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Sweet Merlin, all that swimming sure can work up an appetite! And you’re in luck because the Prefects have put together a wonderful feast of authentic Caribbean food. It may not be your traditional End of the Term Feast, but after a quick look at tonight's menu, you’re sure to find a new island favorite!
The Island Grill sits at the edge of our very own “Hogwarts Beach.” In case you’d like to take a break from all that splashing around, this large sandy area provides a great space to just lay out and relax! Or if you’d rather stay more active, there’s plenty of room to run around and you can find lots of sports supplies kept in a huge chest off to the side. Whether you want to grab a hula-hoop or lounge out on one of the many beach chairs, the sandy beach space is a great way to kick back and enjoy some ‘dry land’ time. Oh and it’s a great place to picnic with some of your delicious island food!
So what are you waiting for? Grab some good food, kick back, and relax.
Oh and five galleons to the first person who can successfully turn Bellaire into a Sand-Mermaid!
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
click each image for a larger version! graphics by Govoni
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
So of course when the Prefects were deciding who should be stationed where, Adi had volunteered for the Hangout just because there was a TON of food. He strode around ensuring that everything was in place. Food, supplies and what not.
Yup, yup! All looked good here.
The good thing about being stationed here was that he wasn't that far away from the water. He would be jumping in there soon, ready to play water polo or whatever he could. Maybe he could play EVERYTHING. Hehe. Adi was full of energy and already tossing the events involving the spiders behind him. Anywhooo, he would have plenty of time to do that. He just needed to check in here once in a while to make sure no one was causing any trouble or starting a food fight.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Naturally, she headed straight for the food.
It had been a long term. Long and... rather dangerous, toward the end. But she had survived and healed well after seeing the healer for her spider bite. It was time to celebrate! Time to kick back and relax and enjoy the SUN and some good FOOD and have FUN with her friends and classmates.
After dropping her things off in one of the lockers, Evie headed out to the party in her two piece bathing suit with a tropical, floral-ish beach wrap (didn't want to blow away too many boys and girls with her fine figure this early in the game, you know) wrapped around her waist. Her bare toes walked on the warm grass towards the best part of the party. THE FOOD. She paused to look at the menu and considered all the options; most of which she had never tried before. Hmm, what to try first...
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
There was no way that Lux was going to break her promise she made to Bay made way back in Second Year. So no swimming in the lake for her even if there were safety measures in place.
Instead, she was going to check out the food!
Caribbean food was something new to her, so Lux was a little curious as she made her way over to see what was available. Getting her mind off of what had happened made life at Hogwarts easier. "Hey, Adi!" she said with a smile before taking a glance at the food selection. Since she wouldn't be swimming she could eat as much as she wanted and that was a good thing since she had lost weight.
Maybe she could do some hula hooping after she ate.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Naturally, she headed straight for the food.
It had been a long term. Long and... rather dangerous, toward the end. But she had survived and healed well after seeing the healer for her spider bite. It was time to celebrate! Time to kick back and relax and enjoy the SUN and some good FOOD and have FUN with her friends and classmates.
After dropping her things off in one of the lockers, Evie headed out to the party in her two piece bathing suit with a tropical, floral-ish beach wrap (didn't want to blow away too many boys and girls with her fine figure this early in the game, you know) wrapped around her waist. Her bare toes walked on the warm grass towards the best part of the party. THE FOOD. She paused to look at the menu and considered all the options; most of which she had never tried before. Hmm, what to try first...
Benzi was VERY READY for this event. After a rather horrific yet equally pretty cool year back at Hogwarts - he'd be lying if he said he hadn't expected it - the seventeen year old was greatly looking forward to a little winding down with some sun, a huge slide and seeing fellow Hogwartians in BEACHWEAR. Well done, prefects. Well done.
Perhaps this might make Wallace more excited about the boot camp Benzi will be forcing upon him all summer.
Quickly dumping his things in a locker, Benzi stepped out in the magically created Caribbean paradise dressed in his swimming trunks, flip flops and sunglasses. He took a moment to take it all in then naturally, headed for the food. He'd had a very light lunch today and was STARVING, so food first then digest then SLIDE.
... And it seems like he had made a very good call. Grinning as he spotted Evie, Benzi quickly and silently made his way over so that he was standing just behind her, careful to not quite reveal himself just yet. Naturally, she looked amazing. Amusing himself, he took a few small steps forward and leaned in right by her ear. "I've heard the avocado is excellent this time of year." Heheheheh.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
Benzi was VERY READY for this event. After a rather horrific yet equally pretty cool year back at Hogwarts - he'd be lying if he said he hadn't expected it - the seventeen year old was greatly looking forward to a little winding down with some sun, a huge slide and seeing fellow Hogwartians in BEACHWEAR. Well done, prefects. Well done.
Perhaps this might make Wallace more excited about the boot camp Benzi will be forcing upon him all summer.
Quickly dumping his things in a locker, Benzi stepped out in the magically created Caribbean paradise dressed in his swimming trunks, flip flops and sunglasses. He took a moment to take it all in then naturally, headed for the food. He'd had a very light lunch today and was STARVING, so food first then digest then SLIDE.
... And it seems like he had made a very good call. Grinning as he spotted Evie, Benzi quickly and silently made his way over so that he was standing just behind her, careful to not quite reveal himself just yet. Naturally, she looked amazing. Amusing himself, he took a few small steps forward and leaned in right by her ear. "I've heard the avocado is excellent this time of year." Heheheheh.
It all looked so good. It was hard to choose which items she wanted to try. It wasn't unlike Evie to eat everything that was laid out for her, but that was because she was usually hiding behind a table and a pile of robes in the great hall. Today she was outside and in a BIKINI. If she had a food baby, people would KNOW.
Honestly, she didn't care that much. She loved food too much.
Evie was SO CLOSE to making a decision about food and drink AND dessert. She was focused and completely unprepared for a certain boy to creep up behind her and scare the nargles out of her. The sudden voice in her ear made her squeal in shock, her arms FLAILED as she jumped. Before she realized who it was, she felt her elbow jab into the stomach of the culprit.
"BENZI!" she gasped when she finally turned around to see whose pancreas she punctured. WHYYYY? Of ALL the people of Hogwarts, she had to injure the most attractive one. "You scared me!" Clearly. Obviously.
Eden would miss the food just like she'd miss.........all of these people. Okay. Done. She was crying. There was Evie--OH GOD--Benzi---UGH--and LUX?! ;__; Her lower lip trembled--the dramatic baby of a seventeen-year-old WAVED SADLY at Adi, dramatically CLUNG to Lux, and then KISSED both Benzi and Evie on their cheeks, respectively.
She was sobbing.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Henric's stomach was grumbling so much while leading his group towards the grill hut. Seriously, the pumpkin pie he had earlier was not enough for a growing boy man like him...he wanted more foodies in his tummy."There are some good seats under that shade over there,let's grab them before anyone else,"he told llia as he grabbed a couple of menus off the rack. Looking around, he saw Lux and a few others he knew from class were already there too.Brilliant! He walked up to the ordering station and waved to Lux." Hi Lux,come and join us, we're here to eat too,"he offered with a smile. He greeted Adi as well who was stationed there apparently,"Hey Adi,you're going to cook for us man? Or are you just taking our orders?"he grinned,teasing.
Last edited by Symphora; 08-05-2015 at 07:19 AM.
Reason: color code :D
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Benny followed along, quite fine with allowing Henric to take the lead the moment towards the food. Though he had to admit there was some attraction once the smells started to hit his nose. Seats were claimed and the sixth year took one of the menus his companion had picked up in passing. He had no clue what was what, but the Gryffindor did notice two other familiar faces at the hangout. Or more correctly, others and THEN the two familiar faces amongst them.
Lux and Adi got weak smiles of acknowledgment though he focused on the latter. He should have expected Adi in this general vicinity given his appetite, though the younger Hufflepuff's question reminded him his bestie was likely on duty. "They trust you around the food..." he mused in half-jest.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Oh, good-o! Students were showing up now! Of course they would. Loads of them were food junkies like he was. Maybe he would see AJ annnny second now. But there was Lux coming towards him. Just the person he wanted to see. Also, he was pleased his friend was out and about. Adi tilted his head at her. Was it him or did she look like he had shed some pounds? Wellll, she came to the right place. He was going to make her eat loads. Hehe.
The Hufflepuff set down the kebab he had been attacking. "Hey, Lux!'' He had something for her which he had stashed behind this huge rock so that no one else would find it. He jogged over to retrieve the package. "I've got you something.'' The wrapped gifts held out, Adi said, "Happy belated birthday! You're officially a big girl.'' He had wished her on the right day but at that time he hadn't had the present. Wrapped up under the red paper was a box containing a figurine of the Little Mermaid, Ariel combing her hair with a fork, a thin chain with Flounder as a pendant and this cool aquarium like thing that contained many of the characters from the animated movies. Right now they were all still as statues but the cool thing was that there was a button to press that would allow everything to start moving and the water would look like it were moving in waves.
Adi's eyes flicked away to look at other students approaching. There was Eden! Awwh, she looked sad. And she was crying or sobbing... or something. Poor Eden. "Don't I get a hug too?'' Without waiting for an answer, he squished her. Gosh, a lot of these were being handed out these days. Good thing there were a ton more where those came from.
Then there was a Henny approaching. Quick! Hide all the kebabs! Hehe. Adi knew how fond his friend was of those. "Heeey, Henny. Sureeee! I think all the pumpkins ran out though.'' He had jokes too. "Anyway, I'll be your waiter and cook for today.'' LOL! Naaah, the kiddos had to take their food themselves. They could take allll they could eat.
Was that Benny? Adi hardly saw him recently but the Hufflepuff had let him have his space. Maybe that's why his voice was cool as he regarded his friend... the Lion (or not so Lion) had gotten away when the troubles had started a few weeks back in Herbology. "I know right? I couldn't believe they agreed to let me look over the Hut. They'll be sorry... when I eat half of this food.'' He continued on his kebab, still regarding his friend. Benny had come with Henric... were those two friends now? And was Angel around? Adi hoped NOT. He still was welping on the inside that she seemed to have taken the whole spider thing as a joke.
Ilia looked at where Henric had mentioned and walked over to the seats. They had claimed the three seats, but had room for more if anyone wanted to sit with them. She took her menu and looked at it curiously. Everything here was completely foreign to her and she had no idea what any of it was. She wondered if she was the only one that was a bit lost as to all of this. Was she the odd foreigner here? Tropical was nothing at all familiar to the nearly fifteen year old who had spent most of her time in Scandinavia and Germany.
The boys were all teasing each other , back to normalish? It was pretty much a routine part of their friendship. She decided to stop trying to decipher the menu. She wasn't going to learn by just staring at it so she walked up to Adi and set it down. "I don't know what most of this on the menu is." IT was probably embarrassing but......it was the truth. "What should I try?" She trusted that between her boys, they would steer her in the right direction. She liked experiencing new things as long as it had nothing to do with spiders.
Benzi had to invite him to his girlfriend sometime, right? This was the time. And he needed distraction anyway - it was kind of hard pretending you didn't see what the aparecium had just so generously said about you. Speaking of ..... Was Maggie around?
ANYWAY. Making his way to his rather whipped best friend, Noel completely ignored the claw and shooved him to the side and smiled at his girlfriend. "Evie, right? Hi. Noel Wallace," he quickly introduced and offered his hand for her to shake. "I have heard SO MUCH about you"
Oh and look, there was Adi and Henric."Hey guys," he waved and then - Eden??? Was she crying? Noel frowned - suddenly alarmed. Were the spiders back??? "What happened?" he asked - honestly worried they were going to get attacked again.
He was NOT getting kidnapped again. Nope.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Was that a colder tone directed at him?
Benny bit back a sigh in response. He knew it...he knew Adi would be disappointed at his behavior around the acromantulas. The freezing in Herbology...the uncertainty during the happenings in the Great Hall once they had escaped from one place to another.Surely a brave Gryffindor would have went into the forest, especially an upperclassman like himself. But he had stayed behind...having trouble going anywhere near any place the horrid creatures were, including when the students, staff and shopkeepers inside the castle were fighting back with their fake basilisk.
Curse his fear.
The Gryffindor shrugged in response to his friend's remark in turn. Likely Adi would be eating a bit more than he would, both normally and in the mood he was in currently. And then Ilia was asking them all for assistance on the island food and he was back looking at the menu. "Can't say I'm that familiar either," Benny mused almost appologetically since he couldn't help. But fish and crab wasn't that bad normally...it was just the added carribean flavors that were new.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
She was being attacked by an Eden. Despite her mood, Lux laughed as she clung to her friend... But she was crying? Why? "What's wrong?" Was it because she was leaving at the end of term? "We're leaving Hogwarts at the same time." So they could do it together. Except Lux actually really wanted to leave; that was a difference.
Hearing someone call her name, Lux saw that it was Henric. "Hey!" Oh, he wanted her to join the group for eating. That was probably a good thing because she needed to get her weight back up AND continue to take her mind off of things. It was easier to do that when around friends than in class or by herself. "Yeah, sure! I'd love to."
But first Adi had something for her? "Oh, thanks! I can't believe I'm of age now," she said as she took her present from him. "You really didn't need to do that." But it was very sweet of him. She began carefully opening the wrapping paper. "Willa had her baby. He has the same birthday as me!" Awesome, huh?
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Smirking already because he KNEW he was going to scare her, Benzi was already gleefully preparing his next snarky phrase when he was suddenly and very rudely ELBOWED in the stomach. Good thing he worked out, otherwise that would have been VERY painful. "... I'd say I'm getting you back for scaring me at the start of term but you just elbowed me in the gut so I don't think we're even yet." HMM, EVIE. Good thing she's very pretty.
But then. Eden. ..... o__________________________O
"Er." What. What just happened. "............... Are you okay?" he asked, more wary than anything else. In fact, he was in the process of taking a cautious step back from the emotional seventh year when suddenly he was SHOVED to the side.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Henric blinked, it was Lux birthday today?! Waah! He didn't know! Sorry Lux! When Adi started singing the Happy Birthday song to her, he couldn't help sing along too. He clapped and cheered,"Happy Birthday Lux, I didn't know it was your birthday today, merlin barnicles....I wish I brought a present for you too, happy birthday!" He beamed when she agreed to eat and seat with them,"Yeah! Brilliant, you must!" The bigger the group, the better it was for a Hogwarts Beach Party! "After this, we heading to the Hogwarts Plunge, hope you guys are ready! Wooo!" He pumped a fist in the air.
He turned around when he heard Noel voice,"Hi,mate!" He remembered he had a row with him over pumpkin pies and made a houseelf cry, it was silly really. Henric was sorry, he was just a bit sensitive when it came to pumpkin pies but he knew it was more than that. He hoped Noel had put all of that behind him."Come and join us too!"he smiled. Then he saw the girl named Eden started crying,"Oh...Don't cry..."he didn't want to see girls cry, it made him feel sad even though it was a happy occasion!
He laughed,"Oh reallyyy...then I'll expect quality service mate, what's on the menu?"he asked, peering over to see what Adi was doing.WHAAA! KEBABS?! He rushed over to him,"I want that NOW!"he exclaimed, pointing at the stick of meat he was holding. Gimmeh...gimme.
"llia, l'll be ordering kebabs! You should try it, its the best! Oh and pineapple fried rice please!" He ordered. Henric turned to Benny,"If you up for some seafood,how about carribean shrimps with pineapple salsa, its simple but surely tasty I bet,," he suggested. He be ordering his drinks next! Hmm..lets see....EXPLODING LEMONADE? Wooo...wouldnt that be fun? "Hey Adi, does the exploding lemonade explodes for real? Why you put such a dangerous drink in the menu?Its so wickeeedd...you know what,I'll have that too," he grinned.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Ruby had, for various impending reasons, spent most of her time in recent months keeping to herself. The bright side was that she hadn't had any spider encounters or, you know, risked being torn limb from limb.
So there was that.
As for NEWTs? Errrrr.... She had tried? The ministry had provided someone to write her answers for her, and read the questions out, and she had been okayish for practicals if they involved her wand but..... well, she wasn't expecting much. Errrrrrr well, not expecting much in the way of NEWTs anyway, other things definitely.
....................ooh there was food here!
Ruby kept to the edge of the crowd and approached the food. No intentions of going in the water, Just finding a comfy out of the way spot where she could eat some horrendous creation and keep a territorial eye on the boyfriend.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Grilled and stuffed sea bass! Shrimp with avocado dip! Coconut rice! Cheesecake tart! Merlin's beard, why hadn't they done an themed feast before?! The house elves had certainly outdone themselves this time, with this Caribbean feast.
The Headmistress silently meandered down the buffet line of food, which thankfully wasn't too crowded yet, loading up her plate and making only vague, "Mmm," and, "Yummm," sounds as she tried a little of this and a spoon push of that. When she had enough treats to try, she picked out a beach chair, slipped her shades down from the top of her head, and started eating.
Delicious. Was it just because this was the end of the term or was this her best meal at Hogwarts yet?
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Mixing her own drink was right up Ruby's Alley, the house elves could vouch for that lately. Mango and coconut felt like the right combination, with just a touch of lime. Her plate was far more full than likely anyone in the whole school had ever seen her eat from. Crab cakes, garlic shrimp, mango butter snapper, and plenty of salad. Not only that but she filled a dessert plate too, wanting to sit and not need to get up again. On that she artfully arranged piled fruits with plenty of the lime dip, coconut cake, cheesecake, cookies, macaroons, and more of the lime dip on top of all that. Ohhhhhhh and some of that mango marmalade.
She had to levitate her two plates in order to carry them, but soon enough she had found an appropriate spot not far from the headmistress, opting for a patch of sand with a good view of everything going on . Now she could eat and watch and then if the sun got too much she would find some shade. For now she arranged herself: towels down first, then food, and finally she sat and made sure her cover up wasn't clinging. Aaaaand omnomnom.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"I couldn't let one of my best girl buddies not have presents,'' Adi told Lux happily. "Besides, this was a special one. You're becoming an old lady.'' LOL! No wait... this was actually a DOUBLE special one. "Woah! That's so cool!'' Yep, he knew who Willa was. "I bet you're looking forward to seeing him.''
"Heya, Noel! You alright, man?" His Housemate seemed cheery but you know, Adi was forever the caring one. "I think it may be because the term's almost ending.'' He said that in a low voice because he wasn't exactly sure why Eden was crying. Graduation seems a likely reason. She just got another squishy hug from him. Let it all out, Eden.
Eeep! Adi had nearly missed Ilia. "Hey, Ilia! How's it going?'' He was so pleased that she seemed alright and not disturbed by the spider incident though he didn't really know what went on on the inside with her. But he grinned. "It doesn't matter, does it? Food is food. I am going to eat a bit of EVERYTHING!'' Hehe. There was no way that he would let this opportunity slip away from him. "You should definitely try the kebabs. Henny's right about that.''
"It's her BELATED birthday, dude,'' the sixth year told Henric and poking him with his kebab stick. Oh? He was up for adventure. "You're ON! I bet you'll get scared when you reach the top though.'' Adi was kidding! Anywaaay... ''Loads of things. I can't remember if we have anything pumpkin. If not, then you're out of luck.'' Buuuut what was the thing Henric liked just as much as pumpkin related stuff? KEBABS! Adi grinned and held away his own. "No, no, no. None for the Henny.'' Hahaaa! He loved troubling his friend so MUCH! As for the lemonade... "It explodes when it mixes with your stomach juices,'' he explained with a straight face though he was about to snort out a laugh. This reminded him of the tale he had told AJ about Chocolate Frogs when he had first met her. He was doing the same to Henric. "So we might be scooping pieces you off the sand if you drink that.'' Casually, Adi poured a glass of the lemonade then held it out to his friend.
The Hufflepuff knew he was supposed to be more accommodating to Benny. But Adi had no inkling he was terrified of spiders. You would think he would have known everything about his bestie, right? Adi thought he had so excuse him if his stubbornness was making him a bit sulky at not knowing. He swallowed a bit of meat from the kebab. "You could have told me you were afraid of them.'' Honestly, he hadn't realised until the creatures had attacked in Herbology.
More persons arrived including the Headmistress. Adi was thrilled to see her. "Professor Headmistress!'' Hehe. She had never told him off for calling her that so he figured she didn't mind the nickname. "How are you? What do you think of the food?" Meh. Adi and his million questions at once. Annnnd heeeeey, Ruby!
Merlin give him all those and he would be the happiest dirty man alive. Scott crawled along the edge of the lake, having taken a completely different route out than the one he'd been dragged in. Freedom. Freeeeeeeeedom. It was finally his. Were he not so drained he would have dragged himseld along a little faster.
The scottsman stopped suddenly at the mirage before him. Children playing, easily acessible food. HE NEVER WANTED TO COME TO HIS SENSES!!
The man let out a sudden shout, sprung to his feet with a new burst of energy and ran over to the imaginary!hut. No more berries and nuts. No more of that water he saw things swimming around in! He could stay here and pretend for a while. Hahahaha.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Awww, Henric was wishing her a happy birthday. That was very nice of him. "Thank you! My birthday was June 1, so no worries." She gave a small smile when Adi told him that it was actually her belated birthday. Well, it was the thought that counts.
With the present finally unwrapped, Lux reached over the counter and gave her friend a hug. She didn't care if she was supposed to or not; it was still happening. "Thank you, Adi! And you are older than me." Eyeroll. "But I can't wait to meet him. Since I'm not coming back next term, I hope I get to spend a lot of time with him." Even if Willa didn't let her babysit, she could still see her nephew.
Talk turned to the water plunge thing, and Lux shook her head. "I'm terrified of heights. Is is connected to the lake? I promised Bay that I wouldn't swim in the lake." So no water for her between the heights and the promise. Didn't mean that she wasn't enjoying being out in her swimsuit though. And she could eat! "So what would you recommend?" she asked Adi as her stomach growled. She needed something in her belly ASAP!
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Text Cut: Eden, Noel and Benzi
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Here was the food.
The food.
Eden would miss the food.
Eden would miss the food just like she'd miss.........all of these people. Okay. Done. She was crying. There was Evie--OH GOD--Benzi---UGH--and LUX?! ;__; Her lower lip trembled--the dramatic baby of a seventeen-year-old WAVED SADLY at Adi, dramatically CLUNG to Lux, and then KISSED both Benzi and Evie on their cheeks, respectively.
She was sobbing.
Originally Posted by Samia
Benzi had to invite him to his girlfriend sometime, right? This was the time. And he needed distraction anyway - it was kind of hard pretending you didn't see what the aparecium had just so generously said about you. Speaking of ..... Was Maggie around?
ANYWAY. Making his way to his rather whipped best friend, Noel completely ignored the claw and shooved him to the side and smiled at his girlfriend. "Evie, right? Hi. Noel Wallace," he quickly introduced and offered his hand for her to shake. "I have heard SO MUCH about you"
Oh and look, there was Adi and Henric."Hey guys," he waved and then - Eden??? Was she crying? Noel frowned - suddenly alarmed. Were the spiders back??? "What happened?" he asked - honestly worried they were going to get attacked again.
He was NOT getting kidnapped again. Nope.
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
Smirking already because he KNEW he was going to scare her, Benzi was already gleefully preparing his next snarky phrase when he was suddenly and very rudely ELBOWED in the stomach. Good thing he worked out, otherwise that would have been VERY painful. "... I'd say I'm getting you back for scaring me at the start of term but you just elbowed me in the gut so I don't think we're even yet." HMM, EVIE. Good thing she's very pretty.
But then. Eden. ..... o__________________________O
"Er." What. What just happened. "............... Are you okay?" he asked, more wary than anything else. In fact, he was in the process of taking a cautious step back from the emotional seventh year when suddenly he was SHOVED to the side.
Well, it was a darn good thing Benzi worked out. If he had any stomach fat at all, Evie would have just found out. But she was pleased to discover he had quite the muscular abs. Just like she had imagined. The girl gave Benzi a sheepish smile when he said they weren't even yet. "You don't think so? That was just an accident." Pleeeeeease? She didn't much like being SCARED. She had had enough of that this term.
Before she could say more, she felt a wet kiss attack the side of her face. Eden, of course, but... was she okay? "Eden?" Was she crying?
But before she could find out.... Noel was somehow right in front of her with a cheeky smile and a hand to shake. Evie giggled and grinned when he said he had heard SO much about her. She shook his hand and gave Benzi a curious, but cheeky look. "Have you now? What kind of things?" All GOOD, she hoped. "Nice to finally meet you, Noel. Benzi talks about you a lot." Him and Hayley. A lot.
Originally Posted by Scott Maclaren
Food. Water. HAIR GEL.
Merlin give him all those and he would be the happiest dirty man alive. Scott crawled along the edge of the lake, having taken a completely different route out than the one he'd been dragged in. Freedom. Freeeeeeeeedom. It was finally his. Were he not so drained he would have dragged himseld along a little faster.
The scottsman stopped suddenly at the mirage before him. Children playing, easily acessible food. HE NEVER WANTED TO COME TO HIS SENSES!!
The man let out a sudden shout, sprung to his feet with a new burst of energy and ran over to the imaginary!hut. No more berries and nuts. No more of that water he saw things swimming around in! He could stay here and pretend for a while. Hahahaha.
Okay, but FOOD. She wanted FOOD now. Evie was making eyes at the food, hoping her friends would get the hint and grab a plate with her. But as her eyes longed for the food, they sidetracked to the image of a dirty, ragged man crawling up the side of the lake until he finally reached the hut. What the...?
"Mr. MacLaren?" she asked, finally recognizing the scraggly man? Did he just come out of the forest? This was NEW, right? He hadn't been here all along... RIGHT?
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Oh Lux was joining them...that was...fine. Another person that seemed to be recovering from everything that had happened. He was technically the odd person out seeing as the other two guys had rescued the two girls in the group. Awkward dragon. Benny briefly wondered if either Valentine sister was anywhere around to even things out in the 'stay behind group' so he didn't feel even more a failure. Kinda out of the loop about birthdays and such, he zoned out, returning when Henric went on about food for him and Ilia's sake.
Caribbean shrimps with pineapple salsa...Benny supposed he could go for that. "Alright..." he said, acknowledging Henric's help. Finding the item on the buffet, he added some to the plate he had picked up. Though he'd avoid the exploding lemonade being talked about, even if he was sure Adi was pulling his other friend's leg. Tongue Tying Lemon Squish was more his style if he caught the drift of the name and it was indeed sour. So that was retrieved as well as some spicy jerked fish and carribean crab cakes along the way.
See...he was going to eat.
...at some point.
Oh look....there was the headmistress...clearly enjoying herself.
However his attention was drawn back to the bestie as the older Hufflepuff looked once more at him. So they were going to talk about it now...here? Benny took a deep breathe to think of what exactly to say."It never came up..." he said at first, trying to find the right words. "It was never that bad. Not with every little spider." At least not anymore. It was the large bulk and sheer number of the acromantulas that had really gotten him that day.