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A stone square courtyard is the first aspect of the grounds that you come to after you travel through the corridor. Surrounded by magnificent stone columns adorned with luscious ivy and slight lily growth, the courtyard provides students with benches to sit on with their friends or for the one who just wishes for some peace and quiet. Also, in the middle stands a very illustrious Wishing Fountain.
"Yeah, gooder," Samira laughed. Samira tilted her head to look up at the sky and clasped her hands together in a mock apology. "Oh Literary Gods...please forgive Levi and I for butchering your language!" She looked back at Levi and wiped invisible dirt off her hands. "There, I think we're bound to be forgiven now. I was practically on my knees!" Not that she really believed in gods, but it was fun to pretend.
The Slytherin slapped a hand to her heart in shock. "Oh God, Levi! I think you've killed me!" She shook her head with an amused smile. "I don't think I can live without books. They're, like, my life." Other than mixing up clothes to make unique styles, reading was one of Samira's favorite ways to pass the time. But then again, everyone had different tastes. Samira hasn't really started reading until a few years ago, after she decided books weren't completely worthless. "If you have a certain topic that interests you, Levi, I'm sure I have something I could give you," offered Samira. Honestly, she didn't mind sharing her books with Levi at all. Who knows? Maybe the Gryffindor would enjoy reading if he only had a book that caught his interest.
"Yeah, it does really suck." How could people not love animals? They were part of nature, which Samira loved. She thought animals were brilliant, even the ugly ones. That's why she never wore any real animal fur or leather. The thought of killing a creature for your own personal style repulsed her.
Wait, Levi's dad would really throw out poor Vlad? "Oh, Levi-that's so awful." Samira truly sympathized with her friend. She hasn't even met Mr. Thomas, but she hated the man. And Samira did not hate many things easily. For one thing, the man hits his son, someone who is a truly great person and doesn't deserve it. And what kind of heartless soul would throw out a defenseless little creature out of spite?
"Really?" Samira beamed. She didn't know many people who liked all the same animals as her-especially snakes. It made her happy. "Uh, yeah," Samira nodded her head in agreement. "Picking up unknown snakes may possibly not be the best idea."
Levi joined her and comically got onto his knees as well, pretending to be really into the request for forgiveness. He was sure the other people in the court yard were probably staring at the duo as though they were complete maniacs but he didn't care. He couldn't remember the last time he had been able to goof off with somebody else this much. Samira just kept surprising him and he liked that about her, among many other things.
"What she said..." Levi added after she was finished, bowing his head in overly solemn manner. He lifted it up once more and grinned at her, his white smile gleaming with amusement. She had some courage to do that in front of other students. He probably wouldn't have thought to do that anyway but he reveled in that moment of hilarity.
"Well, didn't you figure it out already?" the Gryffindor quirked as she responded to his question about the books. "I don't have a life. I should probably get one sometime. I'll make note of it." He transferred Vlad from his arm to the top of his head as another feeble attempt to make her laugh. She had one of the cutest sounding laughs he ever heard. "Maybe I will start checking some more books out, though. Do you have any recommendations?"
"I know," he agreed with her suggestion about the snakes. "I used to like studying them when I was in muggle school but I wouldn't get too close." He was a little absentminded but he wasn't clueless enough to get himself poisoned or bitten by one. He had a little more tact than that.
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by Gryffindoll
Braeden jumped about three feet into the air when he heard Emma's voice behind him. GAH! He turned around abruptly, his surprised expression morphing into one of his goofy, lopsided grins as he caught sight of the pretty blonde Slytherin. He greeted her with an awkward hand wave before putting his hand down just as he realized he looked totally awkward waving his hand at someone only a couple feet away. Such a dork.
"Ahem." The cowardly lion cleared his throat softly before Emma asked how he was feeling. His face went just the slightest shade of pink then, and his free hand absentmindedly passed over the huge bruise on his forehead. "I'm alright, better than yesterday, that's for sure..." He laughed lightly.
"Sorry about that, by the way," muttered Braeden. "I just... I hadn't seen the lamppost coming, it was out to get me, I swear!" he said in his defense. "I really hadn't planned for our day together to end like that..."
Ughhh. It was so embarrassing just thinking about it. And Braeden wasn't easily embarrassed because he was such a huge dork, he was used to doing dumb stuff all the time, but this... this took the cake.
The blonde gave him a kind smile as he mentioned that he felt better. She turned a light shade of pink when he began to apologize. Emma put a hand on his arm as she watched him become more embarrassed. "Don't worry about it. I knew you didn't see it the lamppost. Me neither. It's okay. And your bruise looks better than what it was." she exclaimed. "Except you made me really worried when you passed out."
Emma gave him a relieved smile. "So, how was your day today?
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Emms
The blonde gave him a kind smile as he mentioned that he felt better. She turned a light shade of pink when he began to apologize. Emma put a hand on his arm as she watched him become more embarrassed. "Don't worry about it. I knew you didn't see it the lamppost. Me neither. It's okay. And your bruise looks better than what it was." she exclaimed. "Except you made me really worried when you passed out."
Emma gave him a relieved smile. "So, how was your day today?
Braeden flashed Emma a goofy smile as she tried to console him. D'aw. She was so nice. Sniffle. He laughed when she mentioned she was worried when he passed out. "Sorry for worrying you… that wasn't my intention, I swear," he said. Gah. He felt bad worrying her, but… was it weird that part of him was flattered she'd worry, too?
"So far so good," said the Gryffindork when Emma asked about his day. "But I can predict more trips and falls may be in my near future…" he added with a playfully thoughtful expression, scratching his chin as if he had a beard to distract him while he pondered. Chuckling, he returned his gaze to Emma. "What about you? Having a good day?"
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by Gryffindoll
Braeden flashed Emma a goofy smile as she tried to console him. D'aw. She was so nice. Sniffle. He laughed when she mentioned she was worried when he passed out. "Sorry for worrying you… that wasn't my intention, I swear," he said. Gah. He felt bad worrying her, but… was it weird that part of him was flattered she'd worry, too?
"So far so good," said the Gryffindork when Emma asked about his day. "But I can predict more trips and falls may be in my near future…" he added with a playfully thoughtful expression, scratching his chin as if he had a beard to distract him while he pondered. Chuckling, he returned his gaze to Emma. "What about you? Having a good day?"
She grinned back at him as he flashed her his adorable goofy smile. "It's okay. Just don't do it again," Emma added, giggling. The blonde Malfoy grinned as he laughed. She nodded. "Well that's good. Ha," she added, chuckling. "I just hope you don't manage to run into Professor Lafay. Cause that would be awkward." The blonde Malfoy grinned as he asked her how she was doing. "I'm doing all right thanks. Just met Ellie's secret admire slash lover," she explained, laughing. Ah.. Yeah and he was a Ravenclaw too.
"So, you wanted to know about my faults right?" she began smirking, making a joke of it. "I have not committed a crime, but my parents do not like how I disagree with them on many subjects, such as old pureblood rules, which are completely stupid. Also, I'm called stubborn and.. I get judged cause I'm a Malfoy. As you know Malfoys have a bad history," she explained, shrugging a little and staring into his warm brown eyes.
Levi joined her and comically got onto his knees as well, pretending to be really into the request for forgiveness. He was sure the other people in the court yard were probably staring at the duo as though they were complete maniacs but he didn't care. He couldn't remember the last time he had been able to goof off with somebody else this much. Samira just kept surprising him and he liked that about her, among many other things.
"What she said..." Levi added after she was finished, bowing his head in overly solemn manner. He lifted it up once more and grinned at her, his white smile gleaming with amusement. She had some courage to do that in front of other students. He probably wouldn't have thought to do that anyway but he reveled in that moment of hilarity.
"Well, didn't you figure it out already?" the Gryffindor quirked as she responded to his question about the books. "I don't have a life. I should probably get one sometime. I'll make note of it." He transferred Vlad from his arm to the top of his head as another feeble attempt to make her laugh. She had one of the cutest sounding laughs he ever heard. "Maybe I will start checking some more books out, though. Do you have any recommendations?"
"I know," he agreed with her suggestion about the snakes. "I used to like studying them when I was in muggle school but I wouldn't get too close." He was a little absentminded but he wasn't clueless enough to get himself poisoned or bitten by one. He had a little more tact than that.
Samira couldn't remember the last time she had fun like this. Levi made her feel really comfortable, so she was able to be her carefree self more easily. She gave an easy laugh. "Okay, if we're not forgiven after that, then I don't know what we'll do."
Samira nodded. "Oh yes. Lives tend to be very important. Cats are lucky-they have nine lives. Maybe you could borrow one."
She was about to say something else, but the sight of Vlad on top of Levi's head was too funny. Samira started to crack up. "Y-you look s-so fashionable!" she gasped between laughs. Once she regained some control, Samira straightened up. "Seriously," she joked, then pointed to Levi's head. "I think you just created a new fashion trend."
"Um..." Samira tilted her head when Levi asked her for some book recommendations. "You like cars, right? Maybe you could find a book, or autobiography about that. Or, oh! Maybe you can find some fictional books that have to do with superheros and villains." She indicated the comic book Levi was letting her borrow. "I can't promise there will be any pictures, but it helps with your imagination, ya know?" One of the things Samira loved about books was the fact that when she read, it was like a little movie going on in her head. "Personally, I read autobiographies or romance novels, but I doubt you would be interested in the latter." The sides of her lips quirked upwards.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Originally Posted by Samia
"South African?" Orlando hadn't guessed she must not be from around here. "Oh. That's why I couldn't figure out why I hadn't seen you before." He said, noticing her attempt to hug Koala closer. Another sign that she was cold. "So how do you like Hogwarts so far?" he asked, rubbing his hands still. Did it get colder? Because it seemed, even Koala wasn't that chirpy anymore. The little crup was closing into Ryden, the more she hugged it.
Koala was fast. Stealing whatever warmth the girl possessed. Inappropriate and sneaky.
Koala Dog: 1 Koala Boy: 0
It had been hard asking her the Jacket question but that was nothing compared to the refusal Ryden presented him with. It knotted his stomach. It wasn't her words, it was her tone. Had he said something wrong? Ergh. Next time, ignore if she is cold and shifting in close because it did not mean she wanted to share his jacket. To avoid any post-refusal awkwardness, the boy immediately stuffed his hands inside his pocket and concentrated on the warmth.
The silence was certainly growing, Orlando was all out. He wasn't sure what to say now. Koala was silent now too, so he couldn't distract himself with it too.
Ahh ..
Looking up at him, she nodded plainly. It was indeed the reason he hadn't seen her - Ryden was brand new here and sure felt it; felt it every single day. How did she like Hogwarts? That was THE Question, Mr. Koala Boy. THE QUESTION. "I'm going to give you an escape route here and allow to pick one of two options: 1. I tell you the truth, and 2. I'll lie," she said, genuinely not wishing to condemn Koala Boy - who seemed so happy and joyful - to the horrors of her stupid experiences at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Another gust of wind shook her out of her musings and Ryden made up her mind. "Hey, Koala Boy, mind if we go inside? I'm going to turn into a popsicle out here soon, and I don't think Koala Dog is faring much better," the brunette remarked and pointed to the shivering crup nestled in her lap. Yep, it was definitely time to go inside - it was DECEMBER, after all. A month of sun, beach and walking around with tiny little shorts.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Emms
She grinned back at him as he flashed her his adorable goofy smile. "It's okay. Just don't do it again," Emma added, giggling. The blonde Malfoy grinned as he laughed. She nodded. "Well that's good. Ha," she added, chuckling. "I just hope you don't manage to run into Professor Lafay. Cause that would be awkward." The blonde Malfoy grinned as he asked her how she was doing. "I'm doing all right thanks. Just met Ellie's secret admire slash lover," she explained, laughing. Ah.. Yeah and he was a Ravenclaw too.
"So, you wanted to know about my faults right?" she began smirking, making a joke of it. "I have not committed a crime, but my parents do not like how I disagree with them on many subjects, such as old pureblood rules, which are completely stupid. Also, I'm called stubborn and.. I get judged cause I'm a Malfoy. As you know Malfoys have a bad history," she explained, shrugging a little and staring into his warm brown eyes.
"Promise," said Braeden, holding up his right hand as Emma asked him not to worry her again. He'd do his best, but it was hard for the boy to avoid getting injured in some way or another. It was part of the Braeden Stonem lifestyle. As Emma went on to mention Ellie's 'secret admirer slash lover', the boy's dark eyebrows raised curiously. Well, whaddaya know. Seems like he and Emma might not have to do anything to cheer up the girl after all. The new guy would probably take care of that.
The dorky Gryffindor made no comment on that, though, and instead listened quietly and attentively as Emma went on to explain her 'faults' to him. He nodded his head understandingly as she spoke, beginning to walk around the courtyard beside her at a slow pace, watching their feet move slowly on the ground as Emma filled the air with her soothing voice.
When she was done, Braeden looked up.
"Yeah, I've heard about the Malfoy reputation…" he said with a soft chuckle. "You're definitely not your average Malfoy… I like that about you, though," he admitted. It was refreshing to meet someone as pure as Emma. "And I don't see any of those as flaws, either," he added with a silly grin. Yeah, Emma was crazy if she thought any of those things were taking points away from her. "I like that you're not some stuck-up pureblood. I like that you're stubborn. And I like that you're not like all other Mafloys." Yeah, so basically… she was just making him like her even more with those so-called 'flaws'. PSH. Forget about it. Emma was flawless, and not even she herself could prove that idea wrong.
"I am willing to jump into the trap. Option 1 please." he said, carefully - trying not to show his curiosity. Some people at Hogwarts were mean. Did she meet them all at one go?
He nodded quickly at her request. "Yep. Let's go in!" Orlando said, holding out his hands in front of her. "You can give Koala to me .. I think he had bothered you enough."
Honestly speaking, Koala Boy wasn't that happy with the fact that Koala Dog was getting this much attention after being so inappropriate.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by Gryffindoll
"Promise," said Braeden, holding up his right hand as Emma asked him not to worry her again. He'd do his best, but it was hard for the boy to avoid getting injured in some way or another. It was part of the Braeden Stonem lifestyle. As Emma went on to mention Ellie's 'secret admirer slash lover', the boy's dark eyebrows raised curiously. Well, whaddaya know. Seems like he and Emma might not have to do anything to cheer up the girl after all. The new guy would probably take care of that.
The dorky Gryffindor made no comment on that, though, and instead listened quietly and attentively as Emma went on to explain her 'faults' to him. He nodded his head understandingly as she spoke, beginning to walk around the courtyard beside her at a slow pace, watching their feet move slowly on the ground as Emma filled the air with her soothing voice.
When she was done, Braeden looked up.
"Yeah, I've heard about the Malfoy reputation…" he said with a soft chuckle. "You're definitely not your average Malfoy… I like that about you, though," he admitted. It was refreshing to meet someone as pure as Emma. "And I don't see any of those as flaws, either," he added with a silly grin. Yeah, Emma was crazy if she thought any of those things were taking points away from her. "I like that you're not some stuck-up pureblood. I like that you're stubborn. And I like that you're not like all other Mafloys." Yeah, so basically… she was just making him like her even more with those so-called 'flaws'. PSH. Forget about it. Emma was flawless, and not even she herself could prove that idea wrong.
Emma grinned as he said promise. Even the blonde knew that he would continue to worry her no matter what. Anyway, she liked how he said promise. She loved how he said it, lightly yet with full of passion. The sound of his voice was.. soothing.
Then the two began walking around the courtyard slowly to a slow pace. A slow yet lovely stroll. Emma watched Braeden look back up at her and tell her about the Malfoy reputation. She blushed when he mentioned that she's not the average Malfoy. WAIT!? HAD HE JUST SAID HER VERY ON MOTTO!!
"Thanks. You know that's actually my motto that I live by. Not your average Malfoy?" she said, chuckling and nodded. Blush. He liked her just the way she was. Even if she was stubborn? And was quick to get angry.. Emma was just thankful that she had him as a friend.. well kind of more as a friend. Emma winked at him. "Mr. Stonem are you trying to make me blush?" she added, giggling a little. Then she became more serious. "Thanks. That really means a lot to me. I don't want to be like them."
OH MERLIN'S BEARD DADA HOMEWORK!? The blonde still needed a dance partner. She stopped for a minute and turned to face him. "Hey you know for DADA how we have to do dancing as apart of the assignment. I was wondering if you would like to be my dance partner? But I'm going to tell you I'm not a good dancer," she explained.
Samira couldn't remember the last time she had fun like this. Levi made her feel really comfortable, so she was able to be her carefree self more easily. She gave an easy laugh. "Okay, if we're not forgiven after that, then I don't know what we'll do."
Samira nodded. "Oh yes. Lives tend to be very important. Cats are lucky-they have nine lives. Maybe you could borrow one."
She was about to say something else, but the sight of Vlad on top of Levi's head was too funny. Samira started to crack up. "Y-you look s-so fashionable!" she gasped between laughs. Once she regained some control, Samira straightened up. "Seriously," she joked, then pointed to Levi's head. "I think you just created a new fashion trend."
"Um..." Samira tilted her head when Levi asked her for some book recommendations. "You like cars, right? Maybe you could find a book, or autobiography about that. Or, oh! Maybe you can find some fictional books that have to do with superheros and villains." She indicated the comic book Levi was letting her borrow. "I can't promise there will be any pictures, but it helps with your imagination, ya know?" One of the things Samira loved about books was the fact that when she read, it was like a little movie going on in her head. "Personally, I read autobiographies or romance novels, but I doubt you would be interested in the latter." The sides of her lips quirked upwards.
"I'm sure you were forgiven," the Gryffindor answered gleefully. "I doubt I was, though. My apology wasn't as, ah, profound as yours." They were acting like total nerds but Levi couldn't care less. He was thrilled to have a friend who wasn't too afraid to join in on his dorky game. That was a friend worth keeping.
"Nah, I don't think I could be responsible enough to put it good use," the boy said with a snicker. "I'd probably lose it or something. It would be totally wasted on the likes of me."
Levi crouched down so she could get a better look at Vlad, who was probably annoyed by their consistent banter. The poor thing would never be able to get any sleep with these two goofing around and laugh like complete nutcases. "Think they'd put me in a magazine?" he asked in a stupid tone, making sure not to move around too much lest his pet would fall off.
He nodded as she gave her opinion about the books and scrunched up his nose at her last suggestion. "I don't know if romance would be my thing but I like the sound of the fictional ones. They'd be right up in my alley," he agreed. He transferred one of his hands from the top of his hand to his side, but coincidentally, it ended up on top of Samira's hand by mistake. His eyes widened.
"I--sorry..." he said, quickly lifting it again.
Last edited by Rockywizardia; 01-04-2023 at 12:28 AM.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Marie really hated doing homework lately. That's why she always procrastinated and waited until it was almost due before doing it. So here she was, walking through the courtyard on her way to her common room to do some homework...
If she was lucky maybe she would run into Matty and get side tracked and not have to go study right now.
"Luke's good... I think. Got another new girlfriend" Dani smirked. She sighed and looked around- "Yeah, I'd rather be the one being photographed, or creating the clothes to be photographed" she laughed. "Ooh, soon- probably at my Uncle's place" she nodded- "It is my home now" she said softly- "You'll love it" she said encouragingly- "It's... a perfect example of a magic house- bigger on the inside than the outside" she smirked. She really did love that place, she loved what was practically her new life. Everything had changed so much in the last year or so.
"Agreed- and no one likes a wannabe" she laughed as she grinned at 'Belle- "Oh, it's just amazing... I can't wait to be there again" she sighed deeply and smiled as she thought about it.
Orabelle sighed and shook her head. Her brother went through girlfriends like she did with shoes and nail polish and bags. "And everyone else? I hope they're all doing well?" Orabelle said as she fiddled with the bracelets around her arm. "I enjoy both, though I suppose it is always fun to be the subject of the photos," Orabelle said as she held the camera up to eye level and snapped a quick test picture of Hogwarts in the winter. Hmm... not bad. She supposed the school was just photogenic. "Is it? That's lovely though, must feel amazing," Orabelle said with a grin and a nod of her head. When she grew up she knew where she would be residing - in the Bellamonte Castle like the rest of her family was. It was pretty much tradition.
"Obviously," Orabelle said with a playful roll of her steel grey eyes before she snapped another picture and lowered it to look at the picture from the display. "A few more weeks to go," Orabelle reminded Dani with a smile. And then they'd be walking down the cobble roads of their kingdom... their place. France. The most amazing place to be.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie really hated doing homework lately. That's why she always procrastinated and waited until it was almost due before doing it. So here she was, walking through the courtyard on her way to her common room to do some homework...
If she was lucky maybe she would run into Matty and get side tracked and not have to go study right now.
Carter was walking... and pacing... and walking. It seemed that was all he did lately. He was always lost in thoughts about how things had gotten so crazy for him. Looking around he spotted the source of all the craziness.
He made a quick decision and decided to cut her off at the corner.
"WHAT is WRONG with you Marie?" he yelled. Oh, was Carter mad! He was someone that didn't yell. And now, looking at her, he couldn't stop himself.
"Where do you get off on always coming after Caroline and I? Do you really have that much of a problem with me being happy?" he said yelling still.
"What do you want Marie? Should I just drop out of school and go back to being a muggle? Would that make you happy? Or maybe you'd prefer if I always happened to be around so you can ruin every relationship I'll ever have?"
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
"I'm sure you were forgiven," the Gryffindor answered gleefully. "I doubt I was, though. My apology wasn't as, ah, profound as yours." They were acting like total nerds but Levi couldn't care less. He was thrilled to have a friend who wasn't too afraid to join in on his dorky game. That was a friend worth keeping.
"Nah, I don't think I could be responsible enough to put it good use," the boy said with a snicker. "I'd probably lose it or something. It would be totally wasted on the likes of me."
Levi crouched down so she could get a better look at Vlad, who was probably annoyed by their consistent banter. The poor thing would never be able to get any sleep with these two goofing around and laugh like complete nutcases. "Think they'd put me in a magazine?" he asked in a stupid tone, making sure not to move around too much lest his pet would fall off.
He nodded as she gave her opinion about the books and scrunched up his nose at her last suggestion. "I don't know if romance would be my thing but I like the sound of the fictional ones. They'd be right up in my alley," he agreed. He transferred one of his dark hands from the top of his hand to his side, but coincidentally, it ended up on top of Samira's hand by mistake. His eyes widened.
"I--sorry..." he said, quickly lifting it again.
Samira waved an airy hand. "Eh, I think you'll be alright. No one cares about the literary gods anyways." Thinking about all the improper usage of grammar Samira heard floating around-some from herself-it wasn't that hard to agree.
Snickering, Samira said, "How could you lose a life, Levi? They're like, bound to you, right?" At least, that's how it was in Samira's mind. Luckily, you couldn't really misplace a life. If that was the case, Samira would be losing hers left and right. She never was the most organized of people. In fact, she may lose her head if it wasn't attached to her body.
Samira nodded in mock seriousness. "Front cover, baby." She lifted her hands to resemble a camera and pretended to click it, like a photo-shoot.
"Yeah, you'd be surprised. There books about anything and everything." Samira had to laugh at the expression on Levi's face regarding the romance novels. "Ok, so romance is definitely out." She made a check mark on an invisible piece of parchment somewhere in space.
"Oh," Samira felt some heat rush to her face as she instinctively jerked her hand back. "It's, um, it's fine..." she gave a weak smile and suddenly found the hem of her skirt quite interesting.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Carter was walking... and pacing... and walking. It seemed that was all he did lately. He was always lost in thoughts about how things had gotten so crazy for him. Looking around he spotted the source of all the craziness.
He made a quick decision and decided to cut her off at the corner.
"WHAT is WRONG with you Marie?" he yelled. Oh, was Carter mad! He was someone that didn't yell. And now, looking at her, he couldn't stop himself.
"Where do you get off on always coming after Caroline and I? Do you really have that much of a problem with me being happy?" he said yelling still.
"What do you want Marie? Should I just drop out of school and go back to being a muggle? Would that make you happy? Or maybe you'd prefer if I always happened to be around so you can ruin every relationship I'll ever have?"
Marie had been watching her feet walking through the snow as she walked along so she didn't see Carter standing there. However, she had NO problem hearing him.
"What is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?" Seriously, why was he attacking her? All she was doing was walking through the courtyard.
Oh, right... HER.
"I don't ALWAYS go after you and your snake. And what I do has nothing to do with you being happy." Really, she had better things to do with her time than worry about if HE was happy or not.
"Do what you want Carter. You don't need me to ruin your relationships for you, You can do that all on your own. You're pretty good at it if memory serves me right." He had NO problem in ruining his relationship with her so she knew he would have no problem in ruining any future relationships he may be in... current one included.
Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Originally Posted by Emms
Emma grinned as he said promise. Even the blonde knew that he would continue to worry her no matter what. Anyway, she liked how he said promise. She loved how he said it, lightly yet with full of passion. The sound of his voice was.. soothing.
Then the two began walking around the courtyard slowly to a slow pace. A slow yet lovely stroll. Emma watched Braeden look back up at her and tell her about the Malfoy reputation. She blushed when he mentioned that she's not the average Malfoy. WAIT!? HAD HE JUST SAID HER VERY ON MOTTO!!
"Thanks. You know that's actually my motto that I live by. Not your average Malfoy?" she said, chuckling and nodded. Blush. He liked her just the way she was. Even if she was stubborn? And was quick to get angry.. Emma was just thankful that she had him as a friend.. well kind of more as a friend. Emma winked at him. "Mr. Stonem are you trying to make me blush?" she added, giggling a little. Then she became more serious. "Thanks. That really means a lot to me. I don't want to be like them."
OH MERLIN'S BEARD DADA HOMEWORK!? The blonde still needed a dance partner. She stopped for a minute and turned to face him. "Hey you know for DADA how we have to do dancing as apart of the assignment. I was wondering if you would like to be my dance partner? But I'm going to tell you I'm not a good dancer," she explained.
Braeden's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. Really?! He'd guessed Emma's motto without even trying? HA! He knew he had super psychic powers! As Emma then asked if he was trying to make her blush, the boy flashed her a playful, lopsided grin. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea," he teased. "You look cute when you blush." One of his hands came up to pull at the girl's cheek playfully, as if she was some naive six-year-old that was being awfully cute at the moment. He chuckled softly at the gesture.
And then Emma was asking him to be his dance partner.
"Da--dance?" repeated Braeden with wide eyes.
ERRRRRR. Last time he'd tried to dance had been at his cousin's birthday party, and… well… let's just say she ended up promising never to invite him to another dance ever again. "I'm not all that great myself," the boy confessed when Emma shared she wasn't a good dancer. Psh. He was sure she must've definitely been better than him. He was Super Braeman the Amazing Klutz, after all. "But if you'd still want me to, I'd love to be your dance partner," he added with a grin. It'd be fun, dancing with Emma. Until he ended up stomping all over her feet or something.
Samira waved an airy hand. "Eh, I think you'll be alright. No one cares about the literary gods anyways." Thinking about all the improper usage of grammar Samira heard floating around-some from herself-it wasn't that hard to agree.
Snickering, Samira said, "How could you lose a life, Levi? They're like, bound to you, right?" At least, that's how it was in Samira's mind. Luckily, you couldn't really misplace a life. If that was the case, Samira would be losing hers left and right. She never was the most organized of people. In fact, she may lose her head if it wasn't attached to her body.
Samira nodded in mock seriousness. "Front cover, baby." She lifted her hands to resemble a camera and pretended to click it, like a photo-shoot.
"Yeah, you'd be surprised. There books about anything and everything." Samira had to laugh at the expression on Levi's face regarding the romance novels. "Ok, so romance is definitely out." She made a check mark on an invisible piece of parchment somewhere in space.
"Oh," Samira felt some heat rush to her face as she instinctively jerked her hand back. "It's, um, it's fine..." she gave a weak smile and suddenly found the hem of her skirt quite interesting.
Their witty exchanges seemed to have ceased once he had made that stupid move. That was twice now that he had fallen victim to his own inward desires. The first time he had been so tempted to kiss her and the second time, though it was by accident, he had touched her hand. The worst part was he was more disappointed by his own actions as opposed to embarrassed. Yes, he had been secretly yearning to hold her hand all throughout their conversation but he was kind of hoping she would have initiated the act. He always seemed unable to conduct himself in a smooth manner when it came to crushes.
Levi smiled back sheepishly, glad that at least she hadn't yelled at him or scorned him for what he had done. He didn't want to come off so fast but he couldn't help it. The more time he spent with Samira, the more he could feel his liking for her strengthening.
"Uh, I think I have to go now but it was really fun hanging out with you, Samira," he said shyly, standing up. "Maybe we can do this again sometime. I hope you like the comic and I've got plenty more if you want to borrow another one. Er, I'll see you around?" With that, the Gryffindor started to head off, glad that she couldn't hear how fast his heart racing.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie had been watching her feet walking through the snow as she walked along so she didn't see Carter standing there. However, she had NO problem hearing him.
"What is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?" Seriously, why was he attacking her? All she was doing was walking through the courtyard.
Oh, right... HER.
"I don't ALWAYS go after you and your snake. And what I do has nothing to do with you being happy." Really, she had better things to do with her time than worry about if HE was happy or not.
"Do what you want Carter. You don't need me to ruin your relationships for you, You can do that all on your own. You're pretty good at it if memory serves me right." He had NO problem in ruining his relationship with her so she knew he would have no problem in ruining any future relationships he may be in... current one included.
Yeah, he didn't need her for that at all.
Carter glared at the snake girl. "Right. Like you expect me to think that you really just wanted to come sit next to me and tell me 'how good I look' because that's what you really thought. I know you did that because of Caroline and me."
"You know what gets me the most? The fact that I was stupid enough to believe you've changed. Actually, I lied. It's all the time I've spent trying to fix things between us." He then let out a laugh. "I actually thought you would have respected me enough to let whatever possesses that brain of yours to automatically hate people a break."
"I guess you were right though. We can't be friends. And I am done trying. In fact, I liked it a lot better when we weren't talking." he said before turning to walk away.
"And for the record. I'm not the one that broke us up. But you'll always be way too proud and stubborn to see that."
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Their witty exchanges seemed to have ceased once he had made that stupid move. That was twice now that he had fallen victim to his own inward desires. The first time he had been so tempted to kiss her and the second time, though it was by accident, he had touched her hand. The worst part was he was more disappointed by his own actions as opposed to embarrassed. Yes, he had been secretly yearning to hold her hand all throughout their conversation but he was kind of hoping she would have initiated the act. He always seemed unable to conduct himself in a smooth manner when it came to crushes.
Levi smiled back sheepishly, glad that at least she hadn't yelled at him or scorned him for what he had done. He didn't want to come off so fast but he couldn't help it. The more time he spent with Samira, the more he could feel his liking for her strengthening.
"Uh, I think I have to go now but it was really fun hanging out with you, Samira," he said shyly, standing up. "Maybe we can do this again sometime. I hope you like the comic and I've got plenty more if you want to borrow another one. Er, I'll see you around?" With that, the Gryffindor started to head off, glad that she couldn't hear how fast his heart racing.
Samira stood up too. "Wait, you're leaving?" She couldn't really mask the disappointment in her voice. Samira really liked talking to Levi, and she couldn't help but feel that she did something wrong. Secretly, Samira wished Levi would hold her hand, or just brush it against hers like he had a few moments ago. It felt really nice. Safe, even.
She clasped her arms behind her back. "It was really fun hanging out with you, too. We should meet up, um, later." Samira was already looking forward to their next meeting. She had butterflies in her tummy, and she had a feeling she knew why.
She raised her hand weakly in a goodbye. "Take good care of Vlad. I'll give your comic back as soon as I'm finished with it."
Samira stood back as she watched Levi leave, then slowly made her own way in the opposite direction.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Carter glared at the snake girl. "Right. Like you expect me to think that you really just wanted to come sit next to me and tell me 'how good I look' because that's what you really thought. I know you did that because of Caroline and me."
"You know what gets me the most? The fact that I was stupid enough to believe you've changed. Actually, I lied. It's all the time I've spent trying to fix things between us." He then let out a laugh. "I actually thought you would have respected me enough to let whatever possesses that brain of yours to automatically hate people a break."
"I guess you were right though. We can't be friends. And I am done trying. In fact, I liked it a lot better when we weren't talking." he said before turning to walk away.
"And for the record. I'm not the one that broke us up. But you'll always be way too proud and stubborn to see that."
Marie glared right back at Carter. Really, did he think him looking at her like that was going to scare her away or make her cry?
All that did was get her blood boiling and make her lash out at him.
"I don't really care anymore what you believe Carter. You're the one that asked ME what I thought of your new haircut. If YOU didn't want to hear any compliments then YOU shouldn't have asked what I thought. And really, is it MY fault that you and your so called girlfriend weren't sitting together in classes? Seems to me if YOU cared so damn much about HER then YOU would make a little better effort to show it. And for your information, I sat next to you because I THOUGHT we were friends again. I THOUGHT we could be civil and work together. So Sorry if YOU and your whatever she is can't handle me sitting with you."
Choosing to totally ignore the comment about her changing she focused on his next statement. "ALL the time YOU spent trying to fix things with us? Are you flipping serious? I spent well over a year of my life trying to make things right with us only to constantly be pushed away by you. You've had a couple conversations with me in the past couple of months and you think YOU'VE spent all kinds of time on US?" Pausing long enough just to take a breath she continued. "For your information, me hating Caroline actually has NOTHING to do with YOU. I hate her for reasons way beyond you and your ego."
"I guess we can't be friends. You're ego is too damn big for that." Seriously, give the guy one little compliment and he thinks she wants him back or something. "Go ahead, walk away, don't talk to me ever again, You're good at that." The not talking to her and acting like she doesn't exist that is.
*STARE some more*
Again, was he flipping serious here? "If YOU didn't break us up then please tell me, who the hell did? I know it wasn't ME that did it." If it would have been her then she wouldn't have tried so hard for so damn long to get him to talk to her. She would have moved on a lot sooner than she had that's for sure.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
SPOILER!!: hehe, I think we made Marie a little mad
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie glared right back at Carter. Really, did he think him looking at her like that was going to scare her away or make her cry?
All that did was get her blood boiling and make her lash out at him.
"I don't really care anymore what you believe Carter. You're the one that asked ME what I thought of your new haircut. If YOU didn't want to hear any compliments then YOU shouldn't have asked what I thought. And really, is it MY fault that you and your so called girlfriend weren't sitting together in classes? Seems to me if YOU cared so damn much about HER then YOU would make a little better effort to show it. And for your information, I sat next to you because I THOUGHT we were friends again. I THOUGHT we could be civil and work together. So Sorry if YOU and your whatever she is can't handle me sitting with you."
Choosing to totally ignore the comment about her changing she focused on his next statement. "ALL the time YOU spent trying to fix things with us? Are you flipping serious? I spent well over a year of my life trying to make things right with us only to constantly be pushed away by you. You've had a couple conversations with me in the past couple of months and you think YOU'VE spent all kinds of time on US?" Pausing long enough just to take a breath she continued. "For your information, me hating Caroline actually has NOTHING to do with YOU. I hate her for reasons way beyond you and your ego."
"I guess we can't be friends. You're ego is too damn big for that." Seriously, give the guy one little compliment and he thinks she wants him back or something. "Go ahead, walk away, don't talk to me ever again, You're good at that." The not talking to her and acting like she doesn't exist that is.
*STARE some more*
Again, was he flipping serious here? "If YOU didn't break us up then please tell me, who the hell did? I know it wasn't ME that did it." If it would have been her then she wouldn't have tried so hard for so damn long to get him to talk to her. She would have moved on a lot sooner than she had that's for sure.
If he said Destiny, she was going to punch him.
"Yeah. I'm pretty sure your so-called 'boyfriend' would think differently." Carter retorted. "Maybe he and I should have a little talk about how you can't get over the fact that I'm over you." Really? She thought because they weren't sitting next to each other in one class there were problems there? "Um. As I recall you weren't sitting next to your boyfriend. That must mean you don't care about him."
He laughed again. "Oh, how you forget everything that makes you look bad. I've spent way longer than that. But no, you have this weird notion that you're always right and everyone is against you."
"And if it's not because of me, why do you hate her than?" he asked. "You wouldn't even know her had it not been for me."
He rolled his eyes and shook his head at what she said next. "Right. I was just soooo eager to get rid of you I went straight to Destiny and said 'just give me a reason.' Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound right now?"
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Originally Posted by Gryffindoll
Braeden's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. Really?! He'd guessed Emma's motto without even trying? HA! He knew he had super psychic powers! As Emma then asked if he was trying to make her blush, the boy flashed her a playful, lopsided grin. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea," he teased. "You look cute when you blush." One of his hands came up to pull at the girl's cheek playfully, as if she was some naive six-year-old that was being awfully cute at the moment. He chuckled softly at the gesture.
And then Emma was asking him to be his dance partner.
"Da--dance?" repeated Braeden with wide eyes.
ERRRRRR. Last time he'd tried to dance had been at his cousin's birthday party, and… well… let's just say she ended up promising never to invite him to another dance ever again. "I'm not all that great myself," the boy confessed when Emma shared she wasn't a good dancer. Psh. He was sure she must've definitely been better than him. He was Super Braeman the Amazing Klutz, after all. "But if you'd still want me to, I'd love to be your dance partner," he added with a grin. It'd be fun, dancing with Emma. Until he ended up stomping all over her feet or something.
This made the blonde blush even more. She looked cute when she blushed? *Ahem* Then he started pulling her cheek as if he was an older person doing that to a five year old. Emma took a deep breath to regain her normal colour. Why did Braeden always make her blush!?!? The Malfoy raised her blonde eyebrow before chuckling at this gesture.
DUH DUH DUH! Yes, a dance partner. This was Emma Malfoy's evil plan after all these days and months. Emma shrugged her shoulders. "Well don't worry. We can be bad together!" she cried, giggling at the thought of the two quickly dancing around the castle with the DADA Professor looking at them like they were crazy.. Uh-huh.. Cause that wasn't weird at all.. But the blonde didn't care because she was with Super Brae (Her Crush). AND THEN HE AGREED! "Awesome! Thank you, Lord Gryffindor." She curtsied and continued. "It will be fun. So what dances do you know? I only know the waltz, thanks to being a Malfoy," she explained, laughing slightly and smiling at him.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
SPOILER!!: I'd say she's more than a little mad
Originally Posted by LilFox06
"Yeah. I'm pretty sure your so-called 'boyfriend' would think differently." Carter retorted. "Maybe he and I should have a little talk about how you can't get over the fact that I'm over you." Really? She thought because they weren't sitting next to each other in one class there were problems there? "Um. As I recall you weren't sitting next to your boyfriend. That must mean you don't care about him."
He laughed again. "Oh, how you forget everything that makes you look bad. I've spent way longer than that. But no, you have this weird notion that you're always right and everyone is against you."
"And if it's not because of me, why do you hate her than?" he asked. "You wouldn't even know her had it not been for me."
He rolled his eyes and shook his head at what she said next. "Right. I was just soooo eager to get rid of you I went straight to Destiny and said 'just give me a reason.' Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound right now?"
"Talk to him all you want, I really don't care. He won't believe a word you say anyway. He knows what I'm really like. He knows the real me... unlike you. And really Carter? Are you that desperate to have me still be gaga over you? I have been long over you. In case you haven't noticed I moved on a LONG time ago. I think YOU are the one that isn't over me, even if you DO say you are." He could deny it all he wanted but really, he was the one that kept bringing this damn subject up. "Gee, let me see, why wasn't I sitting with him in class? Oh right, because he wasn't in class you idiot. If he would have been there HE would have been the one I was sitting with, NOT you." Marie actually liked sitting with her boyfriend, unlike Carter who apparently didn't like sitting with his girlfriend.
'Oh right, because you not speaking to me and you pushing me away for a year and a half wasn't because you were against me. It was because you were for me. Gee, what the hell was I thinking then. All the signs of how much you cared for me were there. Let's see... you ignored me, walked away from me, avoided me, never answered my messages to you... Gee, all the classic signs of someone showing that they really cared about someone. Merlin how stupid I was not to see then that you loved me."
Marie couldn't help but roll her eyes at his next stupid comment. "Oh don't flatter yourself Carter. Caroline lives in the same house as me, you think I'm not gonna know who she is? Not to mention the small little fact that my mum and her mum are sisters." As in Marie and Caroline were cousins, right along with Marilyn. "That's right Carter, you're once again dating your ex's cousin."
Feeling her fists start to tighten she knew that if he kept opening his mouth like this she was going to shut it for him. "I sound ridiculous right now? Just because I asked you a simple question? You're the ridiculous one here Carter. You can't even answer a simple question without trying to make me look like the one at fault here." She hissed at him.
Seriously Carter. Shut your mouth now before you can't open it.
Orabelle sighed and shook her head. Her brother went through girlfriends like she did with shoes and nail polish and bags. "And everyone else? I hope they're all doing well?" Orabelle said as she fiddled with the bracelets around her arm. "I enjoy both, though I suppose it is always fun to be the subject of the photos," Orabelle said as she held the camera up to eye level and snapped a quick test picture of Hogwarts in the winter. Hmm... not bad. She supposed the school was just photogenic. "Is it? That's lovely though, must feel amazing," Orabelle said with a grin and a nod of her head. When she grew up she knew where she would be residing - in the Bellamonte Castle like the rest of her family was. It was pretty much tradition.
"Obviously," Orabelle said with a playful roll of her steel grey eyes before she snapped another picture and lowered it to look at the picture from the display. "A few more weeks to go," Orabelle reminded Dani with a smile. And then they'd be walking down the cobble roads of their kingdom... their place. France. The most amazing place to be.
"Yeah, everyone's fine I believe" Dani smiled as she watched 'Belle snap a picture- "The school looks so pretty right now..." she said, not thinking she'd ever say that. "Yeah, it does..." she said softly as she looked around. "Eugh, I was talking to Maisie the other day by owl mail- you'll never guess what she told me about a certain girl attempting to become Queen Bee at Beauxbatons" she said, rolling her eyes slightly.
"And yeah- ohmygosh, I can't wait!" she said excitedly- she smiled as she thought of the city that she loved so very much. She just wanted to be back there as soon as possible!
"Yeah, everyone's fine I believe" Dani smiled as she watched 'Belle snap a picture- "The school looks so pretty right now..." she said, not thinking she'd ever say that. "Yeah, it does..." she said softly as she looked around. "Eugh, I was talking to Maisie the other day by owl mail- you'll never guess what she told me about a certain girl attempting to become Queen Bee at Beauxbatons" she said, rolling her eyes slightly.
"And yeah- ohmygosh, I can't wait!" she said excitedly- she smiled as she thought of the city that she loved so very much. She just wanted to be back there as soon as possible!
Orabelle smiled as she lifted the camera up to her face again, focusing it on one of the towers. "That's great, I hope they stay that way," she said. She adjusted the lens before she caught what Dani said and nodded, lowering the camera. "Yeah... I'm surprised," Orabelle said giggling. Merlin, were the two of them just discovering the beauty of the school? She was actually enjoying being here. It was horrible.
WAIT. WHAT?! Someone was basically trying to steal her throne and that was not happening. "What?" Orabelle said, feeling a bit angered. Just because she wasn't in the school anymore did nawt mean it wasn't hers.
All thoughts of walking down the streets of France had popped out of her mind. She was going to make the life of the girl who tried to rule her school a living hell.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...