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Chooooo choooo! The Hogwarts Express has arrived at last (or has it???). Either way, you're almost to Hogwarts, so get off the train and get going to the school!
First years, follow the groundskeeper to the lake. Second years and up, go for the horseless (thestral-led) carriages. Don't forget anything on the train, because you won't see it for another 9 months!
Elliot felt her feet hit the ground...she stumbled a bit, but kept her footing and remained standing. Good job, Elliot. She knew Lottie was around here...poor girl...although, the little girl seemed to be excited about all this...Elliot, however, was a bit...worried. Why in the world had the train stopped? It was weird.
The blonde grasped her school bag a bit harder, and her knuckled whitened as she squeezed the handle of her bag harder..
She wondered where Ezra was. Where was Hannah as well? Hmph. She just really wanted to eat, now. And drink...and just sit down. Because she wasn't comfortable right now...and she wanted to be comfortable.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Sebastian stood on the platform of Hogsmeade station with a very excited Pepper who was bouncing around and trying to get off her lead. While Millie kept close to Sebastian's feet trying to keep out of Pepper's way. He had the feeling that when the students arrived that he was going to end up carrying the young wombat.
He checked his watch and the train should be arriving at any moment. He lent back against the sign that he had erected while quietly pleading for Pepper to behave herself.
He was almost as excited as Pepper was.
ooc: Okies I need to head to bed. I'll be back in about six or so hours. Please have your charrie make their way over to the Groundskeeper.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
That was an... experience.
Theodore landed on his knees, and he let out a loud yelp of agony. Of course, he wouldn't land on his feet. This was Theodore Kinsley, after all. Scrambling to his feet, the boy gave his knees a small rub, then instinctively went to follow the groundskeeper. But, oh wait... he was a second year now, HEHE. Adding a strut to his walk, Theo made his way to the carriages.
BUT - where was Blue? And where was his mummy to fix his poorly knees? He looked down, noticing a blood mark showing through his trousers. OH, nawt blood...
Don't cry, man. You're twelve now.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
For Baguette, Nomsy, Lamey, and Jacqui, and Kath :3
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
Alice felt her head hit the ground as she popped into Hogsmeade, along with the teddy bear portkey and the others hanging on to it. She immediately released the thing, and lowered herself to the floor again. She still couldn't walk, so she decided just to sit on the platform until she figured out someway to get to the carriage. Yeah. She would definitely have to visit the Infirmary before getting to the Feast. Her chocolate frog was safely in her pocket. Her broken leg was stretched out in front of her, the other crossed under it, slightly propping it up. Did anyone here know any healing spells?
And so, the lioness sat, helpless on the ground, waiting for someone to come help her. 'Cause if no one would, she needed a heads up so she could start crawling to school.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
♥Matella||Epic Canadian||Awesome Shipper|| Music Lover||Senators Fan||Kendrick♥
As soon as his feet had hit the ground, Patrick looked around to see that he was off the train safely and also that Orion had stayed with him; at least he had his bag of chocolate and his owl so that was a good start. Now what happens? That really was the question. He hadn't been used to this after all seeing as he had thought that train was to take the students to Hogwarts and not just break down half way through the trip, at least it looked like people had arrived safely; which had brought about the question of where Kendall was, he hadn't seen his friend since he left the compartment and wandered the train which made him wonder if she had got through safely. It wasn't going to be entirely worried about now as he had approached a carriage that seemed to be led by nothing, hmm.. perhaps it was something that not everyone could see which could have explained everything. But, now it was a matter of waiting to find out what was next.
When Em approached their destination, the girl attempted to do a proper landing, but that was hopeless. This was the girl that could even keep her own footing on solid ground; there was absolutely no hope in her gracefully striding to a halt. She took a step, stumbled, and hit the ground with a thunk. As she lay there on the ground, she looked up at her surroundings. They had made it. Correction, she had made it. She was one of the first to land, most of the others must have still been on the train, or in transport.
Rolling over and pushing up to where she was all fours, her stomach lurched. “Ugh, I think I’m gonna be sick.” She mumbled to her self, but after a moment it passed, and she got herself up.
Even though she had heard someone calling for them to make their way to the carrages, Em continued to take care of those around her. The kids from her compartment would come along soon, she knew that, so she turned to all the new faces. “Everyone okay?” she asked to those standing there. Seeing a smaller boy (Theo), the girl headed over to him. “Hey, you alright buddy?” she asked, placing her hand on his shoulder.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Feeling her body getting thrown roughly on the ground, Cassia opened her eyes as she fell on her knees failing to gain her balance. Aside from the nausea sensation she was feeling , her throbbing knees and the ringing in her ears….She was alright. She had used a portkey before and sadly it wasn't any better. Probably because was worried about what happened at the train and it was so unexpected that they would continue their journey via portkeys.
The second year rose up slowly ,looking around her. Few students were already here. Good then she didn't end up alone in a far dimension! She tried to straighten but her shoulders hunched down right away again. She hated how she felt worried and a bit afraid. This wasn't how she planned for herself to be in her second year. But the train wasn't supposed to stop suddenly as well! Cassia felt annoyed, it was all the train's fault.
Cassia walked closer to the bunch of students who landed here. She felt better being around people. She looked at the faces, seeing familiar faces would help to raise her spirit. You're ok Cassia, they have everything under control, She tried to convince herself.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'myours
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Elise gasped as she landed on her feet, very much off balance. Stumbling a little, she reached for the nearest things she could to stead herself. "OW!" she winced, pulling her arm back and using the other arm. Chancing a look at her arm, she shuddered to see a little bulge thing. Turning away, she decided she'd look for help.
Yeah. Help'd be nice.
So wandering around aimlessly, Elise tried not to look at her broken arm and focus on finding Healer Tillstorm. Or the pink headlady. Someone who'd help her with her arm, at least.
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
Even though she had heard someone calling for them to make their way to the carrages, Em continued to take care of those around her. The kids from her compartment would come along soon, she knew that, so she turned to all the new faces. “Everyone okay?” she asked to those standing there. Seeing a smaller boy (Theo), the girl headed over to him. “Hey, you alright buddy?” she asked, placing her hand on his shoulder.
Adding a very obvious limp to his step, Theo continued to walk to the carriages. His knees didn't hurt THAT bad, but a little attention seeking wasn't so bad, right? His heart skipped a beat when something held him on the shoulder. Was it one of those imaginary horses that people were always on about?!
After hearing a question hovering over him, the boy looked up at an older girl, who was touching him. Don't. Touch. But, she looked WAY old, so he wouldn't tell her off just yet.
"I-I'm okay... I just banged my knees on the floor." Not to even mention his foot injury from earlier today. Which actually had nothing to do with the train shenanigans - just plain Theo being a klutz. "I don't wanna look but I think they're bleeding..." Did Reparo work on this type of injury?
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
CARROTS! | 1/3 of the "oo" Trio | Directioner |Addy&JJ <3
Originally Posted by lemon
Alice felt her head hit the ground as she popped into Hogsmeade, along with the teddy bear portkey and the others hanging on to it. She immediately released the thing, and lowered herself to the floor again. She still couldn't walk, so she decided just to sit on the platform until she figured out someway to get to the carriage. Yeah. She would definitely have to visit the Infirmary before getting to the Feast. Her chocolate frog was safely in her pocket. Her broken leg was stretched out in front of her, the other crossed under it, slightly propping it up. Did anyone here know any healing spells?
And so, the lioness sat, helpless on the ground, waiting for someone to come help her. 'Cause if no one would, she needed a heads up so she could start crawling to school.
James landed with a heavy 'OOF' on the platform floor and found himself looking across at Alice. His eyes widened when he saw her leg and dragged his body towards her, not paying attention to his arm or ribs, which were both in a lot of pain.
"Alice...are you....are you okay?" he managed to say, out of breath and all. And breathing hurt because of his ribs.
James let his head drop to the ground and he groaned in pain. "Owww..."
Adding a very obvious limp to his step, Theo continued to walk to the carriages. His knees didn't hurt THAT bad, but a little attention seeking wasn't so bad, right? His heart skipped a beat when something held him on the shoulder. Was it one of those imaginary horses that people were always on about?!
After hearing a question hovering over him, the boy looked up at an older girl, who was touching him. Don't. Touch. But, she looked WAY old, so he wouldn't tell her off just yet.
"I-I'm okay... I just banged my knees on the floor." Not to even mention his foot injury from earlier today. Which actually had nothing to do with the train shenanigans - just plain Theo being a klutz. "I don't wanna look but I think they're bleeding..." Did Reparo work on this type of injury?
She could almost feel the boy go rigid under her touch. Right, she should have known better than to walk up behind someone and touch them. After all that had gone on on the train, she would probably stun the first person to touch her. Em nodded. "Mine too. The ground's not very soft is it?" Too bad someone hadn't placed a cushioning charm on the landing pad. "You want me to take a look? I've got a first aid kit."
Elliot felt her feet hit the ground...she stumbled a bit, but kept her footing and remained standing. Good job, Elliot. She knew Lottie was around here...poor girl...although, the little girl seemed to be excited about all this...Elliot, however, was a bit...worried. Why in the world had the train stopped? It was weird.
The blonde grasped her school bag a bit harder, and her knuckled whitened as she squeezed the handle of her bag harder..
She wondered where Ezra was. Where was Hannah as well? Hmph. She just really wanted to eat, now. And drink...and just sit down. Because she wasn't comfortable right now...and she wanted to be comfortable.
As soon as the world stopped spinning, Presley let og of the Portkey and stepped away looking for someone she knew. Elliot. Presley walked over to her and bluntly asked "What the hell was that? The train doesn't just break down!" If any student knew, it would be Elliot Morganzo.
"Uggh, that was not how I was planning to land..." Ariella groaned as she picked up her acking body off the the cobblestone platform which was quickly filling up with kids left and right via portkey. And yes she did say her body was acking, after all, this had to be the fifth time she had fallen in the last 24 hours, and the ground was not soft.
Brushing herself off, she looked around for any familair faces, but found none. She must have made it hear before them then. Ari continued to stand around until she spotted it. A Man leaning against a huge sign...
Originally Posted by Mell
Sebastian stood on the platform of Hogsmeade station with a very excited Pepper who was bouncing around and trying to get off her lead. While Millie kept close to Sebastian's feet trying to keep out of Pepper's way. He had the feeling that when the students arrived that he was going to end up carrying the young wombat.
He checked his watch and the train should be arriving at any moment. He lent back against the sign that he had erected while quietly pleading for Pepper to behave herself.
He was almost as excited as Pepper was.
ooc: Okies I need to head to bed. I'll be back in about six or so hours. Please have your charrie make their way over to the Groundskeeper.
This was obviously where Ari needed to go so she skipped over and stopped right in front of the man. There was still no sign of her friends so she sighed and looked up at the man, "I'm assuming your the groundskeeper? I'm Ari!" And then she noticed the small-ish black dog.
"Oh how cute!" Ari said as her voice got higher as she spoke to the doggy with her 'puppy voice', she ruffled his fur affectionatly, "And what's your name sweety?"
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
No, no, Elodie was certain that travelling by portkey would kill her, and in turn - make her toad explode. She'd be okay with the dying part, maybe. But Gemini couldn't explode. She couldn't let her baby explode. She loved him too much :3 Her meowing toad <3 The little ruckus on the train had left her terrified. Actually, the twelve year old had spent a few minutes curled up in the corner of the compartment she had been in...crying. And she'd heard shouting, and someone had mentioned blood, and of course she'd only paled at that, and quickly shoved her toad into her backpack and put that on. Gemini could survive on the chocolate in her bag.
Her head was spinning.
Or was the platform just spinning?
Els wasn't sure, but what she was sure of was that she was alive. Incredibly alive. Thank you. The unfamiliarity of portkey travelling had knocked the youngster to the floor on landing, but only a knock so she ended up on her bottom around other students feet. Forcing herself up to her feet, she gathered a little stability and patted down her hair. Okay, the whole landing on her bottom, she could deal with. But her hair was messy, and she didn't have a hairbrush to hand.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise gasped as she landed on her feet, very much off balance. Stumbling a little, she reached for the nearest things she could to stead herself. "OW!" she winced, pulling her arm back and using the other arm. Chancing a look at her arm, she shuddered to see a little bulge thing. Turning away, she decided she'd look for help.
Yeah. Help'd be nice.
So wandering around aimlessly, Elise tried not to look at her broken arm and focus on finding Healer Tillstorm. Or the pink headlady. Someone who'd help her with her arm, at least.
Bliss crashed down and fell forward again, she reached out her hands again without thinking and her possibly broken wrist collapsed under her weight. She cursed under her breath and promptly got up. She checked over Twitch, who was angrily hooting in her cage and she was ignoring the pain in her wrist all the while. Maybe it would be a good idea to try and find some help she thought, making her way around the platform. No one but students were here, the teacher must be somewhere else. Then she noticed a girl who looked lost...and in pain. "Hey," she said, approaching the girl slowly. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by lemon
Alice felt her head hit the ground as she popped into Hogsmeade, along with the teddy bear portkey and the others hanging on to it. She immediately released the thing, and lowered herself to the floor again. She still couldn't walk, so she decided just to sit on the platform until she figured out someway to get to the carriage. Yeah. She would definitely have to visit the Infirmary before getting to the Feast. Her chocolate frog was safely in her pocket. Her broken leg was stretched out in front of her, the other crossed under it, slightly propping it up. Did anyone here know any healing spells?
And so, the lioness sat, helpless on the ground, waiting for someone to come help her. 'Cause if no one would, she needed a heads up so she could start crawling to school.
Originally Posted by omnomnomRAWR
James landed with a heavy 'OOF' on the platform floor and found himself looking across at Alice. His eyes widened when he saw her leg and dragged his body towards her, not paying attention to his arm or ribs, which were both in a lot of pain.
"Alice...are you....are you okay?" he managed to say, out of breath and all. And breathing hurt because of his ribs.
James let his head drop to the ground and he groaned in pain. "Owww..."
Stumbling a bit when her feet hit the ground, Penelope landed on the platform relatively unhurt. Her knee was still a bit sore and probably starting to bruise, but it wasn't as painful to bend as when she'd first hit it. But it seemed not just Alice was hurt now, but James also. Merlin.
"You alright?" Penelope asked, directing the question at both of them though her eyes were scanning around the platform for a prefect or an adult to help them. Like that redheaded lady or the Ministry man. She hadn't seen them since the brief appearance on the train though. Were they even here? Hm.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
She could almost feel the boy go rigid under her touch. Right, she should have known better than to walk up behind someone and touch them. After all that had gone on on the train, she would probably stun the first person to touch her. Em nodded. "Mine too. The ground's not very soft is it?" Too bad someone hadn't placed a cushioning charm on the landing pad. "You want me to take a look? I've got a first aid kit."
"No, it's not." He said, sniffing a little. The more he spoke about the hard ground, and his bleeding knees, the more they hurt. Maybe it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. He hoped so, anyway. He narrowed his eyes on the girl when she mentioned a first aid kit. That did NOT sound legit.
Who carried a first aid kit around with them?
Theo didn't. Were people supposed to? "Sure..." He said, beginning to roll up one of his trouser legs. The most painful one, that is. Theo winced at the blood that was stuck to the fabric, but he yanked it free to reveal a lovely big wound. "Just don't touch unless you are a doctor." Otherwise, he would do it himself thank you.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Originally Posted by ForeverYours
Bliss crashed down and fell forward again, she reached out her hands again without thinking and her possibly broken wrist collapsed under her weight. She cursed under her breath and promptly got up. She checked over Twitch, who was angrily hooting in her cage and she was ignoring the pain in her wrist all the while. Maybe it would be a good idea to try and find some help she thought, making her way around the platform. No one but students were here, the teacher must be somewhere else. Then she noticed a girl who looked lost...and in pain. "Hey," she said, approaching the girl slowly. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.
Elise winced as she brushed against someone but continued looking. And practicing her speech in her head. Healer Tillstorm? I'm sorry I'm such a softie, and I get hurt so easily and I complain too much, but cold you please help me fix my arm? No, that just sounded wrong.
Hearing an angry hoot and a concerned voice, Elise looked up, wincing a little at the movement. "Hi," she smiled. "I'm okay. I guess. My arm seriously hurts tho-" she said casually before noticing the girl's purpling wrist.
"What happened?" she gasped. The last and only time her wrist was like that was when they were wrestling with Snargaluffs. And that was really painful. So... Maybe they could get help together?
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise winced as she brushed against someone but continued looking. And practicing her speech in her head. Healer Tillstorm? I'm sorry I'm such a softie, and I get hurt so easily and I complain too much, but cold you please help me fix my arm? No, that just sounded wrong.
Hearing an angry hoot and a concerned voice, Elise looked up, wincing a little at the movement. "Hi," she smiled. "I'm okay. I guess. My arm seriously hurts tho-" she said casually before noticing the girl's purpling wrist.
"What happened?" she gasped. The last and only time her wrist was like that was when they were wrestling with Snargaluffs. And that was really painful. So... Maybe they could get help together?
Bliss waited for the girl to react as she seemed to be in deep thought, perhaps wondering how to fix, well whatever was hurting her. Bliss knew she wanted, really wanted, to fix her wrist as soon as possible. She smiled as the girl looked up at her, but her smile was replaced by a look of worry as she saw that the girl winced at the movement. "Hey," she replied quietly and coughed trying trying to make her voice the normal volume again, but in reality she had been shook by the incident on the train. "That looks...bad. Did you do that on the train?" She asked, looking at the girl with concern. She probably got the injury on the train, just like Bliss did.
Bliss looked down at her wrist and gave a small gasp, she could've sworn it hadn't looked that bad when she'd last looked at it. It was now large and purple, in fact it had almost double in width. "I..ermm, well..when the train stopped, I fell forward and.." She gestured to her swollen wrist. It was obvious enough, right? "I don't know what to do know though," she said and sighed. She wasn't looking forward to being stuck with a probably broken wrist for ages.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
anyone, but special nods to Elodie & Alice :3
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi. HATED. Portkeys.
She had traveled by them enough times that one would imagine she should be able to land properly on her feet by now, but that wasn't the case. At least she didn't roll to a stop like she had done when she had arrived at Lewis' home over the summer. Especially when one considered that she was clutching a very VERY puffy and displeased Walnut right now.
Ears down, eyes the size of saucers, Walnut let out an exasperated meow that sounded more like a balloon deflating than anything else. "It's alright, Walnut, we made it," Kurumi said as she let go of the hula hoop and pushed herself up off the ground again.
Looking around the platform and seeing who all was there, Kurumi noticed the new groundskeeper who looked...a little more focused than the previous. Kurumi herded a few first years towards the man when she noticed Elodie on the platform looking...well...frightened. "Hey, you okay?" she asked, bending over and offering the young Hufflepuff her hand. Yes, she could latch on to it if she wanted. "How is Gemini holding up?"
Which was when she also noticed a small crowd gathered around someone...someone who looked like Alice. "Alice?! What happened to you?!" Kurumi exclaimed as she got a little closer. Oh...that...that did not look so good. "Alice, we need to get you to the Healer." There was no way Kurumi was capable enough to handle these sorts of injuries. "Here, take one of these. The sugar might help you feel better."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Elliot felt her feet hit the ground...she stumbled a bit, but kept her footing and remained standing. Good job, Elliot. She knew Lottie was around here...poor girl...although, the little girl seemed to be excited about all this...Elliot, however, was a bit...worried. Why in the world had the train stopped? It was weird.
The blonde grasped her school bag a bit harder, and her knuckled whitened as she squeezed the handle of her bag harder..
She wondered where Ezra was. Where was Hannah as well? Hmph. She just really wanted to eat, now. And drink...and just sit down. Because she wasn't comfortable right now...and she wanted to be comfortable.
Ouch much? Maybe Lottie hurt her left foot or something as she landed. But it was a rather good landing...for a first year.
Plus, they were all okay. So, everything was good? Good. Her eyes noticed the man standing with a sign specifically asking for them, first years, and that was her cue to leave Elliot's side. But, before..., "Thanks, Elliot," she said, with a smile. Before going off to the man with the sign.
Text Cut: Groundskeeper Gibbins!
Originally Posted by Mell
Sebastian stood on the platform of Hogsmeade station with a very excited Pepper who was bouncing around and trying to get off her lead. While Millie kept close to Sebastian's feet trying to keep out of Pepper's way. He had the feeling that when the students arrived that he was going to end up carrying the young wombat.
He checked his watch and the train should be arriving at any moment. He lent back against the sign that he had erected while quietly pleading for Pepper to behave herself.
He was almost as excited as Pepper was.
ooc: Okies I need to head to bed. I'll be back in about six or so hours. Please have your charrie make their way over to the Groundskeeper.
Okay. So, Lottie approached the man with the sign, and with a very serious look asked him...or rather assumed..., "I take it you're the Groundskeeper, yeah?" Still, man, no need to go and get them with a bunch of pets. Especially when other kids are bringing their own.
The girl turned to rummage through her bag. She knew that even if this kid didn’t need it, there were probably other kids that need bandaging up. Grabing hold of her first aid kit, she sat it on the ground, and knelt down in front of the kid. “Okay, Let me see it.” Once he had pulled up the pants leg, she should see where he had skinned his knee. “It doesn’t look to bad, Just a little raw and bloody. And it looks like your pants kept the wound pretty clean.” He didn’t want her touching it? er, okay. “It looks like it should be bandaged. If you want I can do it for you. I’m not a doctory, but I’m pretty good at it, I’ve had lots of pratice. But you can do it if you want, or I’m sure they have sent for the Healer, if you want to wait for her.”
Em looked up from the boy she was helping when she heard Kurumi in the distance. She would have to see if she could offer assistance when she was done here.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by Dan and Emma<3
The lioness was trying her best to calm herself down as the man from the ministry began his speech. It was good to know that the apple boy wasn't hurt with that train stopped all of a sudden. She tried hard not to panic, she really didn't experience such incident before and it was her first time being through that much...what was going on indeed? Was it some unfriendly attack from other wizards and witches? She held the Slytherin tight, that's what comforted her the most at this point.
"Right. So we simply touch them and we'll be transported to another place,"she repeated what the man and Gary has just said, make sure that she was correct because she really didn't want any accident to occur. It sounds really easy after all. Just a simple touch and that's all. She followed him to the television remote. At this point, she shouldn't be asking too many questions though as she knew that the professors and the headmistress would figure it out sooner or later and she shouldn't be doubting them.
She cling onto her own backpack as most of the important things are put in it. "Okay, here we go,"she said, taking a deep breath. "On the count of three. One, two...THREE!" She kept her eyes shut, awaiting for a whole new trip with those magical portkeys.
It would be an interesting one, for sure.
Tiffany and him had touched the portkey. "Don't worry, everything is gonna be okay." said him to her. His face still looked calm, Gary had experienced travelling with portkey and he admitted that wasn't nice. But they HAD to due the situation. Some people believed that portkey is the best choice in emergency. No longer after they touched it, the remote had dissapeared and sent them to the Hogsmeade station
The blonde guy landed at the station. He was settled at the ground. Fiuh. Then he checked at himself if there was injury or something. Luckily he was okay, one thing that made him a bit scared was his left shoulder started to injured again. Then he grabbed his backpack who was not too far from his position and decided to walk to the carriages. But wait... he almost forgot something..
"Tiffany!" Gary shouted and his blue eyes kept searching of that girl. Then suddenly he saw her was lying down at the ground, not too far from him. "You okay?" asked him. He extended his hand in order to help her.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
After what felt like being spun around with an invisible hook attached to his torso Vickers finally felt something solid slam against his feet, causing him to buckle on his knees. With the pet carrier under one arm and the bird cage in the other he completely lost his balance and toppled towards the ground.
So not thrilled getting re-acquainted with the ground so soon....
Amidst the angry squawking from the cockatoo and the anxious bark-whining of the dog the Ravenclaw pushed himself off the ground and dusted himself off. He looked around-- yup they were on the platform alright. This time of course without the usual organized chaos of disembarking from the train with their luggage and stuff. This was just chaos of people falling from the sky.
With a huff he picked up the bird cage and the pup buggy, peering to make sure his pets survived the trip with nothing worse but frayed nerves. When he stood up again he spotted the banner that directed First years in that direction, with a man standing beside it. Hmm, the new Groundskeeper perhaps?
He looked around and spotted Lottie "Train ride may have been interrupted but at least you still get your boat ride." he said as he passed by the young girl, trying to muster an encourage smile despite feeling all out of sorts so early in the term.
Guh, now where are those carriages?...
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes