Sorry for the long wait !!!
I'm not going to blabber on about why it took me ages

I'm just going to get on with it :L
Ron just looked at us, there wasn't even a word for what his face looked like it was just kind of blank. His mouth opened and shut a few times before he acctually spoke proper words.
Ginny. What are you doing here." He asked. Ok, that wasn't what I expected him to say. I was about to answer him, tell him it wasn't what it looked like, even thought it was exactly what it looked like, Hermione burst throught the door. He hair was messier that usual and she looked flushed. I looked closer and seen that her lips were slightly swollen aswell. Both Harry and I turned to Ron, Who I now noticed also had swollen lips and raised my eyebrows at him.
Ok ... You know what? Me and Hermione are just going to leave and pretend like not of this ever happened ok?" Ron asked looking at me sternly, warning me not to say enything to anyone.
That probably and good idea." Harry said smirking at his two best friends. "
Have fun." He yelled after them, laughing.
Well that was interesting." I said a couple of minutes later. "
I knew they would get together eventually." I said as I leaned back against Harry's cheast.
Yeah, me took. Though I don't think they've talked about it yet." He said
What do you mean?" I asked confused and turned my head slightly to look at him. He rapped his arms around my waiste and sighed.
Well, I think that their confused. They don't understand what their feeling. I mean the first time they kissed they were having this massive fight one minute and the next they were all over each other." He siad sounding like he wanted to throw up. I just laughed at him. "
What? Its going to take some time for me to get used to my bestfriends snogging each other." I just laughed harder and pecked him on the lips.
Come on, I think we here." I said as i pulled him up from the seat.
Great!" He said in mock enthusiasm. "
I wonder whats in store for me this year." He joked.