Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guide so that you can further enjoy the SS School RPG. This information is subject to changes as more information about the characters is revealed in the story. Also, please remember that some of this information may not be known to your character "IC".

Term Six: HIT and the Book of Mysteria

Hogwarts held it's own Tri-Wizard Tournament or HIT (Hogwarts Inter-house Tournament) without any other school participating. Talk among other schools interested in competing died out when they learned that Hogwarts was still hosting the Book of Mysteria. Which, by the way, was safely tucked away in a secret room within the Library. Each House chose four champions. Any student interested placed their name into the Goblet of Fire by submitting a Biography about themselves to their Head of House. The Head of House chose 12-15 bios to post (in the form of a poll) in their common rooms. The students voted on the ONE bio that they like the best. The four highest scoring bios were the four House Champions. The tasks were spread out over the course of the term. Task one was trivia. Task two was an obstacle course. And task three was a scavenger hunt.

During the term, Marcella, one of the school ghosts, discovered the secret room in the Library and found the Book of Mysteria. While flipping through it's pages, she found a spell that can reverse death and possibly bring her back to life. This information was brought to the attention of the Headmaster with a request to brew the potion. Headmaster Hendrik brought this finding to the rest of the staff and expressed his concern about what implications this might have and how dangerous the Book of Mysteria is. Marcella and Airla are keen to brew the potion and Hendrik's lady love, Phoenix, wishes to help them. In the end, the staff is divided but, Hendrik gives his permission to those who wish to brew the potion.

Voldemortist hears of this finding and plots to once again take the book and the potion that the staff begins to brew.

The House Champions
Gryffindor: all4oliverwood, Aschere_Tonks, fairladyHermione, fredweasleysmyhero
Hufflepuff: memommy27, Nabiya, Stardancer488, UmbraAstralis
Ravenclaw: coolant661, lightstar1154, Lotus, Ron Potter
Slytherin: Backslash, LissaRiddle, She-Who-Is-Not-To-Be-Psycho!, Zadkhiel

Final Tournament Scores
Ravenclaw: Task 1 (13.25pts), Task 2 (32.75pts), Task 3 (40pts), Total (86pts)
Slytherin: Task 1 (23pts), Task 2 (32.5pts), Task (30pts), Total (85.5pts)
Hufflepuff: Task 1 (21.25pts), Task 2 (27.75pts), Task 3 (20pts), Total (69pts)
Gryffindor: Task 1 (27pts), Task 2 (29pts), Task 3 (10pts), Total (66pts)

Task #2 Obstacles

"Your second task is to complete an obstacle course. Each member of the team may choose to respond to every obstacle, but if a team fails to have any representation on a particular obstacle, they will forfeit the rest of the task and their points will be tallied as is. There will be FOUR obstacles, and each obstacle could earn your house a total of 10 points. In all, this task, like the last, is worth FORTY points."

Professor Airlia's Task:

You open your ominous looking door and arrive in a room, like any other in the castle. However, as you walk further into the room, the floor seems to become unstable and you just manage to get back on solid ground as a chunk of the floor disappears. That is when you turn to see the table placed against the wall adjacent to the door.  Upon the table there is a cauldron with water, scales, mortar and pestle, all the instruments you’d need for potion making and jars filled with the following ingredients:

* dandelions, whole
* cat’s eye marble
* brains in clear liquid
* ginger, whole
* white rabbit, various parts in jars
* runespoor, various parts in jars
* sheep cheese
* knarfle, various parts in jars
* boomslang, various parts in jars
* anaconda, various parts in jars
* frogs, whole
* caterpillars, whole
* cat, head, preserved
* Dr. Pepper, canned
* knarfle, various parts in jars
* flobberworms, whole
* rosemary, dried

There is also a piece of parchment with the following words, written in green ink:

In order to get to the door on the opposite side of the room you shall need to brew a potion. This potion is to be spread across the floor and will indicate the safe path across. Should the section of floor you are standing on disappear, do not panic, we have set up a safety net below, for your protection. Don’t worry if you fall, you will be scored for your attempt and you will still be able to move on to the next obstacle. (ooc: I will tell you whether or not you’ve made it across, you may only go so far as spreading the potion on the floor)

1. Add 2 pinches of the animal that wiggles and squirms/ But isn't a snake and isn't a worm.
2. Epidermis of a serpent from an African tree/ Take 20 scales and add carefully.
3. Next in the cauldron (and be sure not to splatter)/ Eight grams of amphibious gray matter
4. Not parsley nor sage, though still found ‘neath the soil/ Dice 22 grams and add at a boil
5. Of feline orbs that know truth and light/ Take two and hope it clears your sight
6. Now spread the brew upon the floor and off you go toward the door.

Professor Rae's Obstacle

As you exit the room with the precarious floor, you enter a much smaller room with a door on the opposite wall. The only object in this room is a large trunk that shudders occasionally. It obviously contains a boggart. The only thing keeping it closed is the large, ugly mountain troll sitting on the lid. He looks bored, but perks up and begins to swing his club at the sight of you entering the room. The door across from you is your only escape.

Sir Spots' Obstacle

After leaving the remains of the Boggart and the Troll in the room, the Champions are now escorted to the Gryffindor Common Room with special permission, for the non-Gryffindor students, where they meet the Gryffindor House Ghost......

Theodore floats from his corner of the Gryffindor Common room quite dejected as he addresses the Champions. “As each of you will have noticed, I have lost my favored companion.” Spots holds up his now empty hand where, since the day he died due to a lightning strike, the ghostly Golden Snitch had remained clutched in his grasp. “My Snitch, it appears has left me and is hiding amongst the school’s, hallways, classrooms or grounds.”

Theodore points to a piece of parchment tacked to the wall near the portrait of the Quidditch Cup he helped win. “This riddle shall help you in locating where he has gone. Please attempt to solve it and bring him back to me, you shall have 24 hours from now to return him. Good Luck"

The Riddle:
First, it’s the question you ask when you don’t know their name
Not the why, where or how, but it’s close just the same

Next, tell me what always ends in the grim
It’s contained in a memory, and the last thing to trim

Add the sound the ball makes in a table-top match
And you’re halfway to finding the Snitch and a catch

What’s the paper you write when you’re dying, for good measure
To decree all your riches for your children to treasure

It’s the place that you look neither ground or the sky
It’s quite similar to down and the opposite of high

Now string them together to come face to face
With the location of my Snitch’s hiding place

Once you locate the hiding place he’s run off to
A spell will be needed to return him to you
Take good aim and be careful, he’s quite delicate you see
Good luck with this task as you bring him to me.

Professor Lainey's Obstacle

Now that you have completed the third obstacle, you are escorted to the front steps of the castle to begin you final obstacle of Task Four. Professor Lainey is there awaiting your arrival, worry clearly written on her face as she peered out over the lake.

Professor Lainey floated just in front of each of the Champions and peered down at them all, then addressing them concernedly she said, “I believe each of you is familiar with our large creature that resides in our lake, The Giant Squid. It has fallen ill and needs immediate attention. The other Professor’s and myself has reason to believe that it was fed some sort of large stone. Your obstacle is to remove the stone, or whatever it is the squid digested, without inflicting any harm on The Giant Squid. But be warned, although The Giant Squid has indeed always been friendly to the students of Hogwarts, it has fallen into a horrible mood and should be approached cautiously.  Remember you have only 24 hours. You may begin.” And Professor Lainey watched as they all stalked off in the direction of the Lake.

to Term Seven