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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
Hello Emily! Sweet sorrow I believe describes this post perfectly. Now, I'm starting to worry about Emily being left behind. Is she pureblood?
She is a pureblood
I hope the great toad doesn't become suspecious of her being so upset all day. She puts her nose where it doesn't belong too much!
Oh, just wait and see what I have in store for sweet little Umbridge and Emily
Can't wait for George and Fred to give her what for.
Welll, you'll have to remember it from the book, because Emily doesn't go down to watch any of it and I didn't feel like copying the book and what not, so we'll actually skip ahead for the next post
Great post Emily! I'll be waiting for your next.
Thank you, Connie
Originally Posted by SarahLestrange
Awe...so cute and so sad I seriously almost cried with ems on this one );
Awe, geez! I have a lot of criers Haha, if you almost cried for this one, just wait for later ones
I hope her and George stay steady and that Fred and the others would get those thoughts out of their heads haha anyways,
Do you guys honestly think that I'm cruel enough to finally put them together and then rip them apart??..... Well, maybe...
Emily looked out of the window of her dormitory. The new moon was up, which made her think of Remus and the full moon he had just gone through. She missed Remus tremendously. She glanced down at the lake, and their tree stood out. It was almost taunting her. She let a lone tear fall down her cheek. She heard a vibration from her side table by her bed. Walking over, she tripped on the rug. Cursing the rug and the cruel world she was living in, Emily answered the mirror. It was George. Of course it was George—it was always George. Sigh.
“Hi, sweetheart, I’ve missed you,” George said into the mirror. Emily smiled.
“I’ve missed you too. It’s so hard not seeing you, not being with you,” Emily whispered into the mirror.
“That’s why I’m here, Ems,” George said.
“What do you mean?” Emily asked.
“I’m here, Ems. I’m looking at our initials as we speak. Come meet me,” George begged.
“George, it’s too dangerous. You shouldn’t be here. What if she finds you? That was a bad idea.”
“I don’t care if she finds me! Come on! Borrow Harry’s cloak and come see me! Please,” he said.
Emily thought for a moment and then smiled. “Okay,” she said with a grin. George smiled and hung up. And then Ginny walked in.
“Hey, Ems,” Ginny said. “Oh, did I interrupt you and George?” she asked as she glanced at the mirror.
“No, we were just hanging up. Can you cover for me, Gin? George is by the lake, and I’m going to go meet him,” Emily explained.
A grin crept onto Ginny’s face as she said, “Sure thing.”
“Thanks, Gin. I’ll leave the mirror with you in case you need to reach me. George has the other one,” Emily said as she placed the mirror in Ginny’s hands and walked past her.
“Harry!” Emily said as she walked into his dormitory. It was quite late and everybody was getting ready for bed. Ron yelped and pulled his covers up to his neck.
“Blimey, Emily, I know you’re going to be my sister one day, but still!” Ron said. Emily chuckled, as did Harry.
“Harry,” Emily said as she crossed the room to him. “Can I borrow your cloak,” she whispered in a rush.
“Why do you need it?” he whispered back.
“George is by the lake. I need to sneak out to see him,” she explained. “Please, Harry, I have to see him,” she said.
Harry nodded and crossed the room to his trunk. “Here, don’t get caught, okay?” Harry said. Emily nodded and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thank you,” she said.
“I’m telling George about that,” Ron snickered. Emily picked up a pillow from Harry’s bed and threw it at him. It hit him in the head.
“Score,” Emily snickered before rushing out of the room. In the hallway, where nobody was around, Emily put the cloak around her shoulders. She was immediately hidden from everyone. Angelina and Katie were coming through the portrait hole, and Emily was suddenly grateful to her. She hurried through the hole before it shut and started down the stairs.
Luckily Filch hadn’t quite locked the doors yet, so she hurried through them quietly and made her way down to the love of her life.
Emily saw George leaning casually against their tree, smiling happily. She didn’t care that he couldn’t see her or if somebody was watching. As soon as she saw his adorable, red hair, she flat out ran and jumped into his arms. George chuckled softly and took the cloak off of her. He threw it to the ground as he kissed her neck and her jaw, slowly making his way to her lips. They kissed passionately for a long while, and then George pulled back to look at her.
“Hi,” he whispered.
“Hiya back,” she said with a sigh. She looked deep into his eyes as he pushed some curls behind her shoulder. "I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered.
“As I’ve missed you, love,” he said as he kissed her hair. He sat down at the stump, bringing her with him. She snuggled up to his side like they used to.
“I love you, Georgie,” she whispered against his chest.
“I love you too, Ems,” he whispered into her hair. “I see you’re still wearing my hoodie,” he chuckled.
“Mmmm,” she said.
“Don’t tell me you wear it every day,” he said.
“Maybe,” she whispered.
“And it hasn’t started smelling?” he asked, surprised.
“I charmed it so it would smell like you forever,” she said shyly.
George chuckled, kissing her hair. “I wish I had something that smelled like you,” he whispered. “I’ve missed it more than you could imagine,” he said.
Emily turned to face him. “This is too hard, George.”
“What is there to do about it, baby? I can’t come back if I wanted to,” he said.
Emily positioned herself so she was sitting on top of his lap. “I’ll come with you. Tonight when you leave, I’ll leave too,” she said. She smiled at him, but he didn’t return it. His face was tormented in pain.
“You can’t come, Ems. We’ve talked about it. You know you have to stay,” he whispered.
“I want to be with you. Nothing else matters. Please, George, let me come with you,” she pleaded.
“You know I want you to come with me, but you can’t. You have to finish your education so you can become the greatest Healer and Auror in the world.”
“I don’t care about any of that compared to you.”
“Yes you do.”
“George, the thought of being away from you again is too much. Don’t leave me again,” she said, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Shhh, baby, don’t cry. We’ll be together again soon, I promise,” George whispered. Emily leaned into his chest and he held her tightly. “I love you,” he whispered into her hair.
Emily and George stayed under their tree for a few hours until a noise startled them. The door to Hogwarts shut with a clang and Emily peered around the tree.
“It’s her!” she exclaimed in panic.
“Quick, under the cloak!” George said.
“How did she know we’re out here?” Emily asked.
“I don’t know, but you need to get back to the castle,” George said.
“I don’t want to leave you.”
“You don’t have much of a choice, Ems.”
Dolores Umbridge made her way to the lake in a hurry. She was on a mission. She had spies all around the grounds, and they had seen a certain couple by the lake, and she was out to capture them.
“Stay under the cloak,” Emily whispered as the witch made her way towards them. Emily kissed George’s cheek, and before he could object, she slipped out from under the cloak. She sat on the edge of the lake, crying.
“Miss Black, what do you think you are doing out this late, after curfew?” Dolores Umbridge asked with a wicked smile.
Emily turned with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry, professor. I needed some air, so I sneaked out. I felt like all of the walls were caving in on me. I just couldn't take it.” Emily looked at Umbridge with the most pitiful look on her face. It was as if she were five, having her dolls taken away from her.
“That does not excuse you being out after curfew, Miss Black. Fifty points will be taken from your house, and you shall have detention with me for a whole week,” she said sweetly. “Now, let’s go back inside, unless somebody is accompanying you,” she said. Emily shook her head quickly, fear in her eyes. She forced herself to not look where George sat. Umbridge nodded, still not completely believing Emily.
There was a huge noise from the castle. Emily and Umbridge turned to stare at it. Another huge noise had Umbridge walking swiftly up to the castle.
“I suggest you collect your things and be back in your bed pronto,” she yelled back at Emily. Emily watched her go, surprised that it had worked. There was another clang from inside the castle walls and Umbridge started trotting up there quicker than before, yelling profanities all the way. As soon as she was out of sight and ear shot, George started snickering. He threw the cloak off of himself, and pulled Emily back into his lap. She giggled into his chest.
“Nice acting,” he whispered. “And the whole story was priceless,” he commended.
Emily stopped laughing. “I didn’t make it up, and I wasn’t acting. The tears were already coming because I was going to have to say goodbye to you. And I feel like the walls are caving in on me almost every second I’m in there,” she whispered.
George said nothing, he just held her tightly against his body. “I’m sorry,” he finally said. Emily shook her head.
“I guess I should go before she goes to—” Emily stopped when she felt George’s mirror start to vibrate. He picked it up.
“Ginny! What are you doing with—” George started.
“Emily! She’s here, outside the portrait hole! McGonagall was sent to come and get you! You have to hurry,” she rushed.
“Okay, I’m coming. Wait, how will I get in without her seeing me? I know!” she said. “Gin, open the window to the dormitory,” Emily said in a hurry.
“What? Why?” Ginny asked.
“No questions, we don’t have time. Just do it! I’ll be there in a few,” Emily said. She hung up while Ginny opened the window.
“What are you going to do?” George asked.
“Fly,” Emily said. “Accio broom!” Emily said. Her broom flew through the air and into her outstretched hands. She turned to George.
“I guess this is it,” he said.
“I love you,” Emily whispered.
“Forever and always,” he replied.
Emily walked into his outstretched arms and hugged him tightly. “I have to hurry,” she whispered.
“I know,” he said. He kissed her full on the lips and then on the cheek. She looked back at him once more before she swung her leg over her broom. She zoomed through the night air and into the open window of her dormitory. And it was in the nick of time. She had just enough time to throw the cloak under her bed, sit down, and throw her broom by her trunk before Dolores Umbridge herself bounded into the room.
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Aww...She snuck out to see her Georgie! Thats so cute! Though, I can't stand Dolores Umbridge...Why does she always spoil all the fun? And what does McGonagall want?
I'll be watching for your next post. PAMS PAMS PAMS!
S x
Knock knock
George doesn't seem to care about the rules, does he?
Wait- Umbridge... Wealsey twins not there anymore...
I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror
Hello Emily. Wonderful post. It's great George and Emily can see each other. They need to think of something else to depend on other than Harry's cloak though. Next year, Dumbledore tells him to keep it on him all the time.
And it was in the nick of time. She had just enough time to throw the cloak under her bed, sit down, and throw her broom by her trunk before Dolores Umbridge herself bounded into the room.
Please post really soon! I have a thought and I want to see if I'm right.
Aww...She snuck out to see her Georgie! Thats so cute!
Hehe, I know, I love Georgie
Though, I can't stand Dolores Umbridge...Why does she always spoil all the fun? And what does McGonagall want?
Because that's Umbridge for you... She's there to deliver Emily to Umbridge but she was taking too long so Umbridge made another Gryffindor let her in so she could go get Emily herself...
I'll be watching for your next post. PAMS PAMS PAMS!
S x
Thanks, Soph More soon
Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee
Knock knock
Is that a good Wow?
George doesn't seem to care about the rules, does he?
Hehe, nope, that's why I love him
Bahaha, I know right! Take that and that, Umbridge!
Wait- Umbridge... Wealsey twins not there anymore...
Nice thought process.
You shall wait and see
Originally Posted by Ruby85
I don't think I can read on. I know what happens at the end of the fifth book...
I feel for Poor Emily for what I know will happen. But I must keep reading. I'll just keep a box of Kleenex by me when I read the post.
Think about actually writing about it! I was tearing up by just SKIMMING through the book!
But I must say, please don't do what I think you will do!
I have no choice
Originally Posted by Connie
Hello Emily. Wonderful post.
Hiya, Connie! Thank you
It's great George and Emily can see each other. They need to think of something else to depend on other than Harry's cloak though. Next year, Dumbledore tells him to keep it on him all the time.
Haha, well actually, er, never mind, you'll see soon
Please post really soon! I have a thought and I want to see if I'm right.
Bahaha, I know right! Take that and that, Umbridge!
Originally Posted by Emily ♥
Nice thought process.
Thank you
Originally Posted by Emily ♥
You shall wait and see
I don't want to wait
Originally Posted by Emily ♥
Haha, well actually, er, never mind, you'll see soon
I know this comment wasn't aimed at me but I have to say something...
I hate it when you go through your :evillaugh stage...
It's mean
I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror
It won't be for another couple posts There are happier ones first
Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee
I was just checking
I don't want to wait
Hehe, well only because you're bored
I know this comment wasn't aimed at me but I have to say something...
I hate it when you go through your :evillaugh stage...
It's mean
Hehe, but it's fun, and I know that you know what I'm talking about.
“I know,” he said. He kissed her full on the lips and then on the cheek. She looked back at him once more before she swung her leg over her broom. She zoomed through the night air and into the open window of her dormitory. And it was in the nick of time. She had just enough time to throw the cloak under her bed, sit down, and throw her broom by her trunk before Dolores Umbridge herself bounded into the room.
“Where have you been?” she asked.
“In here ever since our delightful meeting by the lake,” Emily said sarcastically.
“Don’t give me your lip,” Umbridge said. She was infuriated. “Why is the window open?” she asked suspiciously as she walked towards it to look out into the grounds. Emily hoped beyond hope that George was out of sight.
“I got hot. I like the cool, night air,” Emily responded indifferently.
“Why are you out of breath?” Umbridge asked.
“I was finishing my...crunches. They’re part of my workout at night,” Emily lied.
“I see,” Umbridge said with a twisted smile. “And why, Miss Black, is your broom out?” Umbridge looked like she had finally caught her. Emily thought quickly.
“I was going to clean it when I finished my workout. The kit is just in my trunk,” Emily said. Her palms were getting sweaty and she was a nervous wreck.
“I believe you are lying to me, Miss Black.”
Emily looked around the room. Ginny looked at her in fear. McGonagall stood in the doorway with many girls behind her, watching the scene before them. “I don’t know what you mean,” Emily replied as impassively as she could muster.
“I think you know exactly what I mean. I have many spies, Miss Black. They told me they saw you with Weasley.”
“That’s impossible. He’s not at school anymore. You know that. And exactly how would he get back in?” Emily asked barely above a whisper.
“I was about to ask you the same exact question. How did he get in?” Umbridge asked. Emily said nothing. She shook her head slightly. “Well then, if you won’t tell me, I have no choice—fifty more points from Gryffindor, Miss Black. And I believe I will have to confiscate your broom until you decide to tell me the truth.” Umbridge made for Emily’s broom, but Emily was quicker.
She acted on impulse. Emily grabbed her broom with one hand, pulling out her wand with the other. She swished the small stick and all of her things went directly into her trunk. Umbridge was still standing there in shock when Emily attached her trunk to her broom. She swung her leg over and held tightly to her owl’s cage. She looked at Ginny and gave her an apologetic smile.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Umbridge yelled.
“What does it look like? I’m leaving,” Emily replied, kicking off from the ground.
“I forbid you to leave this room,” Umbridge yelled. “Somebody stop her!” Nobody moved. Umbridge must have forgotten that she was in the house of Gryffindor not Slytherin. Emily zoomed through the still open window toward the Whomping Willow. Her wand held tightly in her outstretched hand, she pointed it toward the knot. The Willow became completely still as Emily zoomed through it. She rushed through the halls and knocked out one of the boarded up windows into Hogsmeade. Emily didn’t stop flying though. She kept going until she made it to Diagon Alley. She found George and Fred’s shop easily from the window display and rushed inside. All of her stuff clambered to the floor. Fred looked round at her, completely surprised.
“Emily! I thought—George just got—what are you doing here?” Fred stuttered. Emily didn’t respond or stop moving. She left the stuff and ran up the stairs where she assumed George would be.
Rounding the corner, she slowed own. George was sitting in an armchair, staring at the mirror, probably waiting for her to call him. He turned around, expecting to see his twin.
“Emily! What are you doing here?” he shouted at her. Like with Fred, she didn’t answer. He stood up slowly, just looking at her with bug eyes. Emily ran to him and he opened his arms for her. She started crying into his chest. "What happened, Ems? You weren’t expelled, were you? Remus is going to kill me!” George said.
Emily shook her head. “She knew you were there, but I wouldn’t admit to it. Then she said she was going to confiscate my broom, and I lost it. I just grabbed my broom, used my wand to put my things away quickly, and left. I couldn’t stay there, Georgie,” she whispered into his chest. George slowly led her to the chair he was sitting in before and sat down, pulling her into his lap.
“Everything will be okay, Ems,” he whispered. Fred appeared in the room with Emily’s luggage. She looked up at him.
“You didn’t have to get it,” she said to him with a watery smile.
“Oh but I did,” he said seriously. “We’re trying to keep the place clean and organized, Ems. As in we don’t want your stuff cluttered up on the floor,” he said, shaking his head. He crossed the room. “I’ll put it with George’s stuff.”
“Thanks, Freddie,” Emily said. She got up from George’s lap and crossed the room to Fred. She gave him a big hug. “I’ve missed you too,” she said. Fred lightly kissed her cheek, chuckling.
“Good to have you back,” he said. Emily giggled and then went back to George.
“Now all I have to do is tell Remus,” Emily said with a disgusted look.
“Good luck with that one,” Fred said with a laugh. He tossed her some parchment and a quill. “Have fun,” he snickered. Emily stuck her tongue out at him and started scribbling down what happened. She borrowed George’s owl and sent it off.
“I hope he’s on a mission and doesn’t get it for a couple weeks,” Emily said hopefully. George nodded, a smile creeping to his face. Within minutes, Bluejeans swept through the room and landed on top of his cage. Emily smiled, internally thanking Ginny for sending him.
They continued talking for a few hours until someone yelling made them turn extremely quiet.
“Emily James Remus Amelia Sirius Black!” somebody yelled from downstairs.
“I don’t think he was on a mission,” George whispered. Emily stared at the door in terror.
“I know you’re up there, young lady! Get your butt down here right now!” Remus yelled.
Emily looked back at George. He started shoving her out of his lap, helping her stand. “Good luck,” he said quietly, starting to sit back down.
“You’re not going with me?” Emily asked, frightened.
“Down there? With you? And an irate Remus? No thanks, I’m good. I’d like to still be alive tomorrow,” George said with a serious look.
“So you’re just going to let your girlfriend be murdered?” Emily asked.
George sighed. “Fine, let’s go face the music together,” George said. He stood up and took her hand, walking to the door.
“EMILY BLACK, I AM COUNTING TO THREE BEFORE I COME UP THERE MYSELF,” Remus yelled. “ONE!” he started. Emily took a big breath.
“I’m coming,” she squeaked. They went down the stairs slowly. Emily was clutching George’s hand like it was a lifeline. He squeezed it reassuringly. She glanced at him and gulped loudly.
“Remus, I can explain,” she said quietly.
Emily gulped again. “Remus, I—”
“WELL?” he shouted, interrupting her.
“Hey, how do you expect her to explain if you’re just going to interrupt her?” George asked angrily.
Emily stared at him with wide eyes. She loved him for sticking up for her, but he was going to make things worse. “George,” she whispered. He looked over at her with an apologetic smile.
“Stop it, Remus,” Emily said. “I refuse to stop seeing George, so don’t even try that one. I left because that witch tried to take my broom and I just snapped. Everything is horrible there, Rems. Ever since Dumbledore left, things have gotten worse. I hate it there, Remus. I’m miserable, and I needed out. I won’t go back until that hag is gone and Dumbledore is back,” Emily said forcefully.
Remus stared at her seriously. He could tell her mind was set, and there was nothing he could do to stop her or change her mind. He sighed. “What about your future?” he asked her.
Emily looked at George. “I know my future,” she said quietly. George smiled at her and squeezed her hand. “As for my future job, I don’t know. I’ll figure it out later. But I’m pretty well off right now with Mum’s fortune.” Emily looked at her Godfather. She dropped George’s hand and walked over to Remus slowly. “I love you, Rems, but you can’t control my life. And none of this was George’s fault. You owe him an apology,” Emily said. She crossed her arms against her abdomen.
Remus stared at her for a moment longer before looking up at George. “I’m...sorry,” he said quietly. George nodded.
The rest of the night went okay for Emily. They sat around and chatted for a while, drinking Butterbeer. Remus came around, and told her that she was much like Sirius in a way, but had a lot of her mother in her too. That made Emily extremely happy.
It was nearing four when Remus was about to go. “Can you stay here for a while?” Remus asked Emily. “I need to get back to my...mission,” he explained.
Emily looked over at the twins. She didn’t want to impose. “You’re always welcome here, Ems,” Fred said.
“Forever and always,” George agreed. Emily smiled, nodding.
“Thanks, guys,” Remus said. “Take care of my baby girl,” Remus said.
“She’s safe with us,” George promised. Remus got up to leave.
“I’ll walk you down,” Emily said. Remus nodded, shaking the boys’ hands.
They walked down the stairs. Emily stopped at the doorway to the shop. Remus turned around and engulfed her in a bear hug. “I love you, Ems,” Remus said quietly.
“I love you too,” Emily said. “I’ll meet you under the moon,” she said as they let go of each other.
“Meet you under the moon,” Remus said. He kissed her cheek and then left. Emily sighed, watching as Remus walked a little ways down the street and then Disapparated. George came down the stairs and over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.
“You know what this means, right?” he whispered into her neck. She giggled, shaking her head. ”We’re together,” George whispered.
“Forever and always,” Emily whispered, turning around in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stepped on her tiptoes. She leaned her forehead against his and looked deep into his eyes. “I love you,” she whispered before she kissed him full on the lips. And they kissed for what felt like an eternity to them.
Hehe, but it's fun, and I know that you know what I'm talking about.
Do I?
Originally Posted by Emily ♥
“So you’re just going to let you girlfriend be murdered?” Emily asked.
I had to laugh at this...
It was just so funny!
Originally Posted by Emily ♥
“You know what this means, right?” he whispered into her neck. She giggled, shaking her head. ”We’re together,” George whispered.
His skills put Alicia to shame!
I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror
Hello Emily. I'm never disappointed when you post. You always do a wonderful job writing your story. I still hope the spys are found and dealt with. Of course Draco is one, but I don't think he would betray her to the great toad. I wouldn't put it past Angelina though just to get even with her! And I'm so glad you put in about Ginny sending Bluejeans to Emily. I didn't want the toad to get him and hold him hostage.
“Oh but I did,” he said seriously. “We’re trying to keep the place clean and organized, Ems. As in we don’t want your stuff cluttered up on the floor,” he said, shaking his head. He crossed the room. “I’ll put it with George’s stuff.”
Ah!!!!!!!!!! If only Mom could see and hear that!
“I don’t think he was on a mission,” George whispered. Emily stared at the door in terror.
Loved this! it's so George!
Loved it all Emily. Geat post. I'll be watching for your next one.
Hello Emily. I'm never disappointed when you post. You always do a wonderful job writing your story.
Awe, thank you, Connie
I still hope the spys are found and dealt with. Of course Draco is one, but I don't think he would betray her to the great toad. I wouldn't put it past Angelina though just to get even with her!
Erm, they probably will be by a few Gryffindors, but since Emily won't be at school, we won't see it...
Loved this! it's so George!
Haha, thanks I love George
Loved it all Emily. Geat post. I'll be watching for your next one.
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Aww. She moved in with the twins! Thats so cute! And Remus agreed! Though I don't know if most guardians would let their child stay with their boyfriend! Lucky Emily!
Thank goodness she left that stupid hag of a headteacher, who just cannot run a school.
I'll be watching for more!
S x
Aww. She moved in with the twins! Thats so cute! And Remus agreed! Though I don't know if most guardians would let their child stay with their boyfriend! Lucky Emily!
Haha, yeah, well Remus knows he can trust her and he raised her right
Thank goodness she left that stupid hag of a headteacher, who just cannot run a school.