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The Lions, who placed second in Gobstones, third in the House Cup, and fourth in the Quidditch Cup this term, sit under a bright crimson and gold banner representing their house. Say goodbye to your friends!
Lovely. The term's finally coming to an end. Zeke will turn 7th year, then eventually graduate.
He sat over at his house table, not expecting anyone at all to talk to him since he didn't know any of these people much. Nope, he hasn't been hanging out with anyone in particular at all. Except Gwen, and two Hufflepuffs whom he recently discovered were the Captain and the Prefect.
Lovely. The term's finally coming to an end. Zeke will turn 7th year, then eventually graduate.
He sat over at his house table, not expecting anyone at all to talk to him since he didn't know any of these people much. Nope, he hasn't been hanging out with anyone in particular at all. Except Gwen, and two Hufflepuffs whom he recently discovered were the Captain and the Prefect.
He just sat there. And waited.
Fifth year. It was over.
What a strange thought it was, to be finishing her fifth year here at Hogwarts already. She took a deep breath in then let it out. Fifth year was over. Summer was here. Oh, Melanie was so excited. She had a huge smile on her face as she walked to the Great Hall. She hummed the tune to 'Over the River and Through the Woods' as she walked towards the Gryffindor table. "Right down the stairs and down the halls, to the Great Hall we all go," Melanie ended up singing quietly instead. Oops?
She reached the Gryffindor table and let out a loud sigh. Before noticing someone. "Hullo~" she greeted with a smile before sitting down, humming to herself and maybe swaying a little bit back and forth. She was just so excited for summer to begin!
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
What a strange thought it was, to be finishing her fifth year here at Hogwarts already. She took a deep breath in then let it out. Fifth year was over. Summer was here. Oh, Melanie was so excited. She had a huge smile on her face as she walked to the Great Hall. She hummed the tune to 'Over the River and Through the Woods' as she walked towards the Gryffindor table. "Right down the stairs and down the halls, to the Great Hall we all go," Melanie ended up singing quietly instead. Oops?
She reached the Gryffindor table and let out a loud sigh. Before noticing someone. "Hullo~" she greeted with a smile before sitting down, humming to herself and maybe swaying a little bit back and forth. She was just so excited for summer to begin!
.......'Maybe I should just go to my nothing box and stay there until food comes.' Because the nothing box was his favorite place to be in. Yep, over there he can't think about problems, or try to remember his past, or wonder where Evie could be.
He halfway there to being subconscious. But before the seventeen year old could enter his own world of nothingness, someone woke him back to reality. Blink. Looking up, he saw a girl who seemed pretty happy to be there. Well, here's someone who doesn't seem to have problems. ...luckygirl. He noticed from what she was wearing that she's a Gryffindor, like him. This was new. "Hey," he smiled at her. So he finally met someone from his own house. She seemed like a nice girl; therefore, this lion shall treat her nicely for she is his own kind.
Extending his right hand to offer her a handshake, he introduced himself with the only name he wanted people to know, "I'm Zeke." Only Zeke, 'cause Ezekiel Andrei de Ferreis was not needed since they will only call each other by nickname. Or maybe Zeke's just being lazy to say his whole name. Or he didn't like his name.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Finally it was time for the feast!
Penelope was READY for summer. Completely ready for once. She'd miss Hogwarts and how easy it made it to hang out with all her friends whenever she felt like it, but it also made it hard to see her boyfriend as much as she wanted since he didn't go there. She was ready to see him again.
And the summer holiday in general would hopefully be good too, besides just seeing him though that was the best part. She'd have to talk to Anya about it again, but she probably wouldn't have to spend too much time, if any, at her grandparents' place. A day or two at the most, hopefully, if even that. And the less time she spent there, the better her summer would definitely be.
So she entered the Great Hall relatively calmly and not as much sadness as usual. There might be more to come later anyway as the seventh years came. Which, speaking of them, she did have something to give one of them in her hands. But that could wait for a bit too.
She reached the Gryffindor table and sat down by the only other two Gryffindors there - Melanie and a guy who looked sorta familiar but who Penelope couldn't remember the name of. "Hey guys," she greeted them with a smile. "Ready for summer?"
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Well, that was quick. The whole year kind of flew by in a flash and all of her seventh year totally caught up to her. In one HUGE defining crash.
It was over. Seven years, a million memories later, her seventh year had come swiftly to a close and she was graduating. This was the last time she was going to walk through the doors of Hogwarts as a STUDENT. Maybe one day, if she had kids or got manipulated into teaching here for some random reason or she was a crazy who just broke in, she would come back here. But it would never be because she was a student or a Gryffindor. No more uniform or tie or dodgy little collar. Just, yeah.
Finding her way to her usual seat she slumped down on the bench and looked around the Great Hall. It was weird. It was too weird to say goodbye.
But she was.
The redhead touched the badge on her chest and felt a wave of guilt. She sincerely hoped she hadn't dissapointed them all. Mostly her house, who had become the best family she had ever known.
Sad to think they'd go on without her and she would fade from their minds minus some bright memories. And then once they were all graduated there would be nothing left of her... except that picture hanging up in the Locker Room.
Time was a weird thing. And now it was her time. Time to go.
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
"Don't be such a pansy," Alice instructed her fellow student leader as she dragged him into the Great Hall by his wrist. "If I can deal with people leaving, you can. Just be stoic. Stoic stoic stoic. Not pansy-like." And the other bit, the girlfriend bit, he could take care of that himself. That wasn't her issue, nope. Her only problem at this point was a grumpy Jake.
The fourteen year old towed him over to the Gryffindor table and sat down right next to Selina, pulling Jake down next to her and keeping her own face incredibly STOIC. That was what Alices did, because feelings didn't matter, okay? Everyone left at some point and Jake had to get over it. She did. He could. It was the way things worked. But her face softened just a little as she glanced over at him and gave him a real teensy smile. "And besides, I'm still here. And I'm your favorite, obviously." Nudge, nudge.
"Now give me and all of your lions a real pretty smile and be happy, 'kay?"
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
.......'Maybe I should just go to my nothing box and stay there until food comes.' Because the nothing box was his favorite place to be in. Yep, over there he can't think about problems, or try to remember his past, or wonder where Evie could be.
He halfway there to being subconscious. But before the seventeen year old could enter his own world of nothingness, someone woke him back to reality. Blink. Looking up, he saw a girl who seemed pretty happy to be there. Well, here's someone who doesn't seem to have problems. ...luckygirl. He noticed from what she was wearing that she's a Gryffindor, like him. This was new. "Hey," he smiled at her. So he finally met someone from his own house. She seemed like a nice girl; therefore, this lion shall treat her nicely for she is his own kind.
Extending his right hand to offer her a handshake, he introduced himself with the only name he wanted people to know, "I'm Zeke." Only Zeke, 'cause Ezekiel Andrei de Ferreis was not needed since they will only call each other by nickname. Or maybe Zeke's just being lazy to say his whole name. Or he didn't like his name.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
She reached the Gryffindor table and sat down by the only other two Gryffindors there - Melanie and a guy who looked sorta familiar but who Penelope couldn't remember the name of. "Hey guys," she greeted them with a smile. "Ready for summer?"
Melanie liked getting responses from people when she said hello. It was nice. It was polite. And it was probably the right thing to do. She felt like she had eaten all her Halloween candy at once or something... minus the jumping around part because that would be strange. Oh hand. Melanie reached over the table and stuck her own hand out to take his. "It's nice to meet you Zeke, I'm Melanie," she said, smiling. "I haven't seen you around before," she added.
And he seemed nice. Nice was good. Meeting new people before the vacation was also good. It felt awfully nice to just unwind after everything this year. Summer. So many exciting things to do, so many new people to meet, so why not start now? Oh and there was Penelope. Still smiling, Melanie raised a hand and waved. "Hello, Penelope~"
Was she ready for summer? "Yes, I am. Aren't you?" Because it would be a tad bit odd to not want it to be summer although Melanie would understand. Hogwarts was practically home.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
And Ms. Head Girl and whoever else wants grumpy!Jake
Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo
Originally Posted by lemon
"Don't be such a pansy," Alice instructed her fellow student leader as she dragged him into the Great Hall by his wrist. "If I can deal with people leaving, you can. Just be stoic. Stoic stoic stoic. Not pansy-like." And the other bit, the girlfriend bit, he could take care of that himself. That wasn't her issue, nope. Her only problem at this point was a grumpy Jake.
The fourteen year old towed him over to the Gryffindor table and sat down right next to Selina, pulling Jake down next to her and keeping her own face incredibly STOIC. That was what Alices did, because feelings didn't matter, okay? Everyone left at some point and Jake had to get over it. She did. He could. It was the way things worked. But her face softened just a little as she glanced over at him and gave him a real teensy smile. "And besides, I'm still here. And I'm your favorite, obviously." Nudge, nudge.
"Now give me and all of your lions a real pretty smile and be happy, 'kay?"
Everything Alice was saying was basically going in one of Jake's ears and out the other. He did NOT want to be here, and he wasn't happy about being here. He had planned on hiding out... but the common room wasn't a smart place to do so. Because now Ali was holding his wrist and dragging him down. Calling him a pansy in the process. Why were they friends, again?
...Right. Because she did things like that. That teeny smile after calling him names. It reminded him oddly of his seven year old sister. He sighed, his irritated expression softening instantly. She was right. Selina was leaving, and Anya was glued at the hip to the only seventh year Jake was really glad to see leaving... but Ali was here. So Jake could at least try to be normal for her.
Try being the keyword there.
"Fine, fine," he muttered in response to her telling him to smile. He looked down at the table, trying to hide the smile that was now on his lips. Her order reminded him that he was, in fact, a Prefect... and he should probably be showing some house spirit and excitement or something about the end of term. And he would have. If he hadn't seen Selina.
As soon as he caught site of that red hair, his smile vanished. His face went stoic. And he looked at Alice. Well? Now what?
Melanie liked getting responses from people when she said hello. It was nice. It was polite. And it was probably the right thing to do. She felt like she had eaten all her Halloween candy at once or something... minus the jumping around part because that would be strange. Oh hand. Melanie reached over the table and stuck her own hand out to take his. "It's nice to meet you Zeke, I'm Melanie," she said, smiling. "I haven't seen you around before," she added.
And he seemed nice. Nice was good. Meeting new people before the vacation was also good. It felt awfully nice to just unwind after everything this year. Summer. So many exciting things to do, so many new people to meet, so why not start now? Oh and there was Penelope. Still smiling, Melanie raised a hand and waved. "Hello, Penelope~"
Was she ready for summer? "Yes, I am. Aren't you?" Because it would be a tad bit odd to not want it to be summer although Melanie would understand. Hogwarts was practically home.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
She reached the Gryffindor table and sat down by the only other two Gryffindors there - Melanie and a guy who looked sorta familiar but who Penelope couldn't remember the name of. "Hey guys," she greeted them with a smile. "Ready for summer?"
"It's nice to meet you, too, Melanie," and he put his hand back after the handshake as Zeke looked around. The Great Hall was starting to be filled with students of blues, yellows, greens, and reds. The lion stole glances from the Ravenclaw table from time to time in search of someone he was hoping to see before the term comes to an end. Maybe they'll meet on the train if not now? Oh well.
He looked up once again as another Gryffindor joined them. "Hey. Ready as I'll ever be," who was she? "I'm Zeke by the way. Just Zeke...you?" he flashed a smile back at her, but felt awkward 'cause he was the oldest so far. And the only guy.
But he was rescued as he saw the Head Girl come. Okay, that saved him from being the oldest. He was a bit sad to see the 7th years, since they won't be around anymore next term. He hadn't met them, yet it seemed weird that they'd be leaving. Another Gryffindor came ... the Captain of their pride. He should really start watching Quidditch matches. Yep, next term perhaps he'll try to keep up with the happenings at Hogwarts. After all, it would be his last year.
He could only watch as yet another joined them at the table. A guy, thank Godric. Zeke caught a glimpse of the badge. A Prefect who was younger than him.
Head Girl and Captain and a Prefect, eh? Should he talk to them? Smile at them? Give 'em a nod? Err. He looked at the two and gave them a smile as well because that was the nice thing to do. Mhm. Lots of smiles will be given this day, and the nothing box will have to wait.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
FEAST!!!!! The feast, the night of the feast!! She'd be going home tomorrow then the day after that would be her BIRTHDAY!!!! Lex skipped into the Great Hall with the widest of grins across her face, such a difference when compared to last term. She preferred it this way. There was no Vivi to be upset about so she wouldn't sulk. Nope. She would miss the seventh years but losing Vivi had taught her that even after they were gone they were still there.
This meant she'd be HAPPY.
She headed straight for the Gryffindor table and found it quickly filling up with other lions!
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Lovely. The term's finally coming to an end. Zeke will turn 7th year, then eventually graduate.
He sat over at his house table, not expecting anyone at all to talk to him since he didn't know any of these people much. Nope, he hasn't been hanging out with anyone in particular at all. Except Gwen, and two Hufflepuffs whom he recently discovered were the Captain and the Prefect.
He just sat there. And waited.
OHAI boy she didn't know! Lex grinned over at him. "Hello there!" She STAAAARED at him for just a little, trying to figure out if she might have seen him around. He was a lion therefore she refused to believe that she went the whole term without seeing him even once.
She tilted her head but kept staring. The most she could come up with was seeing him around the Common Room once or twice. Mmm, she didn't even know his name...did she? "I'm Alexa and you are???" Kinda late, seeing as the term was now over but she was never one for details anyway so it probably didn't matter.
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Fifth year. It was over.
What a strange thought it was, to be finishing her fifth year here at Hogwarts already. She took a deep breath in then let it out. Fifth year was over. Summer was here. Oh, Melanie was so excited. She had a huge smile on her face as she walked to the Great Hall. She hummed the tune to 'Over the River and Through the Woods' as she walked towards the Gryffindor table. "Right down the stairs and down the halls, to the Great Hall we all go," Melanie ended up singing quietly instead. Oops?
She reached the Gryffindor table and let out a loud sigh. Before noticing someone. "Hullo~" she greeted with a smile before sitting down, humming to herself and maybe swaying a little bit back and forth. She was just so excited for summer to begin!
And lookit, Melanie!!!!!
Seeing the girl reminded her...she still had a good bit of packing to do and erm...she couldn't find some of her socks again...BUT she wouldn't bother her with that kind of stuff just yet because this was the feast and the girl might have been grieving or hungry or both.
"Hai Melanie!!! Glad you could pull yourself away from your studying long enough to come down to the feast!!" BEAM. Not that she expected her to not show up, this was the feast. It was either come down here and eat and enjoy the company of others who would be equally dying for the Headmistress to be done with her speech, or stay up in the Common Room and die of loneliness. Clearly Melanie had the right idea.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
So she entered the Great Hall relatively calmly and not as much sadness as usual. There might be more to come later anyway as the seventh years came. Which, speaking of them, she did have something to give one of them in her hands. But that could wait for a bit too.
She reached the Gryffindor table and sat down by the only other two Gryffindors there - Melanie and a guy who looked sorta familiar but who Penelope couldn't remember the name of. "Hey guys," she greeted them with a smile. "Ready for summer?"
Her attention was drawn to yet another of the people she liked when she heard Penelope asking about summer. It was probably rude to butt in...but the question was kinda open and well...she had an answer. Seemed legit.
"I'm more than ready. If you ask me this term kinda dragged on longer than it should have." That was most probably because of all the homework she'd gotten. Work in general always seemed to make things drag on forever. Was she the only one who noticed this??? "What about you? I bet you're more than ready, huh?"
Accurate guess, yeah?
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
The redhead touched the badge on her chest and felt a wave of guilt. She sincerely hoped she hadn't dissapointed them all. Mostly her house, who had become the best family she had ever known.
Sad to think they'd go on without her and she would fade from their minds minus some bright memories. And then once they were all graduated there would be nothing left of her... except that picture hanging up in the Locker Room.
Time was a weird thing. And now it was her time. Time to go.
Lex didn't move an inch as she watched her. This was odd. The girl didn't look as vicious just sitting there like that, in fact, she looked kinda upset. This called for some extra thinking on Lex's part when it came to how she would approach her. It had to be something subtle and just really smooth so she wouldn't run the risk of being whacked repeatedly.
But what...?
Ah! She had it!! "SCARY-BAT GIRL!!!! I...you...--" Then before common sense could kick in she hurried over, plopped down next to her and latched on to the girl. "I forgot you were a seventh year. This...you--who in Merlin's beard is gonna swing a bat and keep me in line????" These were really important things to consider.
Also, hi Alice.
Originally Posted by lemon
The fourteen year old towed him over to the Gryffindor table and sat down right next to Selina, pulling Jake down next to her and keeping her own face incredibly STOIC. That was what Alices did, because feelings didn't matter, okay? Everyone left at some point and Jake had to get over it. She did. He could. It was the way things worked. But her face softened just a little as she glanced over at him and gave him a real teensy smile. "And besides, I'm still here. And I'm your favorite, obviously." Nudge, nudge.
"Now give me and all of your lions a real pretty smile and be happy, 'kay?"
Wait. ALICE!
Lex beamed over at the girl, not particularly realizing that she was still hanging on to Scary-Bat Girl. "I was wondering when you'd show up! Listen, I have a theory, no one died this year riiiiight? Right. That means that the Headmistress probably won't have much to report and we'll get the food sooner!!!" And cue more beaming.
"Have you started packing as yet? I did but I can't find a lot of things so I gave up." Because she was asking Melanie to help later, yup.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
OHAI boy she didn't know! Lex grinned over at him. "Hello there!" She STAAAARED at him for just a little, trying to figure out if she might have seen him around. He was a lion therefore she refused to believe that she went the whole term without seeing him even once.
She tilted her head but kept staring. The most she could come up with was seeing him around the Common Room once or twice. Mmm, she didn't even know his name...did she? "I'm Alexa and you are???" Kinda late, seeing as the term was now over but she was never one for details anyway so it probably didn't matter.
Why was this she staring at him? "Hi," Zeke managed to say, though it came out more of a whisper because he was too focused on the energetic jumpy new girl. That was surely a lot of energy for a non-firstie. Speaking of first years, there hasn't been a lot of them lately. Hm, wonder where those ickle firsties are hiding all this time.
"...I'm Zeke," stares back. Did Alexa want to have some kind of staring competition? 'Cause Zeke was pretty sure he could do that, and it was a good excuse to hide in his nothing box. Physically present, mentally absent. "It's nice to meet you, Alexa?" That came out more of a question than a statement. She was still making his brain all confused.
Everything Alice was saying was basically going in one of Jake's ears and out the other. He did NOT want to be here, and he wasn't happy about being here. He had planned on hiding out... but the common room wasn't a smart place to do so. Because now Ali was holding his wrist and dragging him down. Calling him a pansy in the process. Why were they friends, again?
...Right. Because she did things like that. That teeny smile after calling him names. It reminded him oddly of his seven year old sister. He sighed, his irritated expression softening instantly. She was right. Selina was leaving, and Anya was glued at the hip to the only seventh year Jake was really glad to see leaving... but Ali was here. So Jake could at least try to be normal for her.
Try being the keyword there.
"Fine, fine," he muttered in response to her telling him to smile. He looked down at the table, trying to hide the smile that was now on his lips. Her order reminded him that he was, in fact, a Prefect... and he should probably be showing some house spirit and excitement or something about the end of term. And he would have. If he hadn't seen Selina.
As soon as he caught site of that red hair, his smile vanished. His face went stoic. And he looked at Alice. Well? Now what?
Originally Posted by lemon
"Don't be such a pansy," Alice instructed her fellow student leader as she dragged him into the Great Hall by his wrist. "If I can deal with people leaving, you can. Just be stoic. Stoic stoic stoic. Not pansy-like." And the other bit, the girlfriend bit, he could take care of that himself. That wasn't her issue, nope. Her only problem at this point was a grumpy Jake.
The fourteen year old towed him over to the Gryffindor table and sat down right next to Selina, pulling Jake down next to her and keeping her own face incredibly STOIC. That was what Alices did, because feelings didn't matter, okay? Everyone left at some point and Jake had to get over it. She did. He could. It was the way things worked. But her face softened just a little as she glanced over at him and gave him a real teensy smile. "And besides, I'm still here. And I'm your favorite, obviously." Nudge, nudge.
"Now give me and all of your lions a real pretty smile and be happy, 'kay?"
It was weird that as soon as she heard the word pansy, Selina knew that Keller was coming her way. That word was thrown around a lot at poor Jake, but what didn't kill him just made him stronger, yeah? Eh, whatever helped her sleep at night. Because normal people would consider the way the Gryffindor Quidditch team treated their only spout of testosterone as abuse. Well, what did they know? Nothing. That's what.
Turning her head to the side and smiling, she waved at her Biter who fell into the seat beside her and then at Jake who looked like someone had just kicked his puppy and said, "Hey, you two. Nice night, no?" Because, yeah, they were NOT going to talk about graduation. It made her all sad. The topic was going to be avoided like the plague until it absolutely couldn't be anymore.
Okay? Good.
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
"It's nice to meet you, too, Melanie," and he put his hand back after the handshake as Zeke looked around. The Great Hall was starting to be filled with students of blues, yellows, greens, and reds. The lion stole glances from the Ravenclaw table from time to time in search of someone he was hoping to see before the term comes to an end. Maybe they'll meet on the train if not now? Oh well.
He looked up once again as another Gryffindor joined them. "Hey. Ready as I'll ever be," who was she? "I'm Zeke by the way. Just Zeke...you?" he flashed a smile back at her, but felt awkward 'cause he was the oldest so far. And the only guy.
But he was rescued as he saw the Head Girl come. Okay, that saved him from being the oldest. He was a bit sad to see the 7th years, since they won't be around anymore next term. He hadn't met them, yet it seemed weird that they'd be leaving. Another Gryffindor came ... the Captain of their pride. He should really start watching Quidditch matches. Yep, next term perhaps he'll try to keep up with the happenings at Hogwarts. After all, it would be his last year.
He could only watch as yet another joined them at the table. A guy, thank Godric. Zeke caught a glimpse of the badge. A Prefect who was younger than him.
Head Girl and Captain and a Prefect, eh? Should he talk to them? Smile at them? Give 'em a nod? Err. He looked at the two and gave them a smile as well because that was the nice thing to do. Mhm. Lots of smiles will be given this day, and the nothing box will have to wait.
Oh looky, another lion. Merlin, that stunk. She wouldn't have another term to get to know this lion better. That would have to be up to the people who were staying behind.
Regardless, the redhead smiled at him and waved. Yes, yes, they didn't bite. Well, except Alice. That was kind of the whole point of her nickname.
SPOILER!!: Ickle Alexa
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Lex didn't move an inch as she watched her. This was odd. The girl didn't look as vicious just sitting there like that, in fact, she looked kinda upset. This called for some extra thinking on Lex's part when it came to how she would approach her. It had to be something subtle and just really smooth so she wouldn't run the risk of being whacked repeatedly.
But what...?
Ah! She had it!! "SCARY-BAT GIRL!!!! I...you...--" Then before common sense could kick in she hurried over, plopped down next to her and latched on to the girl. "I forgot you were a seventh year. This...you--who in Merlin's beard is gonna swing a bat and keep me in line????" These were really important things to consider.
Also, hi Alice.
And as if on cue she heard a loud noise... a loud CAMBRIDGE to be exact. It was like insta-shutter, even though Selina had grown sort of fond of her over the last two years. Not enough though that she still didn't impulsively shutter.
Looking over at her, she felt a leech on her arm and lo and behold it was Cambridge... again. "Hello there..." What did one say to this kind of behavior besides GETOFF!
Chuckling at her antics, she said, "Alice has a bat and it plenty violent... she'll keep you in line. I believe in her." Well... as IN line as Alice could. Maybe she should ask Keller too...
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Oh and there was Penelope. Still smiling, Melanie raised a hand and waved. "Hello, Penelope~"
Was she ready for summer? "Yes, I am. Aren't you?" Because it would be a tad bit odd to not want it to be summer although Melanie would understand. Hogwarts was practically home.
Melanie always seemed so cheerful and friendly. Penelope would never understand how she managed it. But it was nice, especially when sadness and impatience (most impatience for her) would probably be all over the Great Hall tonight. At least Melanie too was looking forward to summer. "Yeah, I am. Should be a good time." She planned on it being good, at least.
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
He looked up once again as another Gryffindor joined them. "Hey. Ready as I'll ever be," who was she? "I'm Zeke by the way. Just Zeke...you?" he flashed a smile back at her, but felt awkward 'cause he was the oldest so far. And the only guy.
Good that this other Gryffindor was ready for it too. Or sorta was, at least. Because that response didn't seem too over-excited for summer or anything. But he didn't seem to be dreading it as far as she could tell, so it was still an acceptable reply. Oh, and intros were needed. Right.
"Nice to meet you, Zeke." Penelope smiled. "I'm Penelope." Nothing great, but that's who she was, yup.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Her attention was drawn to yet another of the people she liked when she heard Penelope asking about summer. It was probably rude to butt in...but the question was kinda open and well...she had an answer. Seemed legit.
"I'm more than ready. If you ask me this term kinda dragged on longer than it should have." That was most probably because of all the homework she'd gotten. Work in general always seemed to make things drag on forever. Was she the only one who noticed this??? "What about you? I bet you're more than ready, huh?"
Accurate guess, yeah?
Whoa, when had Alexa popped up? But that didn't really matter because she was ready for summer too, clearly. Good, good. And she nodded at the second year's next statement because it was definitely true - the term seemed to have gone as slow as possible at times, but even more so now towards the end, or at least Penelope felt like it had.
"Definitely ready," she replied. "I hope this feast'll be over soon." Even if it had sorta only just started. She wanted to eat, of course, but she wanted that to be quick so she could get in bed and make tomorrow come sooner.
SPOILER!!: Selina
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Oh hey, um, closing feast.
Well, that was quick. The whole year kind of flew by in a flash and all of her seventh year totally caught up to her. In one HUGE defining crash.
It was over. Seven years, a million memories later, her seventh year had come swiftly to a close and she was graduating. This was the last time she was going to walk through the doors of Hogwarts as a STUDENT. Maybe one day, if she had kids or got manipulated into teaching here for some random reason or she was a crazy who just broke in, she would come back here. But it would never be because she was a student or a Gryffindor. No more uniform or tie or dodgy little collar. Just, yeah.
Finding her way to her usual seat she slumped down on the bench and looked around the Great Hall. It was weird. It was too weird to say goodbye.
But she was.
The redhead touched the badge on her chest and felt a wave of guilt. She sincerely hoped she hadn't dissapointed them all. Mostly her house, who had become the best family she had ever known.
Sad to think they'd go on without her and she would fade from their minds minus some bright memories. And then once they were all graduated there would be nothing left of her... except that picture hanging up in the Locker Room.
Time was a weird thing. And now it was her time. Time to go.
Oh, there was the seventh year she was looking for. And she saw Jake and Alice come in too, and they got a wave if they happened to look her way, but right now she had something to get off her chest.
Penelope was concerned about Selina, but she hadn't talked to her much, if at all, very recently. And there were a few reasons for that, and it was partly on purpose. Hopefully all her reasons to be concerned had changed in that amount of time, but she wasn't sure it had, and she only had now, really, to let the older girl know some stuff - though it probably wasn't much different than what others, particularly Alice, had said, but still - and she could only hope Selina would finally take it to heart. Because otherwise, Penelope really didn't know what to do or what would happen.
The almost fourth third year scooted down the bench to where her former Captain and soon-to-be former Head Girl sat and set the small box she'd held down in front of her, in which contained a few sugar cookies she'd made, not so unlike the ones she'd made for Kurumi and Gideon last term. Hopefully these were a bit better because surely she'd improved in a year right? Even if she didn't exactly practice constantly, they were surely less burnt and stuff. Anyway. Selina was supposed to love cookies. And eating. And it was sorta what Penelope wanted to talk about, so it was a good gift in her mind.
"Look. I know you apparently think I'm annoying and a pest for this." That was what Alice had said. Or something like that. It was possible Penelope hadn't listened very carefully at the time. "And you don't trust me." Considering she wouldn't tell her stuff because she was younger. She was pretty sure that was a cover up. Or something. Again, it was possible she hadn't listened carefully. She didn't care about whether she had or not at this point. "But trust me when I say this - I care about you, Selina. And I hate seeing you not happy and not eating." They kinda went hand in hand. Eating food was happiness, so if you didn't eat, you probably weren't happy. That was how it worked for her at any rate. "So eat. And be happy." Was that it with her little rant?
Oh, nope, there was a bit more she had to say, though less ranty.
"I'll miss that, y'know. Eating with you." And Alice, but she'd still be there next term. But it wasn't quite the same, since it always seemed to be her, Selina, and Alice with the appetites bigger than all the Quidditch teams combined. "I'll miss you too." Because their friendship wasn't all about eating. There was a healthy appreciation for violence on the Quidditch pitch and sometimes off it as well. And she just genuinely liked Selina too. "I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with the Harpies though."
So Selina could tell her off for the eating thing or threaten her with Mortimer or something now. Penelope'd said all she felt she needed to, and now it was pretty much out of her hands.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Oh looky, another lion. Merlin, that stunk. She wouldn't have another term to get to know this lion better. That would have to be up to the people who were staying behind.
Regardless, the redhead smiled at him and waved. Yes, yes, they didn't bite. Well, except Alice. That was kind of the whole point of her nickname.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Good that this other Gryffindor was ready for it too. Or sorta was, at least. Because that response didn't seem too over-excited for summer or anything. But he didn't seem to be dreading it as far as she could tell, so it was still an acceptable reply. Oh, and intros were needed. Right.
"Nice to meet you, Zeke." Penelope smiled. "I'm Penelope." Nothing great, but that's who she was, yup.
Waving back at the Head Girl whose name he still did not know, Zeke listened to the conversations all around him. Not really eavesdropping, but just observing everything 'cause he liked being an observer instead of being a part of something. Just blend in the background and watch from afar the lives of people. Okay, that just sounds like a stalker. Anyway...
His eyes wandered at the foodless table in front of him. "Nice to meet you too, Penelope," he absentmindedly said, half-heartedly because his heart was beating for food. HE NEEDED TO EAT NOW. He could hear his heart beating.
DIVERT. ATTENTION. He looked up back at Penelope. "Nice to meet you, too, Penelope," okay this was sounding like a broken record but at least now he really meant it. And later on his eyes wandered around and spotted some cookies from the girl. It was meant for someone else, but his eyes screamed for it. Hearing the words, "Eat and be happy" from the Gryffindor made his inner lion growl. But really that was just his stomach complaining.
No Zeke. You have to wait. Go to your nothing box and wait, mister.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Why was this she staring at him? "Hi," Zeke managed to say, though it came out more of a whisper because he was too focused on the energetic jumpy new girl. That was surely a lot of energy for a non-firstie. Speaking of first years, there hasn't been a lot of them lately. Hm, wonder where those ickle firsties are hiding all this time.
"...I'm Zeke," stares back. Did Alexa want to have some kind of staring competition? 'Cause Zeke was pretty sure he could do that, and it was a good excuse to hide in his nothing box. Physically present, mentally absent. "It's nice to meet you, Alexa?" That came out more of a question than a statement. She was still making his brain all confused.
The smile almost left her face when the boy whispered his response but then she convinced herself that he might just have been one of the shy ones. Those existed...go figure. Personally she liked meeting them because they were always so much more fun and left her giggling. She grinned even wider over at him.
"Oh, okay." She said when he offered his name. The average person would have responded accordingly when they were told it was a pleasure meeting them but she merely shrugged. What? It wasn't like she actually knew this boy. How was she supposed to know whether or not he was a pleasure to be met.? She didn't want to run the risk of saying he was only to have to regret it.
"I'm almost dreading the speech," This was her making conversation, "but then I remember we need it or we can't have food."
SPOILER!!: Scary-Bat Girl
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
And as if on cue she heard a loud noise... a loud CAMBRIDGE to be exact. It was like insta-shutter, even though Selina had grown sort of fond of her over the last two years. Not enough though that she still didn't impulsively shutter.
Looking over at her, she felt a leech on her arm and lo and behold it was Cambridge... again. "Hello there..." What did one say to this kind of behavior besides GETOFF!
Chuckling at her antics, she said, "Alice has a bat and it plenty violent... she'll keep you in line. I believe in her." Well... as IN line as Alice could. Maybe she should ask Keller too...
Heeeeey, there was no sudden and violent reaction!! This hugging thing was a success!! Pssh, and here she thought it wouldn't go well. Probably had something to do with the fact that she couldn't see if the girl had her bat with her or not. In all honesty she didn't want check either because then she wouldn't have built up the courage to be hugging her like this.
She shook her head at her suggestion. "Alice is pretty scary with her bat but like...I'm her ickle, she finds me adorable so she wouldn't threaten me with it." That's how she liked to think which meant that was obviously how it worked. Duh.
"And what about you? Where will you find another 12 year old to terrify??? They aren't exactly laying around you know." T'was true, she'd have to look hard.
SPOILER!!: Penelope
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Whoa, when had Alexa popped up? But that didn't really matter because she was ready for summer too, clearly. Good, good. And she nodded at the second year's next statement because it was definitely true - the term seemed to have gone as slow as possible at times, but even more so now towards the end, or at least Penelope felt like it had.
"Definitely ready," she replied. "I hope this feast'll be over soon." Even if it had sorta only just started. She wanted to eat, of course, but she wanted that to be quick so she could get in bed and make tomorrow come sooner.
See? Just as she'd suspected but then...other than the seventh years, was there really anyone who wasn't dying for this term to end so they could have SUMMER?! Best time of the year you know and for very good reasons .
"I hope so too. I don't think the speech should be very long on account of we all lived through the term." She had it all figured out. When people died there was need for explanations and reassurance but since no one went and got themselves killed the Headmistress could just stand, say her two knuts--like seriously, only two because she was hungry--then sit back down so they could enjoy the feast and the food and each other.
"Hey, how far have you gotten with your packing?" She couldn't possibly have been the only procrastinator.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Mackenzie had heard about the end of term feasts but was excited to be part of one. She really hadn't gotten into the hang of things this term which she was kicking herself for. She had at least made one solid friend, well one she had spent some time with, and Lex seemed to know everyone she had noticed. As Mack entered the great hall she couldn't help but go wided-eyed at the decorations and all the students that were already there. "Wow..." the small girl was barely able to speak as she slowly walked in looking around at everything as she did so. Finally she came to the Gryffindor table and sat down about mid ways.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Christmas entered the great hall all ready to go home for the summer and she was going to miss her friends and was already looking for her next term at school
Even though it probably would have been a good idea to spend some time at the Ravenclaw table, and go see her friends from the other houses after the Headmistress would give her speech, Gwen thought she should go at the Gryffindor table. Just to greet the lions, and then she would be back in time at her house table. Mhm. That sounded like a good plan.
As she passed by the people staying at the Gryffindor table, Gwen couldn’t help sigh. Ughhh. She missed Ari. A lot. And her bestie wasn’t there with the other lions. Trying to shake the thought out of her head, Gwendolyn greeted the Gryffindors with a ‘Hello’, though she didn’t say that to anyone in particular.
SPOILER!!: Selina
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict
Oh hey, um, closing feast.
Well, that was quick. The whole year kind of flew by in a flash and all of her seventh year totally caught up to her. In one HUGE defining crash.
It was over. Seven years, a million memories later, her seventh year had come swiftly to a close and she was graduating. This was the last time she was going to walk through the doors of Hogwarts as a STUDENT. Maybe one day, if she had kids or got manipulated into teaching here for some random reason or she was a crazy who just broke in, she would come back here. But it would never be because she was a student or a Gryffindor. No more uniform or tie or dodgy little collar. Just, yeah.
Finding her way to her usual seat she slumped down on the bench and looked around the Great Hall. It was weird. It was too weird to say goodbye.
But she was.
The redhead touched the badge on her chest and felt a wave of guilt. She sincerely hoped she hadn't dissapointed them all. Mostly her house, who had become the best family she had ever known.
Sad to think they'd go on without her and she would fade from their minds minus some bright memories. And then once they were all graduated there would be nothing left of her... except that picture hanging up in the Locker Room.
Time was a weird thing. And now it was her time. Time to go.
Gwen gave a quick look around, trying to find someone, though it was hard to recognize any of the students because of the crowd. Her attention was, however, drawn towards one of the Gryffindors she could recognize- Selina. ‘Hi’, she greeted the Head Girl with a small smirk. Ajbdwkbxcfj. O____o Selina was a seventh year. That meant she would be leaving too. Ughhh.
It only then struck Gwen how little she knew about the Gryffindor and that they hadn’t talked much in the past six years. Hmm. And everything was even more weird since Gwen had once been polyjuiced as Selina for a few hours.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
FEAST!!!!! The feast, the night of the feast!! She'd be going home tomorrow then the day after that would be her BIRTHDAY!!!! Lex skipped into the Great Hall with the widest of grins across her face, such a difference when compared to last term. She preferred it this way. There was no Vivi to be upset about so she wouldn't sulk. Nope. She would miss the seventh years but losing Vivi had taught her that even after they were gone they were still there.
This meant she'd be HAPPY.
She headed straight for the Gryffindor table and found it quickly filling up with other lions!
In her search for some of the Gryffindor students, Gwen managed to spot Lex. With a wave, the sixth year tried to draw her attention. Because the place was pretty crowded. ‘Hi!’, she greeted the younger girl as she approached the place where she was sitting. Huh. It had been a while since she had talked to the Gryffindor.
‘How are you?’, she eventually asked. Well… Lex seemed to be quite hyperactive… and that was usual for her. Hehe.
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Lovely. The term's finally coming to an end. Zeke will turn 7th year, then eventually graduate.
He sat over at his house table, not expecting anyone at all to talk to him since he didn't know any of these people much. Nope, he hasn't been hanging out with anyone in particular at all. Except Gwen, and two Hufflepuffs whom he recently discovered were the Captain and the Prefect.
He just sat there. And waited.
With a general ‘Hello’, the Ravenclaw greeted the people who were sitting at the Gryffindor table, as she made her way along the path between the tables. Hmm. She really hoped she would manage to find some of the lions. Looking around, Gwen stopped herself as…
… she managed to spot Zeke. Was he starving again ? Gwendolyn thought as she made her way in that direction. ‘Hi’, the sixth year greeted him with a smile. Well, Gwen said she would see him around. So here she was.
"It's nice to meet you, too, Melanie," and he put his hand back after the handshake as Zeke looked around. The Great Hall was starting to be filled with students of blues, yellows, greens, and reds. The lion stole glances from the Ravenclaw table from time to time in search of someone he was hoping to see before the term comes to an end. Maybe they'll meet on the train if not now? Oh well.
She nodded and pushed up her glasses. She was very much aware she didn't need glasses but they were cool so she would wear them. "So, are you excited for the summer? Have awesome plans?" Melanie asked. Summer plans were always interesting. Or at least, according to Melanie they were. Usually, it didn't matter either what they were. Melanie glanced around the Great Hall, then at the staff table.
Was the headmistress going to give her speech soon? Melanie was hungry. Just a bit.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
And lookit, Melanie!!!!!
Seeing the girl reminded her...she still had a good bit of packing to do and erm...she couldn't find some of her socks again...BUT she wouldn't bother her with that kind of stuff just yet because this was the feast and the girl might have been grieving or hungry or both.
"Hai Melanie!!! Glad you could pull yourself away from your studying long enough to come down to the feast!!" BEAM. Not that she expected her to not show up, this was the feast. It was either come down here and eat and enjoy the company of others who would be equally dying for the Headmistress to be done with her speech, or stay up in the Common Room and die of loneliness. Clearly Melanie had the right idea.
When she saw Lex, or rather, heard her, Melanie immediately wondered if the girl had finished packing yet. Packing was important and she didn't want Lex to leave everything at Hogwarts by accident. "Lex!" Melanie beamed at the younger Gryffindor and ignored the little studying part in her head. She was aware that she had been studying a lot for the OWLs but it paid off. Or at least, it would. "Have you finished packing yet?" she asked.
Melanie was not going to help the girl pack. Okay. Maybe she would, but she'd try not to so that Lex would do it on her own. Like a responsible, grown up.
SPOILER!!: Penelope
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Melanie always seemed so cheerful and friendly. Penelope would never understand how she managed it. But it was nice, especially when sadness and impatience (most impatience for her) would probably be all over the Great Hall tonight. At least Melanie too was looking forward to summer. "Yeah, I am. Should be a good time." She planned on it being good, at least.
A good time.
That was a song wasn't it? She couldn't recall the lyrics at the moment but she was pretty sure it was a song. "What are your summer plans?" Melanie asked. Not that Penelope needed plans to have a good time. It was fun to do things at random too. Plus, that wouldn't require planning which was pretty smart. Something about going where the wind took you or whatever.
SPOILER!!: Alice
Originally Posted by lemon
"Don't be such a pansy," Alice instructed her fellow student leader as she dragged him into the Great Hall by his wrist. "If I can deal with people leaving, you can. Just be stoic. Stoic stoic stoic. Not pansy-like." And the other bit, the girlfriend bit, he could take care of that himself. That wasn't her issue, nope. Her only problem at this point was a grumpy Jake.
The fourteen year old towed him over to the Gryffindor table and sat down right next to Selina, pulling Jake down next to her and keeping her own face incredibly STOIC. That was what Alices did, because feelings didn't matter, okay? Everyone left at some point and Jake had to get over it. She did. He could. It was the way things worked. But her face softened just a little as she glanced over at him and gave him a real teensy smile. "And besides, I'm still here. And I'm your favorite, obviously." Nudge, nudge.
"Now give me and all of your lions a real pretty smile and be happy, 'kay?"
Melanie smiled when she saw Alice. Alice hadn't seemed too happy when Melanie told they younger Gryffindor that she'd be, pretty much, away all summer. It had made her feel a little bad but family was important. Alice was practically family though, she wasn't exactly sure how her summer would play out just yet. Melanie just gave her a wave. Alice looked preoccupied anyways so that was probably best. Don't interrupt conversations. That was rude.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
The smile almost left her face when the boy whispered his response but then she convinced herself that he might just have been one of the shy ones. Those existed...go figure. Personally she liked meeting them because they were always so much more fun and left her giggling. She grinned even wider over at him.
"Oh, okay." She said when he offered his name. The average person would have responded accordingly when they were told it was a pleasure meeting them but she merely shrugged. What? It wasn't like she actually knew this boy. How was she supposed to know whether or not he was a pleasure to be met.? She didn't want to run the risk of saying he was only to have to regret it.
"I'm almost dreading the speech," This was her making conversation, "but then I remember we need it or we can't have food."
Dreading the speech? "Erm, may I ask why you're dreading the speech?" Apparently, Zeke remains clueless and because of this, a lot of ideas came to mind on why the speech could be dreaded. But what he was definitely of was that it was a long speech. Too long that it would reach midnight before food was served. Yeah. That should bring him terror.
He maintained that confused and curious expression on his face, as he once again glanced back at the Ravenclaw table. Too many Ravenclaws to tell which one she could be. Too far to know whether she's surrounded by that icy aura. He'll have to wait until later 'cause he was too lazy to get up and walk over to another table.
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
With a general ‘Hello’, the Ravenclaw greeted the people who were sitting at the Gryffindor table, as she made her way along the path between the tables. Hmm. She really hoped she would manage to find some of the lions. Looking around, Gwen stopped herself as…
… she managed to spot Zeke. Was he starving again ? Gwendolyn thought as she made her way in that direction. ‘Hi’, the sixth year greeted him with a smile. Well, Gwen said she would see him around. So here she was.
Zeke froze in place. Natural reflex. He knew that voice. He definitely knew that voice. And this feeling of being frozen. Only one person could do that to him.
...Ice Princess. Despite knowing she was here, Zeke couldn't bring himself to look at the direction of the voice and check. Again, I repeat he was frozen where he sat. He couldn't move his head, his neck, his hands, his feet, everything basically. Yet shivers were sent down his spine, and he had goosebumps. But even if he looked like he had caught a cold, his cheeks sure were burning a deep red color.
Slowly...slowly...he could feel her presence nearing him with every step. His heart beating twice as fast as she could walk. And finally, his suspicions were confirmed as Gwen was beside him, standing there.
Zeke's head turned and looked at her, SMILING. She was smiling. This is the second time he's seen that. Once his eyes saw IP's smile, all the ice that froze him melted and he could move properly again. Well, that was a relief.
He smiled back at her. He was glad to have her here 'cause he doesn't have to walk over to her table later. Loljk, he was just really glad to see Gwen. "H-hey, Gwen," so the ice had after effects of stuttering. Don't make a fool out of yourself and look weak, Zeke. You have to regain your lost pride from before. Passing out, nearly drowning, sudden headache attacks..tsktsk. You should really keep up. This is the Ice Princess we're talking about.
There was still a hint of pink in his cheeks as he tugged on his robe, trying to think of a conversation to make her stay. "Sit beside me?"
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
She nodded and pushed up her glasses. She was very much aware she didn't need glasses but they were cool so she would wear them. "So, are you excited for the summer? Have awesome plans?" Melanie asked. Summer plans were always interesting. Or at least, according to Melanie they were. Usually, it didn't matter either what they were. Melanie glanced around the Great Hall, then at the staff table.
Was the headmistress going to give her speech soon? Melanie was hungry. Just a bit.
Plans for summer... "Nope, nothing specific really," the Gryffindor shook his head. Maybe he should start thinking of what to do. Nah. Go with the flow. "Come what may, I guess. You?"
Now that this subject was brought up, Zeke suddenly felt like planning. But what was he to plan for? He was alone anyway. Maybe he would go out and invite some friends, if he had any. It would probably be a good time to hang out and bond with people. Go skating, or swim at the beach. Rent a private pool. Go skydiving or bungee jumping. Surfing. Or jam and form a band.
If he had people to do that with...he was more than willing to do so. Sigh. It was hard not to remember anyone from the past.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Danielle_Daughn
Mackenzie had heard about the end of term feasts but was excited to be part of one. She really hadn't gotten into the hang of things this term which she was kicking herself for. She had at least made one solid friend, well one she had spent some time with, and Lex seemed to know everyone she had noticed. As Mack entered the great hall she couldn't help but go wided-eyed at the decorations and all the students that were already there. "Wow..." the small girl was barely able to speak as she slowly walked in looking around at everything as she did so. Finally she came to the Gryffindor table and sat down about mid ways.
The grin that seemed permanently plastered on the girl's face since she'd entered the Great Hall only got wider when she saw the First Year approach the table. It was hard to believe the term was over, seemed like just yesterday she'd met the girl and noooow, SUMMER. Of course she wasn't going to complain because this was exactly what she wanted. No more school yo!
"Hey Mack!!" BEAM. "You got through with most of your packing yet??" She had to be sure, because technically she was in charge of her seeing as she was in her army. See that? Lex was a good General. Nodnodnod.
Her eyes drifted back to the staff table. The speech would take forever...wouldn't it...?
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Christmas entered the great hall all ready to go home for the summer and she was going to miss her friends and was already looking for her next term at school
And look who else showed up. From where she sat clinging to the leaving Head Girl she gave a wave to the older lioness. Had the girl gotten more outgoing over the term...she didn't know...but not knowing was probably a sign that she hadn't, wasn't it? "We're officially going home tomorrow!" GRIN.
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill
In her search for some of the Gryffindor students, Gwen managed to spot Lex. With a wave, the sixth year tried to draw her attention. Because the place was pretty crowded. ‘Hi!’, she greeted the younger girl as she approached the place where she was sitting. Huh. It had been a while since she had talked to the Gryffindor.
‘How are you?’, she eventually asked. Well… Lex seemed to be quite hyperactive… and that was usual for her. Hehe.
"HAI GWEN!!!" Lex practically shouted when she saw the older Ravenclaw and of course she waved back because that was what you did.
Merlin, it seemed like forever since she'd last seen her. Why did older kids disappear once the term started--not that she minded when certain ones did--she was just curious...where did they go...? Did they have some kind of secret hanging out spot that they disillusioned and only they knew how to find? A rather curious thought that one....
"I'm good but I'm getting kinda hungry," Understatement right there, "Just waiting for the feast I guess but we all know how that goes." How it usually went anyway. "And how are you??"
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
When she saw Lex, or rather, heard her, Melanie immediately wondered if the girl had finished packing yet. Packing was important and she didn't want Lex to leave everything at Hogwarts by accident. "Lex!" Melanie beamed at the younger Gryffindor and ignored the little studying part in her head. She was aware that she had been studying a lot for the OWLs but it paid off. Or at least, it would. "Have you finished packing yet?" she asked.
Melanie was not going to help the girl pack. Okay. Maybe she would, but she'd try not to so that Lex would do it on her own. Like a responsible, grown up.
Beaming too? This meant the girl was in a good mood! Now all she needed was to eat some food then she'd be perfectly approachable without running the risk of getting that responsibility lecture. Those were never any fun.
"I...well..." Why'd she have to ask it like that? Rephrasing would have made going around the truth a bit easier. Ahem. "Sorta...? I mean I stuffed my books in my trunk already," She was more than happy to put those away, heh, "But not so much the clothes...or the shoes...or the everything else." This was the part where she pulled on a disappointed face so Melanie wouldn't think that she was perfectly fine with it, otherwise the girl would tell her about being a responsible adult...which she wasn't.
"Have you...?"
Originally Posted by TwistedHearts
Dreading the speech? "Erm, may I ask why you're dreading the speech?" Apparently, Zeke remains clueless and because of this, a lot of ideas came to mind on why the speech could be dreaded. But what he was definitely of was that it was a long speech. Too long that it would reach midnight before food was served. Yeah. That should bring him terror.
He maintained that confused and curious expression on his face, as he once again glanced back at the Ravenclaw table. Too many Ravenclaws to tell which one she could be. Too far to know whether she's surrounded by that icy aura. He'll have to wait until later 'cause he was too lazy to get up and walk over to another table.
"Because it's gonna be long and drawn out, plus she'll take forever to start talking in the first place then I'll probably end up falling asleep at the table just waiting on even a drop of food." Children with short attention spans shouldn't have been forced to go through this! This was cruelty at it's finest and most subtle. Make it look good by saying, oh it's a feast, the children will love it but she knew what they were really on about. MHM!
"Are you looking for someone?" She asked when she caught him staring over at the Ravenclaw table. That reminded her, she and Lottie had business over there later. Was the idiot even there yet?? She squinted, trying to get a better look as well.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The grin that seemed permanently plastered on the girl's face since she'd entered the Great Hall only got wider when she saw the First Year approach the table. It was hard to believe the term was over, seemed like just yesterday she'd met the girl and noooow, SUMMER. Of course she wasn't going to complain because this was exactly what she wanted. No more school yo!
"Hey Mack!!" BEAM. "You got through with most of your packing yet??" She had to be sure, because technically she was in charge of her seeing as she was in her army. See that? Lex was a good General. Nodnodnod.
Her eyes drifted back to the staff table. The speech would take forever...wouldn't it...?
And look who else showed up. From where she sat clinging to the leaving Head Girl she gave a wave to the older lioness. Had the girl gotten more outgoing over the term...she didn't know...but not knowing was probably a sign that she hadn't, wasn't it? "We're officially going home tomorrow!" GRIN.
"HAI GWEN!!!" Lex practically shouted when she saw the older Ravenclaw and of course she waved back because that was what you did.
Merlin, it seemed like forever since she'd last seen her. Why did older kids disappear once the term started--not that she minded when certain ones did--she was just curious...where did they go...? Did they have some kind of secret hanging out spot that they disillusioned and only they knew how to find? A rather curious thought that one....
"I'm good but I'm getting kinda hungry," Understatement right there, "Just waiting for the feast I guess but we all know how that goes." How it usually went anyway. "And how are you??"
Beaming too? This meant the girl was in a good mood! Now all she needed was to eat some food then she'd be perfectly approachable without running the risk of getting that responsibility lecture. Those were never any fun.
"I...well..." Why'd she have to ask it like that? Rephrasing would have made going around the truth a bit easier. Ahem. "Sorta...? I mean I stuffed my books in my trunk already," She was more than happy to put those away, heh, "But not so much the clothes...or the shoes...or the everything else." This was the part where she pulled on a disappointed face so Melanie wouldn't think that she was perfectly fine with it, otherwise the girl would tell her about being a responsible adult...which she wasn't.
"Have you...?"
"Because it's gonna be long and drawn out, plus she'll take forever to start talking in the first place then I'll probably end up falling asleep at the table just waiting on even a drop of food." Children with short attention spans shouldn't have been forced to go through this! This was cruelty at it's finest and most subtle. Make it look good by saying, oh it's a feast, the children will love it but she knew what they were really on about. MHM!
"Are you looking for someone?" She asked when she caught him staring over at the Ravenclaw table. That reminded her, she and Lottie had business over there later. Was the idiot even there yet?? She squinted, trying to get a better look as well.
Christmas smiled at Alexa and said "Yeah i know i can't wait to see my little sister i have missed her so much during this year"
"Are you looking for someone?" She asked when she caught him staring over at the Ravenclaw table. That reminded her, she and Lottie had business over there later. Was the idiot even there yet?? She squinted, trying to get a better look as well.
Furmgoat flew through the tops of the trees, wonky wings flapping silently. He was searching for the small person to receive his letter. He had searched everywhere in the grounds for the girl, but she was nowhere to be found. So that meant a journey into the Hogwarts castle, which he actually liked. He liked the cozy warm feeling and the hustle-bustle of activity of the students inside.
And it seemed that today was kind of a nice party or something. "Hoo!!" Flew in Furmgoat, adding to the chatter of the students by loudly hooting and flapping wings. He dropped the letter onto the table.
SPOILER!!: Letter & Package!!
To:: Alexa Cambridge
From:: Vincenzo Vanderbilt
Hello Lex,
Here's a little something for you. Its to show you that I am a man of my word and that I wont be forgetting our little agreement. The only thing I ask of you is that you dont lose whats in the package, the reason of which I am hoping you will figure out over time.
I can almost hear you sighing and rolling your eyes. Lesson number three kiddo-- Patience is a virtue
~ Vickers
Along with the letter comes something wrapped carefully in simple brown packaging and twine.
Maybe some owl treats for him now? Furmy waited and stared...
"Because it's gonna be long and drawn out, plus she'll take forever to start talking in the first place then I'll probably end up falling asleep at the table just waiting on even a drop of food." Children with short attention spans shouldn't have been forced to go through this! This was cruelty at it's finest and most subtle. Make it look good by saying, oh it's a feast, the children will love it but she knew what they were really on about. MHM!
"Are you looking for someone?" She asked when she caught him staring over at the Ravenclaw table. That reminded her, she and Lottie had business over there later. Was the idiot even there yet?? She squinted, trying to get a better look as well.
Aha. So his suspicions were right, after all. He was not about to wait for that speech any longer. PATIENCE, DUDE. Patience.
"I was," he grinned at his fellow Gryffindor. "But I found her now." Right in this very table. The Ravenclaw had arrived, almost freezing him up in cold ice then melting it all away, leaving him blushing badly.
He bit his lip, 'cause he felt the blood rushing to his cheeks again at the thought of her. He stole a quick glance at Gwen, seated beside him then quickly looked away.
An owl caught his attention. "Is that your-" And it came right in front of Alexa. Hm. Guess it was hers after all. Maybe it's best to leave her to that business first. He sat there, and waited.
Waited for the speech. Waited for the food. Waited for his cheeks to stop blushing. Waited for his companion to finish checking out her package. Waited for the owl to have his treat. Waited for Alexa to attend to him again.