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Welcome to the first Care of Magical Creatures lesson of the term.
The class area has been slightly rearranged, and instead of seeing multiple rows of benches, the seating has been placed to form a large circle. In the middle, you will find nothing but space, which will be used alot in this class.
Lesson numero one will begin soon, so take a seat and chat with your neighbour while you wait. But make sure you don't talk too loudly or Maya won't be glad that no one hears her over the sound of your own voices.
Where is Professor Saylen? Well, she's not in a costume and currently being busy with a creature inside a covered-up crate.
» Remember to please describe what your character is wearing. You can link to a costume, like so, or explain what your character is wearing - 'She has a lion mask, yellow striped tshirt, orange pants, her fluffy slippers and a tail made of a belt... etc. This is so that Maya can know how you all look, to be able to conduct the lesson to the fullest.
Makeup is a plus, and whatever other accessories you can think of. Points will be awarded for creativity and participation. This class is not a Quidditch match, so no need to stress about answering a question first ; )
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Iris listened to the professor as she spoke, and frowned slightly as she put a protection shield around herself and the crup. Hmm... was... was she really going to do what Iris thought she was?
Because, why else would she be protecting her self from the nutters... uh... animal enthusiasts... of the group?
The prefect watched as Slaylen removed the fork from the crups tail. No pain. No blood... Just a very confused looking crup. Listening to the teacher, with both of her eyes on the crup, Iris raised her hand. "Is he looking for the fork off it his tail? ... Like, trying to find out where it's gone?"
... As Iris continued to watch the crup, Iris rose an eyebrow a little. He didn't seem to be able to find his balance. "... And ... he looks like he's trying to find his footing again. He's totally disoriented without the fork on his tail."
Only when Iris had said this, did she put her hand down.
Another fairy! "Good day, Miss Lecium. Wonderful costume." They all looked great, really.
[COLOR="Red"]"Thank you professor!" she said with a smile and was glad she approved of her costume.[/COLOR]
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
. "You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Belle noticed the Crump and thought it looked cute. It was reminded that she had dogs at home. "Professor i think the dog has it's tail lowered behind it's own body because he notices he can't be the dominant one out of all of us, and realized he is overpowered, and is overwhelmed by how many people are here."
♥ Tom Felton lover ♥ Malfoy Royalty ♥ SS FC Addict ♥ Tom Kaulitz ♥
A simple leotard with dark and light green stripes adorned with green and silver sequins wrapped Lexie's body like a glove. She wore a pair of black flats, with white stockings. The annoying tail hung off the back of the leotard and to top it all off, a headband attached with two plastic cat ears perched on her head. I must look horrendous.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Lexie put up her hand. "Professor, I think that it is trying to find its forked tail. And knowing that the fork is not there, it feels vulnerable." She thought hard. "Also, maybe the fork gives it more balance so that's why it's stumbling now that the fork is missing."
Last edited by michkirszanelee; 01-22-2011 at 07:04 PM.
Rowan sat quietly in her cat costume, taking notes and listening to what the others were saying.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Effy saw Rowan and moved to sit next to her, being extra careful not to damage her long and flowing red and orange dress, which combined with her red hair made her Phoenix costume, as she sat down. She smiled at Rowan and gave a little wave in greeting before turning back to the teacher.
Effy raised her hand; she wasn't completely sure of the answer but she loved learning about magical creatures and wanted to participate in the class. "I think if any animal lost a limb, even a tail, it would take a little while for it to adjust and regain balance. That's probably why it's stumbling. And it's most likely confused. Even if it didn't feel pain, it knows it's tail is gone, it doesn't understand how or why, and that scares it."
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Text Cut: Prof Saylen
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Looking around the circle again, Maya just had to do a double take. It seemed she did this often when Mister Salander was present. Was that costume his favorite thing to wear at her lessons?
But to answer their questions... "Yes, indeed he would look and probably act like a regular dog."
'It's not it's fault it was born like that...' Bingo.
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Salander caught Profesor Hottie's double take. What?... this is his own armour this time, didnt need to harass the suits of armour back at the castle (not that he'd win this time around anyway). Aaand he now has a perfect creature to pass himself off as in case she would ask heh.
... aaaand now the crup does look like a regular dog.
Cutting that off was quick wasnt it? Admittedly that took him by surprise-- the Professor actually carried it through without a second's hesitation. The Crup didnt cry out in pain as he had thought it would, but even for a guy who has never owned a pet in his life, even he could see the behavior change...
"Seems like the crup feels bad about losing a part of it. " he replied "Its gone all submissive."
He scowled. Yeah its was true, it wasnt its fault that it was born magical-- yet some dumb law is forced upon it. Why does that suddenly feel familiar?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Ella watched very closely as the professor removed the crup's tail. Her eyes squinted, just in case the animal screamed, but it was like it didn't even realise. She sighed with relief and smiled. Although it didn't look too happy, just like Ella thought would happen.
Raising her hand as she observed the crup, Ella said, "Aww, he's looking for his tail. He's probably confused and maybe a bit scared." One moment his tail was there, then BAM it was gone. If Ella was a crup, she'd be quite confused herself. "He probably doesn't feel too safe, either." Especially with a crowd of witches and wizards glaring at him.
Or maybe he just felt naked. And embarrassed with everyone staring at him.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Em watched as the professor removed the little crup's tail. It didn't seem so bad. Its stumbling reminded her of that old cartoon Dragon Ball. The little boy in had a tail removed, and it took some time to get used to. Em raised her hand "He has just lost his balance, but it shouldn't take long for him to get used to it." After all, if a dog can get used to having a leg amputated, it can get used to just one tail.
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
Really? "No one is forcing you to stay here, Mister Lockhart. It is obvious you are not interested in participating in this lesson since you did not even bother to dress up as required." He could leave if he wanted to, it wasn't going to be her loss.
'It's not it's fault it was born like that...' Bingo.
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
So, he could actually leave if she did something to alter the image of the crup? Perfect. He didn't comment. He only kept his eyes on her.
...blink, blink, blink.
He didn't approve of things being something they weren't, nor appearing to be something else. Ironically, he didn't have that problem with Gilderoy, and that's because he knew the truth and decided to accept other things.
His jaw was locked in place. Forcing someone (or a creature) to fit in, just because, was something he couldn't stand to watch.
So, they boy took his bag and left.
He had permission, no? And if he didn't, he wouldn't mind losing points for keeping his word.
Hearing everyone's comments and ideas...and worries, Maya was a tad perplexed at how they were acting. Did they really think she would actually cut off this puppy's tail??
Maybe...she should set up a shield around her and the pup. Just incase.
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, of course, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Emily coudn't belive it. As soon as she put the blue shield around the crup, she knew something was about to happen. "Professor, no!" she said stepping forward, but it was too late. The poor puppys tail was gone.
Emily stared open mouthed at her. She hadn't. She coudn't have.
"Professor..." she was getting red in the face. A mixture of surprise, shock and anger. "I thought this was care of magical creatures!" she said louder than she ment to. "Now it's wandering around, looking for it's forked tail. It was there one moment and now it's gone, and the poor creature dosn't know why!"
She hadn't just seen what she thought she'd seen. No way.
"It probably thinks we're gonna take more bits off it off now, so it's scared!"
She wanted to pick it up and hug it. Why had the teacher done that?!?!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
"Maybe the crup is feeling ashamed like it did soemthing wrong and thats why you cut of the forked end," Simon answered with a shrug. Hearing all the answers before him he tried to think of something different or something that fit better. His family did have a pet dog so he did have experience dealing with them "Some dogs hide their tails between their legs like that when they supposedly feel that way and maybe crups and seemingly distant cousins have that similar behavior".
|Nevilles Nerdy Girl|Auntie Chloees Niecey Kassie| |Penguins<3|Oh, It Is Love|
Ama watched as the class freaked out about the crups tail. "Obviously the professor doesn't go around hurting poor creatures." she sighed. "It probably feels a slight loss like muggles that lose and arm or a leg and have a ghost arm feeling. They remember it being there and sometimes they get a feeling like it still is."
She looked again. "Or maybe the professor only made it invisible and the crup is confuzed that it can't see it."
Are There Cookies Involved? I Hope So! I Really Really Really Love Cookies! And Pie! Is There Pie?? Please Say Yes! Say Yes to Cookies and Pie!
Oh for the love of... Her evil?? Thankyou?
Now why would she say something like that. "You are also not obligated to be here. This lesson is not for my benefit."
'It's not it's fault it was born like that...' Bingo.
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Ellie gave Saylen a most scrutinizing look. "I thought the lesson was for our benefit, Professor. You know, the students'..." Which it totally was. Hence why she was the professor. She didn't have to learn anything.
And then...GASP.
She...she...did she really do that? Like, really? Really, really?
Now she'd have that mental picture in her mind for the rest of her life. Thanks, professor.
And, though Ellie was curious about what the cruppy was doing, and if it really had felt pain or not, she was going to stay true to her word. So, she grabbed her bag and left.
Maybe next lesson would be better, yeah?
Or she could read everything she needed to know in a book. Yup.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Oh, for Merlin's sake!
Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were leaving left and right now. Okay, so Sierra had only seen two students leave, but it was enough to earn an eye roll from her in no one's general direction.
She turned back toward the crup and watched it for a few moments before raising her hand. "Maybe it's lying there thinking you might continue chopping off its body parts," she said. "Maybe it's scared you'll try for a leg or its head next." She tilted to her head to the side as she regarding the creature. She'd try and call it over to her, but it was protected by a blue shield for Merlin knew what reason.
"Losing a tail takes some getting used to," Sierra continued. "I think it's just startled right now and doesn't really know what's going on. You should feed it a treat or something, Professor." I mean, it did just lose half of its dignity in front of an entire classroom of children. Surely that kind of sacrifice deserved at least a cruppie treat.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlotte (Charley) Isabelle Kelley
First Year
The Ones Who Love Us Never Really Leave Us R.I.P. Susan aka Mum, Douglas, and Chantice
Originally Posted by hpfan18
"Thank you professor!" she said with a smile and was glad she approved of her costume.
Belle noticed the Crup and thought it looked cute. It was reminded that she had dogs at home. "Professor i think the dog has it's tail lowered behind it's own body because he notices he can't be the dominant one out of all of us, and realized he is overpowered, and is overwhelmed by how many people are here."
Charley slouched when she heard what the girl said. That's what I was thinking...Wait.
She became excited when she realised the girl who had spoke was Belle, and went to join her. Her red hair bounced, along with the large black wings into which she'd transfigured the shawl-sweater-thing her mother had slung over Charley's shoulders before she left on the Express. Transfiguring the clothes which fit Lauren's tastes rather than Charley's had been JP's idea, and although Charley had been sceptical, she was now convinced it was an absolutely genius idea. The hot pink dress was now a long-sleeved black one, cascading down to Charley's ankles, where the ugly blue flats now were on her feet, except that they were black Balmorals.
"Hi, Belle," Charley said softly to her friend, not quite whispering.
"That crup looks a lot like the puppy we have at home," she continued, saddened as thought about how her puppy would if he lost part of his tail, or how any of her animals would for any part of them.
Your flavour is chewing gum. You're a risk-taker and like to swim against the current.
You face risk like it's an everyday thing and embrace the challenges set
before you. You set your own path and conformity isn't in your vocabulary. ♥
Last edited by scarsandtetris; 01-22-2011 at 09:44 PM.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Huh. Allright, yes, a shield would be a good idea. But atleast these kids had spirit. "I would be dissapointed if you didn't." Moving on.
She would be disappointed, but was she going to remove the tail? That was why the worried expression was now back on her face, like it had been in the other lessons, but for other reasons. Sigh. Were all the lessons going to be like this? Arya wasn't sure she would be able to take it if so.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
It happened faster than she thought it would, the removal of the forked tail. Fast enough that Arya wasn't able to do anything about it, though she was sure she almost missed it because one of her best friends and a Ravenclaw had taken the professor's offer of leaving the lesson.
Pity seemed to want to join the many other emotions on her face as she watched the crup, and as good an idea as leaving seemed to be, she had questions she needed to ask the professor, during and after the lesson. So walking out was not an option. "He's scared and probably in pain, though not physical." But Arya knew and could sympathize with the cruppie. Emotional pain was SO much worse.
"You took something from him from him for no apparent reason and without warning, he's probably confused about that too." She paused to glance over at Sierra before looking back up at the professor. "I think he deserves MORE than a treat. You should hold him close and comfort him." And give him love and tell him that everything was going to be okay even though he lost an important part of him. Her eyes were now on the cruppie. The poor thing, did they all feel the same way about their tales?
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
"Exactly. Some Muggles could be just as cunning as Wizards, and vice versa."
Ariana smiled. Right again! Exactly right. .
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Okay, time to continue. "You all have great ideas and interesting thoughts... Let's move to the next part."
Maya walked towards the crate that had been covered up, picked it up and walked back to the center of the circle, putting it down carefully. "You might remember us discussing the similarities that some Muggle creatures had with Magic creatures. Like this one..." she uncovered the crate, and inside was a puppy - a crup to be exact.
The beastie waggled its forked tail excitedly,trying to sniff the students that were some feet away, between the bars. "This, is a crup. It has a forked tail, as you can see. But..." she took a deep breath before continuing, ...we in the Wizarding world are expected by law to cut off their tail when young.
She looked at everyone, "What do you think will happen if I cut this Crup's forked tail right now?"Hmmm?
'Awwww....' was Ariana's first thought as she saw the little puppy Professor Saylen was picking up. Her second thought was 'Hey, that looks just like a Jack Russell Terrier, except with a forked tail!' She neglected to answer the question, though, everyone said what she was thinking before she even got a chance to open her mouth.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, of course, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
Ariana was about to go stop her from cutting off its tail, shield or no shield- when she did. It wasn't bad though. She had expected blood, whining, a poor whimpering puppy... But it just began to chase it's tail. So cute! It reminded her of her puppy back with her mum and dad.
But then it got all sad, tail between its legs and looking uncertain of what's going on. Ariana raised her hand.
"Well, it's a bit confused. First of all, half of its tail is gone, and it probably can't understand the shield you set up. It's showing how it is uncertain of what's going on, and probably a bit afraid, too."
"You are all very passionate about the Crup... I admire that." She really did. But whatever happened in this class was not in their control. "It does seem unfair for this young creature to have to change who he is. Specially since it doesn't know what he's being put through." But, what did she know.
Kneeling down next to the crate, Maya opened the little door and picked up the Crup from inside. The forked tail still waggled happily and it was really excited by all these students around him. The Mexicana kept scratching it under the chin, hoping to calm it down a little before setting it down on the ground, where it kept trying to have a tug war with her sleeve.
With a small wrist action, Maya's wand shot out from her holster and into her other hand. Aiming it at the sky, she mumbled an incantation and a light blue shield surrounded her and the crup. Protection, because she didn't know what these kids would do.
And without further ado, she made the forked tail dissapear.
There was no blood, no cries of pain, no nothing. But the puppy felt something, ofcourse, as it started to look around - much similar in the way a dog chases its own tail.
After a moment, it sort of stumbled around, as if not having enough balance, trying to sniff at the students through the shield. Soon enough, the tail stopped wagging and instead it was lowered down under his own body. The sign of fear and uncertainty.
"What is it doing and why do you think that is?" Silly question, perhaps, but it was important that they'd know what was going on.
"Yay!" Eino exclaimed and applauded when the Professor revealed a single-tailed crup dog. "Professor," He then began with his hand in the air, "when a dog's tail is hidden under the dog's body it signifies fear and submission, which might be in relation to its recognition of us as wizards, rather than muggles, whom it would, most likely, not submit itself to." Crups were known for their extreme loyalty to wizards and their hostility towards muggles. "Also," he continued, with a slight intention of addressing his fellow classmates, "removing a crup's tail isn't a punishment, but it allows its geographical expansion to muggle populated areas, and considering that is where most wizards inhabit, the creature has a bigger chance at finding a home. What would be best, do you suppose, a dozen forked tail crups prohibited to live with loving wizard families because of fear of exposure, or the same going through a quick and painless procedure in order to live happily in secrecy? These animals don't choose to be magical creatures either, so should they be burdened by that and be deprived of the happiness of a family and home? I should think not." Not at all. It was, in fact, painless and not done for cosmetic reasons, but in order to maintain wizardry secrecy.
Jacob looked at the crup through the eye holes, it was weird watching everything without saying something... but the gorilla head was just so hot.
Finally Jacob watched the crup lower its tail. "Maybe it realizes that we aren't the creatures that we've dressed as." Jacob said and kept watching the crup do what it was doing. "or maybe the losing of its tail has taken some of his dignity, and is no longer the energetic curious little puppy, but a scared cautious insignificant creature." just an idea... or maybe... Nope... his brain didn't feel like working too hard today.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by Zebragirl
Emily coudn't belive it. As soon as she put the blue shield around the crup, she knew something was about to happen. "Professor, no!" she said stepping forward, but it was too late. The poor puppys tail was gone.
Emily stared open mouthed at her. She hadn't. She coudn't have.
"Professor..." she was getting red in the face. A mixture of surprise, shock and anger. "I thought this was care of magical creatures!" she said louder than she ment to. "Now it's wandering around, looking for it's forked tail. It was there one moment and now it's gone, and the poor creature dosn't know why!"
She hadn't just seen what she thought she'd seen. No way.
"It probably thinks we're gonna take more bits off it off now, so it's scared!"
She wanted to pick it up and hug it. Why had the teacher done that?!?!
Nika was terrified. Poor little puppy! Nika was an animal lover and she couldn't stand to see that poor little crup to be de-tailed. Nika looked around and saw that emily was thinking the same thing she was, This is so awful. Nika couldn't stand watching her professor take the poor creatures tail off. She ran to Emily and started to cry a bit. "How c-c-could she go through with this?" Nika put her face in her hands and closed her eyes. "Oh please Professor. Can we-" It was too late. The professor had done it. How could she! Nika didn't say anything. She couldn't. She was in so much shock and she was so upset. When she heard Emily speak up, she silently agreed with her and added a "I agree," at the end.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Maya was ready for magically conjured up tomatoes and other vegetables, aswell as shoes and...whatever else these kiddos could pick up and throw. But, fortunately, there was none of that. Only dark faces and... two students actually left her lesson.
Sigh. There was nothing she could do about that now. "The creature could be feeling all sorts of things," she watched the crup. It had now decided to stand still on all fours, tail curled under himself, and simply stared at what was around him.
"But to guess that it might be afraid, confused, feeling robbed, powerless, curious, vunerable..." she proceeded to carefully pick the creature up again,"...is about right."
Petting the delicate Crup, she continued, "It would also be a correct assumption that he was looking for his tail." Heh.
"We all know severing the tail of a Crup is not unusual, and in time the creature will adjust to it, as some of you have said. And as you also witnessed, it completely rubbed his perception - he suddenly had less body matter that he was used to. But wether or not the Crup feels less dominant, fears that it was a result of a reprimand, or ashamed, is our guess. But from my experience, when you remove something like the tail, the creature tends to be more confused than hurt."
Originally Posted by Zebragirl
Emily stared open mouthed at her. She hadn't. She coudn't have.
"Professor..." she was getting red in the face. A mixture of surprise, shock and anger. "I thought this was care of magical creatures!" she said louder than she ment to.
"It is. But in order to take care of a creature the best way, you need to know what to take care of." Did that make sense? Maya wasn't sure she could rephrase that...
Originally Posted by krazypenguin
Ama watched as the class freaked out about the crups tail. "Obviously the professor doesn't go around hurting poor creatures." she sighed. "It probably feels a slight loss like muggles that lose and arm or a leg and have a ghost arm feeling. They remember it being there and sometimes they get a feeling like it still is."
She looked again. "Or maybe the professor only made it invisible and the crup is confuzed that it can't see it."
Maya smirked at the girl. "That is interesting..." Ghost.
Originally Posted by Walrus
Jacob looked at the crup through the eye holes, it was weird watching everything without saying something... but the gorilla head was just so hot.
Finally Jacob watched the crup lower its tail. "Maybe it realizes that we aren't the creatures that we've dressed as." Jacob said and kept watching the crup do what it was doing.
"Thats an interesting insight. Indeed, I almost forgot you were all dressed up." Hehehe.
Originally Posted by scarsandtetris
Charley slouched when she heard what the girl said. That's what I was thinking...Wait.
She became excited when she realised the girl who had spoke was Belle, and went to join her. Her red hair bounced, along with the large black wings into which she'd transfigured the shawl-sweater-thing her mother had slung over Charley's shoulders before she left on the Express. Transfiguring the clothes which fit Lauren's tastes rather than Charley's had been JP's idea, and although Charley had been sceptical, she was now convinced it was an absolutely genius idea. The hot pink dress was now a long-sleeved black one, cascading down to Charley's ankles, where the ugly blue flats now were on her feet, except that they were black Balmorals.
"Hi, Belle," Charley said softly to her friend, not quite whispering.
"That crup looks a lot like the puppy we have at home."
"I'm this close to taking points away if I hear more talking coming from you." She raised an eyebrow at the young girl.
Originally Posted by Starbreeze
"Also," he continued, with a slight intention of addressing his fellow classmates, "removing a crup's tail isn't a punishment, but it allows its geographical expansion to muggle populated areas, and considering that is where most wizards inhabit, the creature has a bigger chance at finding a home. What would be best, do you suppose, a dozen forked tail crups prohibited to live with loving wizard families because of fear of exposure, or the same going through a quick and painless procedure in order to live happily in secrecy? These animals don't choose to be magical creatures either, so should they be burdened by that and be deprived of the happiness of a family and home? I should think not." Not at all. It was, in fact, painless and not done for cosmetic reasons, but in order to maintain wizardry secrecy.
"Thankyou for your thoughts. Indeed, it could be reverse roles." Oh, all the if:s.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Nika was terrified. Poor little puppy! Nika was an animal lover and she couldn't stand to see that poor little crup to be de-tailed. Nika looked around and saw that emily was thinking the same thing she was, This is so awful. Nika couldn't stand watching her professor take the poor creatures tail off. She ran to Emily and started to cry a bit. "How c-c-could she go through with this?" Nika put her face in her hands and closed her eyes. "Oh please Professor. Can we-" It was too late. The professor had done it. How could she! Nika didn't say anything. She couldn't. She was in so much shock and she was so upset. When she heard Emily speak up, she silently agreed with her and added a "I agree," at the end.
Er, crying? No, no, there would be no crying in her lessons. "Please calm down, Miss Adler." Or...she'd...have to make her hold the puppy or something. That'll make her stop, yes?
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
"Losing a tail takes some getting used to," Sierra continued. "I think it's just startled right now and doesn't really know what's going on. You should feed it a treat or something, Professor." I mean, it did just lose half of its dignity in front of an entire classroom of children. Surely that kind of sacrifice deserved at least a cruppie treat.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
"You took something from him from him for no apparent reason and without warning, he's probably confused about that too." She paused to glance over at Sierra before looking back up at the professor. "I think he deserves MORE than a treat. You should hold him close and comfort him." And give him love and tell him that everything was going to be okay even though he lost an important part of him. Her eyes were now on the cruppie. The poor thing, did they all feel the same way about their tales?
Ah. Yes, ofcourse.
Picking up her wand again, Maya gently touched the Crups short tail, and it seemed that from nothing, the fork was back. No severing, just a disillusionment spell that felt and looked like the real severing charm. For the Crup anyways. She removed the shield aswell.
Reaching into her back pocket, she fed the creature a small treat, stroking it and hoping that it too would be allright soon. And also hoping the two girls would be satisfied.
Standing up now with the creature in her arms, the Mexicana adressed everyone. "Okay, now it is your turn. Time to get your costumes in use." She took the crate and put it back where it was, away from the benches to clear up the middle area. "I would like you all to pair up, we are going to have a three legged...walk." It wasn't a race because she had no prizes to give. "Tie your legs with that rope," a pile of pre-cut rope in equal lengths appeared in the middle of the cirlce, "And then let me know when you are ready to start." Maya smiled happily. She was looking forward to this.
OOC: Pair up with anyone you want, preferrable with someone that has a different costume than your character's. You can also be three in a group, that is okay.
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Iris watched the professor, and listened to her carefully. Basically, everything Iris had assumed, was correct. Smirk.
It was a shame that some of the other students didn't think the same. Especially the ones that left the class. Iris's mind begun to wander as the professor individually answered students comments. It was only when Saylen went back to the Crup that Iris' attention was brought back to the class.
Saylen was clever. And shifty. Iris respected her for that; and it showed on her face. The prefect honestly didn't think that the woman might not've used an actual severing charm. Iris smiled slightly, as she eyed the crup with it's newly "reattached" fork.
Iris frowned.
... A three legged race?
She was a BUTTERFLY. Butterflies don't walk! they FLYYYY.
the prefect also didn't understand how this had anything to do with... well, anything. Even so, Iris wasn't going to question it. Saylen clearly knew what she was doing. She stood up, and looked around the class, wondering who to pair up with.
Ooooh this sounded like it was going to be a lot of fun. Mia turned to the gorilla beside her and grinned. "Would you like to be my partner?" She asked and then belatedly realised that they had only exchanged 'hello's' and never actually introduced themselves to each other. "Oh, I am Mia by the way."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
A three-legged walk?! Hmm. Well, this ought to be interesting.
With a face that indicated she was neither excited nor unamused, Sierra stood, black cat costume in full view, and looked around for someone in need of a partner. She wasn't exactly the type of person to jump up and yell, 'Pick me, pick me!', so she hoped maybe someone would approach her.
...and she also hoped she wouldn't embarrass herself while trying to walk around the grounds with three legs. At least this wasn't another activity where they were plotting to save the muggles. As a pure-blooded witch, Sierra was having a terrible time trying to understand most of the concepts presented during those type lessons.
Or...was this something else dealing with the muggles?! There was that whole scenario with nearly turning a crup into a dog...
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Kita blinked. Partners? Three-legged race? She looked around at the other students in the classroom. It's not like she knew them; she's only seen them before. This was going to be more difficult than she realised.
Deciding to be brave, she took a deep breath and stood up. "Does anyone need a partner?" she asked, putting on a wide smile. She just hoped people didn't mind dolphins.
|Nevilles Nerdy Girl|Auntie Chloees Niecey Kassie| |Penguins<3|Oh, It Is Love|
Originally Posted by Nixy!
Iris watched the professor, and listened to her carefully. Basically, everything Iris had assumed, was correct. Smirk.
It was a shame that some of the other students didn't think the same. Especially the ones that left the class. Iris's mind begun to wander as the professor individually answered students comments. It was only when Saylen went back to the Crup that Iris' attention was brought back to the class.
Saylen was clever. And shifty. Iris respected her for that; and it showed on her face. The prefect honestly didn't think that the woman might not've used an actual severing charm. Iris smiled slightly, as she eyed the crup with it's newly "reattached" fork.
Iris frowned.
... A three legged race?
She was a BUTTERFLY. Butterflies don't walk! they FLYYYY.
the prefect also didn't understand how this had anything to do with... well, anything. Even so, Iris wasn't going to question it. Saylen clearly knew what she was doing. She stood up, and looked around the class, wondering who to pair up with.
"Would you like to be my partner?" Ama asked, turning to the butterfly near her, her bunny ears flopped a bit as she turned. She crinkled her nose and smiled. She didn't really know anybody around here yet.
Are There Cookies Involved? I Hope So! I Really Really Really Love Cookies! And Pie! Is There Pie?? Please Say Yes! Say Yes to Cookies and Pie!