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Hello Girls! I need to comment to the both of you. Alright, first Emily I loved your post!
Thanks, Connie!
This is so fun for the girls, but, the guys aren't having the same fun. I think it's great they are so sweet for it being hard for them to get in the game mind set. It's like they keep trying, but they don't like seeing another guys arm around their girl.
haha, I know :/ I think it's probably harder for Jamie because of everything that had happened...
And Emily....... as much as I hate to admit it. I do like Draco... a little bit.
Muahaha! Welcome to the dark side! J/k, I told you he isn't that bad
Great post Emily. I don't have to watch for the next post cause Abi has already posted.
Thanks, Connie Lol.
And I'm with Emily. I didn't know what the rock present was, but was going to thank you for it just to play along. Thanks for the explanation as to what it is.
Baha, I'm glad I wasn't the only one
Originally Posted by KatielovesHP
Let's get this party started!!!!!
I'm on board!
Me, Sophie and Kerri started back at school today!!! Exams A party will cheer us up (Sophie can't dance though.
Haha, school starts Wednesday for me. I'm not looking forward to it. And don't worry, Soph, I can't dance either
Okay, okay, I'm going!
Emily and Draco walked hand in hand into Hogsmeade village while Jamie and Alicia did the same. They were all a little stressed and glancing around at everyone. They were nervous about seeing Blaise, Emily especially.
Draco rubbed soothing circles onto the back of her hand with his thumb. “Everything will be fine,” he whispered as he kissed her hair. Emily nodded slowly as she glanced around again. Draco sighed quietly, watching her.
“At least Lucius won’t be here,” she whispered.
“I think you spoke too soon,” Alicia whispered as her eyes turned pink. Emily and Draco stopped dead in their tracks, staring at her.
“What?” Emily screeched, her voice raising a few octaves.
“He made a spur of the moment decision to make it so he could confront us. But we’ll meet Blaise first…” Alicia said quietly.
Emily’s heart beat in over time frantically. Draco squeezed her hand tightly, searching her face. “Maybe we should turn back now,” Emily whispered.
“I think it’s better if we get this over with,” Alicia disagreed.
Emily’s body was turned halfway into turning around while her feet faced forward into the village. Draco took her other hand, intertwining them. He pulled her closer into him into a hug.
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” Draco whispered as he kissed her forehead.
“Have we gone back to normal for good, then?” they heard Blaise ask from in front of them. Draco slowly pulled back from Emily to glare at him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Draco said, gritting his teeth.
“Oh, please, you can’t have thought that I wouldn’t catch on,” Blaise said.
“Well, you aren’t the brightest, so…” Alicia said sarcastically.
Zabini’s eyes narrowed at her before he turned back to Draco and Emily. “You may have confused me at first, but I caught on not before long… And Mr. Malfoy isn’t too pleased with your games, Draco,” Blaise said, smirking at Draco. Draco clenched and unclenched his fist. His jaw was hard as he glared at his former best friend. “I’d watch your back if I were you… He doesn’t seem happy,” Blaise laughed.
Draco’s hand twitched towards his wand, but Emily grabbed his hand. She shook her head at him and he sighed in defeat. With one more smirk, Blaise left the four of them standing there.
“Maybe we should go back to the school,” Emily whispered.
“It’s too late,” Alicia responded, her hair slowly turning black. Emily stared at her in shock as Alicia stared off into the distance. They followed her gaze, which led to a furious looking blonde man, his walking stick in his hand.
Emily’s hold on Draco’s hand became tighter as Lucius glared over at them. His eyes searched up and down Emily and Draco as his scowl became more pronounced. He slowly walked towards the four of them, his eyes burning into Draco’s face.
“Is there a problem, Mr. Malfoy?” asked a man as he intercepted his path. Emily gasped loudly as Remus Lupin came into view.
“Rems!” she exclaimed in surprise. He turned to face her with a grin on his face. Before turning back around, he winked at her.
“I don’t believe that is any of your business, Lupin,” Lucius sneered.
“When you bring my daughter into it, it is,” Remus disagreed. Emily held her breath as Lucius’s hand twitched toward his wand.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me, old man, I came to speak to my son,” Lucius said through gritted teeth. He walked around Remus and glared at Draco and Emily. Emily subtly stepped back slightly, sliding behind Draco.
“What is it, father?” Draco asked.
“Do you think I’m a fool, Draco? Did you think I would buy into your little games?” Lucius whispered dangerously. “You and your—friends,” Lucius turned to glare at all four of them, “will wish you never messed with me.” Emily’s breath caught in her throat.
“Is that a threat?” Alicia spat.
“No, it’s a promise, you filthy little Mudblood,” Lucius said.
“Hey! How dare you speak to her like that?” Emily shouted at him. She slid out from behind Draco, her hand clenched in a ball. “She’s a better person than you’ll ever be, Malfoy!” Jamie’s hand mirrored Emily’s as he glared at Lucius. Alicia held him back slightly so he wouldn’t anything rash.
“Don’t even get me started on you, Black,” Lucius growled. Draco’s jaw hardened.
“I think you’re finished threatening my daughter and her friends, Malfoy,” Remus snarled as he stepped in front of Emily and Draco. Remus glared at Lucius as stragglers contemplated on staying to watch or getting out of the way of a very angry and dangerous man. Lucius took a few steps back, glared at them once more, and then flew from the scene.
Emily exhaled in relief as the others eased up too. Remus turned to look around at her, his eyes falling on Draco for half a second.
“Can I talk to you? Alone?” he asked, glaring at Emily now. She nodded curtly as he walked past her.
“I’ll meet you guys at The Three Broomsticks,” she whispered as she kissed Draco’s cheek and followed after her Godfather.
“What the bloody hell were you thinking?” he asked, shaking with anger. He sat down on a stone bench and she sat beside him. “Lucius Malfoy, kid? Are you mental?” Emily didn’t answer. “And what’s with this Draco nonsense?”
“Rems, I love him,” Emily whispered.
“You lo-love him?” he asked incredulously. He shook his head quickly.
“Don’t even try to tell me what I do or do not know about love, Remus. I’m not an idiot and I’m not some kid. The mind games with Lucius were because he was having me followed in school. We were just having a bit of fun and trying to get him back.” Emily took his hand and squeezed it tightly.
“He could have hurt you. He could have killed you.”
“I wasn’t in danger.”
“How can you say that? He’s a Death Eater. He works with Voldemort.”
“I don’t give a damn who he works with. I knew that you’d be there to save me… You’re always there to save me. And I knew that Draco wouldn’t let anyone hurt me,” Emily said softly.
Remus breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm down. “Promise me you won’t do anything like this again,” he said quietly.
“I promise,” Emily replied simply. Remus nodded. “Oh and there’s one more thing… Draco’s coming to live with us,” she said quietly.
“What? If you honestly think that I’m going to allow your boyfriend to move in with—”
“He has nowhere to go, Rems. He can’t go back home…”
Remus sighed in defeat and Emily smiled. “Thanks, Rems,” she grinned.
“Uh huh, like you knew you wouldn’t win,” he muttered. Emily chuckled quietly as they made their way to the pub.
Hello Emily. I'm going to start off saying great post, because it was!
“At least Lucius won’t be here,” she whispered.
“I think you spoke too soon,” Alicia whispered as her eyes turned pink. Emily and Draco stopped dead in their tracks, staring at her.
Ahhhh. I was afraid of that. It's what makes sense afterall. He is the one having them spied on afterall.
“He made a spur of the moment decision to make it so he could confront us.
Ah! Well, so he wasn't planning on being there. It was just Blaise being stupid all along. I wonder what he hoped to accomplish.
“Is that a threat?” Alicia spat.
Alicia!!!!!!!!! There is a time one can... well never mind. There is never a time when a child (don't let your blood boil) can challenge an evil wizard when he is angry, and make things better.
“Oh and there’s one more thing… Draco’s coming to live with us,” she said quietly.
Hmmm... I don't see how this can work. But, the poor boy does need a place to stay. And who knows, this could be the thing that turns things around in the future.
Great post Emily. You are a very creative writer. Both of you are. I'll be watching for the next post.
Hello Emily. I'm going to start off saying great post, because it was!
Thanks, Connie
Ahhhh. I was afraid of that. It's what makes sense afterall. He is the one having them spied on afterall. Ah! Well, so he wasn't planning on being there.
Hehe, yeah, at least nothing horrible happened...
It was just Blaise being stupid all along. I wonder what he hoped to accomplish.
Umm, just to warn them and let them know he isn't an idiot...?
Hmmm... I don't see how this can work. But, the poor boy does need a place to stay.
You'll see
Great post Emily. You are a very creative writer. Both of you are. I'll be watching for the next post.
Thanks, Connie! That means a lot to me (and most likely Abi)
Alicia narrowed her eyes and glared at Lucius. Everyone else’s thoughts were fuming but his were downright murderous. She was used to the name calling from Draco before they became friends, so that didn't bother her. She gripped Jamie’s arm tighter as Remus started talking with Lucius. Once the Deatheater had backed off and vanished into the crowd, Remus and Emily walked off to talk. Draco led the way into the pub.
“I’m sorry about that” She jumped as Draco’s voice sounded beside her. “About him calling you that…” She smiled slightly.
“It doesn’t matter that much- you get used to it after three and a half years” She said, nudging him in the ribs. “Five butter beers please”
“Yeah- I guess I owe you an apology that too” He said as they stood at the bar. Alicia frowned at him as she passed over the money.
“No you don’t- at the time I was calling you an ar-” Alicia started but someone coughed loudly.
“Language…” Remus said as he and Emily stopped just behind them. Alicia grinned innocently at him.
“How’re you getting your stuff round Emily’s then?” She said, changing the subject as Madam Rosmerta put five cups in front of them.
“Eavesdropping?” Emily said, raising an eyebrow as they headed off for a table.
“You know Alicia- she couldn’t help herself” Jamie said, rolling his eyes. Alicia hit his arm.
“Well, I’m glad that you warned me about Lucius, Alicia- that could have been much worse” Remus said and Alicia glared at him.
“Alicia?” Emily and Jamie said together, turning to stare at her. She ducked under the table. “Ali- get back up here” Jamie said, pulling on her arm.
“Well… I wasn’t sure if he would listen to Draco so I decided to warn Remus about it- I didn’t know he was coming up here about it though!” She said, appearing back above the table, her face and hair a bright pink. Draco was laughing silently.
“I’m going to miss you, you know…” Alicia said as they headed down to meet Draco for the Leaving feast.
“Same here, Ems” Jamie said, reaching over and tousling her hair.
“I’ll miss you too, guys” Emily said as Alicia helped her fix her hair. “Apart from the hair messing thing- that’s going to get old soon” She said and Jamie laughed.
“It’s not my fault I’m so much taller than you- even Alicia’s taller that you, be ashamed” he laughed and Emily hit him on the arm.
“Hey- what’s the joke?” Draco said as he met then at the door. Jamie told him and he started laughing until Emily glared at him. “I mean- you’re not that short, love” He said quickly, making Jamie laugh again. Draco joined them at the Gryffindor table again, earning glares from other people around them.
“Oh!” Alicia dropped her fork as her eyes flashed pink. She blinked and then grinned. “You’re both coming round next week!” She said happily, looking across the table at Emily and Draco, who shrugged. “Everyone’s coming round mine! I’ll go tell the others!” She said, jumping to her feet and hurrying up the table towards the others.
“I was right- I am never going to get used to that” Draco muttered and Jamie laughed.
“Trust me, it’s worse over the summer- she finds out all sorts of things about the school year, then” He said, rolling his eyes.
“She’s unique in every way- that's why we love her” Emily said as she watched Alicia’s scarlet hair bob around half way up the table.
“She’s one of a kind alright- the world wouldn’t be able to cope with two of her, it'd explode” Jamie said, a smile on her face.
“And we’ve got forever to get used to her…” Draco sighed. “I bet that won’t be long enough” Emily laughed.
“I can hear you even when I’m all the way up there you know” Alicia said, dropping into her seat and tapping her head. Draco pulled a face, which she returned.
Once the feast was over and the sun had risen over the grounds for them to see one last time, the four friends made their way down to the station to get the train back home. The whole way they laughed and joked about what had happened throughout the year. Alicia sighed deeply and her hair darkened slightly just as the compartment door opened.
“What is it with you Slytherins? Can’t you understand English?” She said, not looking up from her book. “Go. Away. And. Leave. Us. Alone…”
“Why don’t you just shut up for once?” Pansy said as Blaise laughed. She seemed to be hiding behind him.
“If I were you, Zambini, I’d keep your dog on a lead- It's barking at me again” Alicia said calmly, turning a page.
“Maybe you should have a muzzle on-” Pansy spat, leaning round him.
“If I have to put this book down, you’ll be sorry” Alicia said, her eyes not leaving the page. They wasn't flashing across the page anymore.
“Enough, Alicia” Jamie muttered as Emily glared at Pansy.
“What do you want, Blaise?” Draco said, standing up.
“Nothing much, just wanted to see how blood- traitors travel on the train” Alicia snapped her book shut and grabbed Jamie as he stepped forwards. Blaise laughed.
“I suggest you leave. Now” Emily spat and Pansy shot her a hate filled look.
“Now” Alicia repeated as her hair turned pitch black. Blaise shot another look at Draco, smirked at Jamie and then led Pansy away. Jamie walked forwards and shut the door. Alicia returned to her book, her hair slowly turning scarlet again. “Don’t forget- Wednesday next week, my house”
I couldn't help myself! I just HAD to post...
Maybe it's the fact this I'm posting again that's got me so excited?
Hope you like it!
I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror
Go Abi!! Briliiant post!! Can't wait for Wednesday
I have a secret...
Originally Posted by Connie
Hello Abi. I was wondering if the time and place has been set for the wedding.
Erm... Actually, we're gonna make it quite a long engagement... I turn 18 in november and he's just turn 17 today so... It also doesn't help that I haven't really told anyone apart from you all... The first thing I did was put it on Facebook...
Originally Posted by Connie
This is probably my favorite line in the whole post.So it seems more goes on with Alicia than anyone knows.And I'm sure it was a very smart thing to do.
I'm glad you like it...
Alicia is a very smart girl, but Remus is smarter
Originally Posted by Connie
Next Wednesday is a long way off yet! Can't wait to see what happens then.
Very nice post Abi. I'll be watching for the next.
Next wednesday? Do you really think me and Emily will make you wait that long?
Oh, I forgot...
I missed that...
I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror
Ooohh...is it a gossipy secret or about the post??
It's about the story...
I can't tell you though...
Emily will KILL me!
You'll find out in due course though!
I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
OHMYGOODNESS!!!! I have missed way too many posts so I'll start off with Emily's
Draco is so cute!!!!! And I absolutly hate him in Abi's other Fan fic
“And what’s with this Draco nonsense?”
“Rems, I love him,” Emily whispered.
“You lo-love him?” he asked incredulously. He shook his head quickly.
“Don’t even try to tell me what I do or do not know about love, Remus.
Aww... If she really means it then that is sooo cute! Remus may have to accept that she's falling in love... OMG! I just realised but I can sense that something bad is going to happen soon, things are too nice.... Am I right???
And Now Abi's post...They were both great btw girls. I loved them both
“It’s not my fault I’m so much taller than you- even Alicia’s taller that you, be ashamed” he laughed and Emily hit him on the arm.
Hey don't pick on us wee uns! I swear I have stopped growing cause everyone else is getting taller. This was cute. I think I now just prefare Jamie as Emily's adopted big brother! It was siblingish (Emily's word-I just borrowed it! )
Great Posts Girls. Sorry I missed them-Busy and stuffs PAMS!
“Wake up, sunshine,” Emily sang as she crept into Draco’s room. He stirred, grunting slightly in his sleep. Emily giggled before jumping on top of him.
“Wuzzgoinon?” he said groggily, jumping into a sitting position, which pushed Emily off to the floor. He opened his eyes slowly and looked around.
“Down here,” Emily panted, struggling on the floor. “I was coming to surprise you,” she said with a scowl.
“Sorry, love,” Draco said as he helped her off the floor. She snuggled up into his side as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Good morning,” she said happily, kissing his neck.
“Mmmm, it is a good morning so far,” he whispered, kissing the top of her hair. “What’s on the agenda today?”
“It’s Wednesday… We have to go to Ali’s,” Emily replied with a sigh.
“We could skip it,” he said hopefully, holding her tighter against his chest.
“And risk Ali hunting us down and killing us off,” she said, raising her eyebrows. “I think we’d better go today,” she sighed.
“I guess, though I’d rather just stay here with you…” he suggested.
“Not happening, babe,” she chuckled. He sighed again. “Besides, it’s not till later today… We do have all morning,” she said as she twisted in his arms to kiss him.
“Mmmm, good thing,” he whispered as he knotted his hand in her hair, kissing her silky lips. He flipped them over on the bed so that his body was towering over hers. She tangled her legs around his waist and traced his lips with her fingertips.
“Good thing Rems had to leave earlier this morning,” she whispered. Draco smirked slightly, about to kiss her when—
“Think again,” Remus said angrily from the doorway. Emily and Draco scrambled in the bed, Draco falling off the side of the bed and onto the floor.
“Remus!” Emily exclaimed in horror.
“I forgot something and had to come back for it. Good thing, too,” he growled, glaring at Draco.
“I, er, I’m really sorry, professor,” Draco said quietly, not meeting his ex-teacher’s eyes.
“You should be,” Remus growled.
“Don’t apologize, Draco… This was all me, Remus, honest,” Emily said as she scooted off the bed and helped Draco stand.
“Downstairs. Right now.” Remus shook with anger as he glared at Emily. “And you,” he said, pointing at Draco, “stay.” Draco nodded quickly as Emily followed Remus downstairs.
“Before you say anything, Remus,” Emily started sheepishly as Remus glowered at her. She cringed at his look of fury. “It’s not like it was going much further… And it was only kissing… And…and…and,” Emily didn’t know what to say at all. Remus narrowed his eyes at her as sweat beads formed at her hairline.
“And? And you’ve betrayed my trust, Emily James Remus Amelia Sirius Black!” Emily sighed as he spat her full name out. “What were you thinking? Under my roof? Aren’t you pushing it? I let him stay here! How dare you just think that you can do whatever you bloody want under my roof!” he yelled at her. Emily gulped loudly as he fumed.
“Remus, we weren’t really doing anything, honest. I’m sorry if you believe I’ve betrayed your trust, but I don’t see it like that at all… We didn’t do anything, Remus, just messing around. And I’m thankful you let him stay here, especially after everything with his father… I get that I’m lucky to have you and Sirius and everything, and I get what it must have looked like to you, but you can trust me. You did raise me right, Rems. I’m not going to break your trust,” Emily said, a pleading expression on her face. He seemed to be calming down, so she took a tentative step forward.
“You can trust me, Rems,” Emily repeated.
“I know,” he said, heaving a great sigh. Emily sighed in relief as his angry look went away. “Never do that again, understand?” Emily nodded. “And you two aren’t allowed in each other’s rooms!” Emily smirked slightly.
“Okie dokie,” she said happily. He gave her another stern look before going back to his bedroom to grab whatever he left. He kissed her forehead, warned her again, and then left the house.
After he was out of sight, Emily ran back up the stairs and into Draco’s room. He stood up quickly, an apologetic smile on his lips. She rolled her eyes and ran into his open arms.
“I’m sorry I got you in trouble,” he whispered into her hair.
“Don’t be, it’s fine,” she said quietly. “Follow me though,” she added, tugging on his hand. They made their way to the living room.
Draco raised his eyebrows at her. “Remus said we’re not allowed in each other’s rooms,” she explained quickly.
“Oh,” he said quietly.
“So, now we’re technically not breaking any rules,” she said as a grin crept onto her face. She pulled him down onto the sofa with her and sat in his lap.
“Are you sure we should be doing this, Ems? I don’t want to upset Professor Lupin…” Draco said quietly, exasperation creeping into his tone. Emily smiled at how cute he looked when he worried.
“He’s already gone. And will you please stop calling him Professor Lupin? It sounds strange. Call him Remus or just plain Lupin,” Emily suggested. Draco nodded faintly, worry still evident in his features.
Emily smoothed out the scrunch between his eyebrows from his worrying. Her fingertips traced along his jaw and then over his lips. He sighed at her touch before she leaned in and kissed him full on the lips.
Around noon, the two started getting ready to go to Alicia’s house. Remus had returned, so Draco would barely touch Emily. She tried to keep from smiling when he would scoot away from her on the couch, but she couldn’t help it. He was nervous and jumpy, and completely cute.
“Remus, can we go yet?” Emily asked again. Remus sighed but nodded. He Apparated them to Alicia’s house, where everyone was already waiting.
Alrighty, let me know whatchya think! And TAGGGG!!!
“Wuzzgoinon?” he said groggily, jumping into a sitting position, which pushed Emily off to the floor. He opened his eyes slowly and looked around.
“Down here,” Emily panted, struggling on the floor. “I was coming to surprise you,” she said with a scowl.
So funny. Keeping it real! Great!
“Good thing Rems had to leave earlier this morning,” she whispered. Draco smirked slightly, about to kiss her when—
“Think again,” Remus said angrily from the doorway. Emily and Draco scrambled in the bed, Draco falling off the side of the bed and onto the floor.
“Remus!” Emily exclaimed in horror.
Of course you know I like this part. You probably thought when you wrote it, 'Connie will love this.' Teasing of course. But I do love it when things are put back in order. I don't like it when there is sneaking going on.
Around noon, the two started getting ready to go to Alicia’s house. Remus had returned, so Draco would barely touch Emily.
How cute is that?
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for the next. (And I really was teasing about where I said you probably wrote that part thinking I'd love it.)
Of course you know I like this part. You probably thought when you wrote it, 'Connie will love this.' Teasing of course. But I do love it when things are put back in order. I don't like it when there is sneaking going on.
Haha, I did know you'd like it
How cute is that?
I knew you'd warm up to Draco
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for the next.
Thanks, Connie
(And I really was teasing about where I said you probably wrote that part thinking I'd love it.)
It's okay, I think it's funny and I did know you'd like that part
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Hey Emily! Another Great Post!!! It was rather funny
“Good thing Rems had to leave earlier this morning,” she whispered. Draco smirked slightly, about to kiss her when—
“Think again,” Remus said angrily from the doorway.
rotfl Aww that would be so typical, though I mast say, I'm surprised at Emily! It is so funny though
“Never do that again, understand?” Emily nodded. “And you two aren’t allowed in each other’s rooms!”
Ok Remus, I can understand your disgust and anger-I would to if Emily was my daughter, but however she's not- but where do you want them to be all wrapped up? On the dining room table? In full view for everyone to see?
“Remus, can we go yet?”
I really liked this wee line. I think it shows that Emily may be growing up and find herself in adult situations, however she still relies on Remus for lots of things like taking her to Ali's house. A bit like us muggles when we say "Daddy, can we go now?" Because we need a lift somewhere and don't have a drivers licence.
PAMS, Emily. Great stuff. I'm watching for Abi's post now *pitches tent*
Soph x
Last edited by Morag; 08-21-2010 at 08:22 AM.
Reason: the thing posted and I wasn't even finished!