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Art was stooped over his walking stick. It was all that was holding him up. He'd thought this would have been fun, a good idea, something to get a laugh, but he was regretting it now. The walking stick was shaking under his tremour. Even dear Madame Curie was looking at him, her little nose sniffing about in concern. He slowly, slowly pulled out his chair, walked around it, and sat down. It took him about two minutes to be able to lift up high enough to place his backside on the chair, but there it was. And hopefully he wouldn't have to move it this lesson. It would take a few hours for the potion to wear off.
The door was already open, and the ingredients were lined up under a charmed piece of cloth. Mostly so that he could be sure nobody had tampered with them, but also to keep the ingredients a secret. At least for now. He was starting to think about how he would manage to reach across the desk to lift the cloths... how would he manage that? Well, a class of students, he was sure he could ask one of them to lift it up for him.
Prepare all ingredients as listed in the ingredients list, weighing and measuring each carefully.
Slowly heat the red wine and prune juice and begin stirring clockwise until you can just see bubbles starting to form. (The mixture will be dark purple/brown)
Immediately add the Hairy Fungus and continue to stir clockwise for ten minutes. (The mixture will slowly fade to a lighter purple/brown)
Continuing to stir clockwise, add the tortoise shell. (The mixture will be a creamy color)
After eight minutes, remove the cauldron from the heat and add the caterpillar and bat tongue, making sure to continue to stir the solution in a clockwise motion for five minutes, until it changes to a creamy green colour.
As the potion cools, it will turn emerald green. Once it is completely cooled (about fifteen to twenty minutes), you may cease dispense the potion into appropriate vials for storage.
Characteristics: Emerald Green Level: Advanced Information: The effects are dosage based; the more ingested, the older one will age
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Now that Azura had all of her ingredients together and her work station was exactly how she wanted it to be.. Mortar and Pestle were next to the burner, her wand was sitting at the top of the workstation, away from anything she could knock over. Knives were arranged neatly.. She was ready!
She took her cauldron and then gently grabbed her wand, and then moved it in an S pattern and said "Scourgify." She had never used the spell before, but she was carefully concentrating on it and had practiced the pronunciation in her head a few times.. and thankfully. The spell worked perfectly. Her cauldron was clean!
That done, and her Cauldron and wand were places carefully back on the table, it was time to prepare the ingredients for the potion, just like the Professor had said to do! She wasn't going to start with mashing the Hairy Fungus though, that looked easy. She was going to start with the Tortise shell, because that was going to take some time and then she could mash the easier stuff, when she got tired!
So she poured the shards of tortoise shell into her mortar and picked up her pestle and got to mashing.. Ack!! Pieces of Shell were flying everywhere and so she stopped what she was doing, gathered the wayward shells that had flown out scooped them carefully back into the mortar and started to mash them again! Carefully this time!!
Azura put her pestle down, carefully put her hair up into a bun and then started to mash the shells again.. She carefully moved her pestle around and around the mortar.. panting softly as she ground the shell into powder.. Her arm was tired.. but after a few minutes.. she had a powder..
A contented smile crossed her face as she carefully poured the powder back into a bowl, and then after Scourgifying her mortar and pestle, she dumped the Hairy Fungus into it and started mashing.. This was much easier and her arm was grateful for the respite!
Once she had gotten that into a nice mashed consistency.. She set that aside and took her knife..
She carefully (and possibly with a bit of a gag) Took the bat tongue and set it on her work space, she carefully cut it in half longways.. and then put the halves together and diced them.
She put them aside, and then started to slice the Caterpillars nice and thin..
She cleaned off her knife when she was done and sat back with a nod..
There! Her ingredient were ready! Now it was time to start brewing.
Oh, the sarcasm in Mossy's voice when she uttered the word friend was more obvious than day in the Sahara. But, just the fact she got sarcasm out of Moss was a feat in itself.
And then, Mossy was asking her if she wanted to partner up so Katherine could help her...and once Hadley was able to shake the dumbfounded look on her face, she beamed. Maybe, just maybe, that hadn't been sarcasm earlier? "Uh, yeah. I'd be thrilled to have you keep an eye, so I don't screw up my potions. Thanks, Mossy." A small, genuinely appreciative smile spread on Hadley's face. She looked Katherine Moss up and down once, as if this new side to her was a touching sight.
It was.
"I'm not going to let you do any of it for me though. I need the practice, but you correcting me and giving pointers will very helpful." She still had that smile as she collected her mortar and pestle, her scales, and the hairy fungus.
This, people, is what you call PROGRESS!
The smile faltered a little as soon as she started to measure out 2 grams of the fungus.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
"Thank you Miss Meadows," Art said to the young student who had helped reveal the ingredients. He gave her a little clap of appreciation.
Art watched as one Miss Kettleburn approached him. He leaned in slightly, to offer his ear. It seemed she had a question... but GREAT SCOTT he was not expecting THAT. His eyes widened and he inhaled with shock, which started a fit of coughing. He had been able to point his face away from his student, avoiding the coughing on her face. Nobody liked that. He coughed, coughed, coughed into his hand, trying to get his bearings.
Yes, it appeared so.
He took a few big gulps of water, his hand shaking as he did so. He cleared his throat, and wondered if he might be able to just... poof away? No? He sighed and looked at the young lady. "My dear young lady, th-there... er... there's no-no need to want to m-mature so quickly." He didn't want to answer that question, not one BIT. HOW would he answer it?! Even if his own DAUGHTER had asked him that question he'd not have known what to reply.
"Beard whipping?" Art asked Miss Fairfield, intrigued. What was this? Some form of... of punishment? Or some new fad the children were doing these days? Well, not children if it involved bears, surely? He nodded with a smile "Perhaps we can, indeed." He watched her delight as she cast her scouring charm, and gave her a little clap. Well done!
As she showed him the hairy fungus mash, he nodded "It looks perfect," he noted. But um... now she needed help with the tortoise shell... he sighed and got down from his chair. He knew this was bound to happen. With his walking stick in hand, he took very slow, careful steps over to her. His stick shaking slightly as he put his weight on it, his feet doing an elderly shuffle. He propped the stick against a nearby chair and managed to take the pestle and give the tortoise shell a big whack, breaking it into shards. "S-see if that makes it ab-a bit easier."
Art was touched that his students were concerned for his well being. He offered Miss Lynch a smile and a warm "Thank you," before she went off to find a seat near the front. He knew that she would have no problem brewing the potion.
Back at the desk, Art looked over to the source of the word 'Professor'. His eyes fell upon the young lad who had asked a fantastic question, that brought a grin to Art's face. "Good question Mr Fletcher! The red wine is a-a bit of a preservative, so it lasts... ohh ab-about 5 or 6 months."
A hand was in the air, and Art looked towards Miss Guidry who asked about whether the potion slowed the movement down. He chuckled and nodded. "It certainly does. It took me three times as-as long to sit down before lesson." He chuckled again. It wasn't something he was looking forward to, this getting old thing. At least not for his body.
Although Art completely understood the desire to work solo, as he usually did, he was very happy to see Miss Kim and Miss Duchannes working so well together. Team work was an important skill! And was that Miss Denaker and Miss Moss teaming up over there?
"Goggles! Good thinking Miss Umbridge," Art said to the young Gryffindor, who had been thinking of SAFETY!
Another hand in the air got Art's attention, and he looked to see Mr Meriwether waving about with a question. He grinned! "You certainly can if-if you'd like to!" As tired as his old bones were, it was quite the experience.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
With her cauldron clean and heating slowly, Mason decided that it was time to start preparing her ingredients (which also needed to be prefect).
Her eyes scanned over the ingredients, searching for the hardest first. She wasn't going to do the cutting-junk-up first, cause pfftt, too easy. Mmmm, she needed the thing that would take the most time, something that she needed to get out of he way first. "Bingo." She whispered when she say the whole tortoise-shell. She had been lucky the previous time, since her dad had been smart enough to send her pre-smashed shell. . . and if she wasn't mistaken, didn't Newton Sneaky old man. . .
A grin spread over her face when the idea sprang into her head. Instead of being a peasant and smashing it with the pestle, she was gonna take the easier (and way more fun) route. Merlin, she was a genius. Why didn't people appreciate her intellect more often?
She bent and scooped the discarded book-bag up again, before she took it by the end and dumped all of her books unceremoniously onto the already cluttered table. She held the bag in one hand and dug her wand out from underneath the scarred papers and books. She pulled it out from beneath the junk and pointed it at the bag, before casting "Scourgify!" and making the S-motion. The bag needed to be clean, since duh. . . ew.
Mason placed the wand back on the (messy) table and took the shell, "Adios, shell-ios!" and in you go. She fasted the claps of her bag, making sure that there was no way for any of the pieces to escape, before throwing it back onto the floor. And now for the grand show, jumping onto her bag repeatedly like some animal would.
The shell made a disgusting-crunch sound when her feet made contact with the bag, shards crumbling under her weight. Mwahahaha, this was so much easier even if she did look like an idiot.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Art was still smiling at the lively young lady when she announced that she would need help. “We can def-definitely partner you up with someone,” he said.
For one practically near death, this Professor was managing to win smol blonde over with his smeysing and lovely understanding. Good then!
"Thanks for not being lame about my lack of "know how", Professor." AWW! And he'd even said he'd find her someone to work with! YES! Liv decided she liked this man very much, considering she had finally made the decision to actually put effort forth. It was.....
Originally Posted by Hey Ju
Matt grinned at the professor when he greeted him AND ALSO decided to not correct the old man. ....Nah. "Solo." He said, widening his grin. Mr SOLO, yas.
And huh wut. His housemate was sidehugging him and beaming and spreading glitter all over Matt. She also got a GRIN from him because she was cool. Gryffindors were always cool and she was happy and loud and MATT WAS ALSO HAPPY AND LOUD, SO YEAH, COOL. Friends already even though they never talked much.
Matt didn't guess what the Potion they'd be brewing might be because he honestly had NO CLUE and he didn't feel like guessing. Too much work, y'know. But mostly everyone seemed to be thinking that was an Aging Potion and they were aaaall correct. Look at them brainy people over theeereeee.
The boy blinked as the professor went ooon about how he had taking the potion himself that morning. Yep, they could tell. Haha.
Matt pretended to be OUTRAAAAGED by the fact his Gryffindor buddy said she needed a partner when he was sitting RIHGT NEXT TO HER. "OI! I'm older than you, y'know. I can TOTALLY help." Not. But lol, that would be SO FUN. He shot his hand UP IN THE AIR. "But professor Newt, can we drink the Potion if we want to?" Because MATT WANTED TO. Yas. FUN!!
Seeee, all they needed was to follow the instructions on the board. Matt needed NO HELP. And he would DRINK HIS POTION TOO. #livingontheedge
First things first! That bit Matt didn't eve need to be told, alright.
"Scougify!" Tadah!
Matty Solo, oh no you did not. AGE WAS BUT A NUMBER, after all! Hadn't anyone bothered to inform this poor, unfortunate soul?! Mmmmhmmmm.....the real question here was did he know his stuff?! Could he be helpful to her in her learning quest?! Bruh, Olivia didn't want to be shipped off to a reform school. So, her grades needed to start improving pronto mohanto. Because, you know, SHE'D HEARD HORROR STORIES ABOUT THE FOOD AT THOSE TYPES OF SCHOOLS. The blonde refused to live that way. She did NOT need that sort of negativity in her life.
"I know it's basically reading instructions." No, Olivia couldn't read his mind....but that was probably what he was thinking, right?! 'What's so hard about following a set list of instructions?' Crusty Bananas, she'd heard these questions before. "I just.....er, get distracted in the process. Bad things....happen to the cauldrons in my life." R.I.P. at least ten cauldrons: may you be treated with more finesse than we were capable of. "I get bored." It was true. She did.
Right. So, she was just going to......er, copy him, then. Scouring her cauldron first with magic, because the cleaning spell was one of the ones she actually knew well, Liv peered up at her "partner". "This isn't the part I have trouble with." It was the tedious, meticulous stuff that got her in a sitch!
"Wanna start getting our ingredients ready together?" Hmmmm?!?!? SHE WANTED TO BE SUCCESSFUL TODAY. Eyes on the prize!
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Oh, the sarcasm in Mossy's voice when she uttered the word friend was more obvious than day in the Sahara. But, just the fact she got sarcasm out of Moss was a feat in itself.
And then, Mossy was asking her if she wanted to partner up so Katherine could help her...and once Hadley was able to shake the dumbfounded look on her face, she beamed. Maybe, just maybe, that hadn't been sarcasm earlier? "Uh, yeah. I'd be thrilled to have you keep an eye, so I don't screw up my potions. Thanks, Mossy." A small, genuinely appreciative smile spread on Hadley's face. She looked Katherine Moss up and down once, as if this new side to her was a touching sight.
It was.
"I'm not going to let you do any of it for me though. I need the practice, but you correcting me and giving pointers will very helpful." She still had that smile as she collected her mortar and pestle, her scales, and the hairy fungus.
This, people, is what you call PROGRESS!
The smile faltered a little as soon as she started to measure out 2 grams of the fungus.
Katherine SMILED at Haddie. A genuine smile like hers, though they were clearly smiling for VERY different reasons. For Katherine, it was simply because she was going to ace not one but TWO potions during this lesson and earn the Professor's respect for being so PERFECT and ATTENTIVE and CLEVER for managing TWO advanced potions. And the nickname Mossy? Nothing had ever sounded sweeter! If this was the way Haddie listened to her PLUS she earned a professor's blessing, she was willing to sell her soul.
"Of course," she told sweeeetly, of course she wasn't going to do anything for her... as long as Haddie did all as she instructed.
She got her black googles on and turned to look at what Haddie was doing, which... wasn't what she was supposed to be doing. "You should wear your googles," she said as she pointed at hers, "and then line the ingredients according to their order. It'll be much easier this way, you won't mess up. You can order them as I did." Did the Professor hear? She was literally helping one of his worst students, she deserved at least ten points.
Heheh, (semi) joke aside, she got her scales and put 2 grams on one side. Then, she got a clean spoon and got a tiny bit of fungus. Putting it on the other handle, she slid her stool backwards to be level at the scale's middle point where she would see whether the ends met. She needed a bit less fungus... now it was too little... added more... AH, GOT IT! The ends of both of the arms met, and she added it to the mortar and pestle to mash as she side-eyed Haddie. She was watching and helping, mhm.
Once she was done with mashing (OF COURSE her fungus was THOROUGHLY mashed, not somewhat like the Professor told them to), she got it on a clean plate and cleaned the mortar&pestle with a "Scourgify". Now was the time for tortoise shell...
For one practically near death, this Professor was managing to win smol blonde over with his smeysing and lovely understanding. Good then!
"Thanks for not being lame about my lack of "know how", Professor." AWW! And he'd even said he'd find her someone to work with! YES! Liv decided she liked this man very much, considering she had finally made the decision to actually put effort forth. It was.....
Matty Solo, oh no you did not. AGE WAS BUT A NUMBER, after all! Hadn't anyone bothered to inform this poor, unfortunate soul?! Mmmmhmmmm.....the real question here was did he know his stuff?! Could he be helpful to her in her learning quest?! Bruh, Olivia didn't want to be shipped off to a reform school. So, her grades needed to start improving pronto mohanto. Because, you know, SHE'D HEARD HORROR STORIES ABOUT THE FOOD AT THOSE TYPES OF SCHOOLS. The blonde refused to live that way. She did NOT need that sort of negativity in her life.
"I know it's basically reading instructions." No, Olivia couldn't read his mind....but that was probably what he was thinking, right?! 'What's so hard about following a set list of instructions?' Crusty Bananas, she'd heard these questions before. "I just.....er, get distracted in the process. Bad things....happen to the cauldrons in my life." R.I.P. at least ten cauldrons: may you be treated with more finesse than we were capable of. "I get bored." It was true. She did.
Right. So, she was just going to......er, copy him, then. Scouring her cauldron first with magic, because the cleaning spell was one of the ones she actually knew well, Liv peered up at her "partner". "This isn't the part I have trouble with." It was the tedious, meticulous stuff that got her in a sitch!
"Wanna start getting our ingredients ready together?" Hmmmm?!?!? SHE WANTED TO BE SUCCESSFUL TODAY. Eyes on the prize!
IF he would like to?? "I WOULD LOVE TO!" Matt shouted excitedly in response to the old man, aka their teacher. "AWESOME! I'MMA BE AN OLD FART SOON!" RAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Ahh, so she was fine with him being her partner then. LOL, how FUN! Matt wouldn't tell her he knew nothing and would literally just follow instructions for the sake of not causing the room to explode - though that actually WOULD be pretty cool - and that he was confident his potion wouldn't be 100%. YET he was willing to still drink it because #YOLO.
What was life without adventures, EH?
"Yeah, Potions can be boring. But it can be FUN TOO." Like when they drank poison and everything. That had been epic. "It's even more fun when you get to DRINK the potion later, that's why I'm doing it." Boom.
Anyway. "It's easy not to get distracted, you just need to remember what step was the last one you did." BUT then again. Matt hadn't paid attention to any of the instructions given by their old, oooolllldddddd professor; he was CLEARLY the best person to talk about distraction, was he not?
He looked up at the board and read the first step out loud. "Prepare all ingredients.... yadda yadda yadda. EASY! Yeah, let's DO IT." For some reason Matt felt a sense of determination coming from his housemate that was quite contagious. For some reason, he wanted to WIN now. "Let's BREW THIS POTION!!"
The Gryffindor jumped up. "Why don't you get the..." And he checked the board again. "...wine, juice and the... toirtoise shell thing? I'll get the rest." Matt said as he walked to the front of the classroom to collect the ingredients. The GROSS ingredients, mehehehehehe!!! He chose to collect all the GROSS STUFF, because they were a lot more FUN and DISGUSTING and bwahahahaha, awesome. "Look at this HAIRY FUNGUS!!" The boy exclaimed as he lifted it up. MAN. "And bat tongue! And caterpillaaaarrrsss." Alright, the last one wasn't THAT grim, but it would do.
He marched back to their workstation with his hands full of enough ingredients for both him and Liv and started preparing his own stuff.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Kye wasn't sure what was going on... The professor at the front was not recognizable to her, as far as what she remembered from the Feast. Uhm...
She chose an unoccupied table and got out parchment and a quill. Her cauldron now sitting on the floor next to her. She surveyed the ingredients as they went by, and she couldn't help but crinkle her nose. Fungus and a bat tongue? Yea, that wasn't exactly Kye's cup of tea. Why couldn't everything be made of liquid chemicals that she knew not the origin??
Kye didn't guess anything, as she literally knew nothing of potion making... She hadn't even tried that hard to skim her Potions book in the summer. She looked at Charms, Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts instead, because they never mentioned random body pieces being thrown in with animal skin or something.
She listened to the other responses, which were coming from students a bit older than her.
Is this just how Potions classes were?? Well, it'd be a good way to network around she supposed. She started on her notes.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
Who knew that jumping on a bag of Tortoise-shell would be so damn difficult? Mason exhaled deeply and got off of her bag, which was now adorned with a bunch of dusty foot-prints. . . Oops?
Mason lifted the bag carefully, since she didn't want any of the powder (yes, she had smashed it into powder) falling out. She placed the bag on the table, pushing some of the junk away to make space for the precious bag. Right, so the hard part was done, now came the EASY stuffffffffff!
Lollllllll, those caterpillars totally looked like some gross attempt at a moustache. . . Mason was tempted, but only for a second, to place the thing on her upper lip and use a Sticking Charm. . . butttttt, she had work to do! And besides, it would be super disgusting to put a dead-worm-thing on her beauteous face, so nope.
Anyhooooo, the Moustache-worm needed to be sliced, so that was what she was going to do. . . if she would ever find her fricken knife under all this nonsense! Merlin, why did she have three of those assignment papers? WHY??? She was basically a Muggle-Archaeologists over here, digging through all of this ancient junk to get to her 'treasure'. AHA! Found itttttttt. Okay, moving on. . .
Okay, so first you want to trim the upper-part of the moustache, to make it nice and even, then you want to cut away all the excess hair. Yes, she was a Caterpillar-barber, if her Auroring didn't work out, this would totally be her back-up plan.
And the last few trims. . . and DONE! Mason got one of the little bowls that she had and scooped the hairs/slices into it, before placing it next to the bag. Next was the bat-tongue. Oh my Merlin, its so squishy! Mason took the little tongue between her index-finger and her thumb, and gave it a squeeze. It was still a little moist, but other than that, it wasn't too gross, too bad she had to cut it. And dice it, like a chef, with her mini-silver knife as a chopping-tool.
That came into a bowl as well, the little slices ending up next to the moustache. And AH! She was about to become a real Muggle-barber, since the next ingredient was Hairy-Fungus. So delectable. . . not. This one was probably the grossest of all the ingredients. . . blegh.
Heading up Dora pulled on her gloves and carefully measured and weighed the ingredients quietly. YEP. She was CONCENTRATING! In fact she was so focused that she had poked her tongue out between her teeth ever so slightly as she worked. Once she was done with her gathering the blonde carefully made her way back to the workstation, ingredients in hand.
Once she had laid each and every one out in a neat little row, from which ingredient she used first to what she used last, she was READY TO GO! Lab coat, CHECK! Goggles, CHECK! Wand to light the flame? CHEEEECK! This. THis was her favorite part of Potions class EVERRRR! FIRE! Her wand was PERFECT for starting fires, you see. So she was always invigorated when she got the opportunity to start the flame with magic. Besides, the kid was a bit of a pyro anyway. HEHE.
Having kinda missed the question as she went to shut the door at the request of the professor, Sam returned to her seat to ponder why exactly someone would want to brew an aging potion. Being an adult seemed to bring responsibilities - none of which her Pa set a very good example of doing, looking at other people's parents - and she was already facing the reality of her childhood hiding places being too small. Somehow, even without last term's poisoning incident to take into account, she didn't think she'd want to be taking this one. Old seemed like a whole lot less fun. Deaging, on the other hand...
Of course, she'd still try her hardest to brew the potion successfully, advanced level or otherwise. It couldn't be that bad, with only six ingredients, right? Except she only had four on her desk. Wasn't someone meant to be passing them round, whilst she was closing the door? Huh. With a shrug, she followed Dora up to fetch the missing ones, along with some of the measuring cup thingys.
"Wanna pair up?" she asked the Gryffindor, after she had laid everything out. She waited until Dora had lit the fire under her cauldron too, so as not to break her concentration. And she knew Dora WAS concentrating, despite the excitement in her eyes at the flame, cos her tongue was just a liiiiittle bit showing between her teeth. It was a tell, of sorts, and a smile couldn't help but curl on Sam's lips as she watched.
Er... everyone was pairing up. Kye looked around, but felt a bit of relief that some people seemed to want to do this on their own. Well, at least that way no one could mess up her Potion except for herself, right? Yea.
Kye practiced cleaning her cauldron, as the professor had instructed. Her first attempt was rather meek, but she got it better the second time around. Her cauldron was clean! Hooray!... Now for the actual work.
Kye spread her things out on her table, since she could, and started measuring everything. She was sticking her tongue out a little in concentration as she poured the wine and prune juice. Ugh, slicing a caterpillar? Quite disgusting to be honest... the best part of this so far had been crushing the turtle shell since it was hard to tell what it was. Everything else, Kye could have done without. Kye barely looked up as she worked on her ingredients. She did once, to see what everyone looked like whilst preparing, but then she was overcome by her want to have a good outcome with her potion.
After she had finally finished preparing everything, she started pouring in the liquids and stirring. No! She had gone half a turn counter-clockwise on accident! She looked back at the instructions and started going clockwise. Had she ruined it already? Was she setting herself up for a T in Potions?? Terrible. Terrible Troll. Ugh!
Kye was wary of her Potion, expecting it to blow up any minute. She got through to the bubbling... even though her Potion was much more purple than brown. She added the Hairy Fungus and stirred for ten more looooong minutes. She was glad to see it was at least a lighter shade of purple now.. She dumped her powdered tortoise shell in the mixture and tried to lean back a bit in case the potion decided now was a good time to explode. Oh now it was brown? How did it go from light purple to brown? It seemed to be fading in color a bit which Kye could only guess was either okay or she was doomed fifteen minutes ago.
She let it cook for the eight minutes notated, before taking it off heat and practically throwing the bat tongues and caterpillars... Blech. She was glad to see them gone, frankly. She stirred occasionally and now she started observing others.
When time was up, her potion looked a forest green in color... I wouldn't feed this to the professor... she commented. Once her Potion was dry, it was not emerald green it was more... neutral green?
She knew she had messed up though. How many points would this old man take away from Slytherin based on her so far terrible Potions skills??
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by Hey Ju
IF he would like to?? "I WOULD LOVE TO!" Matt shouted excitedly in response to the old man, aka their teacher. "AWESOME! I'MMA BE AN OLD FART SOON!" RAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Ahh, so she was fine with him being her partner then. LOL, how FUN! Matt wouldn't tell her he knew nothing and would literally just follow instructions for the sake of not causing the room to explode - though that actually WOULD be pretty cool - and that he was confident his potion wouldn't be 100%. YET he was willing to still drink it because #YOLO.
What was life without adventures, EH?
"Yeah, Potions can be boring. But it can be FUN TOO." Like when they drank poison and everything. That had been epic. "It's even more fun when you get to DRINK the potion later, that's why I'm doing it." Boom.
Anyway. "It's easy not to get distracted, you just need to remember what step was the last one you did." BUT then again. Matt hadn't paid attention to any of the instructions given by their old, oooolllldddddd professor; he was CLEARLY the best person to talk about distraction, was he not?
He looked up at the board and read the first step out loud. "Prepare all ingredients.... yadda yadda yadda. EASY! Yeah, let's DO IT." For some reason Matt felt a sense of determination coming from his housemate that was quite contagious. For some reason, he wanted to WIN now. "Let's BREW THIS POTION!!"
The Gryffindor jumped up. "Why don't you get the..." And he checked the board again. "...wine, juice and the... toirtoise shell thing? I'll get the rest." Matt said as he walked to the front of the classroom to collect the ingredients. The GROSS ingredients, mehehehehehe!!! He chose to collect all the GROSS STUFF, because they were a lot more FUN and DISGUSTING and bwahahahaha, awesome. "Look at this HAIRY FUNGUS!!" The boy exclaimed as he lifted it up. MAN. "And bat tongue! And caterpillaaaarrrsss." Alright, the last one wasn't THAT grim, but it would do.
He marched back to their workstation with his hands full of enough ingredients for both him and Liv and started preparing his own stuff.
Bwahaha, yes! It was probably for the best that Olivia not be let in on the secret that her "partner" knew nothing. BUT....honestly...maybe this could still work out? Like, if someone could just keep her scattered, easily-distracted brain on task, perhaps she could accomplish great things in the field of Potions....or...whatever her mum had called it. "Nobel art"....or whatever. Adults were so weird. Seriously. What was so noble about just mixing a bunch of things together?
D U E L I N G, NOW.......THAT.....was an A R T. An art that Olivia was going to SLAY this term. YEP. EYES ON THE PRIZE.
Deciding to ignore his bossiness, as smol blond was usually the one doling out the demands, she went about collecting what they needed....which (not going to lie) took a while. Because she wasn't as confident in these practices, Liv second guessed herself quite a bit when it came down to the actual measuring. Trying to be overly careful (which wasn't a Gryffindor thing) and getting everything absolutely correct was far too much effort. SO. MUCH. EFFORT. Seriously....She was already so over this potions stuff and they'd not even commenced with the brewing yet. S.O.S. SEND HELP.
Eventually toting all the materials back to their work station, Matty with his set of ingredients and Liv with hers, she eyed the more interesting items he was playing around with. "Is that actually the tongue from a bat?!" Just.....Okay, obviously that was kinda fascinating. How did that sort of thing lend to a M A G I C A L potion? Had it been a.......er, magical bat? What about hairy fungus?!?! What properties did that possess?!
Maybe they'd have a Potions theory class sometime and then the Professor could explain all these subtle nuances to Olivia's Gryffindor brain. "Did I do okay?!" Liv was like an eager small blonde puppy with her bouncing, hoping that she'd not flubbed her part....NOT that she "flubbed". Much.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Originally Posted by AmyyVengeance
She hummed slightly, listening as Echo repeated it. "Hmm, you're welcome, it's no problem."
She came back with the red wine and prune juice, pouring Echo's in her cauldron before doing the same for herself with her own liquids before grabbing the tortoise shell. How she was going to get it to powder she had no idea, but well, she'd make it work. She took a deep breath just to give herself some confidence before she started to get her and Echo some powdered tortoise shell.
She glanced up slightly once Echo finished the hairy fungus, a slight smile appearing on her face. "Fantastic, one more thing to go." With a slight chuckled she continued to get it powdered down, being just over half way done.
As she could hear Echo's voice full of disgust, she giggled slightly. "That's absolutely disgusting, oh dear. I'm glad it's just on your lab coat though." Once she was finished with the shell, she sat back, her forehead covered in sweat while she used the back of her hand to push the hair out of her face, looking over to her partner. "I am so glad you made each slice the same honestly, it would have given me anxiety otherwise." She laughingly said, taking a deep breath before sitting up again and grabbing the bat tongue.
"Only these tongues to cut up and then we're done with the ingredients, thankfully." She quickly cut up the tongues, handing Echo her bits of her bat tongue in a bowl before smiling as she put the knife down.
"Ingredients done, which means... potion time." As she glanced at her notebook she quickly read the second point. "Slowly heat the red wine and prune juice. Stir clockwise until bubbles form and the colour should be dark purple brownish at that point. After that we have to add the hairy fungus and stir for 10 minutes, still clockwise"
She looked over at Echo while organising her own things in order that they would need it and then started to carefully light her burner, placing her cauldron on it while she grabbed her stirrer, starting to stir it clockwise.
She was glad that Jessica thought it was disgusting as well. Shaking her self out of it. she smiled at the young girl while she finished her tasks. "awesome good job" thumbs up for you little puff. "yeah its better when things are even in concise in the potions." informing her.
Watching her pour their liquids in the cauldron, and finishing up.. "yep, were all ready for the actual brewing part now"
instead of turning on the burner she pulled out her wand yet again made sure the gas was flowing on her burner and instead of pressing the button she said "Incendio" making sure everything was safe, she adjusted the knob to make sure the flame wasnt to big. "okay lets start slowly heat this stuff up"
she waited for the red win and prune juice to heat up and then once it was hot enough she pulled out her stirrer and moved it clockwise. "we have to do this for ten minutes. ughh. my arm is going to fall off" she said jokingly. "and once were done it should be dark purple-ish color" she prayed that their working together had paid off.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
All right, here came the actual brewing.. Azura carefully picked up her vials of the Red wine and the prune juice and she slowly measured out 100 ml of the red wine and poured that into her cauldron and then measured out 10 ml of the prune juice and poured that into the Cauldron as well.
She peered into it and sure enough it was a black color. She nodded and then put the cauldron onto her burner and then she carefully took her wand and said "Incendio." lighting the burner. She turned it down to a medium heat, just like the professor had said..
Then she set the Cauldron on the burner and put her stir stick in and started to stir.. CLOCKWISE as per the instructions.. She slowly stirred, watching the liquid, hoping it would turn a brownish purple..
She looked down at the liquid.. and then looked around. all while she was stirring, it seemed some people were pairing up.. But Azura was happy doing this all by herself. Potions she could handle.. And she would be able to focus.. she pushed away all thoughts of her mother.. and did what she did best.. Ignored her own feelings and focused on something else.
After a bit more stirring..
YAYYYYY!!! Bubbles were starting to appear and it was indeed turning a purpley-brownish..
Praise the Fwoopers!
She added the Hairy fungus into the Cauldron, set her timer for ten minutes.. and started to stir again..
She was glad that Jessica thought it was disgusting as well. Shaking her self out of it. she smiled at the young girl while she finished her tasks. "awesome good job" thumbs up for you little puff. "yeah its better when things are even in concise in the potions." informing her.
Watching her pour their liquids in the cauldron, and finishing up.. "yep, were all ready for the actual brewing part now"
instead of turning on the burner she pulled out her wand yet again made sure the gas was flowing on her burner and instead of pressing the button she said "Incendio" making sure everything was safe, she adjusted the knob to make sure the flame wasnt to big. "okay lets start slowly heat this stuff up"
she waited for the red win and prune juice to heat up and then once it was hot enough she pulled out her stirrer and moved it clockwise. "we have to do this for ten minutes. ughh. my arm is going to fall off" she said jokingly. "and once were done it should be dark purple-ish color" she prayed that their working together had paid off.
Jessica smiled slightly as she could see Echo use her wand to light the burner instead of doing it the so called 'normal' way. If she had some more experience she would feel confident in doing the same but considering she was just learning her magic and controlling it, she didn't feel confident enough to just produce a flame and have it not set the entire room into flames.
"Ten minutes is honestly terrible, and after that another eight minutes, think my arms will be aching for days after this lesson" she replied with a soft laugh. "But first we have to wait until the bubbles start to form. Then we have to add the hairy fungus, that is the step that is going to take as ten minutes of horrible stirring."
She smiled slightly before looking into her cauldron, stirring carefully as she wiped the hairs out of her face with her free hand. A relieved gasp left her lips once she saw the liquid turn to the dark purple, brown colour that it was supposed to be, at the same time, the bubbles started to form. "Yes! Success, thankfully."
As she reached over to grab the bowl of hairy fungus, she looked over at Echo before quickly adding the hairy fungus, putting the bowl down and then with her now free hand, she reached over to set her timer to ten minutes.
"And so the torture begins..." she mumbled, her face above her cauldron again to see what colour she was going to receive this time, and if it was the correct one.
Last edited by AmyyVengeance; 05-11-2016 at 07:40 AM.
Reason: Added a title.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
As usual, Brooklyn had stayed quiet during the discussion period. More because she hadn’t particularly felt like answering than anything else, since she wasn’t one for guessing. As it was, she was immensely glad that they weren’t going to have to take their own potions at the end of the lesson. Becoming ancient like Professor Newton obviously was right now wasn’t something she particularly wanted to deal with. It was one step above being poisoned again, really. If anything, it was hard enough to understand all the stuttering, which seemed to have gotten worse due to the potion she gathered the professor had taken for demonstration purposes.
The first thing she’d done, however, was to copy down the instructions from the blackboard. Since they were there, and it would save her some time later on. By now she’d just become resigned to the fact potion brewing meant she’d have times where she was waiting. This was just another instance of that, she had decided.
First things first, she stood up to gather her ingredients. While having wine in her personal stores was tempting, she hadn’t had it, or most of the rest of the things. Once they’d been collected, she sat down to start Scourgifying all of the tools she would need. Starting with her cauldron, pouring the wine and the prune juice inside once she was confident it was clean, then her knives and her mortar and pestle. Obviously those would be needed, given the instructions. She knew that she needed to make certain that everything was powdered, mashed, diced and everything else. Perfection was important for a successful potion after all.
SPOILER!!: notes
Aging Potion
Characteristics: Emerald Green
Level: Advanced
Information: The effects are dosage based; the more ingested, the older one will age
100ml Red Wine
10ml Prune Juice
2g Hairy fungus, mashed
2g Tortoise Shell, powdered
5g Caterpillar, sliced
1 Bat Tongue, diced
1. Prepare all ingredients as listed in the ingredients list, weighing and measuring each carefully.
2. Slowly heat the red wine and prune juice and begin stirring clockwise until you can just see bubbles starting to form. (The mixture will be dark purple/brown)
3. Immediately add the Hairy Fungus and continue to stir clockwise for ten minutes. (The mixture will slowly fade to a lighter purple/brown)
4. Continuing to stir clockwise, add the tortoise shell. (The mixture will be a creamy color)
5. After eight minutes, remove the cauldron from the heat and add the caterpillar and bat tongue, making sure to continue to stir the solution in a clockwise motion for five minutes, until it changes to a creamy green colour.
6. As the potion cools, it will turn emerald green. Once it is completely cooled (about fifteen to twenty minutes), you may cease dispense the potion into appropriate vials for storage.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Abby had all of her ingredients measured out perfectly and she just had a vision of her potion going wrong and didn't want to freak out in front of the whole class but in the process she knocked over her vile with her measured out red wine and raised her hand and said "Professor I need some more red wine to add to my potion as I spilled mine by accident" Abby was embarrassed because it was something that she shouldn't have done but she knew that sometimes her arms would do there own things without her having control over it
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
First! Potions was a Fun class. Torrance would not deny that. The Outcomes and the effects were always awesome. He just wished that all the Potions were done all the time. Preparation of the Potions were not his strong suit they were just always way to many steps. Which was why the Young Lion always took the front of the class. Especially here. He'd get too lost in thought otherwise. He took his Notepad and a quill and began jotting down everything that was on the blackboard. Plus some extra citations
SPOILER!!: Tory's Notepad
Aging Potion Ingredients
100ml Red Wine don't drink it you'll get in super trouble
10ml Prune Juice Also don't drink it....Gross
2g Hairy fungus, mashed probably does not resembled Mashed Pototoes as the end product
2g Tortoise Shell, powdered Powdered!? What the What!?
5g Caterpillar, sliced Ask for forgiveness from Mother Butterfly
1 Bat Tongue, diced don't mistake it for bacon bits later on
Prepare all ingredients as listed in the ingredients list, weighing and measuring each carefully.
Slowly heat the red wine and prune juice and begin stirring clockwise until you can just see bubbles starting to form. (The mixture will be dark purple/brown) Note for later: Add prune juice to Uncle's Julien's Wine without him looking. Reaction could be awesome and totally worth the risk
Immediately add the Hairy Fungus and continue to stir clockwise for ten minutes. (The mixture will slowly fade to a lighter purple/brown)
Continuing to stir clockwise, add the tortoise shell. (The mixture will be a creamy color) still...how the hell do you get a a tortoise shell into a fine dust?!?! Elbow grease my Butt!
After eight minutes, remove the cauldron from the heat and add the caterpillar and bat tongue, making sure to continue to stir the solution in a clockwise motion for five minutes, until it changes to a creamy green colour.
As the potion cools, it will turn emerald green. Once it is completely cooled (about fifteen to twenty minutes), you may cease dispense the potion into appropriate vials for storage.
Characteristics: Emerald Green
Level: Advanced probably because you gotta destroy a tortoise shell
Information: The effects are dosage based; the more ingested, the older one will age side thought: Maybe the Tortoise shell has some major effect on the Potion itself? Does the Age of the Tortoise the shell came from mean that you'd grow older if used from a Tortoise who lived like....Loads of Years? Because whoa those Reptiles can get really Old!
Once finished he looked over each of his tools. Taking out his wand the young lion went down the line of them scourgifying practically everything...even his gloves and goggles twice over. It wasn't over precaution either. He just wasn't sure if when he went down the line if he had actually cleaned the bowl and little crushy-thingy-grip-thing. He left his station briefly after to retrieved all of his ingredients. Double the amount too because he was sure he'd mess up. Yes that part was precaution.
Step one! Mash up the Fuzzballs. He lifted two of them and placed them in the bowl. he took the grinder next...THAT'S WHAT IT WAS CALLED DUH! and began to slowly mash them up until it looked like gross mash. Easy peasy.
Followed next by slicing the caterpillar. Yeah he was going to skip the crushing of the Tortoise shell until the idea of it made sense in his head. He laid the tiny bug out in front of him and picked up the small knife. Taking it and carefully slicing down the caterpillar. "Sorry Caterpillar. Sorry to you Mom too, but you're dead and I need you so." He muttered silently to himself as he finished cutting up the caterpillar.
Torrance scourgifyed his knife after. Brushing the sliced caterpillar to the side then setting the bat tongue in front of him. He cut down the length of the tongue, then stopped for a moment. Something about cutting up a tongue made him cringe for a minute.....Ugh Merlin....he was cutting up tongue. The thought was more about his own tongue than the tongue in front of him. He shook his head briefly then looked down at the bat tongue once more. Okay okay It's cool. You're never gonna loose your Tongue Torrance. You're Tongue is Cool, your tongue belongs to you. It won't ever be needed for potions. Unless...could you sell your body to Potions Labs after Death? Not that he would just....Wait wait! The Bat Tongue. He shook his head once again finished cutting it down in length.
Ummm...ummmm What was next? He looked back at his notes and just went back up to the Tortoise shell. Okay...He was going to have to do that eventually.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Okay. A lot of information to take in. Noelle scribbled notes.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Originally Posted by Blackboard
Aging Potion
100ml Red Wine
10ml Prune Juice
2g Hairy fungus, mashed
2g Tortoise Shell, powdered
5g Caterpillar, sliced
1 Bat Tongue, diced
Prepare all ingredients as listed in the ingredients list, weighing and measuring each carefully.
Slowly heat the red wine and prune juice and begin stirring clockwise until you can just see bubbles starting to form. (The mixture will be dark purple/brown)
Immediately add the Hairy Fungus and continue to stir clockwise for ten minutes. (The mixture will slowly fade to a lighter purple/brown)
Continuing to stir clockwise, add the tortoise shell. (The mixture will be a creamy color)
After eight minutes, remove the cauldron from the heat and add the caterpillar and bat tongue, making sure to continue to stir the solution in a clockwise motion for five minutes, until it changes to a creamy green colour.
As the potion cools, it will turn emerald green. Once it is completely cooled (about fifteen to twenty minutes), you may cease dispense the potion into appropriate vials for storage.
Characteristics: Emerald Green
Level: Advanced
Information: The effects are dosage based; the more ingested, the older one will age
Noelle hoped she would be able to do this. Potions wasn't her best subject. Biting her lip, she looked over her notes and made sure she had all the ingredients she would need. Yep. Rooney hadn't let her down.
Now for a partner.
Why wasn't Sabbie or Hope here?? Everyone else seemed to be pairing up. And she was a third year. She needed help. .... Guess she would try by herself for a bit. She scourgified her cauldron. One of the basic and easiest things but also the most important. Couldn't start a potion without cleaning the cauldron.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Now it was time to heat the liquids. "Incendio!" she hissed softly, tapping the cauldron smartly with her wand. Then she began stirring. She began singing an old muggle song named "Helena" to herself as she stirred, loud enough so people around her could hear the tune but not loud enough for them to understand the words. This really was a cheerful experience so far. Hopefully Peeves wouldn't come barging in now...
Right. They were indeed making an aging potion. Jaemin chewed on his bottom lip thoughtfully and leaned to one side to see around the student in front of him, to get a better look at what was on the board. This was supposed to be an advanced potion, but... it didn't seem like it would be too hard. Maybe he knew more about potions than he thought he did? Wrinkling his nose the small boy hopped out of his seat and made his way to the front to retrieve all of the ingredients, being very careful not to spill any of the liquid. Mom said it wasn't good to waste wine, and even if this wasn't her wine, it still was bad to spill.
He did his best to avoid meeting eyes with the very old and wrinkly version of Professor Newton, because it was absolutely the most unnerving to see him like that.
He took his time getting back to his table, humming softly to himself as he set down each ingredient carefully. He lined them up in the order they were written on the board before climbing back into his seat and pulling his wand from his pocket. It had been a while since he had used the scourgify spell, but thankfully he hadn't totally forgotten it... in Muggle school, revision over the summer had been an important part of his classes, and he found it strange that Hogwarts didn't work like that. What if he forgot a bunch of stuff while he wasn't being allowed to do magic for months?!
The boy scourgified all of his things quickly, choosing not to dwell on it, and went about starting his potion. The first thing was the 'hairy fungus'. Mashed hairy fungus. Hmmmmmm... he dumped the hairy fungus into his mortar carefully, and went about smushing it with the pestle to turn it into mashed fungus.
Katherine SMILED at Haddie. A genuine smile like hers, though they were clearly smiling for VERY different reasons. For Katherine, it was simply because she was going to ace not one but TWO potions during this lesson and earn the Professor's respect for being so PERFECT and ATTENTIVE and CLEVER for managing TWO advanced potions. And the nickname Mossy? Nothing had ever sounded sweeter! If this was the way Haddie listened to her PLUS she earned a professor's blessing, she was willing to sell her soul.
"Of course," she told sweeeetly, of course she wasn't going to do anything for her... as long as Haddie did all as she instructed.
She got her black googles on and turned to look at what Haddie was doing, which... wasn't what she was supposed to be doing. "You should wear your googles," she said as she pointed at hers, "and then line the ingredients according to their order. It'll be much easier this way, you won't mess up. You can order them as I did." Did the Professor hear? She was literally helping one of his worst students, she deserved at least ten points.
Heheh, (semi) joke aside, she got her scales and put 2 grams on one side. Then, she got a clean spoon and got a tiny bit of fungus. Putting it on the other handle, she slid her stool backwards to be level at the scale's middle point where she would see whether the ends met. She needed a bit less fungus... now it was too little... added more... AH, GOT IT! The ends of both of the arms met, and she added it to the mortar and pestle to mash as she side-eyed Haddie. She was watching and helping, mhm.
Once she was done with mashing (OF COURSE her fungus was THOROUGHLY mashed, not somewhat like the Professor told them to), she got it on a clean plate and cleaned the mortar&pestle with a "Scourgify". Now was the time for tortoise shell...
Hadley raised her eyebrows, questioningly at Mossy. She had to be kidding right? Surely, that was just her personality than actually doing anything for the potions. But since when did Mossy kid? Even though Hads knew it probably didn't make a difference, she did take Moss up on her offer and she was trying to get the girl to warm to her.
If Katherine Moss and/or Jacen Reed accepted her as a Ravenclaw, Hadley Denaker might just believe she had a place in that house. Those two were the most Ravenclaw Ravenclaws possible.
She nodded quietly, and grabbed her googles. Once they were uncomfortably secure of her eyes, Haddie set about organizing her equipment and ingredients the way Mossy suggested. Which soon evolved into simply looking over at Mossy's workstation and copying, as best she could, how the girl set hers up. "There. Done." She smiled, a bit proud. This was the neatest anything of hers ever looked. It...didn't feel right.
Now for the aging potion. Hadley took the 2 gram weigh and placed it on the scale. On the other side she piled the hairy fungus...ew, by the way. A few small adjustments and that was basically balanced. Basically. Last term she had obsessed about getting the measurements exact, but according to her Mom, the five star, award winning chef, it didn't have to be exact, exact. Just as close and possible. And so, Hadley scooped the fungus off the scale and into her mortar.
Mash, mash, mash. Mashing was a fun part of potions. You really didn't get to mash things beyond potatoes in cooking, and not like this. Mash, mash, mash. There that looked somewhat uniform. She was going to nail this potion, or go to Healer Murdoch trying. A quick glance to how Mossy's looked gave her pause though. Hadley's clearly wasn't somewhat uniform enough. She shrugged and went back to mash, mash, mash.
The slytherin realized he needed to stir while waiting for the bubbles to appear. He got his metal rod and stirred clockwise and then he realized things were picking up quickly. He saw bubbles beginning to form. Now he needed to mash the hairy fungus? Errgh. He was gonna put on gloves for this one. He accioced some gloves and put them on and then began to smash them with his pestle. This was not something he enjoyed at the moment. Once he smashed the fungus to the best of ability, he added it to the potion and began to stir clockwise. He looked at the clock and made a mental note to check it for 10 minute. He began to stir....stir....stir...and stir...till he looked at the clock and realized 10 minutes were up. He saw it faded to a light purple. Woah some success right there. Now time to grind the tortoise shell.
He stopped the stirring and cleaned off his pestle with, "Scourgify!" and then crush his tortoise shell in his mortar. He crushed it to fine powder and then added it to the potion and began to stir clockwise some more. Man his arm was getting tired. Anything easier could be done? I don't know enchant the metal rod to stir itself. That would be nice. After a few stirs, he saw the potion change to a creamy color.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Art watched as one Miss Kettleburn approached him. He leaned in slightly, to offer his ear. It seemed she had a question... but GREAT SCOTT he was not expecting THAT. His eyes widened and he inhaled with shock, which started a fit of coughing. He had been able to point his face away from his student, avoiding the coughing on her face. Nobody liked that. He coughed, coughed, coughed into his hand, trying to get his bearings.
Yes, it appeared so.
He took a few big gulps of water, his hand shaking as he did so. He cleared his throat, and wondered if he might be able to just... poof away? No? He sighed and looked at the young lady. "My dear young lady, th-there... er... there's no-no need to want to m-mature so quickly." He didn't want to answer that question, not one BIT. HOW would he answer it?! Even if his own DAUGHTER had asked him that question he'd not have known what to reply.
That wasn't HELPFUL.
"I didn't say anything about what I wanted, professor, and you didn't answer my question, you know." Char pointed out helpfully, making full use of big puppy eyes. He was old, it would work, right? But still! Important to know right? DID the aging include matuuuuuring, or just getting old and wrinkly? And if it was the second, what was even the POINT?
So pleeaaaaase. Important answer was impoooortant!
And she probably should start the potion but she was WAY too fixated on getting her answers now yes.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
With her mashed hairy fungus more or less matching Mossy's, Hadley scooped it onto a plate and scourgified her mortar and pestle. So far so good, right, Moss? Since she hadn't actually spoken that, Hads just did a last double check to compare hers with Mossy's. There were, essentially, the same.
Hadley wished her Mom was here actually. Her Mom was the best chef she knew, and would make perfect sense of a potions recipe, and know just what was perfectly fine, and what need adjusting. There wasn't anyone else whose opinion she trusted on anything remotely like cooking than her Mom. Sorry, Professor. But if it's any consolation, Professor Newton was the person she trusted second with potions at least.
Now for the tortoise shell. Hadley put it on the scale... That was balanced right? The fact that she was asking that meant it probably was good enough. It didn't have to be exact exact. Just essentially exact.
The tortoise shell was put in her mortar and she picked up the pestle and sploink! The first bit of pressure the tortoise shell went skittering across the table and landed at Professor Newton's feet. "I got it!" Because she didn't really want him to have to move. She rushed over and picked up the shell sheepishly, dusted it off on her robes and went back to her workstation. Holding it firmly in her ungloved hand, Hadley managed to actually crush it without it escaping. From here on, she wouldn't have to worry about the pressure needed shooting the shell away. But OW! Her mashing hand was sore now.
She paused to shake out her hand and then continued mashing the broken up shell.