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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

View Poll Results: If YOU could write an Ottery fic, *pshaw* you say, what would you have more of?
Ottery & Teddy, duh! *Because this isn't a loaded answer LOL 8 38.10%
Vampires, those bloodsucking smexy things ... Oh, Edward ... 4 19.05%
Werewolves, I'm so totally Team Jacob OMG! *fangirlsqueel* 8 38.10%
Whooping Cough, cholera, and other assorted maladies ... no? 3 14.29%
Strawberry Shortcake as the new Slayer, move over Buffy & she's after Ron! 4 19.05%
Rupert & Freddie because it's an Ottery fic, duh! Bring on the cute boys ... 6 28.57%
Global domination ... because it's Teddy's secret agenda neways ... 6 28.57%
Teddy but not Ottery's Teddy, Teddy Lupin ... *gasps of shock & cannon fire* 6 28.57%
Excessive amounts of violence & taudry smooch scenes *squeeeeeeeeeeeee* & chocolate 7 33.33%
Love, love, love, love, crazy love ♥ 19 90.48%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-08-2009, 11:26 AM   #101 (permalink)
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I can't believe I'm two pages behind..............
Loved both the pages of course, but there's something I need to confess...
I'm in love with Freddie......

Post more,

Amanda's Amazing Art- Thanks!
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Old 10-08-2009, 03:30 PM   #102 (permalink)
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"Fine, Laura but why do I have to be tied up to listen?" the boy asked.To cute! But, yes, he did need tied up! I think a lot of women find that most men don't listen. But, truth be known, we love them anyway!
"I like you too, Laura but this isn't how friends play," the boy struggled against the ropes in a futile effort. I love these lines you come up with! It's so fun reading your stories. I love them!
I was sure you'd all remember Madison's white cloak
Honestly I'm sorry to say I didn't. Forgive me please. I knew when I read it, that it was a clue, but, I was to tired to think. I'll do better when I start getting more sleep.
Gotta run. Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary, and Steve is taking me out since he works tomorrow. Have a great day, and good luck with all your writing. Don't overwork yourself, and take time to enjoy life. It's grand!

Last edited by Connie; 10-08-2009 at 03:33 PM. Reason: Stupid mistakes!
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Old 10-13-2009, 12:43 AM   #103 (permalink)
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Slytherin otters approves of this message ... mwahahaha no. Mwahahahaha no. Really. Mwahaha
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Of Blaise Zabini it could never say that he was in love, because his loves were peculiar to say the least. o_0; *Ahem*

Let's start again shall we?

Of Blaise Zabini it could never say that he was in love, because his loves were peculiar to say the least. o_0; *Ahem* Everyone knew that Blaise only loved himself, and following that he loved being a witch and after that he had an innate love of money. Art was just something he dabbled in. Still, who and what he wanted were a mystery to everyone. Blaise would not divulge on pain of death what exactly the heist was going to be about. All he would say was that someone prominent in the wizarding world had something someone else wanted dearly and they were willing to pay through the nose to get it. The details were all secret and lost in Zabini's sharp tongued sarcasm.

"When the time comes to strike we will," he would say but would not explain further. His smirk hid a lot.

Teddy was growing annoyed with waiting and so he decided to tail the boy one day to his home. It was the most boring stake out ever, watching the Zabini's sitting around eating and having civil conversation, after dinner they retired to the living room for cigars and cognac for father, Mother drowned her sorrows and her husbands inattentiveness in cocktails and Blaise merely read.

Teddy contemplated throwing a bomb in through the window to liven things up but they all began to retire to bed. Blaise demurred and said he would stay up to finish his chapter, but Teddy knew enough about lying to know when he heard one, as masterfully delivered as that one was.

And sure enough, as soon as everyone had retired to bed and the house elves had locked everything in the manor up, the candlelight in the living room still shone but while Blaise's book lay open upside down on the chair, and the boy was nowhere to be seen.

Teddy smirked as he took a puff from his cigar.

Draco Malfoy couldn't get her out of his head. He was sitting at his desk supposedly writing Pansy Parkinson an owl but the truth of the matter was he kept thinking about Luna Lovegood.

"This is absurd," the boy told himself. "I can't keep doing this." He closed his eyes and groaned.

"Keep doing what, darling?" Narcissa asked entering the boy's room.

"What? Oh, nothing mother ..." Draco said quickly shoving the notes into his desk.


I'll have to come back to this ... I'm sorry, the children and everything is going crazy. It's the end of the world just started playing and eveyone's gone nuts.
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Old 10-13-2009, 04:25 AM   #104 (permalink)
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Teddy sure likes his bombs. He probably could think of a reason to throw one for any occation or maybe even make an occation if none came to mind.
"the children and everything is going crazy"
My grandchildren get rowdy before bedtime if their excessivly tired and or sleepy. In their minds they think we'll think their not tired anymore, and won't put them to bed.
Hope things calm down for you, and get back on track with your thoughts. Catch ya later.
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Old 10-13-2009, 01:34 PM   #105 (permalink)
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heart My Dove Chocolate says I should celbrate the small victories in life...
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And when chocolate speaks, I listen

My baby loves love, my baby loves love. He's got what it takes and he knows how to use it...

I LVE the Lovefest!!

*reads on*

Your flavour is strawberry. You're a sweet person and a Gryffindor at heart. You
see risks and know they are just another part of life. You are loyal
and hold your loved ones close, their happiness is your prize. ♥
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Old 10-14-2009, 01:46 PM   #106 (permalink)
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quill Old post with a new uhm posting ... yeah.
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Draco Malfoy couldn't get her out of his head. He was sitting at his desk, supposedly writing Pansy Parkinson an owl but the truth of the matter was he kept thinking about Luna Lovegood.

"This is absurd," the boy told himself. "I can't keep doing this." He closed his eyes and groaned.

"Keep doing what, darling?" Narcissa asked, entering the boy's room.

"What? Oh, nothing, Mother ..." Draco said quickly shoving the notes into his desk.

"Don't be silly dear, I saw you working on something."

"That's a letter to Grandma," he lied badly.

"Oh," Mrs. Malfoy replied. She knew Draco hated his grandmother, the evil dear. Her husbands mother, living in Paris, was a vindictive hag who loved to torment Draco, which was half the reason she thought that Lucius sent him there every summer. Her husband couldn't stomach his own mother. So, why the devil would Draco be writing her a letter? "Be sure to send her my love, dear," she said sweetly. Secretly she was plotting how to get into her son's desk drawer after the boy was out of the room. Perhaps she would get one of the house elves to do it.

"I will, Mum," Draco lied again, though with more skill this time. "Mother, I was wondering ... what do you think of the Lovegoods?"

"They're a mad lot, bunch of fools, bunglers and probably muggle lovers," she replied quaintly, quickly and succinctly.

"Oh," Draco said a little crestfallen. "That's what I thought, it's just ... when I was in Paris a few weeks ago, visiting Grandma," he cringed here, remembering the unhappy occasion and the objects flung in his general direction, "I ran into one of them. Luna Lovegood."

"She's not in your year, is she?"

"No, Mum, she's a year behind."

"Well that's good. Avoid them if you can, Sweetling, nothing good can come of them. But it's bedtime, Snugglebunnies, I came to tuck you in."

"I'm going to stay up just a bit longer if that's all right, Mum," the boy replied.

"Very well," she kissed him on the cheek. "I'll have Tiberius put out your clothes for tomorrow."

"Alright," he said and watched as his mother walked out of the room. He quickly started penning a new, false letter to his grandmother to put in his desk in place of what he had been working on. He well knew Tiberius wouldn't be in his room later that night just to put out his best clothes, he would be doing some spying for Narcissa. He sighed. Mother was so blatantly transparent, wasn't she?

He put his thoughts back to his paper. Luna Lovegood had been on his mind a lot recently. He stared down at a sketch of her he had been drawing. The silly girl wore her wand behind her ear. Still, he couldn't help thinking how cute she looked. But, he sighed, his mother would never approve, nor his father. He admonished himself for entertaining such thoughts. But he could not bring himself to destroy the paper, so he took it and hid in his diary, which he hid every night behind the painting of Grandma dancing with a gorilla, the Beatles, and the Queen at a New Year's party. The painting was out in the hall and no one would have suspected Draco had a vault there.

That's all for now. I thought I could post more but ... I'm not feeling well, sorry. Replies later, if y'all don't mind.

Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 10-15-2009 at 11:29 PM.
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Old 10-14-2009, 07:51 PM   #107 (permalink)
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heart Baby, Ottery's the best ...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

This fic is officially out of control ...

I wasn't lookin' but somehow you found me
It tried to hide from your love light
But like heaven above me
The spy who loved me
Is keepin' all my secrets safe tonight

And nobody does it better
Though sometimes I wish someone could
Nobody does it quite the way you do
Why'd you have to be so good?

They were aboard an airship flying through the skies over Cuba, though why exactly was a mystery to everyone aboard except Ottery, who had commanded that course after leaving Egypt.

He was standing around alone on the deck of the ship watching the clear starry night all around them, humming a Karen Carpenter song, keeping to his own thoughts. Tiffany hated seeing him so melancholy but that was almost always his nature. She rolled up her sleeves with every intention of kicking him in the bum after slapping him upside the head and maybe punching him to get him out of his gloom. She was stopped, however, by the sound of a saxophone playing from inside the ballroom of the airship. The doors were wide open, the lights all brightly lit and the room was decorated with beautiful flowers and all manner of beautiful drapery and banners and bows and candles.

Distracted, she walked in. The saxophone played beautifully and she was surprised to find a whole band there behind the bandstand. Standing in the middle of the dance floor wearing a tuxedo was Teddy D. Bear and he was sporting a wicked grin.

"You're a fool if you think I'm going to fall for this, Teddy D. Bear," she said.

"I don't expect a strong, intelligent woman like you to fall for anything, love." Still the grin said otherwise.

"Shut up, Teddy," she said and took a glass of bubbly from one of the waiters who walked up to her. "Did Ottery order a ball on the ship, too, or what?"

"What?! There's like one girl here, we'd all have to take turns dancing with you because I wouldn't dance with Ottery on a good day. Of course not, this was totally my idea. I'm trying to show you my soft side."

Tiffany almost choked on her bubbly but caught herself in time before letting out a loud guffaw that echoed in the dance hall. Dean and Seamus walked in.

"Wow, nice set up," Dean said, as Seamus dashed to the buffet table. Dean groaned. "Whatever happened to romance?"

Ottery, meanwhile, sang, "Your baby doesn't love you anymore ..." to the night winds. He was missing a certain red haired person and wishing that he could just make things easier. Traveling so much was fun but it also took him away from his friends. He sighed. Life was funny. He wanted to be back in Paris, but there were preparations to be made, and Teddy had asked him to make the trip a little longer than necessary. He doubted Tiffany would fall for the boy's silly antics, but before the night was through, Teddy and Tiffany were dancing a waltz, both of them a little too happy after a few butterbeers.


Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 10-15-2009 at 11:35 PM.
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Old 10-14-2009, 10:38 PM   #108 (permalink)
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"He was missing a certain red haired person and wishing that he could just make things easier."
Looking forward to the post where we get to read about this!

"Art was just something he dabbled in. Still, who and what he wanted were a mystery to everyone. Blaise would not divulge on pain of death what exactly the heist was going to be about. All he would say was that someone prominent in the wizarding world had something someone else wanted dearly and they were willing to pay through the nose to get it."
Was it Ottery and Teddy that Dumbledore summoned to do a very important task? Does this have anything to do with why Ottery stole that painting. And does it have something to do with why they were in Egypt?

You always keep me thinking, and I love it. It appeals to my love of mystery and drama. Watching for your next post, and catch ya later.

Last edited by Connie; 10-14-2009 at 10:45 PM.
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Old 10-15-2009, 05:17 PM   #109 (permalink)
Comet aka Fred
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I saved the post you were working on in your folder on the desktop, love and I hope you feel better soon.

I love the romance but I spotted a few errors, if you want me to beta later.

Still, Teddy is such a scoundrel

And "snugglebunnies"? Seriously? I have yet to find a single redeeming quality in Draco save for his taste in girls, but you almost have me believing he could actually care about another human being. Before now, I would never have believed it.

Now take two of these and a good long nap *gives you medicine and smoochies*

Your flavour is strawberry. You're a sweet person and a Gryffindor at heart. You
see risks and know they are just another part of life. You are loyal
and hold your loved ones close, their happiness is your prize. ♥
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Old 10-15-2009, 09:33 PM   #110 (permalink)
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Talking You gotta wait a minute Mr. Postman ...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert


Originally Posted by Connie View Post
Looking forward to the post where we get to read about this!

You'll be waiting a long time then Connie, PM me about it and I'll tell you why. Otherwise, let's move on shall we?

Was it Ottery and Teddy that Dumbledore summoned to do a very important task? Does this have anything to do with why Ottery stole that painting. And does it have something to do with why they were in Egypt?

Honestly, to answer your questions, I don't know if Dumbledore summoned them. It does indeed have everything to do with Ottery stealing the painting And, no. They were in Egypt, if you remember to pick up Seamus and Dean because it was just then that Ottery had found out that Blaise had taken over his operation leaving him without working operatives. You have to remember Neville and Colin are still tied up at the museum, the security guards took them to be a live exhibit and just ignore them. They live on the kindness and foodstuffs that gallery viewers leave behind. Okay so I have to write them into the story somewhere down the line that's a dangling plot thread if ever

You always keep me thinking, and I love it. It appeals to my love of mystery and drama. Watching for your next post, and catch ya later.

Honestly, Connie, I keep me thinking too, of new ways to write myself out of these elaborate mazes that I make up for myself My plots are too labyrinthine. I fool and boggle even myself. Which is probably the best way to write ... so here's some more Connie me lass, and I hope you like it arrgh

Seamus and Dean were sitting next to each other, leaning on each others shoulders for support, really, smiling and laughing as they watched Teddy dancing around the dance floor with Tiffany, who giggled wildly and seemed more prone to accept Teddy's forward advances, which ironically enough Teddy was not attempting. It seemed the more butterbeers Teddy had the more like a gentleman he behaved and the more friendly Tiffany became towards him.


"Yes, Dean?"

"I love you, man," the black boy said.

Seamus hiccupped. "'S'funny, cuz I love you too, hic," he replied and they clinked glasses together and laughed, watching the private party unfold. Clucky and Ottery sat together at the bar, along with a handsome young bartender named Johan who spoke only Swedish and smiled a lot, so between them they were discussing three different things.

Suddenly, from the doorway a blue haired, blue eyed boy walked in smiling, and walked over to Teddy and Tiffany.

"Excuse me, would you mind if I cut in?" he asked.

To which Teddy replied by taking out his wand.

"I thought as much," Conrad replied.

Standing behind Teddy were three other men holding wands to the boy's head.

"Now, wait a minute," Tiffany objected.

"I just wanted a friendly dance," Conrad said.

Clucky, Ottery, Johan, Seamus and Dean all stood up and were on the dance floor in seconds. Clucky was juggling a few eggs, Johan feverishly polished a glass while the others had their wands at the ready, except Dean who couldn't stop laughing at the whole situation. Seamus patted him on the back and said, "We've got it covered, mate, if you want to sit this one out."

"What? Are you crazy? I was going to ask the chicken for a dance!"

"It's all right," Tiffany said, "And you three will put those wands down before I put them away for you, somewhere you might not like." The girl did not threaten lightly but they didn't know her. At a nod from Conrad though, they did as ordered.

Ottery nodded too, to the bandstand and the band leader started playing, I say a little prayer.

"I never took you for a romantic, Ottery!" Conrad exclaimed.

Before the boy knew what was going on, Ottery had his hand and an arm around his waist. "It wasn't for you and Tiffany, you tuat, it was for you and me. Now let's see how good you can dance."

"What the?!"

"It's a dancing legs jinx if you don't go along with me."

Before he could let go, Dean had blasted Conrad's feet. Laughing, he disarmed the other three wizards with Expelliarmus and he'd ordered the band leader to start playing, Copacabana.

"Look, Conrad, you're not such a bad dancer, but the truth is, you're not my type. What I want to know is what the devil your problem is? You keep trying to steal things I've already stolen and now you're trying to steal my employees? What's up with that?" Ottery asked.

"Ottery, you're an idiot!"

"Maybe, but I have more powerful friends than you do powerful clients, so why don't we make a deal? You and me. Do you know how to Cha-Cha, by the way?"

Conrad fumed at the indignity while Teddy corralled his men, and Seamus and Dean joined the other boys dancing. Tiffany rolled her eyes and the Swede and Clucky went back to the bar to watch the craziness unfold.

"I swear if Lola shows up, I wouldn't be surprised," the Swede said, to which Clucky replied, "I should pelt them all with eggs, I should. Crazy lot."

"What do you have in mind, Ottery?" Conrad asked after Ottery had dipped him expertly.

"Well, you tell me who you're working for, I tell you what I'm doing, and we come to some kind of accord, no? Something mutually beneficial. All parties leave happy. I don't know ... every now and then I need the services of a good thief myself. And you ... well ..."

"There's always a need for a bungling idiot like you, yes I understand," Conrad replied. "Very well, let's talk."

Seamus and Dean spun around them in a closer embrace, Dean giggling nervously, "So Seamus," he said nodding to their dance floor companions, "Is this what they mean by politics makes for strange bedfellows?"

Seamus smiled at his mate and spun him once more around the dance floor.

I do feel better Kellybear and thank you for saving this part of the story. I really don't know where we're going to be going anymore I'm just going to go crazy with this story and throw a lot of romance in it and action adventure in whatever order seems best Enjoy!

Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 10-15-2009 at 11:44 PM.
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Old 10-15-2009, 09:42 PM   #111 (permalink)
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Ottery, I'm sorry your not feeling very well. I'll remember you in my prayers, and follow Kelly's nursing, it looks like she's handing out all the right stuff. The smoochies is the best medicine, you can take them as needed and there's no dosage restrictions. Be well, and post when you feel better.
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Old 10-17-2009, 09:28 AM   #112 (permalink)
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Talking Back with more laterz ... and replies too, need pictures of Where the wild things are
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Hello children, *yawns* as the day wanes so does this story ... it's deviated, and meandered and I feel it has long gone past it's course and now we must set it to going home ... Max misses his mother ... and this story does too. So we begin the conclusion ...

Well, I'm not the kind to live in the past
The years run too short and the days too fast
The things you lean on
Are the things that don't last
Well, it's just now
And then my line gets cast into these
Time passages
There's something back here that you left behind
Oh, time passages
Buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight

Time passes ever so slowly when it creeps and crawls through the edges of our tired bored minds, making the long hours longer and the days wearier and more filled with time. Except the opposite is true, time passes ever too quickly like sands through our hands flowing down into the abyss of past time. So the days went quickly and the time of the great Chocolate Paris Lover's Day Ball finally came. The day, mind you, not the night and where there's time there's time for mischief.

"I can't believe I'm going to this thing," Ron complained to Harry again.

"We have to go, we're Ginny and Luna's escorts, and Ottery wanted us there for something," Harry replied as he adjusted his tie. "What I don't get is why he wanted us dressed for the event so early and why he wants us to take that," and here he pointed at something, "with us."

"You get the odd feeling, mate, he's trying to use us as bait or something?" Ron asked.

Harry merely shrugged and looked at himself in the mirror. Sure, he looked dashing in his best robes but he couldn't understand why Ottery wanted him dressed for it so early.

In a room further up and away, Luna and Ginny were done with their hair and were still deciding what accessories would go with their dresses. Much to the boy's chagrin, they were no more ready than the sun was setting early that morning.

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Old 10-17-2009, 04:45 PM   #113 (permalink)
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Time passes ever so slowly when it creeps and crawls through the edges of our tired bored minds, making the long hours longer and the days wearier and more filled with time. Except the opposite is true, time passes ever too quickly like sands through our hands flowing down into the abyss of past time.
How true, how true!
"You get the odd feeling, mate, he's trying to use us as bait or something?" Ron asked.
Does Ron have spidy sense?
So we begin the conclusion ...
This story is so much fun, it's hard to think of the end coming. But on the other hand, it'll be a great time getting there. Like you said,"where there's time there's time for mischief."
Catch ya later.
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Old 10-17-2009, 07:55 PM   #114 (permalink)
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heart It's elementery my dear, two times two is four ...
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Connie: Yes indeedy Connie, Ron does have Spidey senses or not ... or maybe he should? *ponders it*

Originally Posted by Connie
This story is so much fun, it's hard to think of the end coming. But on the other hand, it'll be a great time getting there. Like you said,"where there's time there's time for mischief."
Uhm, *looks around for more replies* no one else is around so ... I guess it's on to the show, no? Here's hoping I don't mess it all up. *smoochies Connie* Thanks for always being here Connie. Okay here goes ...

"Octavius has of course reached new heights of depravity don't you think old friend?" the boy asked the house elf.

"If you say so, sir. I myself have no opinion on the matter, sir,"the house elf answered sarcastically.

"Of course you don't, Tiberius," Adam smiled taking a swig of his butterbeer and pushing a glass towards the house elf.

"Everything is set, sir. I've contacted our mutual friend, and he in turn seems to have made an arrangement with someone to take care of my master, Octavius Black."

"Please don't feel too heartbroken about it," the boy said handing the house elf a handkerchief.

"Thank you, sir. I still haven't forgotten that you managed to get my most abhorrent master to give me clothes."

"Well, I never much cared for the way he treated you, and you coming to work for me. Well, what more could you ask for?"

"Nothing master, I'm happy to serve you. You at least let me wear clothes and treat me with some respect."

"Yes, but all of this will have to wait until after tonight."

"If I could snap my fingers and make the night come ..."

"Tiberius what the devil are you doing?" Octavius's voice yelled from the open doorway. The elf snapped his fingers making his drink disappear.

"Nothing master, I was merely entertaining ..."

"Entertaining, more like annoying. Get out of here before I flay you or put you on a rack or hang you in the dungeons for a couple of months." Octavius threatened. As Tiberius walked out he got a kick that sent him flying to the ground. "Stupid elf," Octavius complained.

"I'm so sorry, sir," the elf said and got up and walked off ot the kitchen careful to hide his smirk. Time was running out for his master.

That's all for now ... with any luck I'll be back before night's end ..
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Old 10-17-2009, 10:41 PM   #115 (permalink)
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So, if Ron did have Spidey senses would he then be afraid of himself being he's terrified of spiders? I think I like Adam. Does he have insite to something about to happen, or is he planning on something. Either way, I hope I still like him when whatever is "set" happens. Yime to dip up supper. Until later on next post. Oh, and I'm sure it'll be perfect, you won't mess it up.
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Old 10-18-2009, 07:47 AM   #116 (permalink)
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heart Replies tomorrow Connie I'm seriously beat. Hope you don't mind love ♥
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"It's very simple gentlemen, remember, the enemy's gate is down," Blaise said laughing.

Teddy complained. "I still think this is a crazy plan, Zabini. We're busting up Ottery's party so you can get your hands on--"

"That's just it. Isn't it, Tedword?" Draco asked, fixing his cuff links and shirt sleeves. "We still have absolutely no clue what it is we're supposed to be stealing."

Giovanni walked up and down the room watching the boys in various states of dress. Yet, his mind was a million miles away and he had not even begun to get himself ready for the party. Prince was nowhere to be found, in typical fashion, and the cat had promised to find Giovanni a cute bow tie. Truth be told the party and the heist where the farthest things from Giovanni's mind. All Gio wanted to do was find Laura and explain things to her. Explain how he really felt about her. How he had given up a long time ago on ever thinking she could fall in love with him. But, Laura had disappeared the day of the fight and he had not seen her since. Giovanni had traveled back to Italy and searched for her there, but no one had seen her since she had left to come after him.

He walked over to the window and stared out at the beautiful cityscape of Paris, with its many streets, her gay people going to and fro through the busy town, baguettes poking out of every grocery bag, coffee shops everywhere filled with writers and lovers, artists on every street corner and vespas flying flitting around zipping like brooms all over the streets. Giovanni recognized the apartment, having used it before, as one of Ottery's safe houses. The city was riddled with them since the dark haired boy so loved the city.

Giovanni sat on the window sill and watched the streets. He contemplated jumping out, catching his broom mid fall and scouring the city looking for Laura. It would be foolish he knew, not simply because it would attract the attention of the muggle authorities and the French Ministry of Sorceries but also because he had left her back in Great Britain. If she were still there in London waiting for him.

"Hey what's wrong with the distraction?" Teddy asked, as he fought his tie. It was usually Ottery who did up his tie for him since it is physically impossible for any man wearing a tie to actually be able to tie his own tie. "WTF? Stupid piece of ..." he took out his wand which Blaise promptly pushed aside.

"I'd hate for you to blast me, love," Blaise said silkily. "I mean by accident of course," the boy added slyly.

"Don't worry Blaise. If I ever hex ya, it's cuz I meant to," Teddy replied as he watched the boy expertly weave his tie into a lovely knot.

"I don't know what's wrong with Giovanni but he'd better remember his assignment. And where the devil is that lovestruck idiot?"

Just then the door burst open and the smiling, happy face of Freddie walked into the room. The lovestruck idiot Blaise had referred to.

"Why Freddie, we were just talking about you," Blaise said in the sweetest possible voice.

Teddy grinned wickedly and lit a cigar.

Freddie didn't say anything just walked past everyone to Giovanni and slapped his pal on the back.

"What's up Gio, why aren't you getting ready? Tonight's the big night, no?" Freddie grinned happily like someone very happy to have been with his love only moments ago.

"Nothing's wrong ... I'm just ... I don't feel well," the boy said sadly.

"You'd best be feeling up to doing your assignment and doing it well. Do you hear little boy?" Blaise said suddenly upon them like a viper. "This is a very important heist and you've taken the oath to help us all. If you fail me ... if you fail us in any way ..." Something dark and sinister had risen up in Blaise Zabini. His usually carefree, flippant demeanor had slipped and underneath showed the face of an angry, cowardly and vindictive individual who valued his existence more than personal gain. He would do anything to keep that existence going even at the cost of his share of the ultimate gain but more importantly, the message he was trying to send was, "If you mess up I mess you up."

"Hey, back off drama momma," Freddie said pushing the boy back. "There's no need to get all nervous before opening night."

"Don't you touch me you filthy little ..." Blaise stopped himself. The boys watched each other through slitted eyes and sneering faces.

"Say it!" Freddie exclaimed.

"Don't lose your temper, puppy," Teddy said from where he was standing in front of the full length mirror.

"Stay out of this, Teddy!" The boy yelled his eyes never leaving Blaise.

"Oh, so I take it this is the requisite scene where we fight and the whole plan comes crumbling down together, or is this the scene prior where we establish that I can't trust you and you'll go on to betray me in the middle of the fight?"

"No. I think this is the scene where he kicks your ..." Draco gave Teddy a withering look.

"Don't just stand there, Teddy. Do something about it. I thought you Gryffindors were all about loyalty," the blonde boy said trying to stop a confrontation for fear of having to be involved in the fight.

Freddie snarled. It was Giovanni standing in front of him that brought him into the present because all he could see had turned to red and he wanted very much the taste of blood and flesh between his teeth, in his mouth and on his tongue. His werewolf instincts were trying to break free. His moments of weakness with Madison had left him with his guard down. He turned away and walked into another room.

"Why'd you have to go and do that for?!" Giovanni yelled at Blaise.

"Because it's part of the plan actually, or did you only think it coincidental that tonight is a full moon night?" Blaise replied grinning the wickedest of them all.

"Play me like that ..." Teddy started. But Blaise did not step back or look away from the brown haired boy. They had an understanding, Blaise and Teddy. It was simple. If they came after each other ... they would come with every intention to kill.

NEXT: Madison and Freddie's morning fun, the events leading up to this scene.
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Old 10-18-2009, 01:16 PM   #117 (permalink)
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Wink This post for Connie, my most punctual reader.
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He laughed and she smiled at him. It was nice to see him so free of his inhibitions. Something had happened to Freddie in the past few weeks, since their run in with the law and he seemed more carefree, a little less strung up on all of the minor things in life.

Madison was still having problems with her stepmom, her father would not stop nagging her and she couldn't bring herself to visit her mother's gravesite. Her mother had left her something there, she said, but the memories of watching her burial when she was so young haunted Madison still. Essentially life was still full of problems and the world was not going to let up on her, but that didn't mean she couldn't be happy in spite of all the crazy adventures.

Madison held on tightly to him as they rode the little muggle motorcycle around the city. It wasn't as fast as a broom but she liked holding on to him tightly so she pretended not to know what it was like going so fast. She laughed at his laugh and watched him smile when he turned to look at her.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked looking back at her or at least trying too without ignoring the road. He circled around the Arc de Triomphe to give her time to make up her mind, heavens knew girls could be long in deciding anything.

She put her head against his back, "I don't care so long as it's with you, Freddie," she said.

"I was thinking maybe a picnic? I mean ... I wanted to ask you something." Blaise's instructions be danged he was going to ask her to go with him to Ottery's ball tonight. Blaise himself didn't trust any of his 'crew' enough to tell them what object they were stealing so why did Freddie have to follow along with any of his stupid rules anyway?

"Let's go to a park. We can have a picnic," she yelled at him back, not having heard what he'd said.

"I said, why don't we go have us a picnic in the park."

Madison laughed. She could not hear a thing the boy was saying over the wind rushing past her face and the funny helmet she had to wear. It was wonderful.

Somehow or other, they couldn't remember and they didn't care, they ended up barefoot in the park. It was a glorious summer morning with the sun in the sky and the birds in the trees and any minute now Madison thought she would wake up from her dream or she'd realized she was watching a movie of someone else's life, because it seemed to perfect to be real.

Still, it was real. Madison could feel the grass beneath her feet, between her toes, the sun on her skin so warm, the wind rushing around her brushing her cheeks as lightly, softly and gently as Freddie's hands, when he dared. It was beautiful. It was a wonderful romance in the city that screamed love, no matter what Venice's own opinion of herself, for Paris is the true city of love, especially for one so young and in love as she.

"What are you thinking about?" Freddie asked as he lay in the shade of the tree, reclining on his elbow watching her. Madison hadn't noticed him watching her.

She blushed.

"Why would I have to be thinking about anything?" Since when did boys make her blush?

"Well, then. Let me give you something to think about. But you're going to have to do it quickly because it's tonight." He said knavishly, as if he didn't know a girl had to have time to pick out the proper ensemble for such a luxurious affair.

"What's tonight?" she asked, surprised that he'd want to go with her anywhere and smiling because of it.

"Ottery's holding a ..."

"That crazy idiot. He stole a very valuable painting from me and I could have made a lot of money. Not that I need it, being rich, but the point is ..." The thought was there but she smiled and listened instead.

"It's a ball, I think, and there's going to be punch and dancing and all manner of cool things and ... well, it's just going to be fun. Doyouwannagowithme?" he rushed the last bit and really wasn't looking at her as he said it waiting nervously for her answer.

Madison's hesitation came from the fact that she was thinking where she could go to get fitted for a dress, how quickly it could be done, and would she have enough time to get to the hair dressers and ...

"I mean if you don't want to go with me, I mean if you've got other plans or it's too short notice."

"What are you cracked? I mean ... of course I'd love to go." Madison replied heartily. Of course she would go. How long had she been wanting to have Freddie in her arms, his lips on hers, his touch on her skin? Too long, and now that she had him, she was not going to let him go.

She bent down pulled a strawberry from a box and gave it to him to eat. He was too cute. Freddie was a sweetheart and an angel and she had to go.

"If I plan to make it to the hairdresser on time and I have to pick out a dress and ..."

"On second thought, maybe we shouldn't go. We could stay in the park and live here forever," he said, suddenly worried at the thought of not having her in sight or at arms length to see and touch and kiss.

"Don't be silly, Freddie Valentine. You asked me out to a ball, and I have to look radiant if I plan to do it. You deserve nothing less."

"Yes, but what I want is this," he said and grabbing her hand he pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. It was Paris, who would mind?

Connie, thanx again for always being here. I should dedicate this fic to you. As it is, I already have, but you can have this post. It's not much but know that I gave it my best. Hope you liked it and thank you again and again and again for reading.

NEXT: Clucky's Romance.
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Old 10-18-2009, 02:46 PM   #118 (permalink)
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Thank you Ottery, I'm touched. It was so beautiful. There's not anything I could pick out that was my favorite. Steve had a Kawasaki 500 when we first got married, needless to say this post brought back beautiful memories. You don't need Paris to be in love. You're a sweetheart, thank you again for the wonderful post. Catch ya later.
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Old 10-19-2009, 05:11 AM   #119 (permalink)
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Is it double posting if a day passes, and I post again? Cause I just want to say, I remember a while back you said that Octavius was the key to what happens, and well, poor Giovannie, is it fair for Laura to disappear and Prince too? He's so distracted. And I also want to say, I don't like Blaise Zabini, and I hope Teddy will be ok. This is a great story and I love reading it. Catch ya later.

Last edited by Connie; 10-19-2009 at 02:45 PM. Reason: stupid mistakes!
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Old 10-22-2009, 01:32 AM   #120 (permalink)
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*ruuunnnns around you in little circles* I haven't read anything yet, but I'm back from my trip [NGO stuff, I feel SO terrible that I didn't get any time to announce that I would be absent] and itching to EATTT this stowweee. [As you can probably tell, I feel super hyper.] xDD

Soooo.... PAMS and gimme a hug, raawwrrr!

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Old 10-23-2009, 04:36 AM   #121 (permalink)
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Talking More laters ... it's bed time.
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No more replies. My apologies but I want to finish this quickly Nano is just around the corner ... I'll reply at the end with a hearty hurrah and ladeeda I love you all for reading. If you don't want to comment I won't be offended. Let's marathon this into the ground shall we? Explosions and monkeys and crazyness here we come. It starts ...


Clucky was a plucky chicken, but she was also technically a free-agent. She didn't belong to Ottery's group, not technically, she just happened to be Seamus' favorite chicken. Neither did she belong to that cocky rooster back at the barn but that didn't mean she didn't like him. It simply meant, when you're in Paris it's okay to fall in love, isn't it?

Clucky felt so happy in that rooster's arms. They were roosting together at the top of Notre Dame watching the city around them. The sunrise had come and he had cockadoodledoed her a beautiful serenade. It was time to be going but she didn't want to go. Clucky did not want to leave him. Still, soon she must. The plucky hen looked at her watch. The time was nearing.

"Cluck," she said.

"But I love you, my lovely feathery egg laying chicken you," Armand said, in French of course.


"I know, my sweet dove of love. But stay with me another moment," he clucked.

She pecked at the roof of the old church. Surely, Seamus, Ottery and the others could handle things ... boys weren't completely stupid, as exampled by Armand. Still, her duties called.


"My sweet love," he said, "Thank you. You make me so happy spending these moments with me."

It was hard to resist a chicken who knew French, Clucky knew. Especially, in the city of love. ♥

Because love makes us stupid

The Requisite Car Chase

Teddy swerved the car wildly to the left sending his passangers to the slamming into the left back door. Giovanni had his head in Freddie's stomach and the boy was gasping for breath. The car quickly turned down another street and they were slipping down the car seat in the opposite direction and Freddie slammed into Giovanni.

"This is ridiculous," Teddy exclaimed.

"I think I broke a rib," Giovanni complained.

"I'm so glad I didn't have lunch. Teddy WTH are you doing?" Freddie asked as he slid in the back seat of the Ferrari.

"I got me a little side job that's all, thought you boys could help me out," Teddy replied before spinning the car's wheel crazily in the other direction. The boys in the back knocked over and around like pins in a bowling alley.

"Can I open a window, I want to jump out," Giovanni exclaimed.

"I thought you were depressed or something? Isn't a high speed chase just the thing to get your mind off of your worries? It is for me." Teddy shot back.

"Only if you're a psychotic, megalomaniac with an adrenaline addic--oh, sorry forgot who I was talking about," Giovanni said flatly.

"If you kill me before I get to kiss Madison again," Freddie complained.

"If I kill you smart bum you can kill me back," Teddy replied. "Or haunt me forever, which ever's more fun for you."

"Howzabout I just drive you mad?" Freddie replied.

"That's arguing that he's not already!" Giovanni interjected.

"Can we be having this conversation later boys? I've got me a crazy dame with a very ... aw poo. And I really liked this car," Teddy exclaimed before flooring it and slamming the Ferrari into the Mini Cooper crashing it into a muggle cafe.

The back seat of the car exploded and filled with something soft and white that covered the boys completely as the car crashed. Teddy popped out the front door in an instant, wand in hand, and out of the other tiny car a blonde haired girl in shades popped out.

"Gimme the box, Cindy," the brown haired boy exclaimed, but the girl only smiled and blasted the wand out of his hand.

"The first words out of your mouth should always be expelliarmus, you daft idiot. I would have thought by now--," before she could finish however, Teddy had slugged the woman and laid her flat.

"I always did say you talked too much." He looked through her purse for the object.

Meanwhile Giovanni cracked open a window. "Gah, me ... I can breathe."

From the other side of the car, the door flew out in an explosion bouncing off the floor and slamming into the ceiling where it imbedded itself like a knife on wood. It would remain there the remainder of its days, in the cafe of Dangerous Driving, it would be the same for the Mini and the Ferrari which were later incorporated into the decor. From out of the blasted doorway popped out Freddie cursing up a storm and I don't mean hexes.

Teddy walked back to the boy triumphant, smiling as he held a box in his hand, the cafe owner screaming at him in French over his shoulder. Freddie ran over to the other side and freed Giovanni from the wreckage of the car.

"Marshmallow. Seriously, marshmallow!" Freddie exclaimed.

"Is that what this stuff is? I thought this was that airbag stuff the muggles are always on about," Giovanni said. "If I wasn't so sick I might actually try some."

"You can thank me for my quick thinking later. I got what I came for. We better scram before Cindy wakes up and gets ornery." The boy smiled gleefully and Freddie fought hard every urge to slug him. Poor Giovanni however lost the battle with his stomach and threw up all over the cafe owner's shoe.

Don't ride the rides, if you can't hold your fries

"Mr. Simian, you will of course be manning the entrance. No undesirables, please," Tiffany explained, happily in her element. Clipboard in hand she was showing the giant talking gorilla where he would be stationed as the official 'bouncer' for the ball. He towered over her and about everyone else being a tall beast but his manner was entirely gentlemanly.
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Old 10-23-2009, 05:05 AM   #122 (permalink)
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That was... awesome.
Too surprised to comment, can't you tell?


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Old 10-23-2009, 05:14 AM   #123 (permalink)
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All right, a marathon! No replies expected. Pay no attention to the little fat woman behind her laptop chicken-pecking the keys. She's just encourageing (sp?) you on. Your doing great! On with the show! I love it!
:choochoo: :choochoo: :choochoo: :choochoo:
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Old 10-23-2009, 07:42 AM   #124 (permalink)
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Arrow Seriously, will this story just end? *sighs*
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Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post

That was... awesome.
Too surprised to comment, can't you tell?


Don't judge Clucky now Maxie

Originally Posted by Connie View Post
All right, a marathon! No replies expected. Pay no attention to the little fat woman behind her laptop chicken-pecking the keys. She's just encourageing (sp?) you on. Your doing great! On with the show! I love it!
:choochoo: :choochoo: :choochoo: :choochoo:
Both of y'all's cuteness knows no bounds

Ahem ...

T: I've never met a cake I didn't like.

"Mr. Simian, you will of course be manning the entrance. No undesirables, please," Tiffany explained, happily in her element. Clipboard in hand she was showing the giant talking gorilla where he would be stationed as the official 'bouncer' for the ball. He towered over her and about everyone else being a tall beast but his manner was entirely gentlemanly.

"I have to say, I do admire your tastes in clothing," Tiffany added, "Prada?"

"Nothing so trite. Armani," the ape replied as he stood hunched leaning on his massive knuckles.

"I'd love to see Teddy get past that," she whispered.


"Mr. Simian, you're in charge, and we will be trusting to your discretion," Tiffany was all business manner again. She walked into the grand ballroom and started addressing the decorators and the designers about the decor and the last minute frills.

Outside, Seamus and Dean walked past. Dean following an angry Seamus who had his hands buried in his pockets, wearing his stubborn Irish pride on his sleeve, and his necktie undone, trying to stop him before he ran out the door.

"Seamus, don't be unreasonable!" Dean yelled after him.

Seamus of course was beyond trying to be reasonable, he was downright unreasonable for a reason, now wasn't he? People didn't wake up without reason, no they had to have a reason to be unreasonable didn't they? And indeed he had one. In his anger, however, he couldn't recollect what it was just that he was angry at Dean, however, unreasonable that might seem, for a reason.

"Boy, if you don't stop I'll hex your bloody ars!" he screamed.

This of course, did not bode well.

Ottery for his part smiled wickedly. In the back of the ballroom against the speakers backdrop framed and beautiful would be St. Valentine's wretched little painting for all the world to see, an open invitation to theft. If that wasn't enough incentive for certain parties to arrive and make mischief there was also going to be around the neck of a very reluctant guest the Eye of Azaroth. ( to Kelly) Oh but it was going to be a glorious ball and there would be chocolate and ample retribution to go around. Did he really think that he could take Ottery's place and steal his operatives, his friends and act in such a liberated manner? No, there would be the devil to pay, and Ottery was just the devil to collect. All would be resolved tonight at the ball.

And so ... came the night of the ball. The afternoon waned and the sun set so that night shone brightly over the brightest city of lights. The carriages began to arrive promptly at nine o'clock for what would prove a disastrously funny romantic affair. The red carpet marvelously hid the scorch marks from the spells Seamus and Dean had used on one another.

O: Love's complicated stick to chocolate, it's always good and if you argue with it just eat it.

Next: Probably not the conclusion but close enough to it.
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Old 10-23-2009, 12:12 PM   #125 (permalink)
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Default All around the Mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel
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The painting, the Eye of Azaroth, and a reluctant guest, oh my!
The painting, the Eye of Azaroth, and a reluctant guest , oh my! Thepainting,theEyeofAzaroth,andareluctantguest,ohm y!
This is one dance somebody is going to wish they hadn't come to. I can't wait till Ottery gets his revenge. I wonder if the Eye of Azaroth is what the boys stole from Cindy? Yes, I know, we shall see shant we? We shall see.
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