Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guide so that you can further enjoy the SS School RPG. This information is subject to changes as more information about the characters is revealed in the story. Also, please remember that some of this information may not be known to your character "IC".
"It appears that someone, and I dare hazard it was the last Headmaster, Kobus Hendrik... planted clues in each common room. These clues led to a second location, which gave the whereabouts of the fabled Book of Mysteria. You all are aware by now that the book was hidden on the grounds, and no work of myself or any other professor led us to its whereabouts. Hendrik knew this, and he had Samea lead us on our way to finding the clues in order to find the book. His wisdom granted us that only those willing to work together would find the book, theorizing that if each house was involved, those students would be generous and pure of heart. He was almost totally correct."
"What Hendrik did not suspect was that Voldemortist himself would sneak into the school and pose as a student. One of your number was actually Voldemortist, and only through luck and the quick thinking of several students were we able to stop him from escaping with the Book. I am happy to report that Voldemortist has been stopped and handed over to the Ministry, and I have the Book in my possession. It has been hidden until the staff decides what to do with it."