Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guide so that you can further enjoy the SS School RPG. This information is subject to changes as more information about the characters is revealed in the story. Also, please remember that some of this information may not be known to your character "IC".

Term Sixty: Crash, Smash, Bitterwood

House Point Totals
Ravenclaw 1034
Gryffindor 983
Slytherin 734
Hufflepuff 673

Plot summary by Chelliephone

The new term in the Fall of 2107 marked the beginning of Headmaster Kazmi Kamran’s reign at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And while already well liked by the majority of the student body, the admiration only grew with Kazmi’s opening speech where it was announced outside interference from the Board of Governors would be strictly prohibited henceforth due to the… circumstances of the terms prior. The student body could breathe a little easier, and easier still with the news the castle had also been repaired and inspected over the summer by a team of curse breakers. The term was off to a good start already and the first night continued while students ate their weight in the delicious food prepared by the house elves.

The next morning meant it was off to classes and getting back into the swing of life at Hogwarts, which this term included Greenhouse clean up projects hosted by our own Professor June Flamsteed. After having had to burn one of the Greenhouses the term previous, rebuilding was a necessity and students were happy to pitch in in their spare time. Which the Professors must have been grateful for, as suddenly their time was taken up patching various cracks and crevices appearing within the interior of the castle. Nothing too drastic, surely just age and it was all easily patched so no extreme causes for concern.

Until the minor began to turn major as cracks turned into chunks falling from the ceiling, and a trashed trophy room. This was all still chalked up to fairly normal wear and tear after years and years of occupancy in the castle. Until the charms themselves began to experience issues - primarily lags in response of the common rooms opening to the students and the becoming more frequent failure of the Room of Requirements and moving staircases, leaving all the occupants baffled as to the reasons.

Questions and concerns could soon be heard in the halls regarding what could be happening with the magic, but even more baffling than that was the sudden appearance of someone lurking outside the castle gates questioning what was going on within. Cooper Branxton and Violet Blackthorne spoke with the stranger, a Mr. Randall Bitterwood with the Board of Governor’s, but before the conversation could go any further than the general assurances all was well, Bitterwood was scared off by the arrival of Professor Hernandez. The visit was soon forgotten as complications within the castle continued, slowly increasing with more frequent failures and damages.

With the growing concerns, Headmaster Kazmi called a meeting in the Entrance Hall to address the issue and assure students of the steps being taken to ensure safety and restoration. Headmaster Kazmi was just in the midst of his plans, when in barged Mr. Bitterwood whose appearance in the castle was both surprising and unanswered as to how the man had managed this feat. There was no time for this inquiry however, as Bitterwood announced that the castle falling apart was clearly due to the lack of involvement of the Board of Governors. As the man stepped on his soap box, the information slipped that it was Randall Bitterwood who had personally sent the Pharaoh’s Triumph to the castle the previous year, as the first step to a ploy to have the Board taken an even more active role in the government of how Hogwarts was ran.

Realizing his mistake, Bitterwood attempted to make a run for it when the present Professors they would be contacting law enforcement to take him away, but thankfully due to the quick thinking of Darius Potter, Ashley Fox and Aria MacLeod he was unable to escape. Bitterwood was taken away and exams went into full swing, while a team came in to recast all the necessary enchantments and repair the unattended castle damages. In the blink of an eye, another term was drawing to a close and Professor Kazmi’s final speech brought the news Bitterwood would be spending time in Azkaban under the charges of child endangerment. It was then time to finish their meal and off on the Hogwarts Express the next morning.

See you next term, Hogwarts.

Term 59 | Term 60 | Term 61