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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
Oh my goodness!!!! That was by far my favorite post yet!!!! It was so cute, it reminded me of Twilight, actually. Ha ha! It kind of reminded me about how Edward and Bella are in the books. Anyway... George and Emily were adorable!!! And seven kids kind of makes sense... since Emily was an only child and George was in a family of seven. They're so cute together... and in love. I love it!!!! You have to PAMS or I'll die of impatience!!! I need more love!!! Ha ha! Excellent post, Emily! PAMS!
"Why love if losing hurts so much? We love to know that we are not alone." - C.S. Lweis
Oh my goodness!!!! That was by far my favorite post yet!!!!
Awe, thanks, Kit
It was so cute, it reminded me of Twilight, actually. Ha ha! It kind of reminded me about how Edward and Bella are in the books.
Reallllyyy? I never thought about that before. I love twilight, so I'm okay with that
Anyway... George and Emily were adorable!!! And seven kids kind of makes sense... since Emily was an only child and George was in a family of seven. They're so cute together... and in love. I love it!!!!
Awe, thanks, I'm glad you like it
You have to PAMS or I'll die of impatience!!! I need more love!!! Ha ha!
baha, I'll post tomorrow, so don't die *points finger*
Emily and George awoke after a peaceful sleep in each other’s arms. He kissed her hair as Fred walked into the room.
“Ever heard of knocking?” Emily asked as she pulled the covers up to her neck.
“Not since it’s my room too,” Fred replied with a smirk. “Don’t bother covering up—George has already described every freckle on your body.” Fred grinned widely as she threw a pillow at him.
“Fred!” George shouted rather loudly, going pink in the face. Fred sniggered as he picked the pillow back up and threw it back at Emily. Emily’s face grew rather red as she tried to hide her face in George’s neck.
“Calm down. She is my sister now, so who cares?” he laughed. “Anyway, everybody else is awake and waiting for you in the kitchen. And Remus said something about house shopping,” Fred said.
“Oh, okay, thanks,” Emily said quietly. George handed her his T-shirt and she put it on over her lacy bra while under the covers.
“What exactly are you doing down there?” Fred asked through laughing.
“Fred! Get out,” George said, his blush creeping back to his cheeks. Emily emerged from the covers, her face extremely red. Fred laughed and then left the room. Emily started getting out of bed, but George pulled her back.
“Come back to bed,” he begged.
“We have to get ready. Remus and everybody is waiting,” she giggled as he kissed her neck. “George, you’re making it really hard for me to want to go get ready,” she whispered.
“Good, it’s working,” he whispered seductively.
“George, we have to take...showers,” she said quietly.
“You know we really should be trying to save water... Maybe we should take one shower, together,” he suggested hopefully as he nibbled her ear.
“Well, I don’t want to waist hot water,” she said, giving in to him. George picked her up and carried her to the bathroom as quietly as they could manage.
“George! George, put me down!” Emily yelled through giggles. He had just grabbed her round the middle and threw her over his shoulder. “You’re going to make us fall down the stairs!” she exclaimed, her wet hair staining the back of his shirt.
“I think you’re thinking of Tonks, Ems. I’m not clumsy,” he laughed.
“If we trip, it’s your fault,” she laughed as the blood rushed to her face.
George landed with a thud on the floor. He set her down, fixing the part in her hair. He kissed her forehead and then they walked hand in hand to the kitchen where everyone decided to stare.
Emily was wearing a pair of sea foam green shorts and a white v-neck shirt. George was sporting a pair of khaki shorts and a blue button down shirt.
“Since when did you start wearing muggle clothes?” Bill asked suspiciously.
“Ever since he got married,” replied Fred with a grin. “Wa-chhh,” he said as he made the motion of a whip with his hand. Emily glared at him and stuck out her tongue.
“Very lady like,” Remus chuckled.
“I try my best,” she said with a smile. “You’re just jealous that George looks better,” Emily said, staring at Fred.
“Right, I don’t think I’m jealous of him being whipped,” Fred said with the roll of his eyes.
“He is not whipped!” Emily said crossly. Everyone in the room chuckled as her ears turned pink.
George wrapped his arm around her waist, his hands resting on her stomach. She intertwined her hands with his and he kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry, love, if this is what being whipped feels like, then I certainly don’t mind it,” he chuckled in her ear. Emily giggled as he kissed her neck some more.
“Not in front of the family,” she whispered.
“Oh alright,” he sighed with a smile. Emily giggled, as did Hermione and Ginny. Fred rolled his eyes as Ron side glanced at Hermione. He flushed a light pink and then brought his attention back to his bacon.
“What’s for breakfast?” George asked cheerfully.
“Bacon, eggs, and toast,” replied Mrs. Weasley.
“Mmmm,” Emily said. George made them a huge plate to share and George sat down, pulling Emily into his lap. She sat sideways on his lap, wrapping her arm around his shoulders.
“Do you want to leave after we’re done eating, Rems?” Emily asked.
“Er, yeah, that will be fine,” he said as he continued reading a copy of the Prophet.
*So, if more than half of you comment, I'll post another bit before I leave tomorrow. Then next post will be the house I hope you enjoyed and please comment
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“Ever heard of knocking?”
Obviously not
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“Don’t bother covering up—George has already described every freckle on your body.”
Oooo....Fred is sooooo cheeky-We still love him though !
Originally Posted by emilyblack
Emily’s face grew rather red as she tried to hide her face in George’s neck.
I bet, she wished she could just stay there forever
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“What exactly are you doing down there?” Fred asked through laughing.
Fred, two words-GET OUT!
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“You know we really should be trying to save water... Maybe we should take one shower, together,”
Good for them! Yes, saving the enviroment is they're number one priority
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“Ever since he got married,” replied Fred with a grin.
Aww...Is Fredrick jelous. Don't woory Fred if no-one wants to marry you, I will
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“Bacon, eggs, and toast,” replied Mrs. Weasley.
Mmmm...Now I'm hungry *goes to raid fridge*
Originally Posted by emilyblack
*So, if more than half of you comment, I'll post another bit before I leave tomorrow.
Ok everyone leave a comment or so help you I'll hunt you down and make you post j/k- but seriously leave a comment, why wouldn't you, Its a great story! XD
Oooo....Fred is sooooo cheeky-We still love him though !
Hehe, I love Freddie
I bet, she wished she could just stay there forever
I know I do
Good for them! Yes, saving the enviroment is they're number one priority
Baha, it's everyone's number one priority, right?
Aww...Is Fredrick jelous. Don't woory Fred if no-one wants to marry you, I will
Baha, I'll pass that along I'm sure he'd like it
Mmmm...Now I'm hungry *goes to raid fridge*
Haha, when I was editing it to post, I got really hungry at that point too
Ok everyone leave a comment or so help you I'll hunt you down and make you post j/k- but seriously leave a comment, why wouldn't you, Its a great story! XD
Hello Emily. Hope you're having a great time. Anyway, I hope I wasn't the one who delayed your post till you gor back. I didn't get to get on SS till after 11:00 PM. Everyone has already commented on what I was going to sy. So, I'll just say ditto to what Sophie said. I will say though that Fred is a pill!
Great post. I'll be watching for your next, and I do hope you're having a great time and making great memories.
Hello Emily. Hope you're having a great time. Anyway, I hope I wasn't the one who delayed your post till you got back. I didn't get to get on SS till after 11:00 PM. Everyone has already commented on what I was going to say. So, I'll just say ditto to what Sophie said. I will say though that Fred is a pill!
Great post. I'll be watching for your next, and I do hope you're having a great time and making great memories.
Hehe, thanks, Connie Fred is a pill, but quite funny
Since I have a few minutes before my friends get here to pick me up, I have time to post the next bit
Emily, George, and Remus Apparated to the outskirts of Shell Cottage together, on Sandy Lane. Emily glanced around and noticed the familiar atmosphere.
“Remus, this is so close to where we live. Why didn’t you ever take me to it?” she asked with an air of irritation.
“I wasn’t ready to tell you,” he said quietly. Emily nodded vaguely. Remus started down the street as Emily and George followed after him. George pulled Emily into his side, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, her arm stretching around his waist. He kissed the top of her head and smiled.
“It’s beautiful here,” he said as he glanced at the ocean view. The sun sent rays sparkling across the water.
“Mmmhmm,” she answered.
“I think you’ll love the house,” Remus shouted back at them. He stopped suddenly and turned left into a driveway. Emily glanced at George.
Large trees with moss drooping down swayed in the breeze, covering the house. Emily and George turned onto the drive. Emily caught her breath as George smiled widely. The house was painted a light sea foam green; the front door made of glass. The stone pathway was lined with lilacs, lilies, and roses. Emily looked up at the two-story house, the welcome mat under the front door. She smiled at the beauty of her would-be childhood house. George tightened his grip on her shoulder and led the way to Remus, who was standing on the adorable porch. The porch had two rocking chairs and a porch swing. The shutters around the windows were painted a faded light green.
Remus held the door open for them, and they walked in slowly. Emily’s eyes were wide as she looked around the living room. Pictures of her as a baby were sitting on the mantle above the cozy fireplace. There were even a few of her and Harry on the walls. A tear fell from Emily’s eye as she stared at a picture of both of her parents, her mother holding her after she was born. They were waving her hand, smiling widely. Amelia and Sirius Black couldn’t look happier as they held their daughter in their hands for the first time.
Emily looked around the room. The couch and matching furniture were a bit outdated for her taste, but the house looked like it was well kept for. Emily didn’t see a spot of dust and everything was neat and organized. There was a large shelf that stretched the length of the walls, which were a sky blue. Remus picked up a picture frame from an end table.
“This is one of my favorite pictures,” he whispered. Emily went to inspect, George right behind her.
“Awe, you look adorable, Ems,” George whispered in her ear. It was a picture of Lily, James, Sirius, Amelia, Remus, Harry, and Emily. Amelia and Lily were in front, holding their babies. They were all laughing like one big happy family.
“I’ll have to get a copy for Harry,” she said quietly as she smiled down at a smiling her.
“Come on, let me show you the kitchen,” Remus said, walking through an arched doorframe.
Remus showed Emily and George the remainder of the house. It had seven bedrooms, an entertainment room, a dining room, living room, kitchen, four and a half baths, and a finished basement. It was huge and gorgeous.
“So, what do you think?” Remus asked as they all sat down in the living room.
“I think it’s amazing,” George said.
“I love it,” Emily agreed.
“Well, then, I guess welcome to your new home,” he bellowed with a happy smile. “This calls for a round of drinks,” he said as he pulled out his wand. With a small swish, three Butterbeers appeared and zoomed into their hands.
“I’m so excited!” Emily gushed. “I can’t wait to get my hands on it!”
“Me too,” George said. “Let’s go tell everybody!” George exclaimed happily.
The three of them Apparated back to the Burrow around two in the afternoon and spread their news. Everybody squealed their delight except for Mrs. Weasley.
“Don’t you think it would be better to get an apartment for the first year?” she asked seriously after Emily and George told her.
Emily fidgeted with her shirt, not meeting her eyes while George exploded. “What is your problem?” he shouted.
*Hehe, I'll leave it there and I'll see you on Sunday! Tell me whatchya think
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“It’s beautiful here,” he said as he glanced at the ocean view. The sun sent rays sparkling across the water.
Yep..it looks beautiful, I can just see it in my head
Originally Posted by emilyblack
Large trees with moss drooping down swayed in the breeze, covering the house. The house was painted a light lime green; the front door made of glass. The stone pathway was lined with lilacs, lilies, and roses. Emily looked up at the two-story house, the welcome mat under the front door. The porch had two rocking chairs and a porch swing. The shutters around the windows were painted light yellow.
Aww. It sounds lovely. Really homey. I can't wait untill they move in.
Originally Posted by emilyblack
A tear fell from Emily’s eye as she stared at a picture of both of her parents, her mother holding her after she was born. They were waving her hand, smiling widely. Amelia and Sirius Black couldn’t look happier as they held their daughter in their hands for the first time.
Aww don't cry Emily. I'm sure your mum and daddy wanted youu to be happy in this house.
Originally Posted by emilyblack
It was a picture of Lily, James, Sirius, Amelia, Remus, Harry, and Emily. Amelia and Lily were in front, holding their babies. They were all laughing like one big happy family.
Aww, thats cute
Originally Posted by emilyblack
It had seven bedrooms,
So how many children did you say they had planned???
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“Well, then, I guess welcome to your new home,”
Congratulations Emily and George!
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“Don’t you think it would be better to get an apartment for the first year?” she asked seriously after Emily and George told her.
Molly, Molly , Molly! Why should they get an appartment? I'm sorry but Mrs. Weasley-I really don't see your logic here. I warned you before. This is your last chance as I'm feeling nice today, but seriously get it stopped!
Originally Posted by emilyblack
Emily fidgeted with her shirt, not meeting her eyes while George exploded. “What is your problem?” he shouted.
Does Mrs.Weasley purposlly make Emily feel like that. And BTW Go George good or you standing up to her. Its about time someone did. So what is her problem.
Originally Posted by emilyblack
*Hehe, I'll leave it there and I'll see you on Sunday! Tell me whatchya think
Emily have fun on your trip Deary! Hurry back for Sunday though. I can't wait to find out whats going to happen! PAMS. (anychance of a wee spoiler before you go? Please?)
S x
Wish I Was In Florida! | The Avengers | Music | HP Boxset - my life since Xmas! | Luna Lovegood
Great work. Why did you have to go
Sophie, you hit the spot. The house is perfect for the amount of kids they want Well, there is one less bedroom so not everybody gets their own but I guess if twins happen they can share. YES EMILY THATS ANOTHER HINT
Go George You tell her!!!!
You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you. And I'll keep you a daydream away, Just watch from a safe place, So I never have to lose.
Ugh, Emily! Must you always do this to us? Leave a cliffhanger, and then leave until Sunday!!! =[ That's not fair!!! I have a feeling that George is standing up for Emily here, which is so adorable... but I'm worried it might put some tension with the family. I guess I won't know until Sunday... UGH! Ha ha... you evil, evil person! =P Anyway... I loved this post, as usual. The house seems really pretty, I wish I lived there! Ha ha! Please PAMS as soon as you can! I'm dying from the suspense... =D
"Why love if losing hurts so much? We love to know that we are not alone." - C.S. Lweis
Wow it really seems like mrs weasley doesn't want George to be happy I mean like what George said what is her problem ? Any way great chapter hope you have fun with you friends
Hello Emily. The house sounds wonderful, except not fond of the yellow shutters. But, hey I'd be thrilled with them if it meant it was mine for free! No wonder Remus always looked tired if he was the one doing the upkeep all the time. Seriously though, it is a beautiful home.
“Well, then, I guess welcome to your new home,” he bellowed with a happy smile.
I love Remus for caring so much for their happiness.
The three of them Apparated back to the Burrow around two in the afternoon and spread their news. Everybody squealed their delight except for Mrs. Weasley.
“Don’t you think it would be better to get an apartment for the first year?” she asked seriously after Emily and George told her.
I know everyone will hate me here, but, it's always the mom who has to have the voice of reason. It isn't my story, but, I'm thinking Molly is just wanting to make them think about the responsibility such a large house would be. They would be responsible for the up keep, instead of the landlord having the expense, and time it will take to keep care of it. She just wants them to be able to enjoy each other, and save their money for the first year, so they don't become a slave to their house. Those big houses take a lot of money to take care of, and outfit with new furniture. I just feel badly for Molly.
Great post Emily. Hope your having fun. I'll be wathing for your next post.
Aww. It sounds lovely. Really homey. I can't wait untill they move in.
Thanks I never feel like I can describe things well, so I hope I did okay
So how many children did you say they had planned???
I was actually waiting for this comment
Molly, Molly , Molly! Why should they get an appartment? I'm sorry but Mrs. Weasley-I really don't see your logic here. I warned you before. This is your last chance as I'm feeling nice today, but seriously get it stopped!
I tried warning her about you, Sophie, but she just wouldn't listen... She seems to think she can take you. *shrugs shoulders*
So what is her problem.
It's just the mother thing. She's trying to look out for her kids. And they are super young and newly weds. She just wants what's best for them is all. but sometimes she needs to realize that George and Emily know what's best for themselves.
Emily have fun on your trip Deary! Hurry back for Sunday though. I can't wait to find out whats going to happen! PAMS. (anychance of a wee spoiler before you go? Please?)
S x
Thanks, Sophie It was fun, though I did get burnt Sorry I couldn't get you that spoiler, but I am posting tonight
Originally Posted by KatielovesHP
hehe, good news, Katie?
Great work. Why did you have to go
Haha, thanks, Katie I'm sorry, but I'm back now
Sophie, you hit the spot. The house is perfect for the amount of kids they want Well, there is one less bedroom so not everybody gets their own but I guess if twins happen they can share. YES EMILY THATS ANOTHER HINT
Baha, And I was waiting for this comment as well. I refuse to give anything away.
Originally Posted by Chocolatier
Ugh, Emily! Must you always do this to us? Leave a cliffhanger, and then leave until Sunday!!!
Yesh, I must
=[ That's not fair!!!
I sorry Butttttt, I'm back!
I have a feeling that George is standing up for Emily here, which is so adorable... but I'm worried it might put some tension with the family. I guess I won't know until Sunday... UGH! Ha ha... you evil, evil person! =P
Hehe, it's Sunday I shall post tonight
Anyway... I loved this post, as usual.
Thanks, Kit
Please PAMS as soon as you can! I'm dying from the suspense... =D
Tonight, tonight!!
Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L)
Wow it really seems like mrs weasley doesn't want George to be happy I mean like what George said what is her problem ?
Well, she wants him to be happy. She just thinks what;s best for him is different than what Emily and George know is best for them.
Any way great chapter hope you have fun with you friends
Thanks, Kerri! And I definitely did! The beach was awesome
Originally Posted by Connie
Hello Emily. The house sounds wonderful, except not fond of the yellow shutters.
Hehe, I usually don't like yellow either. but it's a pale, pale yellow...
But, hey I'd be thrilled with them if it meant it was mine for free!
Haha, me too, Connie, me too
Seriously though, it is a beautiful home.
Thanks, Connie. I tried my best with the description.
I know everyone will hate me here, but, it's always the mom who has to have the voice of reason. It isn't my story, but, I'm thinking Molly is just wanting to make them think about the responsibility such a large house would be. They would be responsible for the up keep, instead of the landlord having the expense, and time it will take to keep care of it. She just wants them to be able to enjoy each other, and save their money for the first year, so they don't become a slave to their house. Those big houses take a lot of money to take care of, and outfit with new furniture. I just feel badly for Molly.
Somehow, I knew you'd take this side on things, which I totally get. I just feel like it's a little different with their situation... I won't say anymore, it gets a little more explained in either the next post, or the one after it...
Great post Emily. Hope your having fun. I'll be wathing for your next post.
The three of them Apparated back to the Burrow around two in the afternoon and spread their news. Everybody squealed their delight except for Mrs. Weasley.
“Don’t you think it would be better to get an apartment for the first year?” she asked seriously after Emily and George told her.
Emily fidgeted with her shirt, not meeting her eyes while George exploded. “What is your problem?” he shouted.
“It’s just your first year of marriage. Not to mention the fact that y’all are so young! You don’t need a big, huge house for the first few years,” she said defensively.
“We may not need it, but we do want it,” George said quietly. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, my wife and I will be staying somewhere else for the night,” George said as he grabbed Emily’s hand and led her upstairs to his room to get their bags.
George slammed the door shut behind him and pounded the wall. “George,” Emily whispered quietly. She had never seen him be this hostile towards his family before.
George moved around the room without looking at her. He slammed every drawer after he pulled out their clothes, stuffing them in their bags. Emily sat on the bed, staring at her husband. He left the room for a minute to grab everything from the bathroom. He finished zipping the last bag and then looked up.
“Are you ready?” he asked, looking at her forehead instead of her eyes.
“Are you sure you want to go?” Emily asked quietly.
“Of course I’m bloody sure!” he shouted.
“Okay, let’s go,” she whispered sadly.
Emily held tightly to his hands as he Disapparated. They landed in front of the joke shop. Emily staggered on the ground for a second, holding her ribcage. She gasped painfully, but George took no notice because of the steam rising in his ears.
George walked past her and up the stairs with the bags. Emily followed slowly after him, clenching her teeth so she wouldn’t scream. She held onto the railing for dear life as she walked up the stairs. George was magically putting their things away. Emily moved over to their dresser and rummaged around the top drawer with one hand. She heard the bed creak as George sat down. In the small mirror above the dresser she saw his head buried in his hands. She found the small bottle of dittany and tried to uncork it, but couldn’t manage it with one hand. Emily slowly lifted her hand from her ribcage to uncork it with both hands, but the pain was too much for her and she collapsed on the floor, the dittany rolling under the dresser.
“Emily!” George exclaimed. “What happened?” he asked.
Emily lifted her bloody hand so he could see where she was splinched. His eyes went round as he picked her off the floor and placed her gently on the bed. He had a tear coming out of his eye as he started mumbling that it was his fault. She tried to object, but everything became dizzy and she passed out.
Emily awoke a few hours later in George’s arms. She looked down at her ribcage and found a light pink circle where her skin had been splinched. George breathed peacefully into her hair. He was asleep. She didn’t want to wake him, but she was extremely hungry, not having lunch. She twisted in his arms and kissed his tear stained face.
His eyes blinked repeatedly as he woke up. Then he remembered everything that happened. “I’m so sorry, Emily! I should have been paying attention, and then I didn't even realize that you were—I just—I’m so sorry and—” George started.
Emily kissed his lips to shut him up and he kissed her urgently, passionately. “I’m so—” he tried again, but she kissed him. “Sorry,” he finished. She kissed him once more, moving her hands into his hair.
“I love you,” she said as she kissed his neck.
“I love you too, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t believe me,” he whispered miserably.
Emily pulled up to look at him. “George, stop it. I love you and I know you love me. Forever and Always. I understand that you were upset. I understand why you didn’t register my pain. It’s okay,” she soothed. He flinched when she said pain.
“No, it’s not. It’s not okay,” he said. He looked down, refusing to meet her eyes.
Emily put her finger under his chin and forced his face up to hers. “I’m saying it is okay; therefore, it is. Case closed, George Weasley. It’s okay, and if it weren’t for you, I would have never gotten the dittany on. Stop being too hard on yourself, I forbid it,” she stated.
George nodded feebly. Emily dipped down and kissed him again. She started kissing his neck and then his collarbone. Emily started unbuttoning his shirt as he pulled off hers, completely forgetting their hunger, for food that is.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too,” she said as she pushed off his shirt. “Forever.”
“And Always,” he declared.
*I almost left you on a cliffie when she collapsed, but decided that you would probably kill me if I gave you another one... Hehe. Let me know whatchya think
OMG! I loved it! hope you had fun on your trip...oh and to answer your question it's in the mature fan fics and it's titled 'A Twist In the Story'
P.S. sorry i missed the last few posts, but I'm baaccckkkk XD
“We may not need it, but we do want it,” George said quietly. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, my wife and I will be staying somewhere else for the night,” George said as he grabbed Emily’s hand and led her upstairs to his room to get their bags.
Oh dear, not a good thing when they start off quiet like that.
“Of course I’m bloody sure!” he shouted.
Because they get loud with the wrong person.
Emily held tightly to his hands as he Disapparated. They landed in front of the joke shop. Emily staggered on the ground for a second, holding her ribcage. She gasped painfully, but George took no notice because of the steam rising in his ears.
They should have discussed where they were going to go, instead of him just deciding. And he shouldn't have screemed at his mother. She was wrong in just makeing her statement the way she did. Even if she was just being the voice of reason, like I wondered about. She can't go off sounding like she is still in charge of his life. But, I still feel sorry for her, him screeming at her. It's just me though, and it does make me wonder how this will be resolved.
George walked past her and up the stairs with the bags. Emily followed slowly after him, clenching her teeth so she wouldn’t scream. She held onto the railing for dear life as she walked up the stairs.
Awe, poor Emily. I wish she would have told George.
His eyes blinked repeatedly as he woke up.
I bet he was adorable. Great post Emily. I'll be watching for your next. And once again, just cause I missed you bunches. Welcome home.
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Emily I usually quote bits I like and stuff but the internet died on me, I had to shut it off and I lost my comment. Now my dad s telling me to get off so this needs to be a quick one, sorry.
I feel so bad for Emily. I don't like seeing her hurt
George kinda scared me but it was cute when she woke up. But we now no it wasn't pregnancy related so we won't get our hopes up
PAMS Emily.
S x