that brought her down to the area.
Well, that was one thing for her. Damien hadn't taken offense to her tone. Had he been Noah, she probably would be plummeting off the side of the bridge by now. Or be missing an eyebrow. Or a chunk of her hair...
She sighed and pushed off from the railing where she had been leaning. "No, no extra credit." Even though she needed it. Her grades hadn't been the greatest lately. "All study and no play makes for a dull day," she muttered as she turned around to lean her back against the railing so she was looking opposite Damien. Great, she thought. Now I sound like Leandor. And if there was one thing she hated more than spiders in her hair, it was sounding like her stuffy older brother.
Out of the corner of her eye, she sized up Damien. He looked pale, well, more pale then he usually did. Pale and tired as if he needed some cheering up. "What bring you out into the daylight Count?" she asked him, trying to be playful. She wasn't sure if it worked.