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| Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction) The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived. |
12-11-2011, 08:11 PM
#1 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: The Losers Club
Posts: 7,596
Hogwarts RPG Name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Billie Love Stemp Gryffindor Fifth Year x3
| What's a Wizard? - Sa13+ Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.
Hey, I'm Laura and this is a fanfic about my Hogwarts RP character, Darwin Riley. ^__^ “What’s a Wizard?”
-the life of a Muggleborn, by Darwin Damon Riley.  Banner by me. Disclaimer: Darwin and his family, his friends and the events surrounding them were created by other RPers (who will be credited as due) and I, although we take no credit for the Wizarding World and its affiliates that belong to the ever-amazing JK Rowling. {Credits} Darwin Damon Riley and the Riley family – Me. [Harron Peasley] Brooke Sienna Radley and the Radley family – Chloe. [ChloeeCloverr] {Chapter Guide} Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
Last edited by Harron Peasley; 04-17-2016 at 02:40 PM.
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12-23-2011, 06:43 PM
#2 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: The Losers Club
Posts: 7,596
Hogwarts RPG Name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Billie Love Stemp Gryffindor Fifth Year x3
| Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Chapter One 'I'm a freak.' Summer 2075
My name is Darwin Damon Riley, but you can call me Damon because I don’t like being called Darwin and I only get called that by my family and Brooke Radley, but that’s okay because she’s my bestie-for-life-with-no-takesies-backsies-or-swapsies and I have known her since I was four.
I’m ten years old (yeah, ten! One-zero. TWO numbers) and I’m a wizard. I only found out today and apparently nine (because I’ve not been ten for long) is late to start showing magical powers.
I hope that doesn’t mean I’ll be a rubbish wizard.
There again, being a rubbish wizard is probably better than being… whatchacallit? A Muggly.
Although Mugglies aren’t all that bad. I mean, my mummy and daddy and Oskar my brother are Mugglies, and they’re nice. My sister Emiline isn’t nice but Brookie and I think that she may be evil!Magik anyway. Brooke’s magic, too, by the way, but she didn’t tell me until today. And she only told me that because I thought I was evil.
It all started when we went to the park after school. We go to the park a lot, but not the BIG park that we’re meant to go to, that’s opposite my house and opposite school. There’s a little playground around the corner that’s been forgotten about; all of the swings and the slides are rusty, and you have to get to it through a hole in the fence, but that’s okay – it means that no one else goes there, and so it’s our special place. I think we may be the only people small enough to fit through the hole, and I don’t want to think about where we’ll have to go when we grow up, but that’s a long time away, so back to today at the park.
“What time have you got to be home?” Brooke asked me when she arrived at the fence (we sometimes race, and today I WON! How cool is that?).
“Half past five. And if I’m not home by then, Mummy said she’ll send Emiline out.”
“OOOH that’s cool, but if she sends Emiline out won’t you get in trouble when she doesn’t find you at the park opposite school?”
“I think that’s why she’s sending her now. I think she knows that’s not where we go,” I replied. I scratched my head a little bit, being all thinky. “’Cause she usually sends Oskar, and he just waits there until I turn up. But I fink that she’s getting s’picious.” I prefer it when it’s my brother waiting because he doesn’t ask me any questions, and he plays on the jungle gym with me in the BIG park on the way home, or he brings his camera from school and shows me all of his films.
“Oooh. Mommy gets super worried if I’m not back. I think she knows, too, she keeps asking me why I’m coming home the wrong way… I’m not a good liar.” Usually we try to be REALLY honest, but we wouldn’t be allowed to come out so we couldn’t tell our Mummy’s and Daddy’s where we really were. It’s only a little lie. A white lie. “That’s prolly ‘cause Oskar’s cool,” she added, and she was right.
“Maybe we should go early,” I suggested with a nod. I’m good a good ideas now. “Then you’d have a chance to go the looong way and Mummy Radley might not get s’picious.” It’s LOGICAL. Which is a new word that I learnt last week. “He is. And I… well, I think – don’t tell anyone – but I think Emiline’s eeevil.”
“That’s a good idea -” Of course it was, I’m GOOD at good ideas. “- and then your mummy won’t get suspicious either, and Emiline won’t find out about our special place.” Brookie was smiling, so I smiled back, and we sat down in the park. “I pwomise to tell no one. I fink she’s scary.” I had kind of guessed already because she always hid from my sister whenever she was at my house.
Now, I’m not going to tell you the middle of our conversation because it was very long and I can’t remember all of it other than that we were talking about being rich enough to buy a Spiderman car, and Ryan stealing my skateboard, and how Brooke wasn’t allowed to be a dancer like her sister because she’d have no more time to play.
“… Brookie? Can I tell you somefink else?”
I was worried because I could make stuff come to me from the other side of the room without getting up, and I could make the swings move when I wasn’t on them and there was no wind. I’d been worried for three weeks and I wanted to tell someone, and Brooke was my best friend and I told her everything.
“…Dar-ie. Course you cannn.” She smiled at me, and I felt all horrible inside.
“Y’know we said we thought Emiline was eeevil? Like magic eeevil?”
“Yepp. …What about it?”
“You won’t want to be my friend anymore,” I said, and I remember that my voice went all quiet and sad. “I think I’m magic!eeevil, too.”
“Of course I will! We’re besties. For ever and ever with no takesies backsies or replacies.” I don’t know what she thought I was going to tell her, because she didn’t tell me, but she looked all confused and I felt mean because I didn’t want to be evil. “But you’re too awesome to be evil.”
“…W-watch,” I said, and then I looked at the merry-go-round and it began to squeak around and it was weird because the merry-go-round was really rusty and we’d never been able to get it to move before because we weren’t strong enough. “I-I-I’m a freak.”
I thought that Brooke might run away and not talk to me ever again or that she’d tell me that we couldn’t be friends anymore because she didn’t like evil people, but instead she gave me a hug and was all happy, and that made me even more confused. “You’re nottt! You’re a wizard! Like Chester!” That’s her brother. “I’m a witch, but SHHH. You’re not allowed to tell Mugglies because they will think we’re weirdooos. S’why I never tolded you before.”
“What’s a wizard? And what’s a witch? And a Muggly?”
Brooke looked at me as if I should know what a wizard is, but I didn’t and so I didn’t say anything. “A wizard is you.” She said instead. “You have magical powers. Which is a wizard. A witch is the girl version, which is me. Which is a witch. …Look.” And then she made her book bag fly across the floor, and I felt better because it was so awesome and cool and exciting.
“So is CeCe a witch? And Britney?” They were her sisters, although I didn’t really see CeCe a lot because she was only ever home at Christmas and Easter and summer. “Yup, CeCe is, but Brit isn’t. She’s not cool enough to be,” Brookie said.
And then I had to say something that had started bothering me ever since the two minutes that I’d known what I was. “What do I do now… that I know? I don’t know how to use my magic.
“Can I tell my mummy?”
“I dunno. I don’t know how to use it either. There are some special schools where witches and wizards go. Like Hogwarts! That’s where CeCe goes, but you hafta get a letter. I want one.” Brookie sighed, and I knew that I wanted a letter, too. “I think so,” she said, meaning about my mummy. “I’m not sure. Maybe I should tell my mommy first. Because she’s one, too; a witch. But Daddy isn’t. I’m not sure if you’re allowed to tell your mommy ‘cause like… she’s not one, is she?”
“If CeCe goes, then you’ll prolly get a letter! But… I won’t, will I? Because all of my family are Mugglies.” It was then that I decided that I’m going to write to Father Christmas and ask for one. “Would you? Because I don’t think my mummy would know what to do, would she? No, I don’t think so. She’s a drama teacher.”
And I can’t remember what else we spoked about, except that I started my letter to the Headmastery of Hogwarts because I wanted him to know that I was a wizard and that I wanted to go to Hogwarts. The letter read; Quote: Dear Mr. Headmastery of Hogwarts (or Headmisstrisy, sorry),
I’m MAGIK but mummy and daddy are mugglies so can I please come to Hoggywarts? I want to go with my bestie-for-life-with-no-takesies-backsies-or-swapsies (her sister goes and her mummy is magik so she will probably be going, too.) Brooke Radley and I don’t want to stay behind and go to Muggly School with Ryan because he is mean. If I don’t go to Hogwarts I will have to be a Muggly but I have powers and I want to learn spells and potions and FLYING because it all sounds so completely exciting and not boring like Literacy and Numeracy. Can you please write back and tell me if I’m allowed to tell my mummy because I want to but I don’t know if she’ll believe me.
Yours sinseerly,
Darwin Damon Riley. I really hope that I do go to Hogwarts because I’m magic. If I don’t I’ll have to go to school with Ryan, and I don’t like him. Or I might have to go to Mummy’s school with Oskar and Emiline. But I still don’t think that that would be as good as going to do magic.
Mummy’s asked me to go and put a letter in the post-box at the end of our road so I’m going to do that now and then put the one that I have written in as well.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
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12-23-2011, 06:58 PM
#3 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: The Losers Club
Posts: 7,596
Hogwarts RPG Name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Billie Love Stemp Gryffindor Fifth Year x3
| Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Chapter Two ‘Dear Mr. Riley…’ Summer 2076
I found out that I was a wizard more than a year ago and it seems like so long ago and parts of it dragged because all I wanted to do was to finish year six and go to Hoggywarts with Brookie.
Mr. Headmastery didn’t write back, though, and that was annoying because I still wasn’t sure whether or not I could tell my Mum and so I didn’t, and because she didn’t know I had to go to a magic school I had to take lots of exams to see what Secondary School I could go to. I had to take Entrance Exams and SATs and I tried really, really hard even though I find that hard sometimes because I wanted to make sure if I didn’t get a letter from Hogwarts I would at least be going to a good school that Ryan wouldn’t be able to get into because he’s even less clever than me.
I didn’t really want to have to go to a Muggle school with Ryan and without Brooke, but I couldn’t be so sure that I would get a letter even if Brookie and her Mum said that I would.
The post came this morning and there was a letter for me which is really unusual and I got all excited. I opened it with Mum and not Dad because he’s away being important again. I’m not supposed to ask where he’s going or when he’ll be coming back because Oskar said that it upsets Mum and that Dad is a very important and a very brave man doing good things for the Army or something. He has a uniform with lots of badges on it and they’re always shiny like his shoes. So I opened my letter, and Mum was almost as excited as me, but I didn’t know why she would be because she didn’t know that I was magical and that this was probably my letter from Hogwarts.
It wasn’t, though.
Mum was excited because it was the letter telling me which Entrance Exams I had passed and which school I was going to go to in September. That made me feel a bit sad because it wasn’t from Hogwarts, but I couldn’t tell her that and I had to pretend to be excited even though I wasn’t. When I’d been looking at schools I had to write my top three on a list and my first one was the BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology. That was first because it’s the school my Mum teaches at and the school that Oskar and Emiline go to, and before I found out that I was a wizard I wanted to go there, too. I can’t remember what was second, but last was Croydon Secondary which was the big school of my little school.
I got in to the BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology, and Mum and Oskar said well-done but Emiline only gave me a nasty look because she didn’t want me going to the same school as her. I was just about to start pretending to be happy when the doorbell rang, and Mum got up to answer it. I looked through the rest of the post, but there wasn’t any more for me so I decided to sleep with my fingers crossed for luck and wish for my letter to come the next day. Then Mum came back into the living room and she was with a man that I didn’t recognise and she had a very funny look on her face.
“Darwin,” she said to me. “This is Mr. -” And I didn’t catch his name because I was too busy looking at the letter he had in his hand, and that letter had my name on it, which was weird.
“Hello, Sir,” I said, because I didn’t know his name and he was smiling at me and I didn’t want to be rude.
“Good morning, Mr. Riley,” he said, and he smiled at me and Mum, and then Mum told him to sit down, and he sat down in the chair opposite me. “I’m a teacher at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.” When he said this, I grinned but Mum just looked even more confused than she had been before.
“It’s about time!” I said, and then the teacher laughed but Mum looked shocked. “I mean, sorry, but I…”
“It’s okay,” the man said, and he was laughing so didn’t feel so bad for being rude to him. “Although I would like to know how you know about Hogwarts?”
“My bestie-for-life-with-no-takesies-backsies-or-swapsies told me. She’s a witch and her Mum is, too, and I thought I was evil because I could make the merry-go-round move but then she told me that I must be magic.” The man laughed at this and then gave me the letter in his hand and then began to talk some more, although he was really talking to my mum now because I don’t think that he thought I was listening.
“Darwin, here, is a wizard. I know that it may sound strange, or like a joke, but I do promise that it isn’t.”
“Of course it sounds like a joke! Wizards, magic? I…” Her voice faltered a little, as he pulled out a stick – a wand – from his pocket and waved it and made all of the pictures on the windowsill disappear, and then reappear. “Oh, well that’s… magic.” My mum sounded faintly impressed and sat up a little straighter. “So are you saying that Darwin… Darwin can do… that?”
“I’m not saying that he can now, but – should you choose to allow him to attend Hogwarts, then one day he should.”
Then they started talking about costs and where I would find school supplies and something about a train but I wasn’t really listening because I had just opened my letter. *
Two hours later the teacher from Hogwarts had left my Mum with a train ticket and directions to some place or other, and I had got dressed and brushed my teeth and ran all the way to the Abandoned Playground with my letter and I was very nearly late but Brooke said she’d only been waiting for a minute.
“Did you get it?” she said, and I grinned as we both held up our letters.
“Yeah, and a teacher came from the school to explain to my Mum,” I replied. She told me that no one had come to explain to her, but that her mum had said that was normal because she was a witch and already knew all about it. “But there’s a list – stuff that we need to get. And I don’t know where to get it from. Mum said something about an alley –”
“YEAH! Diago-Diagon Alley! I went with CeCe last year, it’s awesome, and they sell EVERYTHING. Oh, and Mom said you could come with us, if you want?”
“I can? Thanks! Where is it? How do we get there?” I was full of questions because I hadn’t been this excited since a year ago when I found out about magic and Hogwarts, in the same place.
“Course you can! It’s only in the City Centre, so Daddy usually drives us there and then you go in through this pub… but I can’t remember what it’s called.” We live in Croydon which is in Greater London, in the South, so I knew that the City Centre was only about half an hour away from there because I’d been there a lot with my Mum and Dad when my Dad was home.
We spent the rest of the day comparing our lists even though they were exactly the same and therefore there wasn’t much to compare until we had to go home otherwise we’d get into trouble. *
“Dee?” Only Oskar ever calls me that because Mum and Dad call me Darwin and Brooke calls me Dar and Emiline calls me ‘idiot’ so I knew who it was before he’d even come into my bedroom.
“Yes?” I only said it to be polite and carried on looking at my letter because it was so amazing and it was proof that I was magical. I put it back into the envelope when he sat on my Spiderman bedcovers next to me, though, and looked at him.
“Is it true? That you’re, magical?” He added, when he saw that I didn’t know what he was on about and then I nodded, and he looked at me in amazement. “Can you show me?” he asked. I looked away from him then, and still didn’t say anything and I focused instead on my Spiderman water bottle that was the table on the other side of the room and it came spinning over and smacked Oskar in the face.
“Whoops,” I was giggling (yes, giggling! My voice hasn’t broked yet so it sounded funny) and Oskar joined in with a chuckle and then handed me the bottle.
“That’s pretty darn awesome, Dee,” he admitted and I thought I heard a little jealousy in his voice. “Don’t teach Emiline any spells though, she’ll try and curse you or something.”
“I don’t think it works like that, Oskar,” I shook my head a little as I spoke because first of all, she would need to be magical which I’m pretty sure she isn’t because if she was she would have been bragging forever, and second she’d need a wand. “She’s not magical.”
“I’m just kidding, just kidding.” His voice was still full of awe and surprise and excitement and a little bit of jealousy.
“I knew that.” I replied almost automatically even though I really hadn’t clocked onto the joke until then. I looked around, and he was just staring at me in amazement because he couldn’t believe that such a thing even existed. “I can still be in your film though, right?” Oskar does filming at school and wants to be a producer or a director thing when he’s older and he promised me that I could be in one of his films when I was bigger.
“Sure you can.” He was stood up now, and stretching and then he walked towards my bedroom door. “Hey, maybe you can even help me with the special effects.”
I still don’t get what he meant by that.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
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12-24-2011, 08:49 PM
#4 (permalink)
|  DMGS & DMT Mooncalf
Join Date: May 2009 Location: Gotham [GMT -5]
Posts: 6,974
| ★ wannabe historian ★ Baekry
*squeals* I finally got around to read it! 
Darwin and Brooke's friendship
asdfghjk x3 It's so well written, I want MOAR!
Gimmie more, Lawrawr!
__________________ I don't bend easy, budge or break; 
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface; |
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12-24-2011, 10:19 PM
#5 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: The Losers Club
Posts: 7,596
Hogwarts RPG Name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Billie Love Stemp Gryffindor Fifth Year x3
| Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Quote:
Originally Posted by Native Kiddy *squeals* I finally got around to read it! 
Darwin and Brooke's friendship
asdfghjk x3 It's so well written, I want MOAR!
Gimmie more, Lawrawr!
<3 *squeals*
Finally someone did! And it's you, bestie!
It's adorable, isn't it? Totally not planning to ship them or anything. XD Chlo said thanks, too. ^___^
You think?  Thank you so much! I'll give you more, soon, promise! <33
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
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12-25-2011, 02:28 AM
#6 (permalink)
| Formerly: Nimmiii SS100 Triumphant Doxy
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: on the edge of glory
Posts: 6,032
Hogwarts RPG Name: Rory Thompson Gryffindor Fifth Year | ♥ Anissel | Mrs. O'Pry's BFF | Sweet Pea's Lassie ♥ | Laura's Mango | Tycy ♥
Laura! I haven't finished reading it but I love the way Darwin Damon talks, it's adowable!  Kudos to you for playing a firstie! |
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12-26-2011, 01:11 AM
#7 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: The Losers Club
Posts: 7,596
Hogwarts RPG Name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Billie Love Stemp Gryffindor Fifth Year x3
| Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nimmiii Laura! I haven't finished reading it but I love the way Darwin Damon talks, it's adowable!  Kudos to you for playing a firstie!  N'aww, thank you so much!
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
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02-17-2012, 12:00 PM
#8 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: The Losers Club
Posts: 7,596
Hogwarts RPG Name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Billie Love Stemp Gryffindor Fifth Year x3
| Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Chapter Three 'I hope I'm clever one day.'
School’s a lot harder than I thought it would be and I feel like I’ve been here forever, which is a really good thing because I’m not homesick or anything but I still keep getting lost. And I shouldn’t be by now, I should know my way around; everyone else seems to, but my old school had ONE floor and not that many classrooms and Hogwarts has SEVEN floors and lots of classrooms and bathrooms and common rooms and grounds and loads more stuff that I probably don’t even know about yet. It’s still exciting though, finding out the new stuff, like the secret passageways and things. But usually when I’ve found one, I can never find it again which kinda sucks.
Everyone’s really nice here, too. No one’s mean like Ryan was and I think I’ve got friends. I know I’ve got Brooke but sometimes I don’t think we see each other as much as we used to. In Primary we were in the same class and lived around the corner from each other and now that we still go to the same school and we NEVER EVER leave we should see each other more but we don’t because I’m in Ravenclaw and she’s in Slytherin.
I know that Ravenclaw’s for really clever people but I don’t know why I’m here – I’m not really clever, I think I’m really UNclever because I have to try very hard to focus and to get stuff right and that hurts my brain. Maybe the Sorting Hat got it wrong. Or maybe I will be clever one day. I hope so because if I’m cleverer than I am now I can get a good job and have lots of money. And being clever’s cool. Everyone’s really clever here and they wiz around casting spells and being cool and I can’t really do that many spells yet. I don’t really know what Slytherin’s for, but I DO know that they were green which is the best colour ever and that Brookie’s there, so they must be awesome, too. Their Common Room is in the dungeons though and it’s really creepy down there and I always feel a little bit scared when I go down there, but I’m not going to tell anyone that. I like our Common Room though, although it takes so many stairs to get up to that it hurts my legs and takes AGES because I don’t know any shortcuts but it’s still cool and sparkly and I can see the lake and the grounds and stuff from the window.
People still look at me funny when I introduce myself, though. When people ask my name I’m so used to saying ‘Darwin’ because people knew me as that, but now here I’m called Damon and sometimes I don’t say it quickly enough and then I get weird looks. But I suppose they’re not as weird as the looks I’d get if I told people I was really called Darwin so they don’t bother me. Only Brooke calls me Darwin still, but that’s okay because she’s still my bestie-for-life-with-no-takesies-backsies-or-swapsies. As long as no one else calls me it then it’s fine.
My spelling’s getting better, too and I think that’s because I bought a special Spell Checking Quill from Diagon Alley. But it doesn’t always work I don’t think because sometimes it just doesn’t do anything and then someone else points out that something’s wrong which can be really annoying but I don’t let it bother me too much. I more bothered about my answers being right because if they were wrong then that would be seriously embarrassing and I don’t enjoy getting embarrassed.
Some of the portraits talk aswell which is super weird. Some are really nice and helpful and will tell me where to go if I get lost or something but some are really rude and I don’t like them so I try to avoid them.
I don’t know what else to write about Hogwarts because everything is super exciting and I think I could go on forever, and I have to write a letter to my mum and Oskar and Emiline and one to my dad and so I think I’ll go and do that.
We have to send the post by owl and there’s millions and trillions of ones that I can borrow from the school and it’s brilliant. I do wonder how they know where to go, though, and if they look weird flying in daylight because usually they don’t wake up until night time.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
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02-19-2012, 06:50 AM
#9 (permalink)
|  DMGS & DMT Mooncalf
Join Date: May 2009 Location: Gotham [GMT -5]
Posts: 6,974
| ★ wannabe historian ★ Baekry
-pets Damon-
Awwhs. He feels kind of lost at Hogwarts.
But that's okay. And ravvies are good looking too so maybe that's why he's there if he doesn't feel smart
Lovely chapter, Lawrawr!
More soon?
__________________ I don't bend easy, budge or break; 
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface; |
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03-24-2012, 09:18 AM
#10 (permalink)
| Formerly: baybee-clo...   Bugbear
Join Date: May 2008 Location: top of the castle
Posts: 32,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Delilah J. Mosely First Year x1
| | lottie+hollie ♦ | muma!caley | zara+shan;; too awesome ★ | the OC;; much love ♥ |
Eeep. Laura, Dar's so cute *flails*
I love your fics 
Write more soon ? :3
__________________ Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail |
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04-27-2012, 01:02 AM
#11 (permalink)
| Flobberworm
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 9
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05-09-2012, 02:14 PM
#12 (permalink)
| Mooncalf
Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: The Losers Club
Posts: 7,596
Hogwarts RPG Name: Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Billie Love Stemp Gryffindor Fifth Year x3
| Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Quote:
Originally Posted by Native Kiddy -pets Damon-
Awwhs. He feels kind of lost at Hogwarts.
But that's okay. And ravvies are good looking too so maybe that's why he's there if he doesn't feel smart
Lovely chapter, Lawrawr!
More soon?  Maybe it is, eh? 
Well, it's not soon, but there's more now! Thank you, bestie. <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by ChloeeCloverr Eeep. Laura, Dar's so cute *flails*
I love your fics 
Write more soon ? :3  You think? Thanks Chlo'! <3
More now. Quote:
Originally Posted by bbteddy Love it WRITE MORE RIGHT NOW IT IS SO GOOD Thank you! <3 Chapter Four ‘Sorry, I wasn’t listening.’ Summer 2077
I went to Diagon Alley yesterday and I decided that I wanted to go again today and because Dad’s on holiday from work he said he’d take me. He said that he wasn’t happy because he wasn’t here when we found out all about Hogwarts and magic and that he wanted to see a little bit of the magical world before he goes back away next week. He’s going away for two years which is longer than he’s ever been away before which is kind of scary and I think that I’m going to miss him lots.
We were about to leave when mum looked at the calendar and sighed, and then said, “Hang on a second, Darwin.” I looked at my dad as we walked back into the kitchen, and watched him speak to her for a bit in a hushed kind of voice. It was a bit more than a second, but I didn’t mind because a few seconds didn’t really matter and I was being polite.
“We can’t go to Diagon Alley today. Sorry, Darwin,” my dad said, and I turned back to him from looking out of the window and wondering when they were going to finish whispering.
“Wh-why not?” I was upset, because I wanted to show my dad all of the cool magic stuff, and I needed to buy a new scarf.
“We- you’ve got a doctors’ appointment,” my mum said, and she went back to finishing putting the clean dishes away. I didn’t know why I had a doctors’ appointment, and I was quite annoyed that it meant missing out on going to Diagon Alley with my dad, and I didn’t like the doctor because they asked all funny questions and looked at me weird when I was sick.
I still don’t really like the doctors. I don’t mind the Healer at school though.
“Why do I need to see the doctor?”
“They just want… I mean, we want them to do a few tests. Nothing major.”
“I don’t like tests.” I still don’t; they make my brain go all funny and I can’t concentrate properly or spell right or anything. (But don’t worry, because I’ve got a special quill that checks my spelling for me now.)
“I know you don’t, Dar, and that’s part of the reason we’re going, okay Buddy?” I nodded up at my dad, and then my mum finished putting all of the clean dishes away and put her coat on and then we went and got in the car.
“Can we go to Diagon Alley afterwards?” I had to ask; I thought it might make the doctors more – what’s the word? – bearable.
“Darwin Riley.”
When the doctor called my name, a lot of people looked up at me from the old magazines that they had in the waiting room like I was weird. Which I’m not, so I think it must’ve been my name, which is, and that’s why I don’t like it. The doctors’ office smelt really weird and clean, and not like the nice hospital in Hogwarts, and I wrinkled my nose a bit as we walked through, but then my Mum glared at me because it was rude and I stopped. When we went into the office, the doctor (who I’d never seen before) pointed to a chair and told me to sit down and I did and Mum and Dad sat either side of me.
“What we have here are some test results…” The doctor began to speak, and I was thinking about the tests I’d had to do before and how weird and hard and pointless they’d been, and then the waiting around I’d had to do afterwards. I brought my Transfiguration homework but Mum stopped me from doing it because she said that it made people look at us funny. I thought they already were looking at us funny and who cares if they were looking at me because I had a quill but I was quite glad because it’s really hard and I couldn’t concentrate anyway.
My mum nudged me at some point and I think I blushed because my cheeks went all warm because she was glaring at me. Again. "Sorry, I wasn't listening Mr Doctor Sir," I had to say. And I was sorry, because Mum glaring at me meant that I'd been rude, and I didn't want to be rude. Not to anyone, and not to an important Doctor that was going to tell me what was wrong and why my Dad had brought me here instead of taking me to Diagon Alley.
According to him, I have acute ADHD and minor Dyslexia. I don’t know what ‘acute’ or ‘minor’ means, but ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which Mum and Dad say ‘explains a lot’. The doctor said that he’d give me a… a prescription for medicine to help me concentrate and be calmer and stuff. Dyslexia’s different – it’s a learning disability, which I guess explains why I find reading and writing and maths and some other stuff harder than other people like Brooke. It’s not so bad… It makes me feel less stupid than I did before, because now I have an explanation.
On the way home, mum picked up my… prescription, which is tablets that I have to take twice a day. I don’t like the idea of taking them but Mum said they’ll help me, which I guess is a good thing.
I didn’t get to take Dad to Diagon Alley today, but he said we can go tomorrow. I might ask Brooke to come to, but for now I’m going to help Oskar with his video project now.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽
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07-18-2012, 07:43 PM
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Last Updated: 9/05/12
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