Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guide so that you can further enjoy the SS School RPG. This information is subject to changes as more information about the characters is revealed in the story. Also, please remember that some of this information may not be known to your character "IC".
House Point Totals | |
Slytherin | 5290 |
Gryffindor | 4181 |
Ravenclaw | 3564 |
Hufflepuff | 3249 |
The 2071-2072 school term did not only welcome new student faces to the legendary school but also the faces of shiny, new professors that Headmaster Tate assured everyone at the feast he had searched the globe for. Right away things began to get on with their usual pace: classes started, homework began to pile up, and the Slytherins were in trouble—again.
The Great Hall was home to many things besides just the fantastic meals the house elves serving the castle’s inhabitants this term. The first of which was something each of the students took advantage of. The Hogwarts Job Fair was hosted this term allowing the kids to take a look into, explore, and talk with witches and wizards about their various careers in the Magical World. Whatever you could think of, a booth and individual was present to talk with you. Wand-making, the Professional Quidditch League, Dragon/Creature Reserves, Healers and many others were all represented. After the Job Fair was wrapped up, the staff decided it was a good time for the students to take some dance lessons before the Alumni Ball at the end of the term. Professor Vindictus did his best to teach the kids some common formal steps and tried to make them presentable for when the castle doors were opened.
When all of this fun stuff was happening, behind the closed doors of the Headmaster’s office there was trouble—and it reeked of potions and Hecate Lafay. If you hadn’t attended the most recent Potions lesson then you are certainly in for a treat when you find out what all the harsh words are for. Professor Lafay decided burning students would be a good demonstration for her class and Headmaster Tate seemed to disagree, along with the Prefects who attacked her in an effort to end the madness. These combined actions nearly had the Professor ready to quit and the Headmaster was ready to see her go but somehow, mysteriously the Hogwarts Board of Governors appointed her as Head of Slytherin House. How exactly did that happen? Way to set an example for the kiddies Governors.
Finally once school work and gossip died down it was replaced with anxious thoughts and excitement for the fast approaching Alumni Ball. Hogwarts was hosting this Ball in order to welcome back to the hallowed halls all of the students it had housed and taught for its many years of existence. The night went as planned as new and old, young and wise witches and wizards toasted and mingled with each other over all the things they did over the years in the Castle. The evening was brought to an end when the Headmaster made an exciting announcement: the following term Hogwarts was going to host the Triwizard Tournament once more!
With anxious kids awaiting the next term’s legendary event, the Hogwarts Express rolled out of Hogsmeade station that June swiftly but only to make its return in a few short months.
The term began with preparations for a Job Fair and an Alumni Ball.
The first 8 booths were:
Daily Prophet: manned by Antartica! (Xiao Qiangwei) and Tomasina Riddle (Egypt Riddle-Greenwood)
Horticulturist/Herbology: Tailzinator (Adrienne Dior, professional landscape designer) and Luna Laufghudd (Amara Ceres, a world famous horticulturist)
Quidditch Player: Waterloo (Clifford Carden) and demented_death_eater (Kayleen M. Harrison)
Some entertainment field: Droo (Delilah Cravey, ‘not-so-famous-anymore’ famous childhood actress) and individual (Andrew Pierre, nervous perfectionist wizarding portrait painter)
Healer: Cassirin (Stella Wojack, Healer) and grangerfan8 (Salim Malik, Mediwizard)
Entrepreneur: Mad Eye Touz (Haylan Morgan) and Slytherin Fox (Excelsior Black)
Higher Education (University): Cassirin (Copernicus Kettleburn) and lemondrop13 (Kennedy K. Jennings)
Dragon/Creature Reserve: Ashwinder (Ivan Rushton) and Tazenhani (Denise Marilan)
The second set of booths were:
Ministry Rep/Muggle Relations Specialist: Miss Lissy Lou (Cale Newell) and Sneakah Cat (Samuel McDean)
Culinary School/Restaurateur: AmbiguouslyMe (Denny De Palma) and Jack Mannequin (Leo Baccus)
Beauty Potions: Orchideae (Sophia Anne Vivaldi) and Oesed (Etienne Kenning)
Curse-breaker/Gringotts: aussiegirl (Kayla Winters)
Potions: Anna Banana (Anna Greingoth) and Con_Stripes (Nico Toussaint)
Fashion-design: Colley <3 (Evolette McKenna, Fashion Model) and Ivy Nienna (Isaac Colton, photographer)
Diagon Alley Shopkeeper: Ameh (Trystan Park) and destinyjazzhands (Sullivan Merivel)
Wand-making: Liisa (Sara Beezwick) and SlytherinSistah (Otavio Beezwick)
Students were asked to volunteer for the Food Committee, the Decorations Committee, the Music Committee and some to make the Invitations and Ads. Many old students came back to the halls of Hogwarts and mingled reminiscing.