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curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Hallo! Welcome! Willkommen! My name is Lissy and this is my THIRD shop here on SS! I had a grab bag for about a year, and for the last year I've run a request shop with my SS BFF Anna :] And now I'm on my own again, ready to bring you all lovely graphics and fulfill all your requesting needs. For anyone who knows me, I am an avid bowler and for the past four years I have pretty much lived in the bowling alley, so now--I'm bringing all the prettiness of cosmic bowling to YOU! YAY FOR NEON LIGHTS!
Currently making bowling balls the following graphics:
♥Profile Pics
♥Story banners
If it's not there, then I don't make it. Sorry!
I love rules. Rules rules rules rules rules. Don't follow them--you don't get your request filled. Ok? Good.
1. First and foremost, ALWAYS follow the SS rules. Be nice to me--no bashing my work, cause that's not cool. Constructive criticism is highly encouraged.
2. If you are taking something from one of my grab bags, please leave a comment saying so. No need to list specific icons, just let me know you're a snaggin'!
3. If you use one of my graphics (request or grab bag) credit is a MUST. You can credit Lissy, Melissa, Miss Lissy Lou or one of my other aliases in the graphic acknowledgements box in your profile.
4. Please provide me with LARGE, HIGH QUALITY pictures. I can't make a siggy out of a 60px by 60px picture. I will ALWAYS try to make pictures work before asking you if I can change them or hunt for my own, and I will always ask before changing pics :]
5. No stealing my stuff and claiming it for your own--I'm not afraid to go to the mods
6. NO HOTLINKING! This is a VERY bad thing, people! Save all graphics you take to your own image account
7. Do not alter any of my graphics in any way. If you want something changed, just ask! I don't bite, I swear :] This includes making duplicates of something I made for you because you were unsatisified the first time--if I catch ANYONE doing this I will NOT fill your request in the future
Read 'em, learn 'em, love 'em. I will be able to tell if you don't--and then I won't be very happy
When requesting, please use the following request form
SPOILER!!: Request Form
Hello lovely Lissy! I would like:
1. An avvie, siggy, story banner or profile pic
2. With these pictures: (Unless you're requesting a banner, the limit per siggy is THREE pictures)
3. and THIS size (pixels please )
4. Anything else: (including colors you DON'T want, style you'd like, yada yada yada)
This is just a general outline--no need to follow the form EXACTLY, just make sure you have all the required information included somewhere in your request
When Requesting a WALLPAPER:
-You must provide me with LARGE high quality pictures. Wallpapers take up a lot of space so the bigger the pictures are, and the more you provide me with, the happier we'll both be
-Wallpapers will take up TWO spots in the request line, simply because they're awfully time consuming. However if there are three requests already ahead of you (and therefore only one open spot) you can still go ahead and request one Requests would be closed after four anyways so it's no biggie!
-You MUST give me a size. I am not a mind reader so I have no idea what your screen resolution is, so please have that on hand before submitting your request! If you need help finding this, let me know and I can try my best to talk you through the process of finding this out, or you can try Googling the screen resolution for your computer model
Because I am only one 18 year old who has a lot of stuff going on, both on SS and off, I will only take FOUR requests and then the request line will be closed. If you see four requests do NOT request, or you will be told to re-request once the queue opens again
SPOILER!!: Click to see
Profile Pictures
Canna Wallpaper
(click to see bigger size)
And a shout out to Nabs whose tut helped me make the torn edges on the four small pics
Please do NOT grab any of the above graphics (including the wallpaper, that is for my own personal use). Thank you! <333
And now, without further ado...let the bowling parTAY begin
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 01-09-2010 at 09:56 PM.
I'm.defying.gravity | true north strong and free | thumpity-thump-thump
Lissy is back!
So I want to have your first request for you!
So here's that form you want me to fill out
1. An avvie, siggy, story banner or profile pic: Can I get a siggy and an avvie please?
2. With these pictures: Lili1Lili2
3. and THIS size (pixels please ) Umm, this is up to you, but I want to have at least three lines of text that I can put in!
4. Anything else: Hmm, Okayy, so for this part! For text, I'd like it to say Liliana Hunter (I wont be using it for about a week!) and also I'd like it to say Department Head as well. My only other reques is that it be catchy..I need it to catch peoples attention! Can you guess why?
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Wheeeeeeeeeee Lissy's back! I want to go bowling! I mean, I WILL be requesting here since I never got to in Super Frazzling Graphics.
Welcome back to MM's, girl!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
♥Matella||Epic Canadian||Awesome Shipper|| Music Lover||Senators Fan||Kendrick♥
Well, I'm happy to see that you have a new shop Lissy, I luffs your graphics so I think I'll request.
1. An avvie, well actually several avvies
2. With these pictures:
SPOILER!!: RavenPic1
SPOILER!!: RavenPic2
3. and THIS size 100 x 100
4. Anything else: As far as text goes.. either R or Raven will work. As far as colors go, any variation purple, black, silver, green and orange will work for the avvies.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Sooo exciting and cutteeeeee name for the shop, Lissy!!! all this late-night stuff. *eyes Colley's Midnight shop XD*
Seriously though, you probably know this, your work is AMAZINGGG!!! Congrats on the new shop and welcome back to MM's!
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Here ya go I tried to make it really catchy so I tried some new selective coloring...stuff And the text is nice and BIG to show off her new name
Request Line
Open spots: 1
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Lissy!!! I so have a request for you, since you have one open spot.. *so taking it*
Anyways I would like an avvy and siggy set please..
SPOILER!!: Piper
Size: Basic size,, small enough to put two lines of size one text..
Text: How can you mend a broken heart?
Could you make it sorta of angsty and sad looking? Perhaps black and white.. I tried to find sadder pictures.. But it totally wasn't working, she just looked seductive.. So if you can find any, or feel free to use any of the ones I provided
Hello lovely Lissy! I would like: *giggles*
1. I would like a siggy, please. With these two pictures ( I & II ). The same size as this one I have now (400x160 I think). I would like it to say: Melanie Hale, "A woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart" Shakespeare.
You can use any color you like. Could you make it funny and light? And if you find it hard to fit the text as well, you can leave it out, or leave the name out. What works better!
Thank you so much. You have an amazing cosmic shop!
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
So multi-quote is being a butt and not working for me BUUUUUUUT thank you everyone for all the messages! It's so nice to be back
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED - We're WAY over my limit right now so no more requests until I get these out, please Thank you!
Request Line
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
1. An Profile Pic
2. With these pictures:Picture
3. Size: Normal Profile pic size.
4. Anything else: Words should say anyway you like to design them:
Armen Recard, Porkey Office's New Boss
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by hippogriff101
I would like a siggy w/ powder blue cursive text that says
" April Snape...
His spirit lives on."
I'm sorry hun, but requests are closed. That picture you gave me is also WAY too small to make a siggy out of. Come back when the line has reopened and I will more than happily do this for you
Guys, please PLEASEEEE read my rules. I have a limit of THREE requests at a time in my rules, and the fact that people are STILL requesting after I posted that means that a. you're not reading the first post and b. you're not reading any of my posts AFTER that telling you that I have closed the line.
I now have FIVE requests. That is IT. If you request AFTER this warning your request will NOT be done and you will be asked to come back once I have opened up the queue. AND because I have so many requests right now, I will not re-open the request line until ALL of these (yes ALL) requests have been completed. I'm also working a LOT this week so don't complain that the requests are not coming fast enough--I'll crank them out as fast as I can, but I'm not superwoman, you know.
Request Line
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 07-27-2009 at 06:56 PM.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by Manda Panda
Well, I'm happy to see that you have a new shop Lissy, I luffs your graphics so I think I'll request.
1. An avvie, well actually several avvies
2. With these pictures:
SPOILER!!: RavenPic1
SPOILER!!: RavenPic2
3. and THIS size 100 x 100
4. Anything else: As far as text goes.. either R or Raven will work. As far as colors go, any variation purple, black, silver, green and orange will work for the avvies.
Unfortunately the first one was kind of small so it didn't really give me much cropping room--I went a little nuts with the last one though
Originally Posted by unicornkeeper07
YAY! Welcome back! So I have a request---
Siggy/Avvy set. I was hoping to go for a Twilight Poster like feel.
(I'm posting more pics that need to be used, but it gives you a bit of a variety)
Hey there Do you happen to have any more pictures of Craig lying around? Those pictures are kind of giving me issues with blending and whatnot Thanks!
Originally Posted by Jojogali
Hello lovely Lissy! I would like: *giggles*
1. I would like a siggy, please. With these two pictures ( I & II ). The same size as this one I have now (400x160 I think). I would like it to say: Melanie Hale, "A woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart" Shakespeare.
You can use any color you like. Could you make it funny and light? And if you find it hard to fit the text as well, you can leave it out, or leave the name out. What works better!
Thank you so much. You have an amazing cosmic shop!
Here ya go Lemme know if you need anything changed
Sorry requests are going out of order...I've had a long night and I knocked off the ones that I had creative ideas for They're all coming I swear!
Request Line
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Hey there Do you happen to have any more pictures of Craig lying around? Those pictures are kind of giving me issues with blending and whatnot Thanks! REQUESTS ARE CLOSED
Here's some links (link1, link2, link3), I hope that helps. If you need something else, let me know. And it doesn't have to be exactly like Twilight poster, just kind of like an embrace, where they look like a couple.
EDIT: Okay found like the ULTIMATE Craig Parker Gallery, so I hope this helps the most!
This is how I roll, animal print pants out control.
This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go!
Last edited by MoviegoerKinz; 07-28-2009 at 04:52 AM.