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The late January sun shines through the windows as you make your way to the spare classroom that Healer Reed found for the term’s second seminar. The man was considerate enough to place warming charms within the room, both for the comfort of the participants...and the creature that they will be working on. As you step inside the classroom, you will find rows of tables, each filled with the following items: A cauldron, Bunsen burners, safety goggles, dish clothes, aprons, scissors and tongs. Between the cauldron and the tray of tools, is a clear glass box filled with heavy mist. The top lid of the box is locked and sealed by a charm.
You will find the Healer up front with his sleeves rolled up, checking and re-checking his supplies for today’s seminar.
Come on in, choose your workstation, and make your presence known. The seminar will start in a few minutes!
OOC:Welcome to the second Healer’s Health and Wellness Program! Post your charries joining Healer Reed and we will start in approximately 12-24 Hours from this post. Please read our RULES, before posting. Thank you! (P.S: So sorry for the very late announcement!)
The second seminar is now on-going. Please do not post your character arriving late, unless you want points deducted from your student. You’re more than welcome to jump in the discussion and activities anytime, just post them as if they were there all along
The last seminar she'd attended had turned out to be an obstacle course in disguise, but Sinead had done a bit more research before turning up this time and she was pretty sure this one would involve some more actual learning-healing-stuff.
She really hoped so, anyway.
Walking into the classroom gave her a weird kind of happy shiver as the magically warmed air surrounded her, a noticeable contrast from the draughty old corridors of the castle. The setup of the classroom seemed promising: potions weren't her favourite, but she knew they were important for healing and she didn't really mind them.
"Good morning, Sir." She bobbed her head politely as she entered, taking the desk at the front opposite the Healer. If he did the practical parts as well, she may as well get the best view possible- it could only help her learn, after all.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Hattie had adored the first healer seminar, and she really could not wait for the next one. So when the notice went up, she was really excited. She didn't really want to be a healer, but it had been fun, and she was sure that the next one was bound to be really good and exciting too. On the day she got dressed excitedly, and then headed to the spare classroom where the seminar was to be taking place. She was looking forward to seeing what they would be learning. She beamed as she found the classroom, and she went in.
"Oooh...." There was lot of interesting things on the tables. She recognised some of the things but not all of them. It looked kind of like a potions lesson, but with more muggle thing. That was actually pretty interesting. She turned her attention to the healer, and smiled at him. "Hello Sir" She murmured, greeting him with a smile before she headed to the rows of benches, and found herself a seat.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Levi had missed the first seminar for reasons he'd pondered on his way to the classroom but could no longer remember. It'd probably involved getting caught up somewhere in the library finishing a book or helping Declan read some bones (or rather hear Declan read and interpret the bones). It could have also been that he'd been busy dealing with Althea's general extra factor without getting hexed into his next birthday. Those were really the only three options. Perhaps it'd been all three. That was possibility, too.
But the important thing was that he'd made it on time for the seminar, and that he was free to choose whatever work station he liked best so he occupied one on the first row. Levi made as if to touch one of the tongs, but then quickly dropped his hands, content to just see for now. Well, not content, but. "Oh, hello." He greeted the school healer, at last. Would they be dissecting something???????
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Leon was curious as to what the Healer would have in store for them this time and he made his way into the empty classroom and looked around, part of him was looking for a certain Hufflepuff Prefect, the other part of him was looking for clues clueing for looks? as to what was going to happen.
"Hello Healer Reed. " He said with a warm smile. Since connecting with his half sister Azura he had learned that the Healer was her best friends Uncle. He had yet to meet Jace, but he hoped he would eventually..
He took his spot at a desk and then looked at the supplies there..
Standing still for a few minutes before the door to the room she hesitated, she NEVER before had showed any interest in this subject but, she wanted to know more about all the different kinds of magic and healing was one of them. She found it really bothersome that she didn’t knew much about all the different things you could do with magic because of her muggle upbringing and she wanted to find out if she liked this or not and… If it would be too difficult for her at all to understand because that too was a possibility!
Taking a deep breath she decided that it couldn’t be bad to just try it and… Maybe it could even be a good thing for her to be here because, you know… Maybe she even would earn some housepoints by doing this! Entering the room she saw the healer standing in the room. He was a person from the castle she only knew from name and position but she never actually had needed to visit him so she never had really talked to the healer and she didn’t knew if she would like the lesson he was going to teach. Well… One way to find it out! Stepping forward she walked toward the healer and smiled friendly. “Hello, I hope that I can join this lesson today because… Well… I don’t know much about healing so I want to find out more about it” she smiled. “Oh, and I’m Leesha Griffel” she introduced herself, not sure if the healer knew who she was because, again, she never had visited him, not even for such a simple thing as a cold!
By the time Abey made it to the seminar his hair was STILL all damp and maybe a little bit soapy on account of a few certain pre-class preparations. Or, well... failed preparations, actually.
The water had dripped down onto his uniform and made his collar all damp and the parts of his hair that weren't still sticking up in every direction were instead plastered down onto his head. None of this went very well with the cold cold cold corridors, so Abey was SO RELIEVED to walk into the classroom and find that actually it was lovely and warm inside.
"Hi Professor!" Abey chirped, suddenly in such better spirits. Technically also he sort of did know that the healer wasn't a professor, but he had gotten so into the habit of calling all adults 'professor', because it was a lot easier to get through the day without trying to remember all those little details, so he was going to stick with that.
Getting himself situated (alone) at a table, Abey (obviously) couldn't quite resist poking that strange glass box. And maybe trying to see if he could nudge it open.
Turned out that he couldn't, so instead he just settled in at his workstation, fiddling with the tools that were there, and kept one eye on the door to see if and when Derf was going to show up. He might actually have also already put his work goggles on, just because they were there.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Although he had not participated in the first seminar, Mason still wanted to see what it was all about and who knows, maybe he'd like it so much he'd actually found something that he wanted to do after graduating. Because owning a big personal library did not exactly pay the bills.
Once he had entered the spare classroom and with the way it was set up it reminded him of the potions class. He walked forward once he spotted the Healer himself as he seemed to check everything. "Hi sir" greeted with a small smile and a nod of his head "look! My nose and fingers are still normal" he said, a bit too proudly for some reason...before he found a place to seat.
The place in question was somewhere upfront and as he sat down and looked at the items on his desk he wondered if they were going to make antidotes or something. Not to mention that that box was calling his name , ok not really, but he DID want to open it and check what's in it. But after being here for two years now he knew better than to poke so he got out one of his trusted books, a fantasy novel from the muggle world this time, and opened it to the last 75 pages in the back. Almost finished~
Henry had an awesome time at the last seminar, but it wasn't that surprising. He loved being outside and being active, and it had been such a fun obstacle course. And so he was looking forward to this next seminar, hoping it would be as fun as the last. But he wasn't completely sure that it would be. Not when they were instructed to wear their school uniforms and bring note-taking materials. Still, he had high hopes.
As he walked into the classroom, he noted that it reminded him somewhat of potions equipment. Would they be doing something potions related? Henry wasn't the best at potions, but he did try. He nodded to the healer, giving him a grin as he passed by. "Hello, Healer Reed." Hopefully, they'd be doing something active though, and he stood over by his buddy Mason as he waited somewhat impatiently for class to begin. "What do you think is in that box?" he whispered to the boy with a book. Because that misty stuff had his focus for the time being.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
Declan wasn't very good at many things. In fact, he was very average and at times sub par in classes. He wasn't very athletic either much to his mother's disappointment. There was no one to carry on her legacy and she liked to whine about this during family dinner's. It didn't matter, however, because neither of his siblings or himself ever really felt that guilty about it. He wasn't sure how his brother Levi felt or how his sister Althea felt. On his part, Declan just had too much on his plate to worry about than to add death by bludger to the list.
What topped his list was a good night's sleep, something he hadn't had since he turned 13.
It hurt to think about. Declan didn't think that was an issue most teenagers faced and so he liked to stay busy to quiet his own voice along with the others that kept him awake day and night.
This seminar was a great way to stay busy even if he had no idea what he was going to be doing. Declan grabbed a dish cloth and tied it around his face, hiding his nose and mouth.
"Safety first," he told his brother from the desk to Levi's left. "You never know where toxins might be creeping around waiting to shock your nerve system and sending you into respiratory arrest."
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Juno wasn't one for healing, in fact blood made her a little squeamish at times, so hopefully they weren't going to have to do to much with that kind of stuff. She missed the first seminar, but Leon had said how much fun it was so she decided to check this one out. "Hello, Healer Reed! It's nice to see you." She hadn't had many run in's with the healer but he seemed pretty cool.
Then the buff, brown haired Ravenclaw caught her attention and a huge grin spread across her face. She made her way towards him, boots clicking the floor as she went. "Morning, Cap." She whispered with a wink. The nickname fit him so well.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
The last seminar had been TONS of fun in Charlotte's opinion. They'd gotten to run around, in the SNOW. And there had been obstacles and she'd made friends with a first year and slid on an inner tube AND been chased by a Yeti. So naturally Char was looking forward to something similar. What would it be this time? Rafting on a rapid river? Spelunking in hidden caves? Deep lake sea diving? Traversing a-- Charlotte stopped short, expression growing dismayed. Her gaze zeroed in on the rows of tables. SO MANY ROWS. That meant SITTING in said rows. Not even in a circle or anything! Oh Healer Reed, how couuuuld you?
There were cauldrons and stuff too - it looked like potions class. Like potions class mixed with a muggle science class. But what it looked like, more than anything else, was actual WORK. Char felt TRICKED. Healer seminars were supposed to be fun and active and a perfect outlet for all the excess energy that coiled up within the blonde, not a place where she'd have to suppress it all and concentrate and be studious and all of that.
Even the mystery of the mist-filled glass box wasn't enough to brighten her spirits and sense of foreboding about the WORK that was ahead of her. Even that didn't tweak her Gryffindor curiosity enough to make up for the fact that they were clearly gonna be stuck inside this time around.
"Hello Healer Reed." She greeted, deflated now, despite having bounded into the room with an excess of energy just a second ago.
Charlotte found a seat somewhere in the middle where she'd be able to notice anything even slightly interesting that might happen, and only then did she take another look at the glass box. Which she of course tried to open. Sort of. At least she nudged it with her little finger and discovered the lid was locked at least to casual lifting. She didn't try to unlock it or anything.
..... why was it glass though? Like, what kind of box needed to be see through? Especially when there was a mist in it that you couldn't see through? Making the best of a bad situation, as usual, Char's curiosity began waking up. Sluggishly, but present all the same. Were they supposed to put the goggles on? And the aprons? Char picked up the goggles and put them on her head for now, but not down over her eyes, and looked around, foot tapping in silent impatience and restrained energy.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
She wasn’t exactly certain about the seminars, considering the last one had been more heath related than healing, but that wasn’t a reason for Elle to not attend the second seminar. Besides, she had a bit of an ulterior motive to attending, although not one of a devious meaning. It was more the chance at learning anything she could about healing, to bolster her studies of Herbology and help her direct it in the path she’d almost officially decided she wanted to go in once term was over. She’d figured she could have asked Professor Myers some of her questions, or even Professor Newton given the fact Potions were generally important too, but neither were in fact healers. Healer Reed was, and this was easier than just stopping by his office unannounced sometime.
The Potions train of thought only became stronger as she’d walked inside the classroom to see the setup. It seemed very Potions-like, beside the mystery box filled with mist. She’d stopped at a table near the front, waiting a moment before greeting the healer. “Good morning Healer Reed,” she said politely, giving him a smile. “If you don’t mind, can I speak with you after the seminar?” Nothing serious, although she could have just wanted to thank him for helping Nat. However, it was more of a personal thing. A more intensive exploration of what she needed to do after graduation.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Etta made her way to the classroom, looking and feeling rather glum. It had been a weird past few days and as much as she thought talking about things with someone might be a good idea, she decided against it. Heh. Back to classes and stuff now.. she would be distracted from her thoughts, at least.
"Hello, Healer Reed." Etta muttered as she found her way to an empty work station and stared at all the supplies. UHM... what was this seminar going to be about? Wasn't it going to be as fun as the previous one? Oh, no. She sighed, leaned forward across the desk and waited for the class to begin.
School uniforms. Note-taking equipment. Classroom.
Upon first finding the announcement for the second Healer seminar, Daisy had been pretty excited but that excitment soon disappeared as soon as she read what they needed to bring to the seminar. Worse still, as she had read the place where it would be taking place, she had released a deep sigh.
What happened to running courses in the snow? And magical, animal fake Yetis?
Still, the Slytherin made her way to the classroom Healer Reed had appointed, hoping to at least find his perfectly adorable, ginormous, drooly dogs. At the sight that expected her inside the classroom, however, the Slytherin had to stifle a groan. Not even the dogs were here!!
Oh well. Since she was here already, might as well stay here. Even if the classroom reminded her strongly of the Potions classroom. She had enough of Potions in ... well, her Potions lessons! "Healer Reed." The girl greeted the staff member politely with a head nod and a smile, stopping to watch him for a few seconds. "I feel slightly betrayed, Sir, but alright. I trust you." Look, she was probably trying to convince herself that this would be FUN as well as useful. She grinned at the man and nodded her head once more. RIGHT. No use in being negative. With that, the Slytherin turned around and started making her way to one of the desks.
HMMM. Maybe one around the middle? Yes, that would suit her fine.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by emjay
Henry had an awesome time at the last seminar, but it wasn't that surprising. He loved being outside and being active, and it had been such a fun obstacle course. And so he was looking forward to this next seminar, hoping it would be as fun as the last. But he wasn't completely sure that it would be. Not when they were instructed to wear their school uniforms and bring note-taking materials. Still, he had high hopes.
As he walked into the classroom, he noted that it reminded him somewhat of potions equipment. Would they be doing something potions related? Henry wasn't the best at potions, but he did try. He nodded to the healer, giving him a grin as he passed by. "Hello, Healer Reed." Hopefully, they'd be doing something active though, and he stood over by his buddy Mason as he waited somewhat impatiently for class to begin. "What do you think is in that box?" he whispered to the boy with a book. Because that misty stuff had his focus for the time being.
One thing that Mason really disliked was when someone talked to him while he was trying to get some reading done. It did not matter if they were friends or not. So when Henry stood next to him he looked slightly annoyed at first before he sighed and looked at the box on the table again.
"Misty stuff" he said with a shrug of his shoulders before he focused his dark brown eyes on the book again which was far more interesting than misty stuff in a box in his opinion. He hoped the Healer wasn't going to start the lesson before he finished the chapter...
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Last seminar had left him traumatic. With the YETIs, Liv fainting and the whole you know, actually running around. But this seminar was held in a class room so he hoped no YETI would be present.
Carlton marched into the classroom, looking around him curiously. SO MUCH STUFF TO TOUCH AND LOOK AT. He beamed as he ran up to the healer. Sup.
"Hi Sir-healing-professor-Reed!" Again with the titles, he wasn't sure what to call him. Carlton walked around in circles around the supplies with excited little steps. He scanned ALL OF THE STUFF that was laid out on the table. "Oh, what's this?!" He poked it. "And what's THAT?!" He poked it. He spotted the safety glasses at the nearest bench. "And what are THESE?!" He quickly put them on. YES. "And THIS." 'This' being the apron that he was trying his best to tie behind his back. As soon as this knot was tied he was ready.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Olivia was wary about attending another seminar with their friendly, neighborhood Healer, in all honesty. Still suffering from some residual embarrassment over the episode that closed out the previous one, the blonde kept her head low as she entered the classroom - yes, an actual classroom - that was set up largely like a potions lab. Brewing, she could definitely handle. Considering she was no longer suffering from many of the ailments troubling her last time, Olivia's general outlook and optimism had greatly improved. Not so surprising, though, seeing as she had no say in the matter these days. It was either get well or be removed from school... There were people she didn't want to leave. Important ones.
Actually, homeschooling probably wouldn't have been that awful, but spending twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week... with her mother, did NOT sound like any fun. Whatever perks there might've been would've been massively outweighed by the bad. It was known.
Picking a workstation near Carlton, because she hadn't spent much time with him recently (and SHE MISSED HER SMOL CHILD), the blonde began inspecting all the gathered materials. The clear mist-filled glass box held the most mystery, and Liv found she couldn't tear her eyes away from it. Everything else they'd be working with was uncovered and familiar. So... What was this?
A bit pink, she quietly said hello to the man at the front of the room. She promised to do her best....in not causing a scene today.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
SPOILER!!: Individual Replies!
Originally Posted by Artel
The last seminar she'd attended had turned out to be an obstacle course in disguise, but Sinead had done a bit more research before turning up this time and she was pretty sure this one would involve some more actual learning-healing-stuff.
She really hoped so, anyway.
Walking into the classroom gave her a weird kind of happy shiver as the magically warmed air surrounded her, a noticeable contrast from the draughty old corridors of the castle. The setup of the classroom seemed promising: potions weren't her favourite, but she knew they were important for healing and she didn't really mind them.
"Good morning, Sir." She bobbed her head politely as she entered, taking the desk at the front opposite the Healer. If he did the practical parts as well, she may as well get the best view possible- it could only help her learn, after all.
Straightening up from checking his own glass box, River smiled down at the first year Slytherin, glad to see her come back for another round of Healing Seminar. She need not worry about obstacle courses this time since he thought it was too cold to do any activity outdoors. Also...he was sure it was two o'clock in the afternoon. "I had a good morning, Miss Dance. I hope you're having a good day yourself?" Surely, the mistake about the time must've been a holiday hangover?
Originally Posted by RachieRu
Hattie had adored the first healer seminar, and she really could not wait for the next one. So when the notice went up, she was really excited. She didn't really want to be a healer, but it had been fun, and she was sure that the next one was bound to be really good and exciting too. On the day she got dressed excitedly, and then headed to the spare classroom where the seminar was to be taking place. She was looking forward to seeing what they would be learning. She beamed as she found the classroom, and she went in.
"Oooh...." There was lot of interesting things on the tables. She recognised some of the things but not all of them. It looked kind of like a potions lesson, but with more muggle thing. That was actually pretty interesting. She turned her attention to the healer, and smiled at him. "Hello Sir" She murmured, greeting him with a smile before she headed to the rows of benches, and found herself a seat.
Stuffing his hands inside his pocket, River greeted the next participant that entered the classroom. "Hello to you too, Miss Paton. Did you have a good holiday?" She did look happy, so River assumed that she had a blast with her family and friends back home.
Originally Posted by Oesed
Levi had missed the first seminar for reasons he'd pondered on his way to the classroom but could no longer remember. It'd probably involved getting caught up somewhere in the library finishing a book or helping Declan read some bones (or rather hear Declan read and interpret the bones). It could have also been that he'd been busy dealing with Althea's general extra factor without getting hexed into his next birthday. Those were really the only three options. Perhaps it'd been all three. That was possibility, too.
But the important thing was that he'd made it on time for the seminar, and that he was free to choose whatever work station he liked best so he occupied one on the first row. Levi made as if to touch one of the tongs, but then quickly dropped his hands, content to just see for now. Well, not content, but. "Oh, hello." He greeted the school healer, at last. Would they be dissecting something???????
Ah, one of the Kenning siblings made it to his seminar! And one who seemed to be very interested in his profession. "Hello, Master Kenning. It's good to see you here." River hoped that the young man will enjoy today's seminar.
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Leon was curious as to what the Healer would have in store for them this time and he made his way into the empty classroom and looked around, part of him was looking for a certain Hufflepuff Prefect, the other part of him was looking for clues clueing for looks? as to what was going to happen.
"Hello Healer Reed. " He said with a warm smile. Since connecting with his half sister Azura he had learned that the Healer was her best friends Uncle. He had yet to meet Jace, but he hoped he would eventually..
He took his spot at a desk and then looked at the supplies there..
Huh... he had no idea..
"Hello, Master Kennedy." River returned the smile with his own, and watched the 7th year as he took his place in the classroom, wondering if he'd been better since the Portal incident? The man also wondered why he kept seeing this young man with his nephew's best friend? Were they related somehow? Questions.
Originally Posted by Sonea
Standing still for a few minutes before the door to the room she hesitated, she NEVER before had showed any interest in this subject but, she wanted to know more about all the different kinds of magic and healing was one of them. She found it really bothersome that she didn’t knew much about all the different things you could do with magic because of her muggle upbringing and she wanted to find out if she liked this or not and… If it would be too difficult for her at all to understand because that too was a possibility!
Taking a deep breath she decided that it couldn’t be bad to just try it and… Maybe it could even be a good thing for her to be here because, you know… Maybe she even would earn some housepoints by doing this! Entering the room she saw the healer standing in the room. He was a person from the castle she only knew from name and position but she never actually had needed to visit him so she never had really talked to the healer and she didn’t knew if she would like the lesson he was going to teach. Well… One way to find it out! Stepping forward she walked toward the healer and smiled friendly. “Hello, I hope that I can join this lesson today because… Well… I don’t know much about healing so I want to find out more about it” she smiled. “Oh, and I’m Leesha Griffel” she introduced herself, not sure if the healer knew who she was because, again, she never had visited him, not even for such a simple thing as a cold!
A much smaller voice was heard, and River shifted his attention from Leon to a younger student. The Healer immediately consulted his memory bank for a name, but then she took the liberty of introducing herself. How considerate! "This seminar is open to everyone, Miss Griffel. You are more than welcome to join us today." He said smiling down at the small figure. "Please, choose your preferred work station. We will start, shortly." He said gesturing to the many unoccupied seats.
Originally Posted by Felixir
By the time Abey made it to the seminar his hair was STILL all damp and maybe a little bit soapy on account of a few certain pre-class preparations. Or, well... failed preparations, actually.
The water had dripped down onto his uniform and made his collar all damp and the parts of his hair that weren't still sticking up in every direction were instead plastered down onto his head. None of this went very well with the cold cold cold corridors, so Abey was SO RELIEVED to walk into the classroom and find that actually it was lovely and warm inside.
"Hi Professor!" Abey chirped, suddenly in such better spirits. Technically also he sort of did know that the healer wasn't a professor, but he had gotten so into the habit of calling all adults 'professor', because it was a lot easier to get through the day without trying to remember all those little details, so he was going to stick with that.
Getting himself situated (alone) at a table, Abey (obviously) couldn't quite resist poking that strange glass box. And maybe trying to see if he could nudge it open.
Turned out that he couldn't, so instead he just settled in at his workstation, fiddling with the tools that were there, and kept one eye on the door to see if and when Derf was going to show up. He might actually have also already put his work goggles on, just because they were there.
...and here he thought, he had seen everything. "Hello, Master Botros." River replied with a confused look, and amused grin. For the record, the Healer appreciated the young man's good hygiene habit by taking a shower despite the cold weather, however...he was a bit concerned about the boy's current situation. His hair was still wet...and...soapsuds? "Right, let me fix that for you. We don't want you getting sick." Not under his watch! With a quick swish of his wand, the soapsuds were gone, a flick to dry and magically comb the boy's hair, and a tap to dry the rest of his uniform.
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Although he had not participated in the first seminar, Mason still wanted to see what it was all about and who knows, maybe he'd like it so much he'd actually found something that he wanted to do after graduating. Because owning a big personal library did not exactly pay the bills.
Once he had entered the spare classroom and with the way it was set up it reminded him of the potions class. He walked forward once he spotted the Healer himself as he seemed to check everything. "Hi sir" greeted with a small smile and a nod of his head "look! My nose and fingers are still normal" he said, a bit too proudly for some reason...before he found a place to seat.
The place in question was somewhere upfront and as he sat down and looked at the items on his desk he wondered if they were going to make antidotes or something. Not to mention that that box was calling his name , ok not really, but he DID want to open it and check what's in it. But after being here for two years now he knew better than to poke so he got out one of his trusted books, a fantasy novel from the muggle world this time, and opened it to the last 75 pages in the back. Almost finished~
After tending to the first year Gryffindor, River looked up when a senior student came up to him next. "Hello to you too, Master Winslow." The Healer smiled at the Ravenclaw, and gave his fingers and nose a good look. "And I hope you intend to keep it that way, Mason." The man chuckled as he gave him a good pat on the shoulder before the boy turned to take his seat.
Originally Posted by emjay
Henry had an awesome time at the last seminar, but it wasn't that surprising. He loved being outside and being active, and it had been such a fun obstacle course. And so he was looking forward to this next seminar, hoping it would be as fun as the last. But he wasn't completely sure that it would be. Not when they were instructed to wear their school uniforms and bring note-taking materials. Still, he had high hopes.
As he walked into the classroom, he noted that it reminded him somewhat of potions equipment. Would they be doing something potions related? Henry wasn't the best at potions, but he did try. He nodded to the healer, giving him a grin as he passed by. "Hello, Healer Reed." Hopefully, they'd be doing something active though, and he stood over by his buddy Mason as he waited somewhat impatiently for class to begin. "What do you think is in that box?" he whispered to the boy with a book. Because that misty stuff had his focus for the time being.
The next participant was also given a nod and a grin, as the man watched Henry approach him. "Hello, Master Whittebrook. It's good to see you again." Really, it was lovely to see the old participants coming back for another round. Although they wouldn't be doing anything physical today, River made sure that the activity for the second seminar would be challenging, in terms of mental strength, concentration...and dexterity. Besides, he didn't want to produce students that are just made of muscles capable of brute force in duelling. He ought to teach them things that would require independence, knowledge...and perhaps survival information should any of them venture into daring professions after Hogwarts.
Originally Posted by Ama
Declan wasn't very good at many things. In fact, he was very average and at times sub par in classes. He wasn't very athletic either much to his mother's disappointment. There was no one to carry on her legacy and she liked to whine about this during family dinner's. It didn't matter, however, because neither of his siblings or himself ever really felt that guilty about it. He wasn't sure how his brother Levi felt or how his sister Althea felt. On his part, Declan just had too much on his plate to worry about than to add death by bludger to the list.
What topped his list was a good night's sleep, something he hadn't had since he turned 13.
It hurt to think about. Declan didn't think that was an issue most teenagers faced and so he liked to stay busy to quiet his own voice along with the others that kept him awake day and night.
This seminar was a great way to stay busy even if he had no idea what he was going to be doing. Declan grabbed a dish cloth and tied it around his face, hiding his nose and mouth.
"Safety first," he told his brother from the desk to Levi's left. "You never know where toxins might be creeping around waiting to shock your nerve system and sending you into respiratory arrest."
River almost missed the next student, considering that the Slytherin did not bother to greet him. That's fine really, as long as he wasn't being verbally rude to him or the others, then he'd take his silence and refusal to take notice of him anytime, any day. The Healer however did not fail to recall the student, considering that he sat beside the other Kenning sibling. Did he also mention that he kept all of their medical records? Yes.
Originally Posted by Suziella
Juno wasn't one for healing, in fact blood made her a little squeamish at times, so hopefully they weren't going to have to do to much with that kind of stuff. She missed the first seminar, but Leon had said how much fun it was so she decided to check this one out. "Hello, Healer Reed! It's nice to see you." She hadn't had many run in's with the healer but he seemed pretty cool.
Then the buff, brown haired Ravenclaw caught her attention and a huge grin spread across her face. She made her way towards him, boots clicking the floor as she went. "Morning, Cap." She whispered with a wink. The nickname fit him so well.
"Likewise, Prefect Darcy." He did hope all of the prefects would be in attendance today because of his chosen topic. He was sure it would help them greatly in the coming years, given the amount of patrolling they would have to do until they graduate. "Take a seat and we will start shortly." And she chose to sit right next to Mister Buff guy? Hmm. Something's going on between these two. Did everyone see that smile on her face? Dead giveaway, ladies and gents.
Originally Posted by Tegz
The last seminar had been TONS of fun in Charlotte's opinion. They'd gotten to run around, in the SNOW. And there had been obstacles and she'd made friends with a first year and slid on an inner tube AND been chased by a Yeti. So naturally Char was looking forward to something similar. What would it be this time? Rafting on a rapid river? Spelunking in hidden caves? Deep lake sea diving? Traversing a-- Charlotte stopped short, expression growing dismayed. Her gaze zeroed in on the rows of tables. SO MANY ROWS. That meant SITTING in said rows. Not even in a circle or anything! Oh Healer Reed, how couuuuld you?
There were cauldrons and stuff too - it looked like potions class. Like potions class mixed with a muggle science class. But what it looked like, more than anything else, was actual WORK. Char felt TRICKED. Healer seminars were supposed to be fun and active and a perfect outlet for all the excess energy that coiled up within the blonde, not a place where she'd have to suppress it all and concentrate and be studious and all of that.
Even the mystery of the mist-filled glass box wasn't enough to brighten her spirits and sense of foreboding about the WORK that was ahead of her. Even that didn't tweak her Gryffindor curiosity enough to make up for the fact that they were clearly gonna be stuck inside this time around.
"Hello Healer Reed." She greeted, deflated now, despite having bounded into the room with an excess of energy just a second ago.
Charlotte found a seat somewhere in the middle where she'd be able to notice anything even slightly interesting that might happen, and only then did she take another look at the glass box. Which she of course tried to open. Sort of. At least she nudged it with her little finger and discovered the lid was locked at least to casual lifting. She didn't try to unlock it or anything.
..... why was it glass though? Like, what kind of box needed to be see through? Especially when there was a mist in it that you couldn't see through? Making the best of a bad situation, as usual, Char's curiosity began waking up. Sluggishly, but present all the same. Were they supposed to put the goggles on? And the aprons? Char picked up the goggles and put them on her head for now, but not down over her eyes, and looked around, foot tapping in silent impatience and restrained energy.
If he was going to be honest with himself, he was surprised to see Miss Kettleburn in his seminar. If he remembered it correctly, he did not explicitly said in the announcement that today's activity would involve the outdoors. He thought that putting 'Lecture Hall' in the announcement would hinder most, if not all of the active and outdoorsy kids. Nonetheless, it was worth it to take note of this observation. Social experiment, anyone? It was very telling. "Hello, Miss Kettleburn. It is a pleasure to have you back." River was really happy to see her join them for today. It was the perfect opportunity for him to introduce balance into her active lifestyle.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
She wasn’t exactly certain about the seminars, considering the last one had been more heath related than healing, but that wasn’t a reason for Elle to not attend the second seminar. Besides, she had a bit of an ulterior motive to attending, although not one of a devious meaning. It was more the chance at learning anything she could about healing, to bolster her studies of Herbology and help her direct it in the path she’d almost officially decided she wanted to go in once term was over. She’d figured she could have asked Professor Myers some of her questions, or even Professor Newton given the fact Potions were generally important too, but neither were in fact healers. Healer Reed was, and this was easier than just stopping by his office unannounced sometime.
The Potions train of thought only became stronger as she’d walked inside the classroom to see the setup. It seemed very Potions-like, beside the mystery box filled with mist. She’d stopped at a table near the front, waiting a moment before greeting the healer. “Good morning Healer Reed,” she said politely, giving him a smile. “If you don’t mind, can I speak with you after the seminar?” Nothing serious, although she could have just wanted to thank him for helping Nat. However, it was more of a personal thing. A more intensive exploration of what she needed to do after graduation.
River went back to his work station to check the time, only to turn around once more when another student came by to say hello. "Ah, Miss Penrose. Hello." He said as he briefly glanced at the window, and made sure that he got the time right. It was way past noon already.
Anyway, the next words brought him back to the present, tilting his head to the side wondering what the young lady wanted after the seminar. "I don't mind. How about we get tea and biscuits at the Great Hall?" Even his office felt cramped nowadays, no matter how cosy it is.
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Another seminar.
Etta made her way to the classroom, looking and feeling rather glum. It had been a weird past few days and as much as she thought talking about things with someone might be a good idea, she decided against it. Heh. Back to classes and stuff now.. she would be distracted from her thoughts, at least.
"Hello, Healer Reed." Etta muttered as she found her way to an empty work station and stared at all the supplies. UHM... what was this seminar going to be about? Wasn't it going to be as fun as the previous one? Oh, no. She sighed, leaned forward across the desk and waited for the class to begin.
Was it the weather, or should he blame himself for Henrietta's mood? If his memory served him right, she too wasn't keen on taking the first challenge at first, but she did enjoy it nonetheless. Hopefully she will again this time, despite the lack of obstacles. "Hello, Miss Kramer. It's good to see you again." He replied, as he paced around the classroom once more. It was almost time to start the seminar.
Originally Posted by Crayola
School uniforms. Note-taking equipment. Classroom.
Upon first finding the announcement for the second Healer seminar, Daisy had been pretty excited but that excitment soon disappeared as soon as she read what they needed to bring to the seminar. Worse still, as she had read the place where it would be taking place, she had released a deep sigh.
What happened to running courses in the snow? And magical, animal fake Yetis?
Still, the Slytherin made her way to the classroom Healer Reed had appointed, hoping to at least find his perfectly adorable, ginormous, drooly dogs. At the sight that expected her inside the classroom, however, the Slytherin had to stifle a groan. Not even the dogs were here!!
Oh well. Since she was here already, might as well stay here. Even if the classroom reminded her strongly of the Potions classroom. She had enough of Potions in ... well, her Potions lessons! "Healer Reed." The girl greeted the staff member politely with a head nod and a smile, stopping to watch him for a few seconds. "I feel slightly betrayed, Sir, but alright. I trust you." Look, she was probably trying to convince herself that this would be FUN as well as useful. She grinned at the man and nodded her head once more. RIGHT. No use in being negative. With that, the Slytherin turned around and started making her way to one of the desks.
HMMM. Maybe one around the middle? Yes, that would suit her fine.
And here comes another one. River hung his head for a moment, and scratched his neck trying to figure out the overall mood of the classroom. These children need to chill. It's a school after all. Tucking his hands behind him, River tipped his head towards the Slytherin returning her gesture. "Hello, Miss Carden." He said, giving her a smile. And...say what? "And...I'm...sorry?" River wasn't even sure if he's asking for clarification or asking for her forgiveness. Betrayed? How so?
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Last seminar had left him traumatic. With the YETIs, Liv fainting and the whole you know, actually running around. But this seminar was held in a class room so he hoped no YETI would be present.
Carlton marched into the classroom, looking around him curiously. SO MUCH STUFF TO TOUCH AND LOOK AT. He beamed as he ran up to the healer. Sup.
"Hi Sir-healing-professor-Reed!" Again with the titles, he wasn't sure what to call him. Carlton walked around in circles around the supplies with excited little steps. He scanned ALL OF THE STUFF that was laid out on the table. "Oh, what's this?!" He poked it. "And what's THAT?!" He poked it. He spotted the safety glasses at the nearest bench. "And what are THESE?!" He quickly put them on. YES. "And THIS." 'This' being the apron that he was trying his best to tie behind his back. As soon as this knot was tied he was ready.
Ohh.... Scissors.
His gaze lingered on Daisy until she claimed a work station, and was thankful for the distraction that her fellow housemate had offered. "Hello to you too, Master Lewis of Slytherin, sir." What, he can do the title thing too. "Healer Reed is fine, Carlton. And..." The man trailed off as he watched the ball of energy zoom to his preferred work area and poked around his materials.
He really should advise Roderick to teach his students more about constant vigilance. Good Merlin.
Originally Posted by Govoni
Olivia was wary about attending another seminar with their friendly, neighborhood Healer, in all honesty. Still suffering from some residual embarrassment over the episode that closed out the previous one, the blonde kept her head low as she entered the classroom - yes, an actual classroom - that was set up largely like a potions lab. Brewing, she could definitely handle. Considering she was no longer suffering from many of the ailments troubling her last time, Olivia's general outlook and optimism had greatly improved. Not so surprising, though, seeing as she had no say in the matter these days. It was either get well or be removed from school... There were people she didn't want to leave. Important ones.
Actually, homeschooling probably wouldn't have been that awful, but spending twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week... with her mother, did NOT sound like any fun. Whatever perks there might've been would've been massively outweighed by the bad. It was known.
Picking a workstation near Carlton, because she hadn't spent much time with him recently (and SHE MISSED HER SMOL CHILD), the blonde began inspecting all the gathered materials. The clear mist-filled glass box held the most mystery, and Liv found she couldn't tear her eyes away from it. Everything else they'd be working with was uncovered and familiar. So... What was this?
A bit pink, she quietly said hello to the man at the front of the room. She promised to do her best....in not causing a scene today.
River's gaze shifted from Carlton, to the newcomer who chose to stay silent all the way to her chosen work station. The Healer quietly regarded her presence by giving her a warm smile and a nod. A lot has been revealed to him after the incident, and River took the extra precaution not to give too much attention on Olivia (at least in front of everyone), as he highly considered her privacy. The man didn't want to think that he's playing favourites or that something was, in fact, going-on with the Gryffindor.
River closed the door as soon as the last participant entered the classroom. The Healer rounded his work station, and tucked his hands behind him giving the group a pleasant smile. “Good afternoon, and welcome to the second Healer’s seminar of the term. Welcome back to Hogwarts, and I hope that you all had a fun holiday.” His vacation had been short-lived considering that the staff needed the extra time to prepare and grade papers over the break. He did enjoy his Christmas and New Year’s celebration though. Nothing beats welcoming the New Year by going way up north to view the Aurora Borealis, sans the merriment and noise of firecrackers.
“I trust that each and every one of you now knows how to conduct oneself when dealing with creatures and brewing potions because today, we will be doing an activity that concerns both subjects.” River walked the length of the classroom, got his wand from his arm holster and lifted the heavy mist that clouded the creature inside the glass box. “Let’s review, shall we? What can you tell me about Murtlaps?”
OOC: The second seminar is now on-going. Please do not post your character arriving late, unless you want points deducted from your student. You’re more than welcome to jump in the discussion and activities anytime, just post them as if they were there all along. ONE ANSWER PER PARTICIPANT PLEASE! Thank you! I'll move on in approximately 24 hours from this post (2:00pm GMT).
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Sinead's lips compressed slightly in embarrassment as she realised her mistake- well, that was what she got for speaking on autopilot like that. Still, everyone had been there, right?
"Yes, thank you, Sir," she replied, trying to peer surreptitiously at his box- maybe the mist would be lifted in there and she could see what they were actually working on today? Whatever it was, it seemed a lot more exciting than last time, and she was glad she'd showed up.
This suspicion was only confirmed as he began to speak. She nodded along almost unconsciously to his words- she absolutely knew how to conduct herself around potions, even if creatures weren't her favourite. As soon as the mist lifted from the boxes, her face lit up with interest- she knew exactly what the creature was, and she'd read a bit about them in her Care of Magical Creatures textbook. Actually, healing was pretty interesting in general- she might have heard about them from some other source as well. Hand shooting up into the air, she spoke as soon as River indicated she could, face intent with recollection.
"They can have a dangerous bite, I don't think it's fatal, but it causes a reaction. And their tentacles are valuable, because they can be used for potions, usually healing potions for cuts? Can you use their venom for potions as well?" She couldn't remember reading anything about that, but she knew that plenty of animals' venom was useful in potions, so it kind of stood to reason that the same might be true of a Murtlap.
Levi would have told Declan that if his nervous system hadn't gone into shock during one of their super early morning workouts in which Levi had felt little better than an inferi--well, he doubted anything would. In the end, Healer Reed had moved to close the door and Levi had to settle for giving his brother a wide-eyed, incredulous look.
Murtlaps looked like overtly hairy rats, so Levi's feelings were half disgust, half clinical interest. "Dueling club members probably know this already, but eating the growth of a murtlap's back helps with resistance to jinxes." Eating too much of it COULD cause purple hair to grow out of their ears, too. But they could discover that on their own.
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
One of Carlton's favorite things about Hogwarts was when people called him 'master'. It had a very nice ring to it. And he beamed at the healer when he used that title for him. 'Master Lewis'. Not even his dad was called that.
When healer Reed lifted the SSM or the Super Secretive Mist; Carlton leaned forward in his seat.
What in the world was that thing?!
Carlton looked up at the healer and then back down at the little creature. Murt-what now? He hadn't seen one of those in any COMC lesson and therefore he had no idea what kind of creature it was. Honestly, he was still questioning if the thing was real or not. And to answer the healer's question: Nothing. There was absolutely nothing Carlton could tell him about Murt-whatever. It looked like a naked mole-rat. But he didn't need to point that out, anyone with eyes could see that.
So, Carlton continued to stare at it and listen to the other students suggestions. Why they knew so much about this naked mole-rat was beyond him, but he was sure he would find out during the course of the seminar.
Sort of a wrap of a DARE here from like ages ago *hides*
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
At first Skylar was slightly disheartened to see that the next healing seminar was going to be inside, in a classroom, with desks. But she reckoned on some level it made sense since despite the poor insulation castle walls provided, it was still warmer than the grounds.
She'd of course claimed one of the seats near the front, because the closer to the healer and all, and the better to take in his features. Pressing her quill to her lips in deep thought as the Healer began the seminar, she listened as he introduced today's topic - murtlaps. She knew one thing for them, that they were good for healing cuts, as the one snake first year mentioned already.
What else could she say about murtlaps that would have been unique? Staring up at the tall pale healer, she felt her heart rate increase, as she simultaneously mentally berated herself.
No, don't go there. Don't do it.
But before she could stop herself, her hand was in the air, "My brand of amortentia smells like murtlaps." Because the healer was teaching them about the creature, and obviously it smelled like the healer, but that might have been too forward. Also, just as quickly as she raised her hand, her hand dropped and she sank a bit in her seat, cheeks feeling warm, wondering what in Merlin's beard had come over her.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
AWW, look, Healer Reed was apologising. At least, Daisy assumed he had been apologising and therefore grinned happily at him as she tied up her apron. "Don't worry, Sir! We can't run from Yetis all the time!" She waved off his apology and smoothed the front of her apron with her hand. Now THIS made her feel like they would be baking which would be much more fun.
Oh. No.
All thoughts of baking disappeared from her mind as Healer Reed revealed the Murtlap and the Slytherin made a gagging motion. They were so, so UGLY. Like weirdly naked rats with disgusting hair only on top. BLEH. She raised her hand, ready to share what she knew about the creatures (which, granted, it wasn't that much) but then her attention was taken by Skylar's answer. Amortentia? The fifth year gigglesnorted loudly at the answer given by her fellow Slytherin and then tried to pass it off as a cough.
We see you, Sky. We see you.
"It'd be wise to steer away from them, Sir. They have a tendency to bite once stepped on." She offered when she was called upon, still trying to fight the giggles. SEE, this lesson was improving already.
Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
Murtlaps were awesome looking creatures. Of course, he still thought they had nothing on his favorite girl Charlotte, but they had their own brand of beauty. Mostly, he liked the little tentacles on its back. He resisted the urge to the tickle the wiggling things.
"You can also use its essence to treat some cuts and abrasions," said Declan with is hand raised. "I've used it on scraped knees before." Declan figured you could probably also use it for whippings and lashes but that seemed rather too gory to share out loud.