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With one last look at the classroom arrangement, Josephina casually flicked her wand at the door and opened it. On each student desk was a single peppermint humbug. After selecting your desk for eternity for the year, a look at the chalkboard will give you today's starting memos.
Greetings and welcome!
Please take your seats and enjoy the candy (my favorite, for those who are wondering!). Take out your textbooks and some blank parchment, and we will begin shortly.
Professor Hadley
ooc: as I mentioned, class won't officially start till tomorrow, but take your seats. Keep chatting to a minimum. Read my rules. Any questions, PM me (or a Prefect ;D). See you all soon <33
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Text Cut: *catches up with the pine cone*
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
So she was totally going to ignore the fact that some of them ACTUALLY tasted it. They trusted her when she said it was edible, which was more than enough for her. Beaming - although the students couldn't tell - she made her way back through the darkness up to the front of the room where more boxes stood waiting.
"Those who guessed lemon juice, you were correct. Good job on using your sense of smell, hearing, touch, or even taste, for those brave enough."
Lifting her night goggles to make sure the darkness hadn't faded, she replaced them and went to get another box. "What's in this box, i don't think you should taste as it's not very edible." That was her clue there, as she started with the first in the row and walked that box around the room, giving them a chance to feel what was inside (or smell it if they desired).
Obviously he was right. He knew what lemons tasted like, after all.
Once the next object came around, Milton decided it was best not to taste it. Especially since Hadley said it wasn't edible. He put his hand in the box and felt around. It felt wooden... and oval, but not completely solid. It ridges, kind of, and they were almost sharp. But not quite. He took it out of the box and sniffed it a little. "Smells like a tree." But he didn't really go around sniffing different kinds of trees, so he didn't know what kind.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
"Yes, those who said pine cones, were correct." She admitted. "Good job. Now this one," peering into the box, she frowned. That wasn't what she originally placed in there, but .... well she would have to go with it. "Don't eat this one either, I'd advise..." Fina explained, as she walked toward the first desk for the person to feel inside, of what felt damp and papery... and clumpy....It was entirely possible the item would crumble beneath your fingers...[/COLOR]
Milton waited again for the box to come around before he stuck his hand in again. Errr... weird... "Ew..." That definitely felt like toilet paper. WET toilet paper. COLD, WET, toilet paper that almost seemed to be... moving? Milton yanked his hand out of the box and wiped it off on his robes. Gross....
pretending we posted before (lemon juice and pinecones) and I'm drinking lemonade. :P
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: LOL
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Josephina listened to the whispers and speculations; this one was definitely a bit harder to discern than the lemon juice one. She fought back at a chuckle when someone suggested grenade. Seriously? Did the kid really think she'd have a grenade? Shrugging it off, as she finished with the last kid, she made her way back to the front of the room, as she rummaged through the boxes for another one.
"Yes, those who said pine cones, were correct." She admitted. "Good job. Now this one," peering into the box, she frowned. That wasn't what she originally placed in there, but .... well she would have to go with it. "Don't eat this one either, I'd advise..." Fina explained, as she walked toward the first desk for the person to feel inside, of what felt damp and papery... and clumpy....It was entirely possible the item would crumble beneath your fingers...
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle
Still in her sing-songy mood, Myrtle flew out of her bathroom and down the second floor corridor, spying little heads and hearing little voices in the Arithmancy classroom, even though it was like midnight dark.
Oooh, what was that? Was that a box? Were all the kiddies' eyes closed? YIPPPEEEEE! Myrtle swooped in through the door and zoomed up into the box, curling herself around the soggy toilet paper so that the kids' hands would get an icy dip in addition to having to feel the lumpy paper.
She felt right at home.
Somehow, Arithmancy had turned into a guessing game. In the pitch darkness, which hadn't entirely bothered Kendall even though she still remembered the train. Plus, she couldn't keep sketching in the darkn ess, so she'd fumbled to slip the parchment back into her bag as things had continued. She was pretty sure that Professor Hadley wasn't going to let zombies or dementors into the classroom, so they were safe. They just couldn't see, and she always could pretend she had superhuman hearing or something. At least, she could hear people moving around, and the professor bringing boxes of things around for them to guess at their contents. The first thing had just felt like an oddly shaped lemon, and smelled like it, and then the second reminded her of Christmas. Which is soon, she thought excitedly, even as she'd stayed quiet for the time being. Enough othe rpeople had guessed, so she didn't feel like she needed to say anything. It was too much fun to just listen.
Until the next box came around, and she'd stuck her hand in to feel what others had already guessed to be toilet paper. And something awfully cold surrounding it, which first reminded her of dementors again and she almost pulled her hand back out. I DO NOT want to have just touched a baby dementor, she thought. Can dementors even have babies? Maybe she should ask Professor Romanos that, but she stil wanted to know what was in the box. "Icky wet toilet paper, and...notababydementor...," she mused aloud, finally having another thought. Another thought that actually made a lot more sense when toilet paper was involved. "Toilet paper and MYRTLE?," she concluded, getting a bit louder at the end of her guess. Ghosts were cold, weren't they? And Myrtle was a lot better than a baby dementor. Technically. If baby dementors existed.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Laura felt into the box and "EWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Laura was about to guess when she felt something very cold and a shiver went through her spine. "I was going to say some sort of wet paper but." Laura was still feeling and trying to figure out what it was when suddenly it came to her. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Laura screamed. "Professor, it's a ghost hand holding some sort of wet paper." Laura was hoping it was a ghost hand or now she could put her hand through objects which wouldn't be good.
[COLOR="#6960ec"] So she was totally going to ignore the fact that some of them ACTUALLY tasted it. They trusted her when she said it was edible, which was more than enough for her. Beaming - although the students couldn't tell - she made her way back through the darkness up to the front of the room where more boxes stood waiting.
"Those who guessed lemon juice, you were correct. Good job on using your sense of smell, hearing, touch, or even taste, for those brave enough."
Lifting her night goggles to make sure the darkness hadn't faded, she replaced them and went to get another box. "What's in this box, i don't think you should taste as it's not very edible." That was her clue there, as she started with the first in the row and walked that box around the room, giving them a chance to feel what was inside (or smell it if they desired).
Sarah nearly laughed out loud at the others suggestions... it SOO tasted like lemon juice. She was happy that she got it right. She was used to managing in te dark. In order to try curb her daughters habit of reading late at night, her mom used to turn the lights off.. yet Sarah just kept on reading... using the faint glimmer of light that was entering her room
The next thing wa snot edible, so that was a clue. Sarah took it from presumably Hadley and felt around it.. it had a bumpy texture. Like a pineable, but different. It was then that she by mistake dropped it. It made the sound of something wooden as it touched the floor. Sarah fiddled on the floor for it and picked it up... it was saw. It was then after getting her finger kind of stuck that she realized what it was. "It is pinecone... my mom has them in bowl at home, she made them gold though.". She always thought the tre where pine cones come from was a tree that grew pine-apples, co it looked like a pine apples
Bit of Nigel. Used loo roll. And pee-pants Hadley.
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret
The class all of a sudden got rather exciting! They had been immersed in darkness and had to start FEELING things. Too bad it wasn't COMC. 'Oh sorry Professor Newlin, I must have just accidentally tasted your FACE'.
Anywayz, Professor crushes aside, Elijah had given off quite a large chuckle when he heard Nigel guess a grenade. "Good one, Nige," he flung at the younger boy. His new favourite.
When the third object was being passed around he heard lots of students guessing toilet paper, so naturally, it kind of took the fun away from Elijah. But when he got round to holding it it did sorttaaaa feel like toilet paper but it was cold... and squishy... and, "EWWWW!! PROFESSOR! Did you use this first!? DIIIISSSGGGUSSSSTTTINNGGG."
Pee pants Hadley had given them USED toilet paper!? Just as WELL he hadn't decided to TASTE it.
When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Josephina listened to the whispers and speculations; this one was definitely a bit harder to discern than the lemon juice one. She fought back at a chuckle when someone suggested grenade. Seriously? Did the kid really think she'd have a grenade? Shrugging it off, as she finished with the last kid, she made her way back to the front of the room, as she rummaged through the boxes for another one.
"Yes, those who said pine cones, were correct." She admitted. "Good job. Now this one," peering into the box, she frowned. That wasn't what she originally placed in there, but .... well she would have to go with it. "Don't eat this one either, I'd advise..." Fina explained, as she walked toward the first desk for the person to feel inside, of what felt damp and papery... and clumpy....It was entirely possible the item would crumble beneath your fingers...
Text Cut: Myrtle
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle
Still in her sing-songy mood, Myrtle flew out of her bathroom and down the second floor corridor, spying little heads and hearing little voices in the Arithmancy classroom, even though it was like midnight dark.
Oooh, what was that? Was that a box? Were all the kiddies' eyes closed? YIPPPEEEEE! Myrtle swooped in through the door and zoomed up into the box, curling herself around the soggy toilet paper so that the kids' hands would get an icy dip in addition to having to feel the lumpy paper.
She felt right at home.
Well, it was close enough. You know a plant, a tree or a pine cone..pfffft. They resembled each other. But now for the third object, Cassia was so determined to guess RIGHT!
So when Professor Hadley reached her desk, the second-year straightened and opened her senses! How actually she doesn't know but she felt like she did. Once her fingers touched the object something clicked in her head. This was a familiar thing. No? Oh wait...
"Toilet paper..." She said automatically. But..it...was...wet! "Professor please tell us that this is CLEAN water..." She said .Because if not, Cassia would faint. So tell us to know if we should faint or not, k?
But did she feel a breeze? Like a swift in the box? Hmmm....Her imagination probably.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
Alright... another box. This wasn't too bad. These were all harmless-enough objects in the boxes. As the next one came to her, she didn't get any sort of distinct smell coming from the box, and so she reached her hand into the box.
At first, her hand passed through some sort of field that was freezing cold, and a shiver went up her arm and down her spine. Then her fingers touched something that felt absolutely disgusting and yet strangely familiar. Almost immediately, a memory flashed to her mind of a mean boy in her 4th grade class shooting a huge spit wad at her as she was answering a question, and it had landed... oh god... in her mouth...
Gagging, she withdrew her hand quickly from the box and covered her mouth. That awful feeling of her mouth watering and her throat clenching made her freeze in front. No... n-n-n-n-no.... This was not going to happen, Sutton would not--....
"BLLLUUUUURGH!" she spewed, sputtered, and coughed up vomit on the floor of the classroom right by her desk..
Arithmancy was now becoming really interesting!! Ira beamed as the activity was explained, and poof! Darkness all around! So just ientify by touch. Yeah.. this she could do.
Lemon bottle.. pine cone.. and now the third object. The previous two had ben pretty harmless. She had just sat quietly through the first two objects, but she decided to guess this one. And guess as correctly as she could. She moved her hand to the front, towards the box. Putting her hand inside.. ew! oops! What the hell was that? Like some liquid jelly type.. cold object. Which seemed to move. She took out her hand quickly, making a bad face.. was it a ghost? Ghost! Yes, Peeves! That jelly cold thing was Peeves! Ira thought skeptically, were they supposed to feel and identify a ghost? So why were others saying it was wet toilet paper? Which too, was yucky!
Better not say it out aloud. But Ira was pretty sure it was Peeves. And maybe tissue paper too.. yucky wet tissue paper!
"Yes, those who said pine cones, were correct." She admitted. "Good job. Now this one," peering into the box, she frowned. That wasn't what she originally placed in there, but .... well she would have to go with it. "Don't eat this one either, I'd advise..." Fina explained, as she walked toward the first desk for the person to feel inside, of what felt damp and papery... and clumpy....It was entirely possible the item would crumble beneath your fingers...[/COLOR]
Befelda waited for Professor to reach her seat. When the Professor reached her, she took a deep breath then placed her hand inside the box.
Befelda frowned and a little bit skeptic. Yuck! What is this thing? Isn't this a toilet paper? A USED one?, she asked herself. She quipped, "Professor, isn't this a toilet paper? Not to mention that it's USED of course. Why would you put a used toilet paper inside?", she asked the Professor, still disgusted by the wet toilet paper.
Last edited by FireboltSword; 10-05-2012 at 10:39 PM.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
She was seriously over the whole being blind thing and having to stick their hand blind in a box. Surely this would be the last thing that they had to figure out. She still didn't know how this fit in with Arithmancy but whatever.
By the remarks that the other students were making Hannah was not at all looking forward to sticking her hand in the box this time. Not that she ever was but still. The box came around to her and she timidly stuck her hand in. "Gross." It was cold and soggy...it felt like it was falling apart in her hands. OMG! It finally hit her...it better not be what she thought it was. "I think it's toilet paper and I hope it is wet from water."
Her imagination was running away with her now and she was starting to feel sick to her stomach!
Well, at least it was not a grenade. Nigel did a mental sigh of relief. He kept hearing a lot of gross things about the next one and Nigel wanted to find out why. He put is hand in the box and immediately felt cold wet toilet paper.
"Professor, what were you doing with this toilet paper?"
At least, Nigel knew what it was. But still this was gross.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Last edited by oh its Erik ok; 10-05-2012 at 03:10 PM.
"Those who guessed lemon juice, you were correct. Good job on using your sense of smell, hearing, touch, or even taste, for those brave enough."
Lifting her night goggles to make sure the darkness hadn't faded, she replaced them and went to get another box. "What's in this box, i don't think you should taste as it's not very edible." That was her clue there, as she started with the first in the row and walked that box around the room, giving them a chance to feel what was inside (or smell it if they desired).
Ohhh, lemon juice. Well I was kind of, sort of, a little bit close anyway.
She reached into box number two and was again taken aback by the unfriendly feeling of the item. She poked her nose into the box and inhaled deeply. This was a scent she knew well. Trees. "This is definitely part of a tree... she said. She smelled again, "I think it's a pine cone, or maybe bark."
SPOILER!!: Object 3
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Josephina listened to the whispers and speculations; this one was definitely a bit harder to discern than the lemon juice one. She fought back at a chuckle when someone suggested grenade. Seriously? Did the kid really think she'd have a grenade? Shrugging it off, as she finished with the last kid, she made her way back to the front of the room, as she rummaged through the boxes for another one.
"Yes, those who said pine cones, were correct." She admitted. "Good job. Now this one," peering into the box, she frowned. That wasn't what she originally placed in there, but .... well she would have to go with it. "Don't eat this one either, I'd advise..." Fina explained, as she walked toward the first desk for the person to feel inside, of what felt damp and papery... and clumpy....It was entirely possible the item would crumble beneath your fingers...
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle
Still in her sing-songy mood, Myrtle flew out of her bathroom and down the second floor corridor, spying little heads and hearing little voices in the Arithmancy classroom, even though it was like midnight dark.
Oooh, what was that? Was that a box? Were all the kiddies' eyes closed? YIPPPEEEEE! Myrtle swooped in through the door and zoomed up into the box, curling herself around the soggy toilet paper so that the kids' hands would get an icy dip in addition to having to feel the lumpy paper.
She felt right at home.
Aha! Pine cone! At least I got that one for sure. Eliza was enjoying this little game, even if it wasn't really all that educational. When it was her turn for the third item, she once again stuck her hand into the box and felt around. At first she wasn't sure she had felt it, but then she grabbed what seemed to be paper...or cloth. It was thin and soft...and wet and... cold? Tissues?... Did she put used old tissues in here?! She pulled her hand out of the box immediately and said, "Professor! If that's what I think it is... Gross. Are those wet tissues?!" And a strange and disgusting choice for an item. Why is it so cold?! She really hoped her guess was wrong. Otherwise she'd be needing some soap ASAP.
Distgusting. Ew. Gross. What were all these people talking about?
Patiently, Renesmee waited her turn. When Hadley reacher her she reached her hand towards the box and almost felt like puking in her mouth when she felt what she did. It was soft paper...like tissue and it was cold and wet too.
Two and two together, Ness thought she knew what was inside the box. "It..it's used..eww..used toilet paper I think." GROSS! LIKE IN SO MANY WAYS! "Can..can I scream now?" Because she was a clean freak and all and touching used toilet paper was just REPULSIVE!
Laura felt into the box and "EWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Laura was about to guess when she felt something very cold and a shiver went through her spine. "I was going to say some sort of wet paper but." Laura was still feeling and trying to figure out what it was when suddenly it came to her. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Laura screamed. "Professor, it's a ghost hand holding some sort of wet paper." Laura was hoping it was a ghost hand or now she could put her hand through objects which wouldn't be good.
"I'm not HAND holding it," Myrtle's body-less voice came floating out of the box in a whine, "I'm just cuddled up around it! Toil-et paper, toi-let paper, where would we beeee without your ab-sorb-en-cyyyy!"
Tehehehe. She was a regular Peeves sometimes, she was. Except much prettier.
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh
Distgusting. Ew. Gross. What were all these people talking about?
Patiently, Renesmee waited her turn. When Hadley reacher her she reached her hand towards the box and almost felt like puking in her mouth when she felt what she did. It was soft paper...like tissue and it was cold and wet too.
Two and two together, Ness thought she knew what was inside the box. "It..it's used..eww..used toilet paper I think." GROSS! LIKE IN SO MANY WAYS! "Can..can I scream now?" Because she was a clean freak and all and touching used toilet paper was just REPULSIVE!
Could the Hufflepuff scream o.m.g. no. Screaming was MYRTLE'S thing.
"I'll scream FOR YOU," the bespectacled ghostie announced, popping out of the box and making a mad dash through the girl's head. She came out clear through the other side and floated up toward the ceiling, folding her arms and hanging upside-down as she made fun of two of the 'Puffers.
Myrtle cackled with glee, hoping SOMEONE had heard her beyond the walls of Arithmancy. She'd certainly been loud enough, and almost as loud as she had screamed before she'd died.
You're always welcome to share my toilet.
You do NOT just SWING on someone's PIPES without asking!
"I'm not HAND holding it," Myrtle's body-less voice came floating out of the box in a whine, "I'm just cuddled up around it! Toil-et paper, toi-let paper, where would we beeee without your ab-sorb-en-cyyyy!"
Tehehehe. She was a regular Peeves sometimes, she was. Except much prettier.
Could the Hufflepuff scream o.m.g. no. Screaming was MYRTLE'S thing.
"I'll scream FOR YOU," the bespectacled ghostie announced, popping out of the box and making a mad dash through the girl's head. She came out clear through the other side and floated up toward the ceiling, folding her arms and hanging upside-down as she made fun of two of the 'Puffers.
Myrtle cackled with glee, hoping SOMEONE had heard her beyond the walls of Arithmancy. She'd certainly been loud enough, and almost as loud as she had screamed before she'd died.
It was Myrtle! That cold thing she had touched, or rather thought that she could feel, was Moaning Myrtle's body! EW!!!
Still blinded into darkness, Ira just began laughing, half from being disgusted and half from Myrtle's scream! HEHEHEHEEEE!!!! Hadley peeing on tissue and making them touch it??!!?!?! How GROSS!!
Ira made a face, which obviously none could see. This activity was really moving up the disgusting ladder.. Unless Professor Hadley had any other explanation.. Any other would be much better than used toilet paper and ghost.
SHE ATE T.P. AND DID AN O.M.G.??? HEHEHE!!! Ira just laughed on and on, unable to stop herself! Moaning Mrytle was cracking jokes and pulling funny one liners out of her head, instead of well, moaning! LOL!
This activity was turning funny AND disgusting at the same time!! Was it even possible that disgusting could be funny?
Elliot jumped, almost out of her seat completely...when she heard the singing...that awful, awful SINGING. She put her hands over her precious ears..those instruments of hearing...she didn't want to lose her sense of hearing...then she'd never hear people say how BEAUTIFUL she was anymore...and what a sad, sad existence that would be...
It was Moaning Myrtle...riiight? Elliot scowled. "YOU. CAN'T. SIIIIING!" she shouted, clearly annoyed...and she felt a cold coming on...which was making her EXTRA irritable...
She wanted to through a BOOK at her..but what good what that do, anyways?! Stupid girl was a GHOST!
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Minerva was waiting on her turn when she heard voices getting louder. What was in that box that was making everyone nuts. She listened more closely not wanting to touch anything that might be gross. Then she heard it, it was Myrtle causing problems. Minerva didn't like what she was saying. She turned in the direction of the voices, "Oh Myrtle stop scaring people. Professor Hadley would NEVER do that, so just stop. Why are you acting like Peeves all of the sudden?" she wasn't going to sit there and let someone be rude to a professor let alone her head of house.
Minerva knew that could get her in trouble and without thinking she started explaining herself, "Sorry professor, but she shouldn't be saying those things about you." She wished she could see so she could glare at Myrtle or get her to leave, didn't she have bathrooms to destroy or something. She never was mean to the ghost at the school, she actually liked them, but this was just plain rude and gross.
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle
"I'm not HAND holding it," Myrtle's body-less voice came floating out of the box in a whine, "I'm just cuddled up around it! Toil-et paper, toi-let paper, where would we beeee without your ab-sorb-en-cyyyy!"
Tehehehe. She was a regular Peeves sometimes, she was. Except much prettier.
Could the Hufflepuff scream o.m.g. no. Screaming was MYRTLE'S thing.
"I'll scream FOR YOU," the bespectacled ghostie announced, popping out of the box and making a mad dash through the girl's head. She came out clear through the other side and floated up toward the ceiling, folding her arms and hanging upside-down as she made fun of two of the 'Puffers.
Myrtle cackled with glee, hoping SOMEONE had heard her beyond the walls of Arithmancy. She'd certainly been loud enough, and almost as loud as she had screamed before she'd died.
O.O As if being in the complete dark wasn't enough Hannah had to listen to some kids talk about ghosts being here holding hands? What was really going on? That was when she heard it!
O__O That was a ghost and if she wasn't mistaken it sounded just like Moaning Myrtle. Hannah wasn't exactly scared of ghosts but she didn't like the fact that they were there and Hannah was in complete darkness. Professor Hadley did what? No surely she didn't urinate on the toilet paper. "What are you going on about huh? That's not funny!" Because if she touched something like that she was going to freak!
"I'm not HAND holding it," Myrtle's body-less voice came floating out of the box in a whine, "I'm just cuddled up around it! Toil-et paper, toi-let paper, where would we beeee without your ab-sorb-en-cyyyy!"
Tehehehe. She was a regular Peeves sometimes, she was. Except much prettier.
Could the Hufflepuff scream o.m.g. no. Screaming was MYRTLE'S thing.
"I'll scream FOR YOU," the bespectacled ghostie announced, popping out of the box and making a mad dash through the girl's head. She came out clear through the other side and floated up toward the ceiling, folding her arms and hanging upside-down as she made fun of two of the 'Puffers.
Myrtle cackled with glee, hoping SOMEONE had heard her beyond the walls of Arithmancy. She'd certainly been loud enough, and almost as loud as she had screamed before she'd died.
Befelda was surprised! It was Moaning Myrtle. Bad ghost. That's really embarrassing saying that to Professor Lafay. Isn't she still has shame inside her? ,she said to herself.
Though it was really awful and disgusting for Professor to put a used toilet paper inside the box of course. But she thought Moaning Myrtle said a bad thing as well. She just shook her head in dismay.
Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion
What. On. Earth.
Why is everyone so disgusted? That paper was dry when I touched it, there's nothing to get grossed out by. Honestly, trying to blame his aunt for giving them USED paper? Ridiculous. Someone had even made up some ghost to be the explanation. Jeez. It's new, people.
...and then he heard her. "Merlin's canoli!" he yelled. He couldn't see the being, and he'd certainly never met her. So the yelling came quite as a shock. Really. He was beginning to think that a 'normal' lesson at Hogwarts meant that there was nothing normal about it at all.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Ella hadn't even had a chance to feel what was coming around before all kinds of chaos broke out. It didn't help that it was dark and that....O___O Moaning Myrtle was yelling. MEEP! And she was saying WHAT about Hadley? That was absurd! Why would she accuse her of something so....so...SO icky. Yikes.
"That's awful and gross and ProfessorHadleywouldneverdoanythinglikethat." She said defensively, crossing her arms in front of her. Not nice, not nice at all. You can't just go around accusing people of PEEING on things and then making people touch it...you just can't!
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
After hearing the things that Myrtle and her classmates were saying, there was NO WAY that Emmanuelle was putting her hand in that box! Nope, uh uh nada. It wasn't that she thought that the professor would actually do that, but more what the ghost had done. Who knew where Myrtle had gotten the water to wet down said toilet paper. "Professor, I respectfully refuse to put my hand in that box." There, that was a respectful enough answer, wasn't it?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie
It was dark and they were using their other other senses to determine what was in the boxes. That didn't sound all that hard and it did sound fun. It wasn't like whatever was in the boxes could hurt them, yes?
She just had to put her faith in the hands of the professor and do as she was asked without question. It's not like she's been let down before.
Attempting to identify what was in the first two boxes, wasn't all that bad. The first had been a bit strange and she had heard what the others has said about how it tasted and she chose to not try it herself. It didn't sound at all that pleasant anyway. The second box's item was a bit rough to the touch. It had confused her to what she was holding and she had risked smelling it carefully. It did smell a bit familiar and it did stick in her mind.
The third box, she hadn't even had the chance to get her hand into it before all the noise started. Moving her hands to her ears, she frowned. Myrtle was a very loud ghost and Lana was not amused.
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
What in the world was Tag touching. The instant his hands grasped the object it felt slobbery. "Ewwww. Professor... Did a dog sleep on this?" He said disgusted as he dropped it. His face contorted to a different expression, lip slightly elavated, nose flaring, eyebrows pinched together. "I don't even wanna guess..Noo.. No thank you." He concluded as he wiped the wetness onto his robes. If he had to have that a second longer on his fingers he might get jitters.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: PhoenixRising
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Josephina listened to the whispers and speculations; this one was definitely a bit harder to discern than the lemon juice one. She fought back at a chuckle when someone suggested grenade. Seriously? Did the kid really think she'd have a grenade? Shrugging it off, as she finished with the last kid, she made her way back to the front of the room, as she rummaged through the boxes for another one.
"Yes, those who said pine cones, were correct." She admitted. "Good job. Now this one," peering into the box, she frowned. That wasn't what she originally placed in there, but .... well she would have to go with it. "Don't eat this one either, I'd advise..." Fina explained, as she walked toward the first desk for the person to feel inside, of what felt damp and papery... and clumpy....It was entirely possible the item would crumble beneath your fingers...
Okay, Sierra wasn't starting to like this whole 'naively put your hand deep into a box without knowing what's in there' game. She felt vulnerable, and she normally didn't trust people this much. Especially when you had Hadley handing out warnings of not eating something. It made it seem dangerous and of the unknown.
Nevertheless, when the box reached Sierra she found herself lifting her hand then plunging it toward the object. Her hands ran across paper, for sure, but what kind of paper? Her fingers went through this hole in the middle, and she was just about to speak up when she felt the object suddenly get colder. She quickly pulled her hand out the box and looked at it, even though she couldn't see it.
"Is that toilet paper?" she asked.
Text Cut: Moaning Myrtle
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle
Still in her sing-songy mood, Myrtle flew out of her bathroom and down the second floor corridor, spying little heads and hearing little voices in the Arithmancy classroom, even though it was like midnight dark.
Oooh, what was that? Was that a box? Were all the kiddies' eyes closed? YIPPPEEEEE! Myrtle swooped in through the door and zoomed up into the box, curling herself around the soggy toilet paper so that the kids' hands would get an icy dip in addition to having to feel the lumpy paper.
She felt right at home.
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle
"I'm not HAND holding it," Myrtle's body-less voice came floating out of the box in a whine, "I'm just cuddled up around it! Toil-et paper, toi-let paper, where would we beeee without your ab-sorb-en-cyyyy!"
Tehehehe. She was a regular Peeves sometimes, she was. Except much prettier.
Could the Hufflepuff scream o.m.g. no. Screaming was MYRTLE'S thing.
"I'll scream FOR YOU," the bespectacled ghostie announced, popping out of the box and making a mad dash through the girl's head. She came out clear through the other side and floated up toward the ceiling, folding her arms and hanging upside-down as she made fun of two of the 'Puffers.
Myrtle cackled with glee, hoping SOMEONE had heard her beyond the walls of Arithmancy. She'd certainly been loud enough, and almost as loud as she had screamed before she'd died.
It was Myrtle...
...and she actually had a really funny line about toilet paper. Sierra smirked. She wished she could full on laugh, but Hadley would hear and take points. So instead, she settled for a quiet smirk and a visual image of what the others' faces must look like right about now.
Goooo, Myrtle, go!
...and what was it with so many ghosts showing up lately?