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Hogsmeade Socialize and shop in the oldest wizarding village in Britain. Just remember to be on your best behaviour.

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Old 12-25-2022, 11:44 PM
Wilber Winterbottom Wilber Winterbottom is offline
Default Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop

Madam Puddifoot's is laid out in a typical English tea room fashion. Lace doilies cover each table on top of the flower patterned table cloths. In the middle of each is a contained candle, ready to be lit for those on a romantic retreat. The windows are half covered by fancy net curtains, leaving just enough room at the top to see over and down Hogsmeade's High Street. Little flower and heart covered cushions are on each seat awaiting your arrival.

The shopkeeper, a descendant of the original owner, keeps the shop this way because she has to. She has no desire to look upon all the fancy decorations herself, which is why you'll most likely find her in the back room. She'll come and serve you when you ring the bell on the counter, but make sure you know what you want to order as she doesn't have all day. Keep your snogging to a minimum unless you want to be kicked out.

Text Cut: Menu & Prices
The Menu

Welsh cakes - 2 knuts per cake
Rock cakes - 3 knuts per cake
Victoria sponge - 1 sickle for a slice
Cream teas (scones plus clotted cream, jam & pot of tea) - 2 Galleons
Custard slices - 3 knuts per slice
Chelsea bun - 1 sickle per cake
Carrot cake - 4 knuts per slice
Toasted teacakes - 4 knuts per cake
Crumpets - 2 knuts per crumpet
Fruit cake - 2 knuts per slice
Cheesecake - 3 knuts per slice
Scotch pancakes - 1 sickle per pancake
Coffee (Black or white – cream or milk) - 2 sickles per mug
Pure orange/apple/pineapple juice/pumpkin juice - 3 knuts
Water/Milk - 2 knuts per glass
Apple pie/crumble (with ice-cream cream or custard) - 4 sickles
Rhubarb pie/crumble (with ice-cream cream or custard) - 3 sickles
Bananas/peaches & custard - 3 sickles
Fruit salad - 2 sickles
Croissants - 1 sickle each
Cheese & crackers - 1 sickle & 2 knuts
Banana split - 1 Galleon & 2 sickles
Ice-cream sundaes - 1 Galleon & 3 sickles
Spotted dick (with ice-cream, cream or custard) - 4 sickles
Sticky toffee pudding (with ice-cream cream or custard) - 4 sickles
Custard tart - 3 knuts per slice
Rice pudding - 2 sickles per bowl
Marmalade/Marmite/Jam - 1 knut
Bread & Butter Pudding - 4 sickles per bowl
Sausage roll - 3 sickles & 1 knut
Bacon sandwich - 4 sickles & 2 knuts
Cornish pasty - 4 sickles
Pork pies/vegetable pies/steak & kidney pie - 2 sickles
Cheese on toast/beans on toast/cheese and beans on toast - 3 knuts per slice
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Old 03-07-2023, 09:42 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Don't worry dads. Your daughter wasn't here because she was on a date nor was she even kind of sometimes having little day dreams about what it might be liked to be asked on a date. IF she were to be asked on a date though, for the record, she would hope that her potential future asker would know not to take her to some candyland doily place like this. Somehow it smelled sweeter in here than Honeydukes.

The things a second year had to suffer to get some rice pudding and a nice cup of tea though. Honestly. It was almost like there wasn't a kitchen back at the castle with house elves willing to do your every bidding.

Tugging on the sleeves of her bright orange jumper after taking off her coat, they had become all scrunched up in the process, Sage placed her order and was now en route to finding herself somewhere to sit. She wished Bailey had tagged along with her and she felt like she was missing several limbs and half her brain with her twin sick back in the dorms, but it also gave her the excuse for a little extra shopping so she could bring some goodies back to her sister.

But...for now...where was she to sit...

She could insert herself at one of the tables where people were clearly on a date...just to see what would happen...
Now OBVIOUSLY Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp would not be caught DEAD in the frilly teashop. Not usually, anyway. But when he saw the back of Sage's head, he couldn't help but follow her in, not really taking much note of the outside of the shop as he went.

When he got into it, he slowed suddenly. "Woah." It was all.... Gross. And so girly, with lacy stuff everywhere and couples being all couple-y. It was all he could do not to physically shudder at the sight! Merlin, what was he even doing in h- AHA, Sage!

That was why he'd come into the teashop. Following Sage! But not in a creepy way, just in a spotted-my-friend way.

Dodging around the couples being couple-y (and trying his hardest not to BARF ALL OVER THEM), Reuben popped up in front of Sage with a wide grin. "Hiya!"

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 03-13-2023, 03:03 AM   #27 (permalink)

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Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

SPOILER!!: Coach
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

It was confirmed then! They would do exactly that, Nads. Dy was just so grateful that she and her sister could speak silently to each other. Sometimes she felt sorry for their brothers and fathers who didn’t always understand the twins’ wordless conversations. Not to mention that Nads could always be counted upon to go along with Dy’s schemes.

“You said it, not us,” the Hufflepuff remarked just as innocently. She finished up her first crumpet, quite neglecting to wipe her buttered lips as she reached for the second. “I hope Zonko’s has new products! Dad Adi would love that!’’ Her eyes gleamed. “Think you two would be up for pranking him when we go home for the holidays?” Come on, siblings! Be good sports!

Pranking their dad…that would sure be great welcome to the man after missing the two girls for once. “I think you two are better off on your own in that…” Raj remarked to the negative with a shake of his head. “It’s more suspicious if I get involved.” Since he wasn’t nearly as practiced as they were in being sneaky. Not that he would rat them out. Nope, his lips would be sealed with whatever they came up with to announce their return to the fold.

Oooo new products to test out. That got Nadia’s curiosity raised. “YES! ” she agreed with a smirk. “I’m in.” The Gryffindor wondering just what they could do. The prankster was the best to try and get back at for the fun of it. “Awww…but he’d never suspect it because you would be involved.” Raj wouldn’t be believed as one of the pranksters.
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Old 03-15-2023, 11:06 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Reluctant bro & eager sis! <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post

Pranking their dad…that would sure be great welcome to the man after missing the two girls for once. “I think you two are better off on your own in that…” Raj remarked to the negative with a shake of his head. “It’s more suspicious if I get involved.” Since he wasn’t nearly as practiced as they were in being sneaky. Not that he would rat them out. Nope, his lips would be sealed with whatever they came up with to announce their return to the fold.

Oooo new products to test out. That got Nadia’s curiosity raised. “YES! ” she agreed with a smirk. “I’m in.” The Gryffindor wondering just what they could do. The prankster was the best to try and get back at for the fun of it. “Awww…but he’d never suspect it because you would be involved.” Raj wouldn’t be believed as one of the pranksters.

There was truth to Raj’s words: it was true he wasn’t as good at pranks as she was but did this prevent Dy from continuing to pull her older brother’s leg? Not at all. “You,’’ she began, brandishing the crumpet at him. “Are afraid of getting caught.” The Hufflepuff then proceeded to take a bite of her snack while casting her sister another wink. One of Dynah’s hobbies was definitely giving Raj a difficult time.

But she could always count on sister loveliest! “I’m sure we can easily brainstorm something if we put our heads together!” Her eyes suddenly widened. “Nads, that’s a brilliant point though!” Awesome brain, twin! “Why wouldn’t you want to join us, Raj? Has your love faded for us from the time of getting our snacks to now?” Excuse her while the girl made cute puppy dog eyes.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 03-19-2023, 10:32 PM   #29 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

There was truth to Raj’s words: it was true he wasn’t as good at pranks as she was but did this prevent Dy from continuing to pull her older brother’s leg? Not at all. “You,’’ she began, brandishing the crumpet at him. “Are afraid of getting caught.” The Hufflepuff then proceeded to take a bite of her snack while casting her sister another wink. One of Dynah’s hobbies was definitely giving Raj a difficult time.

But she could always count on sister loveliest! “I’m sure we can easily brainstorm something if we put our heads together!” Her eyes suddenly widened. “Nads, that’s a brilliant point though!” Awesome brain, twin! “Why wouldn’t you want to join us, Raj? Has your love faded for us from the time of getting our snacks to now?” Excuse her while the girl made cute puppy dog eyes.

Rajesh raised his eyebrow at the threatening crumpet. He was almost attempted to try and bite it to see his sister’s response, but her words distracted him. “Am not…” he was quicker to defend, sipping from his glass. There were plenty of things to be more worried about. It came as no surprise that Nadia was in with the plan, the two of them were two peas in a pod and partners in all sorts of prank crimes over the years. And then she blew up his defense about not being involved being more beneficial to them and the prank in the long run which her sister only agreed with.

“You’re not supposed to pick that up…” he mused shaking his head. They was too smart for HIS good.

“Never and you know that,” the Ravenclaw remarked, knowing they would have to do something absolutely terrible and abhorrent to even be threatened to lose his love. His gaze looking off to the side as he also knew the puppy dog eyes directed his way. First from Dy and then from Nads. Their parents might claim it otherwise but he’s occasionally spied certain looks between them that worked the very same way, especially Dad’s. It was too powerful two on one.

“Fine…” he said, giving in eventually, “just don’t blame me if it goes wrong.”

The response gaining a smirk from the Gryffindor. "Of course not," Nadia assured him, exchanging a knowing look with her other half.
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Old 03-22-2023, 01:21 PM   #30 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
Now OBVIOUSLY Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp would not be caught DEAD in the frilly teashop. Not usually, anyway. But when he saw the back of Sage's head, he couldn't help but follow her in, not really taking much note of the outside of the shop as he went.

When he got into it, he slowed suddenly. "Woah." It was all.... Gross. And so girly, with lacy stuff everywhere and couples being all couple-y. It was all he could do not to physically shudder at the sight! Merlin, what was he even doing in h- AHA, Sage!

That was why he'd come into the teashop. Following Sage! But not in a creepy way, just in a spotted-my-friend way.

Dodging around the couples being couple-y (and trying his hardest not to BARF ALL OVER THEM), Reuben popped up in front of Sage with a wide grin. "Hiya!"
For the briefest of moments, Sage found herself wondering if either of her dads had asked the other on a date here...but as soon as the thought had crossed her mind, she realized that she did not want to know the answer nor did she desire such a visual. The googly eyed couples were more than enough to make her regret breakfast. Uncle Zachaël surely had too. They all were extremely the type.

Her mind preoccupied with the mental gymnastics as to whether or not a cup of tea would kill her and her coin purse or not, the Slytherin jolted upright and kicked forward with a sharp DING against one of the legs of the table as she was joined by a very welcomed face. Welcomed, appreciated, but maybe a bit cliché and suggestive considering their current gag worthy company. She did not anticipate either of them making any serious fluttering eyelashes at one another so she could disembark from that train of thought immediately. Hopefully her twin would not walk by the front, peek in, and come to her own conclusions.

"Reuben, hey," she greeted with a smile as she relaxed her shoulders and eyes lit up just a bit more as suddenly her coin purse felt less endangered - it wasn't like she was earning an allowance while being at Hogwarts. "Let's go halfsies on something and NOT spoon feed it to one another because we aren't peculiar."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 03-24-2023, 12:15 AM   #31 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Raj & Nads! <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post

Rajesh raised his eyebrow at the threatening crumpet. He was almost attempted to try and bite it to see his sister’s response, but her words distracted him. “Am not…” he was quicker to defend, sipping from his glass. There were plenty of things to be more worried about. It came as no surprise that Nadia was in with the plan, the two of them were two peas in a pod and partners in all sorts of prank crimes over the years. And then she blew up his defense about not being involved being more beneficial to them and the prank in the long run which her sister only agreed with.

“You’re not supposed to pick that up…” he mused shaking his head. They was too smart for HIS good.

“Never and you know that,” the Ravenclaw remarked, knowing they would have to do something absolutely terrible and abhorrent to even be threatened to lose his love. His gaze looking off to the side as he also knew the puppy dog eyes directed his way. First from Dy and then from Nads. Their parents might claim it otherwise but he’s occasionally spied certain looks between them that worked the very same way, especially Dad’s. It was too powerful two on one.

“Fine…” he said, giving in eventually, “just don’t blame me if it goes wrong.”

The response gaining a smirk from the Gryffindor. "Of course not," Nadia assured him, exchanging a knowing look with her other half.

Dy gave an almighty sniff as she finished up her crumpet and milk. Her little stomach was full now and she was quite ready for the next adventure of heading off to Zonko’s. But her expression turned soft as she eyed Raj again. Maybe she and Nads were teasing him a little too much. He probably wasn’t afraid of getting caught; in any case, their parents were quite cool, they weren’t the type to blow up over some prank.

“Fine, I do know!’’ Nads knew it too. Dy threw a triumphant look at her sister. YAAAS!! They had won! “Are you kidding? With Nads and I as the brain of the prank, nothing can go wrong.” Could she get a high five, sister? Don’t leave her hand hanging in the air. “Are you guys done eating? Zonko’s awaits!”
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 03-25-2023, 11:04 PM   #32 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Dy gave an almighty sniff as she finished up her crumpet and milk. Her little stomach was full now and she was quite ready for the next adventure of heading off to Zonko’s. But her expression turned soft as she eyed Raj again. Maybe she and Nads were teasing him a little too much. He probably wasn’t afraid of getting caught; in any case, their parents were quite cool, they weren’t the type to blow up over some prank.

“Fine, I do know!’’ Nads knew it too. Dy threw a triumphant look at her sister. YAAAS!! They had won! “Are you kidding? With Nads and I as the brain of the prank, nothing can go wrong.” Could she get a high five, sister? Don’t leave her hand hanging in the air. “Are you guys done eating? Zonko’s awaits!”
Rajesh made himself relax, realizing he may have gotten a little wound up. “Good…” he mused smiling at Dy as he dusted off any crumbs to show he was okay…that they were okay. The seventh year nodding at her question. Yep, he was done and about ready to go on to their next stop as he could be. He got up to his feet and threw out their trash before coming back up behind his two siblings, putting an arm behind each of them. “All together now..."

Nadia wrapped up her leftover treats, stashing them in her bag. “Right…we’ll have it all covered,” she added, giving her other half the silently requested high five. “All ready,” the Gryffindor assured, moving to follow Raj up to their feet. Feeling the arm behind her, the first year found herself leaning slightly in his embrace for a moment enjoying the closeness. "Let's go!"
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Old 03-29-2023, 12:28 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Raj & Nads! <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Rajesh made himself relax, realizing he may have gotten a little wound up. “Good…” he mused smiling at Dy as he dusted off any crumbs to show he was okay…that they were okay. The seventh year nodding at her question. Yep, he was done and about ready to go on to their next stop as he could be. He got up to his feet and threw out their trash before coming back up behind his two siblings, putting an arm behind each of them. “All together now..."

Nadia wrapped up her leftover treats, stashing them in her bag. “Right…we’ll have it all covered,” she added, giving her other half the silently requested high five. “All ready,” the Gryffindor assured, moving to follow Raj up to their feet. Feeling the arm behind her, the first year found herself leaning slightly in his embrace for a moment enjoying the closeness. "Let's go!"

And it suddenly clicked. Raj was a teddy bear! How had she not noticed this before? He was usually all serious but behind that, he was a softie. Just like papa Benny. With that realisation spinning in her mind, she finally wiped her buttered lips clean, just in time to add it to the trash pile before Rak took it away. Look at him taking care of them! Who was going to do that next term?

Following Nads’ lead after the returned highfive, Dy hopped out of her seat and threw herself against Raj’s side. “Yep, let’s go! My stomach’s all full - for now - and I’m ready for us to find the best prank!” This was going to be the most epic teamwork these three had ever done! It was with much eagerness that she followed her siblings out into the street once more.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 02-17-2024, 10:10 PM   #34 (permalink)
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The Leaky Cauldron
Default For Liam/Summer ^_^
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

While Desiree had yet to find a Prince Charming of her own, she liked coming to Madame Puddifoot’s. It was usually less crowded than The Three Broomsticks and much nicer than The Hog’s Head! The romantic lace and flower patterned decor was just her taste!

She sat at a table near the window, channeling Jane Porter today in a yellow puff-sleeved dress, purple tie, and white boots. Her dark hair was up in a messy bun with a pen tucked behind her left ear. A cream tea sat before her, and the table was littered with university pamphlets.

Desiree was torn between two schools on opposite sides of the English Channel. She’d always wanted to attend her father’s alma mater, but she didn’t think she could leave her friends! Stay in the UK, or go to France? She thought, absentmindedly spreading jam on a scone.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 02-18-2024, 06:39 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
While Desiree had yet to find a Prince Charming of her own, she liked coming to Madame Puddifoot’s. It was usually less crowded than The Three Broomsticks and much nicer than The Hog’s Head! The romantic lace and flower patterned decor was just her taste!

She sat at a table near the window, channeling Jane Porter today in a yellow puff-sleeved dress, purple tie, and white boots. Her dark hair was up in a messy bun with a pen tucked behind her left ear. A cream tea sat before her, and the table was littered with university pamphlets.

Desiree was torn between two schools on opposite sides of the English Channel. She’d always wanted to attend her father’s alma mater, but she didn’t think she could leave her friends! Stay in the UK, or go to France? She thought, absentmindedly spreading jam on a scone.
Summer couldn't believe it, like seriously, how had Seven Years gone by so fast, when she had first started at Hogwarts, her mother had told her to enjoy it because time seemed to fly by and she had giggled at it, now though she was wishing she had paid attention as it had happened and this year was the last she would be at the school.

Summer had decided to head into hogsmeade to spend some time whilst she thought about a few things, like what she was going to do after Hogwarts, she hadn't a clue and hadn't really thought about it. Deciding that she would stop for a drink, she wanted somewhere that wasn't crowded so she could think, when she entered though she nearly screamed but managed to stop herself, instead she walked over to Desiree.

Summer, had on a lovely summer dress and her hair was done in a ponytail, she had thought about doing a messy-bun like Desiree had but boy was that a lot of work, at least with a ponytail, all you had to do was tied it up. "Hi Desiree." Summer smiled. "Mind if I joy you?" She stood there waiting for an answer. "And what are you doing?"
It's time for a party.
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Old 02-20-2024, 11:20 PM   #36 (permalink)
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The Leaky Cauldron
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Originally Posted by Weasley174 View Post
Summer couldn't believe it, like seriously, how had Seven Years gone by so fast, when she had first started at Hogwarts, her mother had told her to enjoy it because time seemed to fly by and she had giggled at it, now though she was wishing she had paid attention as it had happened and this year was the last she would be at the school.

Summer had decided to head into hogsmeade to spend some time whilst she thought about a few things, like what she was going to do after Hogwarts, she hadn't a clue and hadn't really thought about it. Deciding that she would stop for a drink, she wanted somewhere that wasn't crowded so she could think, when she entered though she nearly screamed but managed to stop herself, instead she walked over to Desiree.

Summer, had on a lovely summer dress and her hair was done in a ponytail, she had thought about doing a messy-bun like Desiree had but boy was that a lot of work, at least with a ponytail, all you had to do was tied it up. "Hi Desiree." Summer smiled. "Mind if I joy you?" She stood there waiting for an answer. "And what are you doing?"
Desiree was lost in thought, a half-nibbled scone in one hand and a pamphlet for Monvoisin University in the other, until a familiar voice distracted her. She looked up, her blue eyes lighting up at the sight of her friend. “Hi, Summer! I like your outfit,” she greeted with a smile and an extra princessy wave. “Please do! There’s no way I could eat all this by myself.”

She cleared her pamphlets off one end of the table to give Summer a place to sit. “Tea?” she offered, pouring a cup for her friend. She pondered the question a moment before answering, “Nothing much, just looking over some university pamphlets.”
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 02-22-2024, 01:50 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post

Desiree was lost in thought, a half-nibbled scone in one hand and a pamphlet for Monvoisin University in the other, until a familiar voice distracted her. She looked up, her blue eyes lighting up at the sight of her friend. “Hi, Summer! I like your outfit,” she greeted with a smile and an extra princessy wave. “Please do! There’s no way I could eat all this by myself.”

She cleared her pamphlets off one end of the table to give Summer a place to sit. “Tea?” she offered, pouring a cup for her friend. She pondered the question a moment before answering, “Nothing much, just looking over some university pamphlets.”
Summer smiled as Desiree said that she could join her and even pouring a cup of tea for her. "Thank you." Summer sat down and took a sip of her tea. "This is awesome." She was sure going to miss coming her when she left school and she made a mental note to visit the place a few times.

Summer looked towards Desiree and smiled. "Your outfit is awesome too." Summer then heard what Desiree was reading and her face fell, like seriously she probably should be thinking about things like that but she just couldn't bring herself to it. "Seen anything you like?"
It's time for a party.
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Old 02-22-2024, 08:14 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Weasley174 View Post
Summer smiled as Desiree said that she could join her and even pouring a cup of tea for her. "Thank you." Summer sat down and took a sip of her tea. "This is awesome." She was sure going to miss coming her when she left school and she made a mental note to visit the place a few times.

Summer looked towards Desiree and smiled. "Your outfit is awesome too." Summer then heard what Desiree was reading and her face fell, like seriously she probably should be thinking about things like that but she just couldn't bring herself to it. "Seen anything you like?"
Desiree returned Summer’s smile with a warm one of her own. “Help yourself to anything,” she said, gesturing toward the many scones and jam as she poured another cup of tea for herself. Usually she preferred French pastries, but she wouldn’t say no to a good cream tea. Where was she going to find one of those if she went to school in France?

A fleeting thought crossed her mind, and she vaguely wondered if it was this hard for her parents to say goodbye to this place when they left Hogsmeade. Probably more so for her mum than her dad. He found Madame Puddifoot’s too cutesy, if she recalled correctly. She had to stifle a giggle at the idea of anything being too romantic for her hopeless romantic father!

Jerked out of her thoughts once again, Desiree smiled. “Thank you,” she replied, unable to resist getting up to do a princess twirl in her dress. “Do you get the Disney reference?” Her expression changed as she saw Summer’s face fall. How was she going to tell her she was considering a university in France? “More than one,” she replied, nodding, “and that’s the problem. I can’t decide which university to attend!”
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 06-19-2024, 12:00 AM   #39 (permalink)

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How was it that a grown man, a decorated Magical Law Enforcement officer and headmaster of a wizarding school, could still feel like such a self-conscious teen. His choice of location was doing him no favors either but he had panicked under his old man's insistence and had blurted out the first place that came to mind - as if this place hadn't been the source of embarrassment during his Hogwarts days already. Maybe his brothers had a point and he was a sucker for pain after all. He really should have refused his father (how many of these had the man set him up on at this point?) but seeing as the man had apparently already received the green light from the other half of this duo down to the date and time, Ryu felt obligated to follow through. At the very least he could possibly leave today with a friend. It was about all he could hope at this point.

Parched kappas...he was too old for this.

His reluctance did not mean that he put in minimal effort, the former Gryffindor was a far cry from that sort of man, and had dressed up a little bit. This essentially meant that he was not in jeans but one of his nicer pair of of black suit trousers paired with dark dusty lilac sweater turtleneck and his favorite black leather jacket. He probably should have shaved too but at the moment running his palm over his 12 o'clock shadow was calming. He also came with a gift in hand, one that he had slipped into sleek black wine bottle bag despite its contents being entirely something different. The gift was not with him at present, however, and was instead nestled on a table he had procured inside the establishment to beat out the crowd of googly eyed sappier than a sugar maple tree teenagers for a spot - extra doilies not included.

"And now...we wait," he said to himself while leaning his hip against the lamp post and combing his hair with his fingers.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-19-2024, 10:58 AM   #40 (permalink)

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When the Minister came calling, it was very hard to say no. Ruby had been politely declining his helpful suggestions for several months until his insistence (alongside the relentlessness of her mother who had been encouraging Ruby to ‘put herself’ out there for a while) combined with the guilt she felt for denying for so long had resulted in her to finally agree. It wasn’t that she was concerned about her blind date's personality or appearance, she was assured that he was a lovely man whose values aligned with her own but the Mediwitch lacked self-confidence and this was very much outside of her comfort zone.

It had taken her hours to deliberate over her attire, or rather she had sat on her bed entertaining her sister’s twins whilst Tabitha scoured through her wardrobe deliberating between casual and smart. In the end, the pair had decided on a simple dress, tights and heeled boots, a perfect in-between for the chilly Scottish weather. She’d also been given the run down on dating etiquette, about the perfect time to arrive without seeming over-eager but not too late that she seemed rude, about how much she should talk about herself compared to asking about him. It all seemed overly convoluted and unnecessarily complicated to her but she had paid attention and arrived at the agreed destination perfectly on time.

Speaking of the destination, Puddifoot’s would not have been her first choice for its close association with loved-up teenagers of whom she found marginally intimidating. How could it be that these kids were so persistent that they had ‘found the one’ when she at almost thirty-eight was still very much single. Never alone though, she had a close enough relationship with her family that the Broadmoor’s would never allow her to feel loneliness.

The advantage of choosing Hogsmeade was that it wasn’t hard to spot the man in a sea of students. “You must be Ryu” she smiled as she approached, swallowing back any nervousness she was feeling to appear cool, calm and collected and deliberating whether it would be too formal to hold her hand out for a handshake.

Think swan, not ugly duckling.
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Old 06-20-2024, 08:16 AM   #41 (permalink)

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Ryu was beginning to wonder why he subscribed to the mentality that five minutes early was already ten minutes late as he brushed a bit of freshly fallen snow off his shoulders. It wasn't snowing particularly hard but the frozen crystals felt almost as if they were teasing him which in turn amplified the anticipation and anxiousness already twisting his stomach into knots. Were he to have arrived just barely on time, he would no have had any time to think and simply been forced to dive right into this blind date on instinct and whatever was left of his boyish Gryffindor charm alone.

He suddenly felt as if all the color had drained from his face (it hadn't and if anything his features looked more alive thanks to the cold air rouging his cheeks and the tip of his nose) when he heard her voice and saw her shadow in his peripheral vision. Closing his eyes, Ryu took a steading deep breath and pivoted to greet the poor woman persuaded to perform a bit of charity and go on a date with him. It wasn't her fault that he was exhausted by his father's antics, so he wouldn't be taking out any of his frustrations nor weariness on her and would do his best to show her a good time. Whether it was all that built up anxiety that did it or something...else...Ryu found all the air suddenly exiting his lungs and it was with great effort that was able to say anything at all. "Yes, and you must be Ruby," he replied with an almost apologetic smile before offering his hand for a shake which would turn into a quick kiss to the back of her hand - this was not a business meeting even if it sure felt like it since it was practically mandated by the Minister of Magic. "Thank you for coming. I...appreciate the effort." For coming out here, for putting up with his old man, for mirroring his own nervousness in her smile. "Has anyone ever told you that you have remarkable brown eyes?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-20-2024, 04:24 PM   #42 (permalink)

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She’d hope that Ryu’s breathlessness was a result of her taking his breath away in the most positive of ways and not because she was a disappointment and it had come as a surprise to the poor man. Ruby may not have had the glamour of her older sister or the timeless grace of her mother, she’d of described herself as a ‘plain Jane’ whose makeup was subtle and clothing reflected simplicity and comfort and didn’t necessarily subscribe to the trends of the day. What she did portray was an open book, the sort of woman who wore her heart on her sleeve and who put everyone else's needs before her own.

He at least broke the ice by offering his own hand which she gladly took in her own before it was lifted up and a kiss planted on the back of it. The colour rose to her cheeks although that too could be played off by the chilly weather and not because any sign of physical affection usually resulted in a girlish shyness. “Your father has certainly sung your praises” she admitted, trying her best to keep eye contact without feeling like a nervous school girl. “I must admit, I haven’t done this in a while.” A blind date she meant, any attempts at dating recently had resulted in close friendships and nothing more. If anything she should be thanking him for bothering with her, her reluctance had nothing to do with concern over him but rather concern that she wasn’t good enough or experienced enough or worthy enough.

Perhaps Puddifoots was a perfect choice for this date considering the awkwardness the pair was exuding, they were fitting right in. Even more so when that compliment came and any ‘cool and confident’ front she had put up seemingly melted away. “Oh. I suppose I have my mother to thank for those” she blushed, briefly glancing at her feet in an attempt to disguise the expression on her face.

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Old 06-21-2024, 10:09 PM   #43 (permalink)

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They certainly would be finding out what happened when two people with self-deprecatory personalities got together for a cuppa in saccharine establishment with so many doilies that an antique show would be jealous. It was an oddly specific situation to wonder the outcome of, but it was fairly close to the one one Ryu's mind currently.

"Ah," he mumbled as he let go of her hand and immediately moved to scratch the patch of hair just above his right ear. "Father...has a certain exhausting enthusiasm about him when it comes to his children." And he did not even want to begin to speculate what sort of ridiculous and humiliating nicknames the man had assigned to his once eldest son when pitching this idea. "I suppose another thank you is in order for putting up with all that," he continued, even managing a small laugh. "He is horrendously persistent." More thanks were in order as well, more obvious ones such as St. Mungo's continued care of his father with his recovery but it certainly seemed in poor taste to bring up a war and its causalities on a first date and especially a blind one. "Nor...have I." Something he was sure his father not-so-casually alluded to either, but Ryu would very much like to not dwell on that and fuel the awkwardness already coursing through his veins. " we are...and probably for the best that we get out of this snow," he smiled with a gesture towards the door that he then pulled open for her.

He smile grew just enough to show a little peek of his teeth. "Can't deny that having good genes does help," he mused, himself and his brothers likewise receiving their eyes more from their mother than those of their father. Save for his sister who had eyes the color of neither but rather those the result of father's magic. Truly fascinating information that he was sure she would not yawn over. "I procured us a table just over there," he added now that the door was open. "Over by the corner window. It's the table just there with the gift bag upon it."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-23-2024, 08:44 PM   #44 (permalink)

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“I think it’s endearing” Ruby swiftly reassured Ryu that despite the Minister’s particular persistence with setting his son up with a date, she didn’t see it as a negative. “He obviously thinks very highly of you as a potential match. Do you not think that your relationship with your parents can paint a picture of how important family is to you?” Perhaps as important as it was to her? Ruby was incredibly close to her parents, to her siblings, to her wider familial unit in general, it saddened her to think that others weren’t so. She understood why some people lacked that connection with their family and in many cases a clean break could be warranted, she could just never be that person herself. “And being the Minister of Magic, I’d gather he was a particularly good judge of character.” He’d surely met enough people of all walks of life to know the difference. All that was to say that even with her initial reluctance, Ruby wasn’t taking this date as a charitable cause.

She was, after all, equally as shy and out-of-practice and self-deprecating and hadn’t considered herself enough of a catch to warrant gaining that type of attention. It hadn’t worked out for her before, why would it be any different now? “Thank you for taking pity on me she laughed a little, stepping through the door, brushing off the flurry of snow that had landed on her shoulder and casting a hot air charm on them both to eliminate the dampness from their clothes. “You have your father’s charm.” Which might have been more to do with nurture rather than nature but it was still a beautifully positive thing to inherit nevertheless.

Stepping into the tea shop was like being struck by a sickeningly sweet sense of nostalgia. The smell of freshly baked goods wafting from the kitchen, the lacy decor reminiscent of an old-lady’s front room, the slightly alarming number of much younger couples.. She hadn’t been ‘lucky’ enough to frequent the establishment much as a student, let alone as an adult who was supposed to have her entire life procured by now. Her eyes glanced over at the thankfully more secluded table away from the centre of the room. Her stomach dropped a little at the sight of the gift however, it hadn’t even crossed her mind that she had appeared empty handed. “You didn’t have to buy me anything” she turned to her companion with a mildly sheepish expression. Unless that present wasn’t for her in which case she had just made an absolute fool of herself for assuming it was.

How were people so natural with this?!

Last edited by Lottiepot; 07-05-2024 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 07-02-2024, 04:29 AM   #45 (permalink)

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Ryu really could not resist the chuckle that began in his stomach and escaped through his almost grinning mouth. Endearing was a word that he heard often with regards to his father and could recall all too well how painfully awkward it had been as a teen to have friends, regardless of gender, describe your overbearing parent as such. Still, there were a great many more worse things to be considered and there was some relief that at least Ruby had entered this agreement in good spirits and not entirely because she had been worn down and had only agreed to get the man off her back about it. "That is certainly one way to think about it," he nodded with a sheepish rub to the back of his neck. Only half of the story, in his opinion, and not the sort of discussion to dive into on a first (and potentially only) date. Nor was his family's rather ... complicated ... family history, but certain elements of it would inevitably unavoidable. He could even feel certain nagging scratches surfacing already with her words. "Well, family is everything to me. I would, and have, dropped everything to be there for my brothers and sister when the need arose, and fought alongside my old man in the war."

So, perhaps they could let all that speak for itself. At least he was as he offered her another smile, and resisted making too obvious of a gagging face at his charm being comparable to the Minister's, before following her inside of the tea shop and ensuring that the door closed quietly behind them. The little bell on the door or wherever the DING had come from had drawn enough attention from other significantly younger patrons.

"Well, it may then please you to know that I did not, in fact, purchase anything," he assured her as he gestured to the table and pulled out the nearest chair for her to sit. None of this would be considered 'charm' to the Gryffindor but rather manners an etiquette...which was perhaps why these steps came naturally to him. "Much more of a...foraging, effort." Down to the vase in which the couple of branches from one of the numerous plum trees in the garden and grounds surrounding Himitsumahou. He would have offered a branch adorned with cherry blossoms were it a bit later in the year, but he often found plum blossoms to be the more exquisite between the flora and the one far too often overshadowed by its symbol of spring counterpart and the particular branches he had cut and placed in the jar (Suoubai) among his favorite blossoms in existence. "They have traveled all the way from Japan to meet you and I would be very much relieved if you accepted them," he teased gently with a chuckle.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 07-05-2024, 10:51 AM   #46 (permalink)

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Endearing was a positive in her eyes, she’d much rather her own parents be interested in her love life than not care for it at all. Her mother, Trixie, was often prompting her to establish herself in the market as if she was a prize to be won by some poor unsuspecting suitor. She meant well but Ruby did not have the confidence or poise to promote herself as such. Her father meanwhile was a little tough of a cookie to crack, capable of a cold stare to freeze the Sahara but really a teddy bear underneath. They cared and that was all she could ask for.

Ryu’s genuine laugh briefly settled the nervous energy in her stomach. “Do you have many? Siblings I mean.” She was the second eldest but was often the voice of reason amongst her opinionated and rather Slytherin oriented family. Thank Merlin her parents had adopted Holly to balance it out a little. “I remember,” she added softly at the recollection of ten years ago. She had not been on the frontline herself but had chosen to be by her mothers side and treat the injured as they came through, hence how she had met Charles in the first instance. He had, naturally, mentioned his eldest son once or twice..

Well that was even MORE thoughtful and didn’t do much to quell the guilt she was feeling over her own lack of efforts. More so perhaps that she didn’t know Ryu well enough to establish what he was into rather than a genuine feeling of thoughtlessness. She settled into the chair with a polite ‘thank you’ before reaching out to pull the bag over towards her and peer inside. “Oh how beautiful!” she gasped as she gently removed the vase and ran the tips of her fingers down the soft petals. “You’ll be pleased to know I’m rather good at keeping plants alive” she laughed brightly. “Although I’ve never attempted to propagate from a tree cutting before, just my mundane houseplants.” And this was a dreadfully uninteresting conversation to be having on a first date, unless he was a plant man himself. On any occasion, nobody needed to hear how easily she had acquired a small army of Spider Plants in her flat and had refused to get rid of any to the extent that one bedroom had become a miniature jungle. “In that case I couldn’t possibly say no to them.” Not that she would’ve refused in any instance.
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Old 07-10-2024, 02:13 PM   #47 (permalink)

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Prize to be won was certainly a sentiment Ryu could relate to, though in his case it felt much more like an item up for auction and his father the loudest auctioneer there was. Years ago he felt akin to the massive tuna being flung about Tsukiji Market in the waking hours of the day. Exhausting and demoralizing, Ryu though that the old man had finally given up - but, perhaps, he was relieved that the man had not.

"Three," he nodded with a fond smile. "Two younger brothers and a younger, the youngest of the Hollingberrys, sister. The lot of us, minus Takeshi, were Gryffindors - including father. Takeshi found his brethren in Ravenclaw." The war was a topic that could not be avoided, which was not necessarily a terrible thing seeing as it was important to not forget their history, but certainly not something to be dwelled upon. But it would also be rude to completely brush her comment aside. "You were there as well then?" Which did not come as a complete shock because many had come back to fight for the future of the wizarding world and yet one of his proudest moments as her brother, and yet his tone reflected the tiniest hint of surprise that Ruby had been there. Perhaps surprise was not the correct term and it was more of a tone of regret that such a gentle soul had also been subjected to the unavoidable horrors of war.

Slipping off his jacket, Ryu hung it over the back of his chair before settling into it directly across from her. His nephew had illy advised him to sit next to her and play footsie, but the day he actually took the advice of that cocky flobberworm was the day a niffler stopped caring for anything shiny. Sitting across from her had much more charm and appeal, something made abundantly clear in this moment as he drank in even the most subtle of changes to her features as she opened his humble gift. "That is good new indeed," he chuckled once again. The thought had not even crossed his mind that she may take these clippings and attempt to grow them into proper trees of her own, but it was incredibly touching to hear and made his heart thump a little differently. "Though I cannot say the same for myself. The groundskeeper and students tend to the trees on campus...those particular clipping taken from trees in the courtyard," he elaborated, perhaps a little unnecessarily but the nerves were beginning to kick in now that his adherline was settling. "These particular blooms are called Suoubai, my favorite among the variety of plum blossoms."

Ryu's smile remained in place, his gaze lingering for a bit before subtly clearing his throat and glancing down at the menus on the table, opening the one nearest himself and giving everything a cursory glance. " like to stick to sweet things that this fine establishment is known for or...take a gamble on some of the savory options first?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 07-11-2024, 06:38 PM   #48 (permalink)

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If it was any consolation, Ruby would never compare Ryu to a fish. Not that she had ever seen tuna in person and she was quite sure that the size would be impressive, the type of catch the fisherman brought in in the harbours of Cornwall were of the smaller variety like mackerel and were flaunted by older bearded men in oil slicks and flat caps. Either way, Ryu smelled far better than any fish did and his smile was far superior to the pouty lips of a piscine so the comparison was void in her opinion.

Relieved to hear another thing that the pair had in common, Ruby smiled fondly hearing about the connection he had to his family. “I’m the Takeshi of my family” she laughed softly. “I was a Ravenclaw in a family of Slytherins. Both my parents, my eldest sister and my two brothers were Snakes. It wasn’t until my parents adopted my younger sister Holly that I had company.” A relief truly, for such a shy girl to finally have familial support in her own common room when she sometimes felt so alone. “Was it a pleasure to have your family members in your house or was it a hindrance?” she asked.

The conversation switching to that of the war was understandable considering the date. She was lucky enough to have not been affected too much in that her own family were all safe during its events, her close family friends the Amsterns sadly could not say the same. “I’m a Mediwitch, I did not fight but I aided in treating the wounded.” She did not nor would not take any credit for her contribution, she was merely doing her job and it was the heroes on the frontline that deserved the appreciation. As gentle of a soul she was, her career was not for the faint of heart and exposure to the horrors of the quidditch pitch had somewhat prepared her for what she’d see. Besides, the same could be said over her companion who too did not seem like the fighting type.

It was a very wise decision to not trust the advice of his nephew, a game of footsie would likely have elicited an alarmed response from the woman. Some people were very forward when it came to their flirtations, Ruby was not. The subtle blush that touched her cheeks as he removed his jacket and took his seat opposite her was hopefully not obvious. It was painful that she could engage in an ordinary conversation with a stranger and yet the minute a waft of potential romanticism was involved, her blood vessels chose to betray her emotions to the entire world. In an attempt to disguise whatever her face was saying, her attention turned back to the blossom of whose petals her fingertips lightly grazed. “I shall give it my best attempt, it would be such a shame to let such beauty wither away.” As would be inevitable should she not try to propagate. A miniature tree would be a welcome addition to her already blooming rooftop garden. “That’s okay, we can’t all be budding gardeners or else there’d be no room left for humans,” she chuckled. Unless humanity decided to live in treehouses which didn’t sound like too much of a negative. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a plum blossom before.” Perhaps that was more of a cultural thing, the UK favoured broadleaf oaks in the south and pines in the north and an assortment of apple trees wherever the weather was kind enough. “Tell me about your school?” she enquired sweetly, a genuine fascination for others worldly experiences lighting up her face. Her path was sadly less traveled, a combination of her mother’s distant family in France and her paternal bloodline in Russia being about as well cultured as she was. More importantly, she loved to hear others speak of their passions.

Her own eyes turned to the menu which she promptly opened to peruse. “I’d be tempted by the Cornish Pasty but I grew up in Cornwall and I don’t think it would ever be comparable to the independent bakeries on the seafront.” She was sure that Paddifoot or whoever ran the establishment was a perfectly fine cook but she had been spoiled by her proximity to the best. “I have heard that the cream teas are the best in the Wizarding community however.”
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Old 07-12-2024, 01:53 PM   #49 (permalink)

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

He really should not be so harsh on the Tsukiji Market seeing as it did host and boast some of the best and freshest seafood in Japan (some of his colleagues would say the world) and everything was treated with the utmost respect. The best sushi and sashimi could be found in the area as well and, perhaps...well, he really ought not get ahead of himself just yet - if not for his own sanity then for the sake of not riling up his old man more than he already was while waiting at home, likely reading by the fireplace, in anticipation for bombarding him with inquiries about how today had gone.

"I think there is one in every family. He may not seem it, but our Minister was the sole Gryffindor in a family of Slytherins." A dark past accompanied that status as well, one that tied into his relationship with his siblings, but it was one topic he would be dodging like bludgers - at least while they were in public. "Although, my younger sister did reveal to me in a moment of crisis around her fifth year that the Sorting Hat had nearly hatstalled with her while debating between Slytherin and Gryffindor." Which had surprised him and not given how ambitious she was, though he would have placed a bet on the potential hatstall being between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. He himself had, to perhaps no one's surprise, been a bit of a tossup between Hufflepuff - or at least the house had alluded to such during his anxious moments upon the stool in the Great Hall. "Does that mean Holly is a Ravenclaw like yourself or that she was sorted differently from Slytherin?" Her question caused a brief pause as he considered what the word hindrance meant to him personally, but the answer was almost immediate despite the pause to reflect. "Never a hindrance to be in the same house," he replied with a soft solemness uncharacteristic for what she knew of him thus far. "Perhaps more of a hindrance to my little brother once he got to Gryffindor because he was always compared to me...and by the time my little sister was attending Hogwarts...we all had already graduated." With little opportunity for much overlap in their school years, being in the same house or not mattered very little in the grand scheme of things with regard to family dynamics. Being at Hogwarts period had been a pleasure...all the hindrances occuring before his 11-year-old self had ever stepped foot into the castle. A topic of conversation he would be dodging like a bludger for the time being, or at least until they were in more private accommodations.

Ryu suddenly felt the extreme urge to smack his forehead with such force that his palm’s imprint remained. Of course, of course she was a Mediwitch and of course she had been there. Not only had he been literally told this tale by his old man during the whole ordeal that it was to get Ryu on this date, but he could also recall seeing her in passing during one of his security sweeps through the corridors to ensure that none of the Neo-Alliance had made it beyond their blockade. His cheeks scorched with his embarrassment as he hastily reached for his glass of lukewarm tap water that had been provided to the table a little earlier simply so that he could have something to occupy his hands and mouth so that he could think a bit more before he spoke next. He did take a sip from of the mediocre water before putting it back down on the table or else look even more ridiculous than he felt. “Thank you…for your service,” he spoke softly while reaching across the table to take one of her hands. “Those who wield wands are often those who receive the headlines in the Prophet and are the focus of the legacy but…without people like you in your profession…there would be no legacy to survive.” Unconsciously, though very much instinctively, his thumb began to rub the back of her hand tenderly while his gaze lingered upon her for several breaths before his attention was drawn away from her beautiful brown eyes to the plum blossoms in the vase before her. His hand slowly retreated back to his side of the table and he smiled as the scent of the blossoms seemingly wafted his direction - or perhaps it was simply the overpoweringly sweet scent from the kitchen here flooding his nostrils. “Then they are in good hands.” Good soft hands.

Ryu shifted a bit in his seat, his shoulders rolling before he rolled his sleeves up just above the elbow, and chuckled. “Not sure where to begin with Himitsumahou but…” He lifted a finger to point to the plum blossoms. “...the grounds and gardens are lined with plum blossom trees and cherry blossom trees, each blooming at a slightly different time of the year so for the entirety of spring the entire campus seems to have this ethereal pink glow to it.” Granted, not all of the plum blossoms were pink, those before her among those types, but the overall aurora of things did have a particularly pink sentiment. “We’re a sister school to Mahoutokoro, which is more renowned abroad due to its location I imagine. We’re located deep within a forest at the base of Mt. Fuji, the castle itself once being the secret imperial palace to the first emperor of Japan, Emperor Jimmu who was one of the wizarding world's first Seers.” By this point he had fully slipped into his headmaster persona, which was a mighty fine way to squander any romance that may have been gently simmering just a moment earlier. “It would be a millennia after Emperor Jimmu before they came about, but our methodology is based on the ancient samurai moral code of bushido, the way of the warrior,, which bears similarity to this country’s ideology of chivalry among knights though it is not a perfect parallel. Tabenakutemo kami no youni tsue o furuimasu …even if you have not eaten, wield your wand like the divine,” he further elaborated, his index finger tracing the school’s motto across the table as though he were writing the most elegant calligraphy with his touch. Something he realized he was doing another second later and cleared his throat while he stepped out of his metaphorical office and back into the date. “I also serve as the Defense Against Dark Arts professor, something my father likely has mentioned to you an unnecessary number of times, and run the school’s kendo club.

This would be the opportune moment to ask her about her professor and what she did, but his mind was now entirely too preoccupied with fretting over rambling on too much about Himitsumahou and then distracting himself with the menu - and menu which he felt so entirely out of his comfort zone with. Splashing kappas, he really ought to make more trips out to his second home of England seeing as he had nearly forgotten what a Cornish Pasty even was. “I am not even sure I can remember the last time I had one,” he chuckled while his gaze shifted between his cursory inspection of the menu and her features.”Perhaps an array of those with some tea then,” he nodded in agreement. “That seems to…round out the Puddifooot’s Dating Experience.” Well, save for all the canoodling some of the couples were doing - grindylows would be flying before he would ever be so brazen. "It has been a while since I've had a proper cuppa so...I am humbly at the mercy of your recommendation for what will best suited."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 07-12-2024, 08:57 PM   #50 (permalink)

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She imagined that the fish market would be quite the site to behold but that the smell couldn’t have been quite so pleasant. Despite feeling like a prize at an auction herself when it came to overbearing, or rather ‘involved’ parents, she did respect herself enough to think that she wasn’t fish-like in appearance at least. Nor was Ryu, the aroma coming from him was more of the woody, masculine type than the salty smell of the ocean. It was warm and comforting and she had better stop thinking about it before she found herself subconsciously leaning forward.

“Isn’t it strange how there are patterns within families when it comes to houses? I suppose it could support the ‘nature’ side of upbringing, that some people are genetically predisposed to certain familial personality traits.” And yet there were the outliers who did not conform to that theory. Ruby wasn’t so different from her family, her father could’ve quite easily been a Ravenclaw too but Slytherin had never been an option that had crossed the Sorting Hat’s thought process. “Did that mean your sister didn’t want to be a Slytherin?” she chuckled, feeling somewhat protective over the house that her family members had favoured and yet fully understanding, especially when looking at her brothers, why there could be some hesitancy towards its reputation. “Holly was a Ravenclaw. In fact she’s quite similar to me in many ways, just younger and far prettier.” She had that Russian look without even being genetically linked to the Broadmoors.

Ruby was second eldest and completely different to the cool, confident figure that her older sister Tabby exhumed that comparisons were seldomly made. “I assume that is a compliment to you, that you were too great of a student for him to keep up with?” she laughed softly. It was either that or he was a complete menace and she couldn’t imagine the man sitting before her to have caused a headache to his teachers. Amongst her siblings, Ruby was the sensible one who acted with her head and not with her heart. There perhaps would’ve been fewer conflicts had she been sorted with her siblings, at least as far as the twins were concerned.

She did not expect Ryu to remember or have even been told her vocation prior to the date so there was no harm in him forgetting that she might’ve been there. She was younger then too, having only been in her profession for a few years after graduation from university and with the thankful guidance of her mother by her side. She did not think herself worthy or important enough to warrant any public recognition for anything she had done. “No no no. I don’t deserve any legacy, I was just doing my job” she protested softly, her cheeks flushing a soft shade of pink as her hand was reached for, a strand of hair cascading down in front of her eyes as she glanced at their touching hands which she attempted to hide behind so as to not look like such a dork. ..if dork was a word kids still used these days? And then that thumb gently grazed the back of her hand and her stomach was filled with the fluttering of a thousand butterflies. She instinctively wrapped her spare arm over her tummy in response, as if the gentle pressure would somehow calm the nerves threatening to expose her inexperience again.

Grateful for the change in topic towards Himitsumahou of which Ryu seemed to speak of such eloquence and devotion, the former Ravenclaw was able to settle her anxieties and avoid speaking of herself for a moment. “That sounds ever so wonderful. I thought Hogwarts exhibited such beauty in her vistas but she distinctly lacks in pink.” Or much colour really other than the lush green of summer and the crisp white of winter as the backdrop to the graying stones of the castle. “You speak of your school with much fondness. I’m afraid I’m rather ignorant when it comes to knowledge of other Wizarding schools. I’m not particularly well traveled.” And that was okay, Ruby was very much a homebody who spent her time off at her childhood home rather than experiencing the world as she perhaps should have in her younger years. She was slightly entranced by the finger tracing, her head tilting to one side in an attempt to decipher what he was writing but failing quite drastically. “I wonder whether you have any time at all for yourself” She smiled fondly, recognising that need to remain busy in her own self.

“That would be sacreligious to admit in Cornwall” she laughed, lifting her eyes from the menu. Pasties however were not quite the fine cuisine that one typically engorges on during a first date, especially considering the origins of the food, nor was it a particularly polite food as eating with a knife and fork would be judged upon. “Just as long as you put the jam on the scone before the cream. I might have to leave should you do the opposite.” She caught his gaze, a glint in her eye from the tease hoping that he had at least some understanding of the centuries old debate. As for a decent cup of tea.. “I’m as plain as they come when it comes to my tastes I’m afraid, I much prefer a simple English breakfast tea to anything fancy.”
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