Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guide so that you can further enjoy the SS School RPG. This information is subject to changes as more information about the characters is revealed in the story. Also, please remember that some of this information may not be known to your character "IC".
Within these pages you will find an accounting of the SnitchSeeker Hogwarts school terms. You may use the links in the left-hand margin to navigate through the various pages. Some of the information contained in these pages may be vague or incomplete and are currently at work to improving the site's information as readily as the information is provided.
Due to the lack of archiving within the first three terms there may be errors. If you see information that needs correcting or remember something that took place in one of the first three terms, please feel free to PM Charely Potter with these accounts/details. There is no guarantee that they will be included in the history, however, any help provided is appreciated and taken into consideration.
Timeline: A quick reference to the various terms noting some important canon events, listing Professors's student years and the deaths of characters at Hogwarts.
Hogwarts, A History: A detailed overview of the events that occurred in each term. Each page listed are summaries via news articles and yearbook entries that explain the happenings which occurred within each of the SS Hogwarts School Terms.
Staff List: The list of the staff members from each term, including character and usernames for each position. Again, some of the early term's information may be incomplete.
Former Staff: A detailed alphabetical listing on the previous staff characters. Once a staff member has retired their character table information is moved here following the next term. NPC characters will move to the Other Characters page.
Other Characters: A list of guest characters that have popped up in the story over the various terms, including NPC and Board of Governor characters. Extra information may or may not be given about them.
And finally, there is a link back to the School section on SnitchSeeker.