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Down the long corridor to the right are the girls'dormrooms. Torches light the way allowing you to see the many portraits of Slytherin alumni lining the walls. You'll want to be careful what you say or do here as these portraits aren't here just for the decor.
There is a dorm room for each year of the house. Students, you will find many four poster beds, all draped with green curtains. Be sure to stake your claim on the bed you want before someone else gets to it first.
Be aware, this Dorm is for Slytherin GIRLS ONLY. Each room has a charm placed on it that will alert Healer Murdoch should any boys TRY to enter these rooms. Consider this your warning. Any boys caught trying to get in here WILL face the wrath of Healer Murdoch.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
SPOILER!!: Weird Creeper
Are you all sound asleep?
Well you should be - it's the middle of the night!
But as you wake up, trying to figure out what it was that awoke you, it happens again.
Something, or some..one is breathing on your neck.
Mason's eyes flew open as she felt the hot air on her neck. She let out an irritated groan. Who in Merlin's name breathed on someone in the middle of the fricken night?! She scowled slightly and rubbed at her sleep-heavy eyes, "Wh-"
But as she lay eyes on the thing that was breathing on her, the blood seemed to freeze in her veins and her mouth seemed to just flop open. What the hell even. . . ?!?!?!
She was sure that that scream could have woken the entire castle, she hoped it had. There was no way that they could deal with this thing alone.
She tried scrambling away from it, only to have her back hit the headboard with an enormous thud. Pain shot through her spine and her eyes started to water. She reached frantically under her pillow, searching for the only thing that could protect her and a short-lived relief washed over her as her fingers wrapped around the Yew wand.
Light! She needed light before she could even think about jinxing this horrid thing! She raised her wand, "Lumos! Lumos! Lumos!" she shouted frantically and prayed that her spell worked.
Light emanated from the tip of her wand, making the features of the thing visible and she regretted it as soon as she saw it more clearly.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: The Narrator
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Are you all sound asleep?
Well you should be - it's the middle of the night!
But as you wake up, trying to figure out what it was that awoke you, it happens again.
Something, or some..one is breathing on your neck.
Ariadne was having a really nice dream about Quidditch. She was on a team...somewhere. Nevermind where. They were winning, though! She was riding high on her broomstick and staring at the hoop in the distance. They had this! The bludger was heading her way, and she must have been playing Beater like her mom and sister, because she had a bat. She raised her bat and aimed it toward the bludger. Just as bat was about to hit ball...
...something began breathing heavily on her neck. "MASON?!" she asked, awakening with a start. Mason was the ONLY other first year Slytherin girl around, so Ariadne assumed it must be her. Ariadne fumbled for her wand, which wasn't a good defense technique, but yeah... She fumbled for it, finally found it, and cast lumos.
Her fellow first year looked just as startled as she did, though. "Oh, my Merlin, what was that?!" she asked, hoping the other girl knew something. ANYTHING. "Somebody's...IN HERE WITH US."
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Are you all sound asleep?
Well you should be - it's the middle of the night!
But as you wake up, trying to figure out what it was that awoke you, it happens again.
Something, or some..one is breathing on your neck.
In that state between kind-of-dreaming and kind-of-awake, Rula thought she heard a muffled scream coming from a couple dorm rooms away, but y'know, it could've just been her imagination... Just a dream....
What didn't feel like a dream was what felt distinctly like someone breathing right on her neck - and it startled her enough to open her eyes.
She instinctively reached behind her with one hand and peered over her shoulder to see who or what it might be.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: the breather
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Are you all sound asleep?
Well you should be - it's the middle of the night!
But as you wake up, trying to figure out what it was that awoke you, it happens again.
Something, or some..one is breathing on your neck.
Everything had seemed normal, or at least normal by Hogwarts standards given there had already been that hag situation. Brooklyn was perfectly fine with the having gone away, and she’d slept a lot more comfortably ever since the disappearance. As far as she was concerned, everything smelled better since then, even though she’d known her bed always smelled nice. She wouldn’t have bothered sleeping in it if it hadn’t, especially given her roommates. Well, even there, she tolerated Maggie a lot more than she had in previous terms, but it hardly counted as a friendship.
She’d curled up as usual, Tywin in a ball near her feet as she slept. At first, she hadn’t noticed the faint breeze against her neck, the feeling of someone breathing on her. She’d been sleeping soundly, until the combination of a nightmare about spiders as well as the faint sound of a scream from one of the other dorms woke her. At first, she hadn’t really registered anything. There hadn’t been any other screams, so she’d rolled over. Only to feel the breath against her neck even more and she sat up, the nightmare flaring back to life. The nightmare she’d had every once in a while, ever since the invisible spider had bit her on the back of her neck years ago. Obviously nobody was in bed with her, so she was just annoyed. Someone ought to show their face. She planned on giving them a piece of her mind once they did.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Ariadne's breathing slowly returned to normal, and a few minutes passed without anything else happening. Maybe it had just been another of the girl's playing a trick on them or something. Slytherins were sneaky like that. Ariadne laid back down and pulled the covers up, curling back into her bed and TRYING to go back to sleep...
...but she was also still listening for any other signs of an intruder.
Elsa returned to her Dorm after another eventful day. Merlin, her mother never told her learning could be this tiring. Soon it will be over, and you'll return home, she thought as she flopped down on her bed with a loud thump sound. There had been happening some weird things lately on this dorm, and she honestly hoped she could get a good night sleep.
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?