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Ansley led his class out to an open space on the Hogwarts grounds not far from the lake. This would be the perfect place to have a little fun with his lesson. Once he called roll again and made sure that everyone who was with him inside was now congregated outside, he addressed them all as a class again.
"Alright, class, we are going to have a little activity," he said, raising his voice a little to make sure they could all hear. "We are going to go to war. Well... not really, but we are going to have a paint war. Instead of two sides, there will be four - you will be divided by house. Might as well Impervius your clothes, or get an older student to do that for you." He probably should have told them to wear old clothes, but oops, he forgot.
"A lot of you said you'd go to war for family or friends, maybe imagine that that is what is going on now." Or whatever they wanted to imagine, he didn't care. "Which side will win? The side that wants it more? The side with more people? The side that has more power?" It might be interesting to see how it turned out or what the strategies would be.
"You will be using two spells - Pingo, which shoots out a bubble of paint from your wand when combined with the spell name and color (for example - Pingo Blue shoots out blue paint) and Protego, the shield charm." Hopefully the younger students knew these charms or they'd need to learn fast. Not his problem though, all's fair in love and war. "You will attempt to strike a member from another team with your house color and they will do the same. Once you are hit by a color twice, you must join that team until you are struck twice by another color." So in effect, if a teammate was lost, they could always be returned if the original team were strategic.
Originally Posted by Rules
Each house is a team and your goal is to get as many students to your team by shooting them with paint in your house color.
You will be shooting paint in house colors at each other using the spell Pingo + the appropriate color. Only one action per post. One person will shoot the paint and one person will RP the outcome.
You may either shoot paint or RP the outcome (block or hit) in your post.
If you've been hit twice by a house color, you must join that team.
Include as much detail in a post as desired, but please include who is being shot at and the color. Please these stand out easier by underlining and coloring or bolding the noted words.
Please wear the appropriately colored avatar so teams can recognize each other and make the game a little easier for everyone to play. And change it accordingly if your character gets hit and has to join a different team.
Participation points will come from this game, so have fun, be honest, and don't worry too much about what team you are on. Remember that not every student is going to block every spell or hit every target. I'd much rather see realism than winners =)
You will have until 11:59 pm EDT March 29 to complete at least 6 posts at which time this class will come to an end.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Once he was done taking notes in the classroom, Yoongi stood up to follow the Professor outside together with the other students. He half suspected what they were going to do as an activity today and his feelings got rightly answered when they arrived at their destination.
A paintball war. Or ..well..kinda… it was the same wasn’t it? Only instead of taking down as many as possible from the opposing teams they had to win team members. That was something different and he liked the idea. He looked around , already thinking of good attacking and hiding points when the Professor began to explain the rules further and he nodded.
Taking out his phoenix feathered wand from its wrist holster, the Head Boy had an excited look in his eyes as he got ready.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
Mmmm. . . they were going outside.
She still wanted to argue with Miss Head Girl. . . oh well. Maybe another time. So Mason packed up her small amount of belongings and followed the rest of the students out of the classroom and onto the school Grounds.
What could they possibly be doing if they had to be outside for it? Hopefully not something where they were going to get dirty. . . the last thing she needed was to be covered in muck for the rest of the day.
Nevermind. She soon learned what they were gonna do upon arriving at the destination. That seemed to be exactly what they were doing. Shooting people with paint. Mason couldn't lie, it did seem pretty fun. . . she could always just magic herself clean, right?
So, with an evil Slytherin Smirk plastered across her face, she started making plans in her head. . . but for them to work, she need her House. "Can all the Slytherins please group-up!" Come on people! We needed to win this!
Ravenclaw obviously had the most people, so the Snakes need a good plan and A LOT of power. . .
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Oh, MY MERLIN, they were doomed. There were enough Ravenclaws at this school to form a large army. What was it with all the intelligent people?! Hopefully there were some cunning and ambitious first years joining them next year! Ariadne grouped up with Mason, agreeing with her that forming an army was their best shot.
"What are we waiting for?! Let's get 'em!" she called out.
...and look right there--a Gryffindor! All out in the open! The Head Boy at that! Ariadne might not be able to duel well enough to save her life from a flobberworm, but she could surely shoot paint out her wand. "PINGO GREEN!" she called out, aiming her wand at Yoongi.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura sort of liked this activity! She just hoped that Cyprian wasn't over on the green side! She didn't want to war with him! She pulled out her wand and looked around..
"Ravvies!! Over here! Let's make some sort of strategy!" Maybe they could do what they did in the dueling club first meeting? Have some defenders? She wasn't sure! But she was looking forward to this!!
She wasn't going to fire yet! But she walked sound, her purple eyes looking for her next target.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
So they had to take on the Ravenclaws?
Esme wasn't sure what was going on with Hogwarts, but it seemed that everyone had been sorted into that House. A lot of them were her friends so she didn't MIND it, but when going to 'war' it made for a huge opposition. The only thing they could do was to try and get as many of them over to the yellow side as possible. This should be a lot of fun. All she needed was for the other Hufflepuffs to join her so that they could plan the assault but if nothing else she would go in there and blast people with Pingo like there was no tomorrow.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
He had known he was going to be attacked as soon as possible. Apparently there was something really satisfying for the first years to try and attack the Head Boy because in DADA class they had done the same. Failed but at least tried.
And he wasn't dissapointed when he saw little Ariadne shooting green paint at him. He waved his wand and non-verbally casted the shield charm to block the spell. He grinned at the girl as he lifted the charm again.
It would take more to take him down this early in the game.
Azura sort of liked this activity! She just hoped that Cyprian wasn't over on the green side! She didn't want to war with him! She pulled out her wand and looked around..
"Ravvies!! Over here! Let's make some sort of strategy!" Maybe they could do what they did in the dueling club first meeting? Have some defenders? She wasn't sure! But she was looking forward to this!!
She wasn't going to fire yet! But she walked sound, her purple eyes looking for her next target.
Kitty pulled her black hood over her head and darted across the grounds with her back bent forward to avoid getting hit by flying spells. She made her way over to Azura and stood next to her. "I am abledo both spells," she told her hurriedly. "But you'll probably be better at this than I am so I'll do whatever you want me to do."
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
SPOILER!!: Crazy
Oh, MY MERLIN, they were doomed. There were enough Ravenclaws at this school to form a large army. What was it with all the intelligent people?! Hopefully there were some cunning and ambitious first years joining them next year! Ariadne grouped up with Mason, agreeing with her that forming an army was their best shot.
"What are we waiting for?! Let's get 'em!" she called out.
...and look right there--a Gryffindor! All out in the open! The Head Boy at that! Ariadne might not be able to duel well enough to save her life from a flobberworm, but she could surely shoot paint out her wand. "PINGO GREEN!" she called out, aiming her wand at Yoongi.
Let's get this party started.
Ariadne was crazy. This was literally the first time Mason ever noticed that, which was weird, considering that they shared a dorm.
She just ATTACKED Mister Head Boy. . .
"Oh my Merlin! Ariadne!" She said and made a grab for her friend's arm, "Get back here! We need a strategy before we go charging in there like hooligans! We need to group up and work out a plan!"
All the other Houses seemed to be working on their own as well. "Where the hell are the Slytherins?!"
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Mason!
Originally Posted by Nc.Ap.
Ariadne was crazy. This was literally the first time Mason ever noticed that, which was weird, considering that they shared a dorm.
She just ATTACKED Mister Head Boy. . .
"Oh my Merlin! Ariadne!" She said and made a grab for her friend's arm, "Get back here! We need a strategy before we go charging in there like hooligans! We need to group up and work out a plan!"
All the other Houses seemed to be working on their own as well. "Where the hell are the Slytherins?!"
Helllooooooooo???? Anybody thereeeeeeee?????
Ariadne watched on tippy toes as her spell headed toward the Head Boy. Yup. She'd started out BIG. Gone straight to the top. To the HEAD BOY...
...and she'd missed.
Well, darn it. What had she expected anyway?
She was about to fire at him again, when she heard her name from her co-firstie and dorm mate Mason. "Oh. Right," she said. Strategies and all. Oops. "I suppose firing at 'em and not letting up for a single second is out, hmm?" Just joking, Mason! Strategizing it is.
Okay, so she was here and ready to work with the team. "So...where's the team?" she asked. With her luck, she'd probably get blasted with paint (blue, she'd guess) before she even had time to hatch out a decent plan. Just in case, she kept a side eye on the room at large.
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Squishy
So they had to take on the Ravenclaws?
Esme wasn't sure what was going on with Hogwarts, but it seemed that everyone had been sorted into that House. A lot of them were her friends so she didn't MIND it, but when going to 'war' it made for a huge opposition. The only thing they could do was to try and get as many of them over to the yellow side as possible. This should be a lot of fun. All she needed was for the other Hufflepuffs to join her so that they could plan the assault but if nothing else she would go in there and blast people with Pingo like there was no tomorrow.
It was only when they approached the open space did Carl wonder what game they were going to play. They were discussing wars and battles, so - a paint war? This was going to be so fun! He grinned and looked around for other Hufflepuffs, quickly finding Esme. Ducking down, he ran towards her.
"Hey!" The Badger said, taking out his wand from his pocket excitedly.The first thing he had to do was to practice the Pingo spell. He pointed his wand at the patch of grass in front of him. "Pingo Yellow ... Pingo Yellow ... Pingo Yellow." Paint shot out his wand on his third attempt.
Glad that he did not have to spend more time practicing the spell, Carl turned his attention to the paint war going on. He decided to aim at Ariadne, his previous duel opponent. "Pingo Yellow!" He called out.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Carl
Originally Posted by Jean Granger
It was only when they approached the open space did Carl wonder what game they were going to play. They were discussing wars and battles, so - a paint war? This was going to be so fun! He grinned and looked around for other Hufflepuffs, quickly finding Esme. Ducking down, he ran towards her.
"Hey!" The Badger said, taking out his wand from his pocket excitedly.The first thing he had to do was to practice the Pingo spell. He pointed his wand at the patch of grass in front of him. "Pingo Yellow ... Pingo Yellow ... Pingo Yellow." Paint shot out his wand on his third attempt.
Glad that he did not have to spend more time practicing the spell, Carl turned his attention to the paint war going on. He decided to aim at Ariadne, his previous duel opponent. "Pingo Yellow!" He called out.
Wait, WHAT?!
See, this was why she decided to keep a side eye on the playing field all while trying to strategize with the team she was still trying to locate. Lucky for her she hadn't ignored things altogether, because CARL decided to aim right toward her, which she luckily caught just in time.
Raising her wand straight forward, she gave a good, "PROTEGO!" and blocked the spell. "Merlin, Mason! What's the plan? It's a jungle out there!" And here she was thinking the RAVENCLAWS would be the first to attack her. We're on to you, Hufflepuffs. We're on to you.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Aaah, there was one of her teammates.
Esme smiled and greeted Carl as he joined her. Hopefully more Hufflepuffs would join so that they could form a tight grouping and work together to blast as many of their opponents as possible; something that her Housemate was already doing a great job of. Wow. She was rather impressed seeing as he was a First Year. Even if the shot had been blocked they were off to a good start.
"Awesome," she said with approval before turning her focus on Kitty. Her friend was a little too BLUE for Esme's tastes. "PINGO YELLOW"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Rachel groaned inwardly when Professor Ansley mentioned that the Shield Charm was one of the spells they would need to use. That particular charm was, if possible, her weakest. She would definitely need to opt her game if she wanted to be an asset to her House.
She headed over to Azura and Kitty and the other Ravenclaws. "Hello, everyone. Let's get a victory for Ravenclaw, shall we?'' As a team, they could repeat what they had done in the joint CoMC, Transfiguration and DADA lesson.
Rachel raised an eyebrow at Azura that plainly asked if she wanted them to work as partners but yet assist the other Eagles at the same time. "Here I go, Az. Pingo Blue!'' Her spell was directed at Esme.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Kitty and Rachel
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Kitty pulled her black hood over her head and darted across the grounds with her back bent forward to avoid getting hit by flying spells. She made her way over to Azura and stood next to her. "I am abledo both spells," she told her hurriedly. "But you'll probably be better at this than I am so I'll do whatever you want me to do."
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Rachel groaned inwardly when Professor Ansley mentioned that the Shield Charm was one of the spells they would need to use. That particular charm was, if possible, her weakest. She would definitely need to opt her game if she wanted to be an asset to her House.
She headed over to Azura and Kitty and the other Ravenclaws. "Hello, everyone. Let's get a victory for Ravenclaw, shall we?'' As a team, they could repeat what they had done in the joint CoMC, Transfiguration and DADA lesson.
Rachel raised an eyebrow at Azura that plainly asked if she wanted them to work as partners but yet assist the other Eagles at the same time. "Here I go, Az. Pingo Blue!'' Her spell was directed at Esme.
Azura smiled warmly at Kitty "Hello There, Kitty, and how about we aim for the HufflePuff's first? Try and get them to our side before going for the rest of the houses.." Besides, she really liked Esme, and what would be better than having her friend on her team?
"Remember, this is for our "families" we need to fight hard in order to win." Az said with a nod.. Some of her dueling competitiveness was coming out right now..
The purple eyed girl looked over at Rachel as she spoke and she nodded, "I'm more than ready to win this for Ravenclaw." She said with a happy grin at her dorm mate.. And she nodded at her friends raised eyebrow..
Fwoopers YES she wanted to be partners!!
"I've got your back." She said as she watched Rachel aimed her Blue bubble of paint at Esme and she giggled happily and bounced up and down as it looked like their bubble of paint hit the other girl!!
"Go Rachel!! One more and Esme is ours!" She said with a grin.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Wait, say what professor!? Paint war? Jace automatically looked at his uniform and could already hear his mum scolding him. But then, there's his dad who could cover up for him. He'd know what to do. Removing his robe, Jace stuffed his black uniform inside his bag and moved to where the Ravenclaws were, and listened further to the professor's instructions.
Oh. So they need to hit the same person twice with their house colour? Easy peasy. And...wait...where are the Ravenclaw boys!? He could feel his cheeks turn red seeing that he is...the only boy again in the group.
Jace's eyes widened when his team mates started attacking. Merlin's beard. Going to war without a strategy??? "Ravenclaws!" he exclaimed, his throat immediately feeling hot and scratched just by the sudden burst of voice. "There's a loophole in the rules. Don't worry about getting hit, because we can always get our teammates back by shooting the blue paint, so watch out for each other. If we capture someone from another house, let's make sure they don't get him or her back. Let's go!" With a slight jump, Jace got his wand out and tested the first spell on...
Esme. YEUP. Let's see if she can evade a second hit. "Pingo blue!"
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Angel was still feeling moody at the moment and this sounded like such a childish game, but maybe she could take advantage of the fact that they were outside in the middle of May and she could just sit down and enjoy the weather, seeing that her team were alright without her, she decided to risk it and sit on the floor just watching the game, seriously this was something she used to do a lot with her sisters but they seemed to be growing apart and she didn't like that idea, maybe a bit of sunbathing would do her some good but she had a feeling the Professor wouldn't let her do that.
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Squishy
Aaah, there was one of her teammates.
Esme smiled and greeted Carl as he joined her. Hopefully more Hufflepuffs would join so that they could form a tight grouping and work together to blast as many of their opponents as possible; something that her Housemate was already doing a great job of. Wow. She was rather impressed seeing as he was a First Year. Even if the shot had been blocked they were off to a good start.
"Awesome," she said with approval before turning her focus on Kitty. Her friend was a little too BLUE for Esme's tastes. "PINGO YELLOW"
Carl watched as yellow paint shot out of his wand ... and got blocked. Ugh, he would have liked to have a resourceful Slytherin on his team. However, he was motivated to try harder. "Thank you," he said to Esme at her approval and gave her a thumbs up as she attacked a Ravenclaw.
He was about to look for another target when he saw one, two, three people aiming their spells at his Housemate. What! Pointing his wand at one of the three, Azura (who happened to be another previous dueling opponent), he said "Pingo Yellow!"
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Angel was still feeling moody at the moment and this sounded like such a childish game, but maybe she could take advantage of the fact that they were outside in the middle of May and she could just sit down and enjoy the weather, seeing that her team were alright without her, she decided to risk it and sit on the floor just watching the game, seriously this was something she used to do a lot with her sisters but they seemed to be growing apart and she didn't like that idea, maybe a bit of sunbathing would do her some good but she had a feeling the Professor wouldn't let her do that.
Seriously though, WHERE was his team? He didn't like being the only Gryffindor surrounded by little first years. He was good at protecting himself but even he could not match up to an invasion of first years attacking him if they planned to do that.
Seeing Angel at the side of the area, Yoongi jogged over to her because Gryffindors should stick together. It was then that he realised she wasn't even participating. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying the sun more. To tell the truth, the Seventh year wanted to follow her example and just enjoy the game from the side line but as the Head Boy he felt like he needed to participate. "Angel, what are you doing?" he asked trying to sound friendly yet use his 'badge voice' "We're in the middle of class, get up" soldier "and help me out, please"
He looked around for any in coming attacks when he noticed Jace trying to shoot at a girl. While the kid was distracted , the Head Boy pointed his own wand at him and muttered "Pingo Red" and watched the paint fly in his direction.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Snakes! - Post 1 aiming at Esme
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Notes was expected. An activity of some sort was expected. A trip outside to have a paint war was NOT expected. She had on her school robes for crying out loud! Surely they could've been told to wear something they didn't care about or something. Not that she really cared all that much since she did know a charm to keep her clothing from getting stained for good.
Grabbing her bag after putting all her things away she headed outside along with everyone else. After listening to the rules the fifth year tossed her bag beneath a tree and pulled out her wand casting a very quick, 'Impervius' on her clothing. Now she was all set and ready to get started.
A moment of scanning the area she grinned hearing Mason's voice and walked over to the two younger girls, Ariadne already being there. A plan of action was a very good idea. "I say that we need a plan girls. A good one. What if we attack the same person one right after the other? Even if they toss up a shield for the first hit chances are the others will get through the shield." What do they say?
With her plan given to them she made to show them what she meant and aimed her wand at the first person she saw, Esme. "Pingo green!" Now all she could do was watch her green paint fly through the air at the younger girl.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Seriously though, WHERE was his team? He didn't like being the only Gryffindor surrounded by little first years. He was good at protecting himself but even he could not match up to an invasion of first years attacking him if they planned to do that.
Seeing Angel at the side of the area, Yoongi jogged over to her because Gryffindors should stick together. It was then that he realised she wasn't even participating. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying the sun more. To tell the truth, the Seventh year wanted to follow her example and just enjoy the game from the side line but as the Head Boy he felt like he needed to participate. "Angel, what are you doing?" he asked trying to sound friendly yet use his 'badge voice' "We're in the middle of class, get up" soldier "and help me out, please"
He looked around for any in coming attacks when he noticed Jace trying to shoot at a girl. While the kid was distracted , the Head Boy pointed his own wand at him and muttered "Pingo Red" and watched the paint fly in his direction.
He could use some red on his team T__T
Angel was just enjoying herself, seriously this was just the perfect spot when suddenly the Head Boy was there and was telling her to get up because they were in the middle of class, "I'm just enjoying the view and the sun." Angel rolled her eyes at her fellow Gryffindor, what did it seem like she was doing having a party? Seriously it was so obvious what she was doing.
"Oh well, if I must save the day again." Angel was totally not happy about being badgered but she had a feeling it wouldn't stop and guess who was now forming a plan, maybe she could get her friend whilst she wasn't looking. Angel stood up and then she aimed her wand at Hady. "Pingo Red!" Angel then watched to see what would happen next.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Everyone seemed to be targeting poor Esme. Rachel sent her an apologetic look, feeling as thought the entire situation was her fault since she started by sending the first set of paint towards her. Then she was nodding in agreement to Jace's explanation. Hopefully, the other Houses' wouldn't figure out the same thing too soon.
Who would be her next target? The Eagle spied fellow flower girl Hady. Hady would be perfect as her next target. "Pingo Blue!'' Her wand was aimed in her friend's direction and it sent blue paint zooming towards her upon the casting of the incantation. She really hoped it would hit.
What a mess, literally. They'd only just gotten there, but already the Ravenclaws were... just everywhere. Merlin alive. Jaemin looked down at his clothes, bit his lip nervously, and gave the Impervius spell his best shot. Who knew if it worked right or not, but... he was already expecting he'd get hit a few times, just because he'd already proven that he wasn't very good at casting spells at other people or even at defending himself. Confidence = zero.
But he supposed he had to try. The small Slytherin squeezed his wand in his hand and, hovering near the other Slytherins, just sorta watched and waited. Until a red ball shot by a Gryffindor girl came flying at Hady, who was one of the only not-first years they had. They needed her. Jaemin cast a shield up hurriedly for her, glad that at least he could do that well enough.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
This is the messiest class he's ever attended! Not even charms could top this. Not having the time to watch if his blue paint had hit Esme, the Ravenclaw started to scope the area for another target. Just then, a Hufflepuff aimed his wand at Azura and Jace couldn't help but run to where she was to block the incoming yellow paint.
It was a good thing that he was just three steps away from her. "Azura watch out!" Nope nope nope! She must be given the chance to attack first, okay fellow first year? "PROTEGO!" The yellow paint had hit the invisible shield, and the splatter was thrown back to where the boy was. "Move, Azura! Come on!" Just...don't go breaking your nose, please?
And as Jace went back to his old position, he saw red paint splatter on his old spot. Some Gryffindor tried to catch him, eh?
*S Q U I N T*
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
Yes! Hady had arrived! As well as the another Slytherin boy (Jaemin)!
She nodded her head as Hady explained her sorta-plan. It was good, since the odds of one person dodging 4 paint-bubbles all in one go was kind of slim. Oh Merlin! These people were ruthless. Paint was already flying everywhere. Rachie-Ru had even tried to get a hit on Hady. Thank Gandalf that the other guy had been fast enough to cast a Shield-Charm.
Ah yes, attacking! Their target seemed to be Esme, scratch that, Esme seemed t be everyone's target. She felt kind of bad for the girl, buuuutttttttttt. . .
What are you gonna do? This was war!
"Sorry Esme!" She shouted and gave the girl a wide grin before raising her Yew and shouting the incantation, "PINGO GREEN!"