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Cult of Walpurgis EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Ministers for Magic, Alexandra Carlton [IC January 2072 - October 2073; OOC October 2010 - May 2011 ] & Lord Borr [IC October 2073 - December 2076; OOC May 2011 - December 2011]
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
In the filing cabinet against the far wall of the Magical Transportation work area, the biographical files of all the Level Six employees are held for secretarial purposes. If you are an employee on this level than you are bound to find you file in here somewhere, just be sure when you are done poking around, close the drawer and put any folders back you may have been reading!
How do I get my Profile submitted for here?
Once you are hired onto the staff of Level Six you will either pm your Department Head (Lissy Longbottom) an up-to-date copy of your Ministry character's Bio and they will place it in it's correct spot or post it in the MoM Character Biographies thread and poke them via Pm or Vm in order to get it filed away.
Note: If there are any changes you need made to your character's biography pm the changes to your Department Head.
SPOILER!!: Suggested Bio Format
[IMG*] Note that a provided image may be resized.[/IMG] Name: Division:
Job Title:
D.O.B: Remember it is currently 2074 in the Wizarding World RPG Physical Description: height, weight, build, notable features, scars, etc Background: What happened in their life that made them wanna work here? Their history? Their family? Their lives and upbringing? Education/Training/Experience: You can provide details pre-employment, including OWL and NEWT results, anything studied at a Wizarding University or Magical Training Institute and any experience, job history that you feel like sharing. Any on the job experience and training will be added as it happens. Personality:
The Administrative Branch of Level Six The one in the position of Department Head of Magical Transportation is the go-to person for all things that involve magical forms of transport for all of Great Britain. Porkeys, Brooms, the Floo Network, Apparation, and the illegal use of flying carpets and other contraband all fall under the jurisdiction of the person lucky enough to be behind the big desk. Many great witches and wizards have held this positon and all have traits that will hopefully be passed down to those left to come.
Name: Cale Markus Newell D.O.B: October 23rd, 2049 Blood Status: Halfblood
Physical Description: Cale's most noticeable feature is his dark curly hair. Occasionally he has long sideburns, but now that he's a Department Head he's going for a more mature look and often cuts them short. He's of average height and weight and often wears colorful shirts with his suit to express his colorful personality. Distinguishing Features: His curly hair Wand: 10 inches, Oak, Unicorn Hair core Broom: N/A Pet(s): None at the moment Patronus: A collie (was previously a bear but changed after his beloved dog Belle passed away)
Job Title: Department Head Employment Date: January 2082
Personality: Cale Newell loves being the center of attention and takes charge whenever an opportunity presents himself. He likes to be goofy, but knows when to be serious as well. He likes to be a mentor and loves giving advice to people (whether they want it or not).
He can have a bit of an ego and has some self-esteem issues, but nothing compared to when he was in school. He cares deeply about his family and has learned to put his children and wife ahead of himself. It is because of that need to provide a steady and delightful childhood for his kids that he went looking for a better job in the first place.
History: Cale Markus Newell was born in London and moved to Edinburgh with his parents when he was 10 years old. His father sadly passed away later that year, and because his mother Beth wanted the family to stay together, he was homeschooled until his fifth year.
Even though he was a non-traditional student, he was sorted over the summer preceding his fifth year into Gryffindor. Apparently there was a shortage of boys in Gryffindor at the time, and because of this and his stellar marks on his homeschooling material, he was named prefect before he even got to school!
His three years at Hogwarts were the best, thanks in part to the fact that he met the love of his life, Anna Greingoth, while in school. After they graduated, he proposed to Anna despite the fact that she had a year of school left to go. The couple were married and had their twin children, Caleb and Sophie, shortly after Anna graduated.
Cale had trouble finding what he wanted to do in life, despite the number of decent entry-level jobs his NEWT grades allowed him to acquire. Eventually he started looking into broom manufacturing and other forms of transportation due to his early interest in Quidditch and brooms (he played Chaser all three years in school). After a VERY brief (and misguided) stint in Healing School, Cale heard that a former classmate of his, Gabriela Schultz, was moving to France to be with her boyfriend. He applied for the position and was selected due to his excellent grades in school, his past prefect position, and his various jobs and experience in areas of transportation.
Former Occupation(s): Gryffindor House Prefect
Ministry Temp Worker (serving on level 3)
Shopkeeper Assistant
Broom Manufacturer (Charming Division)
Floo-Pow Executive (Don't worry, he was out of there before the Floo-Pow incident of June 2081!)
Healer in Training
Education: Qualifications: Previous positions in the Transportation industry; stellar grades and academic performance in school OWLs:
Arithmancy: A
Divination: E
Potions: O
Charms: O
Astronomy: A
Herbology: O
Care of Magical Creatures: E
History of Magic: E
Arithmancy: A
Divination: O
Potions: E
Charms: E
Ancient Runes: O
Astronomy: E
Herbology: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
The Minister of Magic appoints and witch or wizard to work with each Department and run a connection between the Minister and the rest of the government's workers. A liason is hired to be this connection and will assist with many things on level Six.
Minister's Liason for Level Six: [1] *________,__________
SPOILER!!: Last name, First Name
Bio goes here!
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 11-05-2013 at 03:04 AM.
The Apparation Licensing and Testing Center This office is where people are tested for and then later granted Apparation licenses. This talented group of witches and wizards have proven themselves skilled in the ability to disapporate and then apparate again and again without any problem or Splinching.
Misa Jane Woods was born in London as the only daughter of the pureblooded family Woods. Her mother, a pureblooded witch from Japan and her father, a pureblooded wizard from England loved their daughter no matter what. They were the overprotective type. Because of this, Misa found it difficult to maintain friends because her parents usually judged them when they came over. When Misa turned four years old, she showed her first sign of magical ability. She had been playing in the garden at that time when her mother told her to get inside because it was going to rain soon. And she didn’t want her precious daughter to get wet and sick. Misa, who loves getting her hands dirty and wasn’t afraid of rain but actually loved it , refused by sitting down the ground with her legs crossed. Her mother tried to lift her up off the ground but it seemed that her determination to sit outside with her arms folded and staring up angerily had trickered a magical ability. No matter how light Misa was at that time, her mother could not lift her off of the ground.
The older Misa Woods got the more misschievious she became. At the age of seven, she was already breaking in abbandoned houses in her neighbourhood together with her best friend. She also had a small record for stealing candy at the local shops. When she turned eleven, her Hogwarts letter arrived and her parents promised to sent stuff every few days and they did. Even far away at school they couldn’t leave their precious daughter alone. She was even forced to write her parents letters each week, preferably each day.
When Misa got sorted the hat had only touched her hair and it shouted Gryffindor. Her first four years at Hogwarts were her rebellious years. She hated (and still hates) boredom and in her mind, homework and school work in particular was boring. This attituded caused her a few detentions and point loss in her younger years because she refused to do her homework. Instead, she was always on the look out for adventure. Even while walking to class, the Gryffindor was searching for something to do or explore. She had joined the Quidditch team as a chaser but when her school work had been too neglected she was forced to quit.
Her personality changed when she turned fifteen and entered her fifth year. OWL year. That year made her realise how important school actually was if she wanted to get a decent job later in her life. When she followed the apparation lessons at Hogwarts she found out that she had a natural talent for it. Only at her fourth try she was able to disapparate and apparate with ease while the other students were still struggling. Thinking that this magical ability was handy and cool at the time, she would have never known it would change her working carrier later in life.
When Misa graduated from Hogwarts she had a hard time finding a job. She was very picky about things and wanted to have a perfect job. Far from having the perfect job for her, the ex-Gryffindor found a job at a muggle bar as a waitress. She worked there for a few years while she kept looking for other work.
A few days ago, she found an advertisment that the Ministry of Magic was searching for a second Apparation instructor. Remembering that she had a knack for it she decided to try and send in an application. To her joy and surprise she found out that she had been accepted.
The Basics Name: Eliza Lallayne Tohsaka Nickname(s): Eliza, Liz, Layne Age: 22 Date of Birth: February 7th Place of Birth: Shibuya, Japan Current Residence: Essex, England Year: Graduated House: Ravenclaw Blood Status: Pureblood Marital Status: Single
Height: 159 cm Weight: 44 kg Skin Color: Midtone Eye Color: Ebony Black Hair Color: Brownish Black Ethnicity: Japanese-American
Wand: 10 3/4, Hemlock with a Doxy Wing core, Sturdy. Patronus: Gazelle Best Subject: Flying, Charms, Astronomy, Transfiguration. Worst Subject: History of Magic, Divination. Likes: Friends. the color Red. Vegetables. Nettle Tea. Adventure. Dislikes: Men. the color Orange. Fears: Cockroaches and Spiders Hobbies: Flying, Reading, Cuddling animals and drinking tea.
Her attitude is a big question. Eliza is a happy go lucky woman who knows her priorities. Eye rolling and brow arching are some of her expertise. She loves giving advice to others but mostly wants to just listen to their dilemmas. And she often just gets serious when drinking tea. She hates men.
Eliza is the only daughter of Thelma Molina and Rico Alden Tohsaka. She was born and she lived on Japan since she was young for her father is Japanese. She has grown knowing magic all her life. Unlike other purebloods, her parents made sure of that yet they did not teach her to take for granted the existence of muggles, but appreciate them instead. When she received the letter from Hogwarts, her father bought a house in England and their family moved there.
On her fifth year at Hogwarts, she had a relationship with one of her fellow Gryffindor student, Yuan Lee Raymundo. The two of them made it until they both graduated and then they decided to get married. When Eliza told her father this, he greatly objected, saying he doesn't trust Yuan. Because of this, him and Eliza fighted to the extent that Eliza left their house. Together with Yuan, she returned to Japan.
At first, they were in good terms together. They both found stable work. But things began to change one day, when Eliza found out that the man was cheating on her. She revolted of course and left him then and there, hence why she doesn't trust and cannot entertain men accordingly. She returned back to England and asked forgiveness from her father. And she was forgiven and accepted lovingly. With her hard earned money from working on Japan, Eliza managed to buy her own house. She then applied for the British Ministry of Magic and had been working there since.
Charms - O
Transfiguration - O
Herbology - E
Defense Against the Dark Arts - A
Ancient Runes - A
Potions - E
Care of Magical Creatures - E
Astronomy - O
Divination - A
History of Magic - A
Name: Patrick McAllister (played by Joel McHale)
Place of Birth: Enniskerry, County Wicklow, Ireland
Place of Residence: " "
Age: 39
Patronus: Blue Tailed Lizard
Boggart: My own beauty fading (no seriously, why would I tell you this?)
Parents: Allanah and Brogan McAllister
Siblings: Agnes McAllister- Pittman
Children: None
Pets: Small Chihuahua named Manson
History: Born to be totally awesome Patrick when on to lead a life of doing perfectly awesome things. And well, he is STILL doing awesome things.
Physical Description: Fit.
Name: Vincenzo Vanderbilt
Nickname: Vickers
Date of Birth: June 5, 2061
Place of Birth: Rome, Italy
Current Residence: Room 4a, The Tremaine at Covent Garden, London, UK
Years at Hogwarts: 2076-2079
Former Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Physical Characteristics:
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Icy blue
Height: 6’3
Skin tone: Pale
Distinguishing features: Piercing blue eyes and "Vulcan" eyebrows
Known Medical conditions: Slightly deaf on the left ear; Far-sighted (wears prescription lenses when needed); Slightly worsened case of OCD (is repulsed by SAND due to Charms class); Allergic to tomatoes (discovery c/o Muggle Studies class)
Vickers, having graduated as top Ravenclaw student from Hogwarts, has set off to spread his wings and live the independent life. He has chosen to take a gap year or two and is spending it learning the ropes of how “real life” works. Literally right after graduating he chose to stay around London instead of going back home, living temporarily in a hostel while he started his new job at Gringottts. It wasn’t long before he had to move out of the cramped and infested living quarters and took up residence at the Tremaine at Covent Gardens, in a tiny cozy attic suite he is proud to call his own. But the new digs come with certain annoying things called bills and with his educational savings having been mostly depleted from the move, the former Ravenclaw needed additional sources of income. Not being one to do menial things he decided to apply for the Ministry, which fulfills his financial requirements but also expands his work experiences.
The Office for the Regulation of Brooms Anything having to do with brooms will be taken care of in this Divison of Level Six. Everything from gaming usage, travel, and distributing of magical broomsticks is set to be under the regulation of this group of employess. Along with their enforcing duties, they are all hard at work creating and testing new ideas to improve the feild of broom-riding!
FULL NAME Haley Brooke Pianheart NICKNAMES Hales, H, DATE OF BIRTH 18th September, 2053 PLACE OF BIRTH Winkleigh, Devon, England PLACE OF RESIDENCE East Dorset, England BLOOD STATUS Half-and-Half WAND TYPE 9 3/4", Oak, Phoenix CLASS OF 2072, Gryffindor
HAIR COLOUR Blonde EYE COLOUR Green HEIGHT 5 feet 6 inches FACE CLAIM Katherine Heigl
CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Broom Shop/Company Liason, Department of Magical Transportation, Ministry of Magic ; [2081-Present] PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Head Creativity Specialist at Miss Millie’s Area Unrecognisables ; [2077-2081], Shadowing educator, Italian Ministry of Magic, Apparition Failure Retests ; [2075-2081], Volunteer First Aid at Apparition Retest Centre, Italy ; [2073-Present] PREVIOUS EMPLOYERS Millicent Draper, Bay Darcy,
EDUCATION TO DATE Initial Teacher Training, Distance Learning, University of Worcester; United Kingdom [2076-2078], Experimental Magic and Research and Wizarding Communications, Wizarding University of Athens ; Greece [2072-2076], Advanced Apparition Level 1, St. Petersburg [2075-2076], Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; Scotland [2065-2072] QUALIFICATIONS Degree in Experimental Magic and Research and Wizarding Communications [Awarded in 2076], Advanced Apparition Level 1 [Awarded in 2076], Initial Teacher Training [Awarded in 2078], St John’s Ambulance Basic First Aid Course[Awarded in 2071], Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test [Awarded in 2072], Ordinary Wizarding Levels [Awarded in 2070 ], NEWT GRADES Ancient Runes: Not taken, Arithmancy: O, Astronomy: A, Care of Magical Creatures: Not taken , Charms: O, DADA: E, Divination: Not taken, Herbology: E, History of Magic: E, Muggle Studies: O, Potions: E, Transfiguration: O, OWL GRADES Ancient Runes: Not taken, Arithmancy: O, Astronomy: E, Care of Magical Creatures: Not taken, Charms: O, DADA: O, Divination: P, Herbology: E, History of Magic: O, Muggle Studies: E, Potions: O, Transfiguration: O, LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Italian, Russian,
LIKES taking long walks with her dogs or alone, being around her dogs, spending time with her parents and siblings, helping others out, keeping herself busy, gardening, painting, being in the countryside, taking trips to Land’s End, animals, going to the circus, finding new circuses, learning new things, taking in new information, social situations, optimism, ‘me’ time, meeting new people, new situations, charms, creativity, honesty, being trusted, shabby chic, dedication, organisation, DISLIKES female and male stereotypes, stereotypes in general, not having something to do, people who cannot contribute to their surroundings positively, uneducated beings, bland and boring scenery, Russia, looking back, regrets, having no plans, Sullivan O’Spade, cacti, weeds, unruly gardens, marriage, being defined by a male, none of her siblings going to university, purposely rude people, intentional cruelty, inequality,
"I like to keep the details of my private life as they are; private. If it's of interest to you, I promise you'll know. All that you need to know is I am a daughter, I am a sister, and I am a divorcee. No need to look back on the past and question how it could have been better."
Full Name: Leo Thaddeus Black
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Current Occupation: Magical Transportation
Relationship Status: Single
Eyes: Grey/Blue
Hair: Dark Brown, almost Black
Height: 5'11.5"
Full Personality: Leo is very much a protector. He hates to see bullying or intimidation of any kind, and feels it is his duty to stop those things. He is typically a friendly person, but there is the odd day where he'll be in a foul mood. Leo feels that flying is one of the best releases from reality that a person can achieve. He likes kids, thinks they're funny really, and enjoys the company of other people. Being alone is his greatest fear in life, though he'd never tell that to a soul.
Likes: Flying, running, talking, laughing, and achieving goals.
Dislikes: Intimidation tactics, "Your mom" jokes, sitting down, science, and know-it-alls
Boggart: Being Alone
Dementor: When his mum died.
Patronus: falcon
Amorentia: Peppermint
Mother: Jameyson Rae Black nee Sansone
Blood status: Muggle
Age: deceased
Father: Zebhdiyah Ambrose Black
Blood status: 3/4
Age: 43
Former house: Gryffindor
Siblings: Presley Lynne Black
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Former House: Gryffindor
Full History: Leo was born in 2053 to very wealthy parents. He went to a muggle elementary school where he learned all about them. When he was nine he got a little sister, Presley. Leo's best friend lived just next door to thier house, but unfortunately moved away the year they both turned eleven. In Hogwarts Leo was sorted into Gryffindor, and his parents were very proud of him. When he was sixteen, his mother died, and this caused a great change in thier happy family dynamic. His father, because of grief, never seemed to pay much attention to his children at all anymore. So whenever Leo was home he would take Presley out to Quidditch games or something similar. He taught her to love Quidditch with all her heart, and attempted to teach her to play, she was pretty hopeless. Leo was so torn up after his mothers death that he found himself pulling away from everyone that was close to him. Eventually he realized that the end of this path was lonliness, and has since tried his best to be friendly to everyone who crosses his path. Leo graduated from Hogwarts, and for a while worked in a muggle furniture store. Finally he applied for a job at the ministry of magic, and that's where he is today.
Brooming Games Liaison: [3]
SPOILER!!: Last, First
Bio goes here!
SPOILER!!: Last name, First Name
Bio goes here!
SPOILER!!: Last name, First Name
Bio goes here!
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 06-28-2013 at 08:06 PM.
The Floo Network Aurhority The Floo Regulation Panel is a comittee in charge of connecting fireplaces to the Floo Network and maintaining those connections. Employees help to maintain all fireplaces connected to the newtwork and repair any that are malfunctioning.
Personal: Full Name: Anna John Smith Nicknames: An. Date of Birth: 15th August Age: 26 Place of Birth: Mumbai Blood Status: Pureblood Patronus: Lion Relationship Status: Single
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Strongest Subjects: Charms Weakest Subjects: Potions
Background: Father: John Smith Mother: Ashley Smith Sister: Lucy Smith
Appearance: Height: 5'5'' Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Grey
Anna was born in Mumbai and lived there till the age of eleven. Her mom Ashley, dad John and Sister Lucy were all born in Mumbai. Her family includes her parents and her little sister Lucy. She loves them all very much, her sister is like a friend to her, they share everything with each other; there is no word like secret between them. Lucy’s studying in the same school as Anna i.e. Hotwarts.
When she was small she would think about working in the ministry and would think how it would be working there. As she grew up she got a job in the ministry as she always wanted. Her family supports her in every thing she does, they are very close to her. She wants her sister Lucy to work in the ministry too when she grows up.
Anna is a very kind and good at heart person. She doesn’t like hurting someone or anyone. She’s always good to others and especially to her friends. She’s always there if anyone needs help, after all she’s working in the ministry where it’s her job to help others in need, right?
She’s always been sincere to her work, May what ever that be, she never runs from difficult thing but always stands there to handle it with confidence and faith. She would never talk to a person who seemed to be very rude and arrogant. She didn’t have any feelings for such people and would never care about what they do or say.
She’s a very talented person, at school she always got good marks; she even played Quidditch, that is she was active in sports too. She had many friends and was friendly to all; she could make friends very easily. Anyone who needed help she was always there, you just need to call out.
Chocolate is her favorite flavor, anything made of chocolate is her favorite; she could eat chocolate the whole day if needed. She could eat chocolate everyday without get a headache. That’s a strange thing about her, but she couldn’t help with eat chocolate. She would like to open a chocolate shop someday if she could.
Name: Maya Palmer
Nickname(s): Just Maya
Age: 28
D.O.B: 22nd October
Heritage: Half-and-half
Relationship Status: Single
Wand: Willow, 11 inches, Unicorn Tail Hair, light
Patronus: Puma
Boggart: Spiders
Amortentia: Lavender, chocolate and pancakes
School: Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Ravenclaw
Hair: Dark brown, just past shoulder-length
Eyes: Grey
Height: 5’7
Model: Alessandra Torresani
Mother: Elizabeth Palmer (nee Gordon), mixed blood, 56
Father: Marcus Palmer, muggle, 56, deceased
Siblings: Jack and Brett Palmer, 23, muggle (Jack) and half-and-half (Brett)
Pets: Kitten, Lea and owl, Percival
Maya is a very intelligent person and she works very hard to keep that up - it doesn't come naturally. She's ambitious and focused, determined to do well in life. She's quite sweet but she has a strong temper and if she gets set off, she explodes. This doesn't happen that often, though. It's mainly when someone argues with her and she's totally adamant that she's right.
Colour: Purple
Food: Chocolate
Film: The Princess Bride
Book: Couldn't choose
Band/Singer: Weird Sisters
Animal: Kittens and owls
reading, chocolate, her pets, writing, sunshine, beaches, picnics, music, winning, being happy
people who contradict her, losing, sprouts, rainy days, freezing cold days, windy days
spiders, spiders, spiders, losing another member of her family or a friend, spiders
Full Name: Gwinny Borgin
Nicknames: Nee
Date of Birth: October, 27, 2038
Place of Birth: Boston, USA
Current Residence: one of the rooms in the Leaky Cauldron
Blood Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Eagle
Relationship Status: single
Current Position: Floo Records
Former Occupation(s): teatcher
Salem’s Witches Institute – Master of Apparition
Pet: she hates pets.
Gwinny Borgin is a beautiful woman, always in a good mood and willing and eager to help everybody. Her parents moved to Australia when she was a teen and Gwinny has no brothers or sisters. She loves to live alone and having no one to worry about her. She likes extreme sports, as Quidditch under storms and riding on dragons. She's a bit agitated, although it's not a good thing when you're specialist in vanishing, as if I'm too much agitated, she can disappear without any intention. She's specialist in magical transportation, her strong subject is Apparition and she wanted the job of apparition instructor, she was a teacher during 20 years at the Salem's Institute, and she's very happy for being hired out as a Floo Records (she was bored of doing the same for so long)
The Portkey Office This coalition of men and women help create and regualte the popular form of Transport that are Portkeys. These items may seem like rubbish to the Muggle eye at first glance but these witches and wizards know the immense ability these things have. A list of all porkeys is kept to help keep the use of illegal portkeys at a minimum.
Full Name: Reese Selena Fritzera (née Upstead) Nicknames: Reesey, Reese's Pieces, Ree-la, and Raisin (don't ask) Date of Birth: September 1, 2052 Age: 29 Place of Birth: Sutton Coldfield, England, UK Current Residence: Ballymena, Northern Ireland, UK Heritage: Halfblood Hogwarts House: Slytherin, hisssss! Relationship Status: Happily married to her prince charming, Jack Fritzera ♡
Post Color: #0059FF Face Claim:
{young} Ashley Tisdale
{current} Jessica Simpson
Reese has naturally curly hair that was once never seen in public because she would straighten it, but now the woman loves fashioning her curls. This young woman also has naturally blonde hair that is (sometimes) kept a nice shade of brown. Her hair is most of the time fashioned in a down style kind of way, but that does not mean she does not like wearing her hair in a pigtail or bun, using her nice colorful hairbands that she owns.
She has chocolate brown eyes that are her best feature — though, she does have a 'want' for blue eyes. Standing at a whopping 5 ft 7, this girl doesn’t need to wear heels, but she still does. The taller, the better.
She adores green converses, or any color converses for that matter. If isn’t styling off her converses, she’ll be wearing a nice pair of heels (that AREN’T ugly, Torin Kane) that she tries to correspond to her outfit of the day. Usually, this girl likes wearing a comfortable pair of blue jeans, a nice shirt, and a few pieces of jewelry. She does own some really nice dresses that she’ll wear on different occasions. She will ALWAYS have a big purse with her; how else would she carry all her make up and other (useless) items?
Reese is what some people classify as ‘The Crazy Woman’. She has a tendency to throw kitchen spoons and forks if she gets really upset with someone, and even though she can get mad, that doesn’t mean that she will not be hugging you once she cools down. Her plans for each day of the year are to hang out with friends and go shopping! It is a wonder as to why this woman is not bankrupt yet because of her addiction to shopping. She is always supporting a smile upon her face (that’s IF she isn’t mad) and would choose to make all friends instead of enemies. Yet, you cannot make friends without making a few enemies along the way.
She has a passion for music and she is not afraid to let people know that. Even though she’s been kicked out of the music business before, she still wants to sing her little heart out… and hopes someone is around to listen. Yes, this woman loves the spotlight. She has a talent to play the guitar, which she tries to play at least once a day, if anything. Believe it or not, she also had a talent to skateboard because of her brother’s passion for that hobby. It would be a shocker today if she was seen skateboard since she said "goodbye" to her board a long time ago.
After Reese has had two little children, she has a strong tendency to show a motherly personality at times because it has what she has been use to for many years.
Family: (it's very complicated...) Husband: Jack Tyler Fritzera, who is the seeker for the Ballycastle Bats. Children:
Reese Selena Northway, who is not yet an Upstead, was born at 8:30 PM on September 1, 2052 in Sutton Coldfield, England. Her family at the time of her birth consisted of her father, mother, and older brother. Jake, her father, worked at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Transportation. Her mother, Victoria, was a stay at home mom, who worked non-stop to keep the house cleaned. Her older brother, Ryan, was a squib and performed at numerous skateboarding competitions throughout his younger life up until his little sister was born.
A year after Reese's birth, her mother left her father for reasons unknown, leaving her and Ryan with their father. The children were left clueless as to what was happening because they were too young at the time to understand much. A long six months passed before Jake got remarried (rather quickly, we must say) to Lillian Matthews, who Reese grew up and was fed lies to about being her real mother, which Lillian was far from. Ryan, who understood that Lillian was not their mother, was too scared to tell his little sister to truth because of how his father might react to it.
It is unknown why their father fed lies to Reese, maybe it was because he wanted to completely forget Victoria even existed. Sadly, his lies never did cease, even when Reese started Hogwarts at the age of 12 (2064); she started at the age of 12 because of the month her birthday is in. It was a tragic morning one day when Reese got a letter from her lying father that stated that her brother, Ryan, had passed away in a tragic accident. [Here's the truth story, which Reese laters finds out about: Victoria came back to London to take custody of her children after all these years but since Ryan was the only one in London, she took only him back to Ireland with her. Since Reese was in school, she wanted to wait until her little daughter was out of school before bringing her back to live with her. And the wait begins...]
To help Reese cope with the loss of her older sibling, her dad and stepmother thought it would be an excellent idea to adopt an older boy. It was during the summer before Reese's second year of Hogwarts (2065 - 2066) when Reno was adopted, and everything went downhill after the welcoming of this boy. Reno was the main reason why Reese was driven away from her home because of personal issues with her new adopted brother; she ended up moving in to live with her godmother, Elizabeth Turner.
Life got better for the young girl now.
She lived with her godmother for two years (2066 - 2068). In 2067 while still living with her godmother, Reese discovered all the secrets her dad had been keeping from her for years. She discovered the truth by finding an old picture in her godmother's house, and the picture revealed to the young one that Lillian was not her real mother; the picture was of her family before Victoria had left. Her godmother found a way to let Reese get in touch with her mom, who was still living in Ireland with Ryan at the time, and the phone call revealed that her brother was still alive -- it was a happy moment for the girl. A very happy moment.
Throughout her entire fourth year of Hogwarts (2067 - 2068), she kept in touch with her biological mother and her brother through letters. Everything seemed to be cheering up for the young one, but it was not long before everything went tumbling downhill yet again. Her mother told Reese that she wanted her to move up to Ireland with her and Ryan, and she also wanted Reese to attend a private school because she thought Hogwarts was just too dangerous. She refused to move, but her mother would have the last word.
Luckily, her mother had found someone up in Ireland that she soon married (very quickly too), and this man was Heath Upstead. Victoria, who is now an Upstead, and Ryan moved back to England with Heath to be with him and his sons and when everything got settled down, Reese moved in with her mom and new stepdad. It did not take long for the girl to realize that she was now related to this Hufflepuff boy she knew at school, Jake Upstead. She also began an older stepsister to Heath's younger son, Dale. Knowing that Reese wanted nothing to do with her biological father and wanted to move away from that life, Heath made the decision to adopt both her and Ryan into his family, which legally changed their last names to Upstead.
Reese Upstead was now born, and she refuses to be known as a Northway now.
Her last name was not the last major event in this young girl's life. Good things began happening to Reese now, and her life began to get better and better. Her love life began to blossom at the end of her fifth year (July 2069). Her and Jack Fritzera, who was a Gryffindor, began dating. This was not the first rodeo for Reese because she had a little kiddie relationship in her first year, but this was the first major relationship she had been in -- and it was the last one.
In Reese's seventh year (2071), she had the fabulous opportunity to be the Slytherin female prefect, and she carried her badge with pride. She was involved in the fight club with a few other students. She had been under the Imperious curse and was forced to fight against her fellow Hogwarts friends, and this event led her to shunning butterbeer all together because the butterbeer was what caused her to become under the Imperius curse. Jack also gave her a promise ring in their seventh year, which was such a happy moment for Miss Upstead. Her and Jack will also named "cutest couple" in their seventh year yearbook.
Reese graduated from Hogwarts in 2071. She quickly went off to bigger and better things, but she did not continue her life in the wizarding world. She decided to go solo in her music career, which took off years ago when she was the guitarist and background singer for Lima's, her friend, little band, Lima and the Lemurs. She continued to work at the same studio that the band had recorded at and everything was going great until she lost her temper one day with the studio manager, who she had known for years. The manager had tried telling her that the song they were recording was not "fit" for her, and Reese argued with him until she got to the point where she broke her wand in two out of pure anger. She left the studio and never returned.
On July 4, 2072, Reese got married to Jack Fritzera at Disneyland, California in front of Cinderella's castle. It was a happily ever after for the two.
After leaving the studio, Reese went unemployed for a few months following the incident until she was offered a job as a waitress in a very unpopular restaurant in downtown muggle London. Not having much of a choice, Reese had to accept the offer and began working there until she had her first child, Georgina Whitney. She quite due to motherhood because her waitress job was too demanding for the new mother; she soon got a job at Emiliano Saenz's, one of her best friends, mom's clothing shop. In 2075, Emliano and Reese opened up another clothing shop in London for his mother and became managers for the shop. Reese welcomed another baby, Torin Jake (name after Reese and Jack's friend and her brother), into her family in 2077 while she was still managing the clothing shop. She now had the perfect husband and two perfect children.
Reese helped run the clothing shop with her friend for six years before applying for the ministry; she decided it was time to get her feet wet in the wizarding world once again. She still helps Emiliano in the shop, but she will have a new life in the wizarding world now.
Extras: Likes: chocolate frogs (she can’t live without them!), shopping, singing, the spotlight, watching Quidditch, seafood, blueberry muffins, spending time with friends, being active, laughing, smiling, nice people, Slytherins, Gryffindors, her muggle cell phone, my animals, shoes, and the color pink. Dislikes: bullies, people who steal my chocolate frogs, love potions, the thought of having wrinkles, tarantulas, pet snakes.
Name: Keegan Matthew Soles
Date of Birth: Nov 17 2052
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Keegan was born in London, England on 17 Nov, 2052 his biological father (Johnathan Marshall) was a pureblood wizard who left his biological mother (Martha Evelyn King), also a pureblooded witch. When she found out that she was pregnant. During childbirth Keegan's mother Martha passed away leaving Keegan with no known family, within two weeks the young wizard was adopted by Andrew and Ellen Soles, both pureblood.
Keegan was not aware that he was adopted or that his birth mother had died until his fifteenth birthday when his parents decided to tell him about his past. Like any fifteen year old Keegan took this rather hard, but eventually came to terms with the information and forgave his parents.
He had always liked to learn and do things on his own and this gave him a new purpose to prove himself. He took his OWLs during his time at school and did very well on them making:
Charms: O
Transfiguration: O
Herbology: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Ancient Runes: E
Potions: E
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Astronomy: E
History of Magic: A
After some extensive traveling around the globe the wizard has finally decided that it is time to settle down and start a career and maybe even in time a family.
Features: Victoria is slim with red brown hair with hazel eyes.
Background: she has had a good life with parents her mother works at the ministry in the creatures department, her father worked in the sports department and was a famous quidditch player but her father was killed in a car crash five years ago.
Education: Victoria went to Hogwarts where she received:
Potions A
Herbology O
Defence against the dark arts: E
Divination: A
Charms: O
Astronomy: E
Astronomy: E
Charms: A
Divination: E
Defence against the dark arts: E
Herbology: E
Potions: E
Name: Stephen Piers
Nickname: -none for now-
Age: 26
Date of Birth: October 30
Place of Birth: West Yorkshire, England
Blood Status: Half-blood
Nationality: English
Language(s): English and Russian
Status: single
Font Color: Dark Slate Gray
The Physical Stuff!
Height: 5’7” (171cm)
Weight: 67 kg (148 lbs)
Hair color: blue
Eyes: blue
Built: fit and tall
It's Magic!
Wand: 13 inches, redwood, phoenix feather, supple
Patronus: raccoon
School(s): Durmstrang Institute; International Magic Institute (Russia)
Grades: OWLs:
Potions - E
Charms - E
Transfiguration -O
History Of Magic - A
Potions - O
Charms - E
Transfiguration -O
History Of Magic –E
Job Experiences!
Previous Job(s): Car Reviewer and Specialist at Caramount Inc., New York City
Transportation Portkey Officer, Magical Transportation in Russia
Current Job: Magical Transportation, Portkey Manifacturer
The Family of 4!
Father: Lucas Anton Piers Jr.
Mother: Amber Eliza Piers
Sibling(s): Veronica Eliza Piers (21)
Stephen is the kind of guys that hates to work in an office with paper work and a whole lot of sitting down. He’d prefer to be outside doing the work and maybe learning a new skill or two. He loves everything that has to do with cars and enjoys quidditch at the same time. He’s very outgoing and loves nature. He usually goes on mountain hiking, skiing, camping, etc. He can be a little bit careless at times though but it’s nothing to worry about.
-more info to come-
Portkey Registration and Record Keepers: [1]
SPOILER!!: Last name, First name
Bio goes here!
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 10-26-2013 at 07:07 PM.
Employees on Leave: These men and women have come to the realization that their personal lives need to take precidence over their careers for the present time. They have been granted leave by the Department Head and the Ministry's Human Resources division. They are permitted to return whenever they are ready with just a quick owl to their Department Head.
OOC: If you were previously on leave in this department but you do not see your bio - don't fear! It's stored safely in my personal file folders. Please PM the department head to retrieve this bio or reinstate yourself to Level 6.
SPOILER!!: Rayne, Katrina
{ Katrina Rayne Runs on Coffee }
Name: Katrina Rayne Nicknames: Kat; Trina; Raynie Age: 22 DoB: May 21st, 2054 PoB: NYC Current Residence: London, Englad Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Blood Status: Halfblood Relationship Status: Single and not looking for anything in particular. Past Occupations: She was once a employee of the Broom Regulatory Control on the Department of Magical Transportation and the Written Apparition Test Examiner Occupation: Department of Magical Transportation; Recently promoted to Senior Apparition Tester & Supervisor
{ M i s c e l l a n e o u s }
Wand: 11.5 inches, oak wood, dragon heartstring core. Quite spinable. Amortentia: Lilies, honey and cinnamon buns Patronus: Fawn Best Subject: Charms, DADA Worst Subject: History of Magic. Likes: Reading, Drawing, Coffee, Flying, Muggles, Shopping, Biking, Riding Horses, Strawberry ice cream, shoes, coats, Quidditch, hats, blue, cookies, baking, her sister, working on Level 6 Dislikes: Being bored, black eyes and panda eyes, firewhiskey, being sad or depressed, litter, liars, snobs and egotistical people, watching the people she love get hurt, Jamie. Fears: Being left alone, bugs, hurting her loved ones
{ D r e s s e d ? I ' m . o u t . t h e . d o o r }
Height: 5'5" Weight: 105 lbs Skin Color: pale Hair color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Katrina usually has a smile on her face as she walks into work with a cup of coffee. She loves her coffee and the coffee makers love her. Katrina is rarely found without a cup of one in the morning as she walks in. Should she forget to stop by the coat rack, you'll find her with her numerous trench coat jackets or anything stylish. But not ridiculous. Katrina isn't very fond of feathers sticking all over her.
Katrina likes to dress comfortably but she also loves to wear new designer clothing. Ever since she was little she always loved buying new clothes and putting together outfits. Even now she enjoys it and treats the world like a runway sometimes. Especially in her heels.
{ F a m i l y . m a t t e r s }
Mother - Lexi Malfoy (deceased; would be 56) Father - Derrick Rayne (57) Siblings - Kristian Rayne (29) ; Serene Rayne (9) Cousins - Selena Vivianne Zabini-Riddle (16) Pets - Iris (snowy owl)
{ A b o u t . M e }
Katrina was born as the middle child so she was picked on by her brother constantly then she had to worry about her little sister. But being the middle child had its advantages. It got Kristian, her brother, in more trouble and it made her seem like she was the perfect sister. Katrina's mother died when she was 17 and it devastated her. But that only drove her to be the best she could be. Of the whole family, it seemed that the death of Lexi Malfoy affected Katrina the most. Katrina, recently after the death, got sick and was on the verge of death for about six months before she got better. Even after her father was wary of letting Katrina return to her studies.
Katrina is a sweet girl that often helps others. She is quite blunt at times but she realizes it soon after she says it. Katrina can be quite shy sometimes around new surroundings but once you know her she talks quite a bit. Katrina loves the outside and enjoys Quidditch as well, though she doesn't really play much. She's not that great. Katrina's the type to go with the flow and all that. She's hardworking though and strives to put her best effort into everything. Failing is unacceptable, passing is just passing. She wants to better than just average in everything. Or at least... most everything. But you'll rarely see her without a smile on her face, she loves to smile. Sometimes she can be quite mean, but that's because she doesn't like to butter things up. She thinks people need to accept the truth and face reality, which is why she can seem a bit mean sometimes. But other than that, she's sweet and friendly.
Katrina is also a little blushing girl, easily flustered at times. She's a bit crazy in a way, coffee-crazed and all. Her main priority is her family. She would place them before anything. Though she was placed in Slytherin, she was everything but. She was sweet and smiley. Always prepared... kinda. She falls quickly and she falls hard. Sadly she hasn't realized that yet.
Since starting to work at the Ministry at the age of 19, Katrina has grown up and matured there like she has in Hogwarts. She learned how to be more independent and become more of a leader-type person . Katrina may still get flustered but she isn't as easily embarrassed anymore. With her younger sister growing up as well, Katrina has less to worry about other than her sister ever wanting to... "snog" someone. Katrina, at age 22, is still the same sweet, helpful coffee-addict of level six, and fiercely loyal to her department at all times.
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 10-23-2013 at 07:54 PM.