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And once again, you enter the dank, dark cave that is the Hogwarts potions classroom... but something has changed. Unlike the environment of the previous class, which was characterized by a clash of noxious odors, this time the classroom is filled with...
Though the room is still cast in the typical gloom from the flickering candle wall sconces, unlike during the last class this time the air smells sweet, with notes of chocolate, vanilla, fresh coffee, light florals and fresh breezes, newly cut grass... A thousand lovely scents all harmoniously combining to create a symphony of sweet smells. Small flames are burning under a series of cauldrons simmering at the back of the room, and there are the typical rows of workstations with two stools at each station.
A thousand and three jars, canisters, and containers of potions ingredients line the shelves along the walls, gleaming dully in the low light. Each is labelled in the Professor's shaky old man's script, and at the back of the room are shelves groaning under the weight of huge potions encyclopedias and texts.
At the front of the classroom, a large charmed chalkboard stands. On it are written these simple instructions:
Please be seated. The professor will be here momentarily. Be certain that you have all your potions equipment with you; failure to do so may cost your House points. If you are an older student who is familiar with Potions you may set up your workstation. I expect my younger students are now able to set up their workstations as well; if you need help, please ask an older student.
You may talk quietly amongst yourselves, but please keep the conversation to a reasonable level out of respect for your classmates. Thank you.
--Professor Kazimeriz
Class Synopsis:
The class began with a discussion on Love Potions- the theory behind them and their classification.
Then, the students discussed probable ingredients in love potions based on their knowledge of potion ingredients; this lead to the lab assignment, in which the students were to partner with a person of the opposite gender and brew a basic Class XX love potion.
The students received instruction on how to remove infused oils from their pre-treated lovage seeds, and were instructed to work in pairs to complete this task.
Next, the students were instructed to add a single drop of swan blood to the potion, bottled a draught, and sample each other's work. Ah... Love!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz
Kool-Aid, Oh Yeah! | | SS Mischief Maker
Kazimeriz watched the students, nodding as he shuffled down the aisles. "It seems as though most of you are doing quite well-- excellent! You should all take pride in your work, for this is a very difficult potion to get just right, and yet it seems that most of you are finding success. I recall one year that this potion was taught, and not one student in the class was able to brew it successfully... in fact, one unfortunate fourth year student managed to explode his cauldron. The potion splattered all over the lad, the professor and his nearby classmates, coating them with a tarlike substance that stuck to the skin and burned for weeks... and left them all smelling vaguely of spoiled unicorn milk and sweaty socks." He smirked, recalling this experience. "It was only out of sheer pity that Mrs. Kazimeriz still attended the Yule Ball with me that year; the smell was intolerable."
Snapping back out of his momentary trip down memory lane, he smiled at the students. "But I digress. As you finish your potion, you have one more very simple step to complete your potion. Please bring your cauldron back down to a simmer, and then retrieve a single drop of swan blood from the potions cabinet. Add the single drop of swan blood to your potion and stir until it is well blended into the potion. Your potion will then be complete. Please note that we are using swan blood for this lab. Typically this potion would call for a drop of unicorn blood, but that would produce a pure, passionate, devoted love that is much too intense for you to experience at your tender ages. Swan blood produces a love that is much more superficial, and therefore wears off in time."
"Bottle a draft of your potion, and then you are to select a classmate of the opposite gender... It does NOT have to be your lab partner, however." Kazimeriz grinned at the students.
"I know that you have all guessed by now what the final step in class is... You will each sample one of your classmate's creation... and tell them quite honestly how you feel about their work."And if you have succeeded, I am certain we will have a room filled with sonnets and students bursting into song... and perhaps fighting and the odd love triangle or two. Good times, good times.
"I realize there are fewer boys in the room than girls. As such, it is entirely acceptable for a boy to consume potions from multiple young ladies. In fact, it may even add to the educational value of this portion of our little lab."
Kazimeriz leaned against the lectern, looking highly amused. "Go on, now... Finish your work, bottle it, mingle and drink up! Let the good times roll!"
Kazimeriz watched the students, nodding as he shuffled down the aisles. "It seems as though most of you are doing quite well-- excellent! You should all take pride in your work, for this is a very difficult potion to get just right, and yet it seems that most of you are finding success. I recall one year that this potion was taught, and not one student in the class was able to brew it successfully... in fact, one unfortunate fourth year student managed to explode his cauldron. The potion splattered all over the lad, the professor and his nearby classmates, coating them with a tarlike substance that stuck to the skin and burned for weeks... and left them all smelling vaguely of spoiled unicorn milk and sweaty socks." He smirked, recalling this experience. "It was only out of sheer pity that Mrs. Kazimeriz still attended the Yule Ball with me that year; the smell was intolerable."
Snapping back out of his momentary trip down memory lane, he smiled at the students. "But I digress. As you finish your potion, you have one more very simple step to complete your potion. Please bring your cauldron back down to a simmer, and then retrieve a single drop of swan blood from the potions cabinet. Add the single drop of swan blood to your potion and stir until it is well blended into the potion. Your potion will then be complete. Please note that we are using swan blood for this lab. Typically this potion would call for a drop of unicorn blood, but that would produce a pure, passionate, devoted love that is much too intense for you to experience at your tender ages. Swan blood produces a love that is much more superficial, and therefore wears off in time."
"Bottle a draft of your potion, and then you are to select a classmate of the opposite gender... It does NOT have to be your lab partner, however." Kazimeriz grinned at the students.
"I know that you have all guessed by now what the final step in class is... You will each sample one of your classmate's creation... and tell them quite honestly how you feel about their work."And if you have succeeded, I am certain we will have a room filled with sonnets and students bursting into song... and perhaps fighting and the odd love triangle or two. Good times, good times.
"I realize there are fewer boys in the room than girls. As such, it is entirely acceptable for a boy to consume potions from multiple young ladies. In fact, it may even add to the educational value of this portion of our little lab."
Kazimeriz leaned against the lectern, looking highly amused. "Go on, now... Finish your work, bottle it, mingle and drink up! Let the good times roll!"
Professor Kazi!Man was insane.
It was very clear, to Fyo, that the man was actually... enjoying the thought of what they would have to go through. He wondered what the Potions Master would do, if he refused to taste the potion, and shook his head as he realized that he was certainly not up to something like that.
Evil man, evil man.
And he had thought Professor Bunbury was the devil.
"Sir," his hand was in the air, now. "Isn't it wrong to harm a unicorn, for its blood?" A drop of unicorn blood... he was pretty sure he had read that to slay a unicorn was an act of great vice.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz
Kool-Aid, Oh Yeah! | | SS Mischief Maker
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
Professor Kazi!Man was insane.
It was very clear, to Fyo, that the man was actually... enjoying the thought of what they would have to go through. He wondered what the Potions Master would do, if he refused to taste the potion, and shook his head as he realized that he was certainly not up to something like that.
Evil man, evil man.
And he had thought Professor Bunbury was the devil.
"Sir," his hand was in the air, now. "Isn't it wrong to harm a unicorn, for its blood?" A drop of unicorn blood... he was pretty sure he had read that to slay a unicorn was an act of great vice.
Kazimeriz nodded gravely. "Indeed it is. And unicorn blood taken from a unicorn who has been killed will indeed cause the drinker to be gravely cursed, for a unicorn is a pure spirit and to take its life is a major offense to the natural order of things. There are, however, ways of obtaining a very small sample of unicorn blood without killing the unicorn; this is why unicorn blood is a very rare substance and used only in infinitesimally small amounts. It is also extraordinarily expensive... and very, very potent and powerful. Hence the use of swan blood here." He grinned at Mr. Balouch. "Five points for asking a very good, valid question."
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
And now for the moment of truth... Carter thought. He went over to the cabinets and dropped in the single drop of blood into the potion. He stirred it in until it was well mixed. He poured some in a bottle and handed in to Marilyn. "You ready for this?" he asked her.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
'Alrighty!' Jack quickly grabbed a pin and spoon and got to work. He know that speed was of the essence. 'Here goes.' he said as he quickly pierced the pod at the proper spot. Read with the spoon, he caught the first precious drop. 'Eureka! One down and two to go. You're doing fantastic Isabella.'
Bella beamed
Originally Posted by Torchwood
As Jack and Isabella takled the second pod, it shot from her hand...as a quick fix, Jack cleaned up her hands with a quick charm. 'Okay, lets try this again.' This time Isabella managed to hold on to the peeled pod, so that jack could poke it with a pin. Unfortunately, the pod slipped once again...before Jack could collect the precious drop.
'Dang.' Jack frowned. 'How about we switch jobs. My hands are rougher than yours and might hold on a bit better.' he said with a nod as he went off to get a few more pods.
the seed kept slipping of her hand.she was glad that the Jack cleaned of the oil from her hand. i will thank him for that later she thought asJack went and brought new pods.but the itching had started to begin slowly.
the two of them worked together on the next two seeds. after every seed being pinned Bella held out the spoon from the cauldron and took the small drop of the oil and stirred it thrice in the cauldron. as they went for the last seed they ahd to try out many times because the oil would get evaporated by the time Bella could take it and pour it in the cauldron
Jack and Isabella worked on the third seed and when Bella poured the oil in the cauldron and stirred it vigourously as instructed untill the potion became even more thicker.she had to literally muscle out her strength in stirring her potion.jack and Isabella took turns to stirr the potion.as she was stirring the potion she heard Prof talk again
Originally Posted by XanaSnape
Kazimeriz watched the students, nodding as he shuffled down the aisles. "It seems as though most of you are doing quite well-- excellent! You should all take pride in your work, for this is a very difficult potion to get just right, and yet it seems that most of you are finding success. I recall one year that this potion was taught, and not one student in the class was able to brew it successfully... in fact, one unfortunate fourth year student managed to explode his cauldron. The potion splattered all over the lad, the professor and his nearby classmates, coating them with a tarlike substance that stuck to the skin and burned for weeks... and left them all smelling vaguely of spoiled unicorn milk and sweaty socks." He smirked, recalling this experience. "It was only out of sheer pity that Mrs. Kazimeriz still attended the Yule Ball with me that year; the smell was intolerable."
Snapping back out of his momentary trip down memory lane, he smiled at the students. "But I digress. As you finish your potion, you have one more very simple step to complete your potion. Please bring your cauldron back down to a simmer, and then retrieve a single drop of swan blood from the potions cabinet. Add the single drop of swan blood to your potion and stir until it is well blended into the potion. Your potion will then be complete. Please note that we are using swan blood for this lab. Typically this potion would call for a drop of unicorn blood, but that would produce a pure, passionate, devoted love that is much too intense for you to experience at your tender ages. Swan blood produces a love that is much more superficial, and therefore wears off in time."
"Bottle a draft of your potion, and then you are to select a classmate of the opposite gender... It does NOT have to be your lab partner, however." Kazimeriz grinned at the students.
"I know that you have all guessed by now what the final step in class is... You will each sample one of your classmate's creation... and tell them quite honestly how you feel about their work."And if you have succeeded, I am certain we will have a room filled with sonnets and students bursting into song... and perhaps fighting and the odd love triangle or two. Good times, good times.
"I realize there are fewer boys in the room than girls. As such, it is entirely acceptable for a boy to consume potions from multiple young ladies. In fact, it may even add to the educational value of this portion of our little lab."
Kazimeriz leaned against the lectern, looking highly amused. "Go on, now... Finish your work, bottle it, mingle and drink up! Let the good times roll!"
Isabella heard about the final step and a blush crept across her cheeks again honestly Prof isnt serious about us taking this potion,right?i ca-cant take this potion. she thought.
she shook her head.she began to stir the thickened potion again with all her strength darn it,i guess it will be easy for someone to wait for someone to fall in love with them then to make this testing and tiring potion she said under her breath,not knowing whether jack heard it or not. as she stirred the potion shifted colors to maple syrup's color...well it wasnt completely looking like that but could get an E if it was a test. Look Jack,its turned to a real cool color Bella said excitedly.she bent in a bit out of her excitement in to her cauldron to take a good look at the color but to only get intoxicated by the smell of the potion.she tried to move away from the cauldron with difficulty.her eyes were dazed with intoxication.she couldnt get herself out of it. we-we nee-need to get the swan's blood she stuttured. Jack looked at her amused and then a bit worriedly. she saw him scuttling away to get the blood from the potions cabinet when Bella tried to get herself back to reality.she cursed herself from within because she hadnt been cautious. she looked around and similar kinds of smells were floating around the dungeon.it was becoming hard for her to breathe in the thick intoxicating atmosphere.
Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie
SPOILER!!: Kazi Craziness
Originally Posted by XanaSnape
Kazimeriz watched the students, nodding as he shuffled down the aisles. "It seems as though most of you are doing quite well-- excellent! You should all take pride in your work, for this is a very difficult potion to get just right, and yet it seems that most of you are finding success. I recall one year that this potion was taught, and not one student in the class was able to brew it successfully... in fact, one unfortunate fourth year student managed to explode his cauldron. The potion splattered all over the lad, the professor and his nearby classmates, coating them with a tarlike substance that stuck to the skin and burned for weeks... and left them all smelling vaguely of spoiled unicorn milk and sweaty socks." He smirked, recalling this experience. "It was only out of sheer pity that Mrs. Kazimeriz still attended the Yule Ball with me that year; the smell was intolerable."
Snapping back out of his momentary trip down memory lane, he smiled at the students. "But I digress. As you finish your potion, you have one more very simple step to complete your potion. Please bring your cauldron back down to a simmer, and then retrieve a single drop of swan blood from the potions cabinet. Add the single drop of swan blood to your potion and stir until it is well blended into the potion. Your potion will then be complete. Please note that we are using swan blood for this lab. Typically this potion would call for a drop of unicorn blood, but that would produce a pure, passionate, devoted love that is much too intense for you to experience at your tender ages. Swan blood produces a love that is much more superficial, and therefore wears off in time."
"Bottle a draft of your potion, and then you are to select a classmate of the opposite gender... It does NOT have to be your lab partner, however." Kazimeriz grinned at the students.
"I know that you have all guessed by now what the final step in class is... You will each sample one of your classmate's creation... and tell them quite honestly how you feel about their work."And if you have succeeded, I am certain we will have a room filled with sonnets and students bursting into song... and perhaps fighting and the odd love triangle or two. Good times, good times.
"I realize there are fewer boys in the room than girls. As such, it is entirely acceptable for a boy to consume potions from multiple young ladies. In fact, it may even add to the educational value of this portion of our little lab."
Kazimeriz leaned against the lectern, looking highly amused. "Go on, now... Finish your work, bottle it, mingle and drink up! Let the good times roll!"
Mina blinked repeatedly. Was he serious? She didn't really expect to have to drink someone else's potion. She had enough trouble finding a group to join and successful brew what she had. This was going to be rich indeed.
Giving her potion the needed 'passionate' stirs, she turned her cauldron down. Leaning over to check that it was in fact beginning to simmer, she made her way to the potion cabinet, slowly. She wasn't at all looking forward to sampling her own, let alone any one else's potion. Like she really needed to experience the effects of superficial love or lust, which ever whom ever's potion caused. This lesson could possible lead her to seek professional help if gone sour, which she had a feeling it would. She didn't want to behave like some lovesick puppy!
Retrieving the needed swan blood, she returned to her cauldron. "Well, here goes nothing," she said to herself as she added the blood and took to stirring again. Like I need to make a fool of myself in front of everyone. This has trouble written ALL over it!
Leaning back over to check her potion, she gave a small smile. Well, it smells wonderful. Looks good, but it doesn't mean I want to consume it. Giving it one last stir, she moved on to bottling it. Raising the small phial in front of her, she debated writing her name on it. What if it wasn't correct and while taken with other potions, something bad ever to happen and then they would know it was her potion that did it. I'm crazy! Just give it to some boy and take your own medicine. She really did hate that inner voice of hers.
Giving a heavy sigh, she looked around for a someone to give her potion to. Maybe if she just got it over with, it wouldn't be all that terrible.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Kazi's "crazy person" talk
Originally Posted by XanaSnape
Kazimeriz watched the students, nodding as he shuffled down the aisles. "It seems as though most of you are doing quite well-- excellent! You should all take pride in your work, for this is a very difficult potion to get just right, and yet it seems that most of you are finding success. I recall one year that this potion was taught, and not one student in the class was able to brew it successfully... in fact, one unfortunate fourth year student managed to explode his cauldron. The potion splattered all over the lad, the professor and his nearby classmates, coating them with a tarlike substance that stuck to the skin and burned for weeks... and left them all smelling vaguely of spoiled unicorn milk and sweaty socks." He smirked, recalling this experience. "It was only out of sheer pity that Mrs. Kazimeriz still attended the Yule Ball with me that year; the smell was intolerable."
Snapping back out of his momentary trip down memory lane, he smiled at the students. "But I digress. As you finish your potion, you have one more very simple step to complete your potion. Please bring your cauldron back down to a simmer, and then retrieve a single drop of swan blood from the potions cabinet. Add the single drop of swan blood to your potion and stir until it is well blended into the potion. Your potion will then be complete. Please note that we are using swan blood for this lab. Typically this potion would call for a drop of unicorn blood, but that would produce a pure, passionate, devoted love that is much too intense for you to experience at your tender ages. Swan blood produces a love that is much more superficial, and therefore wears off in time."
"Bottle a draft of your potion, and then you are to select a classmate of the opposite gender... It does NOT have to be your lab partner, however." Kazimeriz grinned at the students.
"I know that you have all guessed by now what the final step in class is... You will each sample one of your classmate's creation... and tell them quite honestly how you feel about their work."And if you have succeeded, I am certain we will have a room filled with sonnets and students bursting into song... and perhaps fighting and the odd love triangle or two. Good times, good times.
"I realize there are fewer boys in the room than girls. As such, it is entirely acceptable for a boy to consume potions from multiple young ladies. In fact, it may even add to the educational value of this portion of our little lab."
Kazimeriz leaned against the lectern, looking highly amused. "Go on, now... Finish your work, bottle it, mingle and drink up! Let the good times roll!"
Originally Posted by LilFox06
And now for the moment of truth... Carter thought. He went over to the cabinets and dropped in the single drop of blood into the potion. He stirred it in until it was well mixed. He poured some in a bottle and handed in to Marilyn. "You ready for this?" he asked her.
Marilyn swallowed with some difficulty. It all came down to this moment. She took the tiny glass bottle from Carter's fingers and smiled. It didn't quite meet her eyes. "Are we taking it together?" Why was she so nervous?
Kazimeriz nodded gravely. "Indeed it is. And unicorn blood taken from a unicorn who has been killed will indeed cause the drinker to be gravely cursed, for a unicorn is a pure spirit and to take its life is a major offense to the natural order of things. There are, however, ways of obtaining a very small sample of unicorn blood without killing the unicorn; this is why unicorn blood is a very rare substance and used only in infinitesimally small amounts. It is also extraordinarily expensive... and very, very potent and powerful. Hence the use of swan blood here." He grinned at Mr. Balouch. "Five points for asking a very good, valid question."
Oooh, that sounded better, then. "Thank you, sir," Fyo said, beaming inwardly when Professor Kazi!Man awarded him five points for the question. Who said it was answers that won your points? Hehe.
He remembered the last step once more, and decided it was time to retrieve the single drop of swan-blood from the potions cabinet. "Do you want to add the drop, or stir the potion?" he asked Lucy, politely.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Miss Marilyn
Marilyn swallowed with some difficulty. It all came down to this moment. She took the tiny glass bottle from Carter's fingers and smiled. It didn't quite meet her eyes. "Are we taking it together?" Why was she so nervous?
"Yeah." Carter said pouring a bottle for himself. Wow, she looked nervous. He clicked his little vial against hers and held it up. "Cheers." he said before downing the whole thing. "That wasn't so bad." he said. A second later his eyes kind of glazed over and a huge smiled came to his face. "Wow... you're really pretty..." he said with a love-struck sigh.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Michelle beamed as she stared at her love potion. She didn't have a partner, not yet, but her potion looked very good even if she brewed without a partner. She was fine, she didn't need any partner to help her work.
She gulped. What was that?
Now that was the tricky part. Was she gonna have to taste someone else's potion???? Oh no. She shuddered as she thought of what her reaction would be... This is going to be a disaster...
Kay walked over to the where the supplies were keep. She had finish the potion by herself and only needed the swans blood. 'who would I give it to?' Kay thought. She got what she needed and walked down to her work table. This was not going to be good.
Oooh, that sounded better, then. "Thank you, sir," Fyo said, beaming inwardly when Professor Kazi!Man awarded him five points for the question. Who said it was answers that won your points? Hehe.
He remembered the last step once more, and decided it was time to retrieve the single drop of swan-blood from the potions cabinet. "Do you want to add the drop, or stir the potion?" he asked Lucy, politely.
Lucy had watched Prf. Kazi explain the last step with dread in her eyes. And she was quite happy that Fyo had gotten 5 points for asking a good question--but a better question would have been,'Can we not take the potion?!'
"Um, I"ll add the drop, I suppose, since stirring seems to be your thing," Lucy replied to Fyo as she took the drop of swan blood in her hands. She carefully added it to the potion and moved a bit so Fyo could stir the potion. It smelled absolutely intoxicating--she wanted to drink the whole cauldron! But no, she couldn't--she would embarrass herself.
"Soo...who's going to take the potion?" Lucy casually asked Fyo, not meeting his eyes.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by LilFox06
"Yeah." Carter said pouring a bottle for himself. Wow, she looked nervous. He clicked his little vial against hers and held it up. "Cheers." he said before downing the whole thing. "That wasn't so bad." he said. A second later his eyes kind of glazed over and a huge smiled came to his face. "Wow... you're really pretty..." he said with a love-struck sigh.
Finally allowing herself to breath, Marilyn inhaled the sweet scent of 'mint chocolate and egg nog'. Her mouth watered once again. She immediately followed Carter's lead, drinking the phial in one take. And it was the best thing she'd ever tasted! The blonde smirked, not feeling anything out of the ordinary...at first. Quite suddenly, an overwhelming sense of affection hit her like a ton of bricks. Marilyn locked eyes with Carter, her smirk quickly transforming into a brilliant smile.
"Do you really think im pretty?...Aww!" Marilyn moved closer to him, feeling herself blush. The urge to touch Carter was overpowering and she slowly, almost hesitantly, reached out her fingers towards his jaw. "You've got beautiful eyes, Carter." Finally making contact with his skin, she sighed happily. It felt smooth and wonderful. He was so perfect.
The professor watched as the students found partners -- well, most of them. Ah, the curse of co-educational facilities, there never seemed to be an equal balance of boys to girls! "If you are unable to find a partner of the opposite gender, please join a workstation where a boy-girl 'couple' is already in process, but brew your own cauldron of potion. After all, the only thing more amusing that manufactured love is a manufactured love triangle." A sinister smirk crossed the Professor's face.
"I commend those of you who noticed that the lovage seeds are not in the instructions just yet. My herbology star-students may also have noticed that the seeds themselves are a good deal larger than typical lovage seeds, and are also a slightly softer and more pliable than a traditional lovage seed." Indeed, the seeds were not truly tiny as normal lovage seeds are, but instead were each about the size of a sunflower seed and had a little bit of give when pressed gently.
"These particular lovage seeds I have provided for you have been pre-treated- first soaked for 9 days in a tincture of bubotuber pus and grain alcohol, then kept for at least one calendar year in a tisane of rosemary, damiana, and balm of Gilead blossoms. In doing this, we have infused the seeds with a bit of a potion-ingredient-within-a-potion ingredient. You can find such pre-treated seeds at any apothecary."
"As I said, this next part is a bit tricky, and you will need the assistant of a partner for this. Working together, one of you will gently -- GENTLY -- peel back the outer seed coat - that firm, dark 'shell' on each seed. As SOON as the seed coat is exposed, the other student will take one of the tiny pins found at each workstation and pierce the hilum- for those of you who have not studied your herbology, that is the indentation in the seed where it normally attaches to the plant stalk. You must work quickly, for the oils you wish to extract will evaporate almost as soon as the seed coat is held open! Once you have pierced the seed, you will catch the single drop of oil that you will find in each seed on a stirring spoon and immediately place it in your potion, stirring it three times clockwise. Do this for each seed until you have three drops of freshly harvested lovage-seed oil in your potions. I expect it may take you several tries to accomplish this, so feel free to take more treated lovage seeds from the potions supplies if needed. Also, please note that it the lovage oil smells terrible on its own and will irritate your skin terribly if it comes into direct contact, so please do not get it on your fingers-- or your partner's fingers."
"As soon as you have three drops of lovage seed oil in your potion, take turns stirring the cauldron vigorously-- passionately, one might say -- until your potion begins to thicken and boil. Your arms will grow tired, I have no doubt, but if done well the potion will begin to shift colors, and eventually will reach the consistency of maple syrup and smell absolutely intoxicating. Please restrain yourselves from drinking the potion, however... At least, not until instructed to do so, for there is one... final... step... in our process." He smirked again as he said this, as though daring them to drink it. He knew how difficult it would be to resist if they brewed it correctly!
"I will come around the room and observe; please feel free to ask questions. I know this is a rather tricky bit of work, but then, love itself is a tricky business, is it not?" He smiled at the students, his livery, wrinkled lips stretching into a rather creepy grin
Originally Posted by XanaSnape
Kazimeriz watched the students, nodding as he shuffled down the aisles. "It seems as though most of you are doing quite well-- excellent! You should all take pride in your work, for this is a very difficult potion to get just right, and yet it seems that most of you are finding success. I recall one year that this potion was taught, and not one student in the class was able to brew it successfully... in fact, one unfortunate fourth year student managed to explode his cauldron. The potion splattered all over the lad, the professor and his nearby classmates, coating them with a tarlike substance that stuck to the skin and burned for weeks... and left them all smelling vaguely of spoiled unicorn milk and sweaty socks." He smirked, recalling this experience. "It was only out of sheer pity that Mrs. Kazimeriz still attended the Yule Ball with me that year; the smell was intolerable."
Snapping back out of his momentary trip down memory lane, he smiled at the students. "But I digress. As you finish your potion, you have one more very simple step to complete your potion. Please bring your cauldron back down to a simmer, and then retrieve a single drop of swan blood from the potions cabinet. Add the single drop of swan blood to your potion and stir until it is well blended into the potion. Your potion will then be complete. Please note that we are using swan blood for this lab. Typically this potion would call for a drop of unicorn blood, but that would produce a pure, passionate, devoted love that is much too intense for you to experience at your tender ages. Swan blood produces a love that is much more superficial, and therefore wears off in time."
"Bottle a draft of your potion, and then you are to select a classmate of the opposite gender... It does NOT have to be your lab partner, however." Kazimeriz grinned at the students.
"I know that you have all guessed by now what the final step in class is... You will each sample one of your classmate's creation... and tell them quite honestly how you feel about their work."And if you have succeeded, I am certain we will have a room filled with sonnets and students bursting into song... and perhaps fighting and the odd love triangle or two. Good times, good times.
"I realize there are fewer boys in the room than girls. As such, it is entirely acceptable for a boy to consume potions from multiple young ladies. In fact, it may even add to the educational value of this portion of our little lab."
Kazimeriz leaned against the lectern, looking highly amused. "Go on, now... Finish your work, bottle it, mingle and drink up! Let the good times roll!"
Gah, and Miranda needed a partner...again...Or well she needed one in the first place before working on the potion. Alsa. IT was not to be.
She walked over and collected five seeds, hoping that it wasn's as tricky as Kazi was actally implying it was... But, that man was right. After the third, attempt at peeling and piercing and extracting, Miranda found it was difficult. But in the end, she was able to extract the droplet of oil. Wrinkling her nose, she saw it falling into the spoon on the table and, discarding what was left of the seed, she stirred the oily spoon into the cauldron. Phew. Hopefully Kazi wouldn't mind that she had done it alone, and thus beginning to get way WAY way behind the schedule.
And here, her Chaser abilities came into work. Who knew Quidditch and potion stirring would come together? With her left arm, her shooting arm, she began to stirr, sort of hopping on the spot as she huffed with the vigour of stirring.
And then...then, her eyes widened at the sight of the liquid. It was turning into a thick thing...and it smelled. Oh! How it smelled! Were they making syrup?? Really? Maybe Kazi said they were making a potion but IN REALITY it was syrup! And they could EAT IT! Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Her finger reached down to touch the hotness potion, just one taste, it wouldn't hurt! There was still SO MUCH left! Eeeeeeeeeeeep!
She burnted her finger, but she didn't care, it was too unresistable... Then right before her finger went into her mouth, Kazi's voice boomed in the dungeon again. And all her need for the taste went away.
"What?" Miranda almost snapped. Oh no way, NO WAY that she was going to drink that potion, specially if some other strange student made it. What if it was WAY powerful or maybe so disguisting it was barf enducing.
And SWAN BLOOD? The swan was still alive right?? Errrm... Well, off she went to get the shudder blood, stirring it into the cauldron. Stirr stirr STIRR. Sooo...was it done yet? And where was the bottle... Yes, where was that thing? Not under the table...not ON the table... Oh! She retrieved it from her bag, and knowing she had two...poured potion into both of them. Who knew, maybe she would need the potion in an emergency of some kind. Errr...Whatever. Slipping the other bottle inside her bag, discreetly, she held the other bottled sample. And waited.
Urgh...I don't want to!
Who would want to sample her potion anyways. Sigh.
Last edited by Luna Laufghudd; 11-23-2009 at 06:00 PM.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Miss Marilyn
Finally allowing herself to breath, Marilyn inhaled the sweet scent of 'mint chocolate and egg nog'. Her mouth watered once again. She immediately followed Carter's lead, drinking the phial in one take. And it was the best thing she'd ever tasted! The blonde smirked, not feeling anything out of the ordinary...at first. Quite suddenly, an overwhelming sense of affection hit her like a ton of bricks. Marilyn locked eyes with Carter, her smirk quickly transforming into a brilliant smile.
"Do you really think im pretty?...Aww!" Marilyn moved closer to him, feeling herself blush. The urge to touch Carter was overpowering and she slowly, almost hesitantly, reached out her fingers towards his jaw. "You've got beautiful eyes, Carter." Finally making contact with his skin, she sighed happily. It felt smooth and wonderful. He was so perfect.
Carter smiled as Marilyn touched his face. "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I think I love you." he said. He then jump up on the table (nearly knocking over the rest of their potion) "I would like everyone to know." he announced in a loud voice. "That Marilyn is the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world." He looked down at her and beamed. "And if she'd have me, I'd love for her to be my girl."
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Cassirin
He had the pin in hand this time when LouAnn broke open the seed, and it was simple work to pierce the hilum and extract the oil onto their measuring spoon. This really wasn't all that complicated, but somehow they were still moving pretty slowly.
"You add this oil to the potion while I get the next seed ready. We're almost done... again!"
Ahh, success! LouAnn and Cope would soon have all the oil they needed, and then it'd be time to move on to the next step---the final step...for now, at least. LouAnn laughed a little at the way Cope said 'again'. It was true that they'd previously thought themselves to be finished only to be given a brand new set of directions. "Sure thing," she said, just before carefully adding the oil to their mixture.
Originally Posted by XanaSnape
Kazimeriz watched the students, nodding as he shuffled down the aisles. "It seems as though most of you are doing quite well-- excellent! You should all take pride in your work, for this is a very difficult potion to get just right, and yet it seems that most of you are finding success. I recall one year that this potion was taught, and not one student in the class was able to brew it successfully... in fact, one unfortunate fourth year student managed to explode his cauldron. The potion splattered all over the lad, the professor and his nearby classmates, coating them with a tarlike substance that stuck to the skin and burned for weeks... and left them all smelling vaguely of spoiled unicorn milk and sweaty socks." He smirked, recalling this experience. "It was only out of sheer pity that Mrs. Kazimeriz still attended the Yule Ball with me that year; the smell was intolerable."
Snapping back out of his momentary trip down memory lane, he smiled at the students. "But I digress. As you finish your potion, you have one more very simple step to complete your potion. Please bring your cauldron back down to a simmer, and then retrieve a single drop of swan blood from the potions cabinet. Add the single drop of swan blood to your potion and stir until it is well blended into the potion. Your potion will then be complete. Please note that we are using swan blood for this lab. Typically this potion would call for a drop of unicorn blood, but that would produce a pure, passionate, devoted love that is much too intense for you to experience at your tender ages. Swan blood produces a love that is much more superficial, and therefore wears off in time."
"Bottle a draft of your potion, and then you are to select a classmate of the opposite gender... It does NOT have to be your lab partner, however." Kazimeriz grinned at the students.
"I know that you have all guessed by now what the final step in class is... You will each sample one of your classmate's creation... and tell them quite honestly how you feel about their work."And if you have succeeded, I am certain we will have a room filled with sonnets and students bursting into song... and perhaps fighting and the odd love triangle or two. Good times, good times.
"I realize there are fewer boys in the room than girls. As such, it is entirely acceptable for a boy to consume potions from multiple young ladies. In fact, it may even add to the educational value of this portion of our little lab."
Kazimeriz leaned against the lectern, looking highly amused. "Go on, now... Finish your work, bottle it, mingle and drink up! Let the good times roll!"
"Well, there you have it...the final step!" she happily told Cope. Now all they needed to do was get the last drop of oil into the potion before adding in the swan blood the professor was talking about. "Almost done...do you have the seed ready? I can extract the oil this time if you need me to."
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Carter smiled as Marilyn touched his face. "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I think I love you." he said. He then jump up on the table (nearly knocking over the rest of their potion) "I would like everyone to know." he announced in a loud voice. "That Marilyn is the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world." He looked down at her and beamed. "And if she'd have me, I'd love for her to be my girl."
Marilyn clasped her hands together in utter delight. This perfect boy...wanted her to be his girlfriend?! She jumped around, giggling softly. "Carter, of course I'll be your girl. Im so..." She just couldn't find the right words. Her glazed eyes took her now boyfriend in greedily. Tugging at his pants leg, Marilyn wanted him to get down from the table so she could wrap her arms around him. "Isn't my boyfriend so perfect?" She'd asked no one in particular.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Miss Marilyn
Marilyn clasped her hands together in utter delight. This perfect boy...wanted her to be his girlfriend?! She jumped around, giggling softly. "Carter, of course I'll be your girl. Im so..." She just couldn't find the right words. Her glazed eyes took her now boyfriend in greedily. Tugging at his pants leg, Marilyn wanted him to get down from the table so she could wrap her arms around him. "Isn't my boyfriend so perfect?" She'd asked no one in particular.
Carter half expected the room to burst out in applause. After all, Marilyn was just so perfect. He figured when no one clapped that it must just because they were jealous. He jumped off the table and landed in front of Marilyn. He hugged her tight. He was the happiest guy in the world right now.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Carter half expected the room to burst out in applause. After all, Marilyn was just so perfect. He figured when no one clapped that it must just because they were jealous. He jumped off the table and landed in front of Marilyn. He hugged her tight. He was the happiest guy in the world right now.
Marilyn beamed at Carter, so overtaken by love and affection that her eyes watered. She watched him jump down from the table and smiled through her tears. Nothing else existed in the room when he decided to pull her close. Just being near him was unlike anything else in the world. "Carter, Im so happy..." She bit her lip delicately, should she tell him how much she absolutely adored him? "I think...I think I love you, too"
Lucy had watched Prf. Kazi explain the last step with dread in her eyes. And she was quite happy that Fyo had gotten 5 points for asking a good question--but a better question would have been,'Can we not take the potion?!'
"Um, I"ll add the drop, I suppose, since stirring seems to be your thing," Lucy replied to Fyo as she took the drop of swan blood in her hands. She carefully added it to the potion and moved a bit so Fyo could stir the potion. It smelled absolutely intoxicating--she wanted to drink the whole cauldron! But no, she couldn't--she would embarrass herself.
"Soo...who's going to take the potion?" Lucy casually asked Fyo, not meeting his eyes.
Fyo had expected that. He nodded, watched her execute the sort-of-last step, then grabbed the stirrer and began to stir. It would take a little while for the potion to blend well, and he was glad of that.
The more time, the better.
Because he did not want to drink this potion.
It smelled of fresh flowers, and wet mud, and things he loved too much for words and, much as he wanted to empty the contents of the entire cauldron, Fyo knew he could not -- and then Lucy asked THE question, and he almost bit his lip. It would be highly ungentlemanly to tell her to drink the potion but he knew, too, that he did not want to test it himself.
"I... don't know," he said finally, looking up at her. "I ... I guess I will." Oh my... had he really said that? But he couldn't ask her... he really couldn't! Fyo had... never been the type. Girls were... GIRLS.
Once Evan added the lovage Marie slowly stirred the potion clockwise and counter clockwise until it started to boil. "Now we just have to let it simmer for five minutes before we can add the bloodroot membrane." Marie grabbed one of the bloodroots and started to scrape out the inner membrane.
Once she started this she heard the professor give more insturctions. "Oh no, I hope we get this done before the proferssor gives any more instructions. I don't want to get behind in this class." Marie remembered last class and how the professor had taken points from her because she complained about cleaning. She didn't want to lose points now because she was falling behind now.
Once the five minutes passed Marie put the inner membranes of the bloodroots into the cauldron. She then measured out 8 ounces of apple cider and added that. Looking at Evan she asked "Do you want to add the remaining ingredients?" She didn't want him to think she was trying to do everything without his help, she just wanted to get finished before the professor gave out any more insturctions.
Wow, Marie was working fast! It suited Evan better though, letting a firstie get the hold of it was good, right? So yes, he was doing it for education, not because he was lazy. Go Marie go! He smiled encouragingly as she did most of the job. She could as well finish it, though it could cost some points. He decided to mince the lionfish heart. He could at least do that. He nodded when she asked if he wanted to do the rest. He added his minced heart, and weee-it took the colour it should! He grinned. Marie They were good at this! He added one dram of griffin dandruff and simmered. Wow, his arm was already tired. How could she simmer at most of the time? It would still be his potion too, right, that he had added some ingredients too? He hoped so.
He looked up when the professor gave the further instroductions. He quickly ran to get swan blood. He turned back and added a drop of it, then continued stirring. He examined the potion. It looked finished. He leaned back comfortably, but then froze as he heard the rest. So they were 'lucky' to add swan blood... and they would test it if the potions was well-brewed. So his suspicions were true. The professor would make them fall in love, and then watch the fights with pleasure.
Originally Posted by Kaytone
Kay walked over to the where the supplies were keep. She had finish the potion by herself and only needed the swans blood. 'who would I give it to?' Kay thought. She got what she needed and walked down to her work table. This was not going to be good.
Still worried and nervous, Evan glanced at Marie to get her approval too before he took his sample. He then saw Kay work alone, and he felt guilty. But what could he do, it was a Slytherin to a Hufflepuff who had been bad to him. He called her over. "Er... Huffie... Kyle--Kay!" That was her name, right? "You could work with us--but oh you're finished."Stupid, of course she's finished by now!"Er... still... do you need any help?"
the seed kept slipping of her hand.she was glad that the Jack cleaned of the oil from her hand. i will thank him for that later she thought asJack went and brought new pods.but the itching had started to begin slowly.
the two of them worked together on the next two seeds. after every seed being pinned Bella held out the spoon from the cauldron and took the small drop of the oil and stirred it thrice in the cauldron. as they went for the last seed they ahd to try out many times because the oil would get evaporated by the time Bella could take it and pour it in the cauldron
Jack and Isabella worked on the third seed and when Bella poured the oil in the cauldron and stirred it vigourously as instructed untill the potion became even more thicker.she had to literally muscle out her strength in stirring her potion.jack and Isabella took turns to stirr the potion.as she was stirring the potion she heard Prof talk again
Isabella heard about the final step and a blush crept across her cheeks again honestly Prof isnt serious about us taking this potion,right?i ca-cant take this potion. she thought.
she shook her head.she began to stir the thickened potion again with all her strength darn it,i guess it will be easy for someone to wait for someone to fall in love with them then to make this testing and tiring potion she said under her breath,not knowing whether jack heard it or not. as she stirred the potion shifted colors to maple syrup's color...well it wasnt completely looking like that but could get an E if it was a test. Look Jack,its turned to a real cool color Bella said excitedly.she bent in a bit out of her excitement in to her cauldron to take a good look at the color but to only get intoxicated by the smell of the potion.she tried to move away from the cauldron with difficulty.her eyes were dazed with intoxication.she couldnt get herself out of it. we-we nee-need to get the swan's blood she stuttured. Jack looked at her amused and then a bit worriedly. she saw him scuttling away to get the blood from the potions cabinet when Bella tried to get herself back to reality.she cursed herself from within because she hadnt been cautious. she looked around and similar kinds of smells were floating around the dungeon.it was becoming hard for her to breathe in the thick intoxicating atmosphere.
'That took some serious stirring.' Jack mumbled as he headed off to get the swan blood. I SO do NOT want to test this stuff...
Jack arrived back with the swan blood and carefully measured one drop into the cauldron, then set to stirring.
Last edited by Torchwood; 11-23-2009 at 06:43 PM.
Reason: added more
'That took some serious stirring.' Jack mumbled as he headed off to get the swan blood. I SO do NOT want to test this stuff...
Jack arrived back with the swan blood and carefully measured one drop into the cauldron, then set to stirring.
Isabella was standing there watching Jack stir the potion.the color was almost the maple syrup color as far as she knew.but she couldnt stand there anymore.the smell was too intoxicating and was getting in her head Jack,is it only me who is having a mild head ache or even you are having it? Bella asked her palm pressed against her forehead.she began to clean the rest of the workstation as the job was almost done except the dreaded last step of trying the potion out.
Isabella was standing there watching Jack stir the potion.the color was almost the maple syrup color as far as she knew.but she couldnt stand there anymore.the smell was too intoxicating and was getting in her head Jack,is it only me who is having a mild head ache or even you are having it? Bella asked her palm pressed against her forehead.she began to clean the rest of the workstation as the job was almost done except the dreaded last step of trying the potion out.
Jack picked up two nice clean bottles that he had already labeled with their names and filled them with potion.
'Now that you mention it, I do have a bit of a headache.' sweaty palms, too, he thought...he'd have to find somebody able to handle him if he was going to test his potion on a girl....
Jack handed Isabella her bottle and said, 'Here you go. If you would like, I can accompany you when you have somebody try it out. Kinda like a big brother protector type thing...and if you want, I can also be there if you want to try somebody else's potion...carry you off if you start acting stupid.' he said with a chuckle and grin. (Now who was going to protect him?)