Tutors and classes 2086
It had been four weeks after Kevin got expelled from Hogwarts. Every day, he was woken up by his father as he left for work. 6 am. If he thought that the 9 am classes at Hogwarts had been horrible it was nothing compared to this. He knew his routine now though. Get a shower, dress up, make breakfast for himself and his mother and then they would talk.
His mother was the good cop to his father’s bad cop. But even if she was the good cop she still agreed with his punishment. He had tried to sneak the comic book that Zander had given to him after their goodbye in the dormitory to his bedroom but his mother had caught him. Apparently, when you try to be sneaky and walk on tiptoes it is a strange behavior and she knew he was hiding something. His father would have given him an extra chore to do but his mother only took away the comic book and shook her head.
He was currently in the living room, cleaning the fire place without magic because he was still under age and although he lived with magical parents so the ministry wouldn’t find out, he still didn’t dare use his wand in case his father walked in the room unexpectedly. He coughed as he breathed in the soot of the fire place and leaned back with a groan. This was stupid. Why did he have to clean this?! He looked outside of the window, it was a rainy day and sighed loudly, longing for the outside world. He was sure he was slowly getting crazy being locked up in the house.
Midnight. He wondered how Zander was holding up at Hogwarts without him. Kevin was in his room, staring up at the ceiling and counted the glow in the dark stars he had put up there when he had been eleven. He had never gotten around taking them off. And he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Rolling on to his stomach, Kevin checked the clock . 4:28 AM He had to get up in two hours already and he hadn’t slept more than an hour. The chores were exhausting him but he still couldn’t sleep. A guilty conscious kept him awake. He never knew he even had one. Not being able to sleep, the expelled Gryffindor got up from the bed and walked across the room to grab his school bag.
Pulling out a mirror that his parents didn’t know he had, Kevin turned it over so that he saw his own tired reflection and opened his mouth to call his best friend. But no sound came up. He sighed. He couldn’t wake up Zander just because he couldn’t sleep. Placing the mirror back so that his mother and father wouldn’t find it and take it away from him, Kevin went back to his bed and stared at the glow in the dark stars again.
“Kenji! Get up, your mother and I want to talk to you!” Kevin rubbed his eyes. The room was bright having slept with the curtains open and the sunlight was hitting his face. How he hadn’t woken up from it was beyond him. He checked the clock beside his bed. It was 10 AM. Had his parents let him sleep in? Why though? The past few weeks he had to get up at 6 AM sharp. Were they lowering his punishment? He hoped so because he was sick of it. At 10:05 AM, Kevin had dressed into different clothes than the ones he fell asleep in and walked in to the kitchen where his parents were already seated.
There was no pillow this time in the middle of the floor so this meant he wasn’t getting scolded this time. Frowning slightly, Kevin sat down at the kitchen table across from his father who was reading the Daily Prophet. His father took his time while his mother put eggs with bacon on his plate. What was going on? His father turned the last page and folded the newspaper in half.
“Your mother and I have being talking about your education, Kenji” Kevin said nothing but looked at his mother who took a seat next to her husband.
“And we both believe a Hirase should finish their education no matter what” He still wasn’t saying anything though he did have the feeling where this was going to.
“Starting tomorrow , you’ll be home-schooled. The Ministry has appointed two tutors who will help you , no argument” Kevin had opened his mouth to protest and closed it again. He did huff annoyingly though.
“Here’s your timetable.“ His father waved his wand and a piece of paper appeared out of thin air. Kevin caught and read it.
Kevin sighed in relief at his weekend planning.
“Who are the tutors?” he asked. This time it was his mother who spoke.
“You have Transfiguration, Charms, Muggle studies, Defence against the Dark arts and Astronomy with Mrs. Johnson and Care of Magical creatures, Herbology, Ancient Runes , Arithmancy and Divination with Mr. Foster.” Kevin looked at the paper as she spoke and then frowned.
“I don’t have potions?” he asked worriedly. Potions was his favorite and best subject. His mother smiled.
“You always were observant” Kevin blushed slightly. No he wasn’t. If he was he would have seen it his expulsion coming.
“I’ll be teaching you Potions in the lab in the basement”
Kevin looked up in surprise. He had never been allowed inside his mother’s potions lab. One time he had tried to brew a potion by himself and he would have succeeded if his mother hadn’t caught him. Told him it was too dangerous unsupervised and that he should have known better. But now he was actually getting class in the lab and his gloomy expression lifted up. His father took notice of this but didn’t say anything, he went back to reading the newspaper for a second time.
The following day, Kevin was woken up at 6am sharp again. He did his morning routine which had become second nature to him by now and at 8am the doorbell rang. He heard his mother greeting another woman and Kevin looked up from his breakfast.
“Good morning, Kevin, I’m Mrs.Johnson and I’ll be your tutor on Monday, Wednesday and Friday” the woman greeted and held out her hand. Kevin looked at the numerous of big rings on the fingers before he shook her hand. He wasn’t sure if he liked her.
“Kenji, sweety, you go to your room and grab your text books while I give a quick tour of the house to Mrs.Johnson.” Kevin groaned and continued to eat.
“Now” he groaned again but stood up and placed his plate in the sink and with his last piece of bread in his mouth he moved towards his bedroom.
After a couple of minutes he managed to locate all his text books he needed for today and placed them on the table in the living room. If his parents thought he needed to continue his education than he should at least be allowed to pick the study area. He sat on the couch and waited. It didn’t take long before his mother and Mrs.Johnson came to the living room and his mother motioned the tutor to sit on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands.
“Well, that was it. I’ll be doing some grocery shopping” she smiled at her son before she left.
An awkward silence. Kevin didn’t look at his new tutor directly but he still saw that she was looking at him from the corner of his eyes. Mrs.Johnson broke the silence after a while.
“So, tell me a bit about yourself, Kevin” she smiled.
“Mr.Hirase” Kevin replied without looking at her.
“Excuse me?” the woman asked.
It’s Mr.Hirase not Kevin” The tutor sighed heavily.
“Alright, Mr.Hirase” Kevin nodded appreciatively.
“And do you really care? Isn’t your job teaching me the subjects for today?” this time the tutor took a sip of her tea and surprisingly , she nodded her head.
“You’re right, Mr.Hirase. But there’s no harm in talking about other things than just school work” Kevin looked at her this time and snorted.
“What? So you’re a psychologist now as well?” The woman laughed.
“Oh no, just someone who wants the best for you, now let us begin with Transfiguration."
Kevin rolled his eyes but grabbed his text book as the tutor stood up from her seat with a wave of the wand, a blackboard appeared.
“Can you tell me what Transfiguration is” Kevin heaved a sigh.
“Yes, but i was a fourth year. I don’t feel like going back to my first year again” “This is to refresh your memory, Mr.Hirase” Kevin leaned back in his seat and opened up his text book.
“Fine, whatever”
Mrs.Johnson didn’t speak further and looked at him expectantly. After a moment of silence, Kevin couldn’t take it anymore
“It’s a branch of magic that focuses on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object” he said , feeling annoyed.
“Correct!” and his words appeared on the blackboard. This was stupid. Why did he have to learn things he already knew?
“Now, the Ministry has approved of you using magic during your studies so you will not get in to trouble. However, I must warn that the trace IS still on you so please do not use magic when you aren’t studying” Kevin nodded his head. He wouldn’t dare anyways.
The time went by surprisingly fast. He practiced spells from each of the subjects, the tutor corrected him when it didn’t work and soon his notebook was filled with today’s notes. When it was time for Mrs.Johnson to say goodbye, his mother had entered the house again (as if she had timed it) and asked how things had gone. He heard that he still needed some help working on his attitude but that he was a bright student. Kevin looked away when they looked in his direction.
“I’ll be seeing you on Wednesday” she said.
“And don’t forget your homework” and she left.