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Term 45: January - April 2017 Term Forty-Five: Stranger Hogwarts (Sept 2091 - June 2092)

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Old 01-27-2017, 03:43 AM
Stefan Stefan is offline
Default SEMINAR 1: Yeti Challenge :: The Abominable Snow Run

An hour and a half after the school's lunch break, Healer Reed who was decked in his full winter gear paced back and forth at the Entrance Hall with his hands tucked behind him as he waited for the students to arrive. As he reviewed the activity in his mind, he could not help but grin once in a while, thinking that he never imagined that he will be back in Hogwarts to teach, and execute health and wellness activities.

While the man paced back and forth, Roscoe and Bumi, his Newfoundland dogs sat directly in front of the colossal doors and watched their master, waiting for his command. Both are wearing their scarves and first aide jackets, ready to take part in the activity.

If you’re here for the Yeti Challenge, come on down in your full winter gear and wait along with the others. We will start the activity shortly.

OOC: Welcome to the first Healer’s Health and Wellness Program! Post your charries joining Healer Reed and we will start in approximately 12-24 Hours from this post. Please read our RULES, before posting. Thank you!

Seminar Progression:
  1. Greetings + Question 1
  2. Answers for Question 1 + Question 2 + Mini-Activity
  3. Answers for Question 2 + Main Activity
    1. GIANT SNOW STAIRS: Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch. The run towards the first obstacle isn’t an easy one. The snow on the ground is quite thick, burying your feet, ankle deep! But just a few metres ahead, you see giant snowballs piled up one after another, making it a decent snow mound. Climb it and go on to your next challenge;
    2. INTO THE YETI’S HOLE!: Ahead are four rows of low triangular trusses, each stretching about 4 meters in length. Get on all fours and crawl your way through to the other end!;
    3. GET A SNOW TUBE AND DRAG UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE: To get to the next course, you have to drag a miniature Christmas tree up a smaller mound! Trust me on this. You need the extra altitude!
    4. SLIP AND SLIDE SNOW TUBING!: Fasten your Christmas Trees, ride the snow tube, and slide your way down to the starting point! A 500 meter snow slide should be enough to keep the blood pumping!
    5. TEA AND COCOA!: Once you reach the end, you will see that a table has been set up for you to take you pick: TEA or HOT CHOCOLOATE? Oh and there’s a couple of zinc lozenges too. Best to get a few if you feel like you’re going to have a cold!
  4. Closing Remarks / Catch up opportunity / Seminar Dismissed!
Old 01-30-2017, 02:59 AM   #51 (permalink)

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Healer Reed had called on her...for giving the correct answer. The blonde Gryffindor had the grace to blush, which was wholly unlike her, but there you go. Also, it made the most sense. There were just times when she'd been hit by spells with enough force to rattle her bones. Like when Genny Tate had levitated her up high in their duel that once. She'd been able to anticipate her landing, thanks to the positioning of her legs. However, if they wouldn't have been in great shape, she could've broken several bones.

Prime example?

Noticing Carlton creeping closer, Liv offered him a secret, sweet smile. He was such a good egg. She quickly joined him in stretching out her legs. This was borderline painful, given that she hadn't been sleeping or eating that well, but... Well, it'd be okay.

"Like I mentioned before, dancing. It really tests your joints and control, but then there's also aerial dancing, which I'm trying to get into." A lot of strength was needed for that, though... Liv was working on it.
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Old 01-30-2017, 04:51 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mackenzie Alistaire Mordaunt
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Yoji Christopher Reed
First Year
x12 x12
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy

SPOILER!!: Individual Replies in here!
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

Your health! Gosh why didnt that occur to him? Well maybe he had somewhat an idea by saying willpower but yeah stamina.

And stretches here we go. Tenacius turned his head this way and that, getting those knots out, then bent low on one leg while stretching the other and then reversing it, going with this routine several times. Oh oh oh what else can they do for endurance training? "Sir what about SWIMMING?" He loooooved swimming. Too bad they cant do any of that now what with everything frozen..... Or can they?
Folding his left leg, River tugged it from the back with his right hand and pulled those muscles to loosen up. He did the same for his other leg, this time with his left hand. "It is, yes! Very good, Prefect Salander. It's a good way to keep the lungs and heart going." It was also a great way to work out those arms and legs.

Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Health.. yeah he probably should have figured that one. Leon pushed off the wall as Healer Reed started to talk to them about what they would be doing, running around the school grounds wouldn't be much of an issue, seeing as he ran around the lake every single morning..

Though he was curious about the obstacles that would be presenting themselves!

Ohh warming up! Leon started to stretch his arms as he heard the question and he raised his hand. "Swimming is a good one like Prefect Salander said, as is cycling or hiking. "

Leon rolled his shoulders to loosen them up and then stayed to work on his legs, bending down to stretch them out, he slowly reached for his left foot, feeling his muscles loosen up a bit as he did so.

He did warm ups and cool downs every morning, so his body knew exactly what to do. Though he has skipped this mornings run, he didn't want to over do it!
Leon looked like a young man who works out. Just...look at that built! River didn't start out as a bulky guy, like he is now, but if he was allowed to say something-- he envied this kid's built. Leon has no idea how much body building River had to do during his school years. "Cycling and Hiking. Good choices, Master Kennedy." the Healer grinned his way as he started to pace around the students to watch them warm up.

Originally Posted by potterobsessionist View Post
Carlton was slightly nervous. They were actually supposed to run? That would be a problem. He wasn't a runner at all. Especially not with all the layers he was wearing. But Healer Reed had told him that he could help with heating charms if it would come to that. So Carlton removed one scarf, two jackets and one pair of pants. Which left him about four layers of clothing. He stepped away from the pile of clothes on the floor, smiling to himself. It looked like a person had melted and left all their clothes. He would pick that up later.

Later. Or Flynn would have at him. Eek!

With one layer of clothes less he could actually move and do what was required of him. STRETCH. Carlton didn't answer the first question because Professor Hirsch was standing RIGHT THERE but just moved closer to Liv because of the affection. He felt all the affection towards her. Over the course of the last few months he'd come to depend on her a lot. Too scared to upset any of the professors because THERE WERE SO MANY OF THEM, he didn't say anything. He just stood reeeally close to Liv and started to stretch.

The second question Healer Reed asked however was something he dared to answer. "You could also bounce, sir!" He said happily as he mimicked the Healer's exact movements. His EXACT movements. Because Carlton had never stretched before. "If you bounce a lot then you get tired." Happened to him a lot.

Carlton bounced twice on the spot just to demonstrate what he meant before quickly returning to stretching.

Where was his right foot? THERE IT WAS. He dived down towards it with his hands because that was what the others were doing right?
As he passed by Carlton, River discreetly got his wand out and started to put warming charms on his clothing. "Bouncing? Well, if that works for you, Master Lewis then by all means." To each their own, they say. River grinned at the boy, and weaved his way through the assembled students, keeping an eye on them.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Master? What exactly was he the master of?

Blinking a few times, the first year needed to point soooooooomething out to the Healer. "Asburry-Hawthorne, actually, s-s-sir." Yeah, he had a long last name and apparently could have been much longer if mum had added her name to the list. Bentley-Ashburry-Hawthorne...BAH for short.

And of course his newt was in his pocket! Derf never left without Scamander, but everything was totally fine because dad had enchanted all his trouser pockets to keep the creature safe AND not squishable.


But the first question had him just a tiny bit confused because fire did not seem to be a fitting response to the question. Was fire necessary for spell casting? Not...really...not was it a necessity for dueling so...hmm....

"Not s-s-speaking wiff a s-s-stutter helps-s!"

Wait...yetis? Why were they not talking about them yet? Or were they the obstacles around the grounds? Because...dealing with a yeti would do a whole lot more than just test stamina levels!

"EATING RIGHT!" Derf offered up in response as he bent down to touch his toes. "And eat beets!"

Oh and did he got Derfael's surname wrong? Well...not wrong, but incomplete sort of wrong. "Apologies, Master Ashburry-Hawthorne." he said tipping his head a little for the Hufflepuff first year. River was about to move to the other direction when Derfael spoke again...and he couldn't help but succumb to the logic that young Derfael presented. Surely he doesn't stutter all the time, yes? "As long as the intent is there Derfael, you shouldn't have any problems with spellcasting." he said with a warm grin, and a brief glance to his professors.

The boy must've noticed that he doesn't stutter when he's excited. Surely, there is intent and determination behind his answers...which made River smile. "Correct! What is stamina without the proper diet, yes?" And beets? Beets are good! Derf must be a fan!

Originally Posted by laurange View Post
Brian was... not sure if this guy was serious. Was he serious? Really? Because. Uh. This was awkward. He could walk, definitely. Walk fast. Probably. Run, sure, just not for prolonged periods of time. Not because of a lack of lung capacity, he'd run long-distances before. It was more technical than that. There were just a few shortcomings, you could say, on his person.

Discreetly calling the Healer man over, Brian kinda just waited until he'd reached before he lifted his left pant leg just a little. Certainly not high enough for other students to scream at, but definitely high enough to be clear to the man that this leg was made of a metal alloy. And not skin and bone. "As you can see, sir, I'm a foot shorter than most," he smiled a little. Self-depreciation was the best, despite the fact that he was just about average height. "It's hard to walk away from something like this. But I might not run the whole way. Is that okay?"

Because otherwise, he supposed it'd be a good time to go raid the kitchens. He didn't have a free period until rather late today.
River moved along, and looked up just in time to see Brian call him. The Healer took just a few steps to get to the boy, and looked at him with concern. He asked everyone for ideas...not beckon him over. Was something wrong? River looked at Brian's leg, and nodded in understanding and gave the Prefect a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I like your determination, Prefect Woods. If you don't think you can finish it while you're halfway through the course, you are more than welcome to drop the challenge. What matters in the end is your overall safety." he said grinning at the seventh year, "But something tells me that you're not a quitter." he said giving the boy a good pat on the back, and moved along to the next student.

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
RUNNING. And apparently, there were going to be obstacles too. Etta was starting to feel not all that excited about this class already. The girl was pretty athletic and she felt that she could definitely manage a run. But, STILL. And it was so cold! Oh, wait. People were already starting to warm up..Um. Oookay. The girl began to do some warm-up exercises as well... For about two mins and stopped. Yeah, no. She felt way too awkward.

"What about yoga?" Etta answered, raising a hand. This obstacle race miiight be fun, though. Maybe.
Oooh, and interesting answer! "Actually, it can Miss Kramer." he said as he walked towards the young lady's general direction, "Yoga helps mostly in the flexibility department, but it does strengthen one's core through concentrated yoga exercises. It helps the heart, and overall blood circulation thus giving you the extra energy. Good answer, Miss Kramer."

Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Stamina. That meant that Daisy had PRACTICALLY BEEN RIGHT and the fifth year girl bounced proudly on the spot. Honestly, who would've guessed? She wished her brother had been around to witness that. It would be pretty fun to watch his mouth fall wiiiide open at the fact that Daisy almost got an answer right.

She knew she was smart. HAH.

Oh, stretching time! The Slytherin was kind of worried about having to run a circuit in all these winter clothes and BOOTS but she supposed that that was probably the point. Added difficulty and all that. So she took extra care in stretching out her muscles, starting with her neck and ending in her ankles. Warm up was important, that was what a lifetime ten years of playing Quidditch had taught her. "Dancing would also help with your stamina, Sir!" Also, it was way more fun than running. Although she definitely agreed with swimming.
Apart from yoga, "I agree, Miss Carden. Dancing is a great way to increase one's endurance while having fun." Though River has two left feet, he does appreciate the benefits of dance movements.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Junebug had already started stretching which meant that she was ahead of the game which also would've been her answer to the first question. Being able to anticipate your opponent's next move was super important and helpful. It was.

Starting with her head and working her way down, the third year did her best to cover all the muscle groups. She knew that running in the cold was hard on the muscles 'cause of lack of heat and she certainly didn't want to be sore for aaaaages after today. That wouldn't be good at all and she had things to do. Healer Reed could rest assured she was taking this stretching business seriously.

"Walking up and down the stairs helps, I think! Lucky we have sooo many at Hogwarts." JUST saying.
Upon hearing Junia's answer, River snapped his fingers and pointed upwards and grinned at the Slytherin. "Correct! I can't help but think that Hogwarts was designed this way so that the students...and professors can get their daily dose of exercise. I say, it's very clever." Although the architect must've been partial to the professors, given that they have access to secret passages that brought them instantly from the depths of the dungeons to the towers.

Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
They were going to run around half of the grounds? Whilst Harriet didn't think that she was that unfit, she wasn't really sure if she could manage half of the grounds. She walked around a lot. But she didn't go running that often. But she would certainly try. It was about building up some stamina right? Which would mean that if she kept doing it, kept running around the grounds after today she would surely be able to improve her stamina. Maybe that could be a goal? To try and be able to run around half of the grounds by the end of the year. That would help, and it would be a nice new hobby. She needed one that wasn't just art. But right now she needed to stretch.

She tilted her head to the side, gently stretching the muscles around her neck, and shoulders. She didn't want to have sore muscles, and so this stretching was important. She actually concentrated more on that, before answering the question. She wanted to make sure that she stretched probably, so that she wouldn't injure herself when she started to run.

Harriet carefully worked her way down her body, stretching each muscle out in turn. She was just stretching her hamstring muscles out when she raised her hand into the air to answer the question. "Would aerobics help? It kind of looks at all areas, especially like cardiovascular, and strength, which probably should help with overall stamina"
"Cardiovascular and strength! Very good Miss Paton, and yes...aerobics is a form of dancing, only it targets specific body parts to tone. While it does shape your muscles, it also helps strengthen your heart and lungs." River gave Harriet an approving nod, and went on to watch the next student.

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Zoryn didn't know. But everyone sounded like they knew what they were talking about, so she gave HUGE NODS AND SMILES at ALL THE ANSWERS. Except for the one about bouncing because that didn't really sound right.

She did, however, (very slowly) begin to do all the stretching she could. Starting with trying to make herself SUPER tall looking. Reaching for the SKY!!! It was so hard to stretch while wearing SO many layers.

After the reaching thingy, Zoryn didn't really know what to do next. So she just watched everyone else and tried to copy them. It's called using your resources. Zoryn was good at that. Also, if they were running around the whole castle... Zoryn was gonna get a piggyback ride. Mhm.

That was also using resources.
"Concentrate on your legs, Miss Spinnet. You don't want to get cramps."

Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post

Matt was speechless. That man had called him by his fake CORRECT NAME. And even added a 'Master' in front of it as well. Wow. WOOOOOOOOW. The Gryffindor beamed and knew straight away that was because of Jace. Smart kid, that one Ravenclaw. No wonder he was Matt's friend. "Yes, Master Solo." The fourth year confirmed with a nod of the head, choosing to ignore the fact the healer was also refering to other people as 'masters' too. NEVERMIND, Master Solo was the coolest sounding name of all, mwaha.

Matt was engaging alright with his classmates' answers and all, but. BUT. There was this thing that got in his way. More like a person than a thing, really. A girl, for that matter.

Had he seen her before?? Surely he had... maybe... he just didn't remember. That was the perfect excuse to stare as she played with the two big dogs. He needed to make sure she knew her from some... where...

Nope, he didn't. Matt didn't remember having seen her around at all, so he kept staring at the Slytherin when she stopped playing with the dogs and went to stand NEXT TO HIM.

He laaughedd when she mentioned running as a good dueling technique. Cute. He wondered if she actually believed what she had said.

Oooohhhhh. They were ACTUALLY running! Well done, mysterious-girl-he-didn't-know!! "You got that right!" He said, giving her an elbow nudge and a warm, friendly smile, of course.


Next question? What question? Said girl then mentioned dancing. Ah, right. Another way to improve endurance or something or another. "Jumping rope!" He offered, quickly looking from her to the healer as he raised his hand.


Merlin, would he ever have thought a Slytherin could be this pretty?

That was a nice surprise. AND she looked nice even all wrapped up like a Christmas present because of the cold.

Staring much? Who, Matt???

Of course he was.
"Yes, jumping rope is a good way to improve one's endurance. Boxers do that during their workout regimen, so they'd last longer in the ring." And...what was Matt doing? River glanced at Daisy beside him, then back to Matt. "Get started now, Master Solo. We will be conquering Hoth soon." with a wink, River moved on to the next student.

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Olly had definitely patted those dogs when he had been allowed to. He even got a bit distracted and missed most of the first question, but then he went back to stand by Char again by the time Healer Reed was giving instructions. They were definitely running. Olly was pretty sure he could do it. He ran with his dog all the time. But he had never ran just to run and he didn't know how fast he could do it. He hoped there wasn't any sort of time limit. The obstacles did sound fun. Interesting, at least. The level of fun would be determined when he actually got to them.

Okay, stretching. Olly could do this part. This was the easy part. He focused on his legs mostly, because that's obviously what would get the most work when he was running. And he actually tried to think of an answer to the question. Ways to increase endurance. That was a pretty easy one. Running was the only thing that increased endurance. "Swimming," he offered. Wait, someone else already said that. "Lifting weights, maybe?" That was mostly for strength but it seemed like it should also be able to help with endurance.
Hmm, lifting weights? "If it is done in rapid succession, then perhaps it can help you gain the extra stamina in the long run, however...lifting is more focused on gaining muscle strength." Oliver's answer wasn't entirely wrong, but River appreciated Oliver's attempt.

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Healer Reed had called on her...for giving the correct answer. The blonde Gryffindor had the grace to blush, which was wholly unlike her, but there you go. Also, it made the most sense. There were just times when she'd been hit by spells with enough force to rattle her bones. Like when Genny Tate had levitated her up high in their duel that once. She'd been able to anticipate her landing, thanks to the positioning of her legs. However, if they wouldn't have been in great shape, she could've broken several bones.

Prime example?

Noticing Carlton creeping closer, Liv offered him a secret, sweet smile. He was such a good egg. She quickly joined him in stretching out her legs. This was borderline painful, given that she hadn't been sleeping or eating that well, but... Well, it'd be okay.

"Like I mentioned before, dancing. It really tests your joints and control, but then there's also aerial dancing, which I'm trying to get into." A lot of strength was needed for that, though... Liv was working on it.
"I agree." Especially when she mentioned the joints thing. How many times did he twist his knee when he took an attempt in dancing? He lost count. "Aerial Dancing. Now that's interesting..." maybe he won't get to twist his joints when he's dancing in the air? Although, the though of a massive man like him, suspended in the air in a graceful pose was just...bizarre to look at.

Once everyone was done warming up, River clapped three times to get everyone's attention. "A few reminders before we head out, to some of you, the course ahead might be a little too much but don't let that discourage you. The important thing here is that you work to gain extra stamina, and to have fun. If you think you can't go on while in the middle of the course, you are more than welcome to stop and drop the challenge altogether, or pause to take a breather." River moved near the door, and Roscoe and Bumi stood beside him. "You too have a choice to run solo, or with a friend. Don't be afraid to engage our professors as well...I'd like to bet that they will be needing your help to get through the obstacles." he said grinning mischievously at the adults in the room. "Just kidding." he said waving a hand to his colleagues. "Joking aside, I will be monitoring your progress...Bumi and Roscoe will run with you since they need to get some exercise as well." he said as he donned his winter gloves and wore his beanie on. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's head out!" River turned his back towards the group and herded them towards the obstacle course he had set up that morning.


"Welcome to the Yeti Challenge! This is going to be your starting point, and you will all go through the obstacles starting from your left," Because that's how British people do it. Everything on the left, everything in reverse. "And go through the obstacle course in an anti-clockwise direction." he said gesturing to his right. "The first obstacle would be a mound of snow, this will test your leg strength and proper breathing. The second one is the Yeti's Hole, and you have to be in all fours to get through the obstacle. Once you're done with the second task, you have to get a snow tube and one miniature pine tree...drag those two up a small mound, and snow tube your way down back here." It did look like an easy task, but considering the long distances in between obstacle courses, it should prove challenging. "Again, I will be around to watch you. If you need my help, or someone is in need of help, shout out my name...or Bumi's or Roscoe's. They will summon me back to you." They are the coolest rescue and service dogs around, did they know?

As the students assembled at the starting point, a grumbling sound was heard. A few meters behind them, large snow mounds began to form into...yep. Snow Yetis. " better start running. You have two hours to complete the course. Good luck every one!" River's eyes twinkled in excitement as he put his wand against his throat. "YETI...set...GO!"

  1. GIANT SNOW STAIRS: Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch. The run towards the first obstacle isn’t an easy one. The snow on the ground is quite thick, burying your feet, ankle deep! But just a few metres ahead, you see giant snowballs piled up one after another, making it a decent snow mound. Climb it and go on to your next challenge;
  2. INTO THE YETI’S HOLE!: Ahead are four rows of low triangular trusses, each stretching about 4 meters in length. Get on all fours and crawl your way through to the other end!;
  3. GET A SNOW TUBE AND DRAG UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE: To get to the next course, you have to drag a miniature Christmas tree up a smaller mound! Trust me on this. You need the extra altitude!
  4. SLIP AND SLIDE SNOW TUBING!: Fasten your Christmas Trees, ride the snow tube, and slide your way down to the starting point! A 500 meter snow slide should be enough to keep the blood pumping!
  5. TEA AND COCOA!: Once you reach the end, you will see that a table has been set up for you to take you pick: TEA or HOT CHOCOLOATE? Oh and there’s a couple of zinc lozenges too. Best to get a few if you feel like you’re going to have a cold!
  • A YETI?! - YES! Well, not really a real Yeti, but an animated Snow Yeti will be running after you. Feel free to include them in your RP's.
  • ROSCOE AND BUMI - You can include the dogs in your RP, (running with you, helping you, tugging you along once you fall flat on your face), as long as there is no harm done to the dogs. They are massive, each weighing 120lbs, and NO you cannot ride on them. That's cheating.
  • FOUR POSTS MINIMUM - To get full points for this activity, I will be needing a minimum of four (4) LABELED posts. It doesn't matter if you complete the course or not, as long as you get those four posts in. HOWEVER, if you complete the course within the time given, there will be an additional incentive waiting for you in your Points Table.
  • GO SOLO or WITH A FRIEND - You may RP the activity with a friend or group of friends as long as the four posts needed are done individually.
  • TIME - You all have 48 hours to complete this task (01 February 2017, 4:00 AM GMT)
  • NEED HELP? - If you have any questions, please feel free to PM or VM me, or if it is In-Character, please include River's name in the Title Bar of your post.

"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio
Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
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Old 01-30-2017, 06:13 AM   #53 (permalink)

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Selene Diana Evans
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Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen

The eighteen year old was super excited as Healer Reed started to explain what the course was!

Yessss! This was right up his alley and there wasn't a scintilla of doubt in his mind that he wouldn't make it. He was going to complete this course, not as quickly as possible though, he didn't want to push his body more than usual. Not to mention since he didn't take his morning run that day, he had quite a lot of energy to burn. He needed it to last the whole course and not burn out in the beginning!

He pulled on his hat and gloves and headed outside with everyone else, his grey eyes sparkling and his breath visible as he looked out over the course.

Chinese Fireballs this looked fun!

His grin got wider as he heard the rumblings and saw the yetis rising out of the snow!

Yessssss!! Healer Reed was awesome!

As soon as he heard the word go the seventh year was off.. crunching his way through the snow in an easy lope to get his legs and his lungs used to what they were going to be doing. Running through snow wasn't easy, and he wasn't going to strain himself! He started to gain a bit of speed as he reached the mound of Snow and started to climb up it! His legs sinking in the snow a bit as he managed to climb up the snow mound, he was keeping his breathing nice and ever as he got to the top of the mound and grinned..

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Old 01-30-2017, 08:43 AM   #54 (permalink)

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Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Arienne Morgenstern
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Simone Wild
Third Year
x5 x3
Default Post 1
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict

Stretching had happened. From her neck all the way down to her toes, or at least as close as possible given physical capability as well as layers. Not to mention Elle had needed to adjust her scarf slightly to allow the movement, although she’d shifted it back into place long before Healer Reed had led them outside and explained the challenge. She hadn’t forgotten what he’d said both to and about her when she’d been helping Zoryn, nor had she forgotten her idea of asking if he could advise her on healing studies. It was just going to have to wait.

She knew better than to expend too much energy at the start. The obstacle course was hardly going to be easy, so she was determined to focus on what in fact was necessary to accomplish each task. She wasn’t about to do something stupid and get hurt, but then she wasn’t planning on letting a magically created yeti catch her either.

Instead, she carefully began to venture out into the snow, starting off slow until she’d figured out how difficult it would be to move. Once that was accomplished, she began speeding up until she reached the mound of snowballs ahead. Time to climb, and she used both her hands and legs to propel herself upward, trying to counterbalance the sinking into the snow. At least it wasn’t ice.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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Old 01-30-2017, 08:46 AM   #55 (permalink)
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lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

Charlotte would have suggested dueling as one of those great activities for keeping healthy and active but she got distracted by the dogs again, and spent a moment fondling Bumi's ears before shooting a big smile at Olly and doing some more stretches. She might need to be stretched out for this, right? By the sound of it, by the hints so far, they'd be working hard! She stretched her legs out especially, and then her back and her shoulders, her arms and her neck, and then bounced up and down, shaking it out just in time for the explanation of what they would be soon doing.

She didn't mind her stamina being tested -she sure had a lot of it, so it would be interesting to find out if this would be a challenge or not. Charlotte was SURE it would be fun though! Oh and they could do it with friends too? Hmmm! She had friends that she wouldn't mind running with, but she also quite liked the idea of challenging herself. Well, she'd just have to start and see what happened, and if anyone needed help then she'd totally help!

She surely wouldn't need help herself... riiiight?

And they were moving! Charlotte could barely contain herself as the healer led them to the start of what definitely looked like an obstacle course - a snow course! She was eager and excited enough that she was listening pretty closely to the instructions - starting left, anti-clockwise, a snow mound to climb, holes to crawl through, dragging a tree up a slope, and then sliding down a chute with the tree! OOOH and there was cocoa waiting? Great! TWO hours? Wow. That wasn't what she expected but Char was ready for it.

Ready and --- oh GOSH. WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE! Charlotte had turned and spotted the snow forms stand up and become YETIs. OH THAT WAS AWESOME. Laughing and excited, Charlotte took off as soon as the healer hollered that they could GO. TIME TO RUN!

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
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Old 01-30-2017, 09:11 AM   #56 (permalink)

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And they were ready to go! Hattie got a sudden feeling of dread. She hoped she could manage this. But she was determined to get going, and get around. She just had to pace herself. It wasn't a race, and it didn't matter if she was last. Although actually she didn't want to be last, because that was embarrassing. So hopefully not last. She did a little last minute stretching, making sure that she was feeling nice and warmed up. She didn't need to be having sore muscles tomorrow! She beamed as they then walked towards the obstacle course. It looked so good! She was excited, even if she was feeling a little nervous. But she could do this!

And they were off. First it was the giant snow stairs. This was strange, but Hattie set off, a little slow pace at first. She didn't want to start off too quickly, otherwise she would just burn up too fast, and then she wouldn't get anywhere. But she didn't want to go too slow, otherwise the Yeti's would catch up with her! So she set off at a sort of medium pace, like a jog as she crunched her way through the slow, dragging her feet up out of the ankle deep snow. Actually.... this was quite fun. For now anyway.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix

But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
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Old 01-30-2017, 09:13 AM   #57 (permalink)
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a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Well. Carlton had just stepped into his own nightmare. It was cold and snowy and he would be running through obstacles. Outside. Was it too late to turn back? Could he sneak off without being seen?

His eyes widened and his mouth formed a big 'O' when he saw the snow piling up and taking form into... A YETI? THAT WASN'T A JOKE?!

Carlton stared in horror for a few moments, completely missing healer Reed's instructions. He would be forced to run and he would be chased by Yetis while doing so. Why had he thought they would all sit around a table and drink hot cocoa and talk about healing stuff when the title had clearly said Yeti Run?! Stopid.

When the healer announced they could go, Carlton was even more horrified. Wait. He needed more time to get used to the idea of running through a course with Yetis behind him! Too soon!


Everyone started running, he was already falling behind. Nuuuh. In panic he started moving his legs, one foot in front of the other that was all it was. Running wasn't so bad. He glanced over his shoulder at the GIANT SNOW CREATURES and squealed.

Carlton's first fall came only after a few steps. And the snow was SO DEEP. He almost disappeared where he lay, face down. Also: COLD. He rolled over on his back and looked up in the sky. Whyyyyy. Then he heard people running past him and panic rose in his chest. He didn't want to be left behind.

"Wait for me!" He got up on his knees and then on his feet and started running again. He needed to find an older, more in shape student he could cling to. Who would be his victim?

Carlton reeeeeeally struggled but he moved forward at least, only falling down a few times more before reaching the Yeti hole... EEEK!
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Old 01-30-2017, 10:46 AM   #58 (permalink)
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Right, hat and gloves securely on, shoes tied - Harvey triple-checked that, fully aware that it would be just in luck to miss such a small detail and fall flat on his face within seconds - he was ready to go.

Other students were already running ahead. Knowing that he wouldn't really be able to catchup, but trying to anyway, he started running through the snow. Only it was more like wading. and making ungainly leaps instead of steps to try to get ahead.

Oh, Merlin, if his sisters could see this they would never stop teasing him. He sure hoped everyone else would be too preoccupied with their own progress to notice his.

There was a mountain of snowballs ahead, which looked mildly terrifying as Harvey envisaged it toppling all over them. But not, surely they would be safe. Trying to push such thoughts out of his mind, he began to climb. And climb. And climb.

And then... climb some more.

Until finally - yes - he was was at the top!

And facing a yeti hole. Oh dear.
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Old 01-30-2017, 11:59 AM   #59 (permalink)
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lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

She was sinking into the snow with all her steps, though it did crunch underfoot in a really satisfying way. She wasn't pacing herself exactly, not on purpose... honestly she could totally go faster if the snow wasn't sinky, so she was kind of FORCED to pace herself. But there! the giant snowball mound thing! Char didn't linger at the bottom of it, or try and overthink how she was going to tackle it...

UP the mound. UP. Nobody really told you that it would be THIS hard to run in snow, it might have been easier if it was more packed down, like if you were at the back of the running kids, it might be okay! But Char was at the front, she was a PIONEER. UP THE MOUND.


A few times she had to lean forward and scramble up with her hands too, thankfully they were covered up with gloves to make it more comfortable, but eventually she got to the top of the mound....

.... and got distracted turning to look back the way she came at the snow Yetis and the kids running in a stream behind her, though a few were ahead of her and were passing her even as she stood there.

Originally Posted by potterobsessionist View Post
"Wait for me!" He got up on his knees and then on his feet and started running again. He needed to find an older, more in shape student he could cling to. Who would be his victim?

Carlton reeeeeeally struggled but he moved forward at least, only falling down a few times more before reaching the Yeti hole... EEEK!
Then a kid who was much smaller than her (side note, it was SO COOL being one of the big kids!) fell down right next to her and reminded her she was in a RACE. And she started running agai.... but stopped and looked back at the kid. FIRSTIE right? She beamed at him.

"Want to run with me?" Or...uhh.... "Or crawl?" Because this next part looked kind of like they needed to get down low! Four triangle tunnels? Char dropped to her knees and started crawling on her hands and knees. Follow the Char!butt, kid!

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
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Old 01-30-2017, 12:08 PM   #60 (permalink)

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Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean

This was actually a lot harder than she had anticipated. Running in snow as hard, especially when she had to drag her feet out of the snow with her step she took. That made it hard, but Hattie was determined that she would manage to get through it. So she would keep going. Trudge. Trudge. Trudge. She tried to keep her breathing regular, not wanting to breath to heavily or not enough, otherwise she really wouldn't do well. So hopefully normal breathing, so that she could manage the running.

Oooh. A big snow mound. Interesting. She pulled her sleeves up, and began climbing up the snow mound. At least this was a little easier for her than the running was. She wasn't having to try and keep her feet from slipping into the snow anyway. She nearly slipped a few times, but she soon managed to get herself to the top. Oh boy. After this she was going to need some hot coco to get herself warm.

A few minutes later she was at the top and faced by four triangular holes. Ooh. She had to crawl! She noticed Charlotte going into one of them, so she picked another, so that she wouldn't get stuck behind the older girl. There wasn't point them all using the one triangular hole. Smiling to herself, she got down on her hands and knees, and then proceeded to crawl through the yeti's hole.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix

But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
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Old 01-30-2017, 01:15 PM   #61 (permalink)
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a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

SPOILER!!: Char!
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
She was sinking into the snow with all her steps, though it did crunch underfoot in a really satisfying way. She wasn't pacing herself exactly, not on purpose... honestly she could totally go faster if the snow wasn't sinky, so she was kind of FORCED to pace herself. But there! the giant snowball mound thing! Char didn't linger at the bottom of it, or try and overthink how she was going to tackle it...

UP the mound. UP. Nobody really told you that it would be THIS hard to run in snow, it might have been easier if it was more packed down, like if you were at the back of the running kids, it might be okay! But Char was at the front, she was a PIONEER. UP THE MOUND.


A few times she had to lean forward and scramble up with her hands too, thankfully they were covered up with gloves to make it more comfortable, but eventually she got to the top of the mound....

.... and got distracted turning to look back the way she came at the snow Yetis and the kids running in a stream behind her, though a few were ahead of her and were passing her even as she stood there.

Then a kid who was much smaller than her (side note, it was SO COOL being one of the big kids!) fell down right next to her and reminded her she was in a RACE. And she started running agai.... but stopped and looked back at the kid. FIRSTIE right? She beamed at him.

"Want to run with me?" Or...uhh.... "Or crawl?" Because this next part looked kind of like they needed to get down low! Four triangle tunnels? Char dropped to her knees and started crawling on her hands and knees. Follow the Char!butt, kid!

Carlton stood, out of breath with his hands on his knees. He wondered if healer Reed would remember he was in the run and come save him if he passed out in the tunnels. He hoped so. Because what lay before him did not bode well for him at all. That was, until someone spoke to him. HAVE MERCY ON ME.

He looked up at the older student and recognized her from class. She seemed all knowing and smart. Yes. He wanted to run with her definitely. Then she could carry him if his legs gave up on him. Piggy back ride?

"YES!" Carlton exclaimed, resisting the urge to jump on her back. Maybe that was against the rules. And he didn't really know this person. Maybe that was not only against the seminar rules but also social rules. So he stayed put and glanced down at the tunnels. HORRIFYING.

"Okidoks, let's crawl." He got down on his hands and knees and went into the same tunnel as the older Gryffindor girl. So the tunnels weren't very long but it felt like they could stretch out forever so, just in case there was some magic in the air, he grabbed a hold of her foot.

"Don't leave me here in the Yeti-home!" He called to her. "'Cause I got your foot." It is now his. And he proceeded to crawl through the tunnel but NOT loosening his grip on her foot. She was his way to safety, he would not give that up.
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Old 01-30-2017, 03:15 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Gaston listened carefully as River explained how the obstacle course worked. It didn't sound quite as complicated as he thought it might be, which eased his mind a bit, and at least there was no fire! He smiled a little at the healer's joke about the professors needing the students' help, exchanging a knowing look with Rose. It really was no joke, he probably would end up needing a student's help! It wouldn't surprise him at all, given his clumsiness...

His blue eyes widened slightly as giant snow mounds grumbled and turned into... wait, were those yetis? Well, that explained why River called this the Yeti Challenge. Gaston looked back at Rose for a minute. The thought crossed his mind to ask her to team up with him, but then again... he thought the students might need him more (or the other way around!) Sorry, Rose! He hoped she'd understand...

Gaston took off in the direction of the first obstacle. Running in the snow was difficult, but not impossible. It really wasn't so bad once he got used to picking his feet up a little higher than normal. He heard a strange sound behind him and looked back to see one of the yetis chasing him. While his head was turned... OOF! He tripped. He sighed as he got up and dusted the snow off his coat. It was bound to happen sooner or later...

He approached the first obstacle and glanced up to the top of the mount. How in Merlin's pants did River expect him to climb this thing?! There wasn't anything to grab onto! Still he was determined to get to the top. If the students could do it, so could he! He slowly inched his way up until... He made it, finally!

Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post
Right, hat and gloves securely on, shoes tied - Harvey triple-checked that, fully aware that it would be just in luck to miss such a small detail and fall flat on his face within seconds - he was ready to go.

Other students were already running ahead. Knowing that he wouldn't really be able to catchup, but trying to anyway, he started running through the snow. Only it was more like wading. and making ungainly leaps instead of steps to try to get ahead.

Oh, Merlin, if his sisters could see this they would never stop teasing him. He sure hoped everyone else would be too preoccupied with their own progress to notice his.

There was a mountain of snowballs ahead, which looked mildly terrifying as Harvey envisaged it toppling all over them. But not, surely they would be safe. Trying to push such thoughts out of his mind, he began to climb. And climb. And climb.

And then... climb some more.

Until finally - yes - he was was at the top!

And facing a yeti hole. Oh dear.
Once Gaston made it to the top of the first obstacle, he quickly noticed a student stopped near the second one. "Alright there, Mr. Jarvis?" he asked, giving the boy an encouraging smile. He probably wouldn't want a professor for a partner, but he was more than willing to help him if he did.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 01-30-2017, 04:06 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

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Default Post 1- Halp? xD
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Really, River? Kay let out another soft chuckle. This thirty three year old woman wouldn’t be needing anyone’s help. But yes, she did know he was joking. She followed him and the others out to the course then listened to everything he had to say regarding the course. “This counts as my work out for today,’’ she thought. She had been too lazy that morning to do any and with the weather, all she had wanted to do was to snuggle in her bed in warmth.

Right! They could get started.

Kay waited for a while, letting the kiddos get a start- this was their seminar first, right? After she was satisfied that the majority of them had gone ahead, she moved forward. Trudge, trudge, trudge! Goodness! This was a very thick amount of snow. She could feel her feet sinking deeper and deeper with each step.

The woman raised her right foot to make another but somehow lost her balance. Before she knew it, she was tumbling forward. “Umph!’’ she managed between a mouthful of snow.

Professor down!
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 01-30-2017, 04:18 PM   #64 (permalink)

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Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean

Brrr being in a snow hole was cold. Hattie really was going to need that hot coco when she got back to the school, so that she could warm up. But first she needed to finish this course, and she was determined to do. She was doing well so far. Or at least she thought she did. She just needed to get out of this hole. So she began crawling a little faster. She didn't want to be in this hole any longer than she needed to be. She didn't like being cold, and she would just need to get warmed up. She really did need to make sure that she learnt how to the warming charm. It would have been useful in this situation. But a las she kept on crawling.

It felt like she'd been crawling through the hole for ages, but she eventually made it out the other side. "freeedom" The third year murmured as she stood up, brushing the snow off of her clothes. Now to move on to the next thing. She was pretty impressed with herself so far. Maybe her stamina wasn't as bad as she thought it was. Onto the next bit!

Dragging the miniature christmas tree couldn't be that bad. Or at least she hoped. She just hoped that she wouldn't fall over, and go tumbling down the smaller mould of snow. Oh and she couldn't forget her tube either! She needed that to go sliding down! She grabbed each one with a hand, and then began tugging them up the snow mound.


Maybe this was the hard part.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix

But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
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Old 01-30-2017, 04:35 PM   #65 (permalink)

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The first part of the seminar had actually been a bit of a trial, after greeting Healer Reed and Carlton, because Sinead spent the whole time just itching to write down what the professors were saying. How was she supposed to revise things for exams if they didn't give her a chance to take notes?!
Not that they would have an exam on this, she supposed. But it would definitely make her a better witch, anyway.

All thoughts of retaining information were forgotten, though, as soon as she heard what was waiting for them. An actual run? Okay. That was... unexpected. She really wasn't into sports, but her stepbrother unfortunately was a Quidditch addict and general fan of all things athletic, so she'd been forced to go on her share of activities with him while they were on holiday in the summer. Which meant she wasn't entirely without experience- but she did know she wasn't exactly talented at this kind of thing.

She set off with some trepidation, wishing she'd headed over to Carlton when he waved at her so she'd at least have a partner for this madness. Before she could really get moving, though, she practically tripped over the Muggle Studies professor- who she didn't even really know.
"Are you alright?" she asked rather dubiously, before tentatively offering a hand to help the woman up- honestly, she didn't look alright, planted face-down in the snow. Could she please hurry up and recover, though- Sinead didn't want to lose house points for being last.
Then again... maybe she wouldn't have to do the run at all if she were occupied looking after a professor. That was a striking thought. There definitely had to be some brownie points in that, right?
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Old 01-30-2017, 04:47 PM   #66 (permalink)

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Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door

So that's why it was called the Yeti Run. Daisy had barely even digested the sight of the snow obstacle infront of them when Healer Reed told them it was time to start and conjured some snow Yetis behind them. The Slytherin girl stood still for a few seconds, eyes wide open, as she stared at the lumps of snow forming together. That was SO. COOL.

Aaaaannd they were coming towards her. TIME TO SCRAMBLEEEE.

Right. Turning back towards the circuit, Daisy began running. Or, she began trying to run, anyway. Running on snow was definitely harder than it looked. The white snow kept crunching beneath her and she kept getting buried to her knees. It took a while before she got on a rhythm, she just had to raise her legs reaaaaally high everytime she tried to take a step. To be honest, Daisy was probably exaggerating but hey - she had seen quite a few students fall down onto the snow in front of her. As long as she Yeti didn't get her, she would be alright.

Peeking behind her, she tried to see where it was but misjudged her step and fell on her knees. EEEK, no time to stand up, the Yeti was closer. Taking full advantage of her snow set up, Daisy proceeded to climb the rest of the snow mound on all fours. Healer Reed had said this part of the course was designed to check their breathing so Daisy tried to concentrate on that. It was just hard to do it when she kept giggling at Roscoe climbing the snow in front of her.

Almost ... c'mon, she could see the top.
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Old 01-30-2017, 05:24 PM   #67 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Sixth Year

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Default Post 2
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Sinead! <3
Originally Posted by Artel View Post
The first part of the seminar had actually been a bit of a trial, after greeting Healer Reed and Carlton, because Sinead spent the whole time just itching to write down what the professors were saying. How was she supposed to revise things for exams if they didn't give her a chance to take notes?!
Not that they would have an exam on this, she supposed. But it would definitely make her a better witch, anyway.

All thoughts of retaining information were forgotten, though, as soon as she heard what was waiting for them. An actual run? Okay. That was... unexpected. She really wasn't into sports, but her stepbrother unfortunately was a Quidditch addict and general fan of all things athletic, so she'd been forced to go on her share of activities with him while they were on holiday in the summer. Which meant she wasn't entirely without experience- but she did know she wasn't exactly talented at this kind of thing.

She set off with some trepidation, wishing she'd headed over to Carlton when he waved at her so she'd at least have a partner for this madness. Before she could really get moving, though, she practically tripped over the Muggle Studies professor- who she didn't even really know.
"Are you alright?" she asked rather dubiously, before tentatively offering a hand to help the woman up- honestly, she didn't look alright, planted face-down in the snow. Could she please hurry up and recover, though- Sinead didn't want to lose house points for being last.
Then again... maybe she wouldn't have to do the run at all if she were occupied looking after a professor. That was a striking thought. There definitely had to be some brownie points in that, right?

“Umph!’’ Kay said again as someone tripped over her. She raised her head and spat out the cold substance with a shiver. Her teeth! They hurt now from the cold. Trying to ignore that, she looked over to see one of the younger students. “Hello. Yes, I will be. Thank you for your concern.’’ Gingerly, Kay pushed herself to her feet and pushed any remnants of show off of her face. “I don’t think I’ve hurt anything other than my teeth.’’ She smiled again. “Go on ahead. Thank you once more.’’ What a nice girl.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 01-30-2017, 08:26 PM   #68 (permalink)

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Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen

Leon took a deep breath as he faced the next obstacle. It was a good thing he was wearing snow pants and gloves! He got onto his knees in the snow and started to crawl through the trusses.

He was panting just a bit as he did this but he wasn't super winded, he just wasn't used to crawling around in the snow and the cold!

Crawl, crawl, crawl..

This wasn't too hard! Though he could see how it would be for some people!

Merlin! His wrists were actually starting to ache a bit from the pressure he was putting on them and he tried to adjust his weight so his knees would be taking the brunt of the work and not his hand.

That had worked! Leon was able to keep going and he finally gained the end of the trusses and stood up and brushed the snow off of him!

He took a look around only to see..

Ack! A Yeti! Behind him! He had better get a move on!
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Old 01-30-2017, 09:10 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Harvey began to crawl. It was cold and uncomfortable and wet and made him wish he was back in the Ravenclaw tower by the fire with a good book and a stash of chocolates and steaming mug of tea and...

He was through! Brilliant!

Huh, that wasn't actually so bad.

Right, now to... drag a Christmas tree. More physical exertion.

He spent a while figuring out the best way to drag it, settled for grabbing the trunk and pulling it across the snow that way. He hoped he wouldn't lost too much of it on the way. The yeti could catch him. Or he could snag the tree branches on roots and lose them. Or something.

There was always something.
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Old 01-30-2017, 09:12 PM   #70 (permalink)

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HEEEHHHH. She noticed he was looking at her. But she just carried on stretching and by her comment she didn't think anything about the fact. Riiight, okay. Okay, he could work with that for now.

Stretch? Nah. "I seeeee." He said in reply to the pretty Slytherin. He also sent a cheeky grin and a wave to the healer when the man told him to get started. Also, he took notice of the reference there, Reed. He did. HE DID.

What a cool healer.

Anyhow, warming up sounded better than stretching, so Matt started to bounce on place. He started off with both feet at the same time, then alternated between left and right and he skipped on spot. Skip, skip, skip. Skipskipskipskipskip!!!

PHEW, that was good warm up.

Right on time too! They seemed to be approaching the start of the YETI CHALLENGE and Matt couldn't WAIT. Even though they wouldn't be SAVING people, that still sounded like it'd be fun. Matt was READY!


'If you think you can't go on while in the middle of the course, you are more than welcome to stop and drop the challenge altogether,...' "PSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Stop?? Drop the challenge???? "NEVEEEEERRRRRR!!!!" He yelled raising his arms up in early TRIUMPH. HE WAS GONNA DO THIS! 'TIL THE END! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

When they were officially welcome to the Yeti Challenge, Matt felt like SCREEEAAAMMIIIINNNGGGGG. But then he remembered 'Miss Carden' - thanks for that, Mr healer - standing right next to him and he wanted to IMPRESS her, not freak her out which he probably had already done yelling just a few seconds earlier. Ahem. Okay, okay, he'd be CALM and not YELL again.



As healer Reed was explaining everything, Matt was bubbling with excitement and couldn't WAIT to just START. Why all these people had to go on and on and on about stuff, man, he just needed to DO IT.

He rubbed his hands together as he got READY to ruuuunnnn when he heard it. The grumbling grabbed his attention and curiosity and he looked behind his shoulder in time to see the things forming. WHOOOAAA, AMAZIIINNGGGG!!! He couldn't keep still anymore and Matt was OFF.

The Gryffindor started as fast as he could, which wasn't his fastest pace because lol, all that SNOW. Sheeeeeeeesh kebabs. But lookit, Slytherin lady was off to a good start but Matt was torn between keeping up with her and speeding up and running like the WIND as best as he could.


He was RUNNING! But he kept looking back because those snow Yetis were awesome, hahhhh! HOW COOL! It took him relatively no time to get to the top of the snow pile and he was VERY proud of himself for that. He was very much out of breath but there he WAS. BOOYAH!

He was on- top of the woo-orld lookin'... down on creaation and the only explanation he coould fiiind... The fourth year took a moment to chill and do some bum-wiggling dance as the song played in his head because he had been so AWESOME at climbing that thing and-

WAIT! Miss Carden FELL at the bottom of the snow pile! Uh oh.

Matt had the choice of either carry on running or...

OOORRRRRR he could actually SAVE a PERSON, like he had WANTED TO. And not just any person either, teehee. Nice. NICE. He liked that idea. Not that the snow pile was life threatening, but y'know. Oh, she was climbing on all fours. He approved of her stamina. That was the whole POINT of this run anyway. "Good job, miss Carden, you can do it!" He actually let her climb most of it and when she was nearing where he stood at the top, he stretched out his hand and gave her his signature cheeky grin. "Here, I'll help ya." The GENTLEMAN that he was not.
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Old 01-30-2017, 09:33 PM   #71 (permalink)

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Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door

You know, climbing this snow pile on all fours hadn't been such a bad idea after all. Sure, her hands were basically trying to grab nothing since the snow crunched away but she wasn't being buried as much! But yeah, she had snow clinging to every part of her including the hair that wasn't covered by the beanie.


It seemed she was always bumping into the Gryffindor boy but nevermind that, Daisy was pretty thankful for the hand he had offered her and pulled herself up. "Thank you, Master ...."........ erm. What had Healer Reed called him? Okay, okay. She didn't know. Still, she was thankful for his support - yeah, she heard all the shouting - and grinned widely at him. HOPEFULLY, he wouldn't realise she had missed his name. Ahem.


A snowball hit the back of her head and the Slytherin turn around to see the giant, magical Yeti approaching them. EEEEK!!!! "C'mon, Gryffie!!" She pulled the Gryffindor boy by the hand and rushed towards the triangular tresses. Right, they had to crawl. Good job she had been practising!

Always ahead, that was Daisy.

She pushed her beanie hat further down her head and got on her hands and knees once more, swiftly entering the tunnel.


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Old 01-30-2017, 09:54 PM   #72 (permalink)

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Snow Yetis?



Junia gave a little squeak as she looked over her shoulder to see the large snow creatures forming right before her eyes. THAT was certainly one way to get the students going and even though she was preeeetty sure they wouldn't hurt her, she still felt her stomach do an uneasy somersault because they were BIG and COMING AT THEM and EEP! She'd be running now, thank you!

...Or trying to run.

She was sinking with almost every step she took and she found that it was taking up a lot of her energy to keep moving quickly. Slowing down a bit wasn't her first choice, but maybe if she saved some energy here, she could use it for something down the line. Like-well, pulling a tree didn't sound like it'd be super easy for her. She'd need ALL her strength for that.

She could SEE the snowball mound getting closer and closer which was ACTUALLY amazing because it meant she was making progress, even if it didn't feel like she was. She just had to keep pushing herself and remember that a Botros NEVER gives up! NEVER!

When she did make it to the obstacle, the third year took a few steps back to get a running start and scrambled up the mound, using her legs as well as her arms to push her way to the top. It wasn't easy and she had to give the kids further up in the course some credit, but she'd be doing her best to close the gap as soooon as she got off the mound.
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Old 01-30-2017, 09:55 PM   #73 (permalink)

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The fourth year pretty much hoisted her up and grinned widely when she thanked him. He didn't MIND she didn't know his name, because he was going to tell her right now. "Solo. Matt Solo. Or um, Meriwether, but yeah, it's Solo." Beam!

WHOOAAAAA, snow balls a-comiiinnggg and a yeti approaching! "C-" The girl was faster than him and was already pulling him along after having called him 'Gryffie', making Matt LAAAAUGH out loud.

He let himself be pulled. Mwahaha, scooore numbah two! Not that it meant much, but heyo, look at her GO! When they reached the bunch of triangular trusses, the Gryffindor watched her go first. That seemed like harder work than the first obstacle because he had a feeling he was about to eat tons of snow. He waited until Miss Carden was a few seconds ahead of him and looked behind his shoulder again.


Adrenaline rushing through his body, the boy dropped and started crawling and, like he rightfully guessed, eating some snow in the process.
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Old 01-30-2017, 10:13 PM   #74 (permalink)

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elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿

Junia gained some momentum coming down off the mound and she took full advantage of it, moving faster now towards the trusses. This part wouldn't be so bad since she was SUPER small and EXTREMELY nimble. She could crawl through in no time at all! Hopefully Healer Reed was watching her now, because THIS was where she was going to shine!

Dropping down on all fours, the third year kept as low to the ground as she could manage and mooooooved through the triangular spaces. She had to admit that being this low to the ground made her EXTRA cold, and she was certainly thankful for all the layers she was wearing. Wait-was that the snow yetis she heard in the distance? EEEEEEEEEP! THAT was certainly incentive to keep pushing forward, even though she was breathing heavier now, her breath visible in the air in front of her. She felt like the Hogwarts Express, pushing on to the school. CHOO CHOO CHARGING THROUGH!

ANNNNNNND....she was out and possibly dying. No, really, she was winded. Exercising in the snow was extremely hard. Maybe she should make more of an effort to visit the other floors in the castle because those stairs were looking more and more appealing right now, JUST saying.
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Old 01-30-2017, 10:46 PM   #75 (permalink)

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Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door

This was really, really, really, reaaaaaally long. Daisy was definitely glad that she wasn't claustrophobic or this would be hell. Instead, it was SUPER DUPER FUN ... but tiring. Not ridiculously tiring and definitely not enough to make her slow down but it was just the same movement ... again and again and again.

So Daisy took up whistling to keep herself entertained. Sure, she wasn't very good at it and yes, you couldn't really tell what songs she was whistling but hey - it was amusing. So there.

About one song and a half after, the Slytherin began seeing the light getting brighter and brighter and soon enough she was out of that tunnel, arms thrust in the air in victory. YEEEEEEEEEESSSS. SHE CONQUERED HALF OF THE COURSE!!


Hands on her knees, she bent down to check if her companion was still okay. "C'mon Master Meriwether Solo! Ppsssh. Something curious was going on with this last name but now was not the time to get distracted by that. "Move those hands, you lazy bum!!!" Yeah, she was heckling him. Grin.

WHAT? This was how she watched Quidditch.

As she waited for the Gryffindor boy to join her, she went and picked a smallish Christmas tree and threw her inside the snow tube. LOOK, she was not carrying two things, okay?

Now for Mister Meriwether Solo.
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