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Please do not post past this point until Healer Tillstorm has invited you inside her office.
Just past the entrance to the Hospital Wing and to the left is a long hallway that leads to the office of Healer Cecelia "Cece" Tillstorm. If you do not need any medical attention and wish to simply visit the Healer, her office would be an ideal place to find her.
The door is currently closed so please knock a few times and wait for her to call you inside rather than entering on your own. While you're waiting, feel free to take a seat on the little bench just to the right of the office door.
Gemma walked excitedly towards the Healer's Office. She always loved welcoming the new staff members and she always had a blast putting together their welcoming gifts...yes...just call her the welcoming committee...she thought with a smile.
She just knew that she knew Cece from somewhere but their conversation had been interrupted at the Great Hall by one of the 'boys'' little tricks at the table...yes this required a roll of the eyes...she was determined to see when the woman had graduated from Hogwarts...she couldn't be much younger than Gemma and they must've gone to school together.
She walked up to the door and knock on it twice and then she sat down on the little bench beside the Healer to wait patiently...the little gift sat in her lap. She knew that the Hospital Ward was always crawling with sick or injured kids...this thought sent a chill up her spine...blood and throw up and fainting...and no thank you....she shook her head left and right slightly...lost in the horrible images of hurt children EVERYWHERE...
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Cece was relaxing in her office enjoying a nice cup of tea when she heard a knock on the door. Not bothering to get up... because she was just too comfy in her nice over stuffed chair, she pointed her wand at the door and opened it. "You may come in." Just don't plan on staying very long if you're one of those nasty little Puff!kids.
As soon as Sophie got the message that she was being summoned to the nurse's office her eyes opened the widest they have opened since she got to Hogwarts. She then began to walk straight to the Hospital Wing again. She never thought she was going to go there twice on the same day! She was scared.
She reached the door and knocked. She stood still outside, waiting.
Last edited by jujune29th; 01-06-2012 at 10:04 PM.
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by jujune29th
As soon as Sophie got the message that she was being summoned to the nurse's office her eyes opened the widest they have opened since she got to Hogwarts. She then began to walk straight to the Hospital Wing again. She never thought she was going to go there twice in the same day! She was scared.
She reached the door and knocked. She stood still outside, waiting.
Alyssa came out of the hospital room just in time to see Sophie standing outside the Nurse's office door. She quickly rushed over to her. "I'm so sorry that you got called here. I tried to tell her that you weren't involved in getting Nate here. Maybe she just wants to hear what happened. Please don't worry. I'm sure Professor Hadley will be here as soon as she can. She'll sort all this out." Alyssa tried to comfort the younger girl.
Alyssa came out of the hospital room just in time to see Sophie standing outside the Nurse's office door. She quickly rushed over to her. "I'm so sorry that you got called here. I tried to tell her that you weren't involved in getting Nate here. Maybe she just wants to hear what happened. Please don't worry. I'm sure Professor Hadley will be here as soon as she can. She'll sort all this out." Alyssa tried to comfort the younger girl.
Sophie turned around to look at Alyssa, her eyes were still wide. "Okay." That was all she could say. She was really nervous she might be in trouble. She wasn't used to this.
Nate went over to the hospital wing as soon as he could. He saw Sophie and Alyssa outside her offfice as well. Nate was getting nervous if they would get minus points or even worse a detention.
Nate went over to the hospital wing as soon as he could. He saw Sophie and Alyssa outside her offfice as well. Nate was getting nervous if they would get minus points or even worse a detention.
Sophie saw Nate arriving and blinked. Were they really going to be in trouble for trying to help Oakey?? What kind of a world was that??
She sat down on the bench and began shaking her legs. She looked back at Nate. "Let's not get too worried, Nate, I don't think she will do anything bad to us." Well, she couldn't do anything to them, could she?? She kept shaking her legs.
Sophie saw Nate arriving and blinked. Were they really going to be in trouble for trying to help Oakey?? What kind of a world was that??
She sat down on the bench and began shaking her legs. She looked back at Nate. "Let's not get too worried, Nate, I don't think she will do anything bad to us." Well, she couldn't do anything to them, could she?? She kept shaking her legs.
"I'm just nervous we might get points minused, or worse detention. I wonder how long this will take. And who's professor hadley?"
Last edited by natethegreat; 01-07-2012 at 01:53 AM.
"I'm just nervous we might get points minused, or worse detention. I wonder how long this will take. And who's professor hadley?"
Sophie was still shaking her legs."I guess that's the worst that can happen..." she said staring at the floor. "I think professor Hadley is the Head of Hufflepuff, Nate." she looked up at him. "She might be able to talk to the nurse and help us out!" there was still hope! They probably weren't going to get detention or anything like that. At least Sophie really hoped so.
Sophie was still shaking her legs."I guess that's the worst that can happen..." she said staring at the floor. "I think professor Hadley is the Head of Hufflepuff, Nate." she looked up at him. "She might be able to talk to the nurse and help us out!" there was still hope! They probably weren't going to get detention or anything like that. At least Sophie really hoped so.
"I'm hoping you're correct." When every minute passed Nate was getting even more nervous. He was wondering when the nurse would come to have a chat already. It feels like an eternity to him. "I wonder if I should knock. Maybe she didn't hear you."
Last edited by natethegreat; 01-07-2012 at 11:04 PM.
"I'm hoping you're correct." When every minute passed Nate was getting even more nervous. He was wondering when the nurse would come to have a chat already. It feels like an eternity to him. "I wonder if I should knock. Maybe she didn't hear you."
"Go ahead, if you want." Sophie said without looking at him, still shaking her legs.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
SPOILER!!: Sophie, Alyssa, Nate
Originally Posted by jujune29th
As soon as Sophie got the message that she was being summoned to the nurse's office her eyes opened the widest they have opened since she got to Hogwarts. She then began to walk straight to the Hospital Wing again. She never thought she was going to go there twice on the same day! She was scared.
She reached the door and knocked. She stood still outside, waiting.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa came out of the hospital room just in time to see Sophie standing outside the Nurse's office door. She quickly rushed over to her. "I'm so sorry that you got called here. I tried to tell her that you weren't involved in getting Nate here. Maybe she just wants to hear what happened. Please don't worry. I'm sure Professor Hadley will be here as soon as she can. She'll sort all this out." Alyssa tried to comfort the younger girl.
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Nate went over to the hospital wing as soon as he could. He saw Sophie and Alyssa outside her offfice as well. Nate was getting nervous if they would get minus points or even worse a detention.
Once Oakey had been discharged from the healing area Cece made her way to her office. Finding Alyssa there with two younger students she assumed they were the ones she had told the girl to go get. Looking at Alyssa she addressed only her for now. "Are these the students I asked you to find for me?"
There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
SPOILER!!: Sophie, Alyssa, Nate
Once Oakey had been discharged from the healing area Cece made her way to her office. Finding Alyssa there with two younger students she assumed they were the ones she had told the girl to go get. Looking at Alyssa she addressed only her for now. "Are these the students I asked you to find for me?"
Alyssa bowed her head in shame. "Yes Ma'am. These are the two students you asked me to find for you. I'm sorry that I took so long to bring them to you."Alyssa apologized
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
Alyssa bowed her head in shame. "Yes Ma'am. These are the two students you asked me to find for you. I'm sorry that I took so long to bring them to you."Alyssa apologized
"Well seeing as how I'm just getting here myself I'd say you got here right on time." And it was a darn good thing they were here. Someone wouldn't have been very happy if Cece had to track down all these students. "All of you follow me into my office please." Looking between the three of them she wondered just what it was that went on in those little heads of theirs to make them do suck stupid things.
OOC: All 3 of you may post in the office now quoting this post. I will wait until all 3 of you have posted there before I respond to any of you.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Nate walked up to the door to the healers office and knocked. He came to do his job to earn back the points he lossed.
Cece was returning to her office from a nice lunch when she noticed a student standing at her door. Not just any student either. A student she had taken points from. "What can I help you with Nate?" It better not be about earning back his points. She had told him she would call on him when she was ready for him.
"Yes. I was wondering how I was going to earn back my points from before." Nate didn't mean to sound like an annoyance but he wanted to know. So then he could get prepared on what he might have to do. Hopefully it wasn't to much that the healer would have him do.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by natethegreat
"Yes. I was wondering how I was going to earn back my points from before." Nate didn't mean to sound like an annoyance but he wanted to know. So then he could get prepared on what he might have to do. Hopefully it wasn't to much that the healer would have him do.
Of course, he was worried about his precious points that he lost. "Mister Jones, as I told you before when I took those points away from you, I will let you know WHEN I'm ready for you to earn those points back." As in you won't get them any faster by bothering me. "THIS is not the way to earn them back. Now go on, do some homework or something, I have things of my own to do right now." Like have a nice QUIET break without annoying children bothering her.
This is a few days after the other RP ^__^ In case anyone wanted to know!
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
Zayden found himself sitting upon the bench, with his held dropped low, and his mind was wondering off. WHY did he do it?! Why did he tell Amelia he wanted a break? WHY did he start something with Kaia and risk his friend's relationship? He was stupid, that's why.
He sighed.
He felt himself slowly crashing into a great dark black hole of nothing, but he needed to talk to someone. He wasn't even sure he wanted to talk; however, he still had talked himself into seeing Healer Tillstorm. Maybe she'd be able to give him something to cheer himself up or maybe she'd give him some words of wisdom.
_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Cece was feeling a bit tired. It had been a long day in the infirmary and right now all she wanted to do was relax in her office in front of the fire. It seemed that wasn't going to happen though. As she approached her office she notced Zayden sitting outside her door.
Why was he there? Did he eat something he wasn't supposed to eat again? "Zayden, what's wrong? Did you eat something you weren't supposed to again?" She asked as she reached into her pocket. Did she even have any of his allergy potion with her if he needed it?
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...
Zayden had been thinking about just getting up and leaving since Healer Tillstorm hadn't made an appearance in the last ten minutes, but he had heard her voice just as he was about to rise to his feet. He slowly raised his bald (yes, BALD) little heard up towards the woman.
"Erm... no," he honestly replied. "I just came here to talk to you, and it's not about Darth Vader, I swear."
If she didn't want to see him, though, he could just go back to the common room.
_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Not about who? Oh right, his imaginary friend. "Well if you came to ask me to help you get your hair back you came to the wrong person. You'd be better off asking Professor Lafay for help with that." Cece was sure that woman could whip up a potion to help the kid grow his hair back. "If you want to talk about something else then please, follow me into my office."
Pulling out her wand she pointed it at her door and removed the locking charms she had in place. That's right, no students were getting in when she wasn't there.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
William was kind of tired of hanging out in his office when it was so cold outside, and didn't really have anything to do in the barn or the sanctuary, so he found himself wandering around the castle late one evening. He thought of reporting to the staff room, if only because the place usually had at least one other professor in it, but tonight it was empty.
He started heading up the stairs to toward the fifth floor, where Oliver was, but stopped on the third floor for some reason. The third floor housed... the offices of two beautiful women, as far as he knew. And since he had kinda sorta already toilet papered the charms corridor that one time, William ended up heading for Cece's instead.
Come to think of it, he pondered to himself as he pulled a chocolate bar out of his pocket and started unwrapping it, he hadn't seen Cece in a while. What was the healer up to? Had Oliver told her about that dumb gossip rag already, and so now she was avoiding him? Did she just decide they weren't FRIENDS for some reason?
Willy mulled these things over as he came to a stop outside Cece's office and raised his fist to knock on her door. Once that was done, he went back to munching on his chocolate as he took a seat on the bench nearby. Hmm. Hopefully she was in tonight.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Cece had finally tended to her last student for the day and was now ready to relax for a bit before going to dinner. Sitting in front of the fire she had her feet tucked up under her, a cup of tea on the table next to her and the most recent copy of Witch Weekly in her hands.
Just as she opened her magazine someone knocked on the door.
Really? Couldn't she even have five minutes of time to herself without some student needing something?
Placing her magazine on the table she reluctantly got up and went to the door. To her surprise though it wasn't a student sitting there on the bench. No. It was... "William? What are you doing here? I figured this was the last place you'd want to be seen." Wasn't he afraid someone would see him and spread more lies? Not that those lies hurt him in any way. No, they were about her, not him.