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It's not summertime without some fun body art, right?! But unlike muggle airbrush tattoos, THESE tattoos are all made with special ink that has been charmed to be water resistant - so go frolic in the pool as much as your heart desires!
How do you get one of these fun, magical body art pieces? Simply step right up to one of the magically enchanted air brush pens and request your piece from the catalog. They have all the normal designs - shooting stars, dolphins, rainbows - but of course, some magical options as well, like hippogriffs, unicorns, and mermaids. You can opt for the traditional rainbow pastel colors OR get a bit fancy with color changing ink, flashing sparkles, and moving designs that travel up and down your arm!
The possibilities are endless - just remember they only last for 48 hours after the event ends!
This was relaxation. Yes. After almost dying (again), after bumps on the road and overly exhausting exams, this was life. Almost. There was a particular person she was overly fond of that wasn't here, but it wasn't going to hold her back from relaxing and maybe even trying that fun thing.
Sitting in her self-made throne, her multi-colored eyes scanned the art area. Yup. All was in check and ready to go. She herself already sported a few tattoos. A small, sparkly butterfly just below the corner of her right eye. It made the colors in her eyes pop. BOOM. There was an animated shooting star on her left shoulder, and, because she was special and she was in charge here, Beverly got herself a dragon tattoo on her right shoulder. It was, too, animated and would make the motions of roaring.
How brilliant was that?
How brilliant was ALL of this? They truly did work their bums off to get this thing together. Hopefully it'd do the trick and brighten up spirits. Not that she cared. Much. It was whatever.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Deezerz
This was relaxation. Yes. After almost dying (again), after bumps on the road and overly exhausting exams, this was life. Almost. There was a particular person she was overly fond of that wasn't here, but it wasn't going to hold her back from relaxing and maybe even trying that fun thing.
Sitting in her self-made throne, her multi-colored eyes scanned the art area. Yup. All was in check and ready to go. She herself already sported a few tattoos. A small, sparkly butterfly just below the corner of her right eye. It made the colors in her eyes pop. BOOM. There was an animated shooting star on her left shoulder, and, because she was special and she was in charge here, Beverly got herself a dragon tattoo on her right shoulder. It was, too, animated and would make the motions of roaring.
How brilliant was that?
How brilliant was ALL of this? They truly did work their bums off to get this thing together. Hopefully it'd do the trick and brighten up spirits. Not that she cared. Much. It was whatever.
Yoongi had steered away from the water slide right away after seeing it. There was NO WAY he was getting on it. Well, maybe for some galleons he would but it had to be a lot of galleons! He had past a hut and the splash and aqua fun until he found something interesting.
Seeing the Slytherin Prefect sitting alone , Yoongi moved towards her and when he was close enough he saw that she had tattoos all over her body. "You have tattoos?!" he blurted out. "That's uhm, cool...what is this place even?" he asked , looking around at the art supplies.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Noticing Beverly manning what appeared to be a body art station, Lux decided to wander over. Nothing wrong with giving herself a temporary tattoo. Maybe she would go with having her shoulder done because that would be pretty. One day she wanted to get a real tattoo, and she would probably get it in the same spot.
With a smile, she made her way over to the Prefect. "Hey!" She didn't even need to check out her options because she already knew exactly what she wanted. "Can I get a mermaid on my right shoulder?"
Spotting one of the boys from the rescue mission, she turned her smile to him. His name was Yoongi as far as she could remember.
Yoongi had steered away from the water slide right away after seeing it. There was NO WAY he was getting on it. Well, maybe for some galleons he would but it had to be a lot of galleons! He had past a hut and the splash and aqua fun until he found something interesting.
Seeing the Slytherin Prefect sitting alone , Yoongi moved towards her and when he was close enough he saw that she had tattoos all over her body. "You have tattoos?!" he blurted out. "That's uhm, cool...what is this place even?" he asked , looking around at the art supplies.
Beverly smirked and nodded, gazing down at her right shoulder. "Pretty sick, eh?" Of course they were cool. They had worked hard to design these tattoos. Except for that real tattoo on her wrist. That one was real.
Standing from her seat, the Prefect strode over to one of the chairs and motioned the enchanted air brush pens. "This is your very own island fun art. In other words, you can get fake tattoos here." She patted the chair for him to sit. "It'll last you 48 hours."
Tempting wasn't it? Sure. Sit down, young Gryffindor.
Originally Posted by Squishy
Noticing Beverly manning what appeared to be a body art station, Lux decided to wander over. Nothing wrong with giving herself a temporary tattoo. Maybe she would go with having her shoulder done because that would be pretty. One day she wanted to get a real tattoo, and she would probably get it in the same spot.
With a smile, she made her way over to the Prefect. "Hey!" She didn't even need to check out her options because she already knew exactly what she wanted. "Can I get a mermaid on my right shoulder?"
Spotting one of the boys from the rescue mission, she turned her smile to him. His name was Yoongi as far as she could remember.
Oh, and Lux was here!
For once in a blue moon, Beverly was in a great mood, so the redhead received a smile and a wave. "Hey, Lux." The Slytherin motioned at an empty seat. "Sure. There's a catalog on the table. The air brushes are enchanted to follow your wishes." It was pretty neat. They didn't have to worry about the Prefects drawing stick figures on them.
Life saver, magic was.
"Why the mermaid?" Beverly asked, curious. Maybe it was because they were the 'in' thing or maybe it held a special meaning? Hmm.
A little birdie told her that THIS was where the SPARKLES were at. Well if birds could talk one probably would've told her that because if birds could talk then Norah would be best friends with all of them ever. Y'know what she meant, anyways. This was where the tattoos were which was where the sparkles were so obviously it was where she was too. It was practically a maths equation except less dumb and gross because who liked maths anyways. Probably only boring people, that's who, and Norah Kittredge was a whole lot of things but she sure was NOT boring.
The fourth year (ALMOST FIFTH YEAR, SO HA!) stood on her tippy toes and looked and looked and looked for anybody who could join her in this whole adventure, because sparkles and pretty things were always more exciting when there were people to share 'em with. That was kind of true for everything, actually. And after the very most dreadfully awful end of term in the entire history of the UNIVERSE (looking at YOU meanie butt spiders), she thought she deserved a little bit of extra excitement. That excitement would be extra useful too, since it was Mari's last feast thing, except she was trying really hard not to think about that part. Nope nope nope. Just thinking about the sparkles. And the people, if they ever showed up. Somebody. Anybody. Preferably of the sparkle-appreciating variety but if Zander the Prefect Guy showed up that'd be okay too. It'd be a real learning experience for him, anyways. She could see it now, Norah Kittredge: Professor of Sparkles. THAT'D BE EVEN COOLER THAN PREFECT. TAKE THAT!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
It was nice to see Beverly in a good mood. Lux wished that she could be in one too, but she knew that she wouldn't be truely happy again until she was at home and could see Bay and her family. As much as she loved her friends, she wanted out.
Nodding, she moved to sit down in the chair. Oh. So there were different mermaids to choose from. Alright then. Opening the book, she began to look through it. Too bad there probably wasn't an Ariel one she could have, because Ariel didn't exactly scream wizarding world when she was from a muggle movie.
Trying to decide what mermaid to go with, Lux smiled at the question. "I just love them. I really feel like I connect with Ariel. What kind of magical creature do you like?" She was just curious and it was nice to keep her mind occupied. She liked Beverly even if they didn't talk a lot.
A little birdie told her that THIS was where the SPARKLES were at. Well if birds could talk one probably would've told her that because if birds could talk then Norah would be best friends with all of them ever. Y'know what she meant, anyways. This was where the tattoos were which was where the sparkles were so obviously it was where she was too. It was practically a maths equation except less dumb and gross because who liked maths anyways. Probably only boring people, that's who, and Norah Kittredge was a whole lot of things but she sure was NOT boring.
The fourth year (ALMOST FIFTH YEAR, SO HA!) stood on her tippy toes and looked and looked and looked for anybody who could join her in this whole adventure, because sparkles and pretty things were always more exciting when there were people to share 'em with. That was kind of true for everything, actually. And after the very most dreadfully awful end of term in the entire history of the UNIVERSE (looking at YOU meanie butt spiders), she thought she deserved a little bit of extra excitement. That excitement would be extra useful too, since it was Mari's last feast thing, except she was trying really hard not to think about that part. Nope nope nope. Just thinking about the sparkles. And the people, if they ever showed up. Somebody. Anybody. Preferably of the sparkle-appreciating variety but if Zander the Prefect Guy showed up that'd be okay too. It'd be a real learning experience for him, anyways. She could see it now, Norah Kittredge: Professor of Sparkles. THAT'D BE EVEN COOLER THAN PREFECT. TAKE THAT!
Eden felt bittersweet tonight. Very bittersweet. She wanted the night to last forever, she wanted the night to be over. She was enjoying this...fresh idea, this cool end of term feast thing...but she found her heart was not into this. She would miss this place, her home, and she would miss the people and the professors.
Moving on was hard to do, wasn't it?
There was Beverly...Dot...Cinna. OH GOD. She had to say goodbye to everyone, didn't she? Her eyes filled with tears at the thought--Merlin, she still didn't know if she even LIKED Dot--but the thought of telling her goodbye was enough to send her into sobbing hysteria.
She needed one of these not permanent tattoos--she NEEDED ONE. Wiping her eyes on her arm, she spotted the red hair of Norah..cute little Norah....OH GOD. Eden suddenly found herself WRAPPING HER ARMS AROUND NORAH and SOBBING.
Oh Merlin.
Sorry, Norah!
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Eden felt bittersweet tonight. Very bittersweet. She wanted the night to last forever, she wanted the night to be over. She was enjoying this...fresh idea, this cool end of term feast thing...but she found her heart was not into this. She would miss this place, her home, and she would miss the people and the professors.
Moving on was hard to do, wasn't it?
There was Beverly...Dot...Cinna. OH GOD. She had to say goodbye to everyone, didn't she? Her eyes filled with tears at the thought--Merlin, she still didn't know if she even LIKED Dot--but the thought of telling her goodbye was enough to send her into sobbing hysteria.
She needed one of these not permanent tattoos--she NEEDED ONE. Wiping her eyes on her arm, she spotted the red hair of Norah..cute little Norah....OH GOD. Eden suddenly found herself WRAPPING HER ARMS AROUND NORAH and SOBBING.
Oh Merlin.
Sorry, Norah!
It took Norah even less time than usual to get distracted. That was really saying something, considering distraction was practically her middle name. The whole thing wasn't her fault this time (not that it ever WAS. The universe being interesting was completely out of her hands, okay?) because somebody was crying and that required 300% of her attention. CRYING. Honest-to-merlin crying was a very big deal, in case you didn't know.
She turned quickly to see who was in need of cuddles and glitter and happy things, but was enveloped in a hug before she could find the mystery person. Wrapping her arms around whoever it was, she gave them a big squish and some soft pats on the back. Damage control time, AW YEAH. Not that the damage part was good or anything, but what came after was usually fun and involved smiley things. Usually. But they didn't need to talk about those other times. "It's A-OKAY because we can write each other every day and learn entire life stories and be best friends forever and ever because I love you and you're the best and are probably a hundred million times cooler than me so everything is going to be so good because I bet you're a super duper beautiful human being so lots of wonderful things are going to happen to you." With that, she gave the mystery person one last squish before stepping back to make sure they weren't actually somebody mean. Or a spider, 'cause you really never knew anymore. Ew.
"EDEN!" That speech was a very good idea, people. "IT'S ALL TRUE A HUNDRED PERCENT, I PINKY SWEAR." Norah lowered her voice in case Eden was the type who thought 15 year olds weren't supposed to shout (you could never tell), and grabbed the older girl's hand and gave it a big squish too. She held on tight and half-dragged her towards one of the airbrush thingy mabobs. "D'ya wanna try this? I hear there are sparkles available." She beamed at Eden. SPARKLES. THAT'S RIGHT. Or did she want more hugs? The Hufflepuff did those too, uh huh.
It took Norah even less time than usual to get distracted. That was really saying something, considering distraction was practically her middle name. The whole thing wasn't her fault this time (not that it ever WAS. The universe being interesting was completely out of her hands, okay?) because somebody was crying and that required 300% of her attention. CRYING. Honest-to-merlin crying was a very big deal, in case you didn't know.
She turned quickly to see who was in need of cuddles and glitter and happy things, but was enveloped in a hug before she could find the mystery person. Wrapping her arms around whoever it was, she gave them a big squish and some soft pats on the back. Damage control time, AW YEAH. Not that the damage part was good or anything, but what came after was usually fun and involved smiley things. Usually. But they didn't need to talk about those other times. "It's A-OKAY because we can write each other every day and learn entire life stories and be best friends forever and ever because I love you and you're the best and are probably a hundred million times cooler than me so everything is going to be so good because I bet you're a super duper beautiful human being so lots of wonderful things are going to happen to you." With that, she gave the mystery person one last squish before stepping back to make sure they weren't actually somebody mean. Or a spider, 'cause you really never knew anymore. Ew.
"EDEN!" That speech was a very good idea, people. "IT'S ALL TRUE A HUNDRED PERCENT, I PINKY SWEAR." Norah lowered her voice in case Eden was the type who thought 15 year olds weren't supposed to shout (you could never tell), and grabbed the older girl's hand and gave it a big squish too. She held on tight and half-dragged her towards one of the airbrush thingy mabobs. "D'ya wanna try this? I hear there are sparkles available." She beamed at Eden. SPARKLES. THAT'S RIGHT. Or did she want more hugs? The Hufflepuff did those too, uh huh.
Eden didn't even notice that Norah WASN'T SURE WHO SHE WAS. She just took in the nice speech and siiiiighed and wiped her eyes and wejfghuehrgugh. It all touched her, it did. She was clinging to the poor girl.
"I'm n-n-not cooler than you are, Norah--promise--" she said, and she had to give a smaaaaaall chuckle at the mention of...sparkles...Eden was normally not into sparkles if Phoenix wasn't involved, but right now...she thought she needed some sparkles. "I have no idea what to get--" hmm. She hugged Norah ONE last time and sighed.
She picked up an airbrush and smiled and sniffled and ugh. She was a ball of emotions right now...a ball or EMOTIONS that could roll off at ANY point. Oh, Hogwarts....OH HOGWARTS. "Maybe I'll get a snake somewhere." She smirked for reasons...and thought a SPARKLY snake would be heccccccckka cool. "A...silvery sparkly snake, maybe. That moves. Oh. That sounds cool--wicked cool--" HECKA COOL.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
It was nice to see Beverly in a good mood. Lux wished that she could be in one too, but she knew that she wouldn't be truely happy again until she was at home and could see Bay and her family. As much as she loved her friends, she wanted out.
Nodding, she moved to sit down in the chair. Oh. So there were different mermaids to choose from. Alright then. Opening the book, she began to look through it. Too bad there probably wasn't an Ariel one she could have, because Ariel didn't exactly scream wizarding world when she was from a muggle movie.
Trying to decide what mermaid to go with, Lux smiled at the question. "I just love them. I really feel like I connect with Ariel. What kind of magical creature do you like?" She was just curious and it was nice to keep her mind occupied. She liked Beverly even if they didn't talk a lot.
Beverly perched herself on the edge of the table as Lux looked through the catalog. Weird. She actually liked Lux. It was even weirder that Beverly remembered how tiny she was when they first met. Why was she suddenly reminiscing?
It's not like she was going to miss Hogwarts. Hell. She was ready to step out and never look back. The people though (some of them), she'd miss. Oh bugger. She was actually going to miss people. BLAH.
"Ariel. Isn't she some muggle princess?" She vaguely remembered said Ariel from that brainwashing fairytale book from years ago. The memory sent goosebumps along her arms. Rubbing the goosebumps away, Beverly tilted her right shoulder in Lux's direction, showing off her animated temporary dragon tattoo. "I love dragons." Not like. Love. "They're such wild spirits."
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
He was gonna turn into a kid again with all this excitement but MAN, how great was this? He was old enough to get proper tattoos but this would be the PERFECT way of seeing what kinda tattoo would suit him. Uh huh! Experiment and all that. The last thing he wanted was to get a bad permanent tattoo, which meant that he needed someone he trusted to do his tatt. If it was someone he didn't like, the guy wouldn't hesitate in throwing a typical Slytherin male strop.
So, Grayson strutted over in that direction, flashing his shirtless self as much as possible. This was a chance to show off, after all. Couldn't miss that opportunity, could he? But the tatts? He eyed the catalogue and the various designs, raising an eyebrow at some of the more sparkly designs. Those would be perfect for Phe.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Nothing screamed end of term celebrating like some good old fashioned body art! And nothing screamed Meredith Moxley like a sparkly, water resistant palm tree. Seriously, the brunette was feeling quite tropical today. She was also feeling very alive. See you never, acromantulas.
Heading over to the island art area, the muggle studies professor put her hands on her hips and checked out who all was around. "Hello, lovely students! How are we today?" Probably better than they'd been when they were under attack, that was for sure. "Whaaaat's everyone going to get?"
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Deezerz
Beverly perched herself on the edge of the table as Lux looked through the catalog. Weird. She actually liked Lux. It was even weirder that Beverly remembered how tiny she was when they first met. Why was she suddenly reminiscing?
It's not like she was going to miss Hogwarts. Hell. She was ready to step out and never look back. The people though (some of them), she'd miss. Oh bugger. She was actually going to miss people. BLAH.
"Ariel. Isn't she some muggle princess?" She vaguely remembered said Ariel from that brainwashing fairytale book from years ago. The memory sent goosebumps along her arms. Rubbing the goosebumps away, Beverly tilted her right shoulder in Lux's direction, showing off her animated temporary dragon tattoo. "I love dragons." Not like. Love. "They're such wild spirits."
Design chosen, Lux let the air brush do its thing. It actually tickled a little, though she had the feeling that real tattoos didn't while being applied. Those probably hurt, and she was scared of that fact.
Oh well, she was talking to Beverly! Lux knew that she was graduating this term and wondered if she was sad to go or excited. She herself was glad to go though she would miss her friends who would be coming back next term. She was supposed to be there with them, but then Acromantulas happened and that was life. She didn't want to think of them ever again, so she needed to stay focused on happier things before she started crying.
"Yes, she is! She's a mermaid! I was apparently brainwashed to be her back in Fourth Year." She couldn't remember what had happened, but people had told her about it after the fact, and she had come back to reality during a Arithmancy lesson. That hadn't been fun to say the least. AND DRAGONS!! "Wow, that's so cool! I love dragons too! It would be so cool to own one, but of course it's too dangerous." Pout.
Eden didn't even notice that Norah WASN'T SURE WHO SHE WAS. She just took in the nice speech and siiiiighed and wiped her eyes and wejfghuehrgugh. It all touched her, it did. She was clinging to the poor girl.
"I'm n-n-not cooler than you are, Norah--promise--" she said, and she had to give a smaaaaaall chuckle at the mention of...sparkles...Eden was normally not into sparkles if Phoenix wasn't involved, but right now...she thought she needed some sparkles. "I have no idea what to get--" hmm. She hugged Norah ONE last time and sighed.
She picked up an airbrush and smiled and sniffled and ugh. She was a ball of emotions right now...a ball or EMOTIONS that could roll off at ANY point. Oh, Hogwarts....OH HOGWARTS. "Maybe I'll get a snake somewhere." She smirked for reasons...and thought a SPARKLY snake would be heccccccckka cool. "A...silvery sparkly snake, maybe. That moves. Oh. That sounds cool--wicked cool--" HECKA COOL.
Norah beamed at Eden while shaking her head so a few curls hit her nose. Heh. "You're definitely cooler. Trust me, I know these things." She could just TELL these things, okay? It was like a fifth sense. Wait. Sixth sense. She gave the older girl one last little pat before turning to pick up her own airbrush tattoo maker thing.
"Ooooh, a snake sounds super duper awesome." Maybe not quite awesometastical because badgers for the WIN, but definitely super duper awesome. "'Specially if it has sparkles 'cause those make everything extra cool, if you ask me." They just looked so fabulous, alright? It was like all the good things in the whole entire world in one little gleamy thing. And another and another and another 'till there was a whole sea of gleamy things and happy things and so so many good things. That type of thing was extra important for people at the ripe old age of fifteen. Norah had learned that first hand. What were they talking about again? Right. SNAKES. "I think you should go for it!" There was some enthusiastic head nodding happening too, just in case Eden wasn't sure 'cause this Puffer was SURE.
She eyed the books of designs for a moment before turning back to the older girl. Who needed books when they had IMAGINATIONS! Right? Riiiiiight? "Maybe I'll get a sparkly rainbow. Ooh! Or a camel 'cause I really like those. OR a kitten. OOOOR a kitten riding a camel. OOH OOH! A rainbow kitten riding a camel. Plus sparkles." She looked closely at her forearm, then cracked a grin at Eden. "Or maybe not."
Mentions of Moxley and anyone else, come play with us.
❅ Purple Lightsaber ❅| | Captain Sarcastic |
Of course this would have to be the first place that Cinna headed too. The Tattoos, even though she had a real one already and was planning on getting another one over summer.
It would be pretty fun to get something commemorating another year at Hogwarts that she survived now the big question was what was she going to get? The soon to be seventh year ( ) spotted the Muggle Studies Professor. Giving Moxley a grin she replied . "Better." That was about it though better, not good, not great, not okay. Just better. At least she wasn't in a giant web anymore. Looking at the design templates. Which still wasn't helping her choose what she wanted. "I don't know, Professor Moxley. What are you getting?" Maybe they could get matching tattoos, or would that he too weird. Ehmm nothing like professor/student bonding time getting inked. Again THIS was Hogwarts.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by Saraie
Of course this would have to be the first place that Cinna headed too. The Tattoos, even though she had a real one already and was planning on getting another one over summer.
It would be pretty fun to get something commemorating another year at Hogwarts that she survived now the big question was what was she going to get? The soon to be seventh year ( ) spotted the Muggle Studies Professor. Giving Moxley a grin she replied . "Better." That was about it though better, not good, not great, not okay. Just better. At least she wasn't in a giant web anymore. Looking at the design templates. Which still wasn't helping her choose what she wanted. "I don't know, Professor Moxley. What are you getting?" Maybe they could get matching tattoos, or would that he too weird. Ehmm nothing like professor/student bonding time getting inked. Again THIS was Hogwarts.
At the sight of Cinnamon, the Muggle Studies professor gave a good old Moxley smile and headed over to the sixth year. It was good to see her, truly! "We're all thankful for your safe return, Ms. Bayless!" Moxley cupped her good naturedly on the shoulder and gave a light squeeze before letting go. She'd have picked the Gryffindor up and spun her around, if she thought it wouldn't further scar the poor kid. Probably a bit jumpy after being accosted by acromantulas and all. Who could blame her?
"You know, I was thinking something tropical! Perhaps a palm tree? Or oh! What about a pineapple? I do so love pineapples!"
Norah beamed at Eden while shaking her head so a few curls hit her nose. Heh. "You're definitely cooler. Trust me, I know these things." She could just TELL these things, okay? It was like a fifth sense. Wait. Sixth sense. She gave the older girl one last little pat before turning to pick up her own airbrush tattoo maker thing.
"Ooooh, a snake sounds super duper awesome." Maybe not quite awesometastical because badgers for the WIN, but definitely super duper awesome. "'Specially if it has sparkles 'cause those make everything extra cool, if you ask me." They just looked so fabulous, alright? It was like all the good things in the whole entire world in one little gleamy thing. And another and another and another 'till there was a whole sea of gleamy things and happy things and so so many good things. That type of thing was extra important for people at the ripe old age of fifteen. Norah had learned that first hand. What were they talking about again? Right. SNAKES. "I think you should go for it!" There was some enthusiastic head nodding happening too, just in case Eden wasn't sure 'cause this Puffer was SURE.
She eyed the books of designs for a moment before turning back to the older girl. Who needed books when they had IMAGINATIONS! Right? Riiiiiight? "Maybe I'll get a sparkly rainbow. Ooh! Or a camel 'cause I really like those. OR a kitten. OOOOR a kitten riding a camel. OOH OOH! A rainbow kitten riding a camel. Plus sparkles." She looked closely at her forearm, then cracked a grin at Eden. "Or maybe not."
"We can be...tied on the cool scale." She nodded and began to wonder..what life would be like once she left. Sigh. She was taking this a lot harder than she originally thought she would...
Eden just smiled softly at her. "I...love snakes...and usually I don't do sparkles, but today...eh, why not?" snakes were here thing, sparkles were Phe's. A sparkly snake seemed like a cool juxtaposition between the two of them...honestly, when she saw Phe...he'd love it and think it was the coolest thing ever. Phoenix Toros made Eden feel like the coolest ever...maybe Norah was right, heh.
Listening to the Puffer chatter on, Eden grabbed one of the tattoo pens, opening the catalogue and...squinting her eyes. "Do we just..do we just say what we want?" she asked. "And uh--a rainbow cat? Riding a CAMEL?" ehehehe. "That sounds adventurous, Norah.....I SAY GO FOR IT!" she giggled and poked the pen a few times. HOW DO WORK THIS WORK?
Her face brightened curiously when she spotted Professor Moxley striding into the area. "Professor!" she called out to get her attention. "Do you know how to work these things? What are you getting?" she felt like...she had to talk to her professors before she left for good...ugh.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
"We can be...tied on the cool scale." She nodded and began to wonder..what life would be like once she left. Sigh. She was taking this a lot harder than she originally thought she would...
Eden just smiled softly at her. "I...love snakes...and usually I don't do sparkles, but today...eh, why not?" snakes were here thing, sparkles were Phe's. A sparkly snake seemed like a cool juxtaposition between the two of them...honestly, when she saw Phe...he'd love it and think it was the coolest thing ever. Phoenix Toros made Eden feel like the coolest ever...maybe Norah was right, heh.
Listening to the Puffer chatter on, Eden grabbed one of the tattoo pens, opening the catalogue and...squinting her eyes. "Do we just..do we just say what we want?" she asked. "And uh--a rainbow cat? Riding a CAMEL?" ehehehe. "That sounds adventurous, Norah.....I SAY GO FOR IT!" she giggled and poked the pen a few times. HOW DO WORK THIS WORK?
Her face brightened curiously when she spotted Professor Moxley striding into the area. "Professor!" she called out to get her attention. "Do you know how to work these things? What are you getting?" she felt like...she had to talk to her professors before she left for good...ugh.
Tied on the cool scale totally worked. Eden really didn't look too happy about it though so Norah kept thinking Eden was extra cool deep down in her super secret thoughts 'cause they were all hers and she could admire people all she wanted in there. Maybe Eden could FEEEL it though. And then maybe she wouldn't look so much like she'd been banned from eating chocolate ever again. She looked very nice that way too but it probably didn't FEEEEL too fabulous so change would probably be a good thing.
"I loooove the way the slither. And then all their skin comes off and its like they get a whole new wardrobe and I wonder if it's exciting for them as getting new shoes is for me 'cause that'd be really cool. I wish I could ask one. Animals were an important topi of conversation, alright? And since Eden was all grown up maybe she'd know all the answers Norah was looking for. Maybe she was a snake EXPERT. It made sense, considering she was a Ravenclaw and they knew everything, but the 15 year old knew she wasn't supposed to stereotype like that so she didn't mention it. She did mention SPARKLES though, 'cause those were totally relevant. "I think you could use lots and lots of 'em." They were the number one cure for sad faces, after all. Well, maybe number two after hugs and cuddly things because those were the very best.
She moved over to squint at the catalogue too. "I don't really know. Maybe if we ask extra nicely. Or something." Her eyes lit up. "I like adventures! That was probably the understatement of the century but the fourth year couldn't elaborate on the joys of adventures when there was very important business called SPARKLY TATTOOS to be dealing with. "Maybe I'll just get a rainbow and some sparklies this time and theeeeen I can come back AGAIN and get a cat or a camel. Y'know, so everybody gets a turn." She couldn't just deprive people of the JOY that was happening over here.
"Oooh, Professor Moxley knows everything!" GOOD IDEA, EDEN.
Naturally, once Toby found himself without anyone for company, he found himself instantly drawn to the most colourful area of the lot. The arrrttttt thingyyyyy. He'd seen a few other kids wandering around with cool body art that didn't seem to wash away in the water, and Toby figured they couldn't be real tattoos, and so THIS must be where they were getting them from.
Messing up his wet hair and wringing out his sopping wet school tie, Toby headed in that direction now. He was fully intending on COVERING himself with all the cool pretty art, in all the different colours. Was there glitter? He wanted glitter too.
First, he found himself distracted by one of the catalogues, and began flipping through it to look at all the different and colourful and awesome options. Oooh, these were so cool. He wanted them ALL. Honestly, how did people with tattoos decide this stuff? Oh... and he was still wearing his sunglasses. He pushed them up onto his head and saw the designs properly. MORE colours. Toby kinda just wanted to stay here and stare at these all day. So pretty. Didn't need to be an artist to appreciate them.
... This was sort of relaxing, actually. Not that Toby was as bouncy as usual and needed to relax. But it was nice to come over here and shut his brain off and avoid having to confront those conflicted graduation feelings. Yep. Just gonna stand here and look at the pretties and decided on a thing.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Having spoken to Kate, Marsha was now looking to find the place where everyone were gettting SPARKLY tattoos. ‘Cause who didn’t like them? But no, seriously where were they coming from. She wanted oneeee. As she moved into one part of the grounds though, she was finding more and more people with them, which was a good sign… right? She thought so and figured if she didn’t find it in the next five or so minutes she would just *gasp* ASK.
However, it was with a BEAMING grin that she found the tattoo place. AND GABE! Wheee. But there was a queue too. Oh well, she stood in the line behind the tall Gryffindor. Oh, she had seen her around but she couldn’t remember her name… she thought it was a spice? Coriander? Cinnamon? Cinna! That was it. Yupyup. And Professor Moxley too. They both got a small smile as she waited for her turn to get a tattoo.
Hmm… what to get - and where was Lance… he’d love one of these. Yes, yes he would.
Design chosen, Lux let the air brush do its thing. It actually tickled a little, though she had the feeling that real tattoos didn't while being applied. Those probably hurt, and she was scared of that fact.
Oh well, she was talking to Beverly! Lux knew that she was graduating this term and wondered if she was sad to go or excited. She herself was glad to go though she would miss her friends who would be coming back next term. She was supposed to be there with them, but then Acromantulas happened and that was life. She didn't want to think of them ever again, so she needed to stay focused on happier things before she started crying.
"Yes, she is! She's a mermaid! I was apparently brainwashed to be her back in Fourth Year." She couldn't remember what had happened, but people had told her about it after the fact, and she had come back to reality during a Arithmancy lesson. That hadn't been fun to say the least. AND DRAGONS!! "Wow, that's so cool! I love dragons too! It would be so cool to own one, but of course it's too dangerous." Pout.
Beverly observed as the airbrush did its thing on Lux. Maybe Bev would get another one. Was this what people meant by tattoos being addictive? Meh.
So Ariel was a mermaid as she had thought. "I remember bits of that." Beverly's forehead creased in thought. "I was brainwashed as Belle. Worst thing ever." Because apparently she gave hugs and in the process had hurt Jeremiah. What a terrible time. It was in the past, though. Where it belonged.
Beverly smiled down at her dragon tattoo, then at Lux. "I am going to own one, one day," she assured. Things were already planned out. "I'm going to work my way up to become a dragonologist," she shared. She was SO ready for that.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Tattoos. That was definitely going to be Janelle's first stop. Ever since Jasmine had gotten inked, Janelle had been dying to get a tattoo. Since that wouldn't be happening anytime soon, the temporary kind would have to do. Stepping up to the catalog, Janelle browsed through it. Surely she could get some inspiration from the many options inside of it.
Oh but there were too many choices to make a quick decision. After giving it waaaay too much thought, she came to a conclusion. She wanted a mini-dragon, just like her friend from Care of Magical Creatures, Sparky. It looked like the person in charge was Beverly Wayne so Janelle headed over toward her and waited her turn.
Janelle was suddenly struck by the realization that Beverly would be graduating and that made her sad. She liked the older girl and had really enjoyed working with her in class. As she looked around more, Janelle saw another soon to be graduate. Her housemate Eden would be leaving too. Now she was totally bummed. Janelle didn't really relate to goodbyes, but she would have to acknowledge the fact that these two awesome girls were leaving. So she thought about how to say goodbye, without saying goodbye. That would be a challenge
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Naturally, once Toby found himself without anyone for company, he found himself instantly drawn to the most colourful area of the lot. The arrrttttt thingyyyyy. He'd seen a few other kids wandering around with cool body art that didn't seem to wash away in the water, and Toby figured they couldn't be real tattoos, and so THIS must be where they were getting them from.
Messing up his wet hair and wringing out his sopping wet school tie, Toby headed in that direction now. He was fully intending on COVERING himself with all the cool pretty art, in all the different colours. Was there glitter? He wanted glitter too.
First, he found himself distracted by one of the catalogues, and began flipping through it to look at all the different and colourful and awesome options. Oooh, these were so cool. He wanted them ALL. Honestly, how did people with tattoos decide this stuff? Oh... and he was still wearing his sunglasses. He pushed them up onto his head and saw the designs properly. MORE colours. Toby kinda just wanted to stay here and stare at these all day. So pretty. Didn't need to be an artist to appreciate them.
... This was sort of relaxing, actually. Not that Toby was as bouncy as usual and needed to relax. But it was nice to come over here and shut his brain off and avoid having to confront those conflicted graduation feelings. Yep. Just gonna stand here and look at the pretties and decided on a thing.
So, he wasn't really a tattoo man himself. He did still want to borrow Norah's glitter paints, but he wasn't particularly interested in using them on himself. There was a difference, and here was where his stiff collar came up.
No, his reason for visiting the booth was quite different. It involved picking out a certain, graduating student. One he didn't really want to address at this point in time, but which he couldn't really avoid. One of those little conundrums. A requirement of station, and he supposed, of relation.
Finally making his way through the milling students, Sabel stopped short behind the seventh-year, hesitating before clearing his throat. "Fuller-Thompson. Got a moment for a quick word?"
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
So, he wasn't really a tattoo man himself. He did still want to borrow Norah's glitter paints, but he wasn't particularly interested in using them on himself. There was a difference, and here was where his stiff collar came up.
No, his reason for visiting the booth was quite different. It involved picking out a certain, graduating student. One he didn't really want to address at this point in time, but which he couldn't really avoid. One of those little conundrums. A requirement of station, and he supposed, of relation.
Finally making his way through the milling students, Sabel stopped short behind the seventh-year, hesitating before clearing his throat. "Fuller-Thompson. Got a moment for a quick word?"
For a few moments now, Toby had taken to tracing the outline of a cool rainbow design that had caught his eye. It really was super pretty, with all those colours, and he was already getting ideas about getting a ton of colourful paints and redecorating his bedroom in a rainbow. He could do that now if he wanted, as a proper adult and everything. Kind of. Sort of. Maybe.
But he wasn't yet distracted enough to miss his name being spoken from nearby, by a familiar voice, too. Toby paused in what he was doing for a moment, then reached up to put his sunglasses on properly and turned to look at Dakest.
"Uh-huh," he said, with a nod and a smile, like he wasn't totally thinking about the whole spider inferno thing. "Sure. What's up sir?" Hopefully something he wanted to hear this time.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!