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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
I put more than that in a mature post before, I'm sure you'll be fine
Yeah, it should be fine I'm not worried
*So, tomorrow I'm leaving for Freshman Orientation and I won't be back until Friday night... So the next post will be either Friday night or Saturday morning... It depends on what time I get home
Great post Emily and don't worry your safe on the whole 'detail' thing I've read mature fan fics that have more detail than that...anyways can't wait to read more *winkwink* PAMS!
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Originally Posted by emilyblack
New post!
Emily and George decided to go to Amelia’s family’s cabin for their honeymoon. Emily and Remus used to go there every year for Thanksgiving until school started.
It's nice how they are going to a place where they will feel at home.
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“You two have fun,” Remus said as he hugged Emily. “But not too much fun,” he said as he shook George’s hand.
Oh Remus, let them grow up a bit! As if they're not nervous enough!
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“So I could do this,” he said as he swooped down and picked her up, literally knocking her off her feet. Emily giggled as he walked her over the threshold.
Aww thats cute!
Originally Posted by emilyblack
“I have a few ideas,” he whispered as he gently placed her on the bed.
“Hmm, I’d like to hear these ideas,” she whispered.
Ok guys, I think thats our cue to leave
Originally Posted by emilyblack
*Let me know whatchya think
Aww Emily it was lovely! I can wait for the next chapter!
Originally Posted by emilyblack
*So, tomorrow I'm leaving for Freshman Orientation and I won't be back until Friday night... So the next post will be either Friday night or Saturday morning... It depends on what time I get home
WHAT! You mean your just leaving! I'm kidding-but whats Freshman Orientation??? Hurry back-If you don't we may have to hunt you down. What are we going to do without MYUTM??? I'm rather saddened by this
hehe, it all depends... Maybe tonight, but if not, then Friday night
Originally Posted by Morag
Oh Remus, let them grow up a bit! As if they're not nervous enough!
Haha, for real! I'll talk to him
Aww thats cute!
Ok guys, I think thats our cue to leave
Bahaha, that made me laugh
Aww Emily it was lovely! I can wait for the next chapter!
Thanks, Sophie
WHAT! You mean your just leaving! I'm kidding-but whats Freshman Orientation??? Hurry back-If you don't we may have to hunt you down. What are we going to do without MYUTM??? I'm rather saddened by this
I'm sorry Freshmen Orientation is for College... They have tours and different presentations. You have to sign up for your classes; all that good stuff. I don't really want to go, but I have to. But who knows, I MIGHT post tonight, that's not a promise though!
Well have fun if u choose architecture I'm sure you'll do great and if you become a writer I know you'll be amazing! hope you have fun!!!
Thanks, Lauren That means a lot
Eep! It's tonight! YAY!
Much love.
Eep! It's RIGHT NOW!!!
CHAPTER SEVEN: Battles of Life
The newlyweds had an amazing two weeks in Greenland, but all too soon they had to go home. Emily still hadn’t decided if she wanted to go back to school yet and George had to get back to the joke shop. Emily and George went to the Burrow, hand in hand, to find everyone in the kitchen.
“Good morning,” Emily and George said as they walked through the door.
“I didn’t know you were coming over today!” Mrs. Weasley gasped as she went over to hug her son and daughter-in-law.
“We wanted to surprise you,” Emily said cheerfully.
“Surprise,” George chuckled as he hugged Ginny.
“Come in, come in, and sit down,” Mrs. Weasley gushed.
“How was it?” Fred asked with a grin.
Emily slapped his arm. “Amazing,” she finally said.
“Mmmhmm,” George agreed as he kissed her forehead.
“That’s all you’re going to tell us?” Ron asked.
“Yep,” they answered together.
Fleur came in from the living room and grabbed a glass of water. “Oh, Eemelee, Jorge, eet is so good tu ave you back,” she said in her heavy French accent.
“It’s good to be back...I guess,” Emily sighed.
“Don’t worry, love, we can go back any time we want. We do own the place,” he chuckled, tucking a curl behind her ear. Emily nodded with a smile upon her face.
“So, what’s new around here?” Emily asked the room at large.
“Harry’s the Quidditch captain,” Hermione said proudly.
“That’s awesome, Harry!” Emily said.
“Thanks, Ems,” he said shyly. “So, now that we’re on the subject of school—are you going back this year?” he asked her.
“I haven’t made up my mind,” Emily said quietly. She glanced at her mother-in-law, who clicked her tongue. Emily blushed and George rubbed soothing circles into her back.
“Oh,” Harry said shortly, looking down from the awkwardness that unfolded.
“I’m going to see if I can work something out with Dumbledore,” she said quietly. Mrs. Weasley fidgeted with her apron and then started bustling around the kitchen.
“I’m, er, going to call Remus. I’ll be back,” Emily said quietly as she left the kitchen and stepped into the backyard. Emily walked to the far end of the yard and rested her hands on the fence. She heard footsteps behind her.
“She blames me, doesn’t she?” Emily asked.
“Blames you for what?” Fred asked as he leaned against the gate to look at her.
“For you two leaving school, for starting the joke shop, she blames me—I know it. I mean I was the one who kept encouraging you guys to start it and everything. I’m the one that followed her son and married her son, tearing him away from the family.” Emily stared off in the distance, refusing to meet her new brother’s eyes.
“It isn’t your fault. And she knows it isn’t your fault,” Fred said.
“But it is. I said yes,” Emily whispered.
“To marrying him. I’m the reason why she has an eighteen year old married man.”
“Yes, but he’s the one that asked. Besides, I think she’s coming around to the joke shop since it’s become a huge hit. And she adores you, Emily. She’s glad he’s with you and not some bimbo.”
“I dropped out of school and have no job. Why exactly would she adore me?”
“Because you’re smart and an amazing person inside and out,” Fred said.
“I agree,” George chuckled as he came over to them. Emily turned around, her back against the fence and arms crossed against her abdomen. George wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. “Don’t get upset, she meant nothing by it,” George whispered.
“Nothing by it? She obviously doesn’t approve of my choices, George. She doesn’t like that I didn’t finish school. She doesn’t like that I encouraged you to do the shop. She doesn’t like that we got married so young,” Emily said, breathing heavily.
“It’s not like that at all, Ems,” George whispered.
“Isn’t it?” she asked quietly.
“She knows that we’re happy together, and that’s all that matters to her. She wants all of her children to be happy. And I am! I’m absolutely, one hundred percent, positively in love with you. I’m perfect, Ems. And that’s because of you. So we didn’t finish school—so what? We’re both well off, and even without finishing your education, you’d make an amazing Healer and an incredible Auror. Don’t let her fidgeting get to you. It’s her problem, not ours.” George tried prying Emily’s arms away from her stomach, and after a while he succeeded. He lifted her arms up and started kissing them.
Emily giggled and leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his middle. “Fine, okay,” she sighed into his chest.
“So, what did Remus have to say?” George asked.
“I never got around to calling him,” Emily admitted.
“I don’t think she ever planned on calling him,” Fred chuckled.
“Well, you might want to. Mum wants to invite him to dinner. So, call away, my love,” he whispered. “I’ll be waiting for you in the living room.”
Awe...so cute! So what is ems plans for school cuz she said something about working it out with dumbledore but like what does she have some sort of master plan or something?anyways I must admit that I actually not-so-secretely-anymore hope that Emily got pregnant during the honeymoon that would be so precious--the Kids I mean. Anyways I love the update and I gotta say this is probably my favorite non-finished FF on SS
BTW I have my very first FF being submitted right now it's called 'A Twist In the Story' eep!
So what is ems plans for school cuz she said something about working it out with dumbledore but like what does she have some sort of master plan or something?
You'll find out in one of the posts that are on the way.
anyways I must admit that I actually not-so-secretely-anymore hope that Emily got pregnant during the honeymoon that would be so precious--the Kids I mean.
Bahaha, that made me laugh. You'll just have to stick around to find out what happens
Anyways I love the update and I gotta say this is probably my favorite non-finished FF on SS
Awe, thank you, Lauren. That means a lot to me
BTW I have my very first FF being submitted right now it's called 'A Twist In the Story' eep!
Oooooh, what section is it in so I can kepp my eye out for it?
Originally Posted by KatielovesHP
Emily, this post was out of this world!!! AMAZING!!
Awe, thanks, Katie. You're too kind
Lauren, I agree- Baby Emilys and Baby Georges would be fabulous
*hint hint*
Hahaha, I get the hint, but I'm still not promising anything
Originally Posted by Morag
Oh Fred. How imature!
Haha, I thought it was appropriate for Fred
Oh for goodness sake Molly! Don't start being an irritating mother-in-law! Just get it stopped!
Bahaha, your comments always make me laugh. I'd watch it if I were you, Molly. She likes to poke and hack people...
Aww. I want a Gerogie Huggle
Me too, Soph
Well lets hope Molly doesn't say anything at dinner.
I don't know, you'll just have to wait to find out
Hello Emily. Your post was very nicely written. I love how real the emotion is for Emily. One of the toughest things for a young bride to do is learn what makes the mother-in-law tick, and how to gently wind her up without breaking her spring. Emily should just be confident in herself, and show Molly she is able to be a wife, and good nourishment for her son, and not just a little girl who wants to play house with her son. Mother-In-Laws are great people! Emily can go ask my Son-In-Law if she has any doubts as to if I'm right.
“That’s all you’re going to tell us?” Ron asked.
Just what do you want to know Ron?
“I’m going to see if I can work something out with Dumbledore,” she said quietly. Mrs. Weasley fidgeted with her apron and then started bustling around the kitchen.
I think Molly is adorable! See how she doesn't get distracted from her household duties ... even though she'd love to give her opinion on somethings.
“I dropped out of school and have no job. Why exactly would she adore me?”
Because she knows how happy you make her son. And she also knows the valuable addtion to the family you are, Emily.
Great post Emily. Hope orientation was good for you. I think you've got a promising career in either field you choose. Why not both though? I'll be watching for your next post.
Mother-In-Laws are great people! Emily can go ask my Son-In-Law if she has any doubts as to if I'm right.
Haha, I'm positive you're a great Mother-In-Law
Just what do you want to know Ron?
Bahaha, I should have had him and just the guys in one room when he asked that question instead of in front of his mother...
I think Molly is adorable! See how she doesn't get distracted from her household duties ... even though she'd love to give her opinion on somethings.
I know! I love Molly
Great post Emily.
Thank you, Connie
Hope orientation was good for you. I think you've got a promising career in either field you choose. Why not both though? I'll be watching for your next post.
Oh, thanks Orientation was okay... I think I was more in love with the idea of Architecture... I'm not even sure anymore. I can always change my mind later, right?