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Brennan Cooper Era All historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Brennan Cooper [IC January 2064 - December 2067; OOC January 2007 - December 2009]

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2008, 10:54 PM
PhoenixRising PhoenixRising is offline
Default Division: Floo Network Authority

Floo Network Authority, a division within the Networking Section of the Department of Magical Transportation, is in charge of managing, maintaining, and regulating the Floo Network; being responsible for the distribution of floo powder; and setting up and controlling which fireplaces are connected to the Floo Network. Employees of this Division should meet, discuss, and fix where needed with your Division Head, unicornkeeper07.

Craig Wickham - unicornkeeper07
Megan Savannah O'Reilly - Manda Panda
Selena Dauntilon - xtina_91
Old 02-21-2008, 06:15 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Daniel Sychev Jnr
Fourth Year

Dmitry walked into the Floo offices , glancing around he noticed he was the only on there, The Divisional head was obviously running late. He walked around the room, and noticed a small sign saying that where he was , was the offices for the Floo Regulation Panel and his own Division , the Floo Network Authority. He gazed at it for a while, before turning on his heel and continuing his self tour of the offices.
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Old 02-22-2008, 06:53 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Micha walked in with a bookbag on her shoulder. She noticed someone else walked in before her. "Morning," she smiled as she walked over to an empty desk and laid her bag on top. Clearly she was not about to unpack anything until she found out what was going on within the department that she now worked in.
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Old 02-22-2008, 06:09 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Dmitry turned his head at the sound of a voice, he smiled at the newcomer and stolled over in her direction, extending his hand " Dmitry Sychev, pleased to meet you " he said with a smile, wondering when there first bits of work would come through.
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Old 02-23-2008, 05:54 AM   #5 (permalink)
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"Micha. Micha Chauncy," she spoke as she returned the hand shake to her new fellow employee. "Looks like it will fill up pretty soon." She looked around the office and then towards Dmitry. "Looks like we still have a few minutes before everyone gets here. I'm going to make myself comfortable and check out the rest of the place."

She turned to head towards the door and stopped. "You are more than welcome to come if you like?"
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Old 02-23-2008, 12:48 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Alannah left her department office and headed towards her new office. Since she had been late to work this morning she hadn't had time to decorate her office. Alannah hoped though that her new empolyees had found something to sit or do while she was in her meeting. Pushing open the office door she walked in smiling and nodding her head at her two new employees. Alannah took off her dark read cloak and hung it up before turning to the waiting woman and man. Smiling warmly at them both she said "Welcome to the department of magical transportation. I'm Alannah McLaughlin, division head of the floo network authority, and you are?

Last edited by Nordic Witch; 02-24-2008 at 03:18 PM.
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Old 02-23-2008, 04:20 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Dmitry was about to follow Micha out of the door when the head of division came walking in, a little late. He smiled at the woman as she walked in and introduced herself. " Dmirty Sychev " he said simply, with a little nod in the direction of his Desk.
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Old 02-23-2008, 05:05 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Alanna turned towards the man smiling and saying "Its a pleasure to meet you, Mister Sychev! Do you have any questions about the job?" Looking down at her desk she saw that she had already gotten the tasks that her department head had mentioned in their meeting. Picking up the two memos she read through them both thoroughly while waiting for Dimitry to respond. The tasks would be a good way for her two new empolyees to show their skills.

Last edited by Nordic Witch; 02-24-2008 at 03:18 PM.
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Old 02-23-2008, 06:43 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Her head appeared first, brown eyes inspecting the premises before her entire body followed, clad in a silk navy robes. Underneath her gray pencil skirt only allowed for small, quick steps and small, quick steps is what she took.

Maps underneath her arm, one hand on her hip, she cleared her throat, silk red blouse shining underneath the robes.

"I'm here for the floo network routes? Maps? Anything really," she requested. "The ones we have are a bit outdated and--I'm sorry. I'm from the Obliviator Headquarters," she informed lastly and pointed at the badge attached to her robes.
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Old 02-23-2008, 07:04 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Second Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Alanna looked up from her memos hearing a slight rush in the air as someone landed in her fireplace using the ministrys floo network. Taking up a small brush from one of the many drawers in her desk she walked towards the fireplace. Alanna watched as more and more of the woman showed before a korean clad in navy silk robes stood before her.

Offering the brush to the other woman to brush off the dust and soot she said warmly "Good day! I'm Alannah McLaughlin, the division head of the floo network. And you are?" Remembering what the woman had requested she pulled out her wand and made a few flicks, and the newly updated floo network routes and maps appeared in her hand.

Alannah weighed the scrolls in her hand asking "If its not anything top secret then can you tell what you need these newly updated maps/routes for? I thought the Obliviators department had gotten the updated floo network scrolls last week."

Last edited by Nordic Witch; 02-24-2008 at 03:18 PM.
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Old 02-23-2008, 07:22 PM   #11 (permalink)

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"Eh," she began with a nervous laugh, slumping already. Straightening up, she cleared her throat trying her best not to avoid the McLaughlin's eyes but the woman was sure intimidating. This was turning into a bad day. "We did receive the maps, Ma'am," began Dae Sun, slightly embarrassed. "I apologize. I sort of misplaced it," she finished in a grumble bowing her head. "But my boss needs it for the operative we were just briefed on concerning this department."

This department, as in the Department of Magical Transportation and she would have explained better but the woman's unwavering stare was making her perspire.
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Old 02-24-2008, 03:18 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Second Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Alannah studied the woman infront of her realizing that maybe she had made her nervous juggling the scrolls in her hand. Stopping she placed the scrolls on the desk behind her saying "Sorry, if i scared you. It was not my intent." Taking up a bowl of chocolate she offered it towards the woman saying "Here take some. They are really delicious." Listening to the womans short explanation Alannah smiled warmly saying "I understand. I misplace things from time to time too.. Just don't make it a habit, dear." Thinking hard she remembered that the broom division needed some assistance from the obliviators and that was probably why this woman stood in front her now.

Alannah picked up the scrolls from her desk and handed them to the other woman saying with a big smile across her face " I hope your boss will make good use of the maps. If he needs anything else just stop by. My office is always open. Again it was not my intent to frighten you."
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Old 02-24-2008, 09:42 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Dmitry watched the exchange between the two other employees from behind his desk for a while, whilst glancing over a list on his desk entitled " Recently Authorised Floo Routes " after a while he looked back up and adressed the division head " Im just looking forward to getting down to some work " he said with a smile as he discarded the list back onto his desk. " I suppose i come to you for work assignments Alannah ? " he said giving the woman his full attention.
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Old 02-25-2008, 05:42 AM   #14 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Alannah shifted her gaze to Dimitry saying "I'm glad to hear that you are eager to get down to work." She rounded the oblivator headquarters employee and sat down at her desk. Alannah heard a slight swish in the wind and soon a parchment landed on her desk. Picking it up she read it through throroughly. Alannah heard her employees question and nodded her head saying "Yes, you are correct. It's to me you come to get assignments. Dimitry, you seem to be in luck. Our divisions first assignments have just arrived."

Division: Floo Network Authority

- There rumors of a floo powder black market. Work with the Dpt of International Cooperation, on Level Five to find out about this illegal trade of floo powder.

- The Dpt has also been notified as to the whereabouts of Mr I.B. Flooing, who has been a known dealer of a floo powder hybrid, which has been causing outbreaks of delusions - sending users straight to St Mungo's instead of their wanted destination. Work with the Magical Law Enforcement Dpt to confiscate the next shipment of floo powder, while they take care of Mr Flooing. A conference/meeting may be in order.
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Old 02-25-2008, 01:58 PM   #15 (permalink)

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Kim Dae Sun nodded feebly and when the woman began to speak to her co-workers she politely turned deaf as to what she was speaking. It wouldn't do to overhear other departments top secret duties. Shuffling past them and out of the office, Dae Sun let out a relieved breath.

Time to work.
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Old 02-25-2008, 07:38 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Dmitrys eyes rested onto the parchment with the assignments on them, he read them through a few times before looking back up at Alannah "meeting with the Magical Law Enforcement Department ?" he vaugley remebered meeting a wizard from the department many years ago " Shall we send them a memo ?"
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Old 02-26-2008, 01:33 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Seventh Year
Hold it! Title Invasion

A somewhat off-putting aura materialized in the Floor Network Authority. A somewhat tall man with a mane of light brown hair and a deep red suit vest and pants walked through the office, hands in his pockets. He strode toward what appeared to be the biggest desk and stood in front of it. Hopefully it was the division head's.

"I'm lookin' for the division head here, Miss...," his soft, moderately thick drawl trailed off as he pulled out the note he had received. "McLaughlin. Is she here?"
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Old 02-26-2008, 02:11 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Micha made her way back into the office, looking up to see someone new who introduced themselves as their department head. "Hello," her soft voice spoke as she smiled, setting her coffee down on a desk she used to lay her things on. "I'm Micha Chauncy."

She walked over to where Alannah and Dmitrys where, placing her hands in the pockets of her robes and listened carefully. This was her first assignment and there could be no screw ups on her end.
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Old 02-26-2008, 03:12 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by Ginny_Fan View Post
Dmitrys eyes rested onto the parchment with the assignments on them, he read them through a few times before looking back up at Alannah "meeting with the Magical Law Enforcement Department ?" he vaugley remebered meeting a wizard from the department many years ago " Shall we send them a memo ?"
Alannah looked up saying in a soft tone "No need Dimitry.. I've already sent a memo to the Magical Law Enforcement department head. He will porbably soon come for a meeting to dicuss the mission." Taking up her wand she conjured a teacan, cups, cookies, milk and sugar onto a small tray that landed, neatly on her desk. Pouring herself some tea she invited Dimitry to do the same saying "Take some tea while its hot. Its going to be a long day. Meeting the department head of the magical law enforcement department isn't our only task." Alannah took up a few sipps of the tea feeling the warmth go through her body. Her office was quite chilly maybe someone had forgotten to put on the heating.

Originally Posted by LadyNerd View Post
Micha made her way back into the office, looking up to see someone new who introduced themselves as their department head. "Hello," her soft voice spoke as she smiled, setting her coffee down on a desk she used to lay her things on. "I'm Micha Chauncy."

She walked over to where Alannah and Dmitrys where, placing her hands in the pockets of her robes and listened carefully. This was her first assignment and there could be no screw ups on her end.
Alannah looked up from her cup greeting her other employee saying softly with a warm smile "Its a pleasure to meet you Miss Chauncy. I'm Alannah McLaughlin, the division head of the floo network authority." Taking a few more sips of her tea she said "If you have any questions about the job, missions or anything else, please don't hesitate to ask. Also do take some hot tea. The office is a bit chilly." Alannah had seen that Micha had joined them quietly while she talked to Dimitry about the first mission she guessed that she was up too speed. If she wasn't then she would be when the department head arrived for there meeting.

Originally Posted by PharaohMan18 View Post
A somewhat off-putting aura materialized in the Floor Network Authority. A somewhat tall man with a mane of light brown hair and a deep red suit vest and pants walked through the office, hands in his pockets. He strode toward what appeared to be the biggest desk and stood in front of it. Hopefully it was the division head's.

"I'm lookin' for the division head here, Miss...," his soft, moderately thick drawl trailed off as he pulled out the note he had received. "McLaughlin. Is she here?"
Alannah was just about to say something to her employees when a man materialized in her office. Checking her watch she guessed that this was the department head of the Magical Law Enforcement department. Putting down her tea she watched as the man strode towards her desk with an air of confidence about him. Alannah inclined her head and said softly stretching out a hand "Yes, she is here. I'm Alannah McLaughlin the division head of the Floo Network Authority. And you must be Syd Wordsmith?"
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Old 02-27-2008, 01:18 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Syd pocketed the note and smiled to the woman. It was pleasant, but still a tad... odd. Syd was as nice as he had to be, but he was still a tad bit offputting. He took the woman's hand and gave it a polite shake. He was a southern gentleman after all.

"Nice to meet you, Miss McLaughlin. Na' I see you're in need of some help?"
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Old 02-27-2008, 06:46 PM   #21 (permalink)

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Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Alannah took up her tea and sipped on it thinking hard on how she should present the details of the mission best. Making up her mind she nodded saying "Yes, you are correct. I need you and your departments assitance in a mission of great importance. This morning we were notified of the wherabouts of a man named I.B Flooing who is a well known dealer of a dangerous floo powder hybrid."

She paused for a momenent and then continued "The hybrid has been causing outbreaks of delusions which has been sending several users straight to St Mungo's instead of their wanted destination. I need your help with confiscating the next shipment of floo powder and also to arrest Mr Flooing." Alannah stopped talking and waited for Mr Wordsmith to respond. He would no doubt have questions.

Last edited by Nordic Witch; 03-02-2008 at 08:48 AM.
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Old 02-28-2008, 01:28 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Hold it! Title Invasion

Well this Mr. Flooing sure was up to no good. Hopefully he'd be the one to prosecute him straight to the clink. It'd be a good feeling to bring the man to justice.

"Yes, well I think my team can work something out. Do you have any leads on this Mr. Flooing? How dangerous he himself is, who he has working for him? I'm going to need to send a police team and an expert team..." he said, running a hand through his mane of hair.
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Old 02-28-2008, 10:34 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Dmitry glanced from the two, Flooing... how ironic his name be so closely link to his crime. Dmitry got up from his desk and walked round to stand infront of it. " Do we know the last time the hybrid was used ?" He asked glancing to the Man " Im Dmitry Sychev by the way " he said with a small smile
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Old 03-02-2008, 03:19 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Hold it! Title Invasion

"Nice to meet you, Sychev," Syd said, smiling his vaguely offputting smile to the man.

"Yes, when was the hybrid last used? And any idea where?"
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Old 03-02-2008, 08:47 AM   #25 (permalink)

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Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Alannah had stood quiet for a few minutes trying to remember where she had left the file of information about Mr Flooing. She sipped through the many files on her desk frantically before finally finding it stacked under her second mission. Alannah opened the file and walked around to stand infront of her desk again saying "Mr Floyd Flooing is a 63 year old man. He is single and used to work in Knockturn Ally for 20-25 years. Then something happened which caused him to dissapear for a couple of years, but now his back to get his revenge selling the floo powder hybrid. Floyd has now been selling the hybrid for give or take 5 years (the exact date is not known due to different circumstances)."

Alannah paused to take a sipp of her tea before continuing "The hybrid is as i said before pretty dangerous, but Mr Flooing isn't too dangerous or at least we don't suspect him to be. Mr Flooing is maybe a 4 on the scale of 1-10, 10 being most dangerous." Shifting through the notes she added "Mr Flooing likes to hang outside the Ministry, particularly the Park with young children and the market close by and occasionally the pub, the Raven's Claw."

Closing the file she said looking up at Syd "Is there anything else you need to know about the case? Also my employees Micha and Dimitri will be along on the mission to see that all of the dangerous hybrid will be confiscated and boxed."
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